The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 23, 1930, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    .KURSDAY. JAN. 23, 1&20.
JS. Trkf ii.
xux Huuit?nroulu isJUriEiU ?!
Enter ;1 at Posti.-.Ti . l'l:.tivTn.-.nth
R. A. BATES, Publish
Snf s living in t'ecoiul Postal Zcr.o, $2.:t ver vt ar. Dt-voaU I
".0u lullos. t(i jcr year. Rate
i i .: 0 1'tr yt'r. All sub.soripticns
iti-h autoits expect higher tax- j
cs on gasoline.
Pr-o::aI!y wo favor the lens skirt j
if i;'s ?li.'ru
If you feel badly jnst becan.-e yf-ti
are :dor,c it is just be.-; use you are
in bad company.
A champion made a run of 120 at
pocd. They have rounded off the balls
since we' Ave re youns. j
. ; o :
No matter how early a man o-mes . ? iimivdon is fr xy ii will submit two ' ne bei'ote for the A.ia. ih . n p , '
home his wife always thinks he it-ports, t-n" ilry and the other wel. .When slavery was ''. ex '.) (he
should have sot ten there sooner. ' :: '.-trie, and the Govern. ine:.; v : - sir.n-
:o: j 1). ..-t or? tell rs ihat 1'e-t .ah.ev pie low-boxing with the slave hol-" s up
United States fancy apples; attrnc- . will sIi't'i-i cur exi.-tence tea yea rs. en one band and the ale i;t i " ; i a or
tivtly packed an introduced ai lux- ; What's t. :i years? Prinj; ui the pi", the of:"o -Ir. Iiocein tint! his e.ui-
u:y fruit in. the beat hotels of Paris. I :o: ' : poi aries did wlutt -:'-
:o: ' The w;,: id was be'tr hnck in t he )V(,r llV! t,-s crarni:-: dor. . : s have
Only time some ir.yn think t!:ey days vl:e' we had more l.r-;::-y mar- oir,.rtunit v to do now.
have no kick coming i when it! i and. fewer rich liivo:; lav.-; w'hat is to he Rained bv tri.::; to
comes time to kick in with some cash, 'vers, i conceal w hut is ir. the minds
With Vare runnin.5 a,ainst Grundv
the Pennsylvania ward heelers shu'd
be fairly wel! heeled easy m nicy
A bachelor says that matymonv is
a short training school where some
women learn the art of d ravine. -i!I-
1- .rty million women, purch.a-ed i
2'iO million airs of silk st.)'-ki:ir:s ;
last year. And can 40 million wor.K n !
be wronir? j
Mr. Curran has vociferated so mirh !
about, the inefficiency of th.e dry laws j
that the Administration ami C
are taking notice.
: o :
ress 1
ii i ui.sjres.i puis u hi i-iiiM .in tot- :
sussestior.s of th.f Comtno'e- on
Law Enforcement, the thirsty will
became thiristier.
: n : - -
It begins to look as th. agh the
Association Against the Pr hl:tion i
Amendment would get who; i. doevs
not want more e:;f orr-t-ne nt.
With the city finances in such a
bad fix Chicago should either hurry ;
up witn its wcriu s lair, o:
abandon the project entirely.
; f,
There's nothing a man enjoys more 'have come to a point where no one ' yiezt thlS President and hie, c.;ra-
than sitting down to a good meal, and j is sincere except Senator Xcrris, and ,r-Sbj jn (ai0 not as-K tj.e country to
there's fiothing a woman dejes. either I no one is efficient rav- Senator ;.rcaI5ze what arresting 0.000 people
if it is one somebody else got. j Roiak. Washington Post. j'n a vear ,,(!r h prohib!tion laws
-o- ! -o- " , . , . v
-" -J- means aid must ultimate lv cme to:
Thieves in California stole an en- ( Abjr.t the only reason now for hav- ,,. ( u.. uttomi)t to m tk. c- i::KS ,f
tire bungalow the other day. and. ing a pin cushion around is to !;rv?:;... . t .,. f.ri,-.
,hat we marvel at is the fact that
they were able even to lift the m o .-;
So far wo have rcr-n mighty fe.v ;
skirits so lor.'j that thr owners
would nave ne-en justiu-eu in in? n ;
less expensive and spiTy-looking '
garters. ,
-: o : -
Sailing on the matrimonial sea
would have been a heap smoother if
in the eternal scheme of things man
had been so constituted that the more
she criticized him the more he would (
have loved his critic.
The lowest possible Price
The highest possible Quality
Satisfied Custodiers and a Fair Profit
Let us te:! you how you can obtain Baby Chicks at the
remarkably small cash outlay of FIVE CENTS each.
Strong, Kealifcy, LIvs.fc!s CSiIeSis
Ko ulls No iJipplGS
As many as you want and of whatever breed yo1: desire.
Call Phone 631-W, write P. O. Box 417, or, better yet,
come out and see us at our hatchery at 1 8th and Granite.
Per 100
Lcshoi'n". and all light breeds
A il heavy breeds 14,03
Custom Hatching, 3c per Egfgr
The Brink Hareliory
12th ami Grcrits Street Phone 631-V
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
v-ti n ..-.wU:-!-.v ri-,-:i t itter -
e r
to Canada and forfdgn t-ount ric-,
are iayablt; .suivtly in advance.
i ;
Ilr.pland has her die-hard-: and we
ha vc ,ur d y-hards.
The Reds evidently lo-t a
hitter v.d.ea thev io.-.t F'.nse:-a.
Pnr:ed as a minis fur M Kiii-
". ' ,, , .
on s ii'-w Roldenrod tires.: Kerciu,--.
v .....17 IZ-t
dre just how much obi I anted ha really
; iiould be for living. ,
Playing it rate: If the enforee::f?n.;
A s-rt!,.!! boy never has a very
time at a Sunday school pPnie urh'
'he requires the service.; of a d ct
1 short lv after.
- : o :
' The chap who broke o.'
1 ids girl friend.' j.n-t hefo
' mas is usin'j: the telephone
jfstabiish relations.
W:lt. a.s
-v.' t 'i e-
Ju; f : r m the contents of h.-r lope
ch-?t you we uhi ilde.!: the nv-dein
prirl believed her bis boy wia e h::;
to -ho-e apa; tment without
. .
I'he sued: market eolhipe v.n, of '
limited ro;o. X ; imp riant xi.dus-
.,: 1 .... :.
: i; :ai ui.ii.-a i i" t no . n. 1 1 . ti
i business is y-.Ing f..wa:d vaito th
new vear.
Flood danger 13 ended in Ohio, but
srowir g hourly in Indian'1; Mho is-
iippi levees are tasM to overdov:. .
pic,od spreads over iPuth as lua vy :
iajns or.ntinue
to-.- . i
As everyor e knows, tbe trou'ale
with President Powell in ids c.m -
:., CR inter-eolk'gir.te snr.'-t? is- that
presitlent Lowell actually thinks edu- '
. c-ation important.
j :o:-
I The prohibition muddle seems to
a place for to park th- pin- that dad
takes out td' his shirts when t!.ey '
get back from th.e laundry.
Th.e only time father ever gets a to ahovv
he really is b-ss
a: -u-,, i.:e nou.-e i ' v. i.e.i res, ii
th - family i-t away and there is nn- ;
b uly there t- be impressed.
Next to power: ns her nose and :
touching up her lips after she fjiiishe:: j
her lunch in the restaurant, the :-!!-
liest thing a girl can do is light up a !
cigarette and try to Pod; so awfully j
r ; ; . : : V .: ;V .
er Mr. Hoover nor his La.v En force-
I ' me!st r mn"--si io'i btli'-,vcs I'1"1
;p.aet;cabh. If Mr. Hoove, tnouaht
u Commissiou believes porhlbition
would r.n iisvj said iu Lis let
I tcr to Dr. V.. O. Tkomuseo ot Ohio
l K.wvr.ty ;.;at il
frcm too
i mueh emphu.ds up-.-; gove: :-m ent of
j : the people tliat v.o svi tin: iiiiu'.a-
t mental cor.furlon thai kv.ti!11v-U
an oreato r!t,btcousm.HS. If the
.liyri'ii! th'y:i;ht so, il would not have
heon at j::'.'... in is il rt t to :-
? n;ind us of thnt cr n: cji: ir ;:i o
r ur
natuial ii4ht., classical in iair policy.
' vhko lias charactei Izt.d as from t
:t;r.1c. (.r t;M, p-uritans.
t;,u i,oi,r v.o-,v ,t , r.
II .r,v( r and his cc ::::ni.-
out in the ff.rthrir;'r.t ii:jn:njr of v.,v.v-
. sstou.' Americans rn;l .-:;y p, , . Tin-
' T,;;;.trv no: ds rot hi 112; so ;.-r; : h a.s i
tn !i" (UlH rf til" I"ii!l tha! i h "i ' -
. . . . ,..
n. u Kreat neutral tktn-o.t of ti.ej
P'"' '"'' ' - jr:!' m-.-: a a an
: "' :y !?KV: to !'"' ,v o
to the side ei sa.i.i'y in t o- ,:.:.,
ft', t i ? 1 .
;-. o. P is s .met hi that ha:-- be. a
, .- .1,,. P.ti,iMl , tii..i . i,-
; ; ne ci mno-so
oioMe's to ;v 1 on
icrfee-tiis the trap set for th.e pe ;
,!" ih.e eighteenth iiinei.dinent V A
iv. e to iave more Federal Jui'.ye-. i.t
J.dho i::,-:o p?!i it e at ia lie :.. all to eo
- , i
'., I
TV tCUie lot i-.iuus uii'.j' t : : ...t:.- I
. -. : t-f it., ...r -. 1 o... ,, '
i-ahi's ef i-.e pede hv law? Ai- w,-
to abandon in part the . f tik 1
l.y juiy, as the e ma.i si-m -ems to
. ..o . . . r,, ..i .- ,-.--.-.;:,....
eilett t
a ' u :
:f Fede-i al
Ai e we to coat ina.e
., --:..-r i
t!-e Id'! (d 1 1 . p 1 1 1 . even m idifv ing. a-
t i -r !..,.., .....,.:.! .. :
I-.. i ' !1H ii'lV .ti.'1! .. 'i'e. ...I.,. 1
us de. the r'ght of (a. tie. 1, m.i -e
T.i.i. e farcical still the ef.Vrt to tlirust
1 1 -. li i 1 . i t i o 11 noon rn ur, vi !! In ir to..,-:
' ., .
t :s af:aii:.v
--t -I IsTj:i t : k.
t'lf JUo
it is a
t h
jidtiu - nt 01 every other cr.i'
. c ; a: d- this p!ie:-"ne'i-.ei
r!e v. ;edni o. human e "' h
we are su: agai ;:
t .
ot :
1 air. II over. It is against the jodn
-e.t of the m -inkers of his !. v.- en
'forcement commission. Then why ': : '
..,v .. j .it,.. s. , -. ,.; ..,! cxi- i
y s " . I- tr.tie s.- I. ie p. .;t.'.-
inrv that takes w-cedei re over lb !
country's necessity to face about b-,-
tbe United States ec uses to be a 1
cpubic and succumbs to a tytar.ny j
lew'' Is the fear of th.e drvs s
!.iv;;i7c.,i eour.tiy in the w u hi iy 1:
r,...:tr.i th(u:sh we kn. ck dowr.
.0; iae 1 ti. 01 iiie t :.i.-ui.:u;.n. ..o u
. , . .1... .-,
t. . .1... ii.. ,1 .'
;ine touris auti siua ioe jiu.-ii.i;.
Wo t.aniuit jma-jr.e that I'Ir. 1 1 00- i
V( r tliinks KO t.r"that lis L 1 w En- i
f(:rrpmnt c.iinii.if.n thinks so.
T, '. ,,,. in
Ti-ev don't t!iink so. They
plainly indicated what do think.
! Speak out. gentlemen !
t .
The reason why the weather can-
' not be dropped from tiie news or,
f rt m conversation is because thejunal of nation.. The disinherited
weather will not stand for it. Stock-
.. , !
!u,lm. Sweden, reports the mncea
'winter in 1G0 years. England has
jnt passed through the mildest De
Vcmiier on record. It was a month
filled with hurricanes-iand Hoods, with
' casualties and distress by land and
sea. Arizona had 20 inches of snow
;at Prescott hist Sunday morning.'
Points in Canada are reporting some
j cf the lowest temperatures ever
known in th.e snowy dominion, while J
in several districts of Chi mi where!
ithe winter is outdoing itself, kun-,
; drcds of people have been frozen.
Moanvvhiie the temperature at Syil- j
i- !
ney. Australia, reached
c;f 12:1 in the shade.
ThoS ePe-. te w-iti-.e- f r,- i's . if i
,..' ,1 .'..''t ,
tipjTi ua, in ;r..i:e waya than o.-e. Age !
1 I
aaniiot withe,- rr..- custom i-oa'a itsitl,e,. or(iers and procee.iings ;n the
: infinite variety. This time last year j
'Central Europe wa -: ran. rting the!
! c--.Me.-t wirtp- in Aft ve-ic: M i.p'vided to the end that--s? id estate and j
!..',, ". " J
, vcthoi neve, weames ot nav eltj , J
i never frc of whim. It is Pie only
Isubject we know of that can hold its j
jown as a stepdy diet ir the midst of
Ithe prohibition tp bates
! '
i "" .
xi. e lessen laugnt ny tne unusn
attempt to centred the price cf rub
ber has ben re-enforced by this
Brazilian experiment. Advecates cf
s'.miPIa'- schemes iu this country
should be interested.
i A'rI:- Sk--- K
v'--TJ-? ''"-V-Xr-rT-'" ':s-V2tx
i - -
: P5
; jOIWf ,r,.
, f 4SsiJe
I SO acres, new i.T)prr.'cn;ents, good
' land. Pi acrc-j utis. r:i:-;: v.?.r-
C-r. cn giave
: riattsncutli.
lUavel rcaa.
240 aires, splendid ir.r;.rovcn:e"ts. :
CO ceres T-rairio hiy, Ali l :d has
Threo ia?Irs sctith c pvp. rffi.s ar.d
I lia Iron -rrv. I. T?rr.:s to
Cthcr rrarrir-; in Crc:
County F-nic b'eo
,m . .r
i "Pt'S'i P 11 v' '
T "TOT :r77- TJ
To many the wirier resorts of the
s., '..titv. . ?-:!..
: ... . ,1 --. r f 1 .- r -1 -. . . 1 1 o t :
; u v' e. ...v, -..iu, ,
i the esrepe ir m v. inte'-'a sharpest
t .!!. Yet 1 1 t";.,
t ii
I wheel.-? of buslm-ss whir at.d grind.
the chae ke'-ps its pare and not even :
... 11 ( r. .1,. ..,11 L-t, n ! ...1 t t(. 1
'. hv v. ' ise or char tottr nuii.s en tile j
Amerh an lever. 1
It arrears that it w in the heads !
of the hi
-1 n. ess. :r. n w r o v aia r
;t these pl.ices tl ai t'
nai a. 1 ne ry
iuszz is t!
:t and iu...-t iiu
They their s.df !
:tno.ehes for bv-i-e,.- -rd i..,-.:.!l stock j
't - kers in their luxt: h us bote! sniu- .
' and home:-.
Tl ore is s- ,:uet h in
pitiful nee
most itnenviab
:n the p. era:
I)C"p 1 ' heins s
1 It I -
ihelr routine and .pursuit o-f to' tutu- !
- - ;
jk"t -y- t,K-;r ' :! j
i' -u i s . nev ca .1 not 10. -
10 . e an u..u :a .:. -i.:a:...i -,
re -a!i riv are! v.-i to he forced
aier.T f ; a aa i:i and a.-.ain to itit'-n to inoney-,!;,-
; (. ' making for activity an 1 th e:p:es
ker y.-h ' 1 f one's pt v e.s, or for j:v--er-;
-n il... : vr.ion of what ono-bas a! ft a ly chv.v
tf i . i from the world i- th!s not the
ihoe it of lite 1 it 11 ;. I ' ne -i.'gn -l
an i -.tolerable emptiness an-.! the
mail: of an unlov-elv servitude to
an'y m:o :er? The work io elf
::': '''' natd. nut t..e reeae u
"ne-'s own inadequacy
a-uld be
frisk t en: r.g. Perhaps people have;
misunderstood the words luxury anil
leisure completely. P'haps they
' ave very little tr do wiili wealth
'and a trip tr Fi.nida.
Mrs. Carrie Chapman C'att has set
100 yea is as the minimum period for
! the attainment of world-wide peace.
it reany woriu-wme peace is aeueev
ed by that time, human traits will
have undergone a remarkable, trans-
Wars have their occa-ion in the
',f?(',ssily fo1 territorial or trade ex-j
lansion. following the growth, i f a
Ip'e to th pin point of being m
1 longer economically sufficient. Since
i such growth is inevitable, wars are
j inevitable, unless a method is totind
j whereby the national "wrongs" of
j an overgrown people can be adjudi
cated. That method can he evolved
only through the concerted effort 3 of ,
the leading peoples, through a trib-;:.$
offspring cf ti:e I nit.l States, the ;
, ..... , , . !
nopirue 01 .;iiai ih, oners our tuiee
hope of solving themselves into inter
national dispirit, (live th.e League a
chance, and the 100 y.-ars may not
be far wrong.
: o :
Advertise in Ihe Jnitrijl'
In the County Court of Cass Coun-
ty, Nebraska,
In the matter of the estate of Bina
Kiel! d-cea5;t;'1
Notice; of administration. '
I1 persons interested in said rs-i
tate are hereby notified that a peti-;
tic.n has been filed in said Court!
alleging that said deceased died loav-
Ingr no last will and testament audi
i-'i-aying for administration upon her
. . , . ..1,.. ..
estate are! lor sai !i Ot.ier aiu. . iu.-
premises as may be required by the
statutes in sneh cases made and pro- j
all things pertaining thereto may be ! aI:,i each of vou from all estate,
liray u,0(1 an(l dytern:5ncf!, and! tit'.e, claim or interest there-!
that a hearing will be had on said i?4 or to tiny part thereof and have!
petition before said Court on the 31st I the record title to said premises for-
day 'f January, A. D. 19MC, and that ;
Ji le7 fa'A to "pperir at said f"ourt i
Ion said Cist day of January, 1920, j
j at nine o'clock a. m., to contest the j
uid petition, the Court may grant the!
r-ame and grant administration of
said estate to E. 71. Stone or some;
other suitable person and proceed to a
settlement thereof.
(Seal) County Judge.
I- tTa v.-e of ir.gar there 5 a var- '
i iance frc m tho uer.eral ba.-ds en j
; winch c. - uu- r,s,s.;
American j u.?ar produces Pug have
5 arl t.s muck !.r,.t,,,ion as they won id
i Ji"fl-.1 In eskira. o,r.-
ertng Co
ir pr'.di'
v i:.::':i;ty 1.. I,.-!:.
r t j i:i'.rc Tliar. 1
0( :"!-'! runt : n.
:T !'
! 1
. . . -
:rf Ads
.'::' ; f;7 IM-ZAP.iIK; AND X- or pi: v. :ATfi or v.UJ,
C'oio t of Cas - cfi'.:n-
intert-steu 1:1 ':i? ;
r 1 in Steppat, d'-f ea.sed:
. 1 :"v i :. tie ! i i -n f Villia.m 1
. .1 w . p a Xoltinr;!
..l: the lust . anient nhvl in'
( " r 1 i.i-i Mlh day .of .lanu-j
IV:. , T"'ryf. : in; to L:.- t he j
-ill and . an: ::t of tir- raid .
rjee- :.'!. !:.;:'.- bv- tirr;'. t d and a. 11 'W
, . , .V. . .... ...;n . ...
pro". d and. a ll ov- 1
n st will and
- !'M-c:t f -i::r!h; ,ie;1
e- .Vat" and th ndniin'sirr-.
.(:' (-'.:i'" he Rianto 1 to Ed-
...e :-':-p'
:.::d .:.;.re a i. as
; .l-.-'.'iT.t :. :
j P 1- h-fi-hy order"! that you. aod
:!! ;.; i: '-reated in saoi matter,
,:.:.y, do. apnej.- iA th - Cuiiioy
' to ' to Id ;'M and i'-'-r s-:i 1
i i unty. .... tie I Pi" -'-v of Febrn-
j) If; .'''. p; nine o elo k a.
a:.. ? sao.v fas--, if a ay thr-re be.
way tie- prayer oj. o :,..
.a. , -, 1 ' . . ,r .,.
"irri-ed. and tint ::o-
' ' -' '
, th- ptno nev of said p-ti.iou
,.;. tiiire.f te yiv-
i '
inte re-ted in said
':-att r by ; uhiid.ii - a copy ot 1.
"" y '
--e :.ti-v. em: iv newspaper printed ;n
- 1 1
.-. e, k .: p.-Uu to said day
her' riir.
i'.o -s my nanii, ar.i Hie v-m 01
:-5d c-t.-. this 14-h day of January,
A. I). lf-re.
A. If. prXRPRY.
Count v
( 1-: a! )
of X. I r;.: ha. County of Ca-s. !
-! n r r fn Order 't Sale is-1:' d '.
a Xoh'a li :;, Ci" k P t he
(.' n-t. v. it! : 1 a. :d for Cass'
Xi ' i'aska. and to me dire- t-!
1 :'
'i::t v .
lei. I W
1 1
. ! Ill
l P
Feb u-
o-y. ! f " . at la o'ebo k a. m. of said
'ay a.: the south P'ont door of the
' -"ort II u-'o in the City of Platt--.
tenth, in . aid county, sell at pub'io
a 1 -tion to the hiahe-t bidder for
: h. the f..liowiii.r des riheu roul es
tate, to-v it :
''he east half of L.os ore (1).
two tk.iee ( rid four (1),
in Pdoek three ?,) in Sta.Pl
man's Addition to the City of
Pkittsmo-.ith, Cars county, Xc-hrnka-
The ; ui:.e heins levied upn and
take r.
1'T't p.ort ;
of John r.
W .Pf et ah d'-ferda.nts. to satisfy a
.U'!g'u-r.t of said rourt re-'-overei! by
The' uioutl; Loan and Pail ling
Assnaiet Psn. plaintiff, against said, d -
Plattsiuot-.t h. Xebraska, December
.".oth, lfi29.
Sheriff Cass County,
In th.e District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Paul H. Wohlfarth. 1
Kate Ilohhs Fowler ot al.
To tho dtf'-ndants. Kate Ilobbs Tow-
ler John p;v.-ler. Anna E. Hohbs.
Grace- E. II'.-b. Joseph Hobhs. Flora
Hnhbs Stout. Dot r Stout. Gilbert
SIobk. Emma Hobhs Minor, John L.
Minor. William Hobhs and th.e un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all either
pevcoios interested in the several es
tates .of Catherin L. Ilobbs, de' eased,
William L. Hobhs, deceased, and
Noah R. Hobhs. deceased, real names
ULi;noWn. and all other persons hav-
r.r clr.imiiig any interest in er to
the following desuibed real estate in
1 - -,-i'.'
The no:th P1 feet 01 Lots
one (1), two (2), three (1),
four (1), fve (?) and six (6),
in Block five (5A ir. White's
Ar'dition to City of Plattsmouth,
according to the. recorded plat there
of, real names unknown:
You and each ol you are nc tifiod
that on the 4th day of January.
1930, the plaintiff in the foregoing
entitled can:." filed his petition in
J the District Court of Cass county.
Ncbra-ka, wherein you are made par
ties defendants. Ie r the purpose of
obtaining a decree ircr.i sail court
ouietine- the reeorrl title in nlaintkff
to tho 'following described real es-
atc' tc-wit :
The no; iii 101 feet of Loir,' 1,
I. .1 and G. Ploek in
Whites Addition to the City c
Piattsmoulh, Cass county. Ne
, , ,. .
bzraska. according t the re
ce;rded plat thereof, real nam-.s
titiH nown
r.s against you and. each of vou and
l.y SUch de-ree to wiiolly exclude you
ver freed from the claims of said
defendants and forever Quieted in
the plaintiff. You are required to
answer raid petition on or before the
17th lav cf Feliruarv. 192e.
Dated January 4th. 1930.
His Attorney.
r::c l'cicru 'IriiMt Itliltf
Omnhn, -lr.
To: i'avl:
"r: i'; rit I;
J.-hu Yi:
F. f-Mor-n,
on. '.";;is Ra nip-on, :
ratt' rrson . 1. !::. 1 oc ;.( k.
I.esli ? C. P.ak r. II- t j-
'1 n'wivi m:o i, ,,,!.
:':-t. .,
? -1 1. i
CI: live
ri'-f us
.; 'ha.
o!,n (lass, i:" Pntter
i;iin is ?f. Yi;::;:. Jsepii ,
( a'l:ai"i:,e Je f. rs. John ii.
. -Sarmlc Ilursf , Uavid Vnriee, j
I". Comric. C'iala I. l)i!t:ii, .
.; :iern-n. Hiram II. Fowler,
IT. Rus.-v-i. :h Pars, Ceo.
, I". S. C. Woil.
ito':: rt
, t'.;.
. :
. Rose A. !): her, .lames i
'-i-L K!af:'rrd. .Mary A. j
ic I'Jttfrso' .Tj:-::o Allen i
P. Wies, Andrew Hop-1
; in i . Si ;:i!:. Win. Lrah !
(v.i.nors, John Hibie, i
- i;
i .
r'.ni !. ::PjI;h !
nana : Patf r-):-, James C. Stai'h,
-e;i V.-.n i!(,r;i. .Ioj;n V. Hi: Ic.
..I'h.'w I). Creen, Simple !.'ur-d and
ii c y, V. f:r:ivrs. F. Cooper
! : oti. , ith". ii.o Maria Fow
:. Chari-s Collins, Finer Marsh,
lin P. Hunter. Jaaob CoITnian. .'.
Cof :... , Jr.s'i'e S. C.zid'i, William
ie:on:e Sa.i'h. OeoiRe Hen-
'iiiiai.i W. Ciemi.ions, Wil-
Iri-n. .!a:::es O. Romies,
i .. ;er.
Jam's IT. CraiR. Ad.di-I
hdm P
.Iniics John M.
dm son, James
oi'l I
.-in I)
s Fro:-.t. I
llieoor. Joh
. i t S. Davi
Kinjr. Alonzol
P M. Hutchi-!
Par. h, Jrean'iia Klimm,
. hi len:.!!i. Xetti? J. Hoimea, Palt
osr.r Sie'-,oP, Je.m-s H. Hopkins,
..1:. i Pj-.i-Tix ;-y. Henry Hulb?rt,
rrs.h A. Conn. Robert W. Stafford.
I. In. 01. d S. ap -ottiii, Ahxander Gable,
! W
. P. lPirhison. John Carrell, Sani
1 R. Thompson, Willi: in McLellan,
s. ph l-'nnds, X'oeh R. Hobhs, Joseph
1! .ne. Henry S. .Miller, Hannah
1 - 1
i S"
ii; h,
:: risi:
aVi s.
ry I
Io..;fs and C
t. Math ins
John Riir::::
Push. Fl'ieia
apany, W illiani
Spohn. A. J.
. W. S. Sher?.
Marsh, Wesley
Holme?. H-rlmes & Co., J.
:s tV- Ron. Pennitor fz Xiek-
ies. J li:i Marsh. Su-au Aldeu, Leila
L. ii'.vyer. Fred Herirann. James A.
II .-.'-.a. and .h'll:?.ni Everett, and all
p. r -.-a. -. ioal nan-r -; unknown, hav
ir:r ' : hi!i:ins any interest in Ploeks
'v.o i2). thna (", four (4), live
". ) , -iy ('"). sf ven (7), oi-ht .S).
?::.! !' 1 . r-n (ie. aed eleven (11,
Xarth rf the I uhlie Square; and
Idoed-- thiee "). four (4), five (a).
:I x ( '1 , , se ven ( 7 ). eight ( S ) . nine
(', ten (101, eleven (11) Xorth.
I -i
: ( . ) Wet of Public Square;
j Ploeks three '?,). four (4). five (5),
i ci:: (Ci. seven (7). tight (S), nine
I & 1 . ion (10), eleven (11) Xort h
d tw 1 Z West of Public
ive (").
do(" '".). four (4),
-elx (;M. seven (7). eirht (S), nine
!'. t-n (lei. eleven (11) North
r::d threo (?,) West of Public Square;
Plotk-f three (; ). four (4), five ("),
-ix ( C ) , sr-, en ( 7 ) . eight ( S ) , nine
(ft), ten (P'i. elevc- (11) North
land four (4) West of Public Squa'e:
, till In the old Towii of Rock Bluffs,
j in Cass runty. X braska, being oth
i arwpo d. scrib d as follows: Com
! meneing 1M2.7 feet north of the
southwest vomer of Section nine (9),
j T-wrship rlev:n (11). North of
1 I'.anse fourteen (14), East of the
j P. Id., in Cass cc-unty. Nebras
ka, thence running cast 1,321.9 feet
I to a stone; thence south to the south
I line of said Se'-tion nine (3); thence
i cast on said south line of said Section
j nine (f-). 270.7 feet: thence north
' a stake on tho cast and west quar
ter line through said Seetin nine (9);
I- r-nce west or. jaid t;uarter line to
the northwest corner of the south
west quarter eu said Section nine
(a); thence south cn the west line
of said Section nine (P) to the place
nr. n ms.
!I in the Southwest
of Section nine ( 9 ) .
cuarter ( SW1-
Township eleven (11) North of
P. .nr. ire tour teen (14), Eat cf the
Sixth P. M.. in Cass county. Nebras
ka: a.n 1 i!(CKS two i;, inree (.a,
foti- (4 .. five I')), six (G), seven (7),
eia! t (s'k np.c (9), ten (10) and
clever. (Ill Xorth and five ( o ) Yv'est
of Public Square; Blocks two (2),
three (?,). four (4). five (5). six (6).
-ever. (7). eight (S). nine (9), ten
(10). ehvc-i (11) North, and six
(0) West of Public Square; Blocks
two (2), three (3.four (4) five (5),
six (C), seven (7). e'ght (S), r.ine
(9). ten (10) and eleven (11) North,
and seon (7) West of Public Square;
Rloclm three (3). four (4), five (5),
six (I), seven (7). eight (S), nine
(9), ten (10) and eleven (11) North,
and eight (S) West of Public Square,
all in the Old Town of Rock Bluffs in
Cass county, Nebraska, being situ
ated in the Southeast quarter (SEhi)
of Section eight (8), in Township
eleven (11), North of Range fourteen
(14), Fast of the Sixth P. M.. in
Cass county. Nebraska; and Block
four (4) We- t cf Public Square in tke
eld town of Rock Bluffs. Cass county,
Nebraska, being situated in the
Northwest quarter (NWU) of Sec
tion sjjiteon (If.), in Township eleven
HI). North of Range fourteen (14),;
East of the Gth P. M.. in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska: and Blocks five (5)
and rix (0). West of Public Sqrare;
Blocks five (a), si:: (C) and seven
seven (7) West, and one (1) North
of Public Square; Blocks five ( . ) and
six (tl) Yv'est, and one (1) South of
Public Suuaro: nil beinc in the Old
Town of Ro -k Bluffs, in Cass county,
Nebraska, heir.
situated in
Northeast qur.rter (N'EU ) of Section
seventeen (17). in Township eleven
(11), North of Range fourteen (14).
East of the Sixth P. M.. in Cass coun
ty. Nebraska:
You and each of you. are hereby
notified that on th.3 21st day of De
cember. 192S. Victor C. Graham filed
his petition in the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, as rhovvn in
Docket 4. No. 10G. General No. S209,
nami'tT you. at::
of you, im
Ehernbtrger, rdeaded with John C
and. alary Ekernberger. first and reali
name unknown, and George Dovey,
and Mary Dovey, first and real name
'"unknown, us citd'endants, the object
and prnyer of said petition being to
quiet the title in the plaintiff to the
fallowing disr-ribod real estate situ-
il r ;
' it :
in Cass county, N' braska, to
!:s two (2). t'aree
Ml. :ive (5 ), fix
0 I.
; ' e v
; en
-n t V 1 . eisht .c- ) , nine
( " ' 1 and fii-ven 111) .
the J'nblie Sqnare:
cks three ('), f air IH,
( 1
1 ' 1
six fill, sev.-Ti C7). i 1 1 T.
nine ('.), ten ( 1 ' ) . eleven
North, and "ie ( 1 ) W't
of Puidie Fquaie; liiocks tl !"e;
1. "I. fn:r (4), n"ve (a), rix '".,
s( .t n (7). i:;hi (S). nine C,
t-.n 1 1 ).t :n (II) Xonii :.i:d
two (Hi West of IMibl? Square;
Ii 3 !?: three i:ii, four (I, five
i ", 1, six i D. s'W.i (7), eiciit
(S. r.ine (!', ten ( 1 C ) . e'ev ni
(III Nt!!!i red ?lir" ( .5 ) West
(,f Pip. lie iiijiiarp; Idoeks thr.
i 1 . ,' ur 'Ii, !.v
: . vt : ( 7 1 , t iaht
:.-! (I'd, (1 -vc:
and f'.ur ( '. ) V-':
ix (: .
ie (r'l.
( J 1 Xorth,
f f th" Pvh-
ii - j'.-ar-e: e!i in tho Old Town
o' .lo I: Pluff-- in fees county,
Nebraska. 1 ei''g ethtrwif" de--.-
rilx d as follows: Coinnn ne-ng
1 :12.7 fe-'t iu rt Ii f the south
west Corner of Section nine a ) .
Township eleven (11), North of
Pause fourt'-en (It), East of
the Sixth P. M.. in Cass county,
N'biaska: the :. e ruuninr e-a.-L
1 . n 2 1 .t) leet tr. a none; thence
south to tho south line of sail
--'(tion nine '.i ) ; thence ea.-t on
said suu'h iine of said Section
nit." !. 27". 7 feet; thence
north to a stake on the eat and
west eya a rt ' r line through said
Section nine ( ! ) ; thence west
on said quarter line to the
northwest of the South
v cat q nailer &f said Sec tion r.ine
(It): thence south on the west
line of said Section nine (9! to
tho 1 bo e ef beginning, all in the
Southwest quarter ( SW k- ) of
Seethe". nine (9), Township
eleven (11). North of Ranjte
foil-fee;-; (111, East of th Sixth
P. M.. in Cass, county, Ne-bra.-ka;
and Plocks two (2), three (.
four ( 4 1, live (a), six (C). seven
(7i. eight (S), nine (9), ten
Co) and eleven (11' North and
live (." W st of Public Square;
P'oeks two (2), three CM. four
(4) . five !a).six (C), seven (7).
eight S), nine CM. ten (10 1.
eleven ill) North, and six ( (1 )
West ?f Public Square; Ploeks
t wo ( 2 ) , t hi ee ( .? ) , lou r ( 4 ,
live (.li, six (C). seven (7),
eight (S), nine (9). ten (1")
and eleven (11) North, and sev
en 7) West of Public Square;
Ploeks three Ci), four (4), five
(.11, six (0), seven (7). eisht
(Si, nine (9), ten (10) and
eleven (11) North, and tight
(5) West of Public Square, all
in the Old Town of Rock Bluffs
in Cass county. Nebraska, being
situated in the Southeast quar
ter (SEhi of Section eight (S),
in Township eleven (11), North
of Rancre fourteen (14), East of
the Sixth P. M.. in Cas county.
Nebraska: and Flock four (1)
West of Public Square in the
Oh! Town of Rock Bluffs. Cass
county, Nebraska, being situat
ed in the Northwest quarter
1 'NY. h- ) r.f Section sixteen (I'll,
in Township eleven (11). Xorth
of Range fourteen (14), East of
the Sixtli Ik M., in Cass county.
Nebraska; and Blocks five (r)
and six (C). West of Public
Square; Blocks five (5), six CD
and seven (7) Yv'est. and one
(1) North of Public Square;
Flo- k:
iv e (5) and six ( 0 )
Y.'est. and one l ) South of Pub
lic Square; all being in the Old
Tov :i of Rock Bluffs in Cass
county, Nebraska, being situat
ed in the Northeast quarter
(NEbi of Section seventeen
(17'. in Township eleven (11).
North of Range fourteen (14),
East of Sixth P. M.. in C.tss
county. Nebraska.
Sail petition prays that you and
each : f you he required to set forth
the nature of your claims to said
real estate, and that you. and each
: f you. and all persons claiming by,
throng!', or under you, be decreed
?nd adjudged to have no estate,
claim. lien, or interest whatever in
or to said real estate, cr any part
hereof, and that you, and each of
yen, and all persons claiming by,
through, or under you, be forever en
joined and debarred from claiming or
asserting any interest, lien or claim
whatever in or to said real estate
adverse- to the plaintiff, and for
equitable relief, and costs of suit.
You. and each of you, are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before the
17th dav of February, 1930.
King & Ilaggart,
Attornevs for the Plaintiff.
The State of Nebraska. Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Mal
vir.a Coffin, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court iimm in
Pia'.tftt.ioUth, in said county, on the
14th day of February, 1930. an 1 on
the KUi day of May. 1930, at 9:00
o'clock a. i ., of each day, to receive
?nd examine all claims against said
e.s'.ite, with a view to their adjust
ment and allowance. The time lim
ited for the presentation of claims
against said ertate is three months
froza the 14th day of February, A.
D. 19?e. and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
r,aid 14th day of February, 1930.
WimcEs my band and the seal of
sa'a! County Court this lath day of
January, 1930.
(Seal) j20-3w
County Judge.
A iew Cass county mps leit
the Jouixol ofiice. 50c each.