PAGE SIX PLATTSMOUTH SEMI . WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, NOV. 4. 1929. -BRING US Your Poultry The farmers of Cass county have al ways found the best of treatment from this old and well known poul try and produce establishment and we are always glad to serve the peo ple of this community. Special Prices Wednesday Thursday November 6-7 Hens, per lb 18c Springs, per lb.... . .170 Ducks, per lb 160 Cox, per lb 120 Poultry suffering from roup or colds not accepted. Peoples' Produce Go, H; G. K LINGER 125 So. 4th St. Telephone 134 Plattsmouth, Nebr. ME. AND MES. NOYES LEAVING FOR ARIZONA Sales Promotor Now Figure in the Show Game z Farms for Sale! Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Noyes are ex pecting to leave in the near future for Arizona, where they will spend the winter for the benefit of Mr. Noyes' health who has been a suffer er from asthma and heart trouble for a number of years. They had ex pected to leave on Wednesday of this b a. Harris, Well Known Promoter, land, 12 acres alfalfa, running wat- Fine Program Enjoyed at the Reeu- , Mynard Club Holds Enjoy able Meeting 80 acres, new improvements, good bad roads, they decided to defer the day of departure until there is a change in the weather conditions. They are highly esteemed pioneer Tenor on Stage Plattsmouth. lar Meeting Held at the Com munity Building. The Plattsmouth friends of B. A. -U acres, splendid improvements. The Mynard Community club held citizens of this community and their Harris, well known sales manager 30 acres prairie hay. All land has Its regular meeting on Friday even host of friends will be glad they and promotor, will be interested in been see(je(l down to sweet clover and in' ct- 25- Mrs- Sherman Cole led have decided to try a warmer cli- learning that Mr. Harris is now fea- . , , ---- u & spirited singi-g of "America the mate this year and will look forward turlng as manager of Francisco j "u,t;it "uw jji-ui--- Beautiful," with Mrs. Elbret Wiles at to tneir return noping mat Dy spring nocna, winner or me ixeorasKa uiv- mg guuu ciups. uoou small orcnara. the piano. After a short business Mr. Noyes will he mucn improved lsion or me Atwater-Kent radio Three miles sonth of nnst niKr a-nA session, f hp mr-mitt w v v-n 1 .-. U -.-.-. ,1 . V. -. I - -n r I . . I . ' ' unu greaujr ut-uemcu ujr iUI j,- auuuiuu. UA m o frnm crror.l T.. t cU C. C. SDane erand Mrs Jnhn Vnllprv fa..-. -u au" - r .ZT" -.7" " " ' ant change. Louisville Courier. Appeals from Award in Louis ville Accident 4 4 4 SOUTH BEND Ashland Gazette Doris and William Oliver have the whooping cough. Mrs. Jim Fidler was a Lincoln visitor Monday evening. Mrs. William Kitrell sepnt Friday evening with Mrs. Ellen Berge. Miss Leona Roberts spent from Wednesday until Sunday with Mrs. Bert Mooney. Mr. and Mrs. Hendrickson of Council Bluffs spent Sunday at the Vyrle Livers home. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Armstrong spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Sawyer. Mrs. Emma Calder spent Sunday afternoon at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Bert Winget. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Graham spent Saturday and Sunday in Omaha with Mr. and Mrs. Chas Lesh. Mr. Harry Long and mother, Mrs". Viola Long were dinner guests Sun day at the Robert Long home. Mrs. Lynn Clay and two children of Lincoln spent from Tuesday until Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Win get. A number from this vicinity went to Plattsmouth Monday as witnesses in the James Alloway and Frank Ross law suit. While working at the sand pit last week Wesley Wagoner had the mis fortune of getting two bones broken in his hand, while coupling cars. Mrs. Henry Streight and daughter, Mrs. Maggie Jackson of Omaha. Mrs. Silas Clark of Aurora and Mrs. Kieth ley of Omaha spent Thursday with Mrs. Viola Long. Miss Pearl WJnget visited over the week end in Fremont with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Will McCreary. Mrs. McCreary's maiden name was Rita Rager. Mrs. Harry Henton went to Platts mouth Saturday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Oliver, Sr. She was accompanied home Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Rex Young. Veryle Livers, Oscar Dill and Clyde Haswell drove to Meadow Grove Saturday for a short hunting trip. They returned home Sunday evening reporting a good time. Mrs. Tillie Henry of Ashland spent Friday and Friday night with her ri3ter, Mrs. Emma Calder. They r.ppnt Friday evening at the Bert Winget home, accompanied by their brother, Oscar Zaar. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fidler and fam ily have moved into the new house recently erected by the Sand com pany. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carnicle will move into the Jacob Carnicle house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Fidler. The many friends of Mr. Paul Hazen of Meadow, f but a former South Bend resident, were sorry to hear of his misfortune in losing the sight of an eye recently from an ac cident while working at the cement plant at Louisville. Mrs. Chas. Countryman of Lewel len. Neb., spent Saturday night and Sunday at the Wm. Oliver, Jr., and Harry Henton homes. Mrs. Country man will be remembered as Miss Alice Oliver, and was a former teach er in the Oak Grove district. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mooney enter tained at dinner Sunday in honor of their fifth wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stander and sons, Charles, Harold and Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Roeber and sons. Kenneth and Leonard, Mr. William Barker and Miss Leona Roberts. Mr. Harris with his vocalist, Mr. Rocha and the accompanist and friend of Rocha, Theodore Reyes, ar rived in Omaha Thursday from Grand Island, where Mr. Harris has had his protege for several weeks and are appearing at the Orpheum in Omaha this week. The two musical artists have lit tle- or no knowledge of English and Mr. Harris is the official mouthpiece for the talented Mexican beetfield wnrVfip wVin l nnur Jinvino" rila nn. , ... , . rt . a t ....... " uncom Jtirm xaKes 10 toun awara portunity to bask in the light of the Made in the Death of D. F. theatre. Mr. Harris, while very Jacobs at Louisville. fluent with the English is lacking in spanisn ana nis conversations ... l . u i. : i i i a i From Saturday's Dally wnu ma auibin are largely cuiiuneii rv,- firct tin., in o nmhr nf ' me sign language. V V -- - V -.FX, w I T" . X. - t J L V L days the office of the clerk of the dis- tuLS" luJL "Z mil turn i wua; " I discovered hv Mr Tlirris whn was purchaser. Other Bargains in Cass County Farms See t. h. mimm PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. BOY BADLY CUT IMPROVING by the firm of Green & McReynolds, plumbing and heating contractors of Lincoln, from the award made by the iilenard, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hitt living south of town, who was badly cut about a week ago when a pony he was rid ing, ran into a wire fence, is im proving. Richard as riding his pony to scnooi wnen four stray dogs be gan to bark and nip at the pony. The horse became frightened and ran into a wire fence and the bov was badly cut about the arms and in connection with this was staging a radio program by local people and rnnnlnp" chnrt nt ttia tolant frty tJio state compensation commissioner in h ,. ,,,, f ttlo the claim of Mrs. Tillie Jacobs, widow Mexican with the unusually nower- or u. x jacoDS, ior me aeaui ui " ful tenor voice and sernre.l the husband at Louisville on May ., youne man for a number. His selec 1929.. Itions eiven in Snanish nroved a real The defendants named in the ap- hit in the Scottsbluff area and Mr. 1 ir Tan-Ko Uormon W , j , . i . I " ijcai a. i c ia, """" i riarri.i ueiermineu iaai 11 uossiDie ne I ir v. - i i. i i r a .l p. o- . I -b "j i-" i aunuum .n . -. -iii . wuum beiure a. large opiiuriuniiy ior He was taken to the Kehrnslrn a punuersuip. i ue piaiuuus ow-s- itocna ana wnicn nas now come 10 hnenitoi fu.- v,0 - -;,i f ll,t V, ---J .to- - ,- o-nlnvii hi- I ' " "'fc -mucin. iuc uCau noo ... i- CUiF.u,v ullu. n , , , , return ihn - 1 1 1 a & I . . . . , I ' - ' 1... oi tt. Cj. raiiKonin as suo-coniraciui i Aiier iue ciose 01 me receni saies iHttpr mrt rf inaf wooir - .1 V. A-- A rt A Atycr r JP. I in VSc Ww KT TIo- to ntii.n -1 ..... aim i v ii i in x-. v. nun own .ii iiua inj iii i iihi i ij i iii mi. iv i f i i . j r r nnrl u vnnnp'pr con .'t Cf-.n 4 V. a 41 i f Vi J ci . iinfallVii V) nma at CI ran A Tclnnrl nnrl ect. I . . . . . . ouu .i i. me mac w. "j uvviuiiiiu. "."" v.... .... m.. i not iar oil wnen tne accident oc death. That the deceased failed to cured the entrance of Rocha into curred with a team and waenn TTi exercise the proper precautions ana me Aiwaier-i.eni contest in wmcn team likewise becamp frltrhteneii nni that in his death the plaintiffs should the young man won first place for he had all he could do to control presented a very interesting program The stage had been decorated in keeping with the harvest and Hal lowe'en season, and the first num ber was a spooky song sung by the pupils of the Eight Mile Grove school, accompanied by their teacher Miss Vivian Livingston. As an en core they sang a marching song. The little folks sang exceptionally well and showed the fine training given them by their teacher. Lela May Hike gave a recitation, "September," In a pleasing manner. Misses Dorothy Yost and Barbara Spangler played a duet on the piano. These little ladies showed a very satisfactory advance in their musical studies. Mrs. C. C. Barnard read "The Mystery of the Autumn Leaf," an article quite ap propriate to the season of the year Misses Fern and Pearl Spangler, two young ladies from the neighboring community of Weeping Watre, play ed a beautiful duet. Mrs. S. W. Cole read "A Rhapsody on Corn" which expressed some splendid thoughts about this great mid-west . product Richard Cole gave a humorous read ing. One of the most' enjoyable num bers was an instrumental quartet by Mrs. Roy Cole, piano; Mrs. Clare Fer ris, violin; Mrs. Elbert Wiles, flute; Mrs. S. W. Cole, cello. The audience then gave a number of "Household Helps," which were both humorous and helpful. A quartet composed of Richard Livingston and Louis Sack, Mynard, Charles and Russei Living- 6.5 Weddings for Each Divorce Grant- v i) lJiL!ji Die highest nride J low price suit IIV AMERICA With our Allied buying power, we have packed more VALUE than ever into our $20 Bill line. If price is any object, these fine Suits will surely interest you. (feLl 1879 1929 Marriages in Nebraska for Year Increase ston. Weeping Water, sang a song not be held responsible but that the the state contestants and is now them while his oldest boy was be- about "0ur NeedinS Good Old Back- liability if any existed should be on awaiting the national contest at H. E. Pankonin and the firm of A. O. M-nicago on xoveniDer pna ana aiso Anderson & Son. iaing a iryoui ior tne urpneum. Thu p wna hear nt Tiii!avlllft Mr. Mams wiiue nere was very and Plattsmouth in September and enthusiastic over the possibilities of anaiu mauc u j kixtz vuui cucatuu i i - - - , , . . . , ing injured. Nehawka Enterprise. HOME FROM HOSPITAL and in which he found that there was no liability on the firm of A. O. Anderson & Son and assessed the liability of Green & McReynold3 and II. E. Pankonin, in the sum of $15 per .week for a period of hun dred and fifty weeks and with an ad ded penalty of fifty per cent for past due payments, dating from May 25th, 1929. It will be remembered that Mr. fact of his lack of educational op portunities as he has the natural gift of voice and an appreciation of music. bone," which their hearers liked so well that the young men had to re spond with an encore. Mis Marie Kaufmann of Platts mouth, then took the audience on a trip to Europe via the moving picture route, .which the travelers enjoyed ed in Year's Time: Mark Better Than Nation's. Miss Doris Noyes returned on Wed nesdav of last week from the AT V. hospital in Omaha, where she recent- verv mucn. wnne tne screen ana lv underwent an oDeration for annen- camera were Deing arrangea, -uis dicitis. She made splendid progress "y -oie ana Airs, i-mert w lies piay- and trained raDidlv and stood the trio ea some nveiy marcnes. Lincoln, Nov. 1. Ranked beside the other states of the union, Ne braska is shown to be pretty near normal in the matter of marriage and divorce. A department of commerce report. just issued, states that in 1928 this state had 9,932 marriages, or 7.05 to every 1,000 of population. This is an MRS MINNIE HUFFMAN home very well. Her grandfather. C. G. Mayfield, went after her in his PASSES TO TTP.R REWARD car. She is gaining in a very satis factory manner and will soon be able As the tired child pillows its head to resume her duties as secretary to on the bosom of its mother and sleeps Judge Robert J. McNealy in his law after a day b activities, so another offices in Louisville. Her many Jacobs was killed while working in death mother In Israel has found rest friends are much pleased to know Aa"",c "ctjr ' -, ... increase of 1.3 per cent over the pre- Among the entertainers of the I . voq oo -.v-.nma- ' a nolr rT Lri trona wnln I " - rj "" .TI decrease for the nation as a whole v ii , , . ,, tl,m.M00 Even with that increase, however, great amusement of the youngsters. After a Hallowe'en lunch of pump- the construction of a cess pool at on the bosom of her Savior, after a that the operation was successful I kin pie, doughnuts and coffee, the Louisville on May 24th, he having long and well-spent Christian life. and that she is making such favor- Marge crowa wenaea meir wty uumc just recently arrived at Louisville As the sun's rays were shining on I able progress. Louisville Courier. and was engaged by Mr. Pankonin to Sunday morning to cheer and bright- tlon's average is 9.85 ceremonies to every 1,000 population. Better Than Nation. For every divorce in Nebraska last year, there were 6.5 marriages. The greater ration of divorce to marriage than the country as a whole. Iowa had one divorce to every five mar riages. Iowa had 2 6 marriage annulments in 1928 against 30 in 1927. Nation ally there were 4,226 annulments in 1928 against 4,255 in 1927. Cali fornia accounted for the largest num ber of annulled marriages with 1, 441 in 1928, compared to 1,629 In 1927. Omaha Bee-News. DR. P. VAN FLEET AT THE ST. ELIZABETH HOSPITAL -o-l f1l-o- that author pvpnin. I ' c '""E r'.i:: " :? cr r - united states couid boast o omy do this work, he being the sub-con tractor on the job. GENERAL ESCAPES DEATH en the earth of mankind, came the setting of the sun for Mrs. Minnie Huffman,, that took her thru the por- FOR SALE LEAVING FOR NEW CHARGE Crum Thurid-Vi Daily Father Stanley P. Jones and Mrs. Jones and the children are leaving Friday morning at 6 o'clock by auto marriages to every divorce. Nebraska's total number of di vorces was 1,538. That was an in crease of .2 per . cent from the year previous. Per 1,000 of population, the number fo divorces was 2.22 Only 28 annulments took place in lbU-acre uplanu farm, lays very tals of eternity to alide with the fine, all in cultivation, some 30 acres Savior whom she loved so well and in pasture and prairie hay, 5 acres Mexico City Gen. Antonio Rlos Berved so faithfully. alfalfa, nicely located, close to three Zertuche. former chief of police in Minnie Keturah Hawker, was born gooa marKet towns, anout tne center ror Muscatine, lowa, wnere a atner the state during 1928, compared with Mexico City, narrowly escaped death September 9tn, 186, at Briagewater, wiue cuumy. rseurassa, nines jones is io -ue c nurse ui a a,sc 33 the year before. by assassination Friday at his hav- Somersetshire. England, and passed J graveiea roaa, iair set oi iarra episcopal parisn at mat piace. me ienda near Monclova in the state of away. Oct. 27. 1929. puuaings. win sell at a real oar- new cnarge is one or tne very nnesi l 1 - m 1 . -r i a t . 1 1 rhiiilr. Twr. hniictci T.i0r-Ofi hi When thirteen vears of aee she ana on gooa iavorame terms, in eastern lowa wun a large ciiurcu ht -rt thra nth-- tninV hia ,it- with her narenta came to America. rice -i,wu. -an give possession mobile of seven nlstol shots fired bv locating at Burlington. Iowa. Here March 1st if interested phone Bel " I avlia 1 vn M I ii 4K- -ccollo-t I cVi onnf nnad litr cHn-Dlnn crrn riiifit I c.u voo n r 1 T-l.- I l.J l J. I.... U. f.nm lh titirh onhnnl ot oltv I - XV XT , I tllVCJ, ucuciui iiiua ia asiug iiiciius iici j iu6 n-u- mu i i-.ov l-oi.Of. t pi-ttc TCeh lo uigH lue luemueui iu give mill I -v ictv jcoid iaici nicu -.1 . . . i I . j -. i . XT guarantees oi saiety gave tne name ems, inoveu io -iu. uuuijr, ncuiw Hillard Orissmin and chil- and parish and a splendid parish home for the rector and family. The many friends here in this city are regretting very much to see the very able rector and his family leave this city and during the present week the Jones family have been guests at Reno Is Gretna Green. Nevada became a mecca not only for divorce, but for marriage during the year 1928, the record shows. A California three-day notice law in fluenced many couples to hie for Reno. While the rest of the country re ported a net decrease of 1.5 per cent oi nis atacKer as jesus verauzco dui -a, sue cauie wnu lueiu i-hub iul dren Tnneline in.1 Ttnbhie were did not explain the attack further. them until they were called home. Mphwic th mt fw rinvi to He was a close friend of the late November 21st, 1883. the deceased uenerai uoregon ana was nmea was unitea in marriage iu juseyu Grassman, Richard Hitt, who aws of the greatest loss In the departure by the western commonwealth. a number of the homes of the mem- I in marriages, Nevada turned in a 73 bers of the St. Luke's parish here and I per cent Increase. A 54 per cent In- F0R SALE Grapes, $1 per bushel, also grape Juice, 75 cent a gallon. Bring con tainer. Call C. Carlman farm, 4213. chief of police immediately after the Huffman, "who passed to the Great injured some days ago former president was assassinated in Beyond, Jury -tn, 1919. July last year. He conducted the in- Four children came to bless this vestigation which led to the etecu union. They are John of Plainview, tion of Jose Leon Toral for the mur- Nebraska r Daisy, Lillian and Wil der of Obregon and resigned his po- Ham who still reside on the home lice post some months ago. I place, five and one half miles south east of Elmwood. TREASURER IS ARRESTED When quite young Mrs. Huffman united with the Congregational Flint, Mich. Bunnell G. Bowles, church of which she was a faithful Genesee county treasurer for the past member until called to meet her Sav- seven years, was under arrest on a ior and the dear ones gone before. charge of embezzlement Friday while I Mrs. Huffman was a quiet unas- state officials were earring a special! sum woman, who was ever ready to audit of his books at the request of I lend a hand of assistance in alleviat- the board of supervisors. ihg pain or sorrow. In her quiet way Bowles appeared before a special she did what she could for the corn- committee of the board of supervisors fort of others. Be it said of her, she Friday morning and denied there has fought life's battles as best she were any irregularities. He refused could, leading a life in conformity to to resign. He was arrested after his the teachings of her Master, and she interview with the committee on a has entered Home to be with those complaint charging him with con-lwhom she loved and lost awhile and verting $494,000 county funds to his to be with her Savior whom she own use by placingfhe sum in his loved and served so faithfully. personal bank account. Arraigned She leaves to mourn her departure Friday afternoon before Justice her two daughters, her two sons and Frank W. Cain. Bowles demanded I their wives, one grandchild, other an examination which was set for relatives, and a host of friends. Nov. 8. I The funeral services were held at the Methodist church Tuesday after- FILES TO COLLECT NOTE noon conducted by Rev. J. A. Klein, pastor of the church. Music was fur- From Saturday Dan I niahed by Mrs. Harry Tolhurst, Miss An action has been filed in the Lubertha Klein, Wm. Skeen and Ken- office of the clerk of the district neth Boyd, with Mrs. Ghy Clements court in which the Farmers & Mer- at the piano. of the family. In their new home Father and Mrs. Jones and their fam ily will carry the very best wishes of the host of friends in tne community. ELMWOOD LEGION ELECTS The American Legion at Elmwood met in reerular session Thursday, Oct. 24, and elected officers for the com- partment or commerce show, IOWA MARRIAGES SHOW DECREASE Washington, Nov. 1. Iowa kept pace with the rest of the nation in showing a decrease of marriages for 1928, but reversed the general trend toward increased divorces, figures re leased today by the United States De- chants Bank of Ashland is the plain tiff" and William Reiser et al., the defendants. The suit is for the col lection of $4,500 alleged to be due on a note made by the defendants, which note was made and delivered to Eddie S. Dean and by him later sold to the plaintiff bank. Enterment was made in the Elm- wood cemetery. Elmwood Leader- Echo. COON HOUND LOST FOR SALE Near home of John T. Porter northwest of Murray. Notify John T. Porter, Murray, or D. B. Porter, Union. ltw Registered two-year-old Shorthorn bull, $125.-- Elbert Wiles, Platts-" mouth, Nebr. o28-tfw FOR SALE Always something: of interest in the Journal Want Ad department Buff Orpington roosters for sale. S. T. Gllmour. n4-tfsw Phone you news to the Journal SLIPPERY streets, a skid, a swerve, and the fist of fate sends yonr auto thru the fence. An inevitable accident. You may hit a pedes trian or another anto. You may have a serious financial loss or law suit un less insured. Complete automobile insur ance secured from this agency will keep you out of trouble. Phone today! Searl S. iavis Farm Loans and Lands ine year, as follows: Commander Emmett J. Uook. Adjutant Spencer M. Leger. Finance Officer Guy L. Clements. Chaplain Oscar Bates. Activity Officers Thor Boyles, Or- lev D. Clements. The Legion boys have tneir ciud room nicely fixed up with walls ana ceiling nicely painted and a new stove has been purchased. The boys expect to have some enjoyable meetings tne coming year and hope all ex-soldiers of the world war will come into the Tocr.-n nnp hundred per cent, and make the Elmwood post a real live wire post. Regular meetings will be neia on the third Thursday of each montn. In spite of the fact that its di vorces decreased by 3.5 per cent from 1927 to 1928, however, Iowa had a The editor called to the Dr. 1. Van Fleet, who is at the St. Eliza beth's hospital at Lincoln, as a result of Injuries which were received when he was hit by an auto several weeks ago. The doctor is doing as well as could be expected with injuries of so serious a nature. He said that he ex pected to be released from the cast which has kep him bed-fast for many days about the first of this month. The doctor has been- in the min istry for many years, was presiding elder for many years and served his church in many important offices. He has especially been active in building churches in his charges and was a large contributor to them. He has done a wonderful work and his friends wherever he has been are le gion. The editor with these many friends are hoping for his complete1 recovery and that he will soon be able to be about as usual. He has been especially good to the children and we were greatly impressed with the beautiful flowers sent by them from his neighborhood as an appre ciation of what he had done for them. Elmwood Leader-Echo. DISC WHEEL AND TIRE LOST Lost Disc wheel with 32x6 U. S. tire attached. Tire almost new. Lost on Louisville-Greenwood road Thurs day, October 24. Reward to finder. C. A. EAGER. Louisville, Neb. Charles McGuire, Jr., departed this morning for Omaha after a visit here with his parents and taking treatment for his health which has been poorly. i i i i Thou M-M-I-I-I-I-H-I-H- Thomas Walling Company Abstracts of Title Phone 324 - Plattsmouth .I-I-M-I-M-I-H..I.-I- 4- T-.T..Ti ... RECEIVES SAD NEWS Prom Fridays Dally T.nat eveniner C. E. Hartford of this city received a message irom Mrs. Hartford, who for the past sev eral davs has been at Boone, Iowa, at the bedside of her father, A. Bel ter, announcing that the fatner naa Dassed away late yesterday aiter- noon. ine aeain 01 wr. jeitc -naa nnt unexDected as he has been very poorly for months and at his age of eighty-two years there was very lit tle hope of his recovery. Mr. Hart ford' expects to leave this evening j for Boone to Join his wire ana re main over for the funeral services which will be held Saturday aner noon. In her bereavement Mrs. Hartford will have the deepest sym pathy of the many friends in this community. Phone your news to No. 6.. calls for good gloves and mit tens, and we are keeping up our reputation for handling: good, heavy stock. You'll find the best mitten you can buy is the cheapest when the last load is elevated. Price range as follows Mitts 51.75 to $Z25 Gloves $2.00 to $2.35 "Boss" "Fairfield" "Winona" Philips i&wlJL