The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 04, 1929, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, NOV. 4, 1929.
and wede the guests at the home of
Mrs. Una McHugh and mother. Mrs.
Mary Towle. They all enjoyed the
visit very much. Mr. and Mrs. Hill
have visited a number of times and
Lecture at Lutheran Church.
Next Sunday evening, Nov. 10th.
at 7:30 o'clock there will be a lec
ture given in the Trinity Lutheran
church, two miles north of Mur-
may frienoVher."
A. A. Lindell is fortunate in that",. - lu"l"c "e'
he has the services of Lawrence "" u" Vu" ,pres?ni 13
7. ';:; ' .V : ".I" Wolf was an active missionary in
Live-Stock Men
off Nation Agree
to Pool Forces
:. i l . , - I noa an rttil vc iuib&iuuai y ill
assist in the picking of his corn AniPPM Hrtn, t,0 i,c uiLn
rirrtn Ua .a nlcyn -II .3 .- A 1 . v. . v. u J v- A . 1 11
he has a son under sixteen years of
ing me last eleven n,ta. r -r.
years, and consequently wlil un- bW A
doubtedly have many an interesting aauonai Association to
ftftim 4a .lnln rT-1 . 1 " - a 1 TTTJAT. Tl T -
drift hut nrVn I L 1 J lu 1 UC ilUUHC la 111 1 UCtU. Willi X ttUiiCI 3
Chicago The farmers' power to
age who is attending school in Mur-
as the new laws forbid it when he
has not the opportunity to ride with
a neighbor he has to stay in town
when the weather is bad.
Mr. and Mrs. Amgwert were guests
with their friends, Mr. and Mrs,
Henry A. Guthmann, for the day
and dinner on last Sunday, where
all enjoyed a fine pheasant dinner,
Attends Church at Omaha. control his product and to bargain
This pilgrim took to the road last collectively took a long step forward
Sunday and landed in Omaha, ar- nynen the formation of a national
riving in good season, for morning "vesioeK marKeting agency was
worship, enetred St. Barnabas Eds- agreed upon here under the guidance
copal church, to spend an hour with f the Federal Farm Board. It will
God and his people, in meditation, be one of the major co-operating in
stitutions or tne woria
Organized farmers will be enabled
to deal as a unit with packers. Huge
ggregations of capital, represented
the packing plants will be matched
he was in the west a short ine sermon a5 uuseu un me
igo. A very pleasant day was 12th Chap, of 1st Cor., and dealt with l
sd and made the more pleasant the "Church," under three" divisions: fSi
:ount of the being at home of The church militant: (2) the in
Mrs. C. L. Harting of Kansas City
is visiting with her parents and
daughter, Eleanor, at the Neltzel
t-eorge Miller was a visitor in
Omaha on last Tuesday where he
had a load of poultry and returned
with a truck load of goods.
A. J. Tool and family were all over
to Omaha on last Sunday where they
were visiting with their daugter and
family, George Work and family.
Floyd Hite, who is employed with
the Lincoln telephone and telegraph
company, at Ashland was a visitor
at home for the week end alst week.
Arthur Jones and wife of Ween
ing Water were guests at the home
of L. B. Corthey and also Clifton
junes anu wue or Lincoln were
The pageant "Samuel" as given
by the Murdock C. L. E. drew a large
attendance Sunday evening. The of
fering for general missionary work
netted over $26.
Mrs. J. A. Bowers has been in not
the very best of health for some time
pa.t and her daughter, Mrs. Claude
Twiss of Louisville, has been home
caring for her mother.
Samuel Jones, a brother of Mrs.
George Utt, making his home at Cas
per, Wyoming, while on his way from
his home to Sioux City, Iowa, stop- o2 8-2t Mpg
ped here for a short visit with the
sister and husband. Simon Brockhage Poorly.
naroid v . lool was a visitor in
Lincoln on Tuesday evening of last at the hospital for some time and are one in ceremonial and doctrine
weeK wnere ne was both looking where he underwent an operation I It was a profitable day tor tms pit
atter some business matters as well some timp since for his health, is krim.
as meeting with the Shriner band renorted as heins: verv noorlv at the" The following observation we
of which he is a member. hospital where he is still staying, would recommend to other churches:
Jonn fauison wno has been work- H is heine eiven everv attention- (a) the obsolute quiet, no nana
ing on the new house which is be-I sin rl the vprv hest of nnrslne hut shaking 'on entering, no talkin
ing built for Otto Miller on account Lmi hi condition remnins sprions. whisDerinc or laughing, '(b) the tion instead of separate ones work
of the presistant rains went to Oma- Martin Bornemeier and wife, the lat- dire reverence observed in the house ing independently and sometimes in
ha on last Wednesday afternoon to her a daughter of Mr. Brockhage. of God, (c) the worshipful attitude competition.
remain until the wpathor r-lenred -i-of -or. t t in.nir, r. int Wci. nf thp nennle! in hnwinsr the knee Out of thi3 Individualism was
Emil Keuhn-departed last week nesdav where thev wpnt to visit on entering the pew. facing, the al- brought a new superstructure, which
for southeastern Missouri where he him Thev fnnnfi thp nntient still tar. kneeling and offering a silent is called the National Livestock Mar
will look after some business mat- Lnnrlv. hut vorv nleased to have the nraver. before taking their seat, beting Association. Its capital stocb
ters in the line of insurance for the fnlka come tn see him. Surelv a fine example for others to is $1,000,000. General plans, financ
company with which he is employed follow and imitate. ing and operation were determined
He is expecting to be awav for some -r, j w . L. NEITZEL. An organization committee or nine
time Found Many Hunters. was named, and at once set to work
F. II- rjilthmnnn whn is nttenrlins'
A party of hunters from near Mur- The Missrs Mildred. Ruth and upon articles of incorporation and by
the state university, was a visitor rtock an1 vicinity were out to Ful- Lily Schroeder of Clay Center, Neb., laws. These will be submitted for
for over the week end at home and lerlon las nere iney went teachers in the rural schools of Clay nnal approval
pninvpil the sstn- with the narpnts
to enjoy the good shooting which -.nnntv. who have been attending Sixty-six representatives of 20 co
Henry A. Guthmann and wife, and the rapid growth of pheasants which tne District Teachers convention at operatives combined to effect this de
also in visitine with his manv the state has DPpn fostering for some Lincoln, were visitors in the Rev. cision. These official delegates came
friends in Murdock.
f!reat-er.nififnther .TiTrlfe W V.
c- i .:j j ,i
Newkirk of Greenwood, was a visitor v't morning
some Which Mr. Guthmann shot cuniempiaiiun dim spiniuai ujinu
v.-hiie he wna in the .ect a chnrt The sermon was based on the
time a
tt t? r.tmor,n f. h cf,to enureti expectant. and (3) the l umin-eia wmi me vassi re
" " " ". x t -. Icolli-r.00 unito formf, r,.Jo.
vcrcitv Tn tno ry (lornnnn all -arifh I CHUrCn iriUniDOani. in a maSieriU I I " uu'l,-u UU.MU6
' I i i a i . lonrt tolllnfr , 11 n r Inn tr r, v onnM'liTi
their auto went over to Lincoln to manner tne rector arew a piciure 01 fo V- - iil6
the church s development, we could l" piano, uc x nauaaciiuu iur me
easilv subscribe to everv word that most part between great packer and
was said, until the speaker referred small farmer, but between giants on
to the "Communion of Saints." Dtn sides
There we could not era with him. 10 achieve this result farmers had
when he developed the idea of us to lay aside differences, abandon
Drviner for those in Dursratorv. which prejudices and give up some of their
condition he said, was man's second co-operative machinery already func
chance, and after deliverance from tioning for the sake of the broader
nureatorv. thev would in turn would program. arm Board a unity in co-
pray for' us. We could not help but operative marketing has been ac-
think why Episcopal and Catholic compusneu wnicn nunerto has been
Simon Rrnrkhaeo whn has? heen should not worshiD together, as they entirely out or reach
io untried neid or co-operative er
fort is this, but one in which farmers
have operated successfully for a
number of years. What was princi
pally needed, it appeared, was not so
much a new method as greater co
operation, a single national organiza
take F. R. back to school, and re
mained for a show at one of the
popular show houses. v
For Sale
1927 Whippet coach to settle es
tate. Driven only 1100 miles.
Murdock, Neb.
These ladies are nieces
in Murdock on las. Sunday to pay
his resoeets to his grea't grand son
W. L. Schupe, who has been stopping
at the home of Dr. and Mrs. L. D.
Lee since his advent.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kruger
were over to Lincoln on last Sun
day where they were visiting at the
home of Mrs. Elizabeth Marks, an
old time friend of them, and also of
Mrs. B. Hite. mother of Mrs. Kruger,
they enjoyed a very pleasant visit.
Mrs. G. V. Pick well who was at
ihe hospital for some time where she
was receiving medical attention, re
turned home some time since, but
is still in poor health while every
thing is being done for her that
could in any way contribute to her
rt covery.
Mrs. Leslie Rush who has been
visiting for some time at the home
of a brother at Nelson, Neb., return
ed borne last week. The brother was
verv- sick and Mrs. 'Rush was down
caring for him. She reports the bro
ther as being some better at the time
of her return home.
Janet Guthmann who is a student
time and which has multiplied into H. r. Knosp and Aug. Oehlerking from ' livestock sections throughout
great numbers. They found plenty homes Friday evening and Saturday the, United States. Action was unani
mous. The president of the American
Farm Bureau Federation and the
Master of the National Grange par
ticipated. Alexander Legge, chair
man, James C. Stone, vice-chairman,
and C. B. Denman, livestock repre
mem, tor on tne morning iney were of Rev. H. Knosp.
there tney ten or, tne restaurant Th K t c e. cave their annual
feeding some six hundred hunters Missionary program Sunday evening,
iui uicamaM. ci6nij in vein .-i net. 27th in the Eoenezer l-Jvangen-
the farmers in that vicinity had no- ral Hnirch. The main feature of the
tices posted "No Hunting." The nrotrram was a. naeeant. entitled "The sentative. represented the Federal
crowu wnicn weni am gei some Bov Samuel" which was well render- Farm Board.
pneasants, dui we win not say jusi , )V the various characters. This "Under the adotped plan.", said a
how many. However, they had a nasreant was verv Instructive, im- statement prepared after a two-day
very fine time and enjoyed the oc- I press ive "and inspiring. The church meeting, "co-operatives have united
casion. Those to go were Win. Volk, I was filled to its full capacity and the to pool their forces and to strengthen
Charles Browne, Fred Printiss and
Donald Friedenberg. While they
were there they were guests at the
homes of Mike Murphey and Jess
Jones, both formerly from near Wa
offering for missions was $37.07.
Lincoln, Oct. 30. Dividend pay-
their bargaining power. Thus, as pro
posed, all co-operative agencies are
unifying their efforts to eliminate
wastes and unnecessary costs in
marketing and co-operate fully to
control and direct the movement of
place of slaughter, whatever the
marketing route may be."
It is expected that the National
Livestock Producing Association,
. - i : i i o : i .. .1 X' i v
mems lo uepusnuis ui io khicu c- ,ivt,ctn,t fpnn, nA t!mp ft the
Draska state banks nave Den maae iu farm or rancl untn t reacneg the
tne extent oi uo.uoo. i , since uti
6, last, Secretary Bliss of the depart
ment of trade and commerce, an
nounced Wednesday.
The largest single payment in the which has done half of the co-opera-
list, was that to the American State tive marketing of livestock will go
bank at Big Springs, which received out cf business. This association . is
SR1 RfiO fi2 well estnhlislipd nnri a hnndsnmp
Mrs. L. D. Lee At Hospital. The others and the amount each record of success, but gives way to
Mrs. L. D. Lee who has not been received in the October payments: make room for the larger vehicle
in the very best of health for some State Bank of Champion $7,465.23; The local sales agencies, that is, the
Omaha for treatment a week ago 'js 12Ji0: Farmers and Merchants organized on principal markets, will
Corn Pickers Needed.
The farmers in the vicinity of
Murdock are at this time needing
more corn pickers as the crop is
good and ready to crib when the
weather is so that work in this line
can be done.
Friday, and is still there receiving bank of Sterling, $12,743.95; Nebras- however, continue.
, Ct M-irv'c cflinn' nt Omnho wris
a visitor at the home of the parents time was taken to the hospital at citizens State bank of Martinsburg, co-operative commission houses
for o ' e week end last week, com
ing down on last Thursday evening
and remaining until Sunday when
the parents drove to Omaha in their
car and took her back to school.
I. C. McCrory has been selected
from near Murdock as a member of
the petit jury fcr the fall term. The
Detroit The Detroit Free Press
Wednesday will say customs officials
have been Instructed in writing to
search no persons returning from
Canada to Detroit "unless there are
very obvious grounds to suspect them
of smuggling. Other new instruc
tions, according to the paper, in
"Agents must not use their guns
unless their lives are threatened, even
to shoot in the air or water as warn
ing. "Small boats visiting Canada need
not report to a customs office on re
turning to the United States unless
carrying merchandise.
"Boat operators and owners no
longer will be required to show cer
tificates of titles."
Doctors Testify
St. Clair Hoped
to 'Save' Wife
Defense Rests After Testimony Killer
Long Mentall Defective; De
fendant Is Grilled.
North Platte, Neb., Oct. 30. The
defense in the trial of George St.
Clair, 22-year-old ice house employe,
charged with murder of his young
wife, rested its case late today fol
lowing testimony of two doctors that
the defendant was mentally defec
Two hours of cross-examination by
R. H. Beatty and V. H. Halligan,
special prosecutors, failed to shake
the testimony of doctors. During
the cross-examination, Halligan and
Defense Attorney James T. Keefe en
gaged in a heated argument and Dis
trict Judge I. J. Nisley threatened to
fine them for contempt.
"Always Thinking He Was Bad."
Dr. O. R. Piatt of North Platte
said he believes St. Clair has been
Nebraska Pays
20 Billions in
Last 75 Years
Products Worth 300 Times Cost o
Entire Louisiana Purchase ;
Output Growing.
Nebraska's Diamond jubilee, cele
bration of which will begin this
week, marks the 75th year since Nel
braska territory was carved out of
the great Louisiana purchase.
When created, Nebraska territory
included most of Colorado, all of
North and South Dakota excepting a
narrow strip along the eastern edge
all of Wyoming and Montana and
some of Idaho and Utah.
All this vast territory was virtu
any uninhahited. Agriculture was
almost unknown. Fur traders, trap
pers and gold hunters made up the
white population.
State Now Pre-Eminent.
That was 75 years ago. Today the
wilderness that was Nebraska terri
tory in 1854 is one of the greatest
agricultural and livestock producing
regions in the world.
The richest and most productiv
portion of that immense territory is
now included within the boundaries
of the state of Nebraska.
Growing steadily and surely, al
though depending solely upon the
products of the earth, Nebraska has
reached a position of pre-eminence
among the states of the union.
Not only In material ways, but
along educational, religious, political
and cultural lines, Nebraska has out
distanced many older states.
$470,000,000 This Year.
Carved out of a raw prairie, where
savages and wild animals roamed
three-quarters of a century ago, Ne
braska now stands as one of the great
states of the union.
Considered solely in a material
way, the development of this state
mpntallv rlpfective since vonth
He was continually thinking he as oeen amazing anu unsurpasbeu
was bad," the doctor said, "when m me nisrory or me woria.
in realitv he. nrohablv led a better mis year ine total vaiue oi iarm
life than the average boy. He attend- products and livestock of the state
ed church to gain forgiveness for his WIU loiai approximately 4u,vuy.-
fancied sins, and was always trying " " saiejo say mat ngure ymu
to find a place of salvation. He imag- De surpassed Dy rew states,
ined the world was bad, so he shun- 3y2Billion in 9 Years.
ned people. ! t ' During the J&st nine years the to
Before he was married," the doc- tal value of Nebraska farm products
tor continued, "he thought only of and livestock has been in excess of
his own salvation, but when he mar- three and one-half billion dollars, a
ried he commenced thinking of the staggering sum.
salvation of his wife. Later, when he But if that is staggering, what
knew a baby was coming, he also about the figures for the last 20 years
commenced thinking of its spiritual During the score of years fr om 1909
deliverance. He thought of this so to 1929 inclusive the value of the
much and of the wickedness of the farm products exclusive of livestock,
world that he believed the only sal- passed tte seven billion dollar, mark
vation for his wife and expected child Figures on individual crops show
was in their death." how much Nebraska has done toward
Under cross-examination Dr. Piatt feeding a hungry world
said he did not believe St. Clair knew 7 Billions in CrODS.
right from wrong relative to the kill- During the past 20 years Nebraska
ng of his wife.
Defendant Is Grilled.
A bitter cross-examination by
Prosecutor R. H. Beatty constituted
the state's attempt this morning to
break down St. Clair's story that he
was highly religious and that he
killed his young wife because he be
lieved he would be sending her to
The cross-examination was direct
ed mostly at the question of wheth
er St. Clair knew right from wrong.
"I knew it was wrong to kill my
wife." he said, "and that I would
farmers have produced in leading
crop values:
Corn $2,500,000,000
Wheat 1,150.000,000
Hay 1,100,000,000
Dairy products
Sugar beets
treatment. Dr. Lee makes frequent
trips to see the wife and advises
ka State bank of Bridgeport. $28,- The program adopted was brought
col Q2 to the co-operative delegates by the
Nebraska State bank of Republic f ederal i-arm uoara. unanges maae
nitrr 55QQQ71- tTnrmera State hant l were reporieu oy participants
nf P.inn.infr'tnn' $7 OIK fi.l- Maxwell a minor. In working out the plans
selection is" a good one for no one buriel vaults, automatically seals it
could be better qualified for the self, excluding water or any other
position than this gentleman. He substance. We deliver them on call
is absolutely honest and has good to any place in Cass or Otoe coun-
iiidrr.ient and will make an ideal ties
Not knowing for what purpose
the person who took the fork which
belonged to J. A. Bower, or whether
he expected to work with it or sell
it. Mr. Bower would like to have
the fork returned providing the ner-
L. D. Lee. was visiting for a short
time at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
Lee and received the visit of the
son stealing it does not intend to Schupe, and a niece of Dr. and Mr.s
work with it. If he really wanted
it to work with that is different.
George Utt and the good wife were
entertaining for friends and rela
tives on Sunday and had as their
guests for the day and for the very
fine dinner which they served L. A.
Gordon and wife of Omaha, and Dil-
kr Utt and wife cf Havclock. Mrs.
Gordon being a daughter and Dil-
Bnrial Vaults.
We have the only self sealing state bank, $lo',467',12; Lamar State he board h?: assistance of the
bank of Stella. $18,130.01: State
Bank of Havens. $6,766.54; State
Bank of Humbolt. $23,556.23.
Payment to the depositors of the
Big Springs bank, Secretary Bliss an
nounced, represents the full amount Hnes that had already proved effec-
ui uuisianuinjj aeuuums w iien mr tiyG w commented on hv delegates
DanK was taKen over. Mr. I.ejrc-e. rhairnian nf the Fed-
A previous payment of 54 per cent erai Farm Board, remarked nftpr the
bon or Mr. and Air3. ivans henupe, of the deposits was made some time meetinsr that the livestock marketin
arrived at MuruocK on taiurnay, ago. he said. erouD had cone through its work
UCtOOer bin. ine mcmer, .urs. uvon more rnnirflv than nnv of the nre
Nehawka, Neb.
William Lewis Schupe.
former president of the National
Livestock Producers Association
Mr. Denman, now one of its own
How much the plans for the new
co-operative had been patterened on
vious farm groups. He attributed th?s
to the larger experience in this field.
. . . . "Wp have made ns T-n t- i el nrnrroco as:
a DianKet oi ------- v.0.
any rigui to expect, ne
stork, on Saturday, who presented nearly five inches of snow, Winnipeg observed
the fond mother with a vprv hand- up iuc uaiuSc
.. is i.. -".r n-.-.. T I wrerked in Thiirsdav night's storm
Pehiine. the father, is in Chicago. Direct telegraphic communication NOT GOING TO RUN M'KELVIE
where he is a chemist in the e'mnlov with the west was still impossible at
r.f the irovernment. Mrs. SchuDe and noon. Washington, Oct. 30. bamuel K.
son are expecting to return to Chi- During the night Winnipeg was McKelvie, whom Senator Norris of
ler Utt being a son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Utt.
Notwithstanding the very had
weather. John Eppings, the state
highway patrolman, was over to
Manley on last Wednesday posting
"detour" signs as the roads where
the recent grading had been do:;e
was almost impassible and to prevent
cago about Aovemner lbtn. ine virtually isolated from the outside
I mother and son are getting along world. Only a strand of wire running
finely with a nurse and great-grand- south to St. Paul afforded the Mani-
mother. Mrs. W. E.
Greenwood in charge.
Newkirk of
Fcur Square Club Meets.
Desnite the unfavorable weather
and almost impassable roads, nine
people getting into trouble on the teen members and two visitors at
soft roads was the cause of his post- tended the meeting of the Four
ing the signs. Square club held at the school house
Jess Hill and wife of Denver were Oct. 30.
visitinu for a short time in Murdock The selection and care of tabic
covering the week end last week
Dry Cleaning and
linen were discussed and demon-monstrated.
Murth interest was shown in the
Italian hemstitching and Swedish
embroidery. Each person present
succeeded in making at least two
Most attractive lunch cloths of
unbleached muslin and bias tape
were displayed. Especially artistic
was the combination of hemistitch-
a 1 Tyi- C,;, was the c
.UbUlULUl ocivicc fn?, bias tape and linen
. . n i c It was voted to contribute $10 to
Leave worn ai career ouup
Prices Right
Lugsch, the Cleaner s
Plattsmouth, Nefcr.
ward the salary of the Assistant
County agent five of which were dor
nated by an interested business man.
Since the next regular meeting
ould fall on the day preceding
anksgiving. it was decided to meet
on Tuesday, Nov. 26th and thus avoid
toba Capitol an opportunity to glean
the news of the world or to tell of
the city's . predicament. Wire com
munication with the east was re-established
Friday. Four persons were
in hospitals as a result of motor car
accidents on slippery streets. Street
car service was being brought back
to normal.
Telegraph and telephone companies
reported hundreds of poles down on
lines extending west. The damage
was centered in an area close to Win
Weather officials estimated the
snowfall had extended from Brandon,
130 miles west of Molson, 55 miles
Mrs. W. E. Dull received recently a"
letter from her sister, Mrs. Frank
Banker, telling of the condition of
another sister, Mrs. U. A. Hanna cf
Grove City, Pa., who some time since
suffered a stroke of paralysis, and
still remains in a very helpless con
dition, and who is being c.u-ed for
by Mrs. Banker.
Just a few of the Cass county maps
left. While they last, 50c each.
Nebraska had named as a probable
candidate to oppose him in the Re
publican primaries of that state, said
Wednesday he was "out of politics"
and was "indulging in no political
activity whatsoever."
"Such a thing has not been
discussed with me by President
Hoover or anyone else," he add
ed. "I don't know anything
about the administration bring
ing out a candidate. I have seen
President Hoover but once since
I came here and that was when
I paid my respects after my ap
pointment." '
McKelvie said the only thing he
had heard about there being an ad
ministration candidate for senator
in Nebraska at the next election
came from Senator Norris and a few
of his followers.
Vatican City,' "Oct. 29. Cardinal
Segura y Saenz, arch-bishop of To
ledo, Spain, received his red hat at
a public consistory Monday almost
two years after he had been created
cardinal. Nearly all the cardinals of
the Curia and many other prelates
and dignitaries " attended the cere
Total $7,100,000,000
The foregoing figures do not in-
probably burn in hell. However, I elude the value of miscellaneous and
knew that God was forgiving and if minor crops nor the value of the live
I repented I would be saved." stock produced within the same per-
Dr. C. F. Heider of North Platte lod.
testified that St. Clair shows signs Stock Bnnffs $5,000-000,000
of paranoia or dementia praecox and With the worth of livestock sold
"had delusions of being persecuted.
during the past 20 years added, the
value of corn, hay, alfalfa and oats
would have to be reduced, because
much of the corn hay, alfalfa and
oats Is fed to the livestock.
Fremont A revenge plot is be- Deducting the value of grain and
lieved by Sheriff Johnson of Dodge hay fed to livestock from the forego-
county to have been the motive of hng table and adding the value of cat-
persons who early Wednesday set tie. hogs and sheeD produced in the
fire to the farm home and hog houses Dast 20 vears eives the almost un-
of William Ferguson, prominent live- believable sum cf $9,000,000,000 as
stock breeder rear Webster, caus- tnp ,vorth nf NTehraeka farm mnrinc
i'l S12.000 loss of which only tion jn 20 vears
$4,000 was covered by insurance
erguson was unable to give an
alarm because telephone wires had
been cut and he was compelled to
stand by and watch his buildings
burn. Only a few articles of cloth
ing were saved. A ladder which
had been used in the cutting of the
telephone wires was found near the
j;use. Alone in the house, Fergu
son escaped after flames reached hi3
ro.'i;i and awakened him
bherift Johnson said the speed
with which the fire spread indicated
gasoline had been used
Mrs. Ferguson was in- Fremont
visiting friends. A son, Glen, and
his vtife live in another house near
the father's farm. Their home was
net molested.
Burwell, Neb. The bodies of An-,
ton Tuma, thirty, and Anton Mach,
fifty, farmers, were found pinned
under their overturned car near here
late Thursday. The men had left
Wednesday night on a jackrabbit
Tuma had tried to cut his way
out from under the wreckage with
a pocket knife which was found in
his Ixand. The men had been dead
for more than twelve hours, physi
cians said. A shotgun which had been
thrown, from the car was found bur
ied half its length in the mud.
The sheriff and county attorney
made an investigation and announc
ed that no inquest would be held.
Penalty Fixged
for Taking Bribe
from E. I. Doheny
Former Secretary of Interior Given
But One-Third of the Maximum
Is 63 Years Old.
Washington, Nov. 1. Albert B.
Fall, former cabinet officer convicted
of receiving a 100 thousand dollar
bribe, today was sentenced to one
year in jail and fined 100 thousand
dollars after a motion for a new trial
had been denied by Justice Hitz in
the District of Columbia supreme
The sentence is exactly one-third
the maximum with respect both to
prison term and amount of fine.
Fall, found guilty last week or
receiving a bribe from Edward L.
Doheny, oil operator, was granted
bond pending an appeal.
Mr. Fall, who is 68, has for years
been in poor health.
The court let defense counsel un
derstand that if the appeal were
dropped he would suspend jail sen
tence as long as Fall's physical condi
tion was such as it is now.
Justice Hitz said had Fall been
in good physical condition he would
have imposed full sentence but that
in view of his health he would have
suspended sentence if it were to take
effect at once.
Fall showed no signs of emotion.
Mrs. Fall sat beside him and his
two daughters were among the spec
tators. Mrs. Fall leaned forward over
her husband's right shoulder and
talked with him and patted him on
the left shoulder.
Fall said he had no statement to
make. He waited for 15 minutes
for his new bond of five thousand
dollars to be prepared for his signa
ture. It was signed by the National
Surety company.
While he was waiting his daugh
ters, Mrs. C. C. Chase and Mrs. Jou
ett Elliott, stepped to his side and
Mrs. Chase, sitting on the arm of his
chair threw her arms around his
Hogan in his plea for a new trial
merely outlined' the ground on which
he based his motion and they were
overruled without government coun
sel having to make a reply.
As soon as his bond had been sign
ed. Fall, accompanied by his physi
cian and members of his -family re
turned to his hotel.
Notwithstanding Justice Hitz's of
fer of leniency in the event the ap
peal was abandoned, Fall's counsel
said they would continue their ef
forts on his behalf through the high
er courts. Should the District of Co
lumbia court of appeals rule against
them, the supreme court would be
their next and final resort.
In the civil cases to recover the
naval reserves the highest court al
ready has termed Fall a faithless
public officer. This characterization
was said by friends to have been one
of the moving impulses behind the
former secretary's determination to
contest the case to a finish. World-Herald.
Valparaiso, Neb. Fire early Wed
nesday evening destroyed the Andrew
Johnson homestead just west of here,
erasing one of the earliest landmarks
The value of the livestock pro- of Saunders county. The house was
duced in the state during the last built by Johnson in 1866 of eight
score of years is approximately $5,- inch red elio timbers, and was used
Chicago Three small girls were
burned to death Tuesday night and
their mother and brother were sev
erely burned when" fire destroyed i
Repays Cost 300 Times
The price paid for the Louisiana
Purchase, which included a great por
tion of the entire country west of the
Mississippi, was approximately $17,
000,000. With interest and all costs
the amount did not exceed $30,000
Nebraska farms in 20 years have
turned out products worth 300 times
the entire cost of the great Louisiana
Statistics for the earlier years of
Nebraska territory agricultural de
velopment are not very reliable. Up
to 50 years ago the crop and live
stock values were comparatively
Total Output 20 Billion
It has borfi estimated, however,
that, taking into consideration the
bonanza years of the western Ne
their home at Hodgkins. a western MMlo in(1nctrv v.i,.w, ,
Liu ut. a a ii mci j maiciciivu
The fire resulted from explosion
ucts valued at almost $20,000,000,-
stove, nrpsumanlv in the belief it was i . . .
i, ' ne- aocs not produce cotton, tobocco or
out a window. ?rafka sml may be more clcarly real
J-.UO -.USeiCD, uti. ox. Ul O U11U- Wointrn 1 Jrift
iuac iu: cLut-rv luaiKi ... railroad were authorized Friday by
longer lOVea . . . Si. Kr. tl. UOOert- the interstate nimorpo ,.nn,mil
ton, 4 0, prominent arcnueci aca con- to issue bonds totalin? sn.4fifl.0rtn
structioa engineer, Thursday snuffed f0r imnartial wiwv?"mt n -the r.
a.. 4. VJ. 1 1 ilk J.-. 1 -
vut aub mo wuu a pibfcoi. ent road or advances made.
as Valparaiso's first postoffice.
The timbers withstood the yeara
with little repair and the house was
slightly remodeled for the first time
this month. Electric lights and a wa
ter system were installed and the
blaze is believed to have been caused
by defective wiring.
The two occupants of the house,
Charles Johnson, son of the builder,
and his niece, were away when the
fire broke out and it had gained sucli
headway when discovered by a neigh
bor that few of the contents were
The property was owned by A. L.
Johnson of Crele, youngest son oi
We desire to express our sincere
thanks for the many kindnesse-;
which were extended at the time oC
the death of our beloved husband,
father and son, K. M. Steiner, for th'
ministrations, the speken words of
sympathy, the fioral tokens, and the
singing. These have r-oftened ci
grief, and it our hope the kindness
of true friends may likewise soften
your grief when it shall come.
Mrs. E. M. Steiner and Daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Berger and
43 Short Horn Steers, in fine con
dition, ready for feed lot. Weight
about 650 pounds. Inquire
Phone 3103, Murray, Neb.