The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 04, 1929, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, NOV. 4, 1909.
Cbc plattsmouth lournal
Entered at PosiofHce, Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
We don't think that tho democrats
I have any business in interfering with
the republican split. Attend to your
own business.
Subscribers living in Second Postal Zone, $2.50 per year. Beyond
600 miles, $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries,
$3.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance.
No worrying about Nebraska.
Senator Burton of Ohio, is dead.
Plenty of rain, some hail, thank
Senators demand that Hoover give
views on tariff.
A radio is a device that sounds fine
in your own house and terrible next
The biography of a navy diver has
just been published. Down the lad
der to success.
The fellow who travels at a high
rate of speed must necessarily pay a
high rate of interest.
The wheat farmers can have all the
money they need. They have the
stuff that brings the cash.
A decathon is a combination cf 10
athletic events. The Philadelphians
put them all in the one inning.
Don't waste your time wishing
you had genius. Genius is the ca
pacity for taking infinite paints.
Many girls play golf in their bare
legs these days. One of the first rules
of golf is to keep your eyeon the ball.
A new ambulance makes 70 miles
an hour. They should pick up a little
business on the way to and from
The boy wno once got licked for
being caught in the jam now uses
the same experiences as an alibi for
being late.
The Department of Agriculture an
nounces that Sphagnum moss i3 the
best diet for women worms. Very
useful information, if you have that
kind of neighbors.
In his appeal to keep the tariff up
on coal-tar chemicals for the benefit
of local industry, while making the
A pillow that cures snoring is said cost of drugs higher to the whole
to have been invented recently. It people, Senator Hawes of Missouri de-
ought to meet with a ready sale at fends the tariff at its worst.
grand opera festivals. So far as we know there is not a
:o: man in the Senate who is not at-
The final standing was that the tempting to defend in the tariff bill
Athletics lost one game, the Cubs tnat local interest which Hancock
four, ana the Pennsylvania Railroad long said is an the tariff amounts to.
tne SlXtn ana Seventn. Rnntnr Ttinjrrmm Anea thia fnr Pnn.
necticut, Senators Randell and Brous-
sard do it for Louisiana, Senators
Kinsr and Smont do it for TTtah Spti-
member is responsible for the crump- ltors Johnson and shortridge do it
Large families are a nuisance. It
is almost impossible to tell which
Wilhelm says if he goes back to led fenders on the car,
Germany he'll go back as kaiser. He :o:
must like Holland. Ads on women's hats might catch
:o: the eye of other women, but they
A panic among the money men of would have to be on the feminine
the east, is not going to effect the hose to catch the eye of men.
west like it used to. :o:
.Q. Nebraska has plenty of corn, and
If they start convicting buyers as a whole lot of wheat. So let the
well as the sellers of liquor, who is wild words wag as it will, Nebraska
going to give the testimony? will be on top just the same.
:o: :o:
A church is a place where on Sun- Pickpockets will lecture on the Hawes wants to do is to double and
day you can always find plenty cf University of Chicago crime school, treble the cost of many of the corn-
space in which to park yourself. jsays a news story. They ought to be mon arugs usea ror tne control or dis
:o: able to furnish some interesting nctes ease. "The question that faces us,"
A New Jersey woman murdered on crowd psychology. says the New York Senator, "is this:
ner nusDana alter living wun mm ;o
for California, and so do even the
revered farm leaders do it for the
I grain states. Nevertheless, there is a
difference in necessity which makes
the action of a concert like that
from the grain states preferable to
such an instance as this. Senator
Copeland of New York, who is like
all the rest in trying to get tariff
j favors for his state, made the excel
lent point that to do what Senator
j mbmjhitjj j
Baking Powder
Same Price
for over
38 years
2 ounces for j
You save in using
it. Use less than of
high priced brands.
Frank Kent, talented Washington
correspondent of the Baltimore Sun,
says that widespread belief to the
effect that Washington is filled with
beautiful women lobbyists is all
State of Nebraska County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale
issued by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of
These who know the capital the District Court within and for
city of the nation can vouch for the Cas3 county. Nebraska, and to me
TTU1UCU lit HdSUlUKlUU, A I M . . A . 1 A . . ,
i a. ill. vi sum uay ui iuc euuiu nuut
percentage 01 attractive women in door of the court house in the City
the city by the Potomac is perhaps of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in said
smaller than any other citv in the county, sell at public auction to the
natinn inet of ih. Miro highest bidder for cash the follow
ing real esiaie, tu-wn.
lauuii vuueu lor iue v-m -vii.,j , o . o.u u iu
There are mighty few directed. I will on the 9th day of
r u ,v,cvil November, A. D. 1929, at 10 o'clock,
men in Washington. The . ' . at ty,a etll ,.
see there are decidedly masculine, in
voice and manner, and when a really
beautiful girl walks down Pennsyl
vania avenue or P Btreet, it almost
creates a commotion.
Lots 3 and 4 in Block 9, in
South Park, an Addition to the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, and Lot 9 in Block
59 in the City of Plattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska
The nniTio hplne- levied unon and
A Britten manufacturer says that taken ag the property of J. B. Hen-
his firm would have to go out of busl- jderson et al, defendants, to satisfy a
ness except for the demand from judgment of said Court recovered by
I m , 1 X 1 T)..M
America for handcuffs. Handcuffs nausmouia ujsu buu duuuiub
Association, plaintiff against saia
across the sea.
of Application for Discharge and
Order to Show Cause
In the District Court of the Unit
ed States for the District of Nebras'
ka, Lincoln Division.
In the matter of Maldon D. Brown,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, October 4,
A. D. 1929.
Sheriff Cass County,
49 years. The height of restraint.
Post-Dispatch as saying that Fed
are we to think only of what might eral officers have no right to enforce
Investigators for a Chicago mail happen to the 2000 men mentioned law and order in local communities.
order house discovered that girl em- by Senator Hawes as being employed ne limes la a dry newspaper, and
The Louisville Times quotes the Bakru; J" 17
named bankrupt:
Sealed nroDosals will be received
the above by tne Clty clerk of Plattsmouth,
I Nebraska, un to 8 o'clock D. m..
Notice is hereby given that on the Monday - November 11th. 1929. for
19th day of October, 1929, the above frnishinir all labor, tools, material
named bankrupt filed his petition Ld equipment, and constructing an
for discharge in bankruptcy, and overhead crosslne over the C. B. &
It is Ordered, that the 5th day of n, railroad tracks on Granite street.
Any man with a book under his ployes spend six minutes a day ap- in his State, or are we to consider 11 ls not e&sy to explain to dry news
arm looks scholary, but only a man plying powder, rouge, and lipstick, the welfare of 120,000,000 people. Papers what the Post-Dispatch feels j December, 1929, be and the same is pinttBmmitli Nehraka and all an
... I I I v m . n - K m ' mm 1 ' '
witn a cnecK dook unuer nis nst iooks Making up for lost time. every one of whom has occasion to aDOUl ine eaerai uovernment ana inereDy nxea aB tne aate on or oerore purtanances in connection with said
powerful. ;o: purlhase pharmaceuticals?" prohibition. We have never said that which an creditors or saia nannrupt Structure, exclusive of grading and
:o: It's almost time to remind you w Mnnn, a wh cea,nr Federal officers have no right to en- ana . a" Persons intereatea in saia Teling at wnlcll time bida will
v - i ue opeua uuu suea uyuu ujr
charge in DanKruptcy or tne saia Uny councU at the city hall.
This work to be done in accord-
The season is almost at hand for lof the number of shopping days un- Hawes that the chemical industry in J force the law and order in local com-
Juvenile conduct to be improving, til Christmas, and also to urge you Missouri needs any such an extortion- munities, and the TimeB is mistaken I bankrupt shall, if they desire to op-
And let's see, how many more shop- to pay your taxes, but we are going ate profit as Senator Copeland says in attributing that statement to us. J pose the same, file in my office In ance with the plans and specifications
ping days? to put off both events as long as pos- it is taking. "I invite attention." We have said that to invade the po- I L,inco'n' ieraBn. iu nam uwinu, now on nie wjtn the City Clerk and
Bible. R3V., Dr mneland. "to acetanilid. Hce powers of the states wit Federal e"r"""i?.A""? 1?." the office of Bruce Engineering
" ' I IS1L1UU LU lliC If railLlLllC UL BltlU U13 I P mnVin .7'lrl nn.l o I rtrvf A1
Judging by recent captures, the
rum industry seems to have been edu
cated correctly to the Wall Street carriages will soon be on the market
merger f.len ami we aon i Deneve tne revenues
:o: of cities will be increased by require
An experienced motorist is a man the babies to pay for chauffeur's 11-
who can't understand how, as a small cpnses.
"boy, he ever cherished the desire to
be a policeman.
altlon to tne erantlni? or said (lis- r v xtk-i, n .1 n4nnAi
, , , , . nr. - nnllxomiii. r tho nrntoot. r (ho I. . -- --- 1 u.. uuiwia, ',uu''ltu
wnicn was soia h l cenis a. uuuuu i " inkr nnn biro, wunin ipn n nvs i v v -r .a mt.. r-., n
T IQ o , KoKv , . .. .1 . . - " - -llC UlttJUl U.UU. ,ii.t wuuvu vu
" """uuu"u "-"J and is now quoted at 59 to 61 cents, people is a aangerous practice, ana thereafter, nie in my saia office spec- October 14th, 1929, which plans and
Antipyrin, another familiar coal-tar we assume it is here the Times is in incaiions or tne grounas oi saia op- specifications are hereby referred to
druir. before the war was X2.70 a disagreement with us. It points out "'""" . . sa part or this notice.
T I . . .i uaiea aa Lincoln. rseDrassa. tnis
nound ana is now . Aspirin Deiore i " uujcmuu wao mauc
One-half the world doesn't know
how the other half lives, but on
windy days it can see what the other
half's wearing in the way of lin
Britain proposes to bar the men
tally unfit from marriage. That
In nearly all the restaurants a man
has to wait on himself, and the wait
ing on he gets at home never is
enough to make him feel any member
of the family has the notion he is a
the war sold at 43 cents an ounce when Federal police went into local
and now sells at 70 cents. Lithium communities to eniorce the old rev-
RnliHlfltP. familiar to our rheumatic enue laws, but that is beside the
friends, was selling before the war at Point. The old revenue laws were tax
18 cents an ounce and now sells at laws which had the moral consent of
2 C to 28 cents. Sodium benzoate waB iQe states, xuost i-eaerai laws nave
40 cents and is now 73 to 75 cents." the consent of the states. When they
The chemical industry in St. Louis do not. as in the cases of the prohi-
is immensely profitable. Such con- ption ana fugitive slave laws, the oia
31st day of October, 1929.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account
I . r i.f . i . . -mr I cerii t f rm nnta ctt tViov nrAlnltotA a
The ideal husband is one whose cerns as me iwauincuroui aim - -
santo chemical companies are among Political crisis, ine wnisky Kebei
thA rnoRt nrnnnerona in the cltv. To "on wnicn resuitea irom tne excise
keep drugs necessary for conquest of laws, was unique. It was a rebellion
faults are Just prominent enough so
his wife can use them as excuses for
an occasional blowing up to relieve
In the County Court of Caas coun
ty. Nebraska.
' State of Nebraska. Cass county.
To the heirs at raw and all per
sons interested In the estate of
diaries Anderson, deceased:
ought to work out pretty well if the her feeling3 when she i3 out of sorts
mentally unfit can be barred from
the committee that will pass upon
who is or isn't mentally fit.
with things in general.
On readine the netltion of O. K.
disease within reach of the people of tax dodgers. It was in no wisep6rrin Axlmlniatrator with the will
may lower profits, but to say that it comparable to the refusal of New I annexed, praying a final settlement
York. Maryland. Montana. Nevada. I ana allowance or ttta aocount zuea in
I.. . Ithla rViTirt on tha 1 Efh dor of Plfn.
. m i A. t . i irM AW I Anuv o Tl ft W H fr A Inland tn o L
iuua. i ne quesuon is wueiuer auj i " rv laoa ar.A
locality has a right to impose upon quiesce in the prohibition law, or the j resl'due bf said estate and for his
the whole country, for the benefit refusal of states In the North to ac- I discharge as the Administrator with
the will annexed of said -estate;
Bids will be made out on proposal
forms furnished by the City Clerk
and shall be accompanied by a cer
tified cneck on a local bank in the
amount of five per cent (5) of the
bid, as evidence of the good faith of
the bidder.
The city reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids.
The work shall be completed on
or before January 1, 1930.
The Engineer's estimate of cost is
as follows: Structure complete, ex
clusive of grading and graveling,
o21-3w Clerk.
ffa&tm&U m Pratt icaBfly
, Every gseraf dobb
Newspaper advertising and the
automobile have combined to bring f a very few peoDie BUCn increases Quiesce in the fugitive slave laws
city shops to the very door or tne a3 tnose clted by Dr copeland.
In the District Court of Casa
County, Nebraska
If the Times read the articles writ- j It is hereby ordered that you and j Q A Kln
loll nAoonna lntxut.J In x. t A m o t a I " W" '""O'
i i uu3c viicu j y vuuciauu. i . A
farm house and the suburban home. wT,la rortff 1a rnan w,th ten by Mrs. Willebrandt after she had au PBOfB iniereeuea in saw maiier
i " ""- - '.- i may. ana oo, appear at tne uouniy
Each day the newspapers bring a ,n!o r normwti email been for several Tears Federal nroge- r.. k.M i ia
. . ... . . L.n v i . I ... t. . i cv. - r kT. a I tv- ui gens ana wiie,
- " - i segment oi tne population to proni " .....w. ""i . " 117, uu. mo iuiu uaj wtDluuoi , 1 ira rr K- Tlloro.AnH itrat
and the prices at which it can be The case of the chemIcal companie8 the Post-Dispatch that any law to be f' W ,why the known). j, A. stark ud
purchased. The sale is actually made in Mlsaouri Ia no more unioue . than effective must have the consent ofl 'SVLj, or,S t ,lwife. Elizabeth Stark;
I . 1 I I . m. X m 11 Lr-hta mV .MI V. -! M - m J
through the advertising columns oi (l a mu clnr the governed. The Drohibition law has I t-f oaM tf . . jonn uacm ana wiie, xj.usa-
the newspaper. A visit to the store
next day by automobile completes the
exchange of money for merchandise.
How much more convenient is this
contrivance of modern commercial
and industrial genius to the ineffi-
It is an American custom and one
fast falling of its own weight.
not the consent of the governed In
many parts of the United States, and
it cannot be enforced there. It la not
a question of jurisdiction. It is a
question of what is practicable in a
Tnli n Ta.Vtf a ry A
1 I 11 M J i .11 I WVUU UOVUI (UU
1 vt j i I Lieieiiunuuf.
the r-iattsmoutn . journal, a semi- to: T. K. Juereena and wife. Mrs.
weekly newspaper, prmtea m saia Mr K. Juergens (first true and real
An honest man is entitled to hap
cient method of our rural forebears I plness In his work. It is the one 6ure been at paints to make its position
who knew only their personal needs, sign that he nas round his true vo- perfectly clear, and It Is sorry to
With them there was no alternative cation. He greets has work each day have that position misstated in the
for the slow, tedious and disappoint- with a singing heart and loves his Times or any other newspaper. St
ing expedient of going to town by business. Love is the greatest thing Louis-Post-Dispatch
. . . .... 1 1 at . 1 J -l 1 - r , I
wagon or cart ana trusting to am- " wunu, auu iuve ior ones uusi- 1 . ;o
gence and a stout pair of shoes to ness is a pre-requisite of success. BACK SEAT DRIVING IN COURT
seek out the store which sold that It is the partner of success in life
which they were in need of and One must like his work to do it
which sold it at an acceptable price, well, and usually where that attach
if not at the lowest obtainable price, ment is lacking it Is a case of the
The merchants in the cities and wrong Job. The executives that prove
county, tor three successive weeks
The Post-Dispatch has I prior to said day, of hearing.
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the -seal of
said Court this 16th day of October,
A.. D, 1829.
(Seal) o21-3w County Judge
and Notice of Final Settlement
of Guardianship Account
name unknown) and John Bachl
and wife, Elisabeth Bachl,
Defendants. .
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 23rd day of Oc
tober, 1929, the plaintiff, John A.
King, filed a petition in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against you and each of you, which
cause appears on Docket 4, page 230
of the records of the Clerk of the
District Court of Cass county, Ne
braska, the object and prayer ot
which petition is to foreclose mort-
homes without electricity, tht ilavlot
ii maiMU uitk in-imut gasolin motor.
T3XJ()TsJT7 for a trial Maytag wash
W xi JL ing. Experience the con
venience of it3 many outstanding features. If
it doesn't sell itself, don't keep it. Deferred
payments you'll never miss.
Founded 1S93
IVrmanent Northwestern Factory Branch
Maytag Bulldinsr 515 Washington Ave
North. Minneapolis. Minnesota
Maytag Radio
Boston-WBZ. Chica-jo-KYW.
WLW. Cleveland -WTAM.
Des Moines-WHO. De-troit-WJR.
Worth-WBAP. Kansas
City-KMBC. Los An.
ireles-KN'X. Milwau-kee-WTMJ.
homa City-WKY.
Omaha-WOW. Phila-delphia-WCAU.
Salt Lake
City-KSL. San Fran-cisco-KFRC
CFCA. Over SO station now on
the schtduie; watch news
pepers for dult a nd hour.
The downtrodden auto driver at
last has found a friend at court. No
more need to lend attentive ear to
instructions and suggestions from
towns need not have debated over the the rule are those individuals who rar seat, if the decision of the
inroads of the mall order houses be- abhor the work they think they are Louisiana Court of Appeals gets on
fore the day of the automobile and not fitted for. the books as the last word, as It
of persistent newspaper advertising. When a young man awakes in the we deserves. The occasion for this
The mail order houses provided the morning with regret that he must Ane Judicial action was a collision be-
rural and suburban buyer with a get up and go to work, he may well tween an auto and a truck. A woman
store if only on paper in which to J understand that a vital necessity or p"";u6 i"e car was injured ana 1 Floyd Elliott. Mildred Elliott and
plan his buying. Newspaper advertis- success and happiness is not his. and sought damages. Counsel for the de-Llla Jane Elliott, and all other per-
- ... . a,. i, vi Ifendant nut un the amazinc nlaa that I sons interested in tne estate ot As-
iu& ia uuw uueiuiK 1 lie service lurui- " - "'b" wmc iu vuaugc um , I . t.v. t- nn j
7 . .. . . ... Lv , v. . th. wnm.n v n.i(. f MnriKn b,uT Jacks, Incompetent, now d
eny onerea Dy tne catalogs or tne 1 punuouiiuy ui me, ma jod, bib uiei, nuacu..vj v,.. vt.xw. w leeased.
mail order houses, but in addition to or his mode of living. He is certain- negligence in mat sne aid not protest 1 readinjj the petition of John W.
furnishing this service dally instead ly off the road that leads to achieve- to the driver about his alleged care- I Elliott, Guardian of Asbury Jacks,
f Ttr-o noort. ,rMn. v,,- mptit in nnvthlner. less driving. Had this dangerous I an incompetent person, ana now ae-
" 1 I ... I mAA m a A Im a 9 mm, est natt 1 Ant Art J M a. 1 1 a .. a. t
.1 v i m 1 j TiVri, hrimr. r.i cont?ntlon hppn unholy horV spat I "wwi v whjdiudu v o-uu , an a ior iub aynoinimeDi 01 a receiv-
wc u.WM Vxi ami goous 01 a.i w allowance of his aecount filed In this er to take charge of the aforesaid
merchants not those of one. and is than any other form of human effort, driving would have become a duty lt tha 16th. day of October. Lrftmi. h,i, th- anVTh.
rendering a valuable 24-hour service Poor deluded souls lament that they " w as a pastime. 1128, and for his discharge as such action and for equitable relief.
in assisting the public to determine must work, while they know deep This noble decision will be hailed j guardian; The plaintiff further offers Arthur
Its vrantu (down in thf(r ronRCinilan Ana that hv with cheers by all auto drivers who I " hereby ordered that you and Kellogg as the Receiver and S. R.
are getting more fun out of work than have been forced too long to obey Pwiw as surety ior saia receiver ana
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
In tha matter of the Guardianship gages recorded in Book 47 at page
oi Asbury Jacks. Incompetent, now 273 and In Book 47 at page 274 In
deceased. the Mortgage Records of the Register
State of Nebraska, County of Cass, of Deeds office In Casa county, Ne
ss. braska. and a decree forever barring
To BUas Jacks, Florence Elliott, you and each of you of all the right.
Dora TrlTely.. George Jacks, Myrtle title or interest and equity of re
Jacks. Leta Jacks, Ruth Cram. Don- dem ption in and to the following de-
ald Jacks, VeJma Elliott Dooler, scribed land, to-wit
.The East half of the South
east quarter (E SE) of Sec
tion 20 and the West half of
the Southwest quarter (W
SWii) of Section 21, all in
Township 12, Range 10, East of
the Sixth P. M., in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska
Aluminum Washer
t&orWz. ElQaytag Co.,
Elmwood Goodridge & Coatman
Weeping Water Moritz Maytag Co.
Eagle .Moritz Maytag Co.
Even the truly great have their
'When Thomas A. Edison, honor
guest of the occasion, was walking
through the Ford museum at Detroit
the other day he took a chew of to
bacco. Ford does not permit smok
ing on the premises.
'Henry doesn't want me tosmoke
and my wife doesn't want me to
chew," plaintively remarked the great
What's the use of being a world
celebrity unless you can have the
sweet solace of My Lady, Nicotine?
Mr. Edison's sad plight will stir
profound sympathy in all under
out of their automobile, golf or radio.
To scold and complain is human.
the voice from the rear. Now If some
may, and do, appear at tha county the plaintiff offers Otis Richards asx
Because those denied the benevol- traffic officers, detour signs and flat
ence of an inheritance must work for Jtire
a living. It Is their duty to themselves I :o:
tr. taVA fnr thw nf tw vt.h We notice that our friend W. C.
ia productive of thA -roatoat ni. Raysey Is spoke of as successor to
ure as well as of the greatest profit
court to be held in and tor said ooun- hi a surety
! . a...!. I f
court wouia oniy ao sometning anoui jty, on the ltth day of November, A. I You and each of you are further
the late Judge Troup, deceased. Bll-
lie is a good man and will officiate in
" OUUUIU BUM BIV I ... . I V n 1- U Tit..- I . . , .. . .
guide but should nevr rtriTP and I position the voters of Omaha may WT" "4 w,u " can oe snown mat sucn receiver
guiae, Dut snouia never drive and j mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news- should not be appointed, and that
D. 1829, at the hour of Un o'clock in notified that the plaintiff will call up
me zorenoon ox said cay, to snow for hearing his application for the
cause. If any there be, why the pray- appointment of a Receiver on the
er of tha petitioner should not be16th day of December, 1929, at ten
granted, ana tnat notice of the pen- J o'clock in the forenoon or as soon
dency of said petition and the hear- thereafter as counsel can be heard
Ing thereof be given to all persons and that a Receiver will be aoDoint-
interefeted In said matter by publish-led unless good and sufficient cause
coerce young nfen and women Into a Jtenier hlm
vocation which holds forth no appeal
to them or for which they show no
aptitude. Where there is love there
will be success, because love creates
eagerness to do and work and think
for the thing loved.
Senator Moses urges G. O. P. to kill
iDiles Cured
Jmthout Surgery;
My tTMtzsaatlaqnickar. cheap
er. mildr. mi er. rarer. Writ
for fne rectal boak telllnr why.
1C4-Q Ibia SU Kmm Cltf. Me.
paper, printed In said county, for Arthur Kelloesr will be appointed as
tnree weeas prior to said day ot near- such Receiver.
log. I You and each of you are hereby
in witness wnereor. I have here- notified that you are required to an-
nnto tM my hand and the seal of J wer said petition as aforesaid on or
this court this 15th day of October J before the 16th day of December,
u. 1923.
By the Court. 1 . JOHN A. KING.
A. H. DUXBURY, S Plaintiff.
County Judge, Cass county. By W. G. KIECK,
Nebraska. I His Attorney.
standing hearts.
tariff bill. -
(Seal) 0Z1-3W o28-4w
i !