The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 31, 1929, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, OCT. 31, 1929.
Murray Department
Prepared Id the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Reader
Stop to Think
how much even small sums saved
at regular intervals would amount
to in a very short time.
You can provide ahead for the payments
on your life insurance; for the payments
on your new home or property; for your
annual vacation; 'for Christmas; for your
taxes, for your financial independence.
3 Interest on Savings Deposits
EVIurray State Bank
"There is No Substitute for Safety"
Murray, Nebraska
Wm. Lindner was looking: after
some business in Union for the day
i n last Monday he driving down to
the sister city in his car.
Having some business and also
wanting to attend .the dinner of the
Union business Men's club at Un
ion. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Crunk were
down to that hustling city on last
Miss Blanche Vest is caring for
the home and the little one of Mr.
and Mrs. Gussie Brubacher, while
Mrs. Brubacher is assisting in the
store, during the time Mr. and Mrs.
K. S. Tutt are away on their vaca
tion. Ir. G. L. Taylor who has been
working for the Geo. Lee Chemical
company in South Dakota, for some
time past returned home on last Sat
urday evening, he having completed
tin special work which he was called
to do.
For nearly two days bands repre
senting different departments of the
work done in making the new high
way, were in beligerant moods which
would occasionally crop out in out
breaks and some severe scrimmage
ing was had. No great harm was
done but a bitter feeling engendered.
On last Monday the Murray Trans
fer Company, Frank Mrasrk, Wm.
Keevi-s and Earl Mrasek, delivered a
car load of hogs consisting of one
hundred and fifty, from Plattsnviuth
to the farm of Otto Fuls. They also
delivered thirty-four head of cattle
from Plaitsmouth to the feed yards
of Boedeker and Wehrbein east of
Friday was not such a bad day
when it conies to doing work, for on
last Friday Everett Spangler, who
recently purchased a single row corn
pitk-r and placed a tractor onto it
and put the tractor and picker to
a te. t, and when evening came Fri
cay night, they had picked during
the day j-nt 640 bushels of corn.
They were pretty well satisfied with
the days work. Everett says that
his corn is making and slightly
more than he had expected.
Entertained For Dinner.
O-i Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Spojv : k. .-e host and hostess at their and ntertained for the day
ami dinner a number of their rela
tives and friends at a mo;:t delightful
dinner. There were there for J.he
occasion. Charles Ferguson and wife
and tluir little son. and Robert Fur
puson all of Nebraska City, Ivan
D. L s Denier and wife and their
little daughter, Kathlene of Union,
A. G. Long (Doc) and wife and their
two sons. Robert and Dale, Mr. and
Mrs. R. R. Nickles and their daugh
ter. Miss Brtha. Mr. and Mrs. Mar
tin Sporer and their little daughter,
Mary Catherine, Mr. and Mrs. Ches
ter Sporer and Charles Sporer.
Will Have Preaching Sunday.
The Rev Robert E. Hanson, pastor
of the Murray Christian church will
be here the coming Lord's Day, Nov.
r,rd. and will deliver a dUcjurse both
morning and evening. Ho will be ac
companied by a special singer, a stu
dent of Coiner college ai.d a very
cordial invhation is extended to all
to some and enjoy the special songs
as well as the fine services which will
be held.
Bible School Doing Nicely.
The Bible school at the Christian
church in Murray is taking on much
interest, and many young people are
attending, on last Sunday there was
The AEaddin Lamp!
In our previous ad regarding the "Aladdin
Lamp" we did not have full information at
that time. The opportunity for obtaining a
free lamp remains open until Nov. 16th.
Come to the store and we will fully explain
all matters regarding the FREE GIFT, or
Call Telephone 24
a large crowd present and a most
interesting time was had.
Will Organise Christian Endeavor.
A call Is issued for the" coming of
all young people who are interested
in the organization of a Christian
Endeavor to come to the Christian
church an hour before the time for
the preaching service Sunday eve
ning as it is the intention to organ
ige a young people's society of Chris
tian Endeavor.
Buys Mary Good Cattle.
W. G. Boedeker who was in the
northwestern portion of the state
for a number of days extending
nearly two weeks returned home last
week and reported having had a good
time as well as having made some
good purchases of stock feeders for
himself and friends. He made the
purchase for his own feeding yards
besides those which he had already
purchased and had on feed, some
thirty-five head of very fine feeders.
He also purchased a car load each
for Lester Shrader, Harry Todd and
E. J. Boedeker as well as a car of
hogs for Otto Puis.
Attend Fnneral in Sarpy.
Word was received in Murray on
Sunday of the passing of Mr. James
Addleman of Springfield, the father
of Mr. Isaac Addleman, who former
ly resided here and who is son-in-law
of L. C. Horchar, and has many
friends here. The funeral was held
from Springfield on Monday of this
week and was attended by L. C. Hor
char and family and Dan Harchar.
and family.
Will Postpone Bazaar.
The preparations which the. ladies
of the Presbyterian church have
been making for some time past for
a bazaar and programs as well as a
food and fancy work r.ale, will not be
materalided just now but will later.
The heating plant which has warm
ed the church for Home time had
given out and it was removed, with
the expectation that another one
would be installed in time for the
use at the time of the Bazaar, but
as it did not come, and now it would
be too late. The weather turned
very cold on Monday and thus made
it not possible to go ahead with the
bazaar. However, as soon as the
heating plant shall have been, in
stalled arrangements will be made
for the completion of the plans and
the holding of the bazaar. An
nouncement will be made in TTue
Paving and Bridge Completed.
The paving which was began at
the corner of the farm of Mrs. Glenn
Perry, two miles north of the Mur
ray corner, has been brought to the
end of the other pavement, and also
the bridge across Rock Creek has
been completed, and as soon as the
pavement shall have seasoned which
takes some three weeks it will prob
ably be ready for travel. During
the time the shouldering of the con
crete slab will have been completed.
Entertained For Sunday Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Seybolt were
host and hostess for the day cn last
Sunday when they entertained at
their home in Murray, and hid for
their guests for the occasion Dr. and
Mrs. J. W. Brendel of Avoca, Dr. and
Mrs. J. F. Brendel and their son,
Richard, and T. J. Brendel and wife
all of Murray. A most pleasant time
was had, and all enjoyed the excel
lent dinner served by Mrs. Seybolt.
Taking Vacation For Week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt departed
on last Saturday evening for Kansas
City where they are spending this
week, visiting and taking a vaca
tion. They are expecting to remain
for about ten days and at which time
Dr. G. L. Taylor and wile are intend
ing to drive to Kansas City and bring
their friends home with them.
Murray Christian Aid.
The Ladies Aid society of the
Christian church will meet at the
church Wednesday, November 6th.
Hostesses Mrs. George Park, Mrs. F.
T. Wilson, and Mrs. Verle Smith.
Mrs. Major Hall will be leader. All
members are urged to be present.
Presbyterian Church Notes
Sabbath school at 10 a. m.
Morning worship at 11 a. m.
Evening service at 7:30 p
(Young people's meeting).
Wednesday evening prayer meet
Ing at 7:30.
You ire cordially invited to wor
ship with us.
Pantages Found
Guilty of Attack
Long Term Asked
Jury Recommends That the Maximum
Sentence Be Given Theatre Man
3-Day Deliberation.
Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 27. Alex
ander Pantages, wealthy theater
owner, was convicted of assault on
Eunice Pringle, 17-year-old dancer,
by a superior court jury tonight af
ter three days of deliberation.
The jury recommended that Pan
tages begiven the maximum penalty,
which calls for imprisonment in aSn
Quentin prison for not more than 50
The jury, in making its recom
mendation, urged that after a year
of the sence is served, the state pris
on board can extend clemency if it so
desires. The jury was composed of
seven women and five men.
Judge Fricke set Friday, November
1, as the day for formal pronounce
ment fo sentence. Joseph Ford, de
fense counsel, said at that time he
would Dresent a motion for a new
trial. Pantages was remanded to the
custody of the sheriff, and taken into
the prisoner's room for formal book
ing and cell assignment in the county
jail, where he will be required to
Will Continue Fight.
The multi-millionaire vaudeville
magnate sat with his head resting on
his hand at the counsel table while
the verdict was read. He noticeably
paled, but walked to the prisoner s
room with a little assistance from
Jerry Geisler, one of his attorneys.
Geisler said the case would be ap
pealed if a new trial is denied.
"I'm going to fight it out," Pan
tages said.
With the exception of Mrs. Lois
Pantages, wife of the convicted man,
who was convicted of manslaughter
recently and is awaiting hearing on a
petition for probation, all of the Pan
tages family were present. Carmen
Pantages, daughter of the wealthy
man, remained in the prisoner's room
where she could hear the proceedings.
but could not be seen.
Mrs. Dixie Martin, adopted daugh
ter of Pantages, jumped from her seat
in the courtroom at the pronounce
ment of the verdict, and ran into
the prisoner's room with her hands
over her face. There she and Carmen
began weeping hysterically.
Jury Dismissed.
Rodney and Lloyd Pantages re
mained beside their father and walk
ed with him to the prisoner's room
Mrs. Pantages is at home ill, having
collapsed when she heard the verdict
in her own case. She Las not fully
recovered, and had not been told of
her husband's fate.
The jury signaled for a bailff at
9:20 p. m., indicating it had reached
a verdict. Hurried preparations were
made to convene court. It took 10
minutes for the judge to take his
place on the bench and principals
to arrive. Pantages was in an ad
Joining room under guard of two
sheriff's deputies, who have remain
ed with him since Friday, when his
liberty under bond was revoked.
The jury was polled and each an
swered in a firm voice to the ques
tion whether the verdict read was
his. "It is by verdict."
Judge Fricke dismissed the - jury
and adjourned court. The trial last
ed a month. World-Herald.
Chicago, Oct. 26. Capt. John O.
Anderson of the coast guard return
ed with his crew to Chicago Satur
day night, reporting that his two
days search of Lake Michigan in the
area around Kenosha. Wris., had fail
ed to reveal any more bodies cf vic
tims who went down with Gary Ferry,
Milwaukee, during the early-week
Jonraai Want-Ada get results.
If mas of the readers of the
Journal Itdot of ny soclaJ
event or Item of Interest In
thU vicinity, and will mall
me to this office. It win ap
pear under this heading. -We
want all newBltema Esitob
Death Sentence
for Tariff Bill
Read in Senate
Senator Reed of Pennsylvania, In -
sists It Can Never Be
Made a Law
Washington A pronouncement of
ultimate death was read over the
tariff bill in the senate Monday by
one of its -sponsors. Senator Reed,
Pennsylvania, and the post mortems
that Quickly ensued found leaders
of all factions passing the blame
The assertion, a repetition of a
statement by Senator Reed in a
speech in Philadelphia over the week
end, led to a free-for-all political
discussion which saw republican
regulars and independents quarrel
ing over the attitude of President
Hoover; democrats and republicans
demanding that the president state
Vi i f nMritinn V a liill on1 nil fi
nallv agreeing that the 'senate must
get down to serious business and pass
some sort of measure.
Although Reed predicted the bill
would die in conference with the
house. Senator Smoot, Utah, in
charge of the measure for the fi
nance committe, assured the senate
that ' no Effort was to be made to
kill the legislation in conference and
that it would be handled
s any
other bill when it reaches that stage.
Johnson Starts the Trouble.
Senator Johnson, California, start
ed the debate by calling attention
to conflicting newspaper accounts,
one to the effect that the coalition
of democrats and western republicans
was succeeding in writing: the type
of hill th nresident wanted, and the
other quoting Senator Reed as say-
ire the bill was dead.
proide "b sta erne rEinB ret-
tion ot
the flexible provisions, John-
son said members of the executive
department had used the "party
lit;h to whin senators into line on
the nronosition, yet no cue knew
how Mr. Hoover stood on rates.
The Californian said it was "up
othe executive to say whether he
wants one kind of a bill or another.
Reed Insists It Is Dead.
Senator Reed said he had been
quoted correctly about the bill being
dead and still was of that opinion.
He based this belief on the fact that
the coalition had placed the export
in favor of both these steps, he said.
a hopeless deadlock was in sight
between the two houses
The Pennsylvania senator said
that if the usual course were fol
lowed and he were named a sen
ate conferee he would insist upon
retention of the debentur plan and
repeal of presidential power over
rats, unless the senate instructed its
conferees otherwise. He opposed both
proposals in the voting.
Chairman Smoot said it was up
to the senate itself to decide whether
there was going to be a bill.
He had not heard of a single sen-
ator saving he did not want the mea-
o,, rooi t ti coi.r, ci.i
and wanted the senateto understand
that he had no intention of killing
it in conference.
Has doubt of Agreement
Senatoi Robinson of Arkansas, the
democratic leader, said there never
had been any probability cf a con-
ference agreement during the extra
sesion. vhile the senate could pass
the bill at this session, he "warned
the republicans that they would have
to take - heir share of the responsibil
ity for "whatever happens to this
poor miant.
S.c!iukr Harrison, Mississippi, sug
gested that the president take the re
publican leaders into his confidence
and lot "cither one or the other side
of the republican groups know where
he stands.
Senator Fees, Ohio, disagreed with
this, fcajing it was the exclusive duty
of ccngiess to legislate without "or-
dc-rs from the president."
Uorah Places the Blame.
After Senator Borah insisted the
. . I
reason ror the cnaotic situation in
which the senate found itself was
due to the tariff framing commit-
tees going beyond the limited re-
vision recommended by the presi
dent, Stnator Fees drew forth the platform which Borah
helped write. He said it promised
tariff relief to suffering industries
as well as to agriculture.
Agriculture and industry should
ne treated cn tne oasis or the re
spective merits of each item, Fess
added. "The hope for getting the
bill thru is fading," Fess said. "If
we proceed at the present rate, it
will take one year and five months."
Senator Simmons of North Caro
lina, minority spokesman on the tar-
f, said that action in the senate
'son disclosed" that he committee
bill did not have the support of a
majority of the senate.
The trouble arose out of one
fact that we are considering a bill
ajority does not approve," he
"We ought to be advised .whether tempt' to get redress, for their in- ooey tne commanas oi jenovun, Wie
the president stands lor this Din as 1uries sunereu, iur men fi wntr
rcported by the finance committee J Th; careful and competent auto- tne cause of tneir chastisement,
or is desirious of what the coalition c"?f a" many Instances, When tfce .Israelites- wandered
is attempting to do with it," asserted bl!?no away from' God and repented and
the Californian. noias tne sacK. iie isincuii returned to their allegiance with the
i :-r ,v .iai:i uaiisfi ii aviutrui iuiuue,ix Pothor thev nrntiwrert .inr prp r.nt
pbenture nlan in the bill and had tielh century, may well consider it t i. uu, lo U11!U ' 1 ,
en the flexible provisions out oi the "Highway Age." . u ..n- 'v.
, two actions which he predicted In i900 paved roads were almost P1.01 "'.""i.7 , T.'T e"
the house majority would not sano- unknown. Uneven dirt or gravel sur- :" - .....
tion with n nifar BPn.itP maioritv i, ,h,n i. driving was Fideswiped by a passing
said. "We lest tcur hours Ilcnday bazid ef 500 which crcssed the fron
talking about matters not related to tier near Lake Khanka.
the bill. The minority feels it is
under a heavy responsibility to the
country for the writing of this bill."
Simmons said the bill could not
be killed in conference unless the
majority of the senate considered.
If the president could control the
house, he added, then the bill would
be killed, but the responsibility
would rest with the executive.
Get Back to Schedule.
After the turmoil over party re
sponsibility, the senate returned to
consideration of rates in the chem-
icals, oils, and paints schedule and
adopted another batch of republican
committee amendments providing
both increases and decreases in exist-
ing duties.
The drive to be made by Senators
Jones of Washington and Thomas of
Idaho, both republicans, for blanket
increases in these rates to an ad-
valorem minimum of 45 nercent was
1 postponed after Chairman Smoot urg-
ed that committee amendments be
disposed of first.
Party and group lines Eplit on
two rollcalls on the committee pro-
posal to eliminate the house in-
crease of 1 percent a pound in the
7 1-2 cents duty on the olive oil
weighing with container less than
forty pounds. An amendment by
Senator Wagner, democrat, ftew
York, to cut the rate to six cents
was defeated, 67 to 8, and then a
proposal by Senator Goldsborough,
republican, Maryland, to increase it
to 9 1-2 cents rarried 43 to 34.
On the Wagner proposal, 23 dem-
ocrats and 4 4 republicans voted
against, and two republicans and
six democrats supported it. Golds-
borough's amendment drew 35 repub-
licans and eight democrats to its
support and 23 democrats and eleven
republicans against it.--State Jour
Dr. Chales Norris, Chief Medical
Examiner of New York City, has a
novel suggestion for reducing traffic
accidents. He would fine reckless
"walkers" who increase accidents,
and would also prevent them in -
stituting suits against automobile served the laws of God, they prosper
drivers who are not at fault. ed. Abrahan was rich beyond his
There is merit in this nlan. It is knowledge, because he was a friend
all too common thing for pedestrians
to attemnt to beat an automomie
across the street, or to oppose the
Rtrm liirht. nr to disDute rieht-of-way
with a fact mnvinK vfhirlp Rut these
sarne erring pedestrians, when struck,
tn r.,h to law tn at-
of his own. And the careless
" - -
cf his major worries.
There is no end of suggestions
which, theoretically, would curb the
reckless, but few plans have been !
made to protect the rights and pock
et book of the careful and conscien
tious motorist. If every individual
would practice "Safety First," acci
dents would be largely eliminated.
Historians of the future, looking
back on the first quarter of the twen
calities had to offer. And in rural
districts the suffering farmer strug
eled throujrh mud holes and over
roads indistinguishable from cow
The change made in little more
than a quarter-century has been
epochal. From coast to coast broad.
smooth highways stretcn, an invl-
tation to the business man and tour-
Ist. In progressive agricultural lo-
calities old gravel and macadam roads
are being a waterproof surface with
oil or asphaltic materials at moder-
ate cost, thus modernizing old roads
and providing a feeder system ior
main hitiwava. -
Of all the tremendous progress of
this century, none has been more pro-
Tmiinred than that made in road"l!UlI,a onuu is tpenu-
h.iilintr Tho norcnit -ith an niltn-
mobile can range hundreds of miles
in 'i tstv Ths rcnlt has hppn a
lessening: of the Drovincial snirit and I
a breaking of barriers between farms,
cities, states ana even nations.
Kearney, Oct. 28. Statewide flood
control will be Glscussed here Tues
day by the executive committee of
the Association for the Conservation,
Control and Utilization of our Power
George P. Kingsley of Minden,
president, called the meeting. Among
the members expected to attend are:
C. E. Allen, Cozad; W. C. Cooper.
Hastings; Frank D. Eager, Lincoln;
H. W. Ekberg, Holdrege; Henry
tnckson, Holdrege; Henry urunn-
- i- 11 . T 1 T TTIUynn
eumejei, ziuiwen, juuu j. ndmsa..,
North Platte; H. G. Keeney, Omaha;
E. C. Kelson, North Platte; A. N.
Mathers. Gering; John Neff, Lexing-
ton; H. F. Parson, Scottsbluff; J. H.
Rankin, Cambridge; J. D. Ream,
Broken Bow; Grover Sharp, Beemer;
C. B. Stewart. Lincoln; George Wil
liams. Cambridge; Henry W. Wil
liams, Gothenberg, and Elmer Young.
Moscow The Tass news agency
Monday reported that Chinese artil
lery for twro days had been firing con
tinuously on the Russian town of
Olochinskaya, on the Argun river,
which forms the northwest boundary
for Manchuria. The population had
fled from the town. Firing was also
reported in the vicinity of Pogranich-
naya. The agency reported severe
casualties were dealt a white guard
Bible School
Sunday, November 3rd
Text: Mark, Romans,
Why Do We Have Laws?
When scientists advance the theo-
ry. that the worlds were made bv
what is known as the Nebulous
Theory, they produce what they
think a very strong argument to
sustain their belief. The Bible says
"in the begining God created the
heavens and the earth, and that the
earth with without form and void.
and that darkness covered the face
I nf Ihp deer. " Aln Is envs that rhir-
ing the period when the earth was
forming for the reception of man,
that it was always by the edict of
God the Creator and no matter about
the Nebular Theory, God was behind
it all. There must of necessity be
some way of conducting so large an
operation as the universe, and so the
Creator thereof rightly should say
just how it should be conducted and
m this way, Jehovah enunciated a
law. If we who are mortals are try
ing to conduct the governments of
the world, are but mortals and the
Father devine, we must of necessity
have laws, to govern our affairs.
I Laws are instituted for the bene-
fit of the governed and eminating
from the sovereign power, which is
from God. Our laws are patterened
after God's laws, and as such are
aimed to be as just as we are mortals
can make them We make mistakes,
and when we do we have the re
course as a people to alter and change
them. Such was the declaration of
the preamble of the Constitution of
the united states, we nrmiy oeneve
the greatest nation on earth.
Laws Enacted For Man's Benefit.
Governments i were instituted
aniong men for the benefit of the
governed, and it has been the exper-
hence of mankind, that when they ob-
of God, and obeyed the laws which
wa nan given mm. me msiuiv
the Children of Israel, always snow-
ed that wnen tney ooejeu mej were
prosperous and happy, and that tncy
were free from wars and entangling
finances, mit wnen tney ianeu to
-thoIrVnemies. Teaching
mat tney were proieciea wiieu uif)
depended on God and obeyed his
America the Land of the Lawful.
Because of oppression, a few peo
ple came to America, in the long ago
nd when the rilgrim Fathers land
From Wednesdays Dally-
Last evening J. L. Londo, of
Huston, Texas, who was en route
r. The enects or the accident was
very severe on both Mr. Londo and
the car as the entire left side of the
sedan was badly damaged and the
left front wheel crushed by the im
pact. Mr. Londo, who was driving
was knocked unconscious and three
ribs on the left side were fractured.
The injured man and his cmpan-
jGn were brought here, Mr. Londo
being still unconscious when reach-
ing this city and was taken to the
Hotel Riley where he remained un-
til regaining consciousness and was
then sent on the ..20 Missouri Paci
fic to Omaha for care at the hospital.
lurneu mer iu me
local Nash representative, Frank
Krejci, and the car will be turned
over to the general Nasxi agency at
"'S -"llc
xUxt bALiii
Used John Deere corn sheller in
good condition. Plattsmouth Motor
I r . A y- T 'A.
calls for good gloves and mit
tens, and we are keeping up our
reputation for handling good,
heavy stock.
You'll find the best mitten you
can buy is the cheapest when the
last load is elevated. Price range
as follows
Mitts .51-75 to $2.25
Gloves $2.00 to $2.35
Lesson Study!
ed, they sang songs of praise to the
God whom they left their former
home and came to America to worship
according to the dictates of their own
conscience, and the inspiration of the
scriptures. As America has depended
on the observance of the laws found
ed upon the Bible they have pros
pered. Of course America has made
some mistakes, but in the main she
has endeavored to observe the com
mands of Jehovah, many of the laws
engrafted in cur constitution and
statutes are from the Bible and the
commands of God.
Christ the Exponent of Law.
During the earlier years of the
world's history, the people often for
got God and were punished there
fore. In fact at the time of the flood,
they had become so wicked, it look
ed like there was nothing to save.
However, God did save eight people
in the ark, and started the world
The first act was to pledge to
Jehovah obedience and the rainbow
spanned the arch of the sky, as a
testimony between God and man. that
the world should not again be de
stroyed. Still they tinned, and the
race was in condemnation, and the
Father of all, sent His Son, Jesus
the Christ, to pay the penalty, with
his life that we might be given a
chance through grace, as we had for
feited; it througn the technicality cf
Why Should We Obey the Law.
When in the beginning, Cod creat
ed the heavens and the earth, fit
ting it a very paradise for us, we
forfeited that, he destroyed the peo
ple that a new race without sin
might Inhabit the land. Then he sent
his son to pay the penalty of our
sins, and when the Saviour came it
was to pay the sins of all minkind
from the earliest glimmerings of the
history of the world, until the last
person shall inhabit this globe.
The plan of salvation is open and
free to all who will accept. When
God the Father and Chrit the Son,
lrave done what they did for man
kind, looking at the matter In the
attitude of gratitude, for the bless
ings conferred, we should unless we
are ingrates. observe the laws of
mankind, which are patterened after
those of C.oi, and obey them. Not
alone tacidly do this, hut be earn
est in our observance of them and
in seeing that others do so. Obey the
laws, and if we are presuaded that
they are not right, change them, but
do not be a slacker by failing to
observe and obey them and use all
cur influence tn work in conjunc
tion with the best nation on earth,
in making that nation the very best
From Tuesday's Daily
Yesterday afternon little Joan
Piatt celebrated her fourth birth
day anniversary and to enjoy tlio
event with her a number of the young
friends were invited in to spend the
very enjoyable occasion. The home
was arranged with the Hallowe'en
decorations and here the time was
spent in the games of the season and
at which a great deal of pleasure
was derived by the little folks. At
an appropriate hour dainty refresh
ments were served with the birthday
cake and its glowing candles adding
a pleasing touch to the scene.
In the entertaining and serving
Mrs. Piatt was assisted by Misses
Winifred Rainey and Marie Parriott.
Those who enjoyed the event were:
Shirley Walling, Dorothea Mae Dux
bury, Rachel McMaken, Jean Schultz.
Ruth West over, Peggy Jane Wiles,
Bonnie Walters, Richard Bell. Chris
Zimmerman, Jr., Joe McMaLen, Cary
Registered two-year-old Shorthorn
bull. $1.25. Elbert Wiles, Platts
mouth, Nebr. o28-tfw
Have yen anything to sell? Tell
the world about it through the Jour
nal's Want Ad department.
gfig Tl
Fairfield" "Winona"