The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 31, 1929, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THURSDAY, OCT. 31, 1929.
if :
Mrs. Earl Troop was a visitor in
Cedar Creek on last Sunday where
she was visiting with friends for the
Mrs. Wayne Propst of Tecumseh,
was a guest for the week at the
home of her friend. Mrs. E. E. Leach
near Union.
Robert A. Troop was a visitor in
Omaha for the day on last Tuesday,
where he was looking to purchase
some cattle for feeding.
Herman Smith and wife were vist
ing in Omaha as well as looking after
some business matters during the
early portion of this week.
Miller Christensen and the family
were visiting and as well looking
after some business matters in Ne
braska City for the day on last Tues
day. Miss Mildred Young, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Parr Young is attend
ing school in the Weeping Water
high school, and was a visitor at
home for over last Sunday.
The Nehawka basketball team be
gan their practice last week, and are
to get ready to win the pennant
when the time comes for the tourna
ment during the school year.
Elmer Philpot and son, Harold are
in the west at this time on a hunt
ing expedition, which will extend for
tsnmp three weeks and as they are
there they will look after some busi
ness matters as well.
Ray Burton of Omaha, a brother
of Mark Burton, and who is well
known in Nehawka, was a visitor for
last Monday evening and over night
and on Tuesday with his brother,
Mark Burton and family.
Willis Campbell who has been in
the employ of Parr Young for the
past two years has moved to one of
the Wetenkamp farms near Mynard
and will pick corn this fall and will
also far the coming season.
Mr. and Mrs. John Opp entertain
ed at their home on last Sunday and
had as their guests for the occasion,
Jasper Curtis and family of Rock
port. Mo. Mr. Curtis being brother
of Mrs. Opp, and therefore the visit
a very enjoyable one.
Mrs. Clarence Hansen entertain
ed at her home on last Tuesday after
noon, the members of the Nehawka
Bridge club, and where all enjoyed
the occasion very much, they playing
bridge and also enjoying a most so
ciable occasion, and which gather
ing was made the more enjoyable by
the delightful luncheon' which Mrs.
Hansen also served.
Herman L. Smith has been very
busy delivering and installing wind
mills, and during the past week has
installed a new mill and pump for
Eugene Fitch, and also one for Lester
Shrader. 1I having others to install
Dut as it nas Kept raining mucn. or
the time he has not been able to
get at the others. During the time
it is raining he has been assisting
Olaf Lundberg, who is at this time
installing a heating plant in his gar
age, so that he can have the entire
building always good and warm.
Will Farm Coming Summer.
Lloyd Leyda, son of Mr. and Mrs.
O. T. Leyda, who have been making
their home at Bethany, during the
time which the children have been
attending school at Cotner University,
Lloyd having completed his course,
will farm the coming year, and is re
turing to the farm north of Nehaw
ka and west of Murray. This farm
has been occupied during the past
few years by Frank Dill, who will
move to near Nehawka and will farm
the A. A. McReynolds farm. How
ever, he will not move until near the
first of March, in time for Lloyd to
begin farming.
Visiting in the West.
Uncle Charles Philpot, who was so
rrriously ill for so long a time dur
ing the summer is much better at
this time, in fact so much so that he
was able to go to the western por
tion of the state where he is staying
for some two months. His many
friends are well pleased that he is
so much improved.
Making Important Changes.
During the days which are bad,
and there are not as many in town
B9en s
We are showing a variety of latest
styles and patterns in Men's fine
Tailored Shirts -
We can fit you with any popular material in
the very latest pattern: See the display of
-Shirts at our store also the goods from
which the latest and most popular shirts are
Also remember Munsing Wear for Men, Women end Children
14 Nehawka, Nebr.
as ordinary, Henry Wessell and John
Wunderlich are kept busy making
some important changes at the store.
They are using the upper story for a
furniture room, and as there is prac
tically nothing In the furniture line
which will suffer from cold weather,
they are closing the irway which EeviSed Scale Adopted By Last Leg
leads to. the upper room, and will T
place a door at the head of the stair
way, which will separate the upper
and lower portions of the buildings.
and thus save much on the heat bill,
which has run rather large on ac
count of heating both upper and low
er portions of the building.
Stopped to Pick Corn.
Earl Troop who was assisting in
the paving of the federal highway
from Union to Omaha, and where he
has been much interested in the work
last week resigned his position and
will as soon as the weather will
permit, begin the picking of his corn
nf which he has a very good crop,
Hp wna hnwcvpr tendered a Dosition
n r n with thp navers for the
winter, but he had first to look after
tho harvpstine of his corn. '
Will Visit in California.
Mrs. Albert Wolfe- who has been
kept very closely at the switch board
at the telephone office for several
years, will take a vacation and In
rnmnnnv with her sister. Mrs. B. r.
Green of near Avoca and Mrs. Amelia
Campbell, who is an aunt of Mrs.
Wolfe, they expecting to start on
Friday of this week, and will go
via train, stopping first at Stanton,
California, where Mrs. Campbell has
relatives and later to Bakersfield. and
will also visit at Los Angeles, where
they will visit with Arthur Wolph
and wife as well as many otner re
braska people, making their
there. They are expecting to spend
Rnmp time a t the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Chauncey Schupp, who are mak
xl L - , 4 V, r rvf of Ilia
ing meir uume in me i "
time. They will expect to stay tor
about three months,, and spend the
winter in a warmer climate.
Entertained the Busy Workers.
ATra Alhertina Ost entertained at
her home in Nehawka which is a
mrt nn to date modern dwelling,
hn cnoiPtv r,f Tinav Workers of-the.
urtPhnrHRt-churrh . when they will all
bring a yard of muslin which they
will hemstitch, for tea towles for tne
Methodist hospital at Omaha.
Will Have a Merry Time.
The Nehawka members of the
Country Club course which is located
at Nebraska City, and where the golf
fans of Nehawka and vicinity go to
pninir thi vprv fnsrinatine: eame. are
to entertain the other members of
the club at the auditorium at Ne
hawka on Friday night of this. week.
The move for the entertainment is
sponsored by the lover of this sport
D. C. West, and who by the way is a
very fine player at golf. Of course
the other golf , players of Nehawka
and, vicinity are doing what they
can to make the gathering a success,
New York, Oct. 28. Charles Delos
Waggoner, Telluride, Colo., banker,
who pleaded guilty to mail fraud in
connection with the scheme by which
he mulcted six New York banks of
$500,000, was resentenced Monday to
10 years in the federal penitentiary
at Atlanta after his council had ask-
ed a recomsderation of the . 15-year
sentence first imposed.
The new sentence was imposed by
Federal Judge Frank J. Coleman, who
imposed the. original prison term on
the small town banker. A motion to
withdraw the euiltv nlea. which had
come as a surprise when Waggoner
was arraigned here Oct. 10, was de-
nied by Judge Coleman Oct. 18, but
he tnnt nnrtor r.rmCi,i0T-aH ot that
time the plea of Waggoner's counsel
sive, especially in view of much light
er sentences recelvd by the Clarke
Drotners ana otner nnanciai maieiac
lOrS. I
111 Commenting on the motion at
mai ume, Juage toieman said ne nau
not intended that Waggoner serve
luuie man live years anu naa written
to the parole board suggesting that
when at the end of five years of his
teini he became eligible for parole
that it' be granted him.
Auto Licensing
Revenue Drops
IS I. a I Ul c liUls XtCUCipib Jjcaa
Registrations Larger
A material falling off in motor ve
hicle license revenues under the re
vised scale as fixed by . the last leg
islature, which went into effect last
July 25, is revealed in the records of
etitu rno-iatrntinn hlire.Hl for
h p'timp elnr.sed since then. The
decrease will be more in evidence
after januarv 1, when licenses are
to j,e paid for the year 1930
in the period that has elapsed
since the reduced rate schedule came
into force the total income from mat
source has declined $42,242. or io.
per cent, in comparison with a year
ago: and this notwithstanding that
the number of registrations increas
ed by 15,258. or 22.3 per cent, above
Mast year s uSui
I . It . 1 1 , I v. n it . , II 11 1' Fill .
ihp pnlpndnr of 1929 are well
ahead of the like period in 192S, but
this is due to the fact that the great
bulk of automobile and truck licenses
Kvere renewed in the early part or tne
year at the same rates as in the pre-
ceding annum. Ihus tne enect 01
the lowered fees has been felt up to
the present time in only a minor de
gree. .
This number of licenses or all
kinds issued up to date for the cur-
rent year is 4G4.S74 as against 459,
S32 in the- same portion of 1928.
Revenue collected upon them was
$4,094,401 this year, compared with
$3,862,76.5 last year, in the corres-
homePonJ?i.ns :vlriod: - ,
xinrd quarter i ens tne iaie.
It is in the' separation of the ac
count for the third quarter of 1929
the months of July. August, and
ContomW, thp halanrp of this
V," 7 .., o
erowth of 22.3 ncr
. , rAP.;ctrniir.,ie i Pt nff ne-.iinst
a 10.7 per cent drop in total fees
the net shrinkage, of income is found
to be roughly 33 per cent.
it may De -assumed mat enousn
more money will come ln,.miring tne
rest of the year to boost the aggre
knte to $4,200,000
But when motor
vehicle owner's pay their 19 30 fees
to county treasurers, tney win con
tribute a great deal less than before.
Even after allowing for the usual
increase per year in number of regis
trations it is altogether likely that
the fees for 1930 will fall a million
dollars below those for the present
Should this expectation be realized
the state will be deprived of $30,000
for maintenance of its highways
while the various counties will lose
$700,000, taken altogether. The law
allots 30-per cent of such fees to
the state, and.. 70 per cent to the
Changes in Fee Scale.
Prior to last July, license fees
-1 . i
on passenger cars vere utu on u
minimum or s. pais cents ior
every additional iuu pounas oi nu-
vertised weight above 2,000 pounds.
The new law lets all cars of less
than 2,700 pounds weignt into tne
SS class, while those of larger size
pay the uniform rate of $12.
On trucks, the old law specified
a lee ot s on trucKS wnose loauea
weight, including chassis, body, cab
and load did not exceed 3.000
pounds; $15 for all weighing 3,000
to 4(ooo pounds; and 50 cents fcr
each 100 pounds above 4,000. Farm
trucks with a load capacity up to
4,000 pounds were given the bene
fit of the $S rate
Now the weight of the truck itself
is not figured in, and commercial
trucks carrying up to 2,000 pounds
load weight get in for $S, while all
others up to 3,000 pounds are listed
at wun a grauuateu scaie aoove
hat which, is lower than the one
iormeriy in enect farm trucKS, re
fardless of weight, remain in the
TlVr-Vinn-tn r,t 97 rViorirlc! nf
. l , aouiiiLuii, a. X' . 1 1 v. .J
,tfl Thpnrfnrp V. Tlnrtnn nf Ohio
Uv i,n hnrP nf his rprnverv Sunday
Lirht fniwin n sinVin enPn late
,n tTl nftornnnn frnm n-hirh ho nnlv
partially recovered.
The senator lapsed Into uncon-
isciousness and remained at the point
of death for about two hours when
he began to rally. He remained un
Robert Norton, the senator's
secretary, said, "It is only a mat
ter of hours until he passes
away. There is no hope left for
his recovery."
He added that specialists had been
called into consultation with the
senator's personal physician.
Washington,. Oct. 27. Rear Ad
miral Moffett, chief of the navy bu
reau of. aeronautics Saturday, night
extended birthday greetings over the
radio to Commander Byrd in the
Atlantic and told him the news of
progress in the air since the explorer
departed for the polar regions. The
naval air chief told Byrd that com
irerciai aviation nas Deen navmg a
hard time recently, but that it is on
a firm foundation.
"We are not living up to the
slogan of the national aeronautic as
sociation America first in the air"
he said, "and won't until the public
and all those in resnonsible nlacea
fully appreciate the value of avia
Prague, Czecho-Slovakia, Oct. 28.
Defeated in the Czecho-Slovak gen
eral election Sunday, Prime Minister
Frantisek Udrzal Moaday handed
President Masarky the resignation of
his cabinet.
Every Night Had
to Take Laxative
"I was a farmer for sixty-four
years and there were mighty few
mornings during that time that I
didn't see the sun rise. But when I
retired five years ago to take things
I V fV t-iVv::v:::::::' b '::S:;Sj;i!i
easy, my health began to fail.
"I blame all my troubles on con-
etipation, brought on by lack of my
usual outdoor exercise. I had to
take laxatives almost every night,
Then my stomach got all out of fix
and nearly everything I ate disagreed
with me. I was bilious, felt .no ac
count and just had to force myself
to keep going.
"Four bottles of sargon put my
stomach in fine shape and the Pills
, . , ;,,, ,, K
f" TJL , v.
'."S""1"? iiuw. uul oL-jr iu at
jaai us buuu as M.ea x uiwuB
weive iiuurs a uay un me larm.
I've got a big appetite, everything
agrees vvuu uiu, aim i la so mucii
stronger and better in every way, I
feel like a new man." John M. Dun
can. 2109 S. 46th St., Omaha.
Weyrich & Hadraba, Agents.
Chicago The four Russian fliers
circling the world in their dual-mo-
tored plane, Land of the Soviets,
made final prepartions Sunday to take
off Monday for Dearborn, Mich.,
where they will be feted by Henry
and Edsel Ford. Five hundred gal
lons of gasoline, one-third of the ca
pacity of the plate's. fuel tanks, were
put on boardf,iW he' afternoon and
the four soviet aviators intend to
leave Curtiss field between 6 and 7
o'clock in the morning.
They concluded a week-end of fes
tivities in Chicago, featured by a
mass meeting of more than 10,000
members of the friends of the soviet
union Sunday afternoon. There is a
possibility, according to L. G. Ger
shevich, of the aviation department
of the Antorg Trading corporation of
New York who has acted as spokes
man for the fliers since they left
Seattle, that the four S. A
akov, Philip Bol6tov, Boris Sterligov
and Dmity Fufaev may ship their
plane to Moscom from, New York and
make the ocean crossing by steamer.
"It is as yet undecided whether
the men will attempt the trans-At-
lajitic flight." Gershevich said Sun
Grand Island. Oct. 26. Members
of the Loup Valley Editorial associa
tion at a meeting here Friday ex
pressed willingness to give the Uni
versity of Nebraska a boost, but at
the same time entered a
against methods used by the schools
to obtain publicity.
At present the university's pub-
Mr-it v rnmpa tn fiiitora from five dif-
ferent sources, it was pointed out.
o,i hto-ooct oi, rtf tt to tnRPfl
It, ih u-thQ Tho jissnriation
to,i m rt.miAt th hnnrH of direc-
tors of the state press association to
confer with university officials in an
effort to co-ordinate the publicity
bureaus and turn out readable
Complimentary tickets to the state
fair, university football games and
the like were discussed and the sen-
l",,t,M' "-i""cu .....
Ul ieuiabhd wuuiu luiuiun; men
a tv- 1. .. 1 i .. V.AI.I
if they refused all such
Mrs.-Chas. Contryman of Oshkosh,
Nebraska, is visiting in the city at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Oliver: With her two
children, Mrs. Contryman left Osh-
kosh at 4 a. m. Sunday morning and
arrived at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Harry Henton at 5 p. m. cover
ing a distance of some 400 miles.
Mrs. Contryman. will remain for a
months visit with relatives. Her
son and daughter returned to their
home in the west, starting .early
the following day.
From Wednesday's Pally
Early this morning a fine
son and heir arrived at tne
of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Rice and
who is a fine lusty young Ameri
can. The mother and son are doing
nicely and the occasion has brought
a great deal of happiness to the mem
bers of the family circle.
The Journal Job department i
equipped to turn out anything from
ailing cards to sals catalogs.
: 5"
Prom Monday's Dally
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Skoda and
fmnll v nf AflAntl. T,o
a - "
IU IClttlllta.
J. A. Aiiowa nf T.m.isviiin wa
..ijr ..inj. iui a onuiL lime
attending to some matters in the
V-VJ""1 in ue was mier-
C.G. Mayfield, one of the well
known residents of Louisville was in
the city for a short time today look
ing after some matters of business at
the court house.
Green Piggott, of Murray, was
nere today tor a few hours to look
atter some business affairs, enjoying
a vacation from his road work, due
to the rainy weather.
Dr. Rudolph Tomes and Frank
Gradoville, athletic coach of the
Schuyler schools, came down Satur
day evening to enjoy the day visit
ing with relatives and friends.
.Mr. ana Airs. Simon ciarK were
at Cedar Creek over Sunday where
thep spent the day with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Robert Stivers and family
as well as the many old time friends.
Judge R. J. McNealy, of Louisville,
was in the city for a few hours to
day attending to some matters of
business at the court house, as he
was trying a case in the county
-mr. ana Mrs. nal CJarnett and
family were Sunday visitors at Avoca
and on their return they were ac
companied by Mrs. True Harmon,
motner or Mrs. (iarnett, who will
visit here for a time.
Mr. ana Mrs. George Blotzer were
at Omaha today where they were
called to consult the specialist who
has been caring for Mr. Blotzer since
the accident here some weeks ago
that resulted in the loss of his eye.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Foster and
family of Union and Mr. and Mrs.
E. H. Fra'nzen and family of Omaha
"l !. .ou,,Utt ' y"u
with relatives and friends and as
dinner guests at the R. J. Larson
Dr j g Livingston returned this
mornlng; from Burlington, Iowa,
where he has been visitlng with
Frank B. Thomas, head of the Safety
First department of the Burlington,
who was seriously injured a few das
ago in an auto accident. Mr. Thomas
is still in very serious condition.
From Tuesdays Dally
Mrs. Paul Fahn and children of
Nebraska City are here to enjoy a
visit at the home of Mrs. Fahn's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Kohrell.
Miss Opal Turner of Elmwood is
here to enjoy a visit for the week at
the home of her brother, County
Treasurer John E. Turner and fam
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Royal of Lin
coln motored down Sunday to enjoy
dinner with Judge C. L. Graves. of Mrs-; Royal, -at the George
Mark s home and accompanied by
Judge Graves they motored to Shen
andoah to enjoy the day at the radio
From Wednesday's Dally
Charles S. Johnson, of Tecumseh,
who has been here visiting with
the old time friends, departed this
morning for his home after a most
pleasant stay here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Rising of
New York City, who have been visit
ing here at the B. W. Livingston
home with the parents of Mrs. Ris-
ing, departed
this morning for
Mrs. A. R. Stokes departed this
morning for Omaha where she will
spend a few hours at the St. Joseph
hospital with her little grandson, Al
bert Ralph Richards, who is taking
treatment following a severe case of
flu and jaundice from which he has
suffered for the past five weeks.
From Wednesday's Datly-
The force of the Plattsmouth of
fice of the Iowa-Nebraska Light &
Power Co., with the members of the
construction force of the company
which is now engaged in this terri-
tory, met last evening at tne omce
of the company in the Leonard
nuiiuing ana enjoyea a very mter-
esting Safety First meeting. The
meeiing was auuresseu uy jcci iven-
nedy, of Lincoln, who is in charge
f ,the s.afety wor of the company
and various members or the group
were called upon fcr remarks along
the line of how accidents could be
prevented and the safety movement
be promoted in the work of the com
Mr. Kennedy brought with him
that ls hemer presented v tne na-
Mrtnnl cafplv eminp to tVio Xnvfnllr
district of the Iowa-Nebraska Light
& Power Co., for the record that they
have made and this trophy was left
on display in the windows of the local
office today. The trophy is of bronze
mounted on a shield of mahogany.
After the meeting last evening the
members of the force were treated
to sandwiches and coffee at the Royal
cafe which closed the most mterest-
ing evening for all in attendance.
160-acre upland farm, lays very
fine, all in cultivation, some 30 acres
in pasture and prairie hay, 5 acres
alfalfa, nicelv located, close to three
good nfarket towns, about the center
of Otoe county, Nebraska, 4 miles
to graveled roaff, fair set of farm
buildings. Will sell at a real bar
gain and on good favorable terms.
Price $21,000. Can give possession
March 1st, if interested phone Bel
le vue 132-F3, or address
La Platte, Neb.
031 - 3tw
Strayed, one spotted Poland China
male bog, weight about 100 pounas.
Call 4603. .
L. R. Lane was looking after some
business matters in Lincoln for the
last Tuesday
-iiss Uladys, Philnot has gotten
! I, ,. I, , . , . .
i f'i i-muu ibne.. m ner new oeauiy
-over me iNeDrasKa state Dank.
Pptor CI TVTIII ..,o. j
tho nl.tin; r ' ' C
Rnpiwn r.rnor ,,n;i
nim in.
Mrs. M. M. Han ing of Waverly is
visiting for a short time at the home
of her son, E. C. Haning, cf Weep
ing Water.
S. Ray -Smith was over i Pl.i'ts-
mouth last week whence waj plac-
ing a roof on a property which he
owns west of town.
Andrew Johnson was a visitor in
Lincoln on last Tuesday where he
was called to look after some busi
ness matters for a time.
V. O. Miller was over to Alvo last
week where he was wiring the coun
try home of George Scheelsley, who
will install electric lights.
Peter H. Miller was, a business
visitor in Lincoln on last Tuesday
for the day and while he was away
he had Mr. Henry Johnson looking
after the cream station.
G. Rehmeyer and the good wife
who have been visiting in Omaha
for the past week with friends and
relatives, returned to Weeping Water
on last Sunday after having had a
very pleasant visit.
F. A. Burch last Tuesday pur
chased a new Majestic radio of the
Weeping Water dealer, H. L. Rich
ard?, which he is liking very much.
and which is giving good service
at the Burch home.
.Otto Mogensen 'and family were
enjoying a visit at Omaha on last
Sunday, they driving over to the
big city to visit at the home of
Adolph Mogensen and family, where
they enjoyed the day most pleasant
W. W. Davis, the contractor and
builder, with his help has just com
pleted a' large double garage and
double crib as well as a very fine
20x20 chicken house on the farm
of Mrs. L. A. Hay, two miles south
of Weeping Water.
Sorc-n Skamaris has been picking
corn and wmie ne nas not picnea
to an" Sreat extent in the past, has
been making good, ana was one
which the very wet weather put out
of business by rendering the fields
impossible to work.
Mrs. E. C. Haning who has been
troubled with her tonsils for some
time was accompanied to Lincoln by
her husband where she had her ton
gils removed and was getting along
nicely on last Tuesday, he return
ing home and the wife remaining to
coem the following day on the train
Fred Rehmeyer and family, Cr:
Rasmussen and family, were enjoy
ing a visit last Sunday at the bom
of Simon Rehmeyer and family o
Alvo and also Mrs. Andrew Reh
mever of Omaha was one of the
guests and was accompanied by her
daughter. Miss May. All enjoyed the
occasion very much for no one could
be the guests at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Simon Rehmeyer and not
enjoy the occasion.
Charles A. Baldwin and wife who
are making their home at Colorado
Springs, were visiting in Weeping
Water for a number of days during
the past week, and were guests at
the home of Frank H. Baldwin,
brother of Charles, as well as many
other relatives and friends. They
departod on last Tuesday for their
home in the wrest after having en
joyed the occasion very much. On
their return trip they went via Den
ver to visit at that place
Enjoy First Brotherhood Supper,
On last Tuesday evening the first
of the series of brotherhood suppers
wnicn tne men s eiuo ot tne congre
gational church of Weeping Water
wnicn win recur montniy. a large
number were in attendance and an
address was made by the Rev. Ralph
Wickham, the new pastod, who prov
ed to be an eloquent speaker and
who pleased the men who assembled
for their work in the good of the
church. The ladies of the church
served a most delightful supper
which was highly enjoyed by the
large crowd assembled.
Highly Compliments Team Here.
District Deputy and members of
the degree team of the Prairie lodge
I. O. O. F., of Weeping Water, re
ceived a letter from the grand guard
ian of the grand lodge of Odd Fel
lows of Nebraska, W..W. Jefferson
of Havelock, complimenting them
and especially Brother Patterson for
the excellent work which the team
il Warm Cosy Home
Is what Goes a Long Ways
to make a Happy One
We are showing some exceptional values in Circulator
Heaters. "The Diplomat," a real beauty, two-tone in
color, with heating capacity far in excess of the ordinary
home. Door opening 12x19 inches; fire pot 13x22.
Duplex grates burning wood or coal, selling at $89.
"The Baltimore," another two-tone color effect, with
commodious fire pot and other features, including Du
plex grates for burning either wood or coal. Only$86.
Enameled outer casing makes a beautiful piece of fur
niture for any home. See these heaters before buying!
There is No Comparison
Weeping Wafer Uariety Store
conferred the second degree at the
Grand Lodge -when it was held at
Beatrice on October 16th. Grand
Guardian Jefferson was loud in his
praise for the efficiency of the teams
from Weeping Water and also per
sonally Brother Patterson for the
work which he said was the very
best which he had ever witnessed.
Some one had written the Newton,
Iowa, the former home of Mr. A. J.
Patterson, which told of the wonder
ful success which was being made
ui-der the direction of Mr. Patterson.
Makes Trip East.
Last 'week Dr. and Mrs. W. II.
Tuck, accompanied by tluir daugh
ter, Mayboll, and Creda Johnson,
sister of Mrs. Tuck, drove to Roch
elle, Lllinois, Inst week where they
visited for a few days at the home
of an aunt of Mrs. Tuck, Mrs. K. R.
White. They were away for about
a week and surely enjoyed the trip
and the visit very much.
Had To Leave Car.
Some of the friends of Ben Olive,
Harold Meyers and Kund Jensen,
are telling that the boys, who have
just returned from a hunting trip
in the wept had to walk home, but
we do not believe it. True they did
have some trouble with the work
ing conditions of the car they were
driving and had to leave it at Kear
ney for readjustments but they did
not have to walk home for they had
plenty of kale for their ride.
Receives Severe Wo"ind.
Russell Patterson, while he was
chopping wood at home, had the
misfortune to strike his leg across
the shin bone v.jtTi the axe which
he was using, inflicting a very severe
wound which "required some sevn
stitches to close. While the wound
was very severe, he is getting along
as well as could be looked for and
hopes soon to be well again and
ready for his work as a painter.
Washington As Wall street sus
tained Monday its second shock from
renewed price droppings in stock,
Washington officials, importuned for
expressions, confined themselves to
reiterating that underlying business
is sound. It was said that there was
no reason to vary President Hoo
ver's statement of last week on the
subject and that nothing had changed
in the interim to give any different
Performance in the security mar
ket was declared to be illustrating
again the length to which specula
tive panic can go. It was suggested
in a government quarter best inform
ed that the great sharpness of tha
price decline in the last few days va:
of iselt something of an indication
that the depression wcuid not be pro
longed even with reference to stock
maiket prices only.
The federal reserve board held a
routine meeting Monday, but. in so
far as could be learned, was not in
touch with New York, and there were
no indications that appeals of any
kind were made to Washington for
support of credit.
New York Announcement that
three of the most prominent financial
houses of New York had bought a 75
per cent interest in the proposed dir
igible line between the Pacific coast
and Honolulu was made Monday
night by Paul W. Litchfield, president
of the Goodyear Zeppelin company.
The National City bank, Lehman
Brothers and Grayson M. P. Mur
phy, each has bought a one-fourth
interest in the line, Litchfield an
nounced, while the Goodyear Zep
pelin company will retain the re
maining 25 per cent of the stock.
The enterprise was recently incor
porated in California as the Pacific
Zeppelin Transport company, ltd., al-
tho actual operation cannot begin
until 1932. By that time the com
pany expects to have the lrst of two
800 foot dirigibles completed and a
working agreement effected with
American air rail and steamship ser
vices and transportation companies
n the Hawaiian islands.
Several good thoroughbred
and Spring Hampshire Boars,
bhropshire Bucks.
8t sw Murray, Nebr.
Always something: oi interest in
the Journal Want Ad department.
' IT
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