"1 U. i. I MOM 1.Y, OPT. 8. IBM. 'may ijlltfitii hi i I j 4 s 1 1 4 . J Cbc plattemoutb 'journal Villi! UMKIl BKM-WKKKI,Y AT VIATTSMOUTK, NttttHAHKA ttlltrtt i IVoluft lt . t'lal lolttoUl It, Nt.li, Utt but utiil i Iwoti mall fUMtltf It, A. HATES, Publisher HUHSt'HlFTlON VHldE $JOO A YKAtt IN UHST MUTAh ZONE hu in i iin i u 1 1 v tut; lu I'tmUl iitu, 4 3 . b t yi.-i'. J t. oni mm ittilta, l uo ini. iuu In I'.tiwoU tuul fort-laii mixhIiUn, 1rti pur jiai. .Ml hitlihi bum uiu yallu t I l I i y In ui mint. Mitt itd a iUlullil.tlti lilt :- I, ll.iii. H. li.ttol NmI bus .ilwuya hut It till I- ViltMl. Hitow tusilo tltu bu ii. i It 1 1 let, mul Itui) f.ll lute Mlty lllitu now. :u; . Tltd vlM Itictll Intllm fltiill tilmt'lV ttiuf tu I In I limit (lout 'c I It in n. ; ,1 : - Dm ry woman bus aoiim itliu tu life, lull Nxlutt hllO IlIU Iri llll(l' Uliotltri tMllR , No luti i , tttkc yum I line, la uit l t ityllltf t'liltgl ran ni-i'lUH tu h follow ing tl.lt. ;o;-. . No I'll" who litis 1 1 It il t tilth! it iu it folk can deny ttiut niuiKlitiil In u li.tltiu i il ml Ion. , :u; Tun many colli-H boys wmilil ittltt rr iitukf the giailo tit their lottiUtt-ia than tn their atuillia. .. .. . :o: Tito blKKnl xll fill ttltlinph of tli f.ilt Id taking thtMii down without knock lug thfiu to pU-cea. ;o: Sunday Int. become tlutt day in which you either get buwled out ty the preacher or the truffle roj. :o: Thtr wore OS nlht ourthquakea during one day recently In llawull. No wonder those hula maidens rau dance. :o:- If long skirts do come back we are afraid the feminine legs are going to feel like a caged canary after their seasou of freedom. :o:- A New York night club has hired a magician to pick customers' pock eta for their amusement. Before, or after the bill is paid? :o: Florence Trumbull Coolldge by beginning to write lor the magazines shows how quick she is to adapt her self to life in a literary family. :o: Up in Minnesota a boy learned to play the vlolen by practicing secretly. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to practice secretly on a saxophone. -tor- It must amuse Democrats in the Senate to hear the Insurgent Repub licans saying about the tariff only what the Democrats have always said about it. -tot- Now and then we pass a dolled up frail who changes our mind about the late-model wax manikins now used In show windows being the most hideous things the eyes are compelled to take in. -:o:- Habit is some tyrant, and we reck on that if powdering the nose went out or style the girls would have to keep their hands tied down to keep thnm from constantly flying up to ward their facoH. -:o:- An Inventory of all the property nifi ry tne national government wo'jld moan Its real estate hold for all purpo. This property Is located In the ntatoH. torrltorlon and pntwes- nionn, witn Ronm Hcatteied n round Knropo. Farms for Sale! 80 acres, n?w improvements, good lund. 12 ncrm alfalfa, running wat er, on gravel ronl, 3 miles west of rinttsraouth. 219 ncres, splendid improvements. 00 nors prairie liny. All land has Wn seeded down to swert clover mid timothy and tlover, and now produc ing good crops. (Jond small orchard. Thre milos south cf post office and IVa miles from gravel. Terms to suit purchaser. Oilier M robins i Cans County Fnrrm See T. H. POLLOCK PIiATTSMOUTH, NF.BR. Wlut slotl! Inbuilt II.m tuiili mtn or hitga'J Our rumo-ia ulntiti fur wllilrl. Ml t 1ft plelly fall 'I ho Ollhlic JiiI.ti In he bhaktU tiltiiubt u year aticail of tiftliou, 'I lio Ittotit Irollhlu koliiu W'lntll httVtf Will) Hull hllahulHi in III KHItliK I helil. The only trfcrH ioiim fluperi m t la tit huvtt id Ihut llirv huvett'l litol e It-d to tlmw, , , ;0: . Jlfwittt may h I in in pa in the ibiue of hive, hilt ll hel uolltu In flu eh u illuiuoiitt tu 0Bloiiully. A liioiln u pit I'm lot tint look like iint-unioiiiu nii1 ht-r noon lunh- like Millie llHligfdtloil. :o: "In IhU fcuint;," ttuyd u flyrr, "tht? hltthrr up you uif thr utift-r you art. Hin-I hliiK Ilk" hoot IfKli.K. ... .. ., ;o; What uhout McKelvIe uu a cundl- ilate for Ht-nutor? We -ftft't hardly ttnlleve that l'rflilf nt Hoovt-r hm liuloiHet! him. :o: Jut uu we got t b winter coal paid for. Homo gloomy hlrd augmented that lthere are only no many more shopping days until C'hrlatmaa. :o:- Just from their borne life you would think some coup lew had prom ised to fight and hate each other when they took their marriage vows tot Armenia has so far failed to make that debt settlement of $16,000,000 due to us. It Is not likely that any pressure will ever be brought on that I country. -to: New York state has 11 per cent of the total wealth of this nation. It will have still more if the dupes in all parts of the country keep on dabbling in stocks. to: Maybe the big1 idea with those Dukhobors who have been parading around without anything on is that there's no haim in being a year or so ahead of the times. tot- A modern groom sees about all there is to see of his dearie before they are married, but ne 11 near a plenty from her after he is married that will surprise him. :o: One thing a woman learns soon af ter marriage is that her big boy was also fooling when he used to act as if he didn't think she was able to put on her coat all by herself. to: You'll And a lot of married men in the movies In the evening who are wishing they were at home, and a lot of them at home who are wishing they were somewhere else. :ot The world'8 greatest long distance hitter In that chap on the Athletics team who started a batting spree In the Beventh Innlnir that caused a I murder down at Utlca. -:o:- If the women do go back to wear ing long sklrta It la a safe bet they won't ever again feel embarraRSod holding them up to their knees whin en msitig a muddy street. :o: Bpoaklng of the faith that movd mountains, a man in a neighboitstg city who entrusted $700 of his nmn y to a "royal Kngllnh gypay" actual'y believes he Is going to get tt back. :o: M. A. Drown of th Kearney Hub, has boon 4 2 years an editor. That Is pretty good, but Cot. Dates of the Journal, has been 70 years an editor, and a Democratic one at that. He is now In Ms H8th year. tnt Hetch Hetcny water power Is now yielding a yearly profit of $2,000,- 000 to Pan Franclsrn. The govern ment gave the power, with the city creating the inegns of bringing the water to the consumer. Uenlly a told mine. to: Of 4.000.000 Vtmis rt Insects, all ate rivals of mankind for food and many our open enemies; swift repro- luctlon and voracious appetites make them a real danaert mlarants thrive when natural ones are ahsent; some battles wnn by Importing parasites. but Hie rtnn borer 'and rhostnut htliht tctnaln undefeated. THE COMINa TAUIFF Tb toM'tUy I klIUhx tlm Wit' Idiiff III ljlyil5 ithlt ult'jllAh it (lty iuJ 'fhi in y.jy tlkify VKltlkt I uhA lhai IvvJy a )iuh iyUy fuik Igwtltil utt'i tjtliKm iiiLH.iitii, fUl lit: 4t.lll.J It ti'KiK y HUi li 'i)IK ittiJ h) kui Jwii iiiiMKLitt the y.ilv ht i Itttfiiity. '(lit LkubVid 4t tt many that lite thhttHililv LhluluiUx: tuity liave U UiUif. kibul'sh jl-cmal;K li-c illfTt ttnti aii 'I trying m t-tjt)Jf Il.tJ). Out- of l);r iilt fsUjIisinH timt. 'Jlitie uit k jt ult-K of lhf t;UJ(,l)iioi UiJ Ul)! of f J2,- 000 trut h, w tilt h lu Ihtt t.- HiAit tt I Lin I htiitif jtttjyt-d hy fht: jitfui owju;i- feioii. 'JfiU (yiovlcioK iJyj viov)'!e Ihul I he UiiijitU fehin LAjUtcitl of Ihltrt meliihef M of h poMtiol py, Ulan ttiUi uu mil khow J th Cf- I I Willi I UtC of ltl Ihitt jiiJty O IhrouKlit to the uiu (ili of lhe tjjui Imitttre. t ettiti that thr toit Itiii- tiUI yAui of iitJ-rhtA: h-u trilled with the ttuv.nr Ju'y hiow that u fixed by Ihtf Lou. J'oito Itk-o also ircelvfcti titJdt-iatlWi a to i-.Ottf.ts lUipOlU id ejpofll!, hr leUK iliteleala not hellijf that of Cuha. The ciUutry :ari not he nald to have bteu over aniUUd aUut fcew tariff achedul-. It had gotten ued o the preeent ratea, and an a fact, did not tste any particular rt-aboa for a new tariff. There haa beeu fjuoier ou protttita received from forela tfovernmenta a to proposed LlifUer dutiea, but our aecretary of atate aaye theae arts not proteata, tliupJy re- queata for liiforxnatlon. It may ta well go at that elnce any dlSTerlLg opinion will not count. As there are many changes yet to be made the full extent of the chang can not now be commented upon. It baa to run the gauntlet of the equ ate, then again of the Lou and then by the conference comisitte. then back again to both Louses for concurrence or disagreement. If the present tariff comes anywhere near public approval it ought to Etand unmolested for the next dozen years. Too frequent tariff changes is not good for the country. to: GOOD AND BAD LOBBYIST The approaching senatorial Inr- tigation of "Washington lobbies ought to be productive of a good deal of good; but, while it is going on. the general public ought to bear one or two facts in mind. First of all, lobbying, in itself, is no crime. Any. citizen nas a ngat to B to Washington and Intercede for or against any legislation whatever; and bo has any organlxed group of citizens. The thing that is wrong is for a lobbyist to misrepresent himself; to pretend that he is a disinterested patriot for instance when he is really an agent for a firm of ship- builders. That, together with the use of improper methods of persuasion, is the chief thing the public must guard I against. tot BOYHOOD SHEDiTS You remember where we fished? Where the slender willows swished. Under the uncertain sway Of your line that led away! Yesterday I fat and wished Time might bring us back the day. You re-member how the stream Silver thread of boyhood dream Stole away and through the wood. To the stlent neighborhood; Even now the mem"Vle wera Just as hspry nd as Frood. You recall the summer flowers Idle days neth Woeomed bowers? How, with hook and line you sought Oldest aeUlenT still tn- cauaht? How the Messed tagging hours The noble, art ot rtlence taught. You recall and cherish yet Days true men cannot for ret? !r ycu trailed an aimless star Through the woods and wandered far tsvs spent with the In finite That helped you he the tnan you are. John Wells, m the PufTato OouHer-Kxrrvss. . :o: Read the Journal VTant-Adj. BalcimiRiwlar Same Pjrice for over Ti8 years The price Is rfie Quality is r (juury 4Ut tiumnttttidt VWJi tit OC'M 0V4CNMJT CUSTOMS CEKSOKSHif The JS-..ate Le votMl to If.- a ay froui utoiflJ! tutLoii'ii t! their pver U t-lir hSj)tJi jlt t.Lf jrroviiid vf oUoeiiJty. Ti-e fAf eiouii.ri-r t all thoe who lefuh to believe lit i he autoratic rJrht of Covert oei.t to lrieva ar-d liivaCe ludl vidua.!, to deny f Llm tLe rlxhl tv rea.d aMi tLJiiit, to deprive Jilic of a peroua.l Judgiaei-t In chatter cultvrfcl fd edu;atioi.al. A queer altuatloc erefeted wLeu au average cmlow oITicial wajs given authority to refube aeitutai.oe Into thla country, for example, of JJocc.ccio, Voltaire, many vf th claaaica and booka which for cettur- ie La.d been rcognS,d by the cui - tured world an vart of tue teipiuJ Intellectual progrei of Jitera.tUJe in developing the mes.ta.1 conaeloutnetifc of the race the ruiii-g. dominant clans of tie ra.ee! Carried to its locca! cotciuBioc. no Bible co-eld d.emacd adaiineion tere, no Ehafcetpeare, no Field! and Smollett, to accurate nvrtrayaJ of the times of Elizabeth, no unex- purgated Gulliver; and tLe iiiogic of the situation was entpLaaizefi by tLe fact that all tie tirae tiere Lae ben here evident a fiood of current j-X.h open to any and every o't jectiot that could poseibly be mad t& iLaiy or the workers, the wise and virtuous cus toms censors turned away far txs good of our souls really snggeetive, nasty, stupid booka. But the great trouble -was that it ever could lave been considered that Corgress ard customs lad a rigil to drid what boots the public may be permitted to read. As a distil puitl- ed contemporary has said. "Cenaor- slip in any lands is a amus assump- tion. It may be a necessary feature of child training. But tie America pecple are not cliudrem" -:o:- rosTT-rom cpzeatios's We all are iliiar -witt stories of low so many people like to talk about their operation or oper ations. In fact, (specially among women, it is xrood for maty an after noon's discussion. But we wonder just wlat some of tbose who so far lave only lost ton sils, appetdix or trail bladder, etc would say when tley read of the Canadian major who lad Just arrived borne after eleven years of surgical treatment abroad witi a total cf forty-four operation. According to the importance of surgical treatments stressed ty many, the class who l:ke to talk about their particular one, should remain deaf and dumb in tie presence of this leroic veteran of the World War. And it seem this man's Jaw was shot aw ay lot the surgeons lave suc ceeded in f.xing linr up very pre sent ably. If some of our operation cranVs had trouble of this natcre they w-ould be severely handicapped and would hare to rwort to the deaf and dumb alphabet. We can not help hut marvel at this man who w-ent through so much pain to have his Jaw restored. May he live to he a hundred. to;. A speaker before the iflftitute of politics at Williamstown, Vass said our provincialism was on of the ob stacle to the proposed international hank tn connection with the Oerrnan reparation matter. However, our pro vincialism Is a pretty gwsl thing to dig into for European loans. . to ; Ambassador Tawes tells Hugh Gib son that naval rrity ?s betit brought about by measuring equality by a to tality of considerations and ecuir- ment. He thinVs parity bv tonsjre and classes will not succeed as may the other. :c: Railroad rchheries are aereaetng. a rodnctton of 3 rer cent being re ported fov the rsst tcn vears. We ; till have many tnov than we want. ' THE fcEiEmouS WFT r.hid i.iit-e tLe uiilUju in iLfc L'liiUU iititUa fc:i.ikU Lii voUJ tor tit-t i.tue piiit;, jlwi'.Lati.ti li.yr J-. lovirtJ' tiM:i.r',loli U .'. the ttt-bt-i' Ui t ouid "biii- OijiaK.! Vv rLt fi.i ii.fi ." 'II Ho VIA , tjt t,Oiitoe, will LiiVe Vj 4ivt-Ui' lii. 1 tieLvi, (.uif l:to'fc tLia-t plj.ii .4j.ij the i' tlii U', it ht up to i.hijs liii.e efuAt d to fio 0. Kor 1 thi i-r oi-l poi!.'vi pu Uto iLe li.il If bill Ly U.t YAi..f UKill-t the i-pfieii.i wiaj.e of !j. Ji'yyvei. Jle ti.tiUXl fcio ive 'i'ltniCtot the llht to iotr or la-tr !ta.ff i.Um. a twer wiiich tLe ate Lfea iee.rvt;j to k t. ,, hj thii t kn If U-t t-l.Alx lAAX.ir. liotu juf prov"Oii in ji,fe;oe w'.h the How- tl.eie tclil '.iU be lf.ia-jl. tC ouppo-ve iLat Ir. .Hooker will veto ti bill. It It Ui-nV-ely thatt the fcet.i.e fill ItAA.Ck. tfOUi bv'-h pOitiof.K. It will auriije a ioof unuy V tAitt.it. lu WbhiLg',oi i? tlii C'j-j-ovt a,j Lariff hill lu.p'yaKlbe. The Wen', in lu feheiiivfc, a.cd tle lifwch betwe,eti i.j;r4;ullu? e at.C 'iX dwufy bt too iar op;ied tLt'. it ca.i. harl!y be bri,d;. 'J e iotiUejei.cr Of a!l the Eft at gfiti ii n'itt,- it iar- jiff ayateii. which hiut iu. teVeiiGliy itt.- poerL;L.d the ta.ruer a it ha ei. ri:L.t.d tLe ii.Cutr1alijt, Liur b; oue o? the pbei,oii.e(4ti f Alxe-ritL poli tic:. NvtwitLatjfctCii-Jt It wJ! Uite obvioiut fa la-r bfaci' a tbe tiue of ifxKliiiey tkat the t.rir iut uu it--d'tj'.fia.J fcubaidy which Lfad the rCe-t of j.cre4uiitjf eefythli-t tue Ja'icr b'utr'tit without auy torre?poulltr c-ieaa 1c ax-ythlfce he aoid the fcrei: fe.grtculturfa.1 uVbte h4ie teKUiariy utepped to the poii tiery four y.:e jailJ C4l8t tLteir ijr ifcltiUj..r. 'Jt fc Xuruit.s pjii:i ir. Aiuertcat poi- tf tt-6 -fa0i. tiiaiiiuaiou- feJ rfctfon iemanthL for agriculture -.a subsidy tbfct u ait ieauit to aoine b- gffee c-ouipa.ri.tiie to tLe isubtiidy en joyed by liiamulacturing. lt ia lu. powsibie to fcfcy that tLe tieien'.ure would be anything eiae. TLe oiy JObeibie JuBtiLcsition fur taitiLC money out of tLe ITtited BUile Trea- fcrij Lndinr it to the farmers I iu this direct faufclon it that by tLe t. In direct! ot. tie Girverxnient doe it lor jiiaEuIacturiiii:. The West -will Lardiy get 'Lat it wi-ntii. It probabiy r!ll prereiit. arj tariff reriBior at all. iieir. vnli", the Kitintry Eiay h aure ILat tie Cti o: the "VVt is aa plain aa it i signi ficant of our changing lime. TLat declaration is: If the farcer cax.not jhse a subsidy nobody can :have oze. :a: SZ CS nn: CAT1D5 Bernard 51aw is a sort of licensee Js8ter, and the public, admiring- ti freuins. forgive lim zuary prevers paradcrea. But there is a limit to ciovrmng efct ej a euus. Slaw professes to believe tlat e British criversitief and preparatory schools are, -deatroyirx; civilization ty une tiic cr euuea jtion they offer. He vould raze tberr tHe does not explaix- w-hat sort of iu tle ' cation be would substitut lor the type be condemns ao rweepingly However, a few days txro be declared tlat Ivussia was the only country that was endeavoring in tie rilt way to teach citizenanlp and build crvic character. Presuxaabry Air. Slaw favors Britist emulation of So viet Russia. Bet low does the soviet regime bnild character? By suppreaainx; freodom of discussion and criticisru. ty leading notlitg but the esonoinic .and political doctrines of Harx and Iecix and ty converting all schools and coilepes into propaxranda mills. Wlat would be socialists Slaw say If a 'capitalistic society adopted, that policy and prohibited the stocy or even the reading of all radical books, zcajrazicea aod newspapers ic or cut of school and "ol$rt? Tie answer bardly admits of doubt. Shaw w-ould lep scort and Indicxatloc I upon soch intellectual and moral tyranny. Talk of the destruction of origin ality and independence ty the schools sd cvI!ere 1s mos-tly tcoonslics. The small amount of truth ic it and o" course there Is 3an$rwr f routine and traditionalism ts buried under a mountain of rhetorical fwsc'dle and exafrperstion. CUof Lunch! Sandwiches tasK Ctt:tff corir.ecfed w-fth ovt &rft Xh-ink "Parlor. Cctrtej, see trs, A trood place to feud a j1ejr.t hcur. Cottjct StK Main i : II I ' j;n; ifl'.liKK OF HKAJUNO I'tt ilijo I'j A-ppviiitii.fciit vf j--(iu. .ii iof. uVr ty, iw. lo i.Li- ivuuty (juit. iii ti.t ii-tuy of '.Lt. t-'.iiie o. ituth C it ii ,-,1-, toC. Oi it.-oii.' iwl t-i't-K tLe peliUvi. 'f Aipii Jre te i.i-d li'.:Lt.nl if in.it i,iii. tLjit i-'-.ii.iii.-u'.ioii or .iJ '.i-ite ii.y i,- a'-i.!.',' co' to i. .'. lii ;Li!kij , .dJiio-U-'i, i.lod, thitt iol.iiibW Al!., D. lli:fc iii 10 oiv &u., ia i-seiii.fcl i-c,. w'. petiiioi. , wifci. a.il 'i-.tAj.., iulnrKHUi ili aaid iiwvtU;' ii-y a' i. jwi'. ir to be t t-2 ti-o ku wuy th.e piaer f Ue pr'.i.'Vyier .Vjait be ia.iiUi ; U'. iote of the pei.ie.'..cy vf p;'vilivi iC tie L:4.r, lutJtyyf fcij it ail pejoij: in Vfci ei; i ttic liilier by pj.i iiii.i,' i. coy vf tuik oiCi:f iu the liui UK!1,;. otr -it 4eiti-t::i xe ; priut t.C couiiy, Jor a,;&- l.e prior to aaic (U of UKr-- Lfia.'jkC October X4ti, Jifk. ii. uvr-.vir.Y, beil; cl4-3w toonvy Jifc. iiy virtue of L OfOvsr of 4tJ by Oola .'osie La'. Jr f tLpe Xiiiir;t O'-hj!'- wtflli. au) r Ouk 'AUUly. t.tUt.r., HZJZ Vc Uffe--twi, I wlii o tj-e frU. &jr of a. u.. of fcaid &a' ait Le touth frunt door of tLe ourt Loiioe in tL iJZiLy vf LitteiLioutL. Nearaeta, in eaa touly, fceii at pmiic auclloa U Xlt LiLf ItJUUHT l-jfT -cifcSL tie 1'Jlivw ii real esetate. tu-wit: Ljlf Z and 4 ix Bo-jt i. Ln bouti y-cj-c. iui jXtCi'.jxji. to tLe IVy of KialtaiipOtitL . CaoK cooi ty. Keorase-b. aud La', i tn liUsik in tLe City of IfiatieiixojtL. fkts xruu'.y, Xeurzjuu TLe aufiue Letn tvi uon and iaaen at tLe jroety of J. a. Hi uhtwjz t aU. fciiidnit, ix uatisly a judgnx.1- of eaid Oourt roiei uy TLe iaiiamoutx I&an a. &uliaLv Ajfociation, plaintiff aaiu t:.a oeieiitLautfc. KLitUiiuoutL, NebraAf;;., OctoLer 4, A. Ii , r, ljtT yjTrrr i oxrrje5i. CTOMiit mr- lit x.. c Eienr baafc Oouity. ' - racj. on Oraniie f.reet. Nebraasa. " J'jatiaUiOiitu, Neyrawia, auc ail o-c--w ; yuriSiiicat: in canaecllai. wltL aid J '"r-i-v- exciuaive cf jrralii.?: iu:d UiZiYZL UP KBAlIlfiG i grg-el:::s. at 'wnici. tiue Li villi and JSotiue on ?-titiox tor &e;- op-eed aiiC acieil uj.ox vj tit f iement of Acccuut. ' cltr council a". Ue city s.r'. Tiiifc worr tw n- ooiie in accsrti- Ix. 1L Couuty Court of Satfc c&sz-, aice wiL Lite jiiti and rptctfic2tiuii tv. Nebraska. ia-w on 'it wit! tne Cl'-r Cerz aid Bait of Nebraaxa. Caae county . aa. :ii tie efface cf Imice Iinaernur To tut Lent at iaw an.d ali er- ' Ca Cxmaua. 2errasxa. aus acoyied aaua iuVcrtAbd in tL snate cf Atnai- oy ILe Jdayor tuc City Ocnnncli cm ial Jiauer. aeceased: i &cnobr I4tn. 1 irit . wici niaiis and Lr reading xL -pert ti or csf Fraui: ejaectuaaiiaae are xtererry relerred to Bur. ACzuiuisrraioT. will tie -will , ai a jart cf Luis jsclirt. arneaed. praying a Imal fcettierr.frtt li-ii -will be mauve cu: on prtrpoaai and aliowancfc of us account iied In . terms ruruiaued by tn- City Cierx trtK Court on the If It Cay cf Ddcber. aad aLali be accompanied try a cer IL2i, and zor a.v:rrTent cf Ts-; tilled enrenr an a licai rc.-r m nne due of ia;d estate and far iue ii ' of ive -per cent fl. i ci tue cLarpe au auminicratur vrttn tie will , nnn. a rideace cf LLe jrooi iaitn cf annexed cf aaid eunsxe; : tiie ILider. lt Is bereby orc-ifad tnat yuu nr, d . Tie city reervs tae Tixmt tc rr ali persan iunereEted in said matter , j-ec: asy and all tiae. xuay. aad do, appear at tie Ccunry , TLe vrori anali ie ccnttieie'j a. Court tn be bald In ant far sand i cr betcre January 1, it Si. tcuury. tc the St cay cf NoTember, A- ISffS at tec x-'rinrg a. m. no now casiK.. nT any tuere ba. vrrv tbe prayer Cd tLe petltirrer tsj. r-r Lt xjrurted.. and Hat notice cf pendency of said penttion and leariUF uaereof be grrer to all per- sons In teres ti tn said matter try pub- : Italian; a copy cf tlis order in tl . i'iattsmautn jcuruai, a tiewspapr prist; tn aaLi ecmurj.i tor three successive wetg prior to ; said cay cf bea-tngt In witnas wb-trcf. 1 bav-e here-' unto set my lar and tbe sail cf said Court this Sth day cf Ostcbcr, A. U. IS US . Seal) o!4-5w County Jclrt. DIHtZT. OP HUAXLING and Notifse cn Petition for tUnmeut o! Account In the Coun Court of Caas couir ty. Nebraalia. Staste of NebrsLsia. Caas county, s Tt tb fcelrs at law and all per sons ictsrested In the eistate of CTbaries Anderson, dtased: Ou rsadlux; tbe etIUoc of O. t; Perrln. Aimit l&traor with the ancsxed, pray i tic a una! setttoxaeot this Court oc the tl day of tec-: tlf 15tt rfAy o: ooef. ber 1S2S atu! for JJlS. for his dtscbsre a soot , " ' . Li ,v . It fe be.y ered tbatjrc-u U persocs lutrested In " Court tc b beid tr. nd for sic twoc - iy. on tbe 75ib Say of Vcrrember. A. - r.-L-v,-D. .t reu Oloci a-m,. wbow ; 1 tv- -k prayer -of tbe petitioner should c N pran tei . ec toat totoe -of tee. vf said ritiou atid tb ii . . ssos interissted in aid matter byj wsey rewsaper printed ic naW . I i'ecunry. for three tvej!sre wrs ! ! prior to mid ay T bewrinjr. if In wltrw w-bereof. I have bere- ueto set rny crt anc tne ssu or A. "H. ttfKSTTRY. feiU cl- An Weal huybarsd ts ote doesn't ct as if both, arrrs wrs crip- ped w?th rbeuT5stis'i and it was !?c- j l-possihls to pet Its hards irtc Its tW - Vo - f ewrrt.?r.t H wfe sV-k fir . !ctei. said Oo,5rt thfs 15th ?v of .jJVV T ?rr- i:sii.r. i o :hujitoIh 'I Lf ij'-u'.e v I'iKvit.cu, t-r C'vi. I u t .'.e t u ij t i ' . il. i;.e j;iL'.tl v' ti: tais'.e of Jv 'io lle ii mIj'-O' ' v! ii&.v tvjUitt" VoiJ (l- i.ue VjliUcJ , lu. I wli) ei'. a' ti.- suu'.y vw". iVrfii. i i'lL6iL.jti. !. i i Oiil, o:- ti.e Lr 11 tt Cy o' ti,e i-or of is A. o' ti.c!. ii lcjiu.i, itfi., at Ui.-t. ai: 14,;: iaii'. el, wi'.h a tL.-r Jju.-'.ii.k:ii' a-ic: ti.oV o...-e 'ii.- i,iiiiUy.' iv? ti.- L.U,nzHK'tW.: f i i..!..- ki! i;,u;- llrt-e lrvij'.i- Itii. tir ii ; tre ti- iii;i;e? Ir pv-yieu' o , '.itu tr 0'e eif Ijott. ei'; i'.L i vf t',jtetii , iil ViiL;fcii-. wy i;C ial w 4,c fouiiiy o 'ti. 'y of , iVkt. .'vfiif-; 'JO tJitKLf'JOi-.K of i. o j - ii lu Ooj.'tly 0'jf'. Ij. tie ti-jti;r o U 'j Jaiv 'f. ieJoi." . CB-nta?C To tLe ie'JJlvf fc V tvtii iseUii': lot: i; ierevy io'.ilr'; lut i w;ll if tie Cviil Oort rooi. ii. talkKtuOkiti , oat Au;'.y, ot tie iii. uy of ''ovrise-?', l?i:r, jC te ivtx, cy of Jewrary, liC, at lw ciiy.K i- ii. of ea-ti. o.a , io Jtiveive auC -ut'j iil tiitiiU' axij'. aaK UtU. witx. re pc tei' ilux',- b.LtC aiowuo-. Ti tiie iiiili- ,vC tie rMeiiLaton vf Ciajiut : aaai -w' tt'iC etfiale r tiiee njuata ;foin tut ill. Cay of fiotetuer, A. L. ' . ii-- tLe tiit liicl-oc io' ia tuieii'. of oebu ic oue ysar iron", tiid Six. tar of fiovetaLer, YiZ't . Wilrxra;-. lay ii'zwi aiiC tLe aKsi.'. cf fcaiC Oouitr Oour:. tstt Iltx. of OctoLer. 1S?2V. A. 11. U'JZU'Jl'.Y. Ibeal; ol4-iw Oouaty Juige. UTl'Jt TO CO.vTIA.'JTUiii; projoaa.4t 1L ue receivec by tue Cl'.y Cieri. o! fialUstuvittL. UP to I O ClJCi" 1 xt, ilonay, f;o2.iKrr lltn. l?2t, tor t-rr. is -jttig- all iaior, tooii tuaieria! ; - eiu:iriieu aiu. coiiELruTLiiir; ? Ti Entti-e-'.- e&t sate cf eoet is ccmpiete. -ei- ; as toliows: Snrs: :re cturrv cf rraftn? and grave Tir- tlS.fcfrt.SC. liaycr. Attest: ci-Jv Cira. onritrn or iuiarixg aad Net toe cf rraa: iett tern cut of Gaardiaxsantp Accos-.: nn. County Court c rr, Nftraala. Cos eo3i- ie XDattr cJ the G-uardiana Jarti., lneomTtent. now tceefcasd. State c! Netraata, County cf !s. " To Silas Jarita. rnrsnre EUi&tt. , Tien. TTieiy. Guerre Jaca. alyrtle Ja-is. Ita Jacia. Bntn Cram. Doc iald Jacla. VeiSBa E-ir.tt lVtoiey. :F".ovd Elliou. Mildred EIM&tt and La Jane dli.'vtt, and all r.tfcar pr- isocs interwstwd tn tie estate of A- bury Jacira, Incompetent, n "v de 1 csstd. On realuf the vwltim c-Z JoLn W. Elliott. Guardian of AsNury Jacia, an incompetent prs.-n. and r.:w de- iceasc. praytty; a tal SAttietnea: ami I: te bereby crdered that yru ard persons tetrsted In aid taattsr t routy - t tc be bsJd fn td for waid roo- 1; . . r id -day. c show sre bs, wfcy the T"rT"- - - tfte peUJ of the petitioner should to: be j , . - , v. flTi , v me tsreo: be r?veu to al. pertns interssteid ft -sartd xostrsr by pcb?tsb itf: a rvry of this cr?er in the Plstts- pr?ntsi ft sd eotity. fr ' three w-efcs prior to said ay ef bear- iup. Tc ,witeess 'whereof. I b-e er ut5to set tay ard te iosl ef F?T tbe Ourt. A. K Ccorrc?- J"cd. Csss enty. j Veh-ssta. "iltMtl - - 1 " It eost be d!hearer iic tc st.rt yr, a politics! career of crest p-rrr?- rr r e--vt - -i-v ..v lyerjr chalt t the tshfe. h