Bebr. State Hittorical Society plate CXlDC A it th mon out VOL. NO. XLV PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, OCT. 28, 1929. NO. 77 nm Well Known Young People Announce Marriasre Miss Delores Wiles and Frederick Trilety of This City Were Wedded a Year Ago. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. viles are an- nouncing the marriage of their daughter, Delores Jane, to Frederick Paul Trilety, of this city, a year ago on Sept. 28. 192S. i . . . i xiui me marriage was Kepi secret a year, the news comes as a grca surprise to the many friends and relatives of these two popular young people. It was desired to keep the mar riage a secret as both parties were students, and wished to finish their respective courses, Mrs. Trilety be ing in nurse-training at the Ne braska M. E. School of Nursing, and Mr. Trilety attending the University of Omaha. Mrs. Trilety is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wiles, west of Plattsmouth, and was born and rear ed in this vicinity. Both of these young people were P. H. S. graduates and their marriage is a culmination of a romance of high school days Mrs. Trilety while attending school in the class of '26 here, was one of the active members of her class, and a member of the P. H. S. orchestra, playing the double bass cello for three consecutive years. Fred Trilety Is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Trilety, and is held in high esteem by all who know him. He was a member of the class of 1925 of the Plattsmouth high scnooi. He is at present, engaged with an electrical appliance com-i pany at Omaha, and they have estab lished their home at 3159 Daven port St., Omaha, Nebr. SEEKING AID FOR HOME The local committee that is sup porting the efforts of the Nebraska Children's Home society, is prepar ing to start a drive in- tbia commun ity for donatrohg-that maybe used in the home and which will serve the purpose of helping care for the little ones who are residing at the home. The local committee is composed of Dr. R. P. Westover, president; Rex Young, vice-president; Mrs. William Baird, secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. J. E. Wiles and Miss Alpha Peterson as the members of the ex ecutive committee. This committee this year is not making a drive for financial aid for the home but are soliciting donations uuu oic iius that may be desired to be made by the residents of this community of potatoes, eggs, apples, canned fruit, carrots, cabbage and all winter vege- I tables, all of which can be used very I nicelv at the Home and assist in I the problem of seeing that the little folks are properly fed and cared ror. This Nebraska Children's Home Society was Incorporated in the state in 1893 and has been the means of placing thousands of children in suit able homes over the state in tne vears of their useful service. This society is endorsed by the service councils over the state and by re ligious organizations. It is not a denominational organization of any kind and children of all faiths are taken into its care. The society maintains its receiv ing home at 3549 Fontenelle boule vard, Omaha and here the children are cared for until they can be plac ed in homes that are approved by the board of the society. The last report of the public wel fare department of the state gives this Home the credit of placing forty-one per cent of the children out of the total in the state who were charges. The campaign will be for one week, those having donations may leave the same at the Wells Gracery on South 6th street. POLICE PICK TIP STRANGER From Saturday's Dally Last evening shortly after 8 . - stjn.A,.0 PiVrol fin1 T T -wj -i O ClOCK. Uiuici o i. . v . ".uc found a stranger parked in a car near the plant of the Plattsmouth Motor Co., and in the car occupied hir the man who gave tne name oi Bob Strickler, was found two wreck- I inir bars and a small hack saw. Tne . . , j I lodeed pending an investigation of lOUBu - . . , . :vl I tna to epd in lilt ii i v all a in i the matter ana iu iu"ir, n yuoaimc, if the man had any record at other DOints or was wanted elsewhere. The man was using a baby Overland car that bore a Montana license plate, nltho the man claimed to be a resi dent of Kansas. He had no papers indicating his ownership of the car and this has led the officers to hold the man while inquires can be made. It was developed that the hacksaw was purchased in one of the local stores by the man Friday afternoon. the man has committed no of- '?.nJ!.oL attaching to his being ! c.ul" Borne trace of his be- iounu, Vv. i duwhpre ia develomd tntr wanted he will be released. . Ipfp line Dennison's Hallo- jx ivi",--" , , , 'en Novelties at Bates Book Store, we VISITING OLD FRIENDS From Thursday's Dally Last evening Mrs. Carrie Green- wald Miller, who was for a number of years engaged in this city as the owner or a photographic studio, ar rived in the city for a few days visit jat the home of Mr. and Mrs. George 14.. btaats and family. Mrs. Miller . riow residing at Opportunity, vuMiiiigion, a suDuro or Spokane and with Mr. Miller came east fcr a short visit and while Mr. Miller is at Falls City on some business af- fairs she decided to visit the old friends here. The many friends are very much pleased to meet Mrs. Mil jier and renew the very pleasant friendships of the past years ' ijJudge Troup, Veteran Jurist, Hit by Auto Omaha Judge Well Known Here -dvvt ti ' xjuuuuiy xu.Lu.Liy m j urea on Wednesday Afternoon District Judge Alexander C. Troup, aged ii, of Omaha, one of the old est members of the district bench and well known in this city, is at the Lord Lister hospital at Omaha, suf- fering from probably fatal injuries received Wednesday afternoon when he was struck by an automobile driven by Mrs. Elmer R. Porter, wife of Dr. E. R. Porter of 302 South Forty-Ninth street. JiiriA Tpmin hpramp tvaII riv nuainted in this citv where he held COUrt for several weeks in the ov- lumber term of 1922 whpn manv nf Jthe cases arising from the indict- ments returned by the grand jury were tried, he presiding in the trial of the case against former Eheriff C. D. Quinton and William Grebe. He is serving his twenty-first year on the Douglas county bench. The condition of the aged judge at the Omaha hospital given as critical altho he was reported as resting." The injuries comprised a broken thigh and severe body in juries. Mrs. Porter said she had driven I Dr. Porter to work and was return ing west on Farnam street to her home at 302 South Forty-ninth street. "Judge Troup ran across the street for the street car, like a 16-year-old boy," she said. "I didn't have a second's time to stop the car." Mrs. Porter said her auto knock- ed Judge Troup about 15 feet. She stopped her auto and ran into the Colonial hotel to telephone Dr. Por- ter. In the meantime someone had I Tti 1 rrck Ti-mi t in hn.ol f" , -""6" rr. 1 " sne urove nome. Second Version Given Mrs. Troup, who with her son, Wallace, rushed out of the hotel and took the judge to a hospital in an ambulance, denied Mrs. Porter's ver- ision or tne accident "Witnesses in the hotel told me Mrs. Porter's auto was not going west on Farnam street, but went south on Thirty-eight and turned onto Farnam, strik ing the judge as he was walk ing across the . street," said Mrs. Troup. "They told me the judge could not have seen the auto, coming from behind, without turning around, and that he was in no way at fault. They said he was dragged 30 feet by the auto. "The judge, who is 77 years of age, never ran." HAPPY HUNDRED SUPPERS Th. rnmmittee that has charge of , , the Happy iiunarea suppers iuu- sored by tne unamoer oi wumciw once each month during the fall and winter, has sent out letters to some 125 of the local men m wnicn mey are asked to signify their desire to have these supper continued. The committee is asking that the men who wish to have the Happy Hundred supper contmuea signiiy oy senums i in me amuuui ui a 10 cover i of the first three of the suppers. These suppers will now be in their seventh year and have proven very successful in every way and it is hoped by the committee that the re- Uponse will be such as to justify the continuing of them. felt that there should be .... . I it is . . ! unfiiicrn l n T crfioi art t r to ira sia rr f ma i list for the first three suppers and . . . . . . . K . ... I if this is done the committee will be willing to go ahead and take up the remaining three later but unless there is a generous response by Mon- Elmer Elliott. day evening the committee will The home had been very taste probably abandon the plans for the fnHy arranged in the decorations of continuance of the suppers. the Beason, the orange and black The reservations may be sent to streamers, the black cats and witches L. O. Minor, treasurer of the com- mittee. BRITT SEEN AS AID TO ATTORNEY GENERAL Washington, Oct. 24. Among leading candidates for the post of assistant attorney general in cbarce . oi promotion ana taxes, to succeed ' Mrs. Mable Walker Willebrandt.-was i""IDUf uie"u"neQ ine name or ijuage james unit, solicitor prohibition bureau.' of the Student Council of High School is Organized Advisory Body of Students Selected Among; the Various -Classes of the High School The Student Council,, one of the mosi important organizations in Plattsmouth high school completed its organization the first of this week with each class having a speci fied number of seats in this impor tant group. Nominations were made by special nominating committees from each class in high school last week. Print ed ballots were prepared and sub mitted to the student body in a gen eral election. The Seniors are entitled to five seats. Those elected these were: Ira Mumm, Franklin Wehrbein, George Sayles, Beatrice Knoflicek and Mar- jorie Arn. The Juniors have four seats and selected as their repre sentatives: Maxine Cloidt. Patricia Ferrie, Richard Spangler and Paul Iverson. The Sophomores chose Elea nor Swatek and Ed Egenberger to represent them and the Freshmen chose Marvin Tritsch and Mary I Mrasek Principal Patterson is facul ty advisor. At the first meeting of the coun cil, Ira Mumm was chosen president and will bear the title of President of The Student Body. George Sayles was elected vice-president. The council, composed as it is of leaders in the student body. Is ex- ! pected to be of valuable assistance in maintaining the high standard of citizenship for which Plattsmouth high school is noted. In addition to this, the Council has a definite pro gram to carry out In connection with the weekly convocation feature. The council is charged with the duty of planning the programs for these oc casions as well as plan out a semes ter in advance, a calandar of con vocations. Committee assignments have al ready been made and every member of the council is now preparing to carry out a well planned program for the year. President Ira Mumm will preside at these events and has al ready proven himself to be a capable and efficient presiding officers. The Committee assignments are as follows: Calendar Maxine Cloidt. chair man, .Eleanor swateK, a renmin Wehrbein. Armistice Doy Patricia Ferrie, chairman, Marvin Tritsch, Ed Egen- berger. Thanksgiving Day George Sayles, chairman. Alary AiraseK, Eleanor Qu-oM TloatrW Tv'-nnflipple ,r " Christams Marjorie Arn, chair man, aui iverson, iticnara spang ler. Beatrice Knoflicek. Pennants and Trophies Frank lin Wehrbein, chairman, Maxine Cloidt. Eleanor Swatek. The President and Principal are ex-offlcio members of all committees. EXTENDING ROAD WORK The paving and surfacing program on highway No. 75 from Omaha to Union has been carried along until the large part of the work has reach ed this point, the highway from the Junction of Chicago avenue and the Louisville road and south to the 'Horn" at the junction of the high- i o wr nrA Y.inrhln fltrTMlf hpinf now closed and being placed in readiness , v sr,, iht,o. t,h p-raii- I iui cue yx at9 o Ing being carried on now to get the road in shape. The highway paving has been completed from Union to the Murray nnA 4ia t-- vara har fctsartri , Toi-T-r fnrm nmith and Ilium -" I nave gotten within a short distance of tne Murray corner, expecting to have tQj8 an completed this week and tbeu starting on the north end of the r.r0ject from Plattsmouth. The worir of making this highway jntQ a permanent paved roadway naa proven a little inconvenient to the traveiing public but when com- pieted it will be well worth an or i jje inconvenience tnat 11 may nave i caused anyone. PHILATHEA CLASS MEETS From Friday's Dally Th members of the Philathea class of the Methodist church held ilillftil T-Ta llrnxra Vn TTlPPT - zviio-vf til TTflllnwfrpn meet- a. iiiudl u u u w - ing last evening at the pleasant home nr T tTalnilpti nn WPQt Main of Mrs. W, L. Heindicn on wes, uu street and who was assisted In the event by Mrs. John Nelson and Mrs. and the pumpkins forming tne note of the decorative plan of the evening, The members of the class enjoy- ed a very pleasant time in the play- ing of games appropriate to this sea- son of the year and in which a great deal of pleasure was derived and in which Miss Jessie Robertson, Mrs. i:. A. nnrt fre fori woHri lwfrn tho surrfni mr.toct.nto I As th vminr rii-w o rinu the hoBtesses served very dainty and delicious refreshments and which added to the pleasure of all of the members of the jolly party. AN OLD SUBSCRIBER From Friday's Dally Mr. and Mrs. Georsre Lohnes of Cedar Creek motored down yester day from their home to spend a short time in looking after some matters of business and while in the city they stopped in for a very pleasant visit at the Journal office. Mr. Lohnes has been a reader of the Journal more than thirty years and the coming of the paper has become one of the long established events in the family and they state that they feel that it would be impossible to keep house without the Journal. Standard Oil Has Pep Meeting for Its Agents Meeting Held at (Hotel Riley on Thursday Afternoon for Repre sentatives of District Frora Friday's Dally The representatives of the Stan dard Oil company in this district of which W. F. Jorgenson of this city is the manager, met at the dining room of the Hotel Riley yesterday afternoon to enjoy a very fine gather ing and which was in the nature of a general "pep" meeting and was ad dressed by S. H. Pray, of Omaha, division manager. The members of the party discuss ed informally the general trade con ditions and the prospects for the en larging and -expansion of their var ious lines of activities in the gasoline and oil trade as well as many in formal talks on local conditions as they found them in their localities. In addition to Mr. Pray the Stan dard company had Mr. Jorgenson present to assist in the trade talks and points of interest along the lines of the growth and development of the trade territory. Among those attending the meet ing were the following: Jack Doug las, Murray; Ed Morris, Union; Earl Wallace. Weeping Water; James Boyd, Elmwood; Elmer Seeman, Eagle; Mart Williams, Louisville; Dick Cadwell, Springfield; H. C. Hauschild. Gretnaf. George Schen polk. Millard and Louis Lohnes and W. F. Jorgenson of this city. SUFFERS A SEVERE FALL Frora Friday's DaiXy Mrs. R. W. Cavender is confined to her home today as the result of a very serious fall that she fustained yesterday afternoon on the rear porch of her apartments in the Wet- enkamp building. Mrs. Cavender had received a re quest to call Mrs. Amelia Wynn, a neighbor, living in the adjoining building, to the telephone and it was while on this mission that the accident occurred. The roof of the rear of the Wynn building is somewhat lower than that of the porch of the Wetenkamp building and as Mrs. Cavender leaned on the railing to call Mrs. Wynn, the railing suddenly gave way and she fell some six feet to the roof of the Wynn building and just escaped go ing on down some ten feet farther to the ground and where she no doubt would have received fatal in juries. Mrs. Cavender was able to call al tho she was unable to move and her son, Ray Cavender, working at the Smith & Piatt garage heard her call and ran to the home to find the mother lying helpless on the roof. Mr. Cavender was called from the barber shop and the injured lady carried into her home and medical aid called. It was found that there was no bones broken or internal in juries altho the patient is very sore from the effects of the fall and will h tn m1n n hoH fnr enmo tlmo i" - " - - " WINTER IN WYOMING The James Miller family of this city have received a letter from the B. F. Stewart family, formerly of this city, and now living at Gillette, Wyoming, where they have been for tne penoa oi several montns, and in ine iciier ine oicwans ten oi me wintery conditions that have pre vailed there for several days in that locality with snow falling very free ly in that part of the west. The Mil ler family also received a very fine present from Mr. and Mrs. Stewart in the shape of a generous consign ment of venison which Mr. Stewart secured on a hunting trip in the mountains and which it is needless to say was very much enjoyed. RECEIVES GOOD NEWS From Thursday's Daily This ' morning an announcement was received here by the friends of the L. O. Bennett family of the birth of a son to Mrs. Bennett at Malvern, Iowa, where she has resided for the Pst few months.. The baby was a and lusty youngster and tipped the scales at sixteen and one half pounas, a reai wy auu wu.j wilu me mother is doing very nicely. Since the death oi mt. Bennet a few months ago tne iamtly removed to Malvern wnere tne parents oi Mrs. Bennett reside and where she is now malting ner nome. Phone your aero to tie Journal. Murray Robbers Given Sentence to Penitentiary Ernest Verhule Receives Seven Years and Thomas Hunt Three Years at Hard Labor From Saturday's Dairy I his morning the district court occupied in hearing the charges against Ernest Verhule of this city and Thomas Hunt r.lias "Thomas Martin," both men being charged with the crime of breaking and en tering of the store of Earl Lancaster at Murray on the night of October 13th. ine two prisoners hau entered a plea of guilty in the county court and waived preliminary hearing and on being arraigned in the district court renewed their plea of guilty and received their sentence, Verhule receiving seven" years in the state penitentiary and Hunt three years at hard labor. ine nrst or the men to be ar raignea was Ernest vernuie and a pathetic note of the proceedings was the fact that his aged mother with her snowy hair and partially crip pled condition was present in the court room and stood with the son a part of the time as he was reciting his story of the crime. erhule stated at the opening that he had no reason to offer for not receiving his sentence but asked the court to be as lenient as possible on account of the aged mother. Under questioning by Judge Begley, Verhule stated that he had served a previous term in the state penitentiary of Nebraska for two years and had been released tnree years ago. He gave his occupation as that of linotype operator and that he had been work ing for the Omaha Linotype Co., prior to his getting into the robbery at Murray. He gave his age as twenty-five years and his home resi dence as this city. He stated that he had been out with another party drinking quite heavily on the night of the robbery and that no nlans to rob the Lancaster store had been made until they had reached Mur- ray.- In regard -to- the car that they had driven, -Verhule stated that he did not know where teh car had come from, that the other man had secured the car. Mr. Verhule stated that he had not had a gun or done any shooting but on questions by the court the sheriff and county at torney stated that shots had been fired at Murray and evidence indi cated that the prisoner was the man having the gun After the statement of Verhule, Judge Begley pronounced the sen tence and in view of the fact that the lives of parties had been en dangered by shooting he gave the prisoner a sentence of seven years in the state penitentiary at Lincoln. When the prisoner received the sentence he expressed a desire to withdraw the plea of guilty but as the sentence had been pronounced this was not allowed, the prisoner expressed the desire to take a chance on a jury trial in the case but too late In the proceedings The companion of Verhule, Thomas Hunt, alias "Thomas Mar tin," was then brought before the bar of justice to relate his story of the crime. He stated that he was 27 years of age, married and had one child, that his occupation was that of a salesman and that he had been engaged in this work up to the time of the robbery. He had met Verhule a week before the robbery in Omaha at a candy kitchen. No plans had been made as to robbing the store at Murray that he knew of until he and Verhule had reached Murray.. He Btated that Verhule had a revol ver and had fired four shots during the getaway from the scene of the robbery. Hunt ; stated that he had served time in South Dakota for breaking and entering In 1925 and had been released after serving his time. He stated that he and Verhule had planned to go to South Dakota when they drove to Murray and Ver hule wished to stop in Plattsmouth to see his mother. ' County Attorney W. G. Kieck in response to the inquiry of the court stated that Hunt or "Martin" had V2'Z, C : v i, aid had resulted in the arrest of Verhule. . . . , i 1. 11 . T. : I aid of the officers should carry some measure of lienciency, that his rec- ord was quite bad and both he and his companion were in the class of I hardened criminals. Hunt supplemented his first state- ment as to the incidents of the rob- bery by stating that Verhule had fired a snot at ms ieet in iront oi the Murray store to induce him to join in the robbery. The first in timation that the prisoner had of the robbery was when Verhule had ask ed him if he wished to make some money and Martin had inquired how this was to be done and then Ver hule ' had said "in this store." the prisoner had then refused and Ver hule had fired the shot at him and in fear of his life he had entered the store of Earl Lancaster with Verhule The court then sentenced Hunt or Martin to a term of three years in J the state penitentiary at. Lincoln at hard labor.'" I Both men were remanded to the custody of Sheriff Bert Reed and were later in the day taken to Lin coln to start serving their terms. MANY ENJOY SUPPER From Saturday's Dally The chicken pie supper which was given last evening at the dining room in the Masonic temple by the ' their own members and their families and the Masons and families, was one of, the most successful events j of its kind held in the city and a ' very large crowd filled the dining room over a period -of several hours. The repast 'was most delicious and served in a very charming manner by the ladies. Seniors of the High School Pick C vm i -fi- a n Ommi IICCS Various Activities Will Be Handled by Committees Selected by the Class Officers With a number of important events not far away in the future, the class of 1929 of Plattsmouth high school has already begun to look ahead to he activities which it must engage in during the year. In order to well execute the many important matters which will come up for considera tion, the class president, Robert Liv ingston in consultation with Miss Beighley, class sponsor, announces a list of committee assignments. This plan proved to be such an excellent one last year that it was felt that confusion could be avoided by dele gating the work to committees who would have ample time in advance to prepare for the various activities of the class. Senior Convocation Mildred Shultz. chairman, Don Ralney, Lu cille Pace. Caps and Gowns Lovisa Albert, chairman, Gladys Young, Werner Jarl. Sneak Day 1. Transportation: I Frank Schackneis, chairman, Frank Mln wenroein. z- ooa: unzaoetn Hatt. Mary Swatek, George Winsoott 3. Place: Roy Turner, chairman. ! Chester-Lund, Katherine Long. Senior Play 1.. Selection: Ira I Mumm. Frederick Wehrbein, Mar jorie Arn, Jeanne Parker Ellen Nora Meisinger. 2. Production: Warren Farmer, Herschel Dew. Commencement 1. Program: Charles Nowacek, Vivian Lightbody, Dorothy Gradoville. 2. Announce ments: Mae Shrader, Gerald Sperry, George Sayles, Ellen Akeson. POPULAR GIRL WEDDED The many friends here of Miss Henrietta Koukal. member of the class of 1926, of the Plattsmouth high school, will be interested to learn that this popular young lady was married on October I5tn at Denver, Colorado, to Mr. Edgar Kern of Fort Morgan, Colorado, in which city the bride has made her home for some time past. Mrs. Kern arrived here, yesterday for a visit with the old friends and give them a great surprise with the announcement of her marriage, as the relatives and friends here were unaware of the happy occasion. The bride is the youngest daugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Koukal and was born and reared to womanhood in this community and after the completion of her school work was engaged as a stenographer at Omaha and in this city until the past spring when she accepted a pos ition at Fort Morgan and has since made her home there. The groom is a member of one of the leading families at Greeley, Colo rado and is engaged in the drug business at Fort Morgan. He is a young man highly esteemed by a large circle of friends and has been very successful in his business career since leaving college- Mr. and Mrs. Kern will continue to make their home at Fort Morgan in the future. ELECT MRS. C. B. MORGAN, Kearney, Neb. Mrs. C. B. Morgan nf Knldreee. was elected Dresident of . the State Women's Home Missionary , society at the close of the organiza- . I . - n.non inT, horn lota , Wednesday The c7 were attended by 250 delegates from all sections of the Btate. Among other officers elected were: Mrs. M. D. Cameron, Omaha, first lyice president. jjrB. b. story, Holdrege, corres- ponding secretary. Mrs. George E. Hedges, Central City, recording secretary. Mrs. C. C. Wilson, Omaha, deacon- ness. 1r -r, -.r -r -v t i i Mrs. B. M. Rohrbaugh, Lincoln, junior WOrK. . Mrs. F. B. Larson, Clay Center, pennant. Mrs. J. P. Carson, Lincoln, per- petual members committee. Mra-L. E. Hoover, Lincoln, student work. Mrs. George de Laey, Lincoln, sup--, plies committee. i Mrs. Josie Sullivan, Lincoln, tem- perance committee. . Mrs. R. B. Hayes, Plattsmouth,, thanks offering committee. Former Teacher Here Dies at Her - Home in East Mrs- Anne Maxwell Jeffords, Daugh- ter of Judge Samuel Maxwell Called to Last Reward The old time residents in this sec tion of the state will regret to learn of the death at her home in Jamacia, New York, of Mrs. C. R. Jeffords, formerly Miss Anne Maxwell, of Fre mont, daughter of the late Judge and Mrs. Samuel Maxwell and niece of Will T. Adams of this city. The death was announced to the I relatives in tne oia home by a mes I sage received Sunday by Attorney ' Henrv E. Maxwell of Omaha, n hrn- ther, but did not give the cause of the death. The funeral was Tuesday J from the late home at Jamacia. I Anne Maxwell was born in Fre- mont. the daughter of the late Judge and Mrs. Samuel Maxwell. She grew to womanhood here, graduating with high honors from Fremont high and the University of Nebraska, after - which she attended Wellenlev i- , lege in the east. Miss Maxwell' taught for a few years in the Plattsmouth hiirh srWi !an(j aiso in the schools at Frement, her old home, prior to her marriage. She was united in marriage to Dr. Clyde R. Jeffords In 1906 and since then has lived in New York, where Dr. Jeffords is a teacher of Greek and Latin in the New York City schools. Besides her husband, she is sur vived by one daughter and two sons, Margaret C, a sophomore at Welles ley college. John Maxwell and Ray mond C, both students at Columbia university: four sisters, Ella, Mar ilia and Sarah Maxwell of Fremont, and Mrs. Margaret Ferguson of New Work city: and three brothers, Sam uel Maxwell of Waterloo, Andrew C. Maxwell of Sioux City, la., and Henry E. Maxwell of Omaha. Mrs. Jeffords was a member of the Wellesley club, Jamacia Woman's club, D. A. R. and a charter, member of the Nebraska club in New York. TWO YEARS OVER TIME The Bible saysthat man's allotted time is three score years and ten, and then it says something else which we will not quote, but this much we will say, that while a man is expected to make the very best use of the three score years and ten, he is especially expected to use to the best advantage the years which he borrows afterwards. Our friend, Phillip E. Sauter, was born at Farm ington, Iowa, in Van Buren county. on the 23rd day of October, 1857, and writh the parents resided there for some four years and just long enough for young Phillip to know when they moved away. That was an early day even in Iowa, and with the family he went to Keokuk, where they passed over the Mississippi river, this during the first fighting in the civil war, and went to Monmouth, 111. There they resided during the civil war, and longer for they went to Manitou, south of Peoria in 1868, three years after the close of the war. This was near the first of Mr. Sauters ex perience In school though eleven years of age. Here Mr. Sauter worked with his father who was a shoe maker and later Mr. Sauter took up the harness making trade, and was united In marriage with Miss Matie McKinney on the 14th of May, 18S4. They continued to make their home in the vicinity of Pekin, 111., until in 1S91, when they came to Plattsmouth, where he embarked in the harness making business, remaining here for seventeen years and at that time closing out his business, departing for California, where they remained for nearly seventeen years, returning to Omaha in 1923, and after having resided there for some three years, they came to Plattsmouth to make their home at the Nebraska Masonic Home. Here both Mr. and Mrs. Sauter are known for their kindly ways, and general sociable disposition. They seek each day to do some good turn 'or some body thinking that is. the esi use tney couia possioiy put iner time. On last Wednesday they quietly HHUIUH-U -" JiaooiliS vl H-"U known as Phil, receiving ' , .1 f th . friends, both in and out of the Home. VISITS FRIEND HERE - - ""X -rl' A? lt,iy' . l iU"u 4X1,11 l"c , ,T. 'of Waterloo. Iowa. wrp visltln"- for i, iT j , v, me jiiui ween, ui icu uujs ui luc .(. 'mnthpr W. T Rirharrismi nf Mvnnrrt. and with thft. nthpr iaT,v rHpnrt3 in this nortion nf the county. While here Mr. Cathev also had hnilt on 'his farm west of Murray, where Mr. Clifton Meisinger resides, a crib, for Jthe corn raised on the nlace. After having enjoyed a most delightful visit, they departed on last Friday via auto to their home at Waterloo, Iowa. Journal Want-Ads ret results.