The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 24, 1929, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THUBSDAY, OCT. 24. 19:?9.
Vbc plattsmouth lournal
Entered at Postoffice. Plattsmoutb, Neb., as second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscribers living in Second Postal Zone, $2.50 per year. Beyond
BOO miles, $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries,
$3.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance.
Sometimes half the truth Is worse
tLan none.
. :o:
Some people mistake color for sub
stance. Quite a difference.
Borah sticks to his text, and seems
to be doing pretty good work.
A lot of things that s-em worth
while now will Feeni anything but
Now the farmer may think he is
coming into his own. Thinking is
good mental exercise.
The Joys of life are many, said the
lecturer. "Yes," said one, "but tell
us where to get them."
To get ducats, no matter how, in
this day and age, is singly a profes
sion of those who study the how.
The theatre ticket clerk who stole
$2,000 to go to Hollywood must have
intended to spend Just the week-end.
You know why it is called a speak
easy, No? Haven't you noticed how
easy it is for the customer to talk?
The New York World, which is
Democratic, suggests Al Smith for
U. S. Senate. He would make a good
When an angry wife puts her hus
band on the carpet he gets a chance
to find out about how the other poor
worm feels when it is being put on
the hook.
A current news item says automo
biles are by no means responsible for
all the fatal accidents. This is true
enough, but 27,000 in one year Is a
very large proportion, and regretfully j
most of these are preventable.
Ae rnosf surprising
experience I've had
since IVe been
Sold by Red Crown Service Stations
and Dealers everywhere in Nebraska
Just as
.' A sensible revision of the prohibi
tion laws is not thought of.
Thanksgiving is not far off, and
Christmas is not far behind.
The Danish cow that has been fit
ted up with a wooden leg will go
lumbering along.
It will soon be time for Christmas
shopping, no doubt some are think
ing about it already.
It is reported that vitamins have
been found in hash, and that ought
to make hash unanimous.
Senator Norris has the ej-es of the
people of Nebraska. He is a hard
man to find, where he is at just now.
Before any increase in the cost of
postage stamps is sanctioned the
more expensive kind will stick bet
ter. :o:
Lotta young folks who think they
are on the road to happiness discover
too late they are on the road to de
The auto bridge of the Missouri
river is rapidly n earing completion
and then Plattsmouth will be on the
map for references.
Do you suppose members of con
gress represent the views of their con
stituents? Well, sometimes, but most
ly of those who know how to impress
Aside from the farm relief and
tariff issues before the country and
congress, there is no more important
problem pending than that of some
adjustment of prohibition laws, and
upon what lines is for common sense.
Justice and reason to determine.
riving a car
"I have always realized that there was some
slight difference in gasolines," said a motorist
recently. "But I didn't know there was a
difference you could tell the moment you
stepped on the accelerator until I tried
Red Crown Ethyl! When a motor full of
carbon starts like a Jack Rabbit, purrs along
with an entirely new feel and absolutely
can't be made to knock on the hills there's
something in paying a few pennies more for
a gasoline!" f
3 to 1 Favorite
In 1928 Nebraska motorists bought three
gallons of Red Crown Gasoline for every
gallon of the next most popular brand. A
preference based on the satisfactory year
'round performance of this always -reliable,
balanced gasoline.
-A Nebraska Institution"
Important Top quality motor ell of
grade Is about the most Important
thing you can buy for your car. Con
sult the Chart. For defense against
friction m CH does mere than . . .
remains groggy for
Just offhand we can't think of any
thing a modern bride elect could get
less kick out of than a kitchen
Tip to tourists: The filling station
man is not really to blame for the
condition cf the roads over which he
routes you.
The Hoover-MacDonald duet prom-
, . . , v
ises to be continuously harmonious
Now to keep the sour notes out of
the accompaniment.
Talking about courage, how about
people voting against bond issues that
are supposed to fill long felt wants or
can be done without?
The American of today is not the
American of fifty or sixty years ago
for honesty and integrity, and is get
ting worse as we advance.
Surgical operations are necessary
sometimes to understand a joke, and
so they are to understand some laws.
There are several in mind.
Visiting English woman views
American flappers eerious, says a
magazine. The men have been view
ing them seriously for some time,
Ambassador Charlie Dawes arriv-
ed from England last Tuesday. The
press dispatches didn't say what for,
but he probably came home to get a
pipeful of decent smoking tobacco.
Still another way to avoid grow
ing old would be to drop in on Mus
solini some time and ask him if he'd
be willing to run for VIc President
of the proposed United States cf Eu
we don t pretend to say that we
can add one iota to the millions of
words that have been spoken and
written on the object of the high
rates paid for the use of money in
New York.
Girls, you may not believe this,
but it's a fact that you can get a
beautiful complexion by steaming
your face over a wash tub; wringing
out clothes makes the arms pleasing
ly plump; hanging them out on the
line increases the bust line, and car
rying them to and from the yard
makes the waiste line smaller and
the limbs more shapely. Try it girls!
Stock market
fifth day.
The fight on the Ilawley-Smoot
tariff bill, in which Republican Sen
ators are exchanging verbal wallops,
is a bigger fight, we believe, than the
country as a whole appreciates. As
the Post-Disnatch sees it, it is more
than a fight onTbe measure in ques
tion. It is a fight on the ancient and
wicked practice of enacting tariff
laws by log-rolling methods.
ConKider what Senator Rnrali said
L. , . ,
the other day in his tiff with Senator
This tariff bill as it was
brought out of the committee is
a challenge to the whole pur
pose for which the special ses
sion was called and a disregard
of the consumers of the country
generally. Whom will
this this bill help if it passes
as framed? Mostly those who
are already enjoying unconscion
able profits. Who pays these
profits? The people of the coun
try. What little advan
tage the farmers receive would
be taken by the increased price
they would have to pay for the
things they buy, and the con
sumers would contribute more
and more to the already exorbi
tant profits.
This from a Republican Senator, a
believer in the principle of protec
tion, a man who helped write the
Kansas City platform and is recog
nized as Mr. Hoover's most effective
campaigner. What he has said has of-
tan been said In substance, but it is
now said by a protectionist and a
public official while a tariff law is in
the making.
The opinion grows that the bill
Will never be passed as reported by
the Senate Finance Committee. It is
even ventured, in informed circles.
that no tariff bill will be passed. If
either result eventuates an amend
ed bill to conform to the party's
pledge and the President's counsel.
or no tariff act something new will
have occurred in . Washington. The
combination of a Republican major -
ity in Congress and a tariff lobby
will have ben beaten for the first
We hazard no prediction as to the
outcome. But the ..opponents of the
bill, it seems to us, have devastating
ammunition with which to barrage
this measure and the special interests
it is designed to serve. Mr. Borah
has asked a question which he him
self may well undertake to answer.
That question is:
Whom will this bill help if it pass
es as framed:
It is not sufficient to characterize
the beneficiaries as "already enjoying
unconscionable profits."
The .issue
calls for facts. The facts are avail
able in withering abundance. An ex
cell en t survey . of the tariffs oper
atlons was printed in the Sunday
Post-Dispatch of Oct. 13. The article
showed that less than 6 per cent of
the people benefited directly
from 1
the tariff. It also Hated the industries
I of national' magnitude ; which derive
either'no benefit from the tariff, or
only an . indirect, negligible benefit.
lit bristled with facte, competent, rel
evant material facts which . might.
if we may say - so, be used in the
Senate controversy. "... .
There are more .facts to be had.
The interests "already enjoying un
conscionable profits' and lusting for
more who aTe they? What are their
names, and what are their stockhold
ings In concerns profiting by the tar
iff? And the amounts of their on
conscionable profiteering? Such facts
are pertinent to the discussion. Their
( narration on the floor of the Senate
by Mr. Borah would command the
front page of the American press and
would be read by the nation. If "guilt
is personal,' as we are so fond of say
lng in defense of corruption under
I political parties, so, too, is profit per
The principle of protection, it hard
ly needs to be said, has the sanc
tion of the American people. The
abuse of that policy is the evil
against which Mr. Borah and his as
sociates protest, a position supported
by public sentiment. The principle of
protection has been perverted Into a
system of soils venality. It ought to
be smashed. Facts can smash it.
St. Louig Post-Dispatch,
Lying, on the other hand, is of the
brain, or mind or sobI Indeed of aU
three. It has been said that children
and fools cannot lie. The art then
seems to be oae of man's maturity.
Some intellectual power must go into'
it. Many wise men hare ' said the
words have become almost proverbial
-that liars must have good memor
ies if they are to "get away" with
their falsification. In a lie may be
found "the fine felicity and flower of
wickedness." To be a great liar is an
achievement, though an evil one, and
has brought fame to many men
perhaps to some women. While no
good man would covet this' distinc
tion. It is a distinction, none the less.
It is said that modern poets don't
receive Justice. It's Just as welL The
prisons are horribly orercTowded As
It is.
3 oi Lunch!
Cheese and Weioers
Lunch Counter connected
with our Soft Drink Parlor.
Come, see us. A good place
to spend a pleasant hour.
Corner 5th and Main
A psychiatrist who testified in the
recent trial of young Earle Peacox,
who was convicted of murdering his
wife, made one of the most eminent
ly sensible remarks we have yet heard
from a psychiatrist on the witness
Peacox was setting up the 'emo
tional insanity" racket for a defense,
and it was pointed out to this epy
cbiatrist that once, repairing a radio
set, Peacox had become so enraged
that he smashed the set all to pieces.
This, it was asserted, proved that he
was emotionally unstable and not
responsible for the murder of his
wife. But the psychiatrists said:
"That was not a symptom of emo
tional instability. It was anger. It
could have bee-n cured by a spank
ing." We do wish that a little common,
ordinary horse sense like that could
be Injected into a few more of our
murder trials. It's refreshing.
The case of the United States
against Albert B. Fall, a former sen-
(ator from New Mexico and a former
I cabinet official, will be called Cor
I trial in a Washington court some
time in October. It is said. It has
been so long since the beginning of
the trial of Mr. Fall on tne cnarge
He was acquitted on one charge, but
the charge that he accepted a bribe
lln connection with leasing Elk Hills
naval oil reserve, still remains to be
The case has been continued from
time to time on account of Fall's ill
health. There are those who say this
illness has been feigned, but the prob
ability is he has really been 11L
Perhaps, he will never be conviCt-
led in the court but he has already
been convicted Ln the tribunal of
popular opinion and his punishment
must be nearly as heavy as If he had
been tried and convicted in court.
Many, a girl -arrives at.r the office
looking as if she hadn't had time for
her clothes' to catch up .wlth her.
Petition for Appointment of '
" - Administrator V '
-- The State of Nebraska, Cass ncoub
ty, sa. -'.'..'", , .. ;.
In the County Court.
In the matter of 'the estate of Ruth
A. C; Beverage, deceased.-' '
On reading and flii&g th e petition
of - Alph M. . Beverage and "Richard
E. Beverage praying that adminis
tration of said . estate 'may. be , grant
ed to R. C. Hitch man. as Adminis
trator; , .
Ordered, that November 8th, A. D
1329 at 10 o'clock a.-zn., is assigned
for hearing said petition, whea all
persons interested in said ma tier
may appear at a County Court to be
held in and for said county, and
show cause why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted ; and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
given to ail persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in the Plattsmoatb Jour
nal, a secml-weekly newspaper print
ed ln said county, for three success
ive weeks prior to said day of hear
Dated October 14th. 13 2.
(Seal) ol4-3w County Jung.
Slate of Nebraska County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale
issued by Go Ida Noble Deal, Clerk of
the District Court within and tor
Cass county. Nebraska, and ' to o
directed. I will on the th day of
November, A. D. 1929. at 19 o'clock
a. m. of said day at the south front
door of the court house la the City
of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, is . said
county, sell at public suction to the
high eat bidder tor cash the follow-
Lag real estata, to-wit:
Lots 3 and 4 in Block: 9. in
Sooth Park, aa Addition to tha ,
City of Plattsmouth, Cass conn- .
ty, Nebraska, and Lot 9 tn Block ,
&9 in the City of Plattsmouth.
Cass county, Nebraska .
The same being levied- unon and
taken aa the property of J. B- Hen
derson et aL defendants, to aatlafy a
Judgment of said Court recovered by
The Plattsmouth Loan and Bat Id lug
Association, plain tiff -against said
Plattsmouth, Nebraska. October 4,
a. a i9. . -
Sheriff Cass County,
fo7-5w -
The State of Nebraska, Cess coun
ty, ss. . .
In the County Court. - . -
In the matter of the estate of
James T. Reynolds, deceased. .
To the creditors of said estate;
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room La
Plattsmouth. La said county, on the
8th. day of November. 1929, and, the
10th day of February. 1930, at 10
o'clock a. m. of each day, to receive
and examine all claims against said
estate, with a view to. their adjust
ment end allowance. - The-time limit
ed . for the presentation of . claims
against said estate is three months
from the Sth day. of November, A. D.
1929, and the time Limited tor pay
ment of debts is one yeaT from said
8th day of .November, 1929.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 11th day of
October, 1929. -
(Seal) o!4-3w County Judge.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
., State of Nebraska. Cass county, fea.
To the heirs at law and . all per
sons interested in the estate of Athal
iah Bauer, deceased: . '
On reading, the petition of Prank
Bauer, Admluiatrator, with the will
annexed, praying a final settlement
and allowance cf his account filed In
this Court on the 9th day of October,
192S, and for assignment of resi
due of said estate and for his dis
charge as administrator with the will
annexed of said estate;
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and dor appear at the County
Court to be held ln and -for said
county, on the Sth day of November,
A. D. 1929 at ten o'clock a. m., to
show cause, if any there be, why the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition . and the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested in said matter by pub
lishing a copy of this order La the
PbUtsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed Ln said county.
for three successive weeks prior tof
said day of hearing.
In witness whereof, I bare here
unto set my hand and the seal of
said Court this Sth day of October,
A. D. 1929, .
(Seal) Cvl4-3w County Judga.
- In the County Court of Cass eeun
ty. Nebraska.
State of 'Nebraska, County of Cass.
as. ' '
To all beraona Interested in the
estate of Flora F. Sana, deoeaaed.
On raadiag the petition of Bon lab
Sans and Leona Boedehar praying
that the Instrument filed La this
court on the 5th- day . at October
1924, and . Burportias; to be the last
will and teats mew t of the said de
ceased, may be proved and allowed
and recorded as . the last will and
testament of Flora .J1. ' Sana, der eas-
ed.' that said tn,trqiaent be admlUrd
to probate and .tha ari m to titration of
aaid" granted p toitbs. Sans
Qarriaoa. as jairjuu;., v .
v'U is hereby ordered that'yoo.' and
aii persftM iniereataa in; saia- matter,
may, - an d : A a. appear : at ; the1 . Cvnnty
Courtt6 -be. hftld? in "am.- far:,;said
County, m the 9th- day. .of fioyembeV,
A',. Dv '1929, av ten o'clock-a. joxl'to
shew cauae.vtf, any . thare -be, Vhy.thi
prayer. oX the petitlaaera shnnlo ' not
bsrgrantd,. and 'that notice; -f iha
peodenfy ijf'sMd .-petition -and ?. that
tha hAaKng' thcTeofvb 'given to' -ail
persons Interested Ln- said saatie y
publishing jxifcj of ., this .drd&r. la
the - rlaitamonth .. Journal,- a. -.semi-
weekly- -jiewanaper crinted ' t; said
county, for ' three successive weafcs
prior to -uald day of hearing.'
Witness my- hand, and the seal' of
said court, this Sth day of October.
A. D. 199.
(Seal) o7-3w County Judge.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account
In the County Court of Cass conn
ty, " Nebraska.
State cf Nebraska, Cass . county.
S3.-.. . .
To the heirs at law sad all per
sons . interested ut the estate ex
Charles Anderson, .deceased:
On .reading the petition of O, K.
Perrin, Administrator with the will
anaexed, praying. a final settlement
and allowance of his aeeouat filed In
this Court on the lBth day of Octo
ber, 199, and for assignment of
residue f said estate and for his
discharge as the Administrator with
the will annexed of said estata; '
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the 15 th day of November, A.
D. 1929. at ten o'clock a. ra, to ahow
cause, if any . there . be. wny tne
prayer, of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said ; petition and the
bearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested in said -matter by
publishing a copy o this order in
the Plattsmouth . Journal, a , seal
weekly newspaper printed" in . gald
county, for three -successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing. - .
In witnosa whereof f I have here
unto set tny hand' and the. seal of
said Court this 13th day of. October.
A. D. 1929. . -.-
(Seal).oJil-w' : County Judge.
The people who lire here two or
three-enturlee -jBteTviH be ltjekn
there probably will act . Ve room to
raise iplnacn aad carrots." .
. The State cf Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ts.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Jo
seph -C. . Ellington, deceased:
To toe creditors of . said estate: .
You are hereby notified, thai X
will sit at the County Court room In
Plattsmoutb, in said county, on the
Sth day cf November. 1929, and on
1 the 10th day or February, 1930, at
the hour of ten o'clock in the fore
noon at each day- to receive and ex
amine all claims against said estate,
with a view to' their adjustment' and
allowance. The time limited fox the
presentation of . claims against' Bald
estate is three months from the 8th
day of November,' A. D. 1929, and
the time ; limited tor payment of
debts is p'ne year from said Sth day
of November, 1929.
Witness my. hand and the seal. of
said County Court this - 7th day of
October, 1929.
(Seal) ol4-3w. County. Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss. ' ; 1 .
In the County Court. 1,
' In the matter of the estate ef As
bury Jacks, deeeased. '
To the creditors of said estate:
. You are hereby notified, . that 1
will sit at the County Court room tn
Plattsmouth ln said county, on the
lat day of November. 1929, and en
the 3rd day of February, 1939,. at
10 f'clock a. to. X each day. to re
ceive and examine all claims against
said estate, with a view to thai
adjustment and allowance. The
time limited tar the presentation of
claims against Raid estate la three
months from tie 1st day . of Novem
ber, A. P. 1829 and the time limit
ed tor payment of debts is one year
from said 1st. day cf Nor ember,
Witness my band and the seal of
said County Court this 4th day of
October, 1929.
(.Seal) o-3w County Judge.
Sealed proposals will be received
by the City Clerk of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, up to S o'clock p. m.0
Monday. November 11th, 1919. for
famishing all labor, tools, . material
and equipment, and constructing an
overhead crossing over the C. . B. 4k
Q. railroad- tracks on Granite street,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, and all ap
purtenances ln connection with said
strnctara, exclusive of grading and
graveling, at which time bids will
be . opened - and acted upon by. the
city council at the city hall.-, .
This work to be done ln accord
ance with the plans and specifications
new oa file with the City Clerk and
la the office of Bruce Engineering
Co. Omaha, Nebraska, aad adopted
by the Mayor aad City Council on
October Hth. 1129. which plana and
specifications ard hereby referred ts
as a part of this notice. -
Bids will be made out on proposal
forma furnished by the City Clerk
and shall be accompanied by a , cer
tified, check on a local bank in the
amouct of five per cent (SSv) of .the
bid, as -evidence Of the good faith of
the bidder. ' ' V ' - ' - '
ivThe.'city reservas the right to, re
Jact any and ell blda.'1, ' ,
;,TCejv6r',eball be completed on
or before "January 1.-1139,.
;' Tpe Engineer's estimate OX Cost i
as follows t 'Structure, complete; ex
clusive 4V pradinf and-t frayt-Un,
' r . a
v :Aiteat: .:. " ; - '
- -.: HKRAtAN r Ll THOaiAS:",
' v ORDER. ,QFS HEARING: , ; -.
and 'Notice, of Final 'Settlement i
of Guardianship Account
In the County Court, of Casa'eoua
ty.' Nebraska. .
- In tha matter of the Guardianship
of Asbury Jacks,, la competent, now
State of Nebraska. County of Cass,
To Silas Jacks. Florence Elliott,
Dora Trively.! George Jacks. Myrtle
Jacks. Leta Jacks. Ruth Cram. Don
ald Jacks. Velma Elliott Dooley.
Floyd ESUott. Mildred Elliott and
Llla Jane Elliott, and all other per
sons Interested ln the 'estate .of As
bury Jacks, Incompetent, now de
ceased. " . '
On reading the petition of Joha W.
Elliott, Ooardian of Asbury Jacks.
an Incompetent person, and now de
ceased,' praying a final settlement and
allowance of his account Sled ln this
court on the 16th day of October.
1929. and for his discharge aa such
It is hereby ordered that you and
ell persona interested ln aaid matter
may. and do, appear at the county
court to be held In and for said coun
ty, on the llth day of November, A.
D. 1929, et the hour of ten o'clock in
the forenoon of aaid day, to show
cause. If any there be, why the pray
er of the petitioner should not be
granted, and that notice of the pen
dency of aaid petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons
Interested in said matter by publish
ing a copy of this order la. the Platts
moatb. Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper, printed Ln said county, for
three weeks prior to said day of hear
ing. In wltaess whereof, I hare here
unto set ay bend and the seal -of
this court this 16th day of October,
D. 1929. . . "
By the Court. . '
County Judge, Case county,
- Nebraska.'
(Beal) o21-Jw
Three hundred and fifty thousand
n en and wotoea are employed Id tb
post offices throughout the country.