The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 12, 1929, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PAGE F0T7S
THURSDAY, SEPT. 12, 1929.
Unmn Department
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Hunting Season!
Is here and remember, we carry everything you need.
Shells for every size of gun. Be ready for this sport!
Stove Time is Also at Hand
We carry Furnace Pipe, Stove Pipe, Chimney Tops,
Stoves, Ranges, Circulators and Furnaces. A full line
of Shelf and Heavy Hardware. See us for your needs.
-:- -:- NEBRASKA
The Very Best
Bought pure, always handled
with scrupulous cleanliness ;
kept fresh and pure in our
cooling department, which is
electrically equipped. You
know you are getting the
best, always.
Come and See Us
Union, Nebraska
Mrs. Mary Taylor and daughter,
Rachael, have been spending a month
in Colorado, are again home .'at. Lin
coln. Bert Frans is nursing one of his
hands which has a carbuncle on it
and which has been giving this gen
tleman much pain.
John Becker and wife were visit
ing with friends, looking after some
business and also attending a shov,
at Plattsmouth on last Saturday
John Ervin who was off from work
for so long a time on account of an
Injury which he received in his mack
was able to work again with the com
mencement of this week.
Mrs. D. S. Gibson of Missouri Val
ley was a visitor for a short time
at the home of her brothers Messrs
II. It. and W. O. Burbee for a num
ber of days during this week.
A. It. Dowler of Weeping Water
was a visitor in Union for a short
time on last Monday morning, he
driving over to this hustling city
to look after some business matters
for a 6hort time.
C. G. McCarthey has accepted the
management of a life insurance com
pany and is prepnred to look after
your wants in this line with some
excellent insurance. Better see him
for your needs in this line.
F. W. Robb and the family were
spending the day last Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Foster,
where all enjoyed the day very nice
ly notwithstanding the fact that it
was raining a good deal of the time.
D. R. Frans and family were vis-
Good Used Cars
We have a number of good Used Cars
and Trucks, all reconditioned and in
geed running order, which will go
at very reasonable prices. You can
equip yourself here at small cost.
Among our stock you will find one
Chevrolet 1927 truck, one 1928 Ford
Truck, one 1926 Chevrolet Coupe,
two 1324 Ford Tudors, one 1925 Ford
Coupe and one 1926 Ford Roadster
all in good condition. Come, look
the stock over and save some money
on a judicious purchase. We do not
carry anything but the celebrated
Chevrolet line of new cars, and have
a complete stock of models now on
our floor for immediate selection!
Come, Look Them Over
Union, Nebraska
iting in Murray for a time on last
Sunday where they were guests at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Gil-
moer, they driving over to their sis
ter city not withstanding the rain of
the day.
John Tigner of Louisville was a
visitor for a time at the home of
his son, Fred Tigner, and family In
Union for a number of days last
week. Mr. John Tigner who has not
been in the best of health for some
time is feeling much better at this
V. R. Harris who is on the road
for the Pennsylvania Oil company
and has as his territory the state
of Nebraska, was home for a short
time for over the last week end, and
early this week departed for the
northwestern portion of the state
where he is looking after the com
pany's business.
Dr. W. II. Ackenbach who has been
kept to his home in Nebraska City
for some time with a broken toe
which he was to give a decided rest
in order to mend from the wound
which he received while at the camp
at Ashland, was in Union last Mon
day for the first time and presided
at the dinner as president of the
Union Business Men's Club. He was
rather glad to he back and his many
friends were as well pleased that he
was able to be with them again.
Horace M. Griffin, the village
blacksmith, and the good wife were
host and hostess to a number of
friends for dinner and the day last
Sunday where the parents of Mr.
Griffin. E. M. Griffin and daughter.
Francos, and son Alfred, the latter
who is home on a furlough from
Annapolis, Md. where he is in the
Navy, and who has just completed
seventeen years cf service, and who
has re-enlisted for another five. John
Griffin and wife of Nehawka were
also there which completed the party
who were entertained by Mr. and
Mrs. Griffin most enjoyably.
Have Collision Sunday.
While Ed Fannestok the banker of
Avoca was coming from Murray north
of Nehawka near the home of W. O.
Troop, and the roads were. consider
ably wet and slippery from the full
ing rain, the car sliding, and his
car and a man from Kansas City,
collided, the rear hubs catching and
dragging the car of Mr. Fahnestok,
vhich was a Buick, eround across
the road, while the Kansas City car
which was a Ford a'dan went into
the ditch, breaking it badly and in
juring the occupants cutting a very
severe gash in one arm. There were
others in the car who were shaken
up some while the car was very ser
iously damaged. The car of Mr.
Fannestok was somewhat injured and
they were shaken up as n but it
is thought none wore seriously injured.
Speaks at Club Dinr.?r.
Superintendent of the Union
schools James Marsell, returned from
his vacation and opened the school
on last Monday, which promises to
Onion Filling Station
. Very Best Gasoline v
Mona Motor and Paramount Oils
Tires and Tubes
Atwater Kent Radios
Tire Repairing
L H. Banning
rlei;es a HEAL WorkRubbe?!
White sole double from heel to toe.
fclastic front fits snug and high
up on your snoe. Uorrect weight
not too heavy for comfort.
:f W;i4 And it's just about the
ever saw in any Rubber.
Lao tasoi
The Quality Store
Phone 29 Union, Nebr.
Urion, Nebraska
be larger and better than last year
which was a banner year for this
school. At a meeting of the Union
Business Men's club, Mr. Marsell ex
plained that the school was working
nicely and would have more students
Miss Eunice Marshall has accepted
a Dosition as assistant and office girl
in the office of Dr. Specht, the den
The position of telephone girl and
assistant to Dr. KIntner has been
filled with the acceptance of Miss
Catherine Keckler.
Wm. Stubbendeck living west of
Weeping Water purchased a new two
door Model A auto of the Cale Motor
this year than ever before. He also
explained that they had a preparatory Company on last Tuesday.
Charles F. Reichart of Louisville
course for college and that many had
gone from this school to the higher
schools, and that they had an snown
trood Dercents in their work else
Under the discussions of the
at the Business Men's club and Presi
dent Ackenbach, asked chairman of
the executive committee W. B. Ban
ning to get the committee together
and see what could be done to effect
work for the best interests of the
W. A. Taylor gave some very good tnp hpr
aavice in HIS rtjiimiKS ueiuic mc
meeting and also asked that John
Roddy make some remarks looking
to better conditions, who responded
with some very good remarks, rela
tive to making the town and sur
roundinar country look better, and
which he assured all would add
mucn to tne vaiue oi me lanus con
tiguous to the city
W. B. Banning spoke relative to
the new proposed bridge which ha3
been talked of and which all agree
would be a very fine thing for Union
to have, the bridge cross the Missouri
river on O street. Mr. Banning ad
vised that a concerted effort be made
to get the bridge, if not this year the
coming year. In his address he said
there was good reason to believe
that six miles of paving would be
done the coming year from the in
ersection east of Union west. This
would put it through the city and
thus afford the town to get paved
streets at a loss cost than if they had
to do it all themselves.
was looking after some business mat
ters in Weeping Water last Tuesday
morning driving down with his auto.
Frank Plimale salesman for the
Dowler Brothers garage, sold a new
sedan to a party in Lincoln on last
Monday which he delivered the same
C. J. Elgaard was a business vis
itor in Omaha for the day on last
Tuesday driving over in his car to ed an last Tuesday and sure -they
Missouri Pacific has changed his barn
which ha3 been on hia home place
into a double garage, as the horses
have gone and the cars it seems have
come to stay. It Is fortunate that
the changes could be made so readily
as it has been done
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Dinger were
over to Lincoln on last Saturday(
and were accompanied by their
daughter, Miss LaVerna Binger, who
entered the Cloes College of Beauty
Culture where she will take a bIx
months course in beauty culture, she
taking her first lesson on Monday of
this week.
Otto Moritz has moved to the place
where former County Agent L. R.
Snipes resided when he went away,
thus leaving a vacant house where
the new county agent for the Deloc
Lighting company products. O. C.
Stout who has just moved from Lin
coln moved into it and is well pleased
with the new home.
Dowler Brohters received from
Lincoln three very fine cars which
they had reconditioned and repaint
look after some purchases for the
Will Give Free Show.
I'earsley and Smith the moving
picture men, will on the coming
Friday give a free moving picture
how and at which time they are ex
pecting to form a permanent organ-
zation of the Old Settlers of Cass
nd Otie counties. Let every one
ntereested be at the show which will
begin at 7:30 p. m.
Will Attend Stephens College,
Miss Nola Banning and Dorothy
Foster departed yesterday. Wednes
day, for Columbia, Missouri, where
they will enter Stephens College for
the school year. These young women
graduated with high honors from the
Union high school last spring and
pre admirably equipped to enter this
higher institution of learning. We
are sure they will make good suc
cess in their studies as they both
have been excellent students.
Otto Moritz and Andrew Johnson
were visiting and looking after some
business matters in Plattsmouth on
Wednesday of this week they driving
over in their car.
Uncle John Kryder who is still
hale and hearty keeps hustling away
with his two mules and wogan and
notwithstanding his for score years
still loves to play the fife.
Thead Davis was a visitor in
Plattsmouth for a portion of the day
last Tuesday, and was looking after
some business matters, lie drove
over and found the going very good.
John Crozier who has been kept
to his home for the past week on ac
count of sickness is able to be out
again and was down town early this
week. He is feeling much improved.
Mrs. Edward Norton who has been
nursing at the home of Mrs. George
Vanderberg near Murdock, reports
the patient making very satisfactory
progress and is feeling much improv
Walter A. Cole who was in the
west for some time sowing wheat
returned home last Sunday having
seeded some one hundred and twen
ty-five acres near Oskosh, where he
farm lies.
Wm. Ash with his new Number
Eight Birdsall clover hull says he
is well pleased with the new mach
ine for he generally gets two bushels
per acre of good clover seed with
the new outfit.
Homer Sylvester the salesman
are looking fine. They also received
a car load of new Chevrolets which
they unloaded and have . on their
floors. They are finding good sale
for thesr bigger and better Chevrolets.
Misses Cassie and Vere Williams
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wil
liams are both residing in Omaha
Dne of whom is enjoying a govern
ment position and the other employ
ed by the Woodman of the World
were week end visitors with their
parents, they were accompanied by
Miss Lorene Prettyman of Bone Steel
who is a very close friend of the
Misses Williams and is graduating
from the conservatory of music of
Omaha. Miss Vre Williams and Miss
Louise Prettyman returning to Oma
ha Monday while Miss Cassie Wil
liams remained for a weeks visit with
the .parents.
Good Boxes For Sale.
We have fifty good boxes, large
and small, big enough for a coal
house and which we will sell all to
gether or singly as you may desire.
Weeping Water Variety Store.
Home From the East.
On last Sunday Bert Jamison and
family who have been in the east,
for the past six weeks and who could
not get the thoughts of Weeping
Water out of his mind rolled into his
home on last Sunday shortly after
noon. Bert had endeavored to get
home in time for church but when he
during the time when Bert Jamison was passing Falls City he knew that
and family were away, sold and de- I he was late for the bells were ring
Return From the Sonth.
Daniel Lynn and wife John Lidgett
mid wife which lately constituted
the part j' of Union people who were
spending a number of months at Ex
fellsior Springs, Mo. Robert Hast
ings was there for a while and re
turned home some weeks since, the
remainder of the party returning
home la?t week. They all say that
they are much better of the rheu
matism which has been gjving them
so much trouble. They like the
country down there but say that it
not half so good as Union and
vicin ity.
Will Conduct Sevres Sindav.
Mr. find Mrs. Philio Rihn. who
re very Hever entertainers and who
have a deep desire to further the
work of the church and rf the Mas
ter will have chrc of the services
on Pnndrv morning com' n sr. at the
Baptist church. This will be a mis
sionary service and one well worth
your coming manr a mile to enjoy.
Enioye F Visit.
Last week Rav Bollmnn went to
the meeting of his regiment which
was Co. E. of the 109 Engineers rnd
with which he sper.t many months
in France, was over to Council Bluff?
and where he particularly wants to
see his buddy. Peter Eastrup, bu.t
who was not there. However, Ray
went to Blair his home where he
found him and they both came to
Union where they had a very fine
visit. They had not met since the
World War which is ten years. They
sure enjoyed the visit very much.
Prom Monday's Dattv
The reports from the "Clarkson
hospital at Omaha state that J. II.
McMaken of this city who underwent
an operation of a very serious na
ture some time ago. was not rallying
as had been honed and while the
operation has been successful the
patient has not gained his strength
as was hoped for and he has not been
able to take a great deal of nurish
nient. The many friends trust how
ever, that his condition may change
and that he will be aDle to rally and
soon show signs of marked improvement.
Sunday Sent. 15. Mission Festival.
9:30 Sunday school.
10:30 English services by Rev K.
Koenig. German sermon by Rev. H.
2:30 German sermon by Rev. K.
Koenig. English sermon by Rev. II.
Diekhoff. -
7:30 English sermon by student
Pannbaker of Lincoln.
For sale at the Oldham place in
Murray, $1.25 per bushel. Bring your
baskets, now ready. J. H. FARIS.
s3-ltw-2td ;
Phone ycr nera to Ho. 6.
livered with the assistance of John
Cole, seventeen cars during the
month of August.
Frank H. Baldwin and Wm. Dunn
were over to Omaha last baturday
where they were looking after some
business matters, they driving over
to the big town and returning in the
car of Mr. Dunn.
Mrs. Frank E. Woods and Mrs. Al
bright who recently came to Weep
ing Water with the husband. Coach
Albright of the Weeping Water high
school were visiting In Nebraska City
on last Tuesday afternoon.
The Binger Lumber Company have
been doing a very fine business and
are so busy that the father and son
could hardly look after the business
and Mrs. Binger came over and as
sisted with the book work.
V. J. Vestry of Bennett, the prop
rietor of the drygoods department of
the former Johnson Brothers store
was a visitor in Weeping Water and
was looking after some business mat
ters for the afternoon on last Tues
Postmaster and Mrs. Clinton Wil
kinson entertained at a delightful
bridge party at their pleasant home
on last Tuesday evening at which a
large number of guests were present
and enjoyed the evening most de
Thead Davis who is sure a farm
er who knows the art of raising hogs.
and is not afraid to put the neces
sary worK into tne proposition oi
raising them, shipped a track load
of fine porkers to the South Omaha
market on last Tuesday.
Mrs. Eugene Day entertained at
her home last Tuesday afternoon in
honor of Mrs. Honor Irene Nimmick
who is visiting in Weeping Water
and special guest of Mis3 Thelma
Wallack, the ladies both being guests
of honor at the pleasant gathering.
N. C. Nelson i3 having a very fine
barn constructed on the farm a short
distance from Weeping Water, where
his son farms. The materials are be
ing furnished by the Binger Lumber
Company and the building is being
constructed by Weeping Water carpenters.
Dr. J. W. Brendel of Avoca who
with the good wife just returned
from a two weeks visiting in In
diana his old time home and where
ne went to jjistrict cnooi wnen a
boy was in visitor in Weeping Water
on last Tuesday looking after some
business matters.
Oliver Powers the operator for the
ing for Sunday school. While they
were away they visited Minneapolis,
St. Paul, Milwaukee, Chicago, Nl-
gara Falls, New York, Louisville,
Ky., Washington, D. C, St. Louis
(and Kansas City and sure had a fine
Temperance Women Meet.
The local organization of the.
Women's Christian Temperance
Union of Weeping Water met last
Monday afternoon at .the home of
Mrs. John Domingo where they spent
a most pleasant atternoon wan a
very fine program it being Welfare
day! The program which was put
over was under the direction of Mrs.
C. E. Pool, the local president. The
guests were served with delightful
refreshments at a proper hour. There
were many visitors present.
Sells Two Fine Cattle.
John Day, son of Carl Day, had
two short horn cattle to the state
fair and was well pleased with their
recognition and on a bull weighing
1050 which won ninth place and
which Mr. Day sold for $15.60 per
hundred. He also Had a heifer which
obtained sixth- place and weighed
750 and sold for $14.75 bringing two
hundred and eighty-three dollars and
eighty cents. It sure pays to have
good stock. The heifer was calved
Julv 2Sth. 102$. The bull was
slightly older.
Madison Fair Ready.
Madison. Neb. The forty-eighth
session of the Madison County Agri
cultural society will be held Tues
day to Friday, September 10 to 14.
All is in readiness for the fair and
entries are coming in rapidly. The
educational display of Madison coun
ty schools, in charge of County Sup
erintendent Alice M. Hall, will in
clude more than one thousand panels
of exhibits, practically every dis
trict in the county being represented.
Humphrey, Stanton, Madison and
Norfolk bands will furnish music.
A speed program and baseball are
scheduled every day.
Ready, You Bet
From Wednesday's Dally '
The deal was closed last evening
whereby the Nebraska Chapter Nc.
3, Royal Arch Masons, become the
owner of the building owned by A.
M. Arries and adjoining the building
owned by Plattsmouth lodge jno. .o.
A. F. & A. M. The building will give
the Masonic bodies all of what was
known as the Rockwood block, as the
Masonic lodge has owned all but the i
When you want a Radio, you want section occupied by Mr. Arries for
it "right now." You do not want a her of years
i,.r u v The securing of the entire bu.ld-
"a7 tu IUJ1C UCi iWU wauk ing will give the Masons the oppor-
lt ready to act at once. tunity of making a number of im-
' - provements that have long been de-
JLi VeXi eOCiV sired and which will Include a large
. . . i ii.. ...
ana nanasome entrance 10 me ow-
ndulU wav leading to the uoner floor of the
Kill 11 nor nrhlnVi la liaoH Viv tYlP AfaSOITS
Come see themat the implement aa i0dge room, banauet hall and lodge
store. Hear them and know how parlors.
well they work. There is none to
excell them.
; . See jh for .whatever .yo.'sunay
need in Machinery, Repairs,
Stoves, Implements and Har-
. ness. At your service
Dr. High will speak at the U. B.
church Sunday at 8 d. m. Sept. 15.
All are cordially invited to be pres
ent. '
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
There will be no sermon in the
morning. Tne pastor - win preacn
Sunday 22 ?.t 11 a. m. All are re-
Dealer in Hardware, Supplies and ted to be presont-
Jean Deere Implements . Legal Blanks of an kinds for sale
Fhone 33 Plattsmouth, Neb. at the Journal office.
W. H. Puis
Last Game of Season
Cultural Center Red Sox
Cedar Creek
at the
Cedar Creek Park
Sunday, Sept 15th
Game Called at 2:30
Come and see a good game as the Red Sox
have one of best colored teams in Omaha.
From Wedne.sJay's Dally
This afternoon at 1 o'clock, Judt;.-
A. II. Duxbury, the a-enial county
judge, was called upon to perform
the wedding ceremony that was to
unite the lives of Miss Inez Lanway
and Charles Stolesman, both of Cas
per, Wyoming. The bride has been
making her home at Nehawka for
some time. The wedding was wit
nessed by E. E. Hadley of Nehawka
and Miss Dorothy Hotchkiss of
Auora. Sept. fi. Farmers of Ham
ilton county are busy in their corn
fields cutting up the fodder. Many
fields have fair yields of grain in
prospect, but some fields show few
3 8
l ...
This mammoth Public Address system
(pictured above) will interest YOU.
is the Big Rooster in Our Window
estor & Swatek
1Q. B.8
Sisr Prizes
for You
Saturday, Sept. 14
The Winchester Store
Telephone 151 Plattsmouth, Nebraska