The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 12, 1929, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    tHtJXSDAY, PT. 12, 1929.
Che plattsmoutb "journal
t Fwtetto PUttomeotk.
R. A. BATES, Publirher
sukctippoj rsia $2.00 po txas di "advaecs
A minute today is worth an hour
Practically all skilled workers in
Brazil are being kept busy.
France has four ex-presidents and
ten ex-premlers Btlll among the liv
ing. :o:
When the leaves begin to fall, then
is the time to think of preparations
for winter.
The summer vacationists are about
all home now fill the coal bins and
prepare for winter.
:o: '
Love your enemies. They merely
lie about you. Your friends are the
ones who let the truth oat.
Mexicans are disappointed at the
decrease in the number of Americans
visiting their country this year.
It is only that the Arab need an
other lesson as to the rights of min
orities. Ever bo often they forget.
The Graf Zeppelin's flight would
aeem to Indicate that the world has
finally caught up with Jules Verne.
' Storks are really quite vicious
bird?, eays a magazine writer. Sounds
like he had been blessed with trip
lets. :p:
And any one, these modern days
who says a decent woman does not
smoke, needs a careful head examin
ation. :o:
What this country needs is some
method of increasing the price of
everything without adding to the cost
of living.
The happiness of a marriage often
depends more on the disposition of
the mother-in-law than it does on
that ot the bride.
Reckless driving is criminal. Jay
walking, wanderine across a street
In defiance of "lights" and in de
fiance of caution is stupid.
The honeymoon is over when the
hrida decided all he needed for
breakfast, is a cup of coffee, and he
is perfectly able to fix that for him
self. ,
The Prince of Wales has been tak-
l&C tecxet ' lessons la aviation and is
kid to have developed into an expert
pilot. The less said about that the
better perhaps.
What a lot of parents can't get
through their heads is that it is
easier, for young people to grow up
into something to be proud of if they
bad parents they could be proud of.
' She is a married woman, however,
so the chances are that her husband
had worked hard since early morn
ing. was gretted that evening with
'something like this: "Don't you fel
like taking a walk with me? I've
bea sitting down all day."
Senator Norrls has got some would-be-candidate
on the thinking stump.
They are afraid he will be a candi
date and they don't like to tackle
him. And then can they lick any one
among a dozen aspirants that can
beat him? The democrats would
rather have the present Senator than
any other republican.
We Want Dead Animals
Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Sheep
Our trucks are waiting for your phone calls. No
charge for removal of dead animals from your
farm or feed yards. We pay telephone charges.
Our plant is newly equipped with entirely
modern equipment and we are now able to sup
ply you with the highest grade
Give Us a Trial
Packing House By-Products Co.
2730 M Street, South Omaha .
Day Market 0326 PHONES Night Market 0337
Net, m nooi-Um "bU siattu
Democrats and Insurgent Repub-
licanltes in fight on tariff bill.
September usually is a very fair
month even if it did come cool.
Women In .English prisons today
number Gil, compared with 1,500 in
The least of a man'B worries often
seems to ne mat nis wire nasn t a
model husband.
Well, Great Britain asked for the
mandate over Palestine, didn't she?
Let her make good.
Panama is setting aside a large
trnrt of land fn the -vin f rn,i.
for n n tnflian reervHnn
Twine thcco tnr tTTwa Piatt.
mouth is more than holding Its own.
Watsh her push and push ahead.
Perhaps the Young reparations
plan, which is having hard going in
Britain, will do better when it is
We are ever ready to make room
for good people in Plattsmouth, and
the old burg is a good place to make
a home.
We don't believe in one family
raking in the spoils of office Just be
cause they can. There are others who
are deserving and qualified.
:o: J
wen Dec our noiiom aoiiar tnat
those who remained at home this
summer feel Just as good as those
who spent their winter wages at the
pleasure resorts.
There are entirely too many things
that are hard on the eyes; that's
why we think a law compelling
skinny girls to put on clothes if they
can't put on weignt.
The ambition of many a woman
seems to be to wear as little noth
ing as possible and make it cost ten
times more than it used to when she
wore all she could pile on.
It is getting so that a hostess who f
doesn't get out the ash trays when
she is rolne to entertain the sew-
Ing circle or bridge club is considered
about as out of date as the red flan-
n.i nttimat
A 'woman who recently died in
Goimbra, Portugal, at the age of I
115, was, up to the time of her
death, able to mend Btockings or help
with the housework without the aid
of spectacles.
It la learned that Senator Borah
will strongly oppose any flexible pro-
vision In the tariff bill. He thinks
thin makes th tirenident arbiter of
lanu. H.u.uuica, auu iui iu. UUm
never do at all.
Tl 1 I J A A. 1 V.
it is rata m eTeryiaing win ue
much higher the coming winter "
the tariff bill goe through and It
will be the poor people that will get
it in the neck the worst. And the
. - m - . I
west win suuer tne most.
. I
Mexico Informs us that the recent
order aa to Americans residing in
their own country and working in
Mexico, is to be interpreted loosely.
That is, Mexico does not mean exact
ly what it says. This avoids compli
There was a time when it was be-
lieved that giving the women the
right to vote would purify politics
but that was before the dear things
learned to smoke and drink and
swear like the men
If it were not possible to put con
science to sleep it would .be pretty
hard to figure how some of the mod
ern young people could do much
sleeping themselves
Most of the bare legs we have seen
have made the lack of brains more
noticeable than the lack of hosiery.
Une way to 6ive tne Imagination
lan acid test 18 trying to picture the
I lass whose reading is confined to con-
fession magazines and racy novels sit-
ting up nights poring over cook books
after she gets married.
Every woman wants a husband,
but she never seems to know exactly
what kind she really wants until she
gets one she is positive is the kind
she doesn't want.
When modesty was on the throne
transparent material was taboo for
mmiiiB u.s unites n cuum
1- I a 1 14 . I .x v.
worn over at least four layers of
opaque underthings -but now well,
look for yourself.
Sugar-coating 'em made it easier
to take the old quinine pills, and we
I reckon a lot of husbands would be
easier to stomach if thev had a lot
f coin, to disguise their faults
Some of the modern young folks
I evidently think morals are like the
old-fashioned wax wreaths in shadow
boxes that hung on the walls all
right in their day, but nothing short
lot ridiculous to have now.
Some husbands give us the lm-
pression they are about as popular
around home as a budget
Tne only tning more surprising
than how much money a girl can
put into her pumps is how much feet
some of 'em can squeeze into 'em.
The practice of inconsiderate mo-
torists to speed through small towns
on the main highways of the state
hg a matter of serious consequences
to everyone interested in the pro
tection of life and property, and is
especially of concern to those living
in the towns.
Most of the small towns of Nebras-
K are located Qn some f requentlv
traTeled hlghway whIch usuaiiy runs
through the main street of the town
Motorists, driving at a high rate of
speed, seem to ignore the necessity
Ifor slowing down in passing through
these places, thus causing much ap-
prehension to the inhabitants as well I
as endangering life. j
hen a Prson Jn the town seeks
lo lurn ine main sireei or lo
I i 1 j.
cross it, ne never Knows wnen iiib
driver of a high-powered automobile
may race h?' apparently obvious of
the fact that he Is passing through
a town.
The towns have a speed limit, but
this is frequently Ignored. It is al
most impossible for the town officers
to curb the speeding out-of-town
drivers for the reason that they are I
not equipped with motorcycles.
Many of these racing motorists
speed through towns without think-
ing and would be glad to slow down I
if thov wre made to realizs th nns-
dhiaaniror tnllf. Othr will nonr I
.Cease tneir practice unm tney are
Tqt seTeral years tne United States
government did no shipping of arms
to Mexico except to the Mexican gov-
Urnment. Now the embargo is lifted.
T,ta la natnrallv interpreted
a R,-.n nf ,,Mw. Tt ia taken at
McTli - n'o nwn renneRt Tt linos Tint fn-
fdicate a desire to have Mexican rebels
BUppiied with arms. It implies that
there is no more visible danger of
revolution or disorder in Mexico. It
might be better, however if no arms
were sold to any foreign nation. We
shall probably come to tnat some
on Petition yfor Appointment of
The State of Tsebraska, Cass coun-
ty. ss. I
In the County Court.
In the matter of tne estate of As- I
bury Jacits. aeceasea.
On reading and filing the petition
or airs, iwra mveiy praying tnat
administration of said estate may be
granted to John W. Elliott, as Ad-aii
Ordered, that October 4th, A. D.
1929, at ten o'clock a. m., Is assign-1
ed for hearing said petition, when
all persona interested In said matter
may appear at a uounty court to be
held in ana lor said county, and
show cause why the prayer of peti-
tioner should not be granted; and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested In the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi
said matter by publishing a copy of weekly newspaper printed in said
this order in the Plattsmouth Jour- county, for three successive weeks
rial, a semi-weekly newspaper print-1
ea in saia county ror tnree successive
weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Dated September th, 1929.
(Seal) s9-3w County Judge.
An eminent French doctor doesn't
believe that death Is inevitable, but
he is eanz to Dass as millions of
otnerg have done in the Dgual w
What he may believe doesn't alter
in the slightest degree the fact that
la man is born into this world to die
sooner or later.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
J ty, ss.
In the County Court.
e matter i u ox
Q readin and filing. the petition
Df Nancy L. Mullen praying that
I administration of said estate may be
granted to L,. u. .Muuen, as Aamin-
ls".r.L, e.,- or.
n ,q2q at ton o'clock a. m.. is as-
I signed for hearing said petition.
I when all persons interested in said
mattfcr. may vea? at , a fCon9.
I .n. Vs H ft I I 1T 1 Till fM CO 11
m,ntv and show cause whv the
I nrayer of petitioner should not be
I granted; and that notice of the pen-
dency of said petition and the hear
ing inereoi De given iu an persons
interested in said matter by publish-
I ing a COpy of this order in the Platts
I mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper printed In said county, for
three successive weeks, prior to said
day of hearing.
Dated August 20, 1929.
(Seal) s2-3w County Judge.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Jo
eph C. Ellington, deceased.
VhTa. EHln gton pray i ng that
administration of said estate may be
granted to Anna A. Ellington, as
Administratrix ;
Ordered, that September 27th, A.
D. 1929, at 10 o'clock a. m. is assign
ed for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested in said matter
I may appear at a County Court to be
held in and for said county, an
show cause why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted
and that notice of the pendency of
said petition and the hearing there
of be given to all persons interested
in said matter by publishing a copy
of this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county, for three
successive weeks prior to said day
of hearing.
Dated August 29th, 1929.
(Seal) s2-3w County Judge.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account
Tn the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss
estate of John Varady, also known
jo an persons mieresiea in in
as Johan Uzovics. deceased
On reading the petition of Stanley
Serpan (Czecho-Slovak Consul), Ad
ministrator, praying a final settle
ment and allowance of his account
filed in this Court on the 4th day of
September, 1929, and for final set
tlement of said estate and for his
discharge as said Administrator;
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held
in and for said
county, on the 4th day of October,
A. D. 1929, at 10 o'clock a. m., to
show cause, if any there be, why the
prayer of tne petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all per
publishing a copy of this order in
tne Plattsmoutb Journal, a semi-
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the seal of
said Court this 4 th day of September,
A, D. 1929.
(Seal) s9-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To the heirs at law and all per
sons interested in the estate of Ben
rend J. Beckman, deceased:
On reading the petition of Anna
Reinackle, praying that the instru
ment filed in this court on the 22nd
day of August, 1929, and purporting
to be the last will and testament of
the said deceased, may be proved and
allowed and recorded as the last will
aQa testament of Behrend J. Beck
man. deceased: that said instrument
be admitted to probate and the ad
ministration of said estate be rrant-
ed to Anna Reinackle as Executrix:
it is hereby ordered that you. and
persons interested In said mat-
Iter, may, and do, appear at the Coun-
ty Court to be held in and for said
county on the 20th day of Septem-
ber. A. D. 1929. at ten o'clock a. m..
to show cause. If any there be, why
the prayer of the petitioner should
not be granted, and that notice of
the pendency of said petition and
that the hearing thereof be given to
all persons interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this Order in
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and the seal of
said Court, this 22nd day of August,
A. D. 1929.
(Seal) a26-3w County Jud
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To the heirs at law and all per
sons interested in the estate of Leon
ard Muir, deceased:
On reading the petition of Carrie
Muir praying that the Instrument
filed in this court on the 21st day
of August, 1929, and purporting to
be the last will and testament of the
sald deceased, may be proved and al -
lowed and recorded as the last will
and testament of Leonard Muir, de-
ceased; that said Instrument be ad-
mitted to probate and tne ad minis -
tratlon or said estate De granted to
Carrie Muir, as Executrix;
It is hereby ordered tnat you, and
all persons interested in saia matter,
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county, on the 20th day of Septem-
ber, A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock a. m.,
to show cause, if any there be, why
the prayer of the petitioner should
not be granted, and that notice of
the pendency of said petition and
that the hearing thereof be given to
all persons interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this Order
in tne fiausmouin journal, a semi -
weekly newspaper printed In said
county, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and the seal of
said court, this 21st day of August,
(Seal) a26-3w County Judge.
In the District Court of the County
of Cass, Nebraska
J. E. Meisinger and
Lena Meisinger,
John W. Seymore
et al,
To the defendants, John W. Sey
more, Mrs. John W. Seymore, first
real name unknown, the heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons Interested
In the estates of John W. Seymore,
Mrs. John W. Seymore. first
name unknown; William E. Pardee,
ctenhon TT- xt.vIIo eoVi Hoacul
1 li Vo.,S. Alnirntixrl
PV" . .tuvAV.., - " ,
j T .-, Ann I r.
and six (6). in Block fifty-three (53),
in r-;t ,.r Piottammifh On m
county. Nebraska, real names un-
You and each of you are hereby
notified that J. E. Meisinger and
Lena Meisineer. as plaintiffs, filed a
petition and commenced an action in
the District Court of the County of
Cass. Nebraska, on the 24th day of
August. 1929. againBt you and each
of you: the object, purpose and
prayer of which is to obtain a de-
cree of the court quieting the title
to Lots 5 and 6, in Block S3, in the
City of Plattsmouth. Cass county,
VeKracVa ri the nlafnttffa sa arfltnot
you and each of you, and for such
other relief as may be just and
nnnitahle In the nremlRoa
You and each of you are further
nntlflerl tnat vnn ore rnnnirw tn
answer said petition on or before
iuonuay, tne xnu un ui uuuuci.i
or tne allegations or saia peu -
uon win De tajien as true ana a. ue-
cree will be rendered In favor of the
piaintins. j. tu. aieisinger ana uena
Meisinger. as against you and each
of you. according to the prayer of
said DetltlOn.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
on Petition for Determination
of Heirship
No. of
deceased, in
Stephen D. I
the County I
Court of Cass County. Nebraska,
The State of Nebraska. To all Der-
Bona interested In said estate, cred-
itors and heirB take notice, that
Rhoda Muenchau who is one of the
heirs of said deceased and interested
In snrh haa fUari hej nAtitinn al-
leging that Stephen D. Roblyer, died
(nteatota in Pan mnntT K'ehranVa I
on or about November 23, 1926, be-
ing a resident and inhabitant of
" I
Wao-le r-acn ri,ntir MehracVo on1
the owner of the following described I
real estate to-wif nTe ' il rucivr ruire auuj
reai estate, to-wit. I . . . v r vtnDmnv CT
An undivided one-fourth (hi)
interest in and to Outlot Twenty-nine
(29) in the Northeast
Quarter (NEU of the South
east Quarter (SEVi) of Section
Twenty (20), Township Ten
(10), N. Range Nine (9). East
of the 6th P. M. in Cass County.
leaving as am soie ana on ij ceira a
law the following named persons, to- j
Major Roblyer. a son; Rhoda
Muenchau. a daughter; Calvin
Roblyer, a son; and Rosa Wil
liams, a granddaughter and
only child of a deceased daugh
ter tnat said decedent aied intestate;
tnat no application ror aaministra-1
uon nas Deen maae ana tne estate i
or saia decedent nas not been
ministerea in tne state or iveorasKa,
and that the Court determine who
are the heirs of said dease. their
esTi ana"! l.Torr',y,r::.::
descent in the real property of which
the deceased died seized, which has
been set for hearing on the 13 th day
of September, A. D. 1929, at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this ICth day of August. A. D. 1929.
Seal) County Judge.
The Journal does Zaw Brief print-
tug. Tell your lawyer yon would
like your bnei prated at home.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Ed
Aletteer, deceased:
To the creditors of said estate:
iou are nereoy notified, tnat
wm sit at tne County Court room in
Plattsmouth, in said county, on the
27th day of September, .1929, and
on the 28th day of December, 1929,
at 10 o'clock a. m., of each day, to
receive and examine all claims
1 against said estate, with a .view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
1 months from the 27th day of Sep-
tember. A. D. 1929, and the time
I limited for payment of debts is one
year from said 27th day of Septem-
j Der, 1929.
Witness my hand and the seal of
I said County Court this 27th day of
August, 1929.
(Seal) s2-4w
County Judge.
on Petition for Determination
of Heirship.
Estate No.
of Isaac N. Wolfe,
1 deceased In
the County Court of
Cass county, Nebraska.
Tne state of Nebraska, to all per-
Bons interested in said estate, eredi-
tors and heirs take notice, that
Kjancy L. Mullen, who is one of the
n Rllc, has filed her' Detitlon allea-
I In that Isaac M Wolf dld intps -
tut in Casa countv. Nebraska, on or
about May 10, 1921, being a resi -
dent and inhabitant of Cass county,
I Nebraska, and the owner of the fol-
I lowing described real estate, to-wit:
Lot ten (10) in Block three
(3) In Munger's First Addition
to the Village of Alvo, Cass
county, Nebraska
leaving as his sole and only heirs at
law the following named persons.
I to-wit:
Margaret A. Wolfe, his widow,
and only wife; Mary E. Dim
mitt and Nancy L. Mullen,
That said decedent died intestate;
I that no application for adminlstra-
tion has been made and the estate of
tered in the State of Nebraska, and
that thp Court detprmlna who arfl1"0 x "utM'uulu rvjcvt .w,
iho helro rf cnld ilwuaoul thr
I crree rT Irlnanln anrt tnn rthf rT no
scent in tne real property of which
the deceased died Kied. which has
been set for hearing on the 27th day
I OI September, A. li. lazy, at ten
o clock a. m., tn the County Court
room in riattsmoutn, Cass county.
Dated at .fiattsmooln, Nebraska, I
jwiu oay or August, a. u. ivzv.
A. M. DUaBIRi,
(Seal) a2-? Ccoxnty Judge.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Marjorie Vernon,
"""u1 Cl "
I A T I- I 1 1 - . t
I weieUOdniS
To tJxfi defendants:
Ahraham rjurmfnhael XTra Anra
1 h&m c&rmlchael, first and real name
unknown, wife of Ahraham Cjimlrh
aeL CAtherine Portar. widow of Sam-
uel porter deceased. Jane R. Porter,
Pnrfur rani nnma nntrtnum
husband of Jane R. Porter. William
Tl .Pnrtur Tra WilHnm R Porter
first and real name unknown, wife
of William B. Porter. Samuel I.
Portar. Mrs. Samuel I. Porter, first
and real name unknown, wife of
Samuel L Porter. James R. Porter.
Mrs. James R. Porter, first and real
name unknown, wifa of James R.
Porter, the heirs, devise ea, legatees,
personal representatives, creditors
and all other persons interested in
the estate of Samuel Porter, de-
ceased, if said persons be living; if
aeceasea. tne nelre, devisees, le-
gateea. personal representatives,
creditors, and all other persona In-
t crested In the estates of each of
tne above namea persona, eaca ae-
ceased, whose names and where-
abouta are to plaintiff unknown, ana
all persons- having or claiming any
laters( n timbered twenty- o'clock upon the 25th day of Sept..
Oil 6 (21), fiUb-IOt OBd (1) Ul lOtllQOQ for the furniahlnET of labor..
, x . . 3 inc 1 I
numbered twenty-five (25). except-
" meretfom BTB 9 CTt IU m
. . v . .V. I
County. Nehraska, real names un
Yon and each of you are hereby
notified that the above named plain
tiff filed a petition and commenced
an option tn th TW at rit fVin rt of
najw Conntr. VfthraaltA. on the 17th I
dav of Anmiirt- 19 M. aeInst vou and I
aeh of vtm. the ohict and nravex I
0f -wMcli la to obtain a decree of
Court quieting the title to Lot num- I
Ibej - fid t-wpintv-onn fell, nnb-lot one I
fi) in kt numbered twenty-five
(25). and lot numbered twenty-five
(2-5); excepting therefrom five (5)
acres in the southwest corner of said
lot twenty-ave au m sorter
Place Addition to the City ox Platts-
mouth. Cass County, Kebrasaa, as
against you ana eaca or you. ana
ror suon otner ana turtner ma a i
aa-imay d just ana equitaoie in toe
ipreHiises. i
You and each ox you are required I
from the Bruce Engineer-
1929. or the allegations of plain
tiff's petition will be taken as true
and a decree will be entered in favor
of the plaintiff against you and each
of you. according to the prayer of
said petition.
Dated this 19 th day of August,
Attorney. al9-4w.
Phone your news to the Journal I
on Petition for Determination
of Heirship
Estate No.
of Rebecca Rob-
I Iyer, deceased, in the Countv Court
of Cass County. Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, To all per-
l sons interested in said estate, cred-
Itors and heirs take notice, that
Rhoda Muenchau. who is one of the
heirs of said deceased and interested
in such, has filed her petition alleg-
ing that Rebecca Roblyer died in-
testate in Eagle. Cass County. Ne-
braska. on or about July 24th. 1926.
being a resident and inhabitant of
Cass County, Nebraska, and the
I owner of the following described real
estate, to-wit:
Outlot Twenty-nine (29) In
I the Northeast Quarter ( NE L )
of the Southeast Quarter (SE)
of Section Twenty (20), Town
ship Ten (10), N. Range Nine
(9), East of the 6th P. M., in
Cass County, Nebraska
leaving as her tole and only heirs at
I law the following named persons, to-
Stephen D. Roblyer, her sec
ond husband; Linnie Deles
Dernier, a daughter; Major
Roblyer, a son; Rhoda Muen
chau,, a daughter; Calvin Rob
lyer. a son: and Rosa Williams.
a granddaughter and only child
of a deceased daughter
that said decedent died Intestate:
that no application for administra-
tlon has been made and the estate of
I said decedent has not been admin-
I istered in the State of Nebraska, and
1 that the Court determine who are the
neirs or said deceased, tnelr detrree
f kinship and the right of descent
J in lQe reai property or wmcn tne de
ceased died seized, which has been
set for hearing on the 13th day of
September, A. D. 1929, at ten o' clock
a. m.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 16th day of August, A. D. 1929.
(Seal) County Judge.
Sealed bids will be received at
the office of the City Clerk at Platts
mouth, Nebraska, on Sept 25th, 1929,
until 8 o'clock p. m., and at that
time publicly opened and read for
I ?r' " . tV7". -k"
Jfl A OA . - - J
" "I" XVUJU.
I j,.vr-. w. v.
' ,
25,000 cu. yds.. Unclassified
Excavation; 40.000 cu. yds., Sta
tions Overhaul; 11,000 sq. yds..
Sand Gravel Surfacing Class
MA" 2" deep; 100 cu. yds., Un
classified Excavation for Cul
verts; 150. Lin. ft. 18 Culvert
Pipe; 76 Lin. ft. 24 Culvert
Pipe; 2,400 Lin. ft. Guard Rail.
This work may be performed in
conjunction with similar work in the
City of Plattsmouth which will. in
crease very materially the quantities
listed herein.
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and Information
secured at the office of the County
Clerk at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, at
the office of the City Clerk at Platts
mouth, Nebraska, or at the office of
the Department of Public Works at
Lincoln, Nebraska.
The successful bidder will be re
quired to furnish bond in an amount
equal to 100 of his contract.
Certified checks made payable to
the department of Public Works for
not leBS than flvo per 06111 6) ot
U1UOUUV ui me oia Will oe re
TllIa work must be started pre-
i tIous to October 15th, 1929 and be
compietea ny January ist, 1930
The right Is reserved to waive all
technicalities and reject any or all
ran. State Engineer.
I County Clerk, Cass Coun
Sealed proposals will be received
by the City Clerk of the City ot
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, un to 8 d. m.
I tools and material for the grading,
graveling and construction of the
MmanfmH Ttlver r?rfr1(TA Pnod from
Third and Granite Streets to the
north line of Diamond Street and
first alley East of A. Avenue, and
all appurtenances thereto, in the City
of Plattsmouth. Cass County, Ne
The work to be done in accord
ance with plans and specifications
now on file with the City Clerk and
adopted by the Mayor and City Coun-
ell upon the 28th day of August,
1Z, wnicn plans ana specincations
are hereby referred to as shown on
this notice.
Bids will be made out on proposal
forms furnished by the City Clerk
land shall be accompanied by a certl-
jfled check in the amount of five per
cent (5) of the bid as evidence of
eood faith of the bidder.
The engineers estimate of cost, ex-
elusive of viaduct, engineering and
miscellaneous is S10 136 00
Additional estimate for eravelinfr
t 115 qq
t,,OT, aT,A .iti. .
IK Company, Omaha. Nebraska, upon
the deposit of $10.00.
City Clerk.
It is absurd to suppose that the
future of the talkies is in the least
degree doubtful. Anything has a fu
ture which keeps people away from