The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 09, 1929, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PAGE FOUfi
MONDAY, SEPT. 0, 1820.
'I-I-M"!"!!'!-!''!!-!'! a number of weeks and who under
went a very ciritical operation, has I
since been very poorly and while
wwr gome dayg ghe 8h0W8 a litti6 g.aln
" 4 on other days her condition has been
V f Very SeHOUS. She 8eemed at the T6-
Dort last week to be gaining slightly
Palling, who has been mak- Und with the hope of holding her
own. Everything possible has been
M. G
ing his home on the farm southwest
of Greenwood moved to town last done for the patient and the friends
week and will make his home here are much concerned as to her condi
for the present. tlon. The host of friends in Green-
Rex Peters and the good wife wood and elsewhere are very solici-
were enjoying visiting at the state tous that she show good improve
fair for the day last Tuesday and ment and be able to return to her
report a wonderful exhibit of the home in a short time.
great state of Nebraska.
A. E. Leesley, who suffered a lire, Visiting in Missouri
wmcn consumed some oi xne duhu- s s Petersen and Bert Apphun,
lngs on his place south of Greenwood with tne auto of Mr Petersen de
where Dan Griffin resides, is having partea- one day last week for New
mem repiacea ana pui in goou m- Hampton. Mo., where they will spend
dition again. some time visiting with friends and
juuge w. c ieKirn aim iu reiatives and in seeing the country
good wife were over to Murdock last ag well as perhaps working some on
week and remained for over the week the farm while they are away. They
end and were visiting at the home wlll vlsit wlth Andrew Stevens while
of their daughter and with other they are there as well as with rela.
inenas in aiuraocK. tives of Mr. Apphun living in that
. superintendent nugnes ui lue I vicinity.
ureenwooci scnoois, wno nas Deen
living in the southwestern portion SELECT NEW REPRESENTATIVE
111 J .1 - ...Vtl-U -mw 111
v.une rwiunu-B u.u. m Through the death of our mutual
ue nearer iu iuu aim u biuuu.. frieBd, Mr. W. E. Hand who repre
itooeri diulh. mo muy w w ttnle(, Castle. Roper & Matthews
of Greenwood and Herman Schmidt for so many years ln Cass county ft
and family, or MurdocK, were enjoy- has become necessary for us to make
ing the state rair on inursaay oi new affiliations. This we have done
last week, they all driving over to with A. F. Wiebke of Greenwood.
the capital city in the car of Mr. I Nebraska.
Stock. We would like to say in behalf of
Mrs. Elwood, who has been so ser- Mr. Hand that through all the years
iously ill with pneumonia for some of our association, Mr. Hand never
time past, is reported as showing overlooked an opportunity to be of
much improvement, which is good service to the people of his commun
now to her manv friends here. It ity and the weather was never so
la hnnpd that sh will soon he out severe as to make him hesitate a
of danger.
Wra. Rouse has been
meter receptacles, a concrete place
for the retention of the water meter,
which is thus pretected from the
weather and freezing and at the
same time accessible for reading
when it is desired
Taking advantage of the holiday
on Labor day. last Monday. E. A
moment to render a service either
installing to these who called him or, to the
nrm ne represemeu.
By C. H. Roper.
Milford. the eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Noah Lyon was born at Unadil-
Landon and wife and Wayne Landon J, on June 27. 1908. and died at the
and wife were enjoying a visit at
the state fair, they driving over
and spending the day seeing the
things which are produced in this
great state.
Ben Connelly, living southeast of
Greenwood, has arranged to have a
Lincoln General hospital August 30.
1929. age 21 years, 2 months and 3
He lived at Unadilla eleven years.
when he moved with Ills parents to
Lincoln, where they lived for one
year. In the spring of 1920 they mov
ed to Holt county ana resided on a
very substantial cattle shed built as farm near Atkinson for eight years,
an addition to -the barn which he an(j m0ved to Greenwood the spring
naa ercctea duc a snort time ago. Gf 192S. In July, Milford was taken
This will put the place in condition Lick and when to the Lincoln General
to care for the stock which is being hospital where he remained for five
red mere in tne best of manner. weeks for treatment and was recup
Grant Peters was a visitor in Om- erating at home when he took pneu-
aha last ednesday. in response to monia. He was taken back to the hos
a telephone tall which he received, pital but died on Friday morning at
asking him to come and arrange to 6:30 after an illness of six days
accept a position as driver of a car Funeral services were held at the
for Mr. Carl Gray, president of the Greenwood M. E. church on Sunday
Union Pacific railwnv. Mr Potora afternoon, with Rev. W. N. Wallis of
immediately departed for Omaha to Ashland in charge assisted by Rev.
see about the work Ernest Baker of the Christian church
Dr. E. L. Moon was a visitor in of Greenwood. Interment was made
CroAnwnnri for th at the Greenwood cemetery where
a guest at the home of Mr. and n o hrted by " -
P. A. Sanborn, spending the P" , No- 9J lodge The Rebekah
with them and his damrhter lodRe' and KPworth League of the
wun mem ana nis aaugnter, ,,,.,., ttonAaA tn Q hnHy Th
Miss Margaret Moon, who has been
spending some time here. On his
M. E. church attended in a body. The
church was filled with sorrowing
f rinnla fin1 1 o 1 1 voa 4 r m V Vt ii l
en. n ouuuojr cvruiue, uu was tic- Ms In Iho rnxmnrv nf thp rlpra.iwl
08'"" acuoui ai urowneu nau The casket was covered with floral
companied by the daughter, who tributes of respect and love. Three
ot mat place. I solos annronriate and svnmathPtieal
v. u. Laney ana party, wno have lv rendered were suns' hv Mrs. A
oeen seeing tne west for the past n. Finlay, accompanied by Miss
seven weeKs. were at Denver the v ettp Pnlfpp
first of last week and on their way He leaves to mourn his loss, nar-
nome, and during the latter portion ents, two sisters. Mrs. Fannie Beck
or the week drove into Greenwood, of Atkinson, Miss Nora and a broth
well satisfied that we have a won- er, Gilmore of Greenwood and a host
derful country here in Cass county of other relatives and friends, who
and that this part of Nebraska ranks sympathize with them in their hour
among the best in the entire of Un- of deep grief.
cle Sam's vast domain. "Life's narrow span, how brief the
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Peterson, who space that marks, our pilgrimage here
were visiting for the past ten days Pflow- Jovea laces, voice s stilled
at Hutchison. Minn , who h.v awnne nut waning to welcome us
WCTP snpilfHnc tholr m.otlnn TirJffcle KIIOW
"I - -....(-, . u , UV.ll IT 1111
the relatives of Mrs. Peterson and
other relatives and friends, and also
were visiting at Minneapolis for a
portion of the time, returned home
late last week, and "Pete" is again
nustllng with the work. They were
up close to the border line of the
United States and could look over
into Canada, but the good old U. S.
A. looked good enough for them.
KFA8 Joins
NBC Chain for
- Blue Network
Greenwood Transfer Line
e do a general business make
trips regularly to Omaha on Monday
ana inursaay. also to Lincoln Tues
day and Friday. Pick up loads on
these trips. Full loads at any time.
Lincoln Station Gets Schedule
Daily Programs; Must Di
vide With WBB1L
Take a ride in the
new Studebaker
and see for yourself
irst hand the
truly remarkable
performance o this
ultra-ine car.
This is the invitation
of Mr. Lee Nickles, the
new Studebaker dealer
in Plattsmouth, to the
people of this vicinity.
Lee says the test of a
good car is not wholly
in the matter of 'showi
ness' although the new
Studebaker models cer
tainly have plenty of
that, too.
Lee has been driving
cars a good many years
and is well qualified to
know a 'thoroughbred'
when he sees one.
He says when one
gets behind the wheel
of this new Studebaker
model he experiences a
thrill in driving wholly
unlike anything he ever
experienced before.
That is why he is so
anxious to show all his
friends what the new ,
cars will do.
"For then," says Lee,
you will unaerstana
why Studebaker builds
more 8 - cylinder auto
mobiles than any manu
facturer of motor cars
in the world."
Whether or not you
expect to purchase a
car soon, Mr. Nickles
invites you to call him
up for a free demon
stration in the fine new
model he has just re
ceived. His telephone num
ber is 20 and he will
be pleased to respond to
your call at any time.
Truce Called
in Fight Over
Tariff Rates
btatlon KFAB, owned and oper
ated by the Nebraska Buick Auto
company at Lincoln, has been added
to the "blue network" of the Na-
m I
Accepts Good Position tional Broadcasting company. It be-
AVord from Mr. and Mrs. Evan comes the sixty-ninth station in the
Schoope, who are in Chicago, where combined N. B. C. chain.
some weeks since he was tendered a The tentative schedule of chain
position as Inspector for the Govern- features will be: Sunday, 12 to 1 p.
meni. is to the effect that he is lik- m-. Roxy symphony; 1 to 2 p. m..
ing the position very much and that "Friendly hour;'' 5:30 to 6, "Retold
hoth he and the wife, who was form- Tales;" Monday, 4 to 4:30. Mormon
eriy i von est, are enjovincr lifn in Tabernacle program from Salt Lake
1he "Windy City" very much. City; Roxy theater from 5:30 to 6;
Tuesday, 5:30 to 6, Lew White's or
gan recital; Wednesday, 2 to 2:30;
Navy band; Thursday, 6:30 to
program; Friday, 2 to
2:30. "Pacific Little Symphony" and
Saturday, 9:15 to 10, slumber mu
KFAB operates on 389.4 meters end suspension of hostilities in the
work on which will be done by Hal with five thousand watts power and senate's tariff warfare was announced
Parsell. of Alvo. which insures that must dlvide time with WBBM chi" Friday. On Monday, at noon, the
the structure will be one of the best I B ,JUI" lIie AmKI":au """""" parliamentary oattie win De resumed.
uo a 1-" . . i wuu ucuaie cenvenng upon aamiu-
l'acmc coast went into DanKruptcy, istrative provisions of the bill
as Studebaker-Erskine
Dealer in
Studebaker takes pleasure in an
nouncing this splendid representa
tion for Studebaker and Erskine
motor cars. Owners will here find
a quality of service both new
and gratifying.
The latest in motor car styles
is exemplified by the smart new
Studebaker-built sixes and eights.
And these cars are unique in per
formance as tkey are in appear
ance, for Studebaker holds every
official stock car record for speed
and endurancel
With such convincing proof of
performance, backed by One
Profit value, it is net surprising
that Studebaker sells more eight
cylinder cars than any other
manufacturer in the world.
Studebaker Models and Prices
The President Eight
The Commander Eight
The Commander Six
The Dictator Eight
The Dictator Six
The Erskine Six t
14459 1785
1245 to
1 1 85 to
995 to
860 to
SaflH TFfleipflEinie FS, 2 2ir
Will Build New "Ray-n
Charles Graham, living northwest L KZZrZa
town, will in a short time begin i'.ZJlL
or town, win in a short time begi
tne construction of a new barn on
his farm, the lumher for which has
been purchased from the Searle
Chapin Lumber company, and the
Insurgents to Permit Debate on Bill's
Merits Before Move to Re
strict Changes.
Washington, Sept. 6. A wcek-
wnen completed, tor Mr. Parsell i
an. excellent workman.
KFAB was a member of that chain.
Burial Vaults.
We have the only solf sealing
buriel vaults, automatically seals it
self, excluding water or any other
substance. We deliver them on call
to any place in Cass or Otoe coun
Nehawka. Neb.
Mrs. E. L. McDonald Poorly
lire. E. L. JIcDor.dH. who has
The Mynard Community Club will
put on a program at the Lewiston
Community Club Thursday evening,
Sept. 12th. For the benefit of the
Lewiston Community Club.
The only charge will be for the re
freshments. Come and have a good
time. d&w.
Large size maps of Cass county on
been in the hospital at Lincoln for sals at JournaJ office, 50c each.
By agreement between Senator
Robinson 'of Arkansas, democratic
leader, and Senator Borah, Idaho,
spokesman for the western republi
can independents, the effort to re
strict revision of tariff rates to agri
cultural schedules or to recommit
the measure will be postponed until
there has been some debate upon the
merits of the bill.
A motion for consideration of ad
ministrative sections of the measure
will be made by Senator Simmons.
North, Carolina, racking democrat cf
the finance committe', after he has
sought a vote on his proposal that
the treasury furnish income tax in
formation, with respect to profits and
losses of individuals and corporations
affected by proposed tariff revisions.
Senator Robinson issued a state
ment saying that the republicans, in
asking tariff revision now, are at
tempting to "force reaction to such
legislation as far in advance of elec
tion as possible, so that public re
sentment at unjustifiable increases in
living costs will exhaust itself be
fore it can be made effective in .con
gressional and senatorial choices."
Omaha Bee-News.
Modern 6-room house on paving at
716 X. 6th street. II. J. Hough.
We print everything but money
and butter. Phone your order to
No. 6. Prompt service.
Omaha A coroner's Jury Friday
placed blame for a fatal automobile
accident which killed two persons
Wednesday evening on George Hun
tington, seventeen, driver of one of
two automobiles which collided, and
cleared Ernest Kauffold, driver of
the other, of blame.
The county attorney's office or
dered that the $3,000 bond under
which Huntington was held after
the accident be continued. Bryce
Crawford, jr.. who conducted the in
quest, said that charges of criminal
negligence or of causing death while
exceeding the speed limit would be
The two killed in the accident,
which occurred at a street Intersec
tion, were Iona Michelsen, eight,
and Donald Wilson, one, who were
pinned under Kauffold' car. It was
thrown upon the sidewalk after be
ing struck by Huntington's automobile.
IwJdventures The Fire Hellion
- Farm Loans and Lands
Vl N 8 vr Sr uatntumoKy nf f he might have can to