FADE TWO Nehawka In the very near future J. E. Wood will begin the painting of the front of the Wessell Hardware store. Lois Giles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Giles, won the grand cham pion for perfect health at the state fair on last Monday. Granville Ileebner was with the . good wife attending the state fair on last Monday and reports a very fine attendance and exhibit. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson were down from Omaha on last Monday to attend the funeral of the late James T. Reynolds, who was killed last Saturday by his horses in his barn. Harry Knabe had some thirty-: five hogs on exhibition at the state fair and many of which drew prizes, but we cannot make a report until Harry returns so look for it the coming week. Dan Anderson. Louis Ross and their wifes and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson of Omaha, were at Weep ing Water on last Sunday where they were in attendance at the fu neral of the late O. A. Johnson. Miller Christensen and family who have been visiting for a number of days at the home of friends in St. Louis, having driven over to the big city, returned home last week af ter having had a very nice visit. The fates were against the Ne hawka ball team on last Sunday when they battled with the sturdy lads of Murray, for play as hard as they could they could not win, and Mur ray carried off the honors by a score of 7 to 4. J. G. Wunderlich and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Switzer were over to Shenandoah where they visited the seed house and broadcasting sta tion of Henry Fields and stopped at Nebraska to see the boat races on their way home. Miss Leora Fleischman was a vis itor for a week at Brule where she was guest at the home of her bro ther, Mr. Verner Fleischman and wife. They returned to Plattsmouth early this week and will remain for a couple of weeks. W. O. Troop and son, Robert Troop shipped to the South Omaha mar ket early this week one hundred and twenty-five head of cattle, which brought a very nice price, and well they should for they were very fine ones, and have been on feed for Rome time. Albert Wolfe and daughter. Miss G-ladys. were over to Lincoln on last Monday, Labor day, where they were enjoying the state fair. Mrs. Wolfe was attending the state fair on Saturday. The care of the tele phone exchange precluded them all attending at the same time. Frank P. Sheldon and wife and Mesdames Marion Tucker and Walter J. Wunderlich were over to Platts mouth and Omaha on last Tuesday morning where Mr. Sheldon was looking after some business matters in connection with the department store which he conducts in Nehawka. Chester Stone was over to Lin coln on last Monday as well as the latter portion of last week and had on exhibit a very fine spotted Poland China boar which brought the grand champion prize of this strain of hog. He had a number of others there but all were sold and Chester erturned home. Mrs. John Young who has been visiting for some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Young and Parr Young and family for some time re turned to her home at Colerige ear ly last week and was taken in their car by Mr. and Mrs. Parr Young and the kiddies, they enjoying the visit and the trip very much. J. S. Rough and the good wife de pnrted on their annual vacation and when they secured James H. Palmer to look after the elevator they went to Iowa City where they visited for a number of days at the homes of Harold Dane and family and Ben Bensoji and family, who are making their home there. Mr. and Mrs. Rough was very well pleased with their trip as well as the nice visit which they had. Mrs. Perry Shanklin of Lincoln ac companied by her little daughter, were visiting for a time last week, remaining for over the week end, and while here took Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Young over to Shenandoah where they visited the seed house of the broadcasting stations, where they enjoyed the visit very much. Mrs. Shanklin and daughter visiter Mr. Shanklin who is making his home at the Nebraska Masonic Home. Burlington Man Endorses Sargon WEEPING WATER Harrison Wade will go to Manley the coming week where he will es tablish his horse sales and tradine , .1 . r cargon nas uuue me muie guuu i camD. than any medicine I ever took In my l. h. Lane of the handy filling life. station was a visitor in Lincoln on For ten years I suffered with last Monday and was attending the stomach trouble that poisoned - my whole sys tem and brought on all kinds of complications. I had very little appetite and what little I did eat caused me a Jot of pain. Lumbago and rheumatism 1 n my legs bother ed me a lot and I suffered . from headaches that state fair Carl Day was attending the state fair and had an exhibit, a represen tation of the stock which he and sons are breeding and growing. Knute Jenson and family were over to Lincoln on last Tuesday where they were attending the state fair, they driving over in their car. Gust Kegley the veteran barber, was a visitor m Piattsmoutn lor a short time -on last Monday, going over on Labor day and visiting with his friends. Charles H. Warner, and wife of Plattsmouth were visiting last Tues day with many relatives and friends must have been brought on by con- . r stipation. Nervousness kept me from James M. Teegarden was looking sleeping, too, ana i was aiways l"eu after some business matters regard and listless. inr the settlement of an estate at "Almost as soon as I started tak- plattsmouth last Tuesday driving ing Sargon and Sargon Soft Mass over in his car. Pills, my whole condition began to George Towle returned late last imDrove. This wonderful treatment week from a visit to some lands built back my strength and put my which he has in Furnas county, and stomach in fine condition. My ap- reports having enjoyed a very good netite nicked ud and indigestion dis- time during his rtip anneared. The Dains from lumbago Emery DeWulf was a visitor in " I i i a m .. 1 1 and rheumatism stopped entirely. Lincoln on iasi i uesuay caiieu iutit The pills regulated me perfectly to look after some business matters withmit nnv hart fTprt at all. m line wun tne eaung nouse wnicn . . -J 1. 1 t Ttfn t nut I'm glad to recommend Sargon to cuiiuucia m w " all my friends: it's a medicine that does all that is claimed for it and more." Frank R. Blake way, 1909 S. 12th St., Burlington, la. Weyrich & Hadraba,. Agents. J. E. Wood, .the painter who has been at the home of Nelson Berger where he has been painting for some time has completed the work there and is again at the home of J. J. Pollard where he is finishing the in terior of the new building. The plastering has been completed some time since and during -the present week. Henry -M. Pollard and Win. Obernaulte have completed the inter ior work, thus leaving the last touches to be done by Mr. Wood. Robert Troop and wife with their little daughter, drove out to Imper ial, last week, where Mr. Troop vis- ister for a day, and returned, Mrs. Troop and little daughter remained for a longer visit. They found the A. R. Dowler was looking after some ousiness matters in union on last Monday, driving over in one of the celebrated six Chevrolets which he and Edward Dowler are selling so many. D. B. Van Every and wife of Oma ha were over to Wabash on last Sun day and visited with the mother, Mrs. A. M. Van Every, for the day and on Monday visited with G. W. Van Every here. J. S. Williams and family slipped away while they had a capable sales lady looking after the bakery on last Tuesday and went to the state fair driving in their car and getting an outing as well. Frank J. Davis of Broken Bow who has been visiting here and other por tions of Cass county for the past week departed for "his hom on last Wednesday after having enjoyed his visit here very much. Eugene Colbert and wife and son. Lloyd, "and Mr. and .Mrs. L. F. Dot were visiting at Wauneta'for a num- here and there there was much corn ... . p,KJ, W Kl KT ell lAlflllT Ul VJ CU 1 T burned very badly. While there Mr. and Mrs. Troop were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lohnes, parents of Mrs. Troop. Mr. Lohnes who is an excep tionally good, farmer has a very fine crop of corn. Albert Anderson and family, Dan Anderson and family, and Alfred An derson of Omaha, and Raymond Hart of Weeping Water, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson-Berger, and Louis Ross and wife, made up a party who was attending the state ' fair on 'last Monday, it Deing Labor day. They met many people among the hundred and ten thousand which they knew. Especial ly Alfred Anderson who had on ex hibit many times mixers from the Sheldon Manufacturing company of Nehawka. Notwithstanding the fact of the many years of Mrs. Mary Wiley, which is near ninety, she was in attendance at the Old Settlers Re union, and not withstanding the fact that the weather was very warm. She was meeting her many friends and said that while it was warm there it was also very warm at home. Mrs. Wiley is very active for the years which have come to her. Mrs Wiley has lived for many years and enjoys the distinction of having re sided on the farm which her hus band homesteaded when the county was new. Eentertained for Supper. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin entertained last Saturday night at a six o'clock jewelry stock of the store which was returned home last week Fred A. Bursch has accepted a position with the Charles H. Gibson store and is assisting in the 'work there now. Mr. Bursch should make a valuable man for Mr. Gibson, as he is well and favorably known. The Coffee House was being paint ed and made to look the better there by. This has been an eating place for many years and for a long time Was a bakery and conducted by Carl Ankerson who went to Chicago to live a number of years ago. E. H. Norris and sons John and Frank were over 'to Lincoln on last Tuesday, where they were attending the state fair and returning enjoyed being caught in a rain which was very badly needed. Mrs. Norris was a visitor at the. fair on last Saturday. Last Sunday James Miller and family of Plattsmouth were over for a visit with Peter H. Miller, the father and on Monday, Labor day, they all attended the state fair and helped swell the attendance on that day to the largest in the history of the fair. C. E. Pool and wife with their daughter. Miss Eloise, drove out to Ogallala last week where the daugh ter had been teaching for a number of years and where she is to teach this year., they taking her out to her school and also enjoying the trip very much. Henry Crozier is closing out the Earl Hunter and wife of Hastings where Mr. Hunter in with a banking house were visiting for last Sunday at the home of his parents, I. N, Hunter and wife of Weeping Water. They enjoyed a very fine visit for the week end and went to Tecumseh on Mondjiy, Labor day, where they visited at the home of:Mrs. Hunter's folks returning to Hastings in time to take his work up again on Tues day morning. John Fitzpatrick and E. Bobbitt were over to St. Louis, going last Friday and returning on Monday They went over to meet T. N. Bob bitt, the father of Edward Bobbitt who had been visiting in St. Louis from his home in New York, but before the boys got their Mr. Bobbitt had gone elsewhere for a visit and they were not able to see him. How ever they visited with many other relatives while there. Word was received last week of the death of L. W. Hanson of Paci fic Junction, Iowa, and Jess Smith and family, Emil Schonbeck and family and Rasmus Laurlizen and wife departed last Saturday night to attend tne runerai which was held at Glenwood, Iowa on Sunday Mr. Hanson was 52 years of age and was uncle of the party going to the funeral. He has resided in Pacific Junction for the past fifty-two years. Good Stocks Counts. Good stock and good care counts in any line of business. Fred Reh meyer, and indeed the entire family, for the children are taking interest in the work of raising the very best Chester White hogs possible, and with good success for at the state fair on Monday of this week the ex hibits of the family received nine premiums, and one the grand cham pion of a fat Chester White barrow, the entire premiums amounting to over fifty dollars. Fred is still at the fair showing his stock. Returned From the West. Westley Davis and Samuel Baker who have been in the west near Sid ney, where they have been erecting a set of farm buildings on a section of land owned by Clarence Tefft, and which they completed last week re turned last Saturday and Sunday, arriving home Monday morning. Mr. Davis says that this was his first ex perience in the west, and that the crops are very good 'in the extreme western portion of the state but a space between Grand Island ana North Platte the crops are very badly burned. Enjoyed Visit in Missouri. Mr. E. E. Moore and family were enjoying a visit last week in Iowa and Missouri, they driving to Shen andoah, where they visited, then go ing to Marysville, Mo., and after a vi.it there with their many friends and relatives for they resided there for many years, they went to St. Joseph where they also visited and all in all enjoyed a splendid time while they were away. Will Prepare Exhibit for Fair. N. L. Grubb3, the blacksmith and implement man, will prepare an ex hibit for the Cass county fair, which will be held September 18, 19, and 20, in which he will present a dis play of farm machinery and will also have on exhibition a case of artistic horse shoes. He will make some 1500 horse nail rings for presentation to the people who attend the fair. supper at their country home and had as their guests for the occasion: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Sturm of Nehawka and Mr. and Mrs. John O Yeiser and their children of Omaha. A most enjoyable time was had by all. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rebal and children, who were visiting at Iowa City, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward" Rebal and attending the funeral of an aunt of Mr. Rebal, re turned home last evening. Bring Us Your Poultry, Eggs and Cream! We Pay the Highest Market Prices Always Heavy Hens, per lb. ... . . . . . 20 Springs, per lb. . 200 Leghorn Hens, per lb . .170 Leghorn Springs, per lb. . . ... .170 Cox, per lb. ; ,. .120 Dr. LeGear's Poultry and Stock Prescription Sold on Money Back Guarantee Come in and Get FREE Poultry Guide and Sample f.lorrow Hatchery and Produce Co. 6th and Pearl Streets Telephone No. 391 Plaiisuioiith, -Ncbr. closed some time since on account of the death of the proprietor. Weep ing Water is thus losing a business which should be represented here. It is hoped that another one may be established here soon. John Cole of the Cole Motor Com pany accompanied ny Aioert 1 uck and another driver were over to Oma ha on last Tuesday where they se cured three new Model A cars which they drove to Weeping Water and which were already sold, as they .go as rapidly as they can be gotten. Earl W. Towle who has been vis iting in Milwaukee for the past two months returned home last week and has been hustling getting out the ad vertising for the county fair. He was over to Lincoln on .last Tuesday looking after some business matters as well as attending the state fair Jack Jerguson, the truckman and who has been doing a good business this week purchased himself a new Chevrolet truck to better care for the business which he enjoys. He kept the truck which he had and was using, thus being equipped with two so that he can better handle his busi ness. Harold Baker who is associated with his father in the produce busi ness fli Weeping Water was visit ing for a number of days during a portion of last week and this at Hiawatha, Kansas, where he was guest at the home of his grandpar ents, R. M. Park and wife of that place. George Towle is having some im portant changes made in the room which was formerly occupied by the Weeping Water Republican before they built their new home, and is adding to the building to make it the more .convenient for the clean ing establishment which had just opened there. O. L. Hoffman who was out to Anton. Colorado, last week where be went to sec a farm for which he had traded some time since, returned Saturday night, having driven out and back In his car.-and found the CrCJ At th? f?T32 loCi'itr5 g??'J, t'jt maay places betv son hzre and there the crop3 were looking bad. Elupture Shield Expert Coming to Plattsmouth COSTS MORE 9 6&T 1 r P4o. 77 9? ess say thousands of motorists Red Crown Ethyl Gasoline costs a few cents more by the gallon because it contains the fa mous Ethyl compound. It actually costs less by the mile, as thousands have proved. It means new power and less gear shifting easier, smoother running in traffic. And no knocks, no matter how heavy a load you put on your motor summer or winter. Fill your tank with Red Crown Ethyl today and get a new driving thrill. The very first mile you'll notice the difference. Setting a fast pace The dependable power and mileage of bah anced Red Crown Gasoline keeps it the three to one favorite over the next most popular gasoline in Nebraska. Always uniform and quick-starting. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA "A Nebraska Institution" Sold by Red Crown Service Stations and Dealers everywhere in Nebraska RED CROWN ETHYL 'Gasoline Premium quality Oil Free-flowing, long-wearing, de posits minimum carbon. Graded to Xii " Nebraska motoring conditions. Con-M OtCll. Ifl?t suit the Chart for correct grade of&jbrprouctrnlu&ctiuio SELECT NEW REPRESENTATIVE on Saturday, Sept 14 at . MAIN HOTEL from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Evenings by telephone appointment only ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation Mr. C. F. Redlich, the successful expert saya: The 'Terfect Retention Shields" hold the rupture perfactly, no matter what position the body assumes or how heavy a weight you lift. They give instant relief, contract the open- ins in a remarkably short time and strengthen the weak tissues (the real cause of rupture) so that they fre quently recover their previous nat ural retaining power, needing no fur ther outside support. Stomach trou ble, backache and constipation often caused by Rupture promptly disap pear, y Truly remarkabfe and prompt re sults have been obtained not only with recent and not fully developed ruptures, but also with old, long ne glected ones. Ingenious, recently perfected de vices are now holding ruptures firm ly, which heretofore never had been retained. No elastic belts nor filthy legstraps are used. I guarantee the durability of my absolutely sweat and moisture proof. sanitary appliances. 75 of ruptured children recover completely throuRh expert mechanic al treatment according to statistics. Do not waste your money on wide ly advertised mail order contraptions. You cannot fit yourself. C. F. REDUOH, Suptnre A nU- Block, Huineapolis. Minnesota- Through the death of our mutual friend, Mr. W. E. Hand who repre sented Castle, Roper & Matthews for so many years in Cass county it has become necessary for us to make new affiliations. This we have done with Phil L. Hall, Jr., of Greenwood, Nebraska. We would like to sav in behalf of Mr. Hand that through all the years of our association, Mr. Hand never overlooked an opportunity to be of service to the people of his commun ity and the weather was never so severe as to make him hesitate a moment to render a service either to these who called him or to the firm he represented. CASTLE. ROPER & MATTHEWS. By C II. Roper. EIGHT MILE GROVE LUTHERAN CHURCH September Sth. 9:30 a. m. Sunday school. 10:30 English preachins: services. A. LENTZ. -Pastor. WANTED Vacancy now offered to handle Ward's Reliable Products in Cass county. Gentlemanly, steady hustler .desired. Previous experience not necessary. Particulars on re quest. Dr. Ward's Medical Co., Winona, Minn. Established 1856. MS9Z-6I-ST-SS Miss Alice Louise Wescott departed last evening for Chicago to resume her work as secretary to one of the instructors at the theological college of Northwestern university, -having spent. Sunday and Monday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wescott. William R. Egenberger of Lexing ton, Nebraska, who has been here for a short visit with his mother, Airs. Mary Egenberger, departed th'' morning for his home. Ready, You Bet When you want a Radio, yon want it "right now." Yon do not want to have to "tune her in." You want it ready to act at once. Ever Ready Radio CQme see them at the implement store. Hear them and know how well they work. There is none to excell them. See ns for whatever you may need in Machinery, Repairs, Stoves, Implements and Har ness. At your service- W. H. Puis Dealer in Hardware, Supplies and John Deere ImplemsEts Phone 33 Plattsmouth, heo. Our Store Building has been leased and we must give possession by October 15th that is why we are mak ing prices that will effect a complete sell-out in the Housefurnishings and Chinaware departments as well as greatly reduce our tremendous Grocery stock. Prices are Cosastanly being Re vised as Lots are Brolcezs New shipments of China and Glassware that were pur chased early for Fall delivery are arriving and will be sold at cost. Among them are Iradiscent Goblets, Sherbets and Water, Tumblers that are being closed out at 10c each. Your golden opportunity to save" on these and other like items we cant' begin to enumerate here. See our revised 10c Counter It contains values up. to 25c all going now for 10c. Japasies ' Tea jSets . Ordinary $3 or $3.50 sellers going at their bare cost because we couldn't cancel our order and have been forced to accept them. Six cups, six saucers, tea pot, Sugar and Creamer all for- Watch our small ads from day to day for especially "Hot" Values (like the above) pickups and odds and ends that are revealed as our Close-Out sale progresses. . Such Bargains as We're 0ering Sell Themselves