PAOE SIX PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOUBNAL MlMBMBBaBaaMMM MONDAY, SEPTEMBFiE 2, 1929. IS wnn r H(DHTfll(e Sattimsfdlay wnHIl Ibe ttlhe Ilactt (flay 5 ttDne BHaorvectJ; Cacrimnvall amicfl tfUne Hastt (flay 5 tine AtmU;simlbSBe imtieGtl; : ttBne PelLnnne Spoilt Ma(flGlteE? wnllfl Ibe awanrfledl aSttea tlse astestianfltts fflmnimnttttee Bnave mraa(fle a mmipllette ire-cTUiimtt aan(fl amidlnt!: S allfl toSEts and antieGil: i?e(2i?(flG The following advertisement explains Sully just exactly HOW the remainder o the contest will be conducted all provisions contained herein in Sorce Tuesday morning At one o'clock Saturday afternoon a committee appoint ed by the leading contestants will be given all of the ballots and other records of the contest and will make a complete re count of votes announcing each candidate's standing every hour thereafter until close o contest. There are ten candidates each o whom have practically an even chance o winning the Grand Prize Which One o them do you want to win 9 Anna May Sandin Plattsmouth Bernard Galloway Plattsmouth Helen Clement Plattsmouth Charles Howard Murray MaHe Meisinger Plattsmouth YiSberHall Plattsmouth Mae Wilson Murray Gladys Groff Plattsmouth Helen Warga - Plattsmouth Vivian Livingston Plattsmouth Pat Roddy Union George Waldo Nehawka Mary Sedlalc Plattsmouth Clara Wiclanan Plattsmouth ' Helen Warner Plattsmouth . Minnie Panltonin Weeping Water Florence Teryberry Cedar Creek Last Saturday was old magazine day- 500 votes were given Sor each pound oS old magazines. 5,000 votes will be given or each OLD TIRE and 3,000 votes or each OLD TUBE brought in Friday, September 6th. TJae two events above are the only ways contestants have been able to obtain votes except through the sale of merchan dise coupons er the suit club tickets therefore i you have aza old tire or so and wish to help your favorite candidate just let them Uhow or bring in the old tires yourself. Registration will be continued at the Parmele to all who purchase the $3.00 Admission Cards, which are being sold by con testants at $2.50 each you can therefore save 50c on a three dol lar purchase o good entertainment the cards can be used by anyone the purchaser chooses to loan their card to anytime even after the contest is over t . . 5,000 votes are given for the sale of each one of these cards and then you have a right to register when you attend the show and your favorite candidate receives 1,000 extra votes for each adult and an additional 1,000 votes for each mile you live from Plattsmouth up to 25 miles. Registration is one of the big gest features of the contest. . Registration on all purchases made at each store will be continued as it has been Take your purchase slips to LADIES TOGGERY. Trade Coupon Votes will remain the same 15,000 votes for cadi $10.00 Coupon purchased good at any one of the three stores, or at the theatre after contest is over if you do not use them all before. .... Extra votes will be given on odd lots o mer chandise at Bates Book store Wescott's and the Ladies Toggery according to the follow ing specifications. There will be absolutely no extra votes given on any article not listed on this page. Extra votes will not be raised or lowered however, we reserve the right to withdraw extra votes on any or all lots o goods at any time by first giv ing one hour's notice on the Bulletin Board before such withdrawal. IE Usscotf s Soils List o Extra Vote Merchandise 15,000 extra votes will be given on each $1.00 purchase from the following list One lot Men's Suits not to exceed 24 in all. ' One lot Boys' Overcoats not more than 2 dozen. One lot Boys' Suits Kaynee and other good ones less than 25 of them. One lot Men's Hats not over 2 dozen. One lot Men's and Boys' Caps about 50 not over. One lot Overcoat3 not to exceed 12. 25,000 extra votes for each dollar purchase of One lot Underwear Pajamas Etc. Not to exceed 100 garments. One lot Men's Hats and Caps not more than 3 doz. One lot Boys' Shirts and other garments not more - than 50 pieces. One lot Straw Hats not more than 20 of them. One lot Sweaters and Bathing Suits Men's and Boys sizes not more than 3 dozen. One lot Men's Overcoats not more than 24. One lot Boys' Stockings not more than 50 pairs. Also one lot of ; Surprise boxes selling at 1c to $1.50 15,000 votes on each box. The1 Ladies Toggery List o Extra Vote Merchandise 15,000 extra votes will be given on each $1.00 purchase from the following list One lot Stepins and Bloomers Rayon and other light material. Less than 4 dozen in all. All of our New Winter Coats. One lot Silk and Wool Dresses priced at $7.95 and $9.95 not more than 50 garments. 25,000 extra votes for each dollar purchase of One lot Miscellaneous Garments ranging in price , from 50c to $5 less than 60 of them. One lot nearly 200 Kitchen and Household Articles (surplus, monthly premiums) 25 to 35c each. One lot Children's Undergarments not more than 50. One lot Children's Dresses two dozen. One lot Corsets and Braziers not to exceed 50. One lot new fast color excellent quality House Frocks new styles reg. $2 to $3 garments that will be sold from $1 to $1.50 not more than 150. One lot Children's Hose reg. 50c values 5 pairs for $1 all sizes and popular colors. Two lots Women's Silk Hose sale prices from 88c to $1.50 and every pair worth at least twice as much. Not to exceed 100 pairs in both lots. Also one lot of Surprise boxes selling at lc to $150 15,000 votes on each box. Tito EBattes Eksxafe 25,000 extra votes with each One Dollar Purchase from any o the Eollowing listed goods Entire 4c Section Entire 6c Section Entire 8c Section Entire 14c Section Entire 18c Section Entire 28c Section Entire 35c Section Entire 45c Section Entire 65c Section Entire 89c Section Entire $1.19 Section Entire $149 Section Entire $189 Section One Section of Gifts priced from $1 to $7.50 also on all Popular Copyright Books priced from 35c up to 69c One Lot Surprise Bones lc up to 75c eacli 15,000 Extra Votes Given with each Box sold , Please Note All tEie Extra Vote provisions contain ed Eaexrein except Tires elective Tuesday tnoxrning FffMay uc flai ITiiio EDay