The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 22, 1929, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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THUE9BAY, AUG. 22, 1929.
on Petition for Appointment
of Administrator
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, 88.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Magdaline Schliefert, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Herbert Schliefert. praying tkat
administration of said estate may. be
granted to Theodore Harms as ad
ministrator. Ordered, That September 13th, A.
D. 1929, at 10 o'clock a. m. is as
signed for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested in said matter
may appear at a County Court to
be held in and for said County, and
show cause why the prayer of peti
tioner should not be granted; and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
given all persons interested in said
matter by publishing a copy of this
order in the, Plattsmouth Journal, a
semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said County, .for. three successive
weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Dated August ICth. 1929.
(Seal) al9-3v County Judge.
Notice is hereby given tnt under
and by virtue of a license to sell real
e state issued by the -Honorable James
T. Dogley, Judge of the District Court
of Cass County, Nebraska," dated
August 2. 1929, that I, Fred Spang
ler, as administrator of the estate of
William M. Burk, deceased, will sell
at public auction to the highest bid
tier for cash, that is to say, 10 of
the purchase price on the day of sale
and the balance thereof when said
sale shall be confirmed by the court
at the south front door of the court
house in the City of Plattsmouth
Cass County, Nebraska, at the hour
of 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon of
the 14th day of September, 1929, the
following described real estate to
Lot Ninety-seven -(97), of
Wife's Out-Lots, in the South
east Quarter (SEU) of the
Northeast Quarter (NEU ) of
Section Nineteen (19), Town
ship Twelve (12), Range
Fourteen (14), Cass County,
Nebraska; and Lot No. ISO,
in the Southeast Quarter
(SE4) of the Northeast Quar
ter (NEU), Section Eighteen
(18). Township Twelve (12),
Range Fourteen (14), Cass
County, Nebraska.
Said sale shall remain open one
Dated- this 17th day of August
Administrator of the Estate
of William M. Burk,
CAPWELL,, r:.t. -'.
Attorney. al9-3w
When the Gates swing open Fri
day morning, August 30, we will
be ready to prove all we have
said about the State Fair,
Dates August 30
to September 6
Greatest Educational Fair in
America. k
700 Baby Beeves. 350 dairy calves
and 500 pigs exhibited by boys
and girls 4-II Club.
Spelling Contest.
Essay Contest.
Twenty Bands of Music.
Ilagenbeck-Wallace Circus.
C. A. Wortham Shows.. -'
Three Days Auto Racing.
Four Days Horse Racing.
Scud for a Complete Program
Capitol Building, Lincoln, Neb
J. A.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Marjorie Vernon,
vs. J
Abraham Carmichael et al,
Defendants J
To the defendants:
Abraham Carmichael, Mrs. Abra
ham Carmichael, first and real name
unknown, wife of Abraham Camich-
ael, Catherine Porter, widow of Sam
uel Porter deceased, Jane R. Porter,
Porter, real name unkonwn,
husband of Jane R. Porter, William
B. Porter, Mrs. William B. Porter,
first and real name unknown, wife
of William B. Porter, Samuel I
Porter, Mrs. Samuel I. Porter, first
and real name unknown, wife of
Samuel I. Porter, James R. Porter,
Mrs. James R. Porter, first and real
name unknown, wife of James R.
Porter, the heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives, creditors
and all other persons interested in
the estate of Samuel Porter, de
ceased, if said persons be living: if
deceased, the heir9, devisees, le
gatees, personal representatives,
creditors, and all other persons in
terested In the estates of each of
the above named persons, each de
ceased, whose names and where
abouts are to plaintiff unknown, and
all persons having or claiming any
interest in Lot numbered twenty
one (21), sub-lot one (1) in lot
numbered twenty-five (25), and lot
numbered twenty-five (25), except
ing therefrom five (5) acres in the
southwest corner of said lot twenty
five (25), all in Porter, Place Addi
tion to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
County, Nebraska, real names un
. known. - -
You and each of you are hereby
notified that the above named plain
tiff filed a petition and commenced
an action in the District Court of
-Cass County, Nebraska, on the 17th
day of August, 1929, against you and
each of you, the object and prayer
of which is to obtain a decree of
Court quieting the title to Lot num
bered twenty-one (21), sub-lot one
. (1) in lot numbered twenty-five
(25), and lot numbered twenty-five
25); excepting therefrom five (5)
acres in the southwest corner of said
lot twenty-five (25), all in Porter
Place Addition to the City of Platts
mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, as
. against you and each of you, and
for such other and further relief as
may be just and equitable in the
You and each of you are required
to answer said petition on or before
.Monday the 30th day of September,
1929, or the allegations of plain
tiff's petition "will be taken as true
and a decree will be entered in favor
of the plaintiff against you and each
of you, according to the prayer of
said petition.
Dated this 19th day of August,
. rlaintiff.
Attorney. al9-4w.
Mrs. Alice Hughson, of Walthill, a
former resident of near Union, is at
the old home community where she
will visit her mother, Mrs. Rachael
Pell and with her sister, Mrs. A. O.
Pcarsley. Mrs. Hughson came as far
as Union on the auto bus and was
but five hours in making the trip
from Walthill and she will remain
over to enjoy the Old Settler's Re
union at Union and at which she
will be able to meet many of the
old time friends and associates of the
past years. Mrs. Hughson is the
widow of the "late Frank Hughson,
long time Union resident.
on Petition for Determination
of Heirship
of Stephen D.
deceased, in the County
Court of Cass County, Nebraska.
The. State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said estate, cred
itors and heirs take notice, that
Rhoda Muenchau who is one of the
heirs of said deceased and interested
in such, has filed her petition al
leging tliat Stephen D. Roblyer, died
intestate in Cass county, Nebraska,
on or about November 23, 1926, be
ing a resident' and inhabitant of
Eagle, Cass .County Nebraska, and
the owner of the following described
real ebtate, to-wit:
An undivided one-fourth ( )
interest in and to Outlot Twenty-nine
(29) in the Northeast
Quarter (NEU of th South-r
cast Quarter "(SEH) "of Section
Twenty (20), Township Ten
(10,), N. Range Nine (9), East
of the Oth P. M. in Cass County,
leaving as his sole and only heirs at
lav the following named persons, to-
Major Roblyer, a son; Rhoda
Muenchau, a daughter; Calvin
Roblyer, a son; andRcsa Wil
liams, a granddaughter and
only child of a deceased daughter
that said decedent died intestate;
that no application for administra
tion has been made and the estate
of said decedent has not been ad
ministered in the State of Nebraska,
and that the Court determine who
are the heirs of said deceased, their
degree of kinship and the right of
descent in the real property of which
the deceased died seized, which has
been set for hearing on the 13th day
of September, A. D. 1929. at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 16th day of August, A. D. 1929.
(Seal) County Judge.
on Petition for Determination
of Heirship
Estate No.
of Rebecca Rob
lyer, deceased. In the County Court
of Cass County, Nebraska..
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said estate, cred
itors and heirs take notice, that
RLoda Muenchau, who is one of the
heirs of said deceased and interested
in such, has filed her petition alleg
ing that Rebecca Roblyer died in
testate in Eagle, Cass County, Ne
braska, on or about July 24th, 1926,
being a resident and inhabitant of
Cass County , .Nebraska, and the
owner of the following described real
estate, to-wit:
Outlot Twenty-nine (29) in
the Northeast Quarter (NEU)
of the Southeast Quarter (SE)
of Section Twenty (20), Town- ,
ship Ten (10), N. Range Nine
(9), East of the 6th P. M., in
Cass County, Nebraska
leaving as her sole and only heirs at
law the following named persons, to-
Stephen D. Roblyer, her sec
ond husband; Linnie Deles
Dernier, a daughter; Major
Roblyer, a son; Rhoda Muen
chau,, a daughter; Calvin Rob- ,
Iyer, a son; and Rosa Williams,
a granddaughter and only child
of a deceased daughter
that said decedent died Intestate;
that no application for administra
tion has been made and the estate of
said decedent has not been admin-
stered in the State of Nebraska, and
that the Court determine who are the
heirs of said deceased, their degree
of kinahip and the right of descent
n the real property of which the de
ceased died seized, which has been
set for hearing on the 13th day of
September, A. D. 1929, at ten o clock
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 16th day of August, A. D. 1929.
(Seal) County Judge.
Adolph Hanson was over to Lin
coln Monday looking after some busi
ness matters making the trip on the
Mrs. Jans Peterson, who ownes the
place where Torrence Fleming lives
has been having a new roof placed
on the house and otherwise repaired
and placed in first class condition.
John W. Murdock of near Nehaw-
ka was a visitor in Weeping Water
on last Tuesday and was looking af
ter some business matters and con
sulting his dentist.
Dr. A. O. Specht has just had
new roof placed on hi3 home in Weep
ing Water this caring for the prop
eriy as without a good roof the best much effect in case of storm
Mrs. G. W. Van Every was avisitor
at the home of her friend for the day
on last Tuesday. Mrs. Eugene Col
bert of near Wabash, where the lad
ies enjoyed the day most -pleasantly
Laurets Jenson formerly of Weep
ing Water, but who has been mak
ing his home in Omaha for some
time is assisting in the market of
his brother. Knute Jenson at this
Carl Dav is rebuilding the barn
which' the storm destroyed durin
th summer and eetting it in con
dition for the best care of his stock
hpforp the had weather of winter
comes. '
Harold Fisher, Nissley Marshal
and L. W. Ribbon departed for
short visit at Lead, South Dakota, in
their enr a few days since and will
enjoy a visit for a short time in that
portion of the country.
Arnold Princ of Wilbur was a vis
itor in Weeping Water looking after
ennp hnsiness matters and also was
visiting with his friend, G. R. Binger
He was looking over the country
here with a view of investing . in
farm. .
After the conclusion of the rodeo
at Burwell where Mr. and Mrs. A
R. Dowler were enjoying, they con
tinued on to the Black Hills of South
Dakota where they spent some time
seeing the sights and taking their
Miss Agnes Rough, the milliner
and hair dresrer vas a visitor for
the day on last Tuesday at Omaha
where she was making purchases of
fall goods in her line, and w"hile she
was away the business was lookec
p-fter by Mrs. Mark Wiles
Mrs. Sarah Abbdtt of Dunegan, Mo
who has been here for the past two
weeks and a guest at the home of her
daughter Mrs. Walter Little, where
she and they all enjoyed the visit
very pleasantly departed early this
week for her home in the southland.
Clarence Diller and. wife cf Den
ver have been visiting for the "past
week and will remain for a longer
period at the home of W. H. Ash
and in company with Miss Agusta
Abwr rVeitinpr for 'the day on Inn.
Sunday at the home of friends in
; ' Earl W.. Tovle who has been in
Milwaukee for some time visiting and
as well looking after some business
will expect to return starting home
on August 25th, and will be here
the coming week to look after work
necessary before the holding of the
Cass county fair.
Mrs. L. J. Pokrop and son Eugene
of Gridley, Kansas, have been visit
ins? for a time with the sister of Mrs
Pokrop, Mrs. G. R. Binger of Weep
ing Water and enjoying a very fine
time here as well as the Binger fam
ily being well pleased to have the
relatives with them.
Harold Meyers and Harold Hanson
who have been in the north for some
time where they were enjoying the
coolness of the lake region and also
were putting in some time fishing,
after spending a couple of weeks
there returned home last week well
pleased with their trip.
R. C. Fry has been placing on his
home one of those forty year shin
gle roofs, with the three hundred
percent shingles which are sold by
the Binger Lumber company. Smith
and Henerger, the painters are also
painting the home and making it
one of the very finest looklncr.
The Binger Lumber company has
leased some additional lands of the
Missouri Pacific railway and are
erecting three new coal sheds in order
that they may have plenty of storage
room for the fuel which they will
handle and so that it can be al
ways kept out of the wet when the
storms come, "- '
On last Sunday L. R. Lane and
family were all over to Omaha where
Mil o
Suppose this were the head'
ing of a newspaper article re
ferring to YOU and YOUR
IF YOU drive a car you
have, had your narrow
escapes you have almost
been involved in a serious .
.accident. You have AL
MOST been in a position
to need help of a depend
able insurance company.
These "almost" accidents
should remind you to
make sure of your insur
ance. Searl S. Davis
Farm Loans and Lands
they picniced at Krugs park for the
day and enjoyed the occasion very
much. They drove over to the big
town in their car. During the time
they were away, G. W. Van Every
was looking after the business at
the oil station.
Miss Evelyn Moore, -daughter of
Mr. aniLMrs. E. E. Moore who has
been having much trouble with her
tonsils for some time was taken to
the hospital at Omaha last Satur
day where she underwent an opera
tion for the removal of the tonsils,
and since then she is getting along
nicely, and hopes soon to be well.
Former County Agent L. R. Snipes
and the good wife, who recently pur
chased one of the celebrated Model
A cars are at this time spending some
time in Missouri, and will visit there
for a time but will expect to return
in time to move their household
goods to Lincoln before the end of
this month, where they, are to make
their home in the future.
Sells Many Cars.
The Dowler Bros., the proprietors
of the Service Chevrolet company
of Weeping Water, have been sell
ing a nice line of cars during the
past week, and among those who
have purchased cars and trucks are
Rev. George P.' Clark, pastor of the
Christian church of Elmwood, but
who is just now moving to McCook
where he has accepted a call to the
ministry of that church. One cf tho
cars goes to Joseph Kruz of Elm
wood; Oliver Walsh cf College View
getting a truck and George Towle of
Weeping Water a standard sedan.
Miss Beulah, entertained on last
Monday evening at their country
home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hans
Peterson, who have been visiting
Weeping Water for .some ten days.
Mrs. Peterson was formerly Miss Vio
la. Sogaard, who with her mother
have resided in Audubon, Iowa, for
the past two' years. Mr. and Mrs.
Peterson departed on Tuesday morn
ing for their home in Iowa. Mrs.
Jans Peterson who was formerly Mrs.
Nels Sogaard was also a visitor hers?
for a few days and returned to he:.
home at Aubudon, Iowa, on last
Thursday. .. .
Host. Capable Graduate Nurse.
.Mrs. Frank woods who is a
tilt? icisicrtu liui w iuiu v, ii'j tid:
uatcd some ten years ago, and has
been registered for that long, return
ed from a case on Avhich she wan
working at Avoca. laie last wet-k.
Mrs. Woods is a most capable nurse
and one sought by the physician:
when there is a case in hand which
requires expert nursing and a' know
ledge of the most approved methods
as well as knowledge of diseases and
Promoting Ball Games.
Ralph Keckler who likes a good
ball game is endeavoring to get the
Greenwood, Mauley and Plattsmouth
teams to arrange a baseball tourna
ment at the Weeping Water park
during: the Cass county fair thus
adding another attraction to tiie fair.
Win. Morley's Home Again.
Wm. Morlev and wife who have
been spending some month, or. .-rr
Ash land - ' Wj rrr"?ue re AI r .
Mor y"was looking after the settle-
njleii'tiof an estate of a cousin, and
whcT4. they both were visiting with
friends and epjoying the coolness of
the : n6rthern climate returned home
last week and are loud . In their
praises!; of that country as a dairy
and . farming country as well as the
wonderful ore enterprises which it
'Have Excellent Chautauqua.
The citizens who were behind the
Chautauqua, which was held last
week-'in' Weeping-' Water were well
pleased .'ith the excellence of the
lectures ijhc1 plays and the concerts
which vre furnished by the troope.
There wjks a good patronage and
everyone I that was in attendance was
well pleased-. with the way the chau
tauaua - "as wConducfe'i. Tee no-
ple of - W eepi ng Water were so" well
pleased thkt on last Tuesday eve
ning niprthan sixty has signed the
guarantee for their return for the
next year, j
t "
Getting Beady For Big Sale.
Elmer Mlzhaelson ot the Weeping
Water var;i.y store is daily receiv
ing goods tfor Vhe mammoth stile
which he s to pvt on during the
three days rtf the county fair. This
will be aini'ieteen cent sale and will
be such bargains as will surprise all
come to the ale or the fair.
NeWj. Business House.
Emery DeVxilf whr. has been with
the Weeping TVVater Republican for
seme time-pjst has embarked, in
busines for: himself in opening and
operating the'Cczy cafe, which is
situated near'ihe Dowler Brothers
garage. This i4 a good location and
Emery should make good in it, not
but that there; other good- eating
houses, but there seems enough
business for them all. .-
Gave Excellent Entertainment.
The Order of Elks of Plattsmouth
sponsored a goipd band and they were
rer to Weeptngi Water last week,
and gave a very ;,fine entertainment
for the citizens, ot the hustling city
of Weeping WfiUr. and which was
greatly appreciated by the citizens
of Weeping Water and Mr. E. H.
Wescott who was along made an ex
cellent address cjotratulating Weep
ing Water on her Excellent business
houses, her ph.v4ii streets. her
churches and thfe-vtery fine farming
community surrounding her, ns well
as the very fine Ichfes people which
go to make up her -3tizenry.
Home Frcm 'South.
Alonzo Wade and 5 the good wife
and the children who some three
weeks- since departedifor Kentucky,
where the folks of 1M;W Wade reside
near the Mammoth? Cove and in fact
they visited this famodjs natural phe
nmmon of nature,! returned home
last week well pleaaed Jwith the trip.
That was the old tifci4home of Mrs.
Wade and she hadfridt been there
or seen the folks for S:ne. ten years
and this was indeed -4 pleasure as
well as the excellent'5 viiVation which
the trip afforded. i
Will Have Much V "ieat Sowed.
Walter Cole of tt Cole Motor
company departed ea. Iy-ithis week
for the western portlqi tf the state
where he will have a large area of
land prepared and whio,v will be sown
n wheat. They have t e land there
and thought it just ai iwell to put
it in wheat as to rent i td'some one
else. ' - : i. ' '
my i ax 5m
1 1 a 7
i'llea m nail
Civil Officers
fC.?" "!!! ""-TT-:f !! "f --r-M"----MMr-?-lE--lll?-EI-ir 1llHtll(!lirT"1i(iir!mm
Government Asks Injunction to Pre
vent Trespass by Collectors
Sorenson Threatens.
To withhold state and county offi
cials from attempting "to collect per
sonal taxes from enlisted men and
officers on duty in Nebraska and
living on government reservations,
suit was Sled "'Monday in federal
court at Omaha to enjoin them from
trespassing on thenA reservation- for
that vvr3"'''' "i
e suit was tiled by Assis;4ut
District Attorney Epperson, follaT
ing instructions from WashingSf-i
tn thp i.nifpf Sfafp'! n 1 1 orr. ?v s flt-
fice in Omaha.
Action was hastened by a'thre
ened suit announced by Attorn
General Sovensen early in July,
be brought against Colonel Clemer
A. Trott, commanding officer of For'
Crook. He was warned that a sher
Iff'a nrdpr to kpizp his nrrmprtv ti
15c 11 nf tavuci wfid forth mm in r- Th.i!
tax was $7.40.
Sorensen announced then assess
ments would be made at once against
all tangible and intangible property
in possession of army men of what
ever rank, who lived on either Fort
Crook, Fort Omaha or Fort Robinson
reservations. . i
The government alleges the . slate
of Nebraska surrendered, rights - ot
taxing army. orrtCers or, enlisted men
when it deeded the land for military
Fort Crook, which comprises 54 5
acres of - land in Sarpy county and
was deeded to the government in
18 S 9, is the residence of 34 officers,
one warrint officer and 590 enlisted
men. ,
"Fort Omaha, which includes
acres of land deeded to the govern
ment in 3 S S3, houses 20 officers, 15:
warrant ' oXficers and 557 'enlisted
men. ' ..
At Fort Uiobinson 30 officers, one
warrant cjicer and 484 men are
housed, thi 36-square mile military
post being deeded to the state in
1S73. : .
On duty in Omaha and not resi
dents of tie state, the government
alleges, are 153 officers, 34 warrant
officers and! 17 enlisted men, sta
tioned at Seventh corps area head
quarters. JJone are housed on the
reservations because of shortage of
quarters. At Lincoln the government
has 12 offlcirs and eight men sta
tioned, who io not live on the gov
ernment reservations.
Defendants named in the action
are: Harry W. Scott, state tax com
missioner; D. ! S. Fase, Sarpy county
treasurer; Joseph E. Strawn. Sarpy
county clerk and assessor; William
Trent, Sarpy county assessor for the
Eellevue precinct; H. A. Oldcrog,
sheriff of Sarpy county; Grace Ber-
ger, Douglas county clerk; Otto
Bauman, Douglas county . treasurer;
Sam K. Greenleaf, Douglas county as
sessor; Oscar Jonnson, JJawes coun
ty clerk and assessor; J. E. Strait,
Dawes county treasurer; J. B. Mor
gan, ancaster county cierK; vviniam
Albers, Lancaster county treasurer,
and O. C. Bell, Lancaster county
mim mi
Two 10
They Have Model A "ars How.
Among those who hi ie Inquired
new Model A cars oi t. e universal
make, and with the absol t 1"ord re-
naDimy, are Lester uia c near Mur
ray a new standard sednr tGeor?..
W. Beatty of Weeping WatecrrTiudor
sedan or coach; Wm. Sheehan of
near Manley a"coach, Arthur Bark
hearst a standard coupe; L. R. Snipes
tudor sedan.
llrs. "Walter little Entertains.
Mrs. Walter Little and daughter,
A conference ia to be held at Lin
coln Thursday between Frank T.
Burrow, the engineer of the Burl-
ngton and John A. Bruce, city en
gineer, relative to tne new nlgnway
that it is proposed to place to the
Missouri river traffic bridge at this
There has been tentative plans pre
pared covering the city part of the
highway, and which involve the use
of a part of the Burlington right of
way in skirting the, east portion of
Wintersteen hill and which has re
quired some negotiations, with the
railroad relative to the location.
While the full plans have not
reached a stage where they have
definitely been agreed upon, it is
thought that, the j-oad location can
be arranged very satisfactory and if
possible to reach an agreement they
should be in shape to allow the city
council to take some definite action
on. the matter at the nest meeting
T&'Zqgs. youE choice
oi" Egg Hoodies for 11c.
In other words, buy one pkg". at
the re. price of 10c, and we'll
give you the second one for
only l. Friday or Saturday.
This special offer is made with consent
of the manufacturers solely to adver
tise Q Macaroni products as ideal Sum
mer Foods and to acquaint you with
the new double size package that will
sell fcr 15c. Q Macaroni Products are
packed by machinery and come to you
untouched by human hands.
A lady said to us: "I enjoyed reading
your price quotations in last week's ad.
It was a revelation to me to know that
there is already a store in Plattsmouth
selling goods every day at prices as low
or lower than you see quoted in Omaha
chain store ads."
And so, there may be others to whom
our low everyday prices would prove a
surprise and a revelation. For their es
pecial benefit we list the following
only a few picked at random but rep
resentative of the daily savings you can
effect by trading here regularly:
Maxwell Hcuse Coffee, per lb 49c
Butter, Dairy Maid, in quarters, per lb 49c
Sugar, C & H Cane, 10-lb. cloth sacks 65c
Jar Rubbers, best quality, 4 doz 25c
Soap, P & G, 10 bars for 42c
Snider's Pork and Beans, No. 2 can 10c
Salt, Lilly's Iodized, shaker pkg. 8c
Snja.-Ki&t.JEIiii-f- rJ95c
5-lb. bag, 296 43-lb. sack, $1.79 -
Hcma Malt, per can 58c
Advo Pancake Flour, fresh stock, 4-lb. sk. 23c
Brooms, good 4-tie parlor quality 39c
Bread, Golden Krast, full 22-oz. "loaf 8c
Ccrn, narrow grain, Pioneer brand, can 10c
Salmon, "Sea Horth," select pink, 1-lb. can15c
Milk, Van Camp's or Bordens, small size 42 c
Tall cans, 9c 3 for 25c
Ivory Flakes, for quick suds, large size 23c
Northern Tissue Tcilet Paper, per roll 912'3
Quick Quaker Oats, large size pkg 24c
Fig Bars, new fresh stock, 2 lbs. for 2Tc
We invite a visit from anyone not fa
miliar with our prices no purchase is
necessary just a walk thru our store,
inspecting and comparing the prices of
our nationally known and nationally
advertised goods. -
Aredi here's a feig- special
Advertising deal on genu-
122 HitshGK KSenser. Bay
osie pkg, at o2? sreg. price .
? o 8c, and get one F&EE.
Every day is Bargain day at Black and
White and when you get an especial
ly "hot" bargain like we feature every
.week you don't make up for it by
paying more for something else.
Cass County's Big Economy Center s
Telephone 42
New York lh- September maga
zine Mrs. Calvfiu Coolidge reveals
that the former president's now his
toric "do not clfose to run" state
ment, which cairle! out of the Black
Hills to startle tfie country in 1927,
was only reveali to her several
hours after it ha3 been given to the
press, in a casuallconversation with
a friend. A ;
On, the morning of. the day the
statement was sv In- out, airs, uooi
dgo says, the pi J4nt, up.on finish
nz his breakiastj-jftiarked, "I have
four years today,"
J. Saltier is hopefuIJHjat'
can be -X-WSZ- on':tli& r
on iiinndav. or at -least Mavor John '! been TmzZ:.2viX
. . . .! -it . i ; I- I .1
iliing ana stepped into nm car iur me nut-
road, from the lodge where they were
staying to his office in Rapid City,
Soon after 1 o'clock Mr. Coolidge
returned with two senators for lunch
and after the meal went to his room
for a nap.
"Quite a surprise the president
gave us this morning," one of the
men remarked.
. "ihe construction of the highway
has brought the discussion of a-tla-duct
over the Burlington, tracks
leading to and from the local shops
and this proposition- has been look
ed upon favorably by the railroad
company, it is stated, as It will elim
inate much danger jtnat otherwise
might exist.
Seeing that Mrs. Coolidge did not
know what had taken place, he told
her. She tells the incident to illus
trate how completely she abstained
from interfering with the president
in affairs of state.
"I am rather proud of the fact,"
she writes, "that after nearly a quar
ter of a century of marriage my hus
band feels free to make his decis
ions and act upon them without con
sulting me or giving me advance in
formation concerning them.'
Merrill, la. Mrs. J. G. Easton,
mother of nine children, is wonder
ing why anyone should desire to
leave an unwanted infant on her
doorstep. hat is just what some
one did and Mrs, .Easton doesn't want
the baby in view of her own large
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