The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 22, 1929, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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THuESBAY, AUG. 22, 1929.
fftz ptattsrnouth lournal
" . - '
atrl at PostoClc. Plitumoutb. Nh. m oob4-Uh mu ui.tti
R . A. BATES, Publisher
Some people are always up and do
ingother people.
Young man, beware of sweethearts
with a sour disposition.
The world will not disarm until
the word fear is obliterated.
To borrow is human and to for
get to pay it back is more so.
It is well to have some conceit or
else, or else pass for a nonentity.
lf you can't be friends, at least
don't make enemies of your fellow
If adversity comes, give it the cold
shoulder, then take up a new line of
The trouble between China and
Russia arose over a railroad the
Chinese Eastern.
Mutiny at Leavenworth peniten
tiary, Kans., lasting six hours, marks
third prison riot in 12 days.
The Swiss are the richest people,
per capita, in the world. But then
they have very few night clubs.
.Whippet races in Ohio are causing
a heap of legal argument. Whoops!
The law has gone to the dogs 'again.
Americanism: Obtaining a cut-and-dried
confession to murder; taking
two months' trial to convict the con
fessor. :o: ' -
Good things also come to those
who look for them, sometimes to
those who are not looking, but hope
on, hope ever.
Bishop Cannon .. denies that . he
hoarded food during the war, but he
doesn't need to deny that he hoard
ed paying stocks.
If Hoover and MacDonald desire
real world peace they could start in
by stopping married couples from
playing bridge together.
:o: y
When and if the meek ever Inherit
the earth they will not note any great
difference because the unmeek will
continue to boss them around.
The blindness of love enables young
people to economize on Illumination.
If love is blind, how can It dis
cover a locksmith to laugh at?
The records show we are not an
isolated nation. We have taken a
very prominent part in work making
and In the councils of foreign con
ferences. :o:
Nature always provides, and after
a couple of stockingless weeks in the
sun she has a coat of tan which
looks as much like those invisible
stockings that you'd hardly notice
the difference, and is much easier to
Unless Congress sees fit to make
the leasing of oil lands by the gov
ernment mandatory. President Hoo
ver will discontinue such leasing.
The existing law is permissive.
Therefore, as a New England paper
remarks, the declaration of a new
policy of conservation virtually by
presidential order "foreshadows the
exercise executive leadership during
the next four years."
We Want Dea AmoinmaJs
Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Sheep
Our trucks are waiting for your phone calk. No
charge for removal of dead driinials from your
farm or feed yards. We pay telephone charges.
Our plant is newly equipped with entirely
modern equipment and we ale now able to sup
ply you with the highest grafie -
Give Us a Trial
Packing House
2730 M Street, Sc-Jth Oz&a
Day Market 0326 PHONESj IVtSk-r VlitX 0337
; Lii
Treat 'he birds kindly
Set but
bird baths for them.
j' - :o: : ; '
You! may respect one whom
dislike, anfl so you can a law.
' K - -:o: ; -
The coarse of true love requires a
lot of money to keep it in repair.
good as
:tjw husbands are half as
-heir wives imagine they
Hot weather Is not conductive to
serious thoughts, but the one thought
is to get tool.
: j r :o:-
If a rafen'will boast of his good
looks it Is a sign he has a lot of
gray maltfer missing. -
Senatcri Smoot says he s tired, and
after a few months of the new tariff
the fatirjae may be unanimous
It is r
sported that cork is selling
iigh prices. That's funny;
t even use corks for ketchup
M ....... : , .
at very;
they dor
any morff -
A jgrou of pullman porters agreed
that tip4 ng is an insult, but most of
them st II say "thanks" to anything
over a" quarter.
(' ' :o:
Now si writer says good morals
bring happiness,, but some of us have
already Sound that out. We should
have somt?thing new.
Some features of the highway com
mission (Ire so patently proper and
necessarj that there can't be' any
about them.
Farn;ej-s of Denmark are discarding
the heavy combination wooden leath
er boots! in favor of rubber boots
from the United States.
.. Si, ......
the .bridge-is crossed, no
need tol look backward. Others can
take cnfe of themselves just as you
have clone. This is natural.
urprisingly; one of the con-
called by officials of New
to settle the street car
fended In a pretty general
President Hoover received a mes
sage of gratitude from President
Ibanex;if Chile for his part in set
tlement! of . the'Tanca?Arica dispute
between Chile and Peru.
Henry Ford failed to get the Eu
ropean jarmies out of the trenches by
Christmas, but he might try his hand
on the J home legislature. It involves
a sonawhat smr.ller number of per
Rediljcing diets are reducing the
efficiency of woman workers some
employers assert. On the other hand,
many ambitious girls believe that a
slim, tfim figure is no handicap in
soeklnj? a fat job.
I ? . r :o:
I WhiafJ 'a casualty list, if motorists
got outand fought a duel, every time
two cars scraped fenders! Still, it
might not be so perilous facing a
Sunday! tourist, if his aim was as
unsteady as his driving. ,
$ Tber4 was a time when this Ger
man reparation business would have
led to another war, as well as bound
ary disputes that have been happily
settlsdj The world steadily moves
towardpeace and understanding. .
Products Co.
About so often references are made
to our business connections with Cen
tral and South American Countries,
accompanied with injunctions that
if trade with those countries is de
sired, it must be looked after. There
i3 a certain amount of business that
will come to us under normal con
ditions, but that is not satisfying,
do moire .or les3 missionary work.
Foreign nations enjoy this American
trade in the higher brackets because
they work for it and pay more at
tention to the native need and trans
portation methods, but this does not
prevent us from following the same
methods, and on this line there is no
reason we should not do just the
same. In truth, our exporters may
do well to pursue foreign procedures
in the handling of their shipments
and looking up business. However,
despite our shortcomings, there has
been, accflrding to a Boston dispatch,
a gratifying increase in our exports
to South American countries since the
first of the year, all the more wel
come because unexpected.
The following telegram from Bos
ton of a late date tells a pleasing
story, and as that city is not given
to. the sensational, it may be accept
ed: "South America continues its
phenomenal expansion as a market
for products of the United States,
but still buys only one-third as much
as the British empire.
"Banking and official figures indi
cate that exports to South American
countries are running 50 per cent
ahead of last year and will form ap
proximately a tenth of the total , for
the year. ;
"Meanwhile, two-fifths of all Unit-'
ed States exports are flowing to var
ious parts of the British empire.
"Canada, England Scotland an
Ireland alone account for a third. o
the total during January, February
and March. Bankers consider it a
noteworthy fact that anxious discus
sions proposed changes'in the United
States tariff schedules, which have
featured the foreign press and polif
tics of the past few months, have
not checker the' flow. of exports. )
' "Imports from abroad, particular
ly South America, are coming in
greater volume than last year but
not sufficient to neutralize the ris
In exports. i
. ' "The excess of exports last year
amounted to 1,109,000,000 and estij-1
mates based on figures for the first
quarter of 1929 indicate that the!
excess may reach 51,500,000 , this
There is a great field southward;
and by , intelligent work, and mors
care in complying with native needs
and conditions,- cur exports can be
largely increased.
. :o:7
The anti-tobacco crusade, starting
modestly among grown men and wou-r
en, now seems ready for extension
the boys and glrlsj if the W. C. ' T;
U. act3 on the warning and suggesr
tlon of one of it3 Wisconsin lead
ers. She urges a fight against allowf
ing the youthful members of the Ij
H clubs to raise tobacco, with the
novel reasoning that children wht'
plant the filthy weed, care for it arid
watch it grow, naturally will suffera
weakening of moral fiber until they
descend to smoking the stuff, despite'
all their parents can do to prevent il
She would avert a great national
peril by having the young farmery
confine themselves to crops not so
likely to contaminate them.
But to what farm products cajt
the energetic : j'oung 4-H clubbejfi
turn so they may avoid temptatlonf
The waving fields of grain must $ i
strictly tiboo, of course, for are th:'
not the source of malt and spiritoui
liquors? The r&agrant grape is quitp
obviously a demon in disguise. TheOt
too, the innocent boy might tji
tempted to smoke dried grapevine or
consilks and thus be led to nf
with Lady Nicotine. The orchati
must be padlocked to the young agri
culturalist, for: drafts of forbiddai
potencies are obtained from the pluzx
the peach, the apricot and the appU.
Even the humble potato can be ma3
to yield a heady liquor, so the cul ture
of the spud may "be a step pft
the downward path. Sorghum an
sugar cane are simply lying In wa.t
to get their clutches on the youngi-
Our boyu and girls will do well Jo
beware of all these perils. Nothii V
seems left to them but to planter,
few acres in cowpeas and squashes.
hope for prize at the county : fair,
drink plenty of buttermilk and stir
away from the silo.
The first duty of the next congrea :
should be to provide sufficient ac
commodations for our war vetera-t.
They are Insufficient ithtoo mu''
complaint of lack of proper treat
ment; then, besides there i3 too htf'
red tape to gain admission.
You usualrycan tell just looking
at her whether she is the kind of a
wife who "wouldn't, think it was
necessary to give up buying the new
scenery she "wanted just because her
husband was nearly crazy trying to
get the money to pay for other
things she has bought.
To the presumptive heirs at law,
gt-e4itors, and all other persons in
Vrtsted in the guardianship of
Thofiias Kratoch vil, incompetent.
You are hereby notified , that on
August 13th,, 1929, a petition was
filed herein, by Julia Kratochvil,
guardian of the said Thomas Krat
orhvil, incompetent, for a final set
tl anient and allowance of her ac
count as such guardian and for the
termination of said guardianship
proceedings and her discharge as
siich, guardian.
.Ycu are further notified that a
jaring will be had upon said peti-
JonS before this court at the court
3use in Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on
September 13th, 1929, at the hour
$f ten o'clock a. m., andt that you
may" show cause, if any there be,
KhyJ the prayer of the petitioner
4iould not be granted. August 15th,
5 ' I
County Judge.
Yi - - -
; In the District Court of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska.
i In the Matter of the ADDlication
ht A. O. Ault, Administrator of the
e state of Edward P. McBride, de
ceased, for License to Sell Real Es
tate to pay debts.
" : Notice hereby is . given that in
fpursuance of an Order and License
issued bv Honorable James T. Bee-
1 1 C J t J UUgC UL LUC VVUil UL
Oass County, Nebraska, on. the 17th
lay! of August, 1929, to me, A. O.
Ault, Administrator,,! will on the
1 0th day of September, 1929, at the
lour of ten o'clock in the forenoon
3n J the premises in the Village of
Cedar Creek, Cass County, Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction to
the highest, bidder for cash the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
' v Lot S in Block 2 and Lot 5
in Block 6 in the Village of
' Cedar Creek, subject to all liens
f and encumbrances.
V Said offer for sale will remain
open for a period of one hour,
f Dated this 17th day of AugU6t,
1929. . ..
j A. O. AULT,
I Administrator of the Estate
M -
v f
of Edward P. McBride,
. - Deceased.
and Notice, on. Petition. for Set
tlement of Account
iln the County Court of Cass Coun
tyi Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Cass County, ss.
To tne ijeirg at jaw and all per
sons Interested in the estate of Sam
G. Smith, deceased:
lOn reading the petition of Frank
H. Gobelman, administrator, praying
a final settlement and allowance of
his account filed in this Court on the
9th day of August, 1929, and for
determination of heirship, asslgn-
rient of residue, and for discharge as
administrator of said estate;
I It is hereby' ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
County, on the 6th day of September,
A. D. 1929, at en o'clock a. m., to
show cause, if any there be, why the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
.pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons Interested f in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in the
lattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing..
I In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the Seal of
said Court, this 9th day' of August.
A. D. 1929.
al2-3w (Seal) County Judge.
j Estate of Henry J. Stoll, deceased,
in the County Court of Cass County,
I The State of Nebraska, To all
persons interested in said estate,
creditors and heirs take notice, that
Louisa M. Cox has filed her petition
alleging that Henry J. Stoll died
intestate in Cass "County, Nebraska,
6n or about 19 being a
Resident and Inhabitant of Cass
IPounty, Nebraska, and died seized
tP nl 1 A,.r4 ,4 II 1 . 1
l toXii: ucac"ueu ICU co
I 'undivided one half of the
North Half of the Northwest
quarter and all the north 4.60
acres of the south half of the
northwest quarter of section 2, .
township 10, range 12, in Cass
County, Nebraska,
leaving as his sole and only heirs
at law the following named persons,
to-wit: Louisa' M. Cox and Minnie
That the interest of the petitioner
herein in the above described real
estate is as an heir at law of said
Henry J. Stoll. deceased and praying
for a determination of the time of
the death of said Henry J. Stoll and
of his heirs, the degree of kinship
ana the right of descent of the real,
property belonging to the said de
ceased, in the State of Nebraska.
It is ordered that the same stand
for hearinc thp. 13th dn-ir nf Sfintem-
ber A. D.. 1929. before the court
at the Court House in Plattsmouth,
iNeDraska, at the hour of 10 o'clock
Dated at Tlattsmouth, Nebraska,
xstn day of August, A. D.,
County Judge.
on Petition for Appointment
of Administrator
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
James F. Wilson, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Mary B. Wilson praying that ad
.minlstration of said estate may be
granted to Orval J. Hathaway, as ad-
Ordered, That September 6th, A.
D. 1929, at ten o'clock a. m is as
signed for hearing said petition,
jwhen all persons Interested in said
matter may appear at a County Court
to be held in and for said County, and
show cause why tne prayer of peti
tioner should not be granted; and
that notice of the pendency of said
jjetition and the hearing thereof be
.given to all persons Interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in the Plattsmouth Jour
nal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed
in said County, for three successive
weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Dated August 6th, 1929.
al2-3w (Seal) County Judge.
Estate of George E. Sullivan, de
ceased, in the County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said estate, cred
itors and heirs take notice, that Jen
nie Porter has filed her petition al
leging that George E. Sullivan died
intestate in Fall River County, South
Dakota, on or about the 7th day of
August, 1910, being a resident and
inhabitant of said South Dakota and
died seized of the following describ
ed real estate, to-wit:
Lot three (3) in the north
east quarter - or tne nortneas.
quajiy aiso'Lot" ten' (10) in
the (northwest quarter of the
. northeast quarter, also Lot
elerin (11) of the northwest
quarter of the northeast quarter,
also VLot five (5) of the south
west quarter of the northeast
quaver, and the northeast quar
ter, of the northwest quarter of
Seclipn eight (8), Township
eleven (11) N. Range fourteen
(4 fEast, of the 6th P. M. and
containing ninety - four (94)
a6:re more or less.
I Also the north half of Lot
two (2 ) in the southeast quarter
ofi th southeast quarter of Sec
tion five (5), Township eleven
(il North, Range fourteen
(14) -East, of tne 6th P. M.
leaving fas his sole and only heirs
at law the following named persons.
to-wt! I
I jennie auiavan, nis wiqow
- wnc' s now tb wif of Ernest '
For tar; : his children, Kenneth
SulU nn, Herman Sullivan and
Georgia Sullivan;
That tae Interest of the petitioner
herein in. the above described real es
tate i3(aijne third thereof, and pray
ing for determination of the time
of theleath of said George E. Sul
livan" ajfr of his heirs, the degree of
kinship and the right of descent of
the feal property belonging to the
said jde ceased, in the State of Ne
braska.! j
It 13. Ordered that the same stand
for hearing the 6th day of Septenv
ber, A. li 1929, in the County Court
Room at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, at
the hour hi 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated fat Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this Sth Aay of August, A. D. 1929.
(Seal) I 412-3w County Judge.
In he County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
In th matter of the estate, of
Jacies 3. 'Shields, deceased. -
To all persons interested in the
estate; of James E. Shields, deceased,
creditors qnd heirs-at-law:
You are hereby notified that on
the 9th I day of August, 1929, Paul
Wohlferthi filed a petition In this
Court lln which he alleges; that one
L James I3.( Shields, late a resident of
Plattsr-.g ith, Cass County, Nebraska,
departed 'his life Intestate In said
County a nk State, on or about the
diy'bf January, 1907, without
having ever married and without is
sue, aul, left him surviving, as his
sole arilyjhly heirs at law
Hlj mother, Catherine Spader,
(fon :eriy Shields) ; Catherine
A. Shields, a sister; Francis H.
Shiel '3, i a brother, J ohn P.
ShieL'.vla brother, and William
J. Shi: 1.4, a brother
and the t at the time of his death
said de( dnt was the owner of an
undivid; I One-fourth interest in and
to Lots' 11 11 and 12 in Block 60
in Plat aaouth, Cass County, Ne
braska, I :.n that petitioner ia now
the ow. it) of said real estate by
virtue d mesne conveyances now of
record, i that heirship: to the es
tate of j i Id James E. Shields, de
ceased, C 9t never been established
by any jt'Jurt having Jurisdiction to
determit heirship in the State of
Nebraski J .and that morn than 22
years ha, i lapsed since the death of
oau uc auu u&i. uyj uyiniMa.-
tion has" rer been made in the State
of Nebra ia, for the appointment of
an Admi 'trator of said (estate, and
praying r audlclal determination of
the time 1 : the death of said decedent.
the nam i jbf his heirs att law, and
the degi iot kinship thereof and
the right J.descent of the real prop
erty of fc.-ili'cedent in thH ?ttel
against said estate.
Said matter has been set for hear
ing at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
on the 6th day of September, 1929,
at ten o'clock a. xn., at which time
all. persons interested may appear
and contest said petition.
Dated: August 9th, 1929.
(Seal) al2-3w County Judge,
Whereas, Lester Troy Linville, con-
'vlcted In Cass County, on the 8th
Jday of June, 1928, of the crime of
auto theft, has made application to
.the Board of Pardons for a parole,
and the Board of Pardons, pursuant
to law have set the hour of 10 a. m.
on the 10th day of September, 1929,
for hearing on said application, all
persons interested are hereby noti
fied that they may appear at the
State Penitentiary, at Lincoln, Ne
braska,' on said day - and hour and
show cause, if any there be, why
said application should, or should not
bs granted.
Secretary State Board
of Pardons
Chief State Probation
Whereas, Warren Harmer, convict-
ted in Cass County, on the 12th day
of September, 1928, of the crime of
.breaking and entering, has made ap
plication to the Board of Pardons for
a parole, and the Board of Pardons,
pursuant to law have &et the hour
of 10 a. m. on the 10th-day of Sep
tember, 1929, for hearing on said
application, all persons interested are
hereby notified that they may ap
pear at the State Penitentiary, at
Lincoln, Nebraska, on said day and
hour and show cause, if any there,
be why said application should, or
should not be granted.
Secretary State Board
of Pardons
Chief State Probation
The State of Nebraska, Cass connf
ty, ssi.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate ct
Mary J. Sullivan, Deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that
will sit at the County Court room 1
Plattsmouth, in said county, on
1929, at ten o'clock a. m. each dayjj
to receive and examine all claims'
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. ;
. Tim tlm limited for tha Dresen-
tation of claims against said estatg
is three- months from the 30th day
of August,. A. D. 1929 and the timd
limited for payment of debts Is on!
year from said 30th day of Augusti
1929. 1
Witness mv hand and the esal ol
said County Court this 2nd day ol
August, 1929. v
(Seal) a5-4w .
County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Elizabeth C. Jenkins, !
vs. : - -Emetine
M. Austin.
- Defendant
To the Defendants: -
Emeline M. Austin;. C. H-; King,
real name unknown,' and Mrs. C. H.
Kinfr. his wife, real name unknown;
Omar JKlng and Sarah J. King, his
wife; William Oolvin and Mrs. Wil
liam Colvln, his wife, real name un
known; Charles Li Bates; Benjamin
Austin; John Black; A, P. Ripley,
real name unknown; Allen P. Rip
ley and Cornelia S. Ripley, his wife;
Eliza King; Harriet Kiser; James
H. Kiser and Jane F. King; the
helm, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons In
tereuted in the respective estate of
Emeline M. Austin, 0. H. King, real
name unknown,' Mrs. C. IL King, his
wife, real acme unknown, Omar J.
Kim? and Sarah J. King, his wife,
real name unknown, William Colvin
and - Mrs. William Colvln, his wife,
real name unknown, Charles L. Bates,
Benjamin Austin, John Black, A. P.
Ripley, real name unknown ; Allen
P. Ripley and Cornelia S, Ripley, his
wife. Eliza King. Harriet Kiser.
James H. Kiser, Jane F. King, each
deceased, and all persons having or
claiming any interest in the east
half of the southwest quarter (E,
SW&) of Section six (6), and the
east half of northwest quarter (E,
NW.U) of Section seven (7), all in
Township eleven (11), North, Range
thirteen (13), east or the Sixth Prin
cipal Meridian, in the County of Cass
and State of Nebraska, real names
unknown :
You and each oi' you are hereby
notified that on the 27th day of
July, 1929, the plaintiff filed fher
suit In - the District Court of Cass
ccmnty, Nebraska, the object and
purpose of which is to establish and
quiet and confirm the plaintiff's title
in ind to the east half of southwest
quarter (E. SW) of Cection six
(6) and east half of northwest quar
ter (E NW) of Cection seven
(7), all in Township eleven (11),
North, Range thirteen (13), East of
the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Cass
county, Nebraska. And to .enjoin
each , and all of you frora having or
claiming to have any rlsht, title, es
tate, lien or interest, either lesl or
equitable in or to said real estate,
or any part thereof. And to enjoin
you and each of you from in any
manner interfering with plaintiff's
possessions or enjoyment cf said
pr&aises and for equitable relief.
Siia iot -i g yga--ygrgrgtTt?t
an Order of said court.
You are hereby required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, September 9, 1929. And fail
ing so to do your default will be en
tered and judgment taken upon the
plaintiff's petition. -
Her Attorney.
- Jy29-4w
State of Nebraska, County of
Cass, ss.
By virtue of an Order of Sale
issued by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of
the District Court within and for
Cass county, Nebraska, and to me
directed, I will on the 31st day of
August, A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock
a. m. of said day at the south front
door of the Court House in the City
of Plattsmouth, , in said county, sell
at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash the following real es
tate, to-wit:
The south one-fourth of Lot
five (5) and the north half of
Lot six (6), all in Block twenty-one
(21), in the Village of
Elmwood, Cass county, Nebras
ka The same being levied upon and
taken aa the property of Hadaell L.
Hart, a minor over fourteen years
of age, et al, defendants, to satisfy a
judgment of said Court recovered by
Elmwood State Bank, a corporation,
plaintiff against said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, July 27th,
Ai D. 1929.
Sheriff Cass County,
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of John
C. Urban, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified,' that I
will sit at the County Court room -in
Plattsmouth. In said county, on the
23rd day of August, 1929, and on
the 25th day of November, 1929, at
10 o'clock a. m., of each day, to re
oeive and examine all claims against
said estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is three months
from the 23rd day of August, A. D.
1929, and the time limited for pay
ment of debts is one year from said
23rd day of August. 1929.
; Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 25th day of
July, 1929.
(Seal) jy29-4w County Judge.
In; the District Court of the County
' of Cass, Nebraska.
Charlotte Archer, Widow,
' .vs.
John Archer et al,
1 Defendants
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of the decree of the
t District Court of the County of Cass,
N&braska, entered in the above en
;itled cause on the 15th day of
tluiy, 1-929, and an Order of Sale en
tered by said court on the 17th day
f , July, 1929, the undersigned sole
referee will sell at Public Auction to
the highest bidder 'tor cash on the
24th day of August, 1929, at ten
o'clock a. m.f at the south front door
Cf th? court house in the City of
plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
the following described real estate,
J Lot 9 in Block 43, in the City
i! of Plattsmouth, Cass county,
h Nebraska.
fennB'of Sale: Ten per cent (10)
un of the amount of the bid at
lie time of sale and balance on con-
matlon. Said sale will be held
pen for one hour.
3 Dated this 18th day of July, A. D.
. f ' ' J. A. CAPWELL,
1 Referee,
; Attorney.
" v - jy22-5w
- r
: State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale 1s
Hued" by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of
1;e District Court within and for
Ciss county, Nebraska, and to me
directed, I will on the 7th day of
Sjtember, A. D. 1929, at 10 o'clock
ain. of said day at the south front
doar , of the court house in the City
of Plattsmouth, in said county, sell
a public auction to the highest bid
der for cash the following real es
tate,: to-wit:
'j Lot numbered 120 in the
southeast quarter of the north
east quarter of Section 19, in
: Township 12, North, in Range
14,1 East of the 6th P. M., more
artlcularly described as fol
jws: Beginning at the north-
rrt corner of said southeast
uirter -of the northeast quar
sr of Section 19, and running
icnce west nine (9) chains and
i xty (60) links to the center of
iblic road; thence south le
13'. east, along the center of said
-rai twelve (12) chains and
f,Tt3en (15) links to a Btone;
tUcace south 64 45' east, jJong
the center of said road six (6)
caalns and fifty-two (52) links
t? the east line of said Section
lj);i thence north on said east
section line fifteen (15) chains
aid ten (10) links to the place
c.T beginning, containing 10.37
a;rcs, more or less
The' tame being levied upon and
tak.a as the property of Mrs. Mata
She':r. Clifford H. Shafer, B. Gold-
lasv.v. hose real name Is Byron Gold-
Defendants, to satisfy a judg
ment or saia court recoverea oy John
M. Leyda, Plaintiff against said De
fendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, August 2,
A. D. 1929.
Sheriff- Cass County,
' ; ".y- I Nebraska.
Call IJo. 6 with your order fcr
jab pristfcis?