HOUDAY,. AUG. 19. 1959. PLATTSKOUTH SIMI-WEm? JOUKTAX PAGE TEETH Che plattsmoutb lournal fPELlSHED EEMl-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTE, KZBEASX1 latr4 t PoatoSlc. Plattamoutn. Nk. mm oomA-oX&m mall mtur R. A. BATES, Publisher 8US3CZPTI0H PEIC1 2.00 FEB YEAR IB ASVANd The father of twins is always proud. Puts on heirs, you might pay. :o: The pood husband buys a chicken for dinner. The others, vice versa. :o: There was actually a time when there was more baking than face powder sold. :o: Sometimes both the engine and the driver of an automobile seem to be missing. :o: Some people dont care what they pay in the presence of company; oth ers are married. -:o:- Some people have to lose $10,000 jobs before they realize they are worth only $5,000. :o: France wants to bar a lot of our movies. If she succeeds, maybe she'll tell us how she did it. :o: A fool woman is one who believes all the fool things a man says when he is drunk or in love. Some men give to worthy causes according to their means. Others give according to their meanness. :o: It must have been a blow to Tom Ileflin not to be selected as Ambas sador to Rome. Well he would make a good one. :o: Bishop Cannon wrote 20,000 words in justification of himself, which in dicates that even he thought he had plenty to explain. :o: Italian opera directors says that they will hire no more fat tenors. But there'll still be tenors, so there isn't much solace in that. :o: One who lives in a "house by the side of the road" these days is likely to find the deep tracks of strange automobiles in his front lawn. The Katydid, herald of autumn, is probably green beeause's it's envious of summer good times. :o: We are living too fast, says a doc tor. But it still takes a lady 39 years to reach the age of 28. :o: Filipino Siamese twins have mar ried a pair of sisters. The eternal quadrangle, could you say? :o: When the day comes when the meek shall inherit the earth, what will become of truck drives? :o: Well from all reports prohibition has succeeded in drying up the Brit ish embassy. So far so good. :o: Some people have their vacation to look forward to, and others are try ing to stage a financial comeback. :o: Conscience is largely a matter of education, a writer contends. He may be trying to discourage educa tion. i :o: Some flappers give us the Impres sion that since they have but. two legs to show ihey are going to show just as much of them as they dare. :o: Two billion dollars of inflated valves were squeezed out of the stock market the other day. Wonder how much of it was lost by Bishop Jim Cannon ? :o: The Mauretania recently raced to win back lost speed laurels. If liners keep it up, they'll cut the time be tween here and Europe down so far we won't have to go over. Strange to say, not an egg was broken when 24 dozen were dropped from an airplane, via parachute, down on a Los Angeles airport. Stranger, there wasn't a peep out of one of them. :o:- SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SWINDLE "Up to Now," is the caption of Al bmun s memoirs. Dut Mr. bmith is probably thinking in terms of "Up t When." : o : It's now customary to send stow aways back home without seeing thing except that they made a sad mistake. :o: The authorities at Quebec found diamonds concealed in a cripples wooden leg. Looks like he put his foot in it. :o: bne s a clever girl who can re member to call her regular fellow by his right name when she returns from vacation. :o: We have dry eyes, and dry speech es, and dry books and dry land, and dry weather but try and find a dry Congressman who is. For homes vith clectrictty the Haytot is avail able iruh eiectnc ' Qhe MAYTAG Record of FARM SIEGMCE TOR years and years, the Maytag has been the favorite fenn washer, serving equally well, the home with or without electricity. By removing only four bolts the Electric Motor Is inter changeable with the Maytag Gasoline Multi-Motor the simplest gasoline engine built. It starts with a thrust of the foot pedaL Gives a smooth, steady flow of power. FREE Trial Washing TWte or telephone the nearest Maytag deaW. If it doesn't sell itself, doot keep it. Lkjerrtd payments you'll never mis; THE MAYTAG COMPANY, Neuton, Iowa Founded 1893 remanent Xorth western Factory Branch, Maytag: Bulletin? 510 Washington Ave., North, Minneapolis, Minnesota r"") Maytag Radio Programs JJIuminum' Washer W AMktwOU-WVTSC. Ckartotm-WOBU. CtndaMtt-WLW. CI.t-WTAM. Malaw-WHO. tMtrelt-WIR. W-WDAY, ran Wortk-WBAP. ktaavU-WtfW. Iimi rj- KU1C La ... tWrt-tNX. blhmkn-VTMJ. MlaMcelto-WCCO. NnfoU-WJAG. Ctatto-WOW. rfcOultlphto-WCAU. rttufeorfk-raZA. rortlu4-KC.W. Sock irtat-w-HBF. Cavr-rrCN. Moatnat-crCV. na-CHC, Moritz Ellaytag Co., Elmwood Goodridge & Coatman Weeping Water Moritz Maytag Co. Murray Moritz Maytag Co. Special assessments are special taxes levied and collected upon prop erty immediately abutting or adja cent thereto for certain improve ments. Naturally these sewers, im proved streets, extensions of city owned utilities, sidewalks and the like, are made use of by the entire population and visitors thereto, but the community at large pays noth ing except where there is no private title such as at street intersections and similar instances. Thus an en tire town or city benefits, while the abutting property owners pay the costs. The private corporation pays for its needs, lays its water pipes. makes all extensions, but the pub licly owned and operated does not, though an entire community enjoys the benefit. These special assess ments may hf on one's tax bill be cause that is the way such are col lected, but the amounts so charge ! i and collected do not appear in tax levies or tax rates, and form no part of the published expenditures. This has no reference to sub divisions laid out for sale, properly enough the owner pays for his im mediate benefit. But what, for in stance, is the justice of assessing property owners adjacent thereto, for a viaduct that will be used in com mon by all? Or as has been done in some places assess property owners living on a hill and its sides, which is tunneled, not for those who live above it, but for the benefit of all sections of the city. These special assessment outrages have been perpetrated time and again just as in all of our municipalities, towns and counties. Cases are known of special hardship wherein distrers- ed property owners had to mortgage their holdings to pay an assessment that benefited them in no greater proportion than the rest of the com munity. But whether or not abut ting lot owners receive more than the community at large, it is plain that where an entire town or city makes use of the improvements, there should be an honest distribution of the costs. Then there are some species of special assessments th benefit a community at large more than the particular assessed individ uai. i nis evil is not nsteu in any of the reforms. :o: PICK THE LIAR Mrs. Mable Willebrandt, former Assistant Attorney-General, recently tossed overboard by the Hoover ad ministration, is writing a series of syndicate articles for Eastern news papers concerning her experiences in that office. Mable is the girl who went out into Ohio about one year ago and made a Catholic-baiting speech before a Methodist conference. Her explan ation of why she pulled that stunt seeking to stir up religious intoler ance in the Buckeye state, is inter esting, even though it may not be conclusive. Mrs. Willebrandt, rebuked and re pudiated by the Republican party candidate after the address was tie livered, now boldly asserts that it was made at the request of the Re publican national committee, and that her manuscript was edited and approved by the committee counsel before it was delivered. Emphatic denial of this statement comes from Republican headquarters. from which we must conclude that somebody has lied. We hope it is not the lady. :o: Stolen sweets always are best and you can't make the old-fashioned fel low believe that young fellows who simply held themselves to as many as they want get as much kick out of a kiss as he did when he had to plead for "just one" and maybe got slapped if he swiped it in the face of protest. NOTICE Whereas, Lester Troy Linville, con victed in Cass County, on the 8th day of June, 1928, of the crime of auto theft, has made application to the Board of Pardons for a parole, and the Board of Pardons, pursuant to law have set the hour of 10 a. m. on the 10th day of September, 1929, for hearing on said application, all persons interested are hereby noti fied that they may appear at the State Penitentiary, at Lincoln, Ne braska, on said day and hour and show cause, if any there be, why said application should, or should not be granted. FRANK MARSH, Secretary State Board of Pardons N. T. HARMON, Chief State Probation Officer SHE LOVED THE DEVIL f Mary MacLane is dead. How many readers of the present remember her and her brief period of notoriety Not many, we fancy. Neurotic, adolencent, obsessed ego- tiam Mary McLane as a nineteen- year-old high school girl projected her personality across the literary skies now these many years agone She confessed herself to be a woman of a thousand loves, and among these affairs of the heart" she placed her love of the devil first. She "cared neither for right nor for wrong." She was a law unto herself. She was self-acclaimed reincarnation of Bash kirsteff, of Ninon de l'Enclos and of other women who mocked the con ventions of life. She idealized Satan and wrote of her subliminal love for the Father of Evil. She took pride in her inclination and ability to in dulge in profanity. Altogether she made of herself a cheap and specta cular personage and she "lived her life." This woman of irrational perver sions did not long enjoy her peculiar notoriety. A few days ago she died in obscurity and poverty, with a lone negress as her friends, in a dubious environment in the city of Chicago. scant handful of people attended the funeral. Her morbid adolescence accompanied her to the end. Her puerile idealisms, short shorn of their erotic glamor, made tawdry pecters at her tomb. She loved the devil, but will not be remembered by even shocked pious souls because of her pitiable self-revelations. :o: According to Dr. Morris Fishbein a mans nest friends are his hair nd teeth. "And sad to relate, even they are sometimes false. NOTICE Whereas, Warren Harmer, convict ed in Cass County, on the 12th day of September, 1928, of the crime of breaking and entering, has made ap plication to the Board of Pardons for a parole, and the Board of Pardons, pursuant to law have set the hour of 10 a. m. on the 10th day of Sep tember, 1929," for hearing on 6aid applicatfon, all persons interested are hereby notified that they may ap pear at the State Penitentiary, at Lincoln, Nebraska, on said day and hour and show cause, if any there, be why said application should, or should not be granted. FRANK MARSH, Secretary State Board of Pardons N. T. HARMON, Chief State Probation Officer NOTICE TO CREDITORS ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun ty, BS. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of James F. Wilson, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Mary B. Wilson praying that ad ministration of said estate may be granted to Orval J. Hathaway, as ad ministrator. Ordered, That September 6th, A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock a. m is as signed for hearing said petition, when "all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of peti tioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Jour nal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said County, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Dated August 6th, 1929. A. H. DUXBURY, al2-3w (Seal) County Judge. NOTICE OF HEARING Estate of George E. Sullivan, de ceased, in the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, To all per sons interested in said estate, cred itors and heirs take notice, that Jen nie Porter has filed her petition al leging that George E. Sullivan died intestate in Fall River County, South Dakota, on or about the 7th day of August. 1910, being a resident and inhabitant of said South Dakota and died seized of the following describ ed real estate, to-wit: Lot three (3) in the north east quarter of the northeast quarter, also Lot ten (10) in the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, also Lot eleven (11) of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, also Lot five (5) of the south west quarter of the northeast quarter, and the northeast quar ter of the northwest quarter of Section eight (8), Township eleven (11) N. Range fourteen (14) East, of the 6th P. M. and containing ninety - four (94) acres more or less. Also the north half of Lot two (2) in the southeast Quarter of the southeast quarter of Sec tion five (5), Township eleven (11) North, Range fourteen (14) East, of the 6th P. M. leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the following named persons. to-wit: Jennie Sullivan, his widow who is now the wife of Ernest Porter; his children, Kenneth Sullivan, Herman Sullivan and Georgia Sullivan; That the interest of the petitioner herein in the above described real es tate is a one third thereof, and pray ing for a determination of the time of the death of said George E. Sul livan and of his heirs, the degree of We VUant Dead Animals Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Sheep Our trucks are waiting for your phone calls. No charge for removal of dead animals from your farm or feed yards. We pay telephone charges. Our plant is newly equipped with entirely modern equipment and we are now able to sup ply you with the highest grade FRESH TANKAGE Give Us a Trial Packing House By-Products Co. 2730 M Street, South Omaha Day Market 0326 PHONES Night Market 0337 ORDER OF HEARING and Notice on Petition for Set tlement of Account In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Cass County, es. To the heirs at law and all per sons interested in the estate of Sam G. Smith, deceased: On reading the petition of Frank R. Gobelman, administrator, praying a final settlement and allowance of his account filed in this Court on the 9th day of August, 1929, and for determination of heirship, assign ment of residue, and for discharge as administrator of said estate; It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said County, on the 6th day of September, A. D. 1929, at en o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the .pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all per sons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order In the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand and the Seal of said Court, this 9th day of August, A. D. 1929. A. H. DUXBURY, al2-3w (Seal) County Judge, NOTICE TO CREDITORS LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska Elizabeth C. Jenkins, PlalntifT vs. Emeline M. Austin, Defendant I NOTICE kinship and the right of descent of the real property belonging to thelTo the Defendants: said deceased, in the State of Ne-J Emeline M. Austin; C. H. King, braska. - I real name unknown, and Mrs. C. H. It is ordered that the same stand I King, his wife, real name unknown; for hearing the 6th day of SeDtem-Omar J. King and Sarah J. King, his ber, A. D. 1929. in the County Court wife; William Colvin and Mrs. Wil- Room at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, at liam Colvin, bis wife, real name un the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. I known; Charles L. Bates; uenjamm Dated at Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Austin ; John Black; A. P. Ripley, this 8th day of August, A. D. 1929. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) al2-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF HEARING The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty. ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Mary J. Sullivan, Deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth. in said county, on August 30, 1929, and December 2 1929, at ten o'clock a. m. each day to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presen tation of claims against said estate is three months from the 30th day of August, A. D. 1929 and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 30th day of August, 1929. Wit?.ess my hand and the seal of said County Court this 2nd day of August, 1929. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) a5-4w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 31st day of August, A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day at the south front door of the Court House in the City of Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash the following real es tate, to-wit: The south one-fourth of Lot five (5) and the north half of Lot six (6), all in Block twenty-one (21), in the Village of Elmwood, Cass county, Nebras The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Hadsell L. Hart, a minor over fourteen years of age, et al, defendants, to satisfy a Judgment of said Court recovered by Elmwood State Bank, a corporation, plaintiff against said defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, July 27th, A. D. 1929. BERT REED, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. jy29-5w real name unknown; Allen P. Rip ley and Cornelia S. Ripley, his wife; Eliza King; Harriet Kiser; James H. Kiser and Jane F. King; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the respective estates of Emeline M. Auatin, C. H. King, real name unknown, Mrs. C. H. King, his wife, real name unknown, Omar J. King and Sarah J. King, his wife. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of John C. Urban, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth, in said county, on the 23rd day of August, 1929, and on the 25th day of November, 1929, at 10 o'clock a. m.. of each day, to re ceive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their ad justment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 23rd day of August, A. D. 1929, and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said 23rd day of August. 1929. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 25th day of July, 1929. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) jy29-4w County Judge. NOTICE OF SALE In the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska. Charlotte Archer, Widow, PlaintifT vs. John Archer et al. Defendants NOTICE In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of James E. Shields, deceased To all persons interested in the estate of James E. Shields, deceased, I real name unknown, William Colvin creditors and helrs-at-law: land Mrs. William Colvin. his wife. You are hereby notified that on I real name unknown. Charles L. Bates, the 9th day of August, 1929. Paul Benjamin Austin, John Black. A. P. Woblfarth, filed a petition in this Ripley, real name unknown; Allen Court in which he alleges that one I P. Ripley and Cornelia S. Ripley, his James E. Shields, late a resident of wife. Eliza King, Harriet Kiser, Plattsmouth, Cass County. Nebraska, I James H. Kiser, Jane F. King, each departed this life intestate in said deceased, and all persons having or County and State, on or about the! claiming any Interest In the east day of January, 1907, without I hair or the southwest quarter having ever married and without is-SW) of Section six (6), and the sue, and left him surviving, as hia &st half of northwest quarter (B, Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the decree of the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska, entered in the above' en titled cause on the 15th day of July. 1-929. and an Order of Sale en tered by said court on the 17th day of July, 1929, the undersigned sole referee will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash on the 24th day of August, 1929, at ten o'clock a. m., at the south front door of the court house in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot 9 in Block 43. in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska. Terms of Sale: Ten per cent (10) cash of the amount of the bid at the time of sale and balance on con firmation. Said sale will be held open for one hour. Dated this 18th day of July, A. D. 1929. J. A. CAPWELL, Referee. W. A. ROBERTSON, Attorney. jy22-5w SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, BS. sole and only heirs at law His mother, Catherine Spader, (formerly Shields); Catherine A. Shields, a sister; Francis H. Shields, a brother, John I'. Shields, a brother, and William J. Shields, a brother and that at the time of his death said decedent was the owner of an undivided one-fourth interest in and to Lots 10, 11 and 12 in Block 60 NW?4) of Section seven (7), all in Township eleven (11). North, Range thirteen (13), east of the Sixth Prln cipal Meridian, in the County of Cass and State of Nebraska, real names unknown: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 27th day of July. 1929. the plaintiff filed - her suit in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, the object and in Finttsmmith r-noo Pnntitv TCA-IPunose of which is to establish and ' v I I a j a. f j m . a. m braska. and that nptitioner in now na connrm me piainun s uue thp nwncr nf Bairi real aetata hv virtue of mesne conveyances now of quarter, (E?1 f Section record, and that heirship to the es- x4T.T; , o ,7 H tate of said James E. Shields, de- L" v.? L7 ' " " "V.. ceased, had never been established by any Court having jurisdiction to (7). all in Township eleven (11). North, Range thirteen (13), East of 7.Jrin7 hlirohin .Vrc ... th Sixth Principal Meridian, In Cass determine heirship In the State oil x.K,.i, ia Nebraska, and that more than 22 years have elapsed since the death of said decedent, and that no applica tion has ever been made in the State of Nebraska, for the appointment of an Administrator of said estate, and praying for judicial determination of each and all of you from having or claiming to have any right, title, es tate, lien or interest, either legal or equitable in or to said real estate, or any part thereof. And to enjoin you and each of you from in any manner interfering with plaintiff's the time of the death of said decedent possessions or enjoyment of said "c "r. ft ' u" premises and for equitable relief, me uegree vl wutuip mereoi ana rpwla ntin a Hron nnnmont tn me iisui uj. uearaui ui mc Irup-a.n Order of said court A. M J J M I eny ot saia aeceaent in mis Biaie 1 Vo am herhv roulrd to an J M y-V S J f1 I ana tor an wraer xarrinK ianns BWer petition on or before Mon against saia estate. Idav. Smtmbr 9. 199. And fail- faald matter has been set lor hear- inir m o do vonr default will be en ing at the County Court room Inhered and indirment taken noon the i'iaitsmoutn, jass county, iMeorasKa. i nlaintlfTs netltion. on tne 6tn aay or September, izs, I ELIZABETH C JENKINS. at ten o clock a. m., at which time I Plaintiff. all persons interested may appear By A. L: TTDD. and contest said petition. I Her Attorney. Dated: August 9th, 1929. Jy29-4w A. H. DUaBUaT, (Seal) al2-3w County Judge. Bead the Journal Want-Ads. By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 7th day of September, A. D. 1929. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south front door of the court house in the City of Plattsmouth. in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash the following real es tate, to-wit: Lot numbered 120 in the southeast quarter of the north east quarter of Section 19, in Township 12. North, In Range 14, East of the 6th P. M., more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at the north east corner of said southeast quarter of the northeast quar ter of Section 19, and running thence west nine (9) chains and sixty (60) links to the center of public road; thence south 16 10' east, along the center of said road twelve (12) chains and fifteen (15) links to a stone; thence south 64s 45' east, along the center of said road 6lx (6) chains and fifty-two (52) links to the east line of said Section 19; thence north on said east section line fifteen (15) chains and ten (10) links to the place of beginning, containing 10.37 acres, more or less The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Mrs. Mata Shafer. Clifford H. Shafer, B. Gold ing. whose real name is Byron Gold ing, Defendants, to satisfy a judg ment of said court recovered by John M. Leyda, Plaintiff against said De fendants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, August 2, A. D. 1929. BERT REED, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. a5-5w There is no slack "Business period for the merchant who advertises hit goods the year 'round.