The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 08, 1929, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, AUG. Z, 1929.
Camp at the State fair
See the Whole Show
Free camping; spot. Do your own cooking. Expense will be little
more than if you stay at home. Yon cat and burn gasoline where
ever yen are. If you have no tent yon can rent one for the week
for $5.50. MeaTs can be secured on the grounds at moderate prices
if you don't want to bother with cooking. Free bath house newly
erected. First class grocery store, water, ample toilet facilities,
police protection. You can't spend a week more pleasantly.
For further information address
Van Allen was a visitor in Omaha
with a load of poultry for the Allen
Cream and Poultry station.
Frank Mrasek was hauling some
rattle to the South Omaha market
on last Monday for Ed Gansemer.
Ralph Kennedy and Fred L. Hild.
the carpenters were doing home re
pairing at the home of C. M. Reed
on last week.
Glen Todd was building some fence
luring last week with steel post and
wire which he purchased from the
Nickles Lumber company.
J. A. Scotten. the carpenter and
contractor was doing some cabinet
work for A. W. Leonard, during the
dearly portion of this week.
H.X?CCi!L tT,;18 i,SyBnI
.7 .. . ..
miles normwesi 01 wuraocK w nuiir-
antine a case f scarlet fever. He was
by W. S. Saybolt as
Lee Nickles of Plattsmouth was a
visitor in Murray on both Saturday
on Sunday.
J. E. Hatchett and family were
guests for the day and for a very
nice dinner at the home of Mr. and
the occasion very much
Hallman McKinney of near Ne
hawka was a visitor in Murray for
the day on last Sunday, he driving
up with the family for a visit with
relatives for over Sunday.
Edward Knabe from west of Ne
hawka wa? a visitor in Murray for
a short time on last Monday mcrn
inc. driving; over in his car to look
after some business matters.
Mrs. C..E. Joyce of Weeping Water
was a guest for a number of days
during the past week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hatchett -where
all enjoyed the visit very much.
W. H. Krnger was a visitor in
riattsmouth on last Monday going
over to have some dental work done,
and hove some ow his teeth which
have been refractory extracted.
Wayne Lewis was suffering quite
a bit from an infected eye in which
he has gotten some rust which very
badly inflamed the member but since
it has been getting much better.
Marion Warthan and the family
were over to Omaha on last Sunday
where they were spending the day at
Krugs Park and Riverview Park,
taking their dinner and enjoying the
day most pleasantly.
Wilbur Hewitt and t:ie family
were vlriHng for over the week end
at th home of her folks near Elk
treek. they driving over in their
car for the visit which was enjoyed
alike by the visitors and host and
Every one in Murray seems to take
good satisfaction in getting their
property in very bept of condition
and this will make the town look
and be much better. A very good
way to advertise the advantage of
the town.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore and wife and
their son. John, were over to Union
on last Monday evening where they
w-err attending a celebration of thir
nephew, Mr. James Frans, who was
passing his "second birthday anni
versary on that day.
The Yant Construction company
arrived in Murray via train am un
loaded their outfit and went to th
highway near the home of George
Ray where they are doing some grad
ing and preparing the road for re
ception of the paving.
John Durman and family of near
Weeping Water where he is farm
ing were over to .Murray on last
Sunday and visited while here with
the parents of Mrs. Durman. Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Tilson. All enjoyed the
very good time -which was had.
Attorney C. A. Rawis and M. R.
Davis who makes his home there
were down to Murray yesterday and
with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith went
oors of
The S
Don't you think it a good plan to put some
of your, earnings away so you Avill be ready
for your opportunity when it comes? An
account -with the Murray State Bank gives
you absolute security and profitable invest
ment for your funds.
Murray State ant
"There h Ho Substitute for Safety
to Lincoln where they attended the
Epworth Assembly and njoyed the
services, and returned home" in the
Wm. Patterson and wife who have
been spending some time at Imperial
where they were visiting with rela
tives returned late last week after
having enjoyed a very pleasant time
while there, and report crops only
fair. "While there, they were the
guests of George Fitzpatrick and
W. A. Clarence was in Murray a
few days since and reported that his
brother J. M. Clarence who was so
badly injured a -short time since by
a piece tf wood being thrown against
his head by a circular saw. -and
which fractured his skull, is getting
along nicely now and is making good
Miss Bessie Rover who has been
visiting in the west at the home of
her brother, John Royer, near Flag
.rrenine and report, having
; enjoyed a very fine visit while there,
hilt cave that t Vi prnnc ora &rt- nnnf
there, the wheat in some instances
making only as much as three bush
els to the acre and the corn now not
a foot high.
' IJIcklw and wife and Mrs.
?er? ..5s ere ove.r to .H?!"
morning and will expect to remain
until Thursday of this week. They
went to the west to look after some
business matters and to be there
Long which is near
that place.
Little Mary Lindsey. daughter or
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lindsey cf near
Weeping Water who has been trou
bled for some time with appendi
ticis. was taken to Omaha by the
parents and Dr. G. H. Gilmore where
she underwent an operation for re
lief from appendicitis, and when- the
is getting along nicely since. It is
hoped she will soon be able to return
home well again.
On last Saturday W. G. Boerleker
departed for Chicago, with three
cars of very fine cattle, two of them
being his and W. Wehrbein, and one
belonging to W. J. Philpot. and again
on Monday evening Charles Baede
ker, jr.. also departed with two
other loads, which were on the mar-J
ket on Wednesday and was met there
by the father, W. G. Boedeker. who
will look after the selling of the
stock. Frank Mrasek with his big
trucks hauled the stock to town for
loading and thus was a saving for
the cattle shrank less than they
would otherwise.
Martin Sporer and Wife Entertain.
Last Sunday at their home south
of Murray on the highway. Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Sporer entertained for
the day and for dinner and had with
the number of relatives and friends
who assisted making the day a very
pleasant one. There were there for
the occasion Robert Ferguson. Char
les Ferguson and wife and their son,
Calvin, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Balfour
and daughter. Kathleen. Wm. Sporer
and wife and eon Charles, of Mur
ray. A. G. Long and wife, Robert and
Dale Long. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Long
and their daughter, Bettie Lee.
Will Preach Sunday.
The Rev. Robert E. Hanson, pastor
of the First Christian c hurch of
Murray who is also attending school
at Bethany, will be here and con
duct services the coming Sunday,
both morning and evening. Let all
members be out to the services and
assist in making the service the very
best. Remember services both morn
ing and evening as well as Bible
Have Nice Ball Game.
The Benson Boosters of Omaha
were in Murray on last Sunday and
entertained the ball fans of Mur
ray and the Murray ball team very
nicely in the game which they put
111). HTld in n wav bmhactpri the tmme
team but alin crood nature with the
results that the visitors reecived 11
scores and the home team only 6.
Will Have to Have Signs.
If things continues to get more
congested in this way, there will
have to be signs put up both in town
and country advising people the
country is full of Fords, for in truth
the people should know about it.
During the past few days the follow-
ing have secured new Model A's and
are well satisfied with them: Gussie
Brubacher, coach; E. S. Tutt. coach; i
Gust Hollenberg, coach; A. G. Long,
four door sedan; Lester Dill, coach;
Joe Long, sedan; Henry Addleman,
roadster: Chester Sporer, coach, and
Martin Sporer a coupe.
I have a one hundred pound ice
x, a top leer, which I am offering
very reasonable
It is in fine condi-
tion. See me at the post office.
Prom Wednesday's Daily-
The W. C. T. IT. held a most de-
lichtful meeting on Monday after-
noon at the Hotel Perkins where they
- -
were entertained by Mrs. Edward swimming.
Brantner and Mrs. W. W. Wasley Wednesday evening Mr. Gooding
and a very fine program featured had charge of vespers. This was fol
the day. lowed by an evening's entertainment
The ladies opened the afternoon of harmonica and readings by Mr.
with the singing of "Some Glad tGooding and Miss Tauchen and mov
Day," the song of the Union and the ing pictures of club activities,
meeting was hen turned over to Mrs. . Thursday evening Miss Baily. as
George A. Weaver of Mynard. who sistant county agent from Otoe coun
had charge cf the devotions. ty had charge of vespers. This was
The program was filled with the Btunt night and each group was re
greatest of interest and a large num- sp0nsible for a song, yell and a stunt,
ber of delightful readings and papers -TheBe were put on around a camp
were given on subjects of the day. - h t,nt wns disnlaved
Miss Janet Westover was heard
in two numbers. "Grandma's Mem
ory Quilt" and "Why You." Mrs.
J. A. Capwell serving as the ac
companist for the little reader.
Mrs. Charles A. Troop gave a fine
discussion of the new liquor law
of the state that was followed with
a great deal of interest by the mem-
ben of the nartv
o i o
ng People Pledge Sup-
dent Hoover." was the
,"12.000 You
port to Presid
title of a very interesting paper
given by Mrs. Malcolm and which
was much appreciated.
Mrs. W. T. Richardson of Mynard
gave a very interesting paper on the 6.
working of prohibition in "Wash- The following list is the Cass coun
ington. D. C. after Six O'clock." ty leaders who attended and assist-
Cecil and James Comstotk favored
the members of the party with two
very clever piano duets and also
James Comstocx gave a trumpet solo
with Cecil Comstock at tbe piano
Little Miss Dorothea Mae Dux
bury' was heard in a very cleverly
given reading, "My Garden" that
proved a fine feature of the program.
Miss Elizabeth Spangler in dis
cussing current event told of the
death recently of two fliers, respon
sibility for their dentil being placed
at the door of drink.
Mrs. A. H. Duxbury gave a very
interesting paper, "Prohibition Not
Coming, It Is Here" and in which
various phases of the question were
At the close of the afternoon dain-
ty and delicious refreshments were
served by the hostesses that aided In
the interest of the meeting.
I have several Oxford Buck sheep
for sale. Extra good ones. Call
phone 1104 Murray, Nebr.
j25-4tsw T. J. TILSON.
T i"a "i c on the main line of the
Missouri Pacific railroad was tied
up this morning as the result of a
derailment of ? stock train on the
Tn i e T 1 tnn -net - nrf - r-kf" f 1 i
mnrc TitTif. i,n nnH -Viii hirw-L.ri
the line into Omaha for the M. t
he line into Omaha for the M. t
rhe Union Pacific line is used from
iilmore on into Omaha by the Mis-
iouri Pacific and the result was
that the northbound passenger
train. No. 10T was held at La Platte
and the passengers transferred to
Burlington train No. 15 to be taken
on into Omaha.
A party of Missouri Pacific offi
cials which was on the train bound to
the north, transfered at this city to
the Burlington and were taken on
into the metropolis.
An Acrostic
Women of the community.
Of which you are one.
May mould public opinion.
Energy so expended brings rich
Neighbors work together for the bet-
terment of Plattsmouth.
'Service is a word pregnant with
Club life gives you an opportunity
to serve!
Let all Plattsmouth women
Unite in this democratic organiza
tion. Better homes and a better town
will result.
From Tuesday s Tieny '
The temperature this morninc was
of the kind that made the residents
of the community feel that they had
no need to seek relief in the nioun-
tains, the northern lake? or the far
north. The temperature was 61 de-
grees this morning, the coolest for a
great many months and which made
everyone feel the welcome relief
from the high temperature of last
. , t.
The wedding of Miss Mary Mc-
Daniel and Lawrence Frederick oc-
curred on Saturday afternoon at the
u-urmouse, tne j cung peopie motor- Brinkman and aunt of Mrs. Cloidt.
ing down from their home at Omaha Mrs. Miller, wife of former county
and after wecuring the necessary 11- commissioner H. J. Miller, has been
cense had Judge A. II. Duxbury per- in p00r health for a great many years
form the ceremony that made them and in the last few months she has
as one. The wedding was witnessed failed a great deal and her condi
by Sifts Olive K- Byfert and Ivan Mc- tiOn has -caused imore or less appre
Daniel, also of Draaha. hensiou-to the family and friends.
'. h
', -h
Copy tor thiJ Department
furnished by County Agent
j 'I-I-I-iI-I
i i ---- i' l1 r'k
Second Largest Club Camp in Nebr
Cass, Otoe and Johnson counties
can boast of having the second larg
est 4-H club camp in the state. A
total of 172 took an active part and
each contributed his bit to help make
this camp a success. This camp was
held at Murray July 31 to August 2.
The program consisted fo educa-
lrTol r axr r-r clro tinnu nn nrtctpf mnlr.
, fc Mr. Gooding of the Extension
rJLa'a.. Wftrt v unro0
. , ,
pany; canning by Miss Elseman of
the Kerr Glass company; dyeing by
Miss Conner of the Rit Dye company;
judging contests were conducted by
lr. Gooding and Miss Noyes of the
extension department; health work
by Miss Noyes; recreational games
by Miss Tauchen, from the extension
. - -
department; athletic tournament and
by club members.
Friday morning, Searl Davis of
Plattsmouth. in his impressive way,
talked to the club folks on the im
portance of preparation for life's
work. He upoke of the part that club
WOIK PiaB 111 IUIS t"""
stressed the importance of a lot of
gooa reading, a w mailing auiu uy
Miss Rail v and numbers bv the har -
Miss Daily and numbers by e nar
monica band completed the morning
Following is a list of those attend-
ing: Johnson County, 6 ; Otoe County
38; Cass County 122; Lincoln Office
r' From Weeping Water: Leader
iirs. Mary E. Ranney with one club
member; Leader Miss Marjorie
Joyce with four club members; Mrs
Ray Norris with five club members.
From Nehawka Fifteen
members (No leader)
three other club members.
From Eagle: Leader Watson
Norris with three club members.
From Union: Leader Mrs. Chas.
Atteberry with eleven club members;
Also ten other club members.
From Plattsmouth: Leader Miss
Helen Johnson with four club mem
.bers; Also thiee other club members.
From Avoca: Leader Mrs. Ernest
From Alvo: Leaner miss leucine . " , lJC "f1"'' ";'"" the largest nursing
Christensen with two club members. , ity of eeping W ater. son and his friend, :Neal Manakrea fv
From Groenwood: Leader Mrs. O. A. Johnson has been feeing of Casper, Wyoming, who is visiting "
Ted Carnes with four club members; j - , - ilu TTCQTATT tctfw
. Tr- .:.. iu-au over to Omaha on last Tuesday cariv ix.-k fnr thp past and will lisainliij JMxw
ljeaaer .Mrs. rxea noumau ; - : . . " ; -
Prnm Cedar Creek: Leader Miss!months
Tnla HpiI and one club member.
From Elmwood: Leader Miss wue. accompaniea luv". fertained at their beautiful country of the store in handling milk, meat,
Clarice Hottle with five club mem- daughters, Misses Hazel and Eloiese, home on last Sunday and had as their fruits and vegetables that may re
bers. and Miss Agatha Colbert, departed gUest8 for the occasion, and for the quire a low temperature and is a
From Murray: Ten club members, i for Niagara Falls, driving in their exceiient dinner which Mrs. Mogen- most attractive addition to the store.
Other leaders and members attend-! car where they will expect to visit. gen had prepared, the following Mr. Rea. manager of the local office
ing part of the time were: Allen i including the trip over and back for frjenag, wfc0 also assisted in making of the light and power company and
Vernon Murray; Donald Belknap; 'some four weeks. the day a most pleasant one, Harold Mr. Gabriel, sales manager are very
Otto Sc'hafer Murray; John Kaffen- While working on a spring of a-Thomason and family, Carl Peterson proud of the handsome new refri
berger. Plattsmouth. with one club phonograph. N. L. Grubbs had the aml wife and dauSrhter, Miss Olga, gerator that will m the Tiiture be a
member- Jesse Livingston, Weeping , misfortune to have one of his hands Fred Rehmeyer and family. Chris great feature of the Lgenbergcr
Water; Clarence Kintner, Weeping injured by the broken spring which Rasmugsen and family, Rasmus Jen- store-
r- ifh ciT nihtr finh TnPTnhpra-
Ruth Ranney, Weeping Water and
Ruth Ranney, Weeping Water and
two other club members; Mrs. Chas.
Atteberry. Union; Miss Evelyn Wolph
Nehawka; Mrs. Conant Wolph, Ne-
hawka, with six club members; Mrs
Carl Hoffman. Greenwood.
It was a tired bunch thatb roke
camp Friday afternoon and the gen
eral parting remark was "Can we
have another camp next year?"
We certainly appreciate the co-operation
and courtesy shown us by
the Murray people.
iiOS a-0 0UTia.
xwany articles, w numeruus iu
mention, were found after breaking
camp ana are at me x-ariu duictu
office. Get in touch with this of
fice if you lost anything while at
i i . i -r..HA,
vcamp. L. R. Snipes, County Exten
sion Agent, J. H. Baldwin. Asst.
County Ext. Agent.
t From Wednesday's Dally
. Mrs. Hans Seiver of this city to
day received a letter sent from her
old home at Hamburg, Germany, by
her sister. Miss Mary Thode, the let
ter having arrived in the mail car-
ried by the great airship, the "Graf
Zeppelin" which arrived Sunday at
the landing field at Lakehurst, New
Jersey, and will leave this evening
on the return to the home port in
Germany. The letter was a part of
the mail sent on the second voyage of
the Graf Zeppelin, on which trip tne
airship waB disabled and compelled
to return to its port, holding the mail
until this very successful voyage over
the Atlantic to the new world.
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank A.
Cloidt and daughters. Maxine and
Frances' and Mrs. Frank Brinkman
mot0red to Alvo where they visited
at the H. J. Miller home for the day,
jjr8- jijjier being a sister of Mrs!
' . . , , .
Chris Rasmussen and tbe rpod
wife were visiting and also coking
after some business matters in Lin-
C on i,Ionday- . .
Wm Spangler and wife were risi-
ing and looking after some bnsiness
matters In Plattsmouth on last Tues-
day, they driving over in their car
for the occasion
Mogens Johnson is walking with
the assistance of a cane, on account
of the very -lame back which he has
on account of a strain which he got
a few days since.
Newton L. Grubbs and wife were
j-trAi r flmato rr loaf C3i r rl o tt nrriT"A
they were enjoying a visit with
friends and relatives for the day,
they driving over in their auto.
Nathan Everheart, 85, who has
ever worked hard as a stone mason
in ami chnnt Wseninir Wntpr Is fpel-
j Itiilile
'f Pna J ZnUa
. Walter Cole mother of John
, f vi'sitine and looking after busl-
. rr.
.1 n pkr ill m i i f i n in iinid.UA uu last. u to-
day they driving over in their auto,
Godleib Rehmeyer and the good
wife are visiting for the present week
at the home of their daughter, Mrs.
Frank Taylor and husband, south of
awo wh n are enlovine the
visit very much. interment, maue ai lue rgie ine- Taylor who have just recently re-
B. F. Wiles of Plattsmouth was a ter' east of Eagle on O street. In turnefi from a vacation at Excelsior
visitor In Weeping Water on last death the children lose a very goings, Missouri, where besides
Tuesday, he coming to visit with his devoted mother and Eagle one of the meeting former residents of Platts
brother Isaac Wiles, who has been.very 8t citizens who was ever raouth. they also met some promin
rather poorly for some time past, and .ready to serve to the uttermost all ent people of the world of artists,
who is kept to his home most of the "'h re needing any ministration. Among those who they had the di.-
Hme j tinction of meeting was Mr. J. 1.
Harold Baker was a business visi- ietttmed From the West. Wblfe of Burlington. Kansas. Mr.
tor in Beatrice on last Tuesday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cole, who Wolfe is author of about three hun
where he was in consultation with were spending some time near Oskosh dred poems and is very well known
the Black Brothers milling company.
regarding the handling of their pro-
. 6 : j
dncts "in Weening Water and terri-
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stickley of Lin-
coin, the latter daughter of Mr. and
'Mrs - T- M- Teegarden. of Weeping
spending the day on last
ier were spenamg i .
where all enjoyed the occasion very
much. .
Rev. G. R. Birch pastor of the
Congregational church of Weeping
Water, accompanied by the wife and
daughter departed early this week
for Brule in their car, where they
will visit for a time with friends and
W. D. Baker and son, proprietors
of thp Raker Cream station have a
car load of chick feed cbming. ;Many
varieties and the laying mash which
they handle is now being lea to some
to consult a specialist about the con-
dition of his health. During the timegt. LoUis, where they will visit for The Iowa-Nebraska Light Pouev
when he cannot be at the safe, ELm?r . a -tjme ana- departing from there, go- Co.. have just completed the instaN
Loberg is assisting at the cafe. i ing east and south and finally visit- inS c one pf Iatst tyP55 or
Johnson denarted last week ' Qt WadHnrtnn Rnston. New General Electric refrigerator in tb"
will expect to enjoy a long visit. 1 at Niagara Falls, and returning via "f refrigerator is one of the besi
. , OT, j .nmr.anvinr o1 .L -v, ' at that the General Electric surphef
car Domingo, who also
about the middle of last week. They
!wi11 expect to be away ior some two
On Wednesday
E. Pool and
has greatly interfered witn nis work
at the blacksmith shop. He will se-
at the blacKsmun snop. ne c"
cure a man to assist and to catch up
with the work which has crowded
since he nas had his hand injured.
Henry Holman has purchased a
new two door sedan of the Universal
Model A cars which he is liking
very wen ana wun iue nfv,y t.diTr v.i
this excellent car, the quoto of the
Cole Motor company has been used,
which was ninety, but arrangements
have been effected for the getting of
more of these excellent cars, which
have proven so popular.
TT XT' llnnrn n-SQ in thp I'OllntrV Oil
lDCt r.oHav afternoon making some
needed repairs on a tractor for Wm.
t th tractor had a broken part
j ' , - ...
and could not be brought to town
111 T , U11T11IK -"-D " I I lir 1 1 U 1 L 11 1: 1 11 lUUlt 1 V . u
to have the repairs math, and likejpating a very fine trip and the gen-
MnTinmit nnd the mountain, as the
mountain could not come to Mohamit
he had to go to the mountain and
so also had Mr. Moore to go to the
C. J. Elgaard recently purchased
lone of the celebrated standard sedans
of the bigger and better six cnevro
lets, of the Dowler brothers and
which will make him a most confort
able and convenient means of trans
portation, "tfton. Hunter also receivtd
a coach, while James H. Keatch got
a coupe. These took all that the
Dowler brothers bad on hand, but
they had another car load on the
way which arrived on Tuesday and
which were unloaded on their ar
rival and placed on their show floors.
Better drop around and see them.
Well Appointed Funeral Home
W. L. Hobson and son, Richmond,
are having some very important
changes made in the new home which
they have recently purchased for
their funeral business. T. J. Jami
son is building an elevator on the
. ... !
!"rjr ma w
inananns oi iur Blut1 to j!" Za
I remains whn necessary. There are
Jthree rooms on the lower floor which
!a-re thrown together for chapel use,
and a work room oh the south, where
all the work is done, and a closet
in which is kept the fluids whicb are
used in the course of their work. J
Then on the north is the slumber ;
room where the remains are allowed
to repote on a couch, until placed In
the casket for the funeral and burial.
Parking space on the north is re
served for the 'funeral coach, and
on the eaBt is -space lor the autos of
the frIendB of the departed. French
doorB lead from the cha , to
elevator and where he &Bket and
remains are placed in the funeral
coach t0 he taken tQ the cemetry.
Mr HoDBOn and Bon are having new
ntr.n,. EtAna nil pw wnlk
8tructed grounding and in front of
the funeral home which greatly en-
hanceB the appearance,
For Sale.
Fordson tractor and plows in fine
ier INeDr-
Mrs. Mary Wulf Deceased.
Mrs. Mary Wulf, wife of the late
Fred "Wulf of near Eagle, passed
away at ner nome near tagie on
last Frida;
of a little
been bom
Friday August 2nd, at the age
over 76 years, she having
leaveB to mourn her departure five
80ns they bein5 William, Rudolph,
Frederick. Victor and Georee. while
the daughters were Miss Mary Wulf
w&o made her home with the mother,
r re Ul mubj-
The funeral was held from the North
Lutheran church of Eagle of which
she was a devoted member, and the
.Nebraska, which is near the western
portion of the state, where they en-
iow tr,r. enms frT -nta
Joyed a visit for some four weeks
and where they were the guests of
three daughters, who make their
home in that neighborhood, return-
ed nome 4ast wees ana report naving
had an excellent time while away,
j Accepts a New Position.
1 Wm. Van Every who has been
the faithful and efficient salesman
in the C. H. Gibson store, and where
they have gotten along the very best,
ias accepted an offer Jor work in an-
other line, that of selling -oils and
gasoline for the Consumers Oil com-
' pany of Council Bluffs and will con-
-duct the wagon out of Weeping Wa-
ter for them. ' : .
Will See the World.
No, not all of It, lor that would
SfiP on their tour. Kansas Citv and
. ... . . . , . .
They will expect to be away for about
" J -
four weeks.
Entertained for Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mogensen en-
Kpn. Henrv Moirensen. Weldon Max
field and family, consisting of wife j
i field an
ani son
From Wednesday's Daily
County Attorney and Mrs. W. G.
Kieck. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cloidt
and daughter, Maxine and Frances
and Miss Nadine Cloidt, will leave
Thursday for a vocation trip to the
northern lakes. The party will make
the trip by auto and go from here
to Ilenning, Minnesota, where they
will enjoy a short stay at East Brittle
Lake and later go to Itasca Indian
reservation where they will spend
a short time at the source of the
Mississippi river. They are antiei
tlemen at least are planning on do
ing plenty of fishing while in the
northland. r
From Wednesday's Dally
Chairman Kunsmann of the
streets, alleys and bridges commit-
tee was engaged yesterday in see-
ing that markings of highway No
75 along the streets of the city were
installed and placed along the inter
sections on Sixth street where the
travelers find more -or less confusion
in keeping to the highway as many
either drive clear over the South
Sixth street hill or east to the foot
of Main street. The signs installed
will relieve a great deal -of the an-
noyance caused to the traveling pub-
lie and enable them to stick to the
highway in better shape..
From Wednesday's Daily
County Attorney W. G. Kieck re
ceived a post card today that had
been brought over on the Graf Zep
pelin, being sent by a cousin of Mr.
Kieck, Louis Zimmer. The post
card was originally sent over on the
ship web -compelled to abandon the
trip and the mail was accordingly
held until the present sucoessful voy
age as tbe letters -and cards are i
largely in the nature or greetings
from Germans to the American
friends and relatives.
Phone your news to the Journal
Blue Grass!
and Lawn Grass
Winter Rye for Pasture
Ask for Samples and
Edward Barliing
Seed Company
Nebraska City
Mis3 Anna Heise! and Mrs. E. A.
m literary circles,
Another was Miss Elizabeth Lynn
age fourteen, who smcs for the radi'
gs tor tne radio
and whose voice has attracted the
notice of many. Miss Lynn offered
to sing for the Plattsmouth ladies.
Another was Lewis Stone, famous
moving picture actor who was at
the Springs for his health and who
was traveling incognito.
William Peterson a former Platts
mouth bov is now located at the
Springs. Mr. Peterson is very well
known around that part of the coun-
try ?s an inventor. Besides this he
is one of the most popular men in the
city. He operates the best and most
sanitary bath house at the Springs,
giving sulphur and salt bathB and
making lots of friends and a great
.reputation for himself. He is mar-
riea xo one oi me promiwui aaie
of the Springs, and they have a won
derful daughter. Miss Doris Peter
son, who recentlj' graduated fror.i
home in Kansas
. -i : f
ana is oi fh unusuany large siz-
, . . .. , . .
(111(1 VI 1 11 V UI11.1 inu Ul 119 I Jft-
jn tne state, cne having been in-
'stalled a few day ago in the Omaha
Country club house. The new ma-
chine is ample to care for the needs
Ross Baker, well known barber rf
this city is still at St. Joseph. Mis
souri, where he was called yesterday
by a message rnnouncing the serious
condition of Mrs. Eaker, who wa-
taken there on Sunday to be placed
in a hospital for treatment. Mrs.
Baker has not been well since the
family arrived here to make their
home" and her condiUon w such
that it waa docidedlo have ner takfn
to th? hospital in her former home
town of St. Joseph. No word ha
been received from Mr. Baker a
yet but the condition of the wife at
the time that he left here was most
Rev. F. M. Druliner, pastor of the
First Methodist church of this city,
for a number rf years and who ha.
since been in charge of a number of
the churches in the Nebrska district,
was here yesterday in company with
his son, Tracy Druliner, who lives
at Indianapolis, Indiana, where he is
engased in a iarge wholesale cloth-
ing house. When the Druliner fam
ily were resident here, Tracey was u
very small boy and his associates of
childhood days has. like himself.
grown into manhood and womanhood
estate and ;ngaged in their vari0u3
spheres of life.
. .
Frn Tuesday's Dally
i This morning Mrs. Merle Tiainey
neparted tor ner home in New York
City and was accompanied by Mns
Clara Rainey who will spend a few
weeks with her brother and wife in
the great eastern :ity. They were
accompanied by Newton Sullivan
who is to enjoy a visit at Toledo.
Ohio, with another sister, Mrs. Frank
Cross, formerly Miss Marie Sullivan.
The .party are anticipating a very
pleasant visit and to enjoy the many
Z i il
that they will travel through on
their way to hte east.
Mrs. Harry Schuli nccorapanied bv
her daughters. Miss Mildred. Miss
Helen, and Miss Jean are now In
KaBHiL tor ?. two weeks vacation
and visit with firs. Scnulz relatives.