PACE SIX TLATTSMOTTTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL .TEURSDAY, JULY 25, 1629. ft ft M 1. ,u "tit 1 Itff Sit y If I rr re y k r- U u Iff u ft 1 M ft -ft fft 1 trf 4 V rfr Vf -ft irEPDg?; GROCERS' ALLIANCE o AMERICAQ-V VlE-ffi Very Pretty Home Wedding at Weeping Water FOR HEAL BARGAINS DO YOUR TRADING AT O Specia minor Cass uasaty's 3Bng Sttire Extra Savings 27 S Is and for Week RED SALMON Fancy Alaska Pack The kind that sells regularly at 30c or more Now 4 1-lb. Cans 9Se A Good Quality, 4-Tie BROOM Painted handle Our regular 50c item, specially priced at 39e P&GSOAP Soap is up and P & G is selling at 4 to 5c per bar During sale week, 10 bars for 39e PPCITPlFQ Imitation, TWO 2-lb. yfC QIETFn P17AQ Very fine quality and or JT it.Ci)AjE V X-dQ jars for only TTUt OIF 1 LaU 1 sZtl0 reg. 20c value, TWO cans BEST FOOD .397 MALT SYRUP 7:...--.A5c PINEAPPLE SW.-33c PEANUT BUTTER lt, ...15c 3 cans for 89c Three for 40c TOILET SOAP by Palm Olive. 3 Ig. bars 20c CORNFLAKES 13-oz. pkgs. for 21c TffcH V T PAP17D I. G. A., 3 large 1 A UlCV I PC Your choice of Sweet or Mixed. QQ I UiLL 1 1 rl Ltl rolls. 25c value for iVC 1 1 VlVLdLlJ Full quart jar for only OiC FANCY CAKES harvest. 2-lb. pkg. ...41c KRAUT Large No. 2l2 size cans, TWO for. ...25c RIPS' ft? IVIQ Lindsay brand. &2 -ft- DC A WQ Wax or Green. Good quality. OO. kl -i JLtl V Ltd cz. cans, each IcJC 0ill0 TWO No. 2 size cans for DLL CORN Country Gentleman Extra standard quality Now 2 for 25 e $1.29 Dcz. PEACHES Light syrup pack Large No. 2y2 size Cans 2 for 35c T T T T T T T f SALT 100-lb. bags Med icated Salt, each 50c v Y f T Y T Y T V V Y Fiour Specials Buy from 5 to 20 bags of this high grade old wheat Flour and save money, as the market is advancing and it will be several months before new wheat can be used. Here are prices that speak for themselves. Little Hatchet Flour Lowest price for months. 48-lb. bag Sunkist Flour A high grade, fancy patent. 48-lb. bag I. G. A. Flour Every sack is tfj-fl fully guaranteed. 48-lb. bac 35 JL fl 5 " $1.69 ? 81.79 1 PEAS Sweet and tender No. 2 size cans Special 2 for 29c SOUP Campbell's or Van Camp's Any variety, special 10c each MILK Tall cans, all A varieties, per can A UC CASTILE SOAP VZ?rim.2Sc LIMA BEANS Zt.....l2c Bay a Dozen of These Six cans for 65c GOLD DUST ff-.ff--.24c CHERRIES &,T4 ....$1 OAP SwifVS WHITE UNDRY-Favor- OQ DAPTI ETT DC ADC No. 2 size QJ1 ite ci many housewives. TEN bars OVC JE Al 1 LJCi 1 1 ifiAKj cans, FOTJE for $1 MACARONI KooDnX1"'-------. 25c PINEAPPLE SffmffiL 43c TOMATOES tT..No:...... 19c DEL MONTE PEAS 2f0f;. 19c DEL MONTE fffS 27c PORK & BEANS grjra.15L18c GALLON PEACHES SS-,..49c SNIDER IZfjr 11c Tine for Pies or Sauce Ten for MATCHES MALT Gccd quality Six boxes in car- Large 4-lb. can Sold for $1 all ton Always 19c, or more last season Extra special tie 49c GINGER SNAPS New, fresh stock Baked by large eastern baker 2 lbs. for 23e For nearly 40 years we have been servincr the food-buvin rmhhV of P!nttm,fl, nr1 vicinity and the items advertised above are all the same high grade goods on which we have built our reputation as "Cass County's Leading Grocerv." Prices trood all wk. County's Leading Grocery." Prices good all week. Highest Prices Paid for Produce 9 M0 DiVUV&li JiJi JllLVLJL J L The Old Reliable Grocery Store SOU LOCALNEWS From Monday's Dally Dr. Byron Arries of Omaha was here Sunday for a few hours visit ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Arries and his many friends. Charles Mutz and family of Oma ha were here Saturday for a short time while en route home from Mur ray where they were visiting the old time friends. Attorney and Mrs. V. C. Ramsey Last Saturday evening at the S ' Ui .... T pleasant home of Stephen J. Amhler " , SVr y "b Miss Doris Ambler United in Mar riage to Mr. Thomas F. Cop pingman of Lincoln l,!fF parents of the bride Mr. and Mrs. 1 S. J. Ambler, years afro. The wedding j I was very simple without attendants, rL and with the single ring ceremony. and wife was celebrated the wedding of their daughter. Miss Doris Ambler and Mr. Thomas F. Coppingman of Lincoln. The wedding march was played as the bridal couple entered tne room wnere their trotn was plighted during the playing of "To a Wild Rose" by Miss Alice Leone Ambler, sister of the bride. The ceremony was said by tne Kev. K. r. Hanford, pastor of the Congrega tional church of Lincoln and former pastor of the same church in Weep ing Water many years ago. In fact this is the pastor who united the The bride was gowned in pale green silk chiffon, while the groom was at- the haome of Mr. Ramsey's mother. Mrs. Ti. S. Ramsey. Dr. Edgar D. Cummins of Lin coln was here Sunday for a few hours visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. Cummins and family and enjoying a short outing. Paul and Ted Wilson, former resi dents here, who have been visiting in Chicago for a short time, came in Sunday to spend a few days be fore returning to California. Theodore Davis and George II. Dennis of Weeping Water were in the city today to spend a few hours attending to some matters of busi ness and visiting with friends. John H1. Conley of Watertown, South Dakota, was here today to look , after some matters for the Allied Clothiers of which organization the Well Improved ' -tees tired in a neat fitting grey suit of Wescott store here is a member, Knglish tweed. Following the wed- Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Patter- ding and the very fine dinner which son- of Arapahoe, who were here to enjoy a few days visit with the rela tives and friends in this city, de parted for their homes in the west. Claude Shoemaker, who has been They will spend some thirty days on the way and visit at a number of The bride was agrad-'n connection with his property, has places in California while on their was served by the parents of the bride they departed for Omaha where they visited for the evening with friends and from there the follow ing day went to Lincoln where they spending the past few weeks here h..-..l n bome urmarHl nn.1 thev lipenn MooKing alter some business mailers oriced right. Lo- M. - cated fine. No bet ter investment than good Cass County Land! Let me show you? Searl S. Davis Farm Loans and Lands housekeeping uate of the Weeping Water high school and the state university and has been a teacher, teaching at Lag range. Colorado, and also at utica this state. The groom is employed with the Union Wall Paper and Paint company of Lincoln The Journal joins with the many friends of both bride and groom in extending best wishes for a happy and prosperous future. way. SURVEYING ALONG MISSOURI this morning to look after some mat ters of business and visiting with friends. While here Mr. Robb was a caller at the Journal office. Jess Atteberry of Chicago was here over Sunday to enjoy a visit wiin his children at the L. E. Vronian home. Mr. Atteberry is now in avia tion at Chicago and taking a course of training in the work as a pilot. Joseph McMaken Jr., wife and little son, Joe, who have been at Pnrvdnn- Town for a short time Wheat Yield in County and State where Mr. McMaken has a paving returned to the west coast where he is located at Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Starkjohn de parted this morning for northern uu..t.-buia ue iiiey u. r iu cn A force of civj, engineer3 operat- an outing and fishing trip at thel,n umer thp c g guvernment are lodge of Mr. Starkjohn near one of ctQrt,n in . rt ir thu mu. the lakes of that section. 1 ,,,. -i i,,. ,t r .vi. Mont Robb old and highly re- ' f,ioMlssinp. 1h nilrnn flf thir spected resident of Union, came P ; observations and findings it is un- Farmers Make Start on Work of Harvesting Not as High as First Anticipat ed Other Crops Good From Wednesday's Dally The threshing outfits are getting busy in all sections of the county as the wheat crop is being threshed and made ready for market or storage and the next two weeks will be very busy times for the operators of the threshing outfits as they clean up the various fields. The Cuss county wheat crop like that of other sections of the state will be much smaller than was at first anticipated and the yield will represent a decided loss compared with that of last year in the yield per acre but will command a good price as there is a general wonu shortage of wheat. Estimates of contract, came in Sunday to visit at home for a short time before re turning to Iowa. Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Lehnhoff and family of Lincoln came down Sat urday evening and visited here over Sunday with Mrs. F. D. Lehnhoff and daughter. Miss Tillie. and while en route home stopped at Louisville for a short stay with old friends. From Tuesday's Dally Herman Halkajar, John E. Aesch- bacher and Karl Christianson of Louisville, were in the city today for a few hours attending to some matters of business at the court house. Mrs. Frank M. Bestor and Miss Eleanor Hiber, who have been visit- derstood that they are engaged in the surveys made along the line of future improvement of the Missouri river for navigation and which will be tried out in the next few years on the upper Missouri river. The engineering force are equipped with a large skin" carrying a motor and the members of the party will camp along the river as they carry on their surveying work and arrange the lines of the river's course through this section. The party made their first trip out into the river today, having the skiff haulded down to the river and unloaded and starting in on the work of gathering the data of the river course and the land along the banks of the stream. THE WEEPING WATER BAKERY The Weeping Water bakery, which was established last winter by Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Williams, who came here from Bonesteel, South Dakota, has been doing a very fine business and with every day making gains and as one of the stores who has their bills of goods ready for the country showed that of the bread which was to be sent out. contained fifteen loaves of the Weeping Water bread and only two loaves of the Omaha bread. This is fine and we are pleased to know that the people of both Weeping Water and the coun try are realizing the superior quality ing'in Colorado for the past ten days wheat range from twelve to eighteen I have returned to their home in this bushels per acre, experienced farm- I city and enjoy to the utmost the ers state. pleasant outing. The wheat croD is one of the I Mrs. John Rotter departed this smallest in many years in the coun- morning for Des Moines. Iowa, where of the Weeping Water bread besides try as well and King Corn, the I she will visit her daughter, Mrs. I the wisdom of spending their money also with Mr. and Mrs. John Kopia old time residents here. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Frampton and daughter. Miss Eleanor and William Lehnhoff of Lincoln were here Mon day for a visit here at the home of Mrs. F. D. Lehnhoff and daughter. Miss Tillie, returning home last evening. in great shape and promises a yield that will more than make up for any loss in the wheat yield. The farmers are genearlly all through with their laying by the corn save in a few instances where farmers are just winding up this work and the stand and general indications lok good for a real yield of the corn in all parts of Cass county. The moisture of early spring and sum mer has been beneficial to the corn laltho it delayed the planting and with the intense heat of the "corn weather" there has been a very rapid advance. WILL ATTEND BRIDGE OPENING A number from this city are plan ning on attending the opening of the Abraham Lincoln bridge at Blair on Saturday and among these will be Mayor John P. Sattler, H. A. Schneider, preident of the Platts mouth Bridge Co.. C. C. Wescott. president of the local Chamber of Commerce and George K. Petring, member of the local good roads com mittee. The members of the Platts- mouth delegation have received spec ial invitations to attend the open ing and will be honor guests of the occasion at which there will be pres ent fiovernor Arthur J. Weaver of Nebraska and Governor John Ham- mill of Iowa. EAGLES HAVE A FINE TIME From Wednesday's Dally Last evening the members of iPIattsmouth aerie No. 365 of the l&LjfcZ: GROCERS' ALLIANCE AJAErIcaKH: JML JlJ'Cja! From Wednesday's Dally J. R. Brown of Cleveland, Ohio, is here to join Mrs. Brown and the daughters who are spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C. Dovey, parents of Mrs. Brown. County Attorney John T. Turner, wife and little daughter, returned last evening from a trip through the west and which included the many points of interest in Colorado and particularly Denver and vicinity. Mrs. R. E. Sheehan and little daughter, arrived here this morning from their home at La Grange, Illi nois, and will spend a few days here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Smith, parents of Mrs. Sheehan. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Young who have been spending the past two weks at Grant and other points in the west part of the state, returned home this morning and enjoyed a fine trip altho busy with the work of har vesting. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Briggs and children, who have been visiting here for the past few days with relatives and friends departed this morning by auto for their home at Winner, South Dakota, which place they ex pect to reach sometime this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDaniels of at home instead of away. MEISINGER REUNION The annual reunion of the Mel singer family will be held on Sun day. August 4th at the Will Sch neider park at Cedar Creek. The Farmers Union band of Louisville will furnish the music. Ball games. horse shoe pitching, foot racing, doll rack and all kinds of entertainment. Program starts at 1:30 p. m. Come and bring your dinners and have a real good time at this event. ADAM MEISINGER J. C. MEISINGER W. G. MEISINGER Committee. Read the Jonrnal Want-Ads. Thomas Walling Company 4 Abstracts of Title $ Phone 324 - Plattsmouth .f. The POPULARITY of IVnttrTi!il flrcler of Eaeles had the pleasure of having with them a large .Lake Worth. Florida, who were here number of the officers and members viaill"s "" u menu ucyaiicu of North Omaha aerie and while the visitors were here they took part in the initation work of the evening and conferred on the two candidates the degrees of the order. There were a number of the North Omaha auxiliary present and who enjoyed a fine visit with the Platts mouth ladies during the course of the evening. At the close of the lodge session the members enjoyed the fine lunch that the committee in charge had arranged for them and which com this morning for Lincoln where they will visit for a few days before re turning south. Mrs. McDaniels was formerly Miss Dorothy Cowles of this city. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Wills of Long Beach, California, and Mrs. Vera Cheney of Lincoln motored in this morning from their home in the west and spent a short time visiting with old friends and while here Mr. Wills was a caller at the Journal office. Mrs. Lillian Baker is enjoying a at mm 0 OVERALLS! increases because it's the biggest dollar and a half's worth of Overall on the market. Have you tried a pair lately? Overall or Jacket pleted a very fine evening and one vist from her daughter Mrs Chas. that all enioved to the utmost. ,Publes who has been here for the ipast tnree weeia, irom ineir lormer j .home at Buffalo, New York, and was J FOR SALL joined last evening by the husband, Mr. Charles Publes, who will on to- Flowers. GladlolaB for sale at my morrow with the wife depart in their ', place 50c per dozen. Mike Lutx, aut0 for Eumensclaw, Washington, I Phone 221-W. J16-4sw where they will make their home. ... mm 1 1 1 1 1 Y