The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 25, 1929, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1929.
-j 100 TALKING
Alice White
Talks, Sings
and Dances
100 Talking!
100 Singing!
100 Dancing!
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday!
"My Lady's
with Belle Bennett and
Joe Brown, stars in
Warner's big colored
picture "On with the
Show," new in its 2d
week at Rialto, Omaha
Am. Legion Building
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Saturday Night
and His 'Melodians'
Lilting Melodies, Musical Review,
Boarding House Scenes and Gang
Fights in Picture.
Lilting strains of "Broadway Baby
Dolls," "Wishing and Waiting for
Love" and "Jig, Jig, Jigaloo;" the
rhythmic tapping of the feet of fifty
dancing girls; the wailing saxophone
and the high notes of a grand opera
tenor in a theatrical boarding house;
the stacatto bark of gangsters' guns.
and the quiet high spots of "Broad
way Babies," are the memories you
will have if you "attend the First
National-Vitaphone picture at the
Parmele theatre tonight, Friday or
The picture, which stars the peppy
young screen luminary Alice White,
is thorough entertainment from first
to last. It takes one behind the
scenes in a big musical comedy the
atre; into the night clubs of gay
Broadway, and into a theatrical
boarding house just off the Big
It is a story of theatrical life, the
experiences of three young hoofers
u who are fighting for recognition be
hind the footlights.
CITRUS GROWERS ASK Miss White, who was a humble
i) AID OF UNITED STATES stenographer in Hollywood less than
three years ago, demonstrates that
Washington, July 20. It appear- she can sing and dance as well as
ed probable Saturday that the Flor- act. This young Apostle of Jazz is
Ida citrus fruit and the California rapidly coming to the front as a
crape crops would be the subject of cinema artist of the first water, and
the first emertrenrv action hv tho fri- in "Broadway Babies" she demon-
eral farm board. strates a versatility that will astound
The board, after hearing pleas for her most ardent admirers.
aid in the marketing of the Florida Charles Delaney plays opposite her
crops. Saturday directed the co-ooer- again, as he did in "Show Girl," and
ative organizations to get together is very convincing as the lovesmit-
and submit a plan for federal aid. ten stage manager, sally filers ana
A representative of the federal Marion "Peanuts" Byron are charm-
grape stabilization committee, it was ing as the two hoofers. Fred Kohler,
announced, will meet with the board Louis Natheaux, Jocelyn Lee, Bodil
next wepk. to nrespnt nrnnns.iU fnr Rosing. Tom Dugan and a host of
laid in the marketing of this croD in others are included in the very fine
September. . cast.
I "Broadway Babies" was directed
I by Mervyn LeRoy, one of the young-
, HUNT KILLERS OF est directors, but especially fitted for
BORDER SLEUTH a picture of this type, for he has
seen many years on the stage as a
El Paso. Tex.. Julv 21. Orim- performer.
eyed veterans of the border patrol Gay and dazzling sets, particularly
rnlA ttiA arrnic a n rl coca hriioh nf the theatrical scenes an those in
their wonted "beats" Sunday deter- the night club, add to the enjoyment
( ration of Principles," as given us by
! Frances E. Willard; Song, "Some
Glad Day;" Duet, ."Twilight Rever
ies," by Mrs. Cross and Mrs. Mougey;
l Welcome, Kathleen Balfour; Violin
John T. Becker was looking after LeC"S'.. "?"y?. re? mn,f
"whiv fuuiu voo 111a J 1(1 ATI M, O, J lJl
a short time on last Monday morn
Frank Boggs, the insurance man, n
and Chuck Clarke were over to Louis-
ville on last Sunday evening, where
they were visiting with friends.
Misses Harriet and Marge Cheney,
of Lincoln, were guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Upton and of
Misses Sarah and Vera for last Sun
Cecil Witte and Glen Edmiston
were visiting and looking after some
business matters in Union last Mon
day, July 22nd, driving over in their
Miss Anna Bauer departed late
last week for Ponca City, Oklahoma,
where she will visit for three weeks
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Nichols.
The Crawford Brothers were paint
ing the interior of the store room of
Mrs. Mabel E. Reynolds, which is
making the place much more cheer-j
ful and inviting
Virginny" and "The Mocking Bird," ,
by William Balfour; Readings, '17
and 70" and "Katie Lee and Willie
ray," by Mrs. Bloomingdale.
Next came the playlet, "A Call
with a Mission," by Mesdames Dysart,
Balfour and Rhin, and "The Seven
Ages of a Woman," enacted by sev
eral of the group present. "Rock of
Ages," Mrs. Ivan Balfour and Mrs.
Bowden; "In the Firelight," enacted
by Bobbie Pearsley and Kathleen
i Following this, there was an in
teresting talk" by our county presi
dent, Mrs. Joe Wiles.
I The program closed with "God be
With You till We Meet Again," after
which a social hour was enjoyed and
delicious refreshments were served.
Our next meeting will be at the
'Methodist church, August , when
the election of officers will be held.
took the examination for license to
test cream, as they expect to open a
cream station in the Burbee building
for the Omaha Cold Storage com
pany, of Omaha.
Will Open Cream Station
Mr. and Mrs. Noah Parker were in
Mont Robb was looking after some Omaha last Monday, where they both
business matters in Plattsmouth for
the day last Monday, making the
trip via the bus and meeting many
of his friends as well as looking af
ter the business calling him there. j
Misses Ella and Orpha Griffin, I
who have been visiting in Platts
mouth for the past week with their !
randparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
.Triffin, returned home on last Mon
day, after having enjoyed an excel-
ent time. ;
Frank Bauer and John C. Roddy
were over to Plattsmouth on last
Have a Good Dinner i
This is an invitation to all to
come and join with the Union Busi
ness Men's club at their Monday
noon dinners, for you sure get a
pood dinner for only 50 cents. Come
and counsel with those who are
interested in and working for a bet-
Sunday, they driving in the car of ter Union. It is up to you to help
Mr. Bauer and visited with friends make Union the very best town pos-
is well as inspecting the new auto rible.
and wagon bridge now beiner built i
Vou Are Invited to the FUN FEAST
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
One Week Starting
icross the Missouri river.
V.". II. Porter is looking much
lifferent. and with the losing of
some eighteen teeth last week, it is
expected that he would. He will
ook still different for he is going to
have some new ones, and then we
'an say he will look better as well
is different. i
Joseph Brandt threshed and de-
Departed for the West
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Rhin, the
former the senior partner of the firm
of Rhin & Greene, of Union, pros
perous merchants, departed on last
Monday for the west, where they are
expecting to take a ten days' vaca
tion. Their first stop was to be at
Imperial. In the western part of the
; vered wheat to the Stites elevator, latP Monflay nls;ht. They will visit
it being very laiand testing 56 with a number of friemlg an1 rela.
rounds to the bushel. Paul Apple- .nr. v
te delivered some on last Saturday,' nQ , ri.o
lie nrsi iu come in, ana wnicn lesi-
d 5S pounds and yielded 20 bushels
to the acre.
Donald Reeker. thp thrpp-vonr-iilH
?on of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Becker, I mon wnicn you are
A-hile at play in their yard, had the i prom,t to 03,1 1hnme and then wnS"i
misfortune to get the end of his LUl uo uur ,jesi lo maKe 11 ine,
humb in the blades of the lawn I Yf rv b0.8t l;w.n ln wnuh to Iive" j
nnwpr and have it plinno l off rr I we me i nion scnoois me very
."lavhaiifh mondpil it nnrl it ia Pot.11"-'1 pohhllMC.
' " " - " - I . u
E. W. Keedy and wife, of Ashland,
Make Union the Best
That is right! You have selected
Make the community
very best possible. None of'
you would like to live in Union if
she had no churches. Union has1
A. t V- . 1 X I
mined to find the trail of a band of of the picture, but apart from the where they are engaged in business, kK ke'fhae very best 1
I v.,: j -l. mnro tho rianoino- anH th hapk-lwere visitors for a short time at rorh,n nara 10 maKe ine very oesi,
Union on last Sunday afternoon, be- j f;h"rches possible each with a Sun-,
'mpn hiipvori tn hriva hoon mm in sones. the dancinff and tne DacK
'npra -arhn niioH iron t cnnttn on irround. Broadway Babies has a
i inspector, when the officers were am- ,eal story, and one that is portrayed
bushed in this vicinity early Sunday l)y an ideal cast' under the most in
Everybcdy knows Beans, the popu- mornine. Border natrol officials be- telligent direction.
Isr sin?er at the mid-week hand pnn. Hevpd twn nf the attaririno- fn "Broadway Babies" is good for
certs. He will sing and entertain in the two pitched battles fought the eye and ear and it will please
vou while his orrhpstra fnntiliM ueieen iue onicers ana ine amousn- "-
Jou. 11 . -,. ,orvnfstra iumishes ,tures since tne introduction of the
iiiusiw mat win uc pieniy not. xui,
remember, the big; Blizzard fan will
keep you cool as any outdoor pavilion.
Dancers. 75c Spectators, 35c
Unaccompanied Ladies, 10c
7:. 10
Sunday, July 2Sth.
a. in. Sunday school.
p. in. hncclish services.
Thomas of Gretna will preach.
"Broadway Baby Dolls," the theme
song looks like a real hit. It was
IN BEETS BOUGHT .written by Al Blyan and George W.
Grant Clark and Harry Akst wrote
"Wishing and Waiting for Love."
Denver. July 22. The largest
sugar acreage in history has been
contracted for by the Great Western
Sugar Co., it was announced Mon
day. More than 300,000 acres that will
produce 3,900,000 tons of ugar this
season has been contracted for by
the company.
At the contract price of 3S.60 per
ton, growers in Nebraska :nd Colo
rado will receive a guaranteed in
itial payment of approximately $28,-000,000.
m Used department
Furniture Values that you can't duplicate anywhere.
Compare our prices and you'll soon be convinced!
Mahogany Davenport, $25.
Two Tables to match, $4 and
$7.50 each.
Oak Davenport Bed, $25.
Six Library Tables, $4.50 to
$9.50 each.
Two Breakfast Sets, $11.50 and
$14.50 each.
Two Porcelain Top Tables, at
r? en or, a i?n
Twenty Kitchen and Dining
Room Chairs, 85c to $2.50.
25 Rockers, $1.50 to $8.50.
Three Overstuffed Chairs, fine
shape. $12.50 to $25.
Eight Dining Room Tables, $5
to $10 each.
Ten Kitchen Ranges, $15 to
$45 each.
One hana power Washer, $7.50.
Congoleums, $5 to $7.50.
9x12 Cut Rugs, new, $7.95.
Three Pianos, $75 to $200.
Two Phonographs, $20 and $25.
Tvo Sectional Book Cases, $15
and $25 each.
Leather Conch, $12.50.
Six Sanitary Couches, $2.50 to
$4 each.
Ten Beds,'$l to $5 each.
Five good Mattresses at $3 to
$5 each.
Seven Dressers, $5 to $15.
Tv-o Kitchen Cabinets, $12.50
and $15 each.
Two Army Cots, $3 and $4.
Mattress Sale!
50 Sample Mattresses 50
We are making a special price on Mattresses All new,
clean Cotton and Felt Ask for Quotations.
Ghrist Furniture Co.,
South Sixth Street Telephone No. 645
Piatt smuotli, Nebr,
Craft Dives
Into Ground
Near Field!
Practice Hop of Owner and Pilot
Ends in Fatal Fall With the
Motoi Roarins.
North Platte, July 21. Henry Old
ham, veteran pilot of North Platte,
connected with the Midwest Avia
tion Corp., and Mike Ryan are dead
following an airplane crash here at
1:30 p. m. Sunday.
An hour previous to the fall the
two pilots had taken the air sup-1 ed for.
.ng guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. V. II. Porter and later going
to Omaha, where they enjoyed a
jood show hefore they returned home
late that night.
D. R. Frans is to install in i. short
ime a new truck scale which will
'are for the weighing of the large
trucks and as the trucks are coming
and the wagons going there is a call
for the heavier scales and as Mr.
Frans is making some very import
ant changes in his offices, he is also
instituting this new and modern
Mrs. David Murray and mother,
Mrs. T. T. Smith also Mrs. Louisa
Comer an aunt of Mrs. Murray were
all visiting in Plattsmouth for the
day on last Saturday, they were also
accompanied hy little Duane Smith,
a nephew of Mrs. David Murray, they
driving over to the county seat
where they were visiting with
friends as well as looking after some
business matters.
John Ruhman, the little son of
Mr. and Mrs. Arden Ruhman. was
Angularly injured when he entered
the store of Montgomery Ward &
Company, at Nebraska City, and
was looking at some bicycles, when
one fell over on him, breaking one
of his legs. The lad was taken to
St. Mary's hospital, where he was
treated and the injured member is
now doing as well as could be look-
day school which you all should
support, not with a paltry dime, hut 1
by your coming and lending your'
work to the Lord. No preacher can j
make a live church without the as
sistance of the members. !
Now you people of Union, who-!
ever yon may be, come to church
and I3ible school and help the best !
! institutions which are makincr vou a:
good town in which to live. Come,;
now, and do your part: You cannot
expect someone else to do it for you
v A Grit r 3? Im
"X. Ill II II 1kJ M M m m m f s "V
ONE OF THE FEW and scarce splendid or
ganization that visits your city each season
Latest and Best ComediesReal Actors and
BrighcSt Vaudeville!
posedly for Oldham to give Ryan a
few Instructions concerning the flying
of the former's single motored bi
plane. There was a large crowd of
spectators at the landing field when
the fatal crash occurred but none
witnessed Che accident.
Oldham, survived by his widow
and two small children, died as he
reached a local Hospital. Both, of
his leg3 were crushed and his breast
badly punctured.
Ryan, about 43, who operated a
filling station here for many years,
died shortly after Oldham succumb
ed. He leaves a wife and a young
Glenn Durand of North Platte, one
Mrs. V. W. Claybaugh. who has
not been in the best of health for
some time past, went to the hospital
In Omaha last week, where she is
taking treatment in an effort to get
in better condition pending an opera
tion which she is expecting to have
to undergo, for the removal of a
goitre, which has been giving this
good lady some trouble for some
time past. Her many friends are
wishing her a successful operation
and a rapid recovery.
The Rev. V. A. Taylor and good
wife departed last Sunday afternoon
for a ride, first going west on the
O street road as far as Eagle, where
Williamsport, Pa., July 20. The
Williamshport airport was dedicated
Sunday afternoon with more than 75
planes on the field. Every branch of
aviation was represented.
Bflerton in the Mmm"
they , visited for but a few minutes
of the first to reach the scene of the land then turning south, they went
air disaster, reported that Ryan waslto Palmyra, Syracuse, Unadilla, Dun-
in the rear cockpit and Oldham was I bar and Nebraska City and return-
J L Tt . linn. 1. I . 1 . , 1
in num. ivyau was in ucn a pusi- nume in me evening, meir speeu- i . VI .
tion when dratrered from the nlane I ometer showerl havincr traveled iust , al VCXJ icasunauic
The Very Best
Bought pare, always handled
with scrupulous cleanliness ;
kept fresh and pure in our
cooling department, which is
electrically equipped. You
know yoa are getting- the
best, always.
Come and See Us
Union, Nebraska
Good Used Cars
that It was believed he had been the
pilot of the craft.
The plane went into what was de-
85 miles. They saw some wonderful
crops and were well repaid for their
trip, for they came home realizing
We have a number of good Used Cars
and Trucks, all reconditioned and in
good running order, which will go
You can
equip yourself here at small cost.
Among- our stock you will find one
Chevrolet 1927 truck, one 1926 Ford
Single admission Adults 40c, Children 20c
Reserved Seats 10c extra
Season Reserved Adults $2.25; Children $1.25.
A lady will be admited FREE when accom
panied by one paid admission.
Fairbury, July IS. The City Serv
ice Co. of New York has offered the
city council a proposition to supply
natural fras in Fairbury at a rate
of about half of what consumers are
now paying for artificial gas. While
no definite plans were made it Is
expected that the company will ask
for a 23-year franchise at the next
council meeting.
The company representative in
formed the council that gas waa be
ing piped from Texas fields with
Omaha as the northern terminal.
Cities along the pipeline would be
served if suitable franchise can be
Advertise your wants in the Want
Ad column for quick results.
scribed as a small nose dive, and thelthat they were living in one of the nria iqoo c.hetmlei- n-
pilot opened wide the motor to pull very best portions of the country,!. ' , , iQoK-r.j'
the craft out. However, the altitude I which t his glorious state affords and
was not sufficient and the plane land-1 wherc can ne find a better place to
ed at full force, breaking the land-l,lve than Nebraska?
ing gear. The plane did riot ground
loop, although it nosed suff icently to
the front to bend the propellor.
The men were injured by the im
pact only. Both smashed through the
fuselage of their cockpits. The right
wing of the biplane was cracked.
Large Number at Meeting-
two 1924 Ford Tudors, one 1925 Ford
Coupe and one 1926 Ford Roadster
all in good condition. Come, look
the stock over and save some money
on a judicious purchase. We do not
Mrs. Frank J. Libershal and chil
dren, Theodore and Mary Irene, de
parted this morning for Peoria, Illl
aois, Triere they .will e-njey a visit
with the relatives c! Mr. Libershal
in that section of Illinois.
ine .iuiy meeting or ine union t.:- v, il
W. C T. V. was held at the home ' W17"cu
of Mrs. Cross on Tuesday after-! Chevrolet line of new cars, and have
noon, the 9th. with Mesdames Alii- a complete stock of models now on
son. Todd and Easter as assistant our floor for immediate selection!
There were 4 4 present, this be- fnmp. Look Them Over
ing our Sunset Tea meeting, among'
them eleven local guests, one from jctv a A 'B'TCCPI'jnv
Nebraska City and cne frcm Neb aw- aiL iiJiiiia &
Union, Nebraska
The program consisted of "Decla-
We Want Dead Animals
Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Sheep
Our trucks are waiting for your phone calls. No
charge for removal of dead animals from your
farm or feed yards. We pay telephone charges.
Our plant is newly equipped with entirely
modern equipment and we are now able to sup
ply you with the highest grade
Give Us a Trial
Packing House By-Products Co.
2730 M Street, South Omaha
Day Market 0326 PHONES Night Market 0337