PAGE TWO FLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1929. WEEPING WATER Mark Wiles Is serving on the petit jury at Plattsmouth during this week. John McCartney of Wyoming waa looking after some business matters In Weeping Water on last Tuesday , afternoon. j Mrs. Len Moser of Atchison, Kan- ; fas, is visiting at the home of her j mother. Mrs. Emma Berry of Weep- ; lng Water. ! Miss Helen Gorder is spending the week at Crete, where are camped a j bevy of girls, members of the Camp- fire Girls of Ogallala. , Six hundred English strain White Leghorn pullets at 50 cents each. 10 j weeks old roosters at 25 cents. Lees- ley Hatchery, Greenwood. Ralph Shumaker, son of Mr. and Mis. Louis Shumaker, is at this time suffering from an attack of measles aud is getting along nicely. Adaline Lauranzen, one of the op erators of the telephone exchange of Weeping Water is taking her vaca tion this week and visiting with friends. O. L. Hoffman is building a foun dation under a house for Fred Garri son and will be a foundation for a new building which he is to build at the same place. Verne Smith and wife will depart for California where they will spend time and at the same time de- some cide as to what they will do in the future. Their sons Gaylord and Peneen will remain here for the pres ent. Mark Wiles and wife and 'heir daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rannie who have been spend- lng some two weeks at the lakes in . Minnesota and where they sure en- ; joyed a very good time, returned home on last Monday. E. E. Moore, the master workman at the Cole Motor company garage ami sales room where he has plenty of work to do at this time, is some what hampered with a boil on one of his wrists which keeps him from do ing his full quota of work. A largo number of ladies in Weep ing Water, friends of Mr. and Mrs. L F. Marshall and their daughter, . Mrs. E. F. Kline were in Omaha t ; where they attended a party given in Odd Fellows Enjoy Outing, lienor of Mrs. Kline, who is visiting Some forty or more of the mem lure from her home in Denver. bers of the I. O. O. F. and Daugh Mlss Anna Hart, the genial clerk ters of Rebeckah went to Nebraska at the Weeping Water postoffice gave a dinner party at the Hotel Laurel to a number of friends and following which they repaired to the home of Miss Hart where the evening was ppent in bridge, three tables being in operation. A very fine evening was had. The Cass County Ministerial Asso ciation which was recently formed will meet at the Methodist church on next Monday at eleven o'clock when they will hold the'.r business; ticsMon and will be accompanied by, -their wives and will enjoy a picnic, dinner at the church following the meeting. I Fern Davis the chief operator of the WeeDina ater telephone ex- change who has been at the hospital at Lincoln for some time oast, where i Khp ws convalescing following an rmoration for relief from annendicitis. ! and who has been making good rro- nhio in rptnm hnmp on Monday of this week. ,... i !., ..,-, t li r ri a voiitlAn rr trio c n P n f J- 1111 i iil wk. . v. o - f and residence property where Wine ) Smith has lived and been engaged in business, work will be immediately commenced in the transforming o the property into a modern funeral borne by W. L. Hobson & Son, who will make it a most complete funeral Lome in this portion of the county Louis Schumaker living on the Bate farm a few miles from Weep- Ine Water has his fifty-five acres of corn plowed over the second time stepping from a moving automobile nnd it is looking fine with the leaves was thrown to the pavement and fa Ktriking one at the waist line. He (tally injured. She was hastened to will begin with the first of next week (the hospital but died ere that place ploying the corn the last time, and was reached. Mrs. Cooper was a sis- j poets to complete it the coming jter of Mrs. B. L. Philpot and has a week. The Binger Lumber company have M izod upon a chance spell when they vere not so busy and have repaired the roof at the yard and painted the buildings and placed the yards in the very best condition. Dining the time also Ralph Binder has cleaned liis car and painted it., and made it look like new and as it was working line he is well pleased with it now. The Rev. G. R. Birch, pastor ofthe Congregational church of Weeping Water and who has served very f-ffi-ciently and faithfully as pastor for the past four years offered his resig nation as pastor following the sei viccfl last Sunday morning. It is not known what he will do or when the position will be supplied. The time for the takine effert of the resigna tion was placed at September first ! this year. ' Charles H. George who has had i charge of the store of V. J. Vesley j of Bennett in the room where form- ! erly the Johnson Brothers were lo- ; HOBSON FUNERAL Service OUR desire and re sponsibility in the service we render, is to do all we can to help lighten the burden that is yours in Bereavement. W. L. HOBSON Weeping Water Nebraska sum Saturday Night Am. Legion Building Plattsmouth, Ncbr. Dancers, 75c Spectators, 35c Unaccompanied Ladies, 10c cated. left Weeping Water for Lin coln last Tuesday and will make his home there. Mr. Vesley was in Weep ing Water on Tuesday and had Nellie Stoner in charge of the business and will return later this week when he will decide as to whether he will continue the business or remove the stock elsewhere. ! Selling Many Model A's. During the past six days the force at the Cole Motor company have sold and delivered some eight of the Uni versals, and much interest is still be ing evinced in this wonderful auto- .mobile. Among those acquiring one oi inese curs are i. hi. lem ui weep ing Water, Claude Twiss of Louis ville, Wm. Pankonin, Louisville, H. H. Crozier, Miss Ida Young, Bert Jamison, Mrs. Ellen Ball and Carl Balfour, the latter south of Nehaw- Ka . nT- Enjoyed Their Trip Nicely, George Olive and son, Ben, who were spending a number of days at the lakes, St. Andes just in the edge of South Dakota, and where they had an excellent time were also joined there by Dr. E. IT. Kintner and Mr. Swarthout, returned home on last Wednesday, driving from there to Weeping Water in one day. Mr. George Olive reports the crops look fine all the way up to where they were spending their vacation. City on last Sunday, where they en- joyed a very fine day. .They staged a ball game between the members of the subordinate lodge and the Rebeckahs, the former having for their captain, Frank Woods and the latter Charles II. Gib son. The game resulted in the free and unlimited coinage of silver pro gram-sixteen to one, the boys win ning. However the came was not won easily, for while Charles Gibson was endeavoring to catch a fly ball he did not, have his fingers all in the clear and one is now; boinj nursed through a siege of very pain ful convalescence. One of the ladies when she went to throw the ball to home plate to put out a runner, bounced it off the ear of Frank Woods wmcu mane mro woozy lor a nine. As Elmer Michelson was striving to make first base, the not too accurate aim of a player planted the ball fairly between the shoulders of the runner 'and he went to grass for a time. Fol- I lowing the ball game they went to : 4 " ; Brown's Park where a portion took a bath and all returned to Weeping Water, tired but happy. Killed in. California. Mrs. Ethel Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Dennis of Weeping . Water, who but only last March went to Los Angeles where she accepted a position of saleswoman in a large department store, wnile sne was son here, Mr. Keith Krohl, who makes his home with his grandpar ents. Mr. and Airs. G. II. Dennis,' Mrs. Cooper was employed in a de partment store in Omaha for the past four years and departed for the west on last Mach. as she had a better of fer in the employment there. The funeral and burial was made at Los Angeles. Enjoy Fine Trip and Visit. Troy Davis and wife of Weeping Water, and Dr, and Mrs. Twadell the latter of Iola, Kansas, and the ladies being sister,s they formerly making their home at Ridgeway, Mo. went to that place a few days since where they visited the cemetery where the parents and other relatives of the ladies rest, and looked after the la3t resting places of the folks and seen that they were in excellent condition and decorated the graves. (Then -as Dr. and Mrs. Twadell de sired to go to Des Moines, all made jthe journey, they passing near Shen andoah, striking Clarinda and thence 'northeast to Des Moines, where they visited and it is many good words that Mr. Davis has to offer for that country and its prosperous towns and especially Des Moines. On their re turn they came home via Atlantic, and were impressed with that hust ling city. Mr. Davis says he was impressed with a sign which appeared many places as they were passing through this town which read "We love our children, drive carefully." ' Hold Quarterly Conference. The fourth quarterly conference .was held at the Methodist church in .Weeping Water this week and was under, the guidance of the presiding district superintendent! the Rev: -C. ,CjL. Wilson of Omaha. ' The Rev." George B. Jlorey. who 4ias been the , pacr fc? thz pit fear $ ears h--t?? 3-t.(i by tli? ccurtaticn to reiuam another year, and he hab con- vSo sented to do so. It will be decided at the conference which soon occurs as to whether he will be assigned here or not. Stripping With Water. The Western Limstone company has harnessed the Weeping Water creek and Is having its waters do the stripping which has been done here tofore by either horses with scrapers or the steam shovel and like instru ments which costs much, and as na ture has furnished the water, they are now using it and doing excellent work at a lower cost to the company. .A volume of water is generated under pressure, and with a large pipe carry ing the water in great volume, and .reducing it to a smaller opening at , the nozzle which sends the water under great pressure against the banks of earth which crumble an are washed away. Even great rocks and trees are thus torn from their place and taken out of the way and . soon the area which is desired is cleared and at a much less cost. Euglish Strain White Leghorn Pullets 600 of them at 50 cents each. 10 week old roosters at 25 cents. Leesley Hatchery, Greenwood. HOLD PICNIC Sunday a picnic was held at the home of Theresia Bierl, who was hostess of this pleasant occasion. The guests came in the morning and stayed until late afternoon". The time was passed by games and amusements. Dinner was given in true picnic fashion at the dinner hour and in the late afternoon a light lunch was served. Those present to enjoy this event were: Constance Rea, Helen Woolcott, Dorothy Zitka, Anna Marie Rea, Helen Sedlak. Margaret Hyde, Catherine Sedlak, Sophie Bierl, Agnes Brink. Theresia Bierl, Ger trude Brink, Lucille Meisinger, Mary Ann Hadraba. Robert Rea, Bill Wool cott. Richard Ren, Frank Bierl. Mr. Woolcott. Frances and Virginia Bierl, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Bierl. GIVE FINE PROGRAM Last Sunday evening the child ren of Mynard U. B. Sunday school gave a very interesting program of songs, recitations, patomines and drills. All the numbers " were well rendered. The program was charge of Mrs. Vallery assisted by several others. A fine congregation was present and had an enjoyable time. Tuesday evening of this week, the ladies gave their annual strawberry and ice cream social, which was well attended and afforded a pleasant social evening, and netting the soc iety a nice sum for their treasury. MYNARD U. B. CHURCH Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Sermon by pastor at 11:00 a. m. Conference superintendent will preach at 8 p. m. We would like to see a full house to hear Rev. Vannice D. D. June 26th, the president of York college and some of the students with their music also will be present. The president is making a friendly visit. Come and hear his address and the music. All are most cordially in vited to all our services. G. B. WEAVER, Pastor. GIRLS CLUB MEET The Kitchen Klatter 4-H club met at the home of Miss Helen Johnson, the leader, Tuesday June 18. Two members were absent. Miss Helfn Gilmour demonstrated making corn bread, and the leader, Miss Helen Johnson, demonstrated making nut bread. Very much Interest is taken in this club, and many good times were planned for the future. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Johnson, on Wed nesday June 2Cth. WILL WED THIS MONTH The announcement is made bv Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Christ of this city of the forthcoming marriage of their daughter. Miss Frances, to Mr. Glen O. Starkey of Des Moines, Iowa. The wedding is to occur this month. The engagement is a romance of the school days of the two young people at. Drake university at Des Moines where both were students. Miss "Christ was an Alnha Chi Omeca pledge at rake and a very popular student while attending school at the great university. Russell W. Wasley of this city is at Lincoln where he is attend a special two weeks course of athletic training at the state university. Just Received A new line of Quick Meal Cook Stoves. If vou need a new Range come in and see them. I can save you money Farm Implements I have taken over the John Deere line of Farm Machinery. If in need of any John Deere Implement, come in and I will he glad to serve you. . If in need of any Harness, . come in and get my prices. W.H.PuIs Dealer in Hardware, Supplies esd John Desre Implements Phone 33 Plattsmouth, Neb. LOCAL NEWS From Monday's Dally Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fickler, former residents of this community, are now here for a visit with the old time friends in this city and vicinity. Reese Hastain and Ralph Larson of the Bank of Commerce of Louis ville, were in the city today to at tend the session of the district court. Attorney W. R. Tatrick of Omaha was here today for a few hours at tending to some matters In the dis trict court in which he was inter ested. B. I. Clement, one of the well known residents of Elmwood and his son, Attorney Guy Clements, were here today to look after some matters in the district court. Robert Gentry, who has been vis iting with his relatives here for the past several months, departed Satur day afternoon for his old home at West Plains, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray, of Te cumseh, were here Sunday to spend the day at the home of Mrs. Fuls parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Puis and the many old time friends here. George Bucknell and E. L. Mc Donald, prominent residents of Greenwood, came in this morning to take up their work as members of the petit jury panel in the district court. Mincus Good, of Lincoln, former Burlington employe here, was in the city Sunday to enjoy the day here with his friend, Charles Nelson, and the many other acquaintances in the city. Mrs. P. H. Meisinger departed this morning for Exter, Nebraska, where she will visit with her sister-in-law, Mrs. John Lutz, of Boise, Idaho, who is making a visit with the relatives in that part of Nebraska. Frank Ozbun, of Adel, Iowa, and Miss Mabel Lane, of Indianola, Iowa, were here Sunday to spend the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Briggs and with Mrs. Elvira Ozbun, grandmother of Frank Ozbun. Mr. and Mrs. George K. Staats and daughter. Miss Pearl, departed this afternoon for Peoria and Pekin, Illinois, to enjoy a visit there with the relatives and old time friends in the home community of Mr. Staats. Mrs. C. H. Bailey, of this city, de parted Sunday for Oklahoma City, where she will join her husband, who has gone there to engage In some bridge work. Mrs. Baley was formerly Miss Percy Meisinger, of 'his city. Mrs. J. II. Teegarden, of Brock, Nebraska, who has been at LaGrange, Illinois, attending the graduation of her niece. Miss Nell Sheehan, from the high school at that place, came in this morning for a short stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Smith. Mrs. W. H. Pitier and son, Mar shall, of Nebraska City, were here Sunday for a short time, being en route to Omaha, and where Marshall will go to Fort Crook to attend the R. O. T. C. that is being held there this month, he being a representa tive of the University of Nebraska "adets. Prom Tuesday's Daily Harvey B. Koop of Louisville was here today for a few hours to at tend to some matters at the court house. Mrs. Carl Halter of Lincoln, who was here spending a short time with the relatives and friends in this city, returned this morninc to her home. Judge Jesse L. Root of Omaha ws here today attending the session of the district court and also taking the opportunity of visiting the old friends. W. G. Boedeker and Oito Puis of Murray returned this morning from Chicago where they were looking after the sale of some .Vice's on the market. Mrs. Henry Heil and daughter. Miss Edna, well known residents of near Louisville were in the city to day looking after some business mat ters, making the trip via auto. Mrs. J. J. Adams of Sheridan, Wyoming, is here to spend a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert M. Walling. Mrs. Adams has just recently reFurned home from the Shriners convention at Los Angeles. From Wednesday's Daily Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Roberts of Red mond, Oregon, who have been here visiting at the H. A. Schneider home, returned this morning to the west. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cole of Brule, Nebraska, who were here to visit for a short time with the relatives here and with Mr. Cole's father at the Immanue hospital, returned home last evening. Mrs. Bert Reed and daughter .Miss Eula, who have been visiting at Fort Morgan and other points in Colorado, returned home last evening and were met at Lincoln by Sheriff Reed and brought on home by auto. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cole and children, Lois and Finer, of Brule, Nebraska, who are here to visit at the hospital with Mr. Cole's father and also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wiles, the latter a sis ter of Mr. Cole. TO THE FARMERS Can you afford to raise a part crop, soft corn or none, when for a few cents per acre you can grow a crop of mature corn if planted by the last of June? Ask about my proposition of sound crop or free seed. E. L. C. GILMORE. 10-tf sw Ashland, Nebr. Greenwood Transfer line We do a general business make trips regularly to Omaha on Monday and Thursday, also to Lincoln Tues day and. Friday.; pick up loads en I tnece tripfc. rull leads at say tyae. i FRED HOFFMAN. . Nehawka Glen Rutlege was looking after some business matters for the day on last Monday, driving over to Oma ha in his auto. 500 white leghorn pullets, English strain at fifty cents each. Ten week old roosters at 25 cents. Lecslcy Hatchery, Greenwod. J. G. Wunderlich who has been suffering greatly from a summer cold for the last two weeks is reported as being much improved at this time. W. A. Hicks and son. John, are kept buty these days with work on the highway where they are repair ing the road where there is holes in the road. Mrs. Albert Wolfe and daughter. Mips Gladys. were over to Lincoln on last Monday whore they were looking after some business matters for the day. Charles Rose who has been at the hospital at Lincoln for some time where he a short time since under went an operation for appendicitis, is home again and doing nicely. Frank Boedeker of Omaha, ac companied by the family, were visit ing with friends and relatives in Ne hawka for the day on last Sunday, they making the trip in their car. H. P. Johnson and family were visiting last Sunday evening at Mur ray where they were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Nelson, the latter a sister of Mr. Johnson. Frank McCarroll who is working at Louisville as Fhipping clerk in the I cement factory is liking his work very nicely but is kept to busy during the week and on Sunday that he is not able to visit at home. The new bridge which has as yet not been entirely graded is now in condition that the work of lowering the hill and completing the grading in order that it can bo used. How ever it will require much work before it can be used. The Sheldon Manufacturing com pany also have the Simpler coolc which is made by the Star Oil com nanv which ODerates with two burn ers supplied by coal oil. It looks like a paradox that a flame of fire is transformed into a cooling system but it is so. Mrs. John Opp has been suffering from a 'carbuncle appearing on on of her shoulders which has been giv ing this lady much grief. She .was to Omaha and consulted a specialist and untler the treatment prescribed by him she Is hoping soon to be feel ing much better. The farmers have been delivering much corn during the past week and have been keeping Stewar Rough on the hump to keep the ele vator no he could receive and ship the cereal and not get swamped However, he came out all right, and is now waiting for more corn. Orville Griffin who is employed in Lincoln was a visitor for over the week end at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin, for the day last Sunday. Their (laughter Mips Florence Griffin who Is employ ed in Plattsmouth was also home fo the day, and all enjoyed the visi very7iiuch. W. T. Schlictemeier who was in the hospital at Omaha for some time and who underwent an operation for the restoration of his health, wa able to return home on last Satur day and was down town on Monday but was not feeling any' two alert for he is still very weak from the operation and attendent illness. Miss Ileen Mulich, of Omaha, is at this time visiting at the home o Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wessell, while her parents are spending two week at Salt Lake City, Utah, where they are in attendance at the reunion of twenty-five year and over order of the employees of the Union Pacific railway, which is being provided hy he country. Mr. Mulich has been in the employ of the company for the past forty-six years. Detours Through Nehawka. The detours from the King of Trails highway, that the same might be paved, brings much travel through the hustling city of Nehawka, and will during the summer. The de tours are to be lightly graveled to keep them in condition during the work on the pavement. J. S. Rough who is somewhat of a josher, says that if the travel on the detours shall please Nehawka and also prove profitable, it will remain that way and not be changed back again when the other road is completed, for he says if we could keep the cannon, which we did and have now, we can keep the road laid out aa a detour. Says Business Is Good. George C. Sheldon of the Sheldon Manufacturing Company of Nebras ka, and who is also manager for the county for this Kelvinetor, cooling system, is ' installing refrigeration neded at the Masonic Home in PlattK mouth. There is to be five at the institution. One large one which cares for all the supplies used in the main kitchen, and one on each floor for the diet kitchens and sub stations where people are served and which all have a water glass filler or a bubler or drinking fountain, and a receptical for the freezing of cubes for cooling ice tea and ice drinks. Shipping Many Mixers. The Sheldon Manufacturing com pany of Nehawka is shipping many of their mixers at this time, a half car was recently shipped to Spokane, Washington, and four trailers going to Pawnee City, one to Oklahoma, one to Kansas and one to Washing ton. One was also shipped to the Major of the Forto llecan Army at Porto Rico. U. B. Church Notes. At Ottcrbeiu. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Preaching at 11:00 a. m. Cuud:- school at 10:00 a. in. Preaching at 11:00 a. xu. POLARINE represents fifty years of ex perience and progress in the develop ment of lubricating oils accurately graded to meet the requirements of every make and type of machine. Modern refining processes and the scien tific selection of suitable crude oils con tribute to produce in Polarine an oil that is unsurpassed for the effective, protective and economical lubrication of motors. Made from selected Wyoming crude oil, this superior western oil carries no price premium to cover long transportation and high marketing costs. It is premium qual ity oil that stands comparison with any motor oil at any price. It is graded to suit motoring conditions in Nebraska. Why tec rvvammend Eolarine 1 Flows freely and lubricates safely in cold weather. 2 Holds its body under high engine heat. 3 Is long-wearing oil needs chang ing less frequently. 4 Leaves less carbon in the motor than almost any oil you can buy at any price. For best results use the grades the Polarine Chart fpecifiet for your truck tractor and passenger car motors. Sold by Red Crown Dealers and Service Stations every where in Nebraska. r Jbr protective lubrication TAX2AJKI OIL COMPACT OF MIIASKA Preaching at S:00 p. in. The third quarterly conference will be held at the Nehawka church following a sermon by Rev. A. P. Vannice at 2:45 p. m.. Baptismal service at the creek, two and one-half miles north of town after meeting at the church. h. d;,,knoblock. WATER HAMPERS WORK While the Missouri river is gradu ally passing out of the high water stage, the fall is very gradual and frequent rains through the middle west has caused small temporary raises to occur that has hampered the work on the new Missouri river bridge at this place. The larger part of the workmen who have been employed by the Union Bridge and Construction Co., during the construction of the bridge piers, have been taking an enforced vacation that 'will probably be con tinued for a week or ten days be fore the entire force is back at work altho there are a few who are look ing after routine work each day. !c)i!fiy Cleaning - Pressing - Tailoring ALL WORK GUARANTEED Now is the time to be measured for one of our fine new Summer Suits by our expert tailor. WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Telephone No. 4 New Location Opposite Main Hotel OLIVE DOYLE, Manager "It 5 CfM if We Chan h" vnniiiffltt 3 ' r It will be necessary to have the false work washed out by the high water replaced in order that ma terial may be hauled out to the last pier now under construction, the pier being out in the waters of the river and this work must await the subsiding of the waters of the river from the June flood stage. VACATION SCHOOL PICNIC The junior and intermediate de partments of the Vacation Bible school will hold their picnic on Fri day morning at the Riverview park in Omaha. Children must bring writ ten consent of parents to allow thMn to swim. Anyone who can donate a car to take the cbilriren will confer a favor by calling Mrs. II. K. Sortor. Th kindergarten department of the bible school will hold their pic atc on Thursday at Gareld park in this city. W'e are in the midst of the tornado season. See J. P. Falter lor tornaao insurance on both town and farm property. a30-w leaners! H3 W 9 ts J ' 1.