The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 06, 1929, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Omaha Man Is
Highly Elated
Over Results
"There never is a day now, but
... l. . r i i .. A
. , lKl""f """i "l "gy """S'Mtes Gladys, were over to Weeping
about this wonderful Sargon for I,Water ,a8t Monday. where they were
r,.?a u ...u.,e, "
i iZ'
' i ?,vra caov vit" .
v v .,-V
relief from the worst kind of stom-
.-h t.i.ic an tn rtav- nftt-r T
start e' the Sargon treatment I knew!
I had found the right medicine.
-I hadn't been able to eat with sat-
isfaction in years. Nothing agreed
viih mo and mv foorl wonlrl sour!
and ferment. I had to eat only the
lightest diet and even then I had
trouble. I was always taking soda.
This gave me a little temporary re-1
lief! but that was all. and I took sol
many different laxatives for consti
pation and biliousness they finally
lost their effect. I was underweight
-.i.rt -.i.i.iirt hnif sippn on nrr-oiint of
1 x,-" WSSs.- ?
nervousness. Then I started the Sar-jtion
gun treatment, and I never would
have believed that any medicine on
earth could have done as much for
me ir. such a short time. I have
taken four bottles now and I am
hungry all the time, eat anything I
want, eiiioy every bite I take, and I
rl.-n t know what stomach trouble is.
I have gained weight, sleep fine at
nights, get up in the mornings rest
ed, eat a hearty breakfast, and" feel
just fiill of my old time strength and
pep. I am a well man, that's all,
and the Sargon treatment did it after
everything else had failed. I just
wish everybody knew as much about
this wonderful Sargon treatment as
I do."
The above grateful statement was
recently made by E. J. Easton, 2931
TCo. 39th street, Omaha, well known
shipping clerk of the Independent Oil
& Gas company.
Sargon may be obtained in Platts
mouth from Weyrich & Hadraba.
W yii'ore. Neb. Frank Weatherby,
well known resident of this city for
the past thirty-five years, engaged
5:: newspaper work here for twenty
veprs. died at the home of his mother,
Mrs. V.. T. Tipton, early Wednesday
morning and burial will be at the
Wyniore cemetery Friday afternoon,
lie was sixty years old and had made
his home with the Tiptons for many
years. He was Mrs. Tipton's son by
n former marriage. He was associated
with the late James M. Burnham in
the publishing of the "Wymorean"
for years, and followed Mr. Burn
ham in death by six weeks. After
the death of Mr. Burnham. Weather
by was associated with Earl Burn
liam. son of J. M. Burnham. in the
continuation of the paper. He had
been ill only a few days.
Washington. June 4. Dwight P.
Davis, St. Louis, was sworn in to
day as governor general of the Phil
ippine islands. The oath was ad
ministered by Associate Justice Har
land P. Stone of the supreme court
in Secretary of War Good's office.
The former secretary of war leaves
Washington Saturday. He is due in
the islands July 8.
Eead the Journal W ant-Ads.
Just Received
A new line of Quick Meal
Cook Stoves. If you need a
new Range come in and see
them. I can save you money.
Farm Implements
I have taken over th, John Deere
iine oi xaim mauiiiucry. ui need,
of any John Deere Implement, come
in and I will be glad to serve you.
If in need cf any Harness,
come in and get my prices.
W. H. Puis
. C 1 1
Dealer m Hardware, ouppues ana tiiJca me occasion very mucn. !day- to
n Inlit I Ls?"1-' Serifs W. R. Yeusjr. d Jliss S
---r- tpccja.1 ccastjbli. Ihcyidi f-ichaa, racsa
riioce uo iiausmuaui, iicu. cr iJiatt&raoutli, vers in rienawka on day.
Chester Stone bought himself a was summoned; at Murray. O. A.
new International truck and was Davis; at Louisville. W. F. Diers. and
having a new body built thereon on,1" Plattsmouth, Cash L. Wiles, mak
last Tuesday and Wednesday. lnS a total of six.
Mrs. Albert Wolfe and daughter.
haVing Some dental work done,
Mrs. Harley Thomas, who has been
making: her home here for some time
yasi, uao uccu wte m""
but is reported as being slightly bet-
ter recently.
The hustling firm of Miller & Gru-
ber were busy on last Tuesday mak-
ing burial vaults, there having been
a good demand for them this winter
and spring.
O'.af Lundberg was painting his
gas pumps and decorating them in
elegant style last Tuesday, being im
partial for he was painting both
pumps red and green
Dorothy Sturm and Dorothy Lund-
here were visiting in Omaha on last
i Monday, where they were looking
latter some shopping as well as visit-
ling with some of their friends.
Mrs. Guy Kirkpatrick. who has
been visiting here for some lime
fince the death of E. A. Kirkpatrick
several weeks ago, ueparieu on lasi
Monday for her home in Dallas,
! Texas.
I Mrs. John Opp has been feeling
quite poorly for a number of days,
(but just recently has been showing
'some improvement. Her many friends
' , - . 1- ...til . . . . . 1 1 11 ' 1 1
are liojmig sue win n"J'i uiutu
Xick Limpach. who is emplowed
with Owen Wills, has been stricken
I with inflamatory rheumatism and
has not been able to work for some
itime and has suffered much with the
I pain attendant to the disease.
Henry Wessell and son. can v es-
sell and wire were vismng in ouum
Omaha on last Tuesday, where theyivjng home, returned this morning on
went with the intention of purchas- the early Burlington train and con-
mg a numoer or cdive&. n micji l"u,uitinued on home via auto
be obtained at the right tigure.
D. Steffens sold his universal car
bigger one for the good weather
Wm. Chappell has just purchased
himself and the family a new car.
which will serve this gentleman and
the family well for their transporta
and give them their traveling in
comfort and with a very little cost
per mile.
Ivan and Herbert Reynolds, Her
bert Stull, Fred Miller and Clyde
Switzer were all over to Omaha on
Inst Mondav. where they were at
tending the Ak-Sar-Ben races, which
are being held at Ak-Sar-Ben field
throughout the month of June.
Albert Anderson, who has been
having much dissatisfaction with his
natural teeth, was a visitor in Omaha
on last Monday, being accompanied
by the good wife and Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Ross, where Mr. Anderson was
having some of his teeth removed;
A four year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Everett, living east of
Union, has been feeling quite poorly
for some time. The lad was first
taken with the measles and then be
fore he had gotten over them, was
stricken with an attack of stomach
Fred Clarke is feeling pretty good,
thank you, over the arrival of a very
fine young man, who came to the
home of his son, Clifton Clarke and
wife, in Omaha, last week. All con
cerned are doing nicely and even
Grandfather Fred Clarke is expected
to pull through.
Floyd Mitchell and family drove
from their home at Amarilla, Texas,
to Nehawka and visited for a time i
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J
P Sheldon and on last Wednesday
morning departed for Chariton, la.,
where they will also visit with rela
tives for a time.
There was some joy at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Martin when
.... r .
inp srorir lasr u-ppv lorr a nn nv nnv
... - .. .. j
at their home and which was re
ceived with much joy. The young
man and his mother are both getting
::long nicely and George well he
is expected to pull through alright
in due time.
Uncle Nicholas Opp, who has not
been the strongest for some time
past, is at this time feeling very
poorly, and while he is making an
excellent fight for the recovery of his
health, he is not showing the im
provement that is desired. His many
friends are hoping he may soon be
in his usual health again.
J. E. Woods, the painter, is kept
on the hop these days and with many
jobs waiting for him, he keeps hop
' i. . i i . i
iu iiic wum iiiciiiy iiuurs ill ine i
t mnHi nn,i thp nurchaser i v,. ........ .......j .....v. ..v. . permanentiv locaien wun me niacK-
of the T model and the purchaser, . wi(h M Esthcr Ann Heafey ' ,, r T ,o i,
Vomer Lundberg, sold it again 10 ur. Nebraska Citv in nure trainin- .V. V V ,
.n iico it for the rouirh -eDraska ii. in nurse irainin a,je to fare for tne iargP amount of
Barritt, who v. HI use ll ror me rougu at tup o Catherine's ho-nital The , , , . . T- ,
.. . . : . v. al OL- wiaenueb nue-piiai. i ut vnrk which romps to this shon.
and muiay traveling, mus !aviiiS iue t laHip will nntnr from OmnVia : ' . . .. Z. r
tiay. tie was busy ror a number or , ".--ia uusmma m cuun
days this week on the painting of jnouse
the front of the Sheldon store. He' R. II. Lohnes, the Cedar Creek
has the new home of J. J. Pollard to lumber dealer, was in the city for
paint and decorate, as well as the. a short time attending to some mat
home of Lincoln Creamer in the ' ters of business and visiting with
country to finish.
Prof. L. W. Burbee and family
drove over from Barnston, where he
has been teaching for the past two
years, for a visit with a number 0f!snendins: a few hours looking after
friends here before they should de- j some matters at the court house,
part for the west, as they are going' Mrs. Evelyn Foster and daughter,
to Los Angeles, where Mr. Burbee j Miss Edith Foster, who have been
will attend school for a time and i visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
then resume his teaching work. While' Esper McCleary and family here, de-
here, they were guests at the home
of V. P. Sheldon and wife and John
S." a'Lm."
J. Stuart Rough and M. N. Tucker,
L.iL tt i
z; Z , r:,!7 .u.
order, ivero peotrt tn en to Omaha '
where they were to represent the
Nehawka lodge as delegates, and Berlin, May 30. Determined to
went up on Tuesday and as well vis- stick tQ motor boat racing in the fu
ited tbc O. E. Sfc orphanage, which ( ture regardless of the fat of his
is located at Fremont. They,, enjoy- world -auto speed record of 231 miles
cd an excellent time and were ac- an hour, Maj. If. O. Segrave arrived
companieu Dy tne ladies, who also
last Monday serving: subpoenas for a
venire in the county court which Is
to try Robert Earls before that body
on June 6th. At Nehawka they se
cured Marion N. Tucker and John H
Steffens, while at Union C
B. Smith
( From Mondays Dally -
ullQ ruz CI tn,3 cuy ana yviuiain
- Matschullat, Sr., of Orchard, who
have been in Chicago for a few days
on ougjnesSt returned this morning
from the windy city
Willl. j,,, nna .
i known residents of South Bend was .-penning ne Memorial uay in weep
'here for a few hours todav attend- inS Water with his parents and was
inp- tn snmp mllprc ,f hiKinosu -nn,l also accompanied by Mrs. HlllltfT.
visiting with friends.
, ,A ... 4.
Walter Steinkamp was among the
(visitors in Omaha today, going to
that city on the early Burlington
train and where he was called on'
some matters of business.
George Lepert departed this morn-
ling for Lincoln where he goes to
; SDen t tne y,e at the meeting of
the 4H ciUDs in that place, being the
( representative of the local pig club.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Sanderson and
three children and II. V. Hoagland,
former state commander of the Grand
Army of the Republic, were here
Sunday as visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George K. Staats.
Mrs. D. C Morgan, who has been
locr.ted at Long Beach and Los
Angeles for the winter, is here for
a short business trip and enjoying
a visit wiin me relatives ana many
oia lime irienas in mis locality.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Snell and
.tnntrhter .Tnv of Weenina- Water.
who have been spending some time
at Chicago visiting at the Earl Jen
Mrs. Lon Henry of this city mo-
to Nebraska City where they are to
attend the banquet of the alumni of
the St. Bernard's academy to be held
this evening.
From Tuesday's Daily
J. L. Carnicle of South Bend was
here today for a short time attend
ing to some matters of business and
visiting with friends.
Elmer J. Rummel and Clyde H.
Graves were at Omaha last evening 1
to attend the session of the gr:mi
lodge of the Nebraska Masons. ;
Glen McBride, traveling-: for the
Western Union Telegraph, company,
was a visitor with relatives and
friends for a few hours today, enroute
home from St. Louis. Missouri. j
II. J. Spurway of Shenandoah. '
Iowa, receiver of a large number of
failed national banks was here to- ;
day looking after some matters in
connection with the First National
Dei t rich Koester, one Of the well
of business.
Thomas Akeson of near Weeping j
Water was here today as a guest at
the home of his old time friend and
neighbor, Bert Reed and enjoying
the opportunity of meeting the many
old Plattsmouth friends.
Frank Sehlichtmeier of near
hawka was among the visitors in ,
the city today where he was called !
to look after some matters of busi-
ness ror 3 snort time and as wen
visiting with his many friends
George Trunkenboltz, marshal at
Greenwood, was here today for a few
honr loolinf aftr tnmp nffipial Imci.
i n a., t-- js . -r
George reports me aisirici ie- ,
"-ion convention ric h nir cot fnr tho i
" " " "v
I t rmn in f lni n h :i t nrl n v r. cm c rf vie. . i ,
. .... , nere were many oi me ..Masons oi
known residents of near Weeping in uvonin,- Woir ci,n.- timn cin,.0 l,,u At,v ,uu
Water and d.-iushter were here' for '...!. r... ,..' ! the Grand Lodge of Masons at Om
a hort time today while enroute visiting with his many friends here h n last, Tlies'la' a"(1 w,,,h l.h
to Omaha to look after some matters1.... ...n i i-s ... .other members if the (.rand Lodg
as noss hle .eluded their school year of teaching delayed in their return until thejtions in th? bank am, to 8trcnsthen
!aS Psslbfj iat ogallala. returned to Weeping i "a,n and !na,de ll T we 1 untl1 the confidence of the public in the
l .. .Water, were .-.ttendinir the eraiiu- ! they haU to IeaVe tlie Kavtl a few :ank was held void by the supreme
irom Wednesdays Daily- "iQ f miles north of Weeping Water, the ,...... Tt .-,wi that siwh an
V , ; ui near .uunav
was here today for a short time nio-;thP
u""s uy lIUV Iier u , ,OUK
in B,J,"C i uuamebs,.
D. R. Frans of Union was in the ;
city for a short time today looking
after some matters of business and j
visiting with friends for a few hours, j
J. V. Brandt of near Nehawka was j
a visitor, in the city todav where ,
he looked after some matters at the
court house and visiting with friends.
L. J. Walradt and Edward Jumper
of near Greenwod were here today
ror u fpw hoiirw nttpnninir tn ennio
.. u....u.uc, .
Ralph Meisinger, road overseer of
Eight Mile Grove precinct, was here
today and accompanied by his son,
'Parted thi3 morning for their home
in Illinois
visit here.
after a most pleasant
maj. segrave sticks
J-0 HV&X
here from London by airplane Thurs-
pilot his crack speed boat.
ngrljni. in tU? international
at Potsiara, Saturday ani uu-
A. R. Dowler was called to Elnie
wood on last Tuesday to look after
;some ousiness matters ior a time.
J. (). McNurlin was a visitor and
was looking after some business mat
ters in Plattsmouth one day last
County Attorney W. G. Keick of
Plattsmouth was looking after some
last Tuesday afternoon.
W'ni. Heebner of Man ley was a
hooking after some business matters
, while here on last Tuesday,
. Oscar Johnson the caterer who was
kept at Lincoln for some time serv-
ing on the federal jury was released
;iast week and is home again,
Rev. A. V. Hunter of Hastings was
1 I 4. 1 -m .1 1 1T
j Sheriff Bert Reed and his deputy
Mere over from Plattsmouth on last
TlIK,,.,v nf.r i1IISir.,fiS matters
d visiting with their friends while
trs j M Tevda of Plattsmouth
j was a visitor in Weeping Water fori
number of days this week and was
guest at the home of George Olive j
during her stay. ,
Jess Smith the painter, has been '
phuing a new roof on his home as i
well as puilding a porch. She lumber j
and building material was secured ;
at the Ringer Lumber company. j
Mrs. Fred II. Gonler and rtiughfer, :
Miss Helen, were visiting in Omaha j
on last Monday, and also doing some
shopping. Miss Helen just returned '
frcm teaching school at Ogallala. i
Peter Olson was doing some repair
work about the farm and hanging 1
screen doors as the summer time is i
coming wnn tne nies ana ours ana :
reier ana iamiiy are noi anxious u :
have them as guests. j
Business called Edward Dowler to
Omaha on Tuesday of this week, he ,
also taking some stock to market and j
looking after some matters connected j
with the garage and sales room which
the Dowler Brothers have here.
Leonard Schneider an accomplish
ed blacksmith and horseshoer is now
Weeping Water over to Elmwood
where they were in attendance at
th dedication of the new Masonic
Temple which has just been com
pleted by the Elmwood brothers.
1 During th past two weeks Mr. X.
L. Grubbs the blacksmith who is an
accomplished horse shoer was at
Omaha where he has been assisting j
ibis son Patrick H. Grubbs. shoeing!
. race horses for the Ak-Sar-Ben races.
1 G. R. Binger and wife, accompan- J
ied by their daughter. La Vera, were
over to Wilbur, on
Decoration day J
Vifirn I nnv H"it" iinn1 i n rr V rt r? i '
with friends as well decorating the
last resting place of relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hunter of Fort.
Collins. Colo., were visiting with
their parents, I. N. Hunter in Weep- j
ing Water, for a number of days. I
and departed on last Monday for j
their home in the west, driving with j
their car.
C V. Tiitlf U'hn ic nr tViic Hnin
Inmterl :it Waterloo Iowa arrivwl
!ness matters.
a visitor in Plattsmouth on last week i
trying out the new Model A which
he recently purchased from the Cole
Motor Company, and which he found
jto be an excellent car, even better
Ne-'than bad been reported before he
made the purchas.
Troy L. Davis was having one of
be rooms which he has in Weeping,
v.aiei leuecoraieu anu piaceu in ex-
client ,.nn,liti fnr Ihp micntinii
of some business and it sure is being
made very atractive for what busi-
ness is to occupy it
Some are guess- i
lricr what it is to he.
- - Helen Gorde-
.uiones xieit n UUIUti
and Eloise
Creto where they both attended
paBt and have many friends.
Rudolph Hare has been building
a she(1 Which is forty feet by forty
feet for the housing of his farm
machinery. and believes as the
prices are high for machinery that it
is the best to give them good care.
He purchased the lumber from the
yards or liinger and Company
Mrs. Dr. E. F. Klein of Denver,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
Marshall, arrived in Weeping Water
early last week and is visiting at
the home of her parents, where all
are enjoying the visit very much.
Mrs. E. F. Marshall on last Tuesday
afternoon gave a bridge reception and
party at the Marshall home in honor
of Mrs. Klein for her many friends
in Weeping Water.
Carl Rasmussen and Frank E.
Wood as delegates from the Weep-
OUR desire and re
sponsibility in the
service we render, is to
do all we can to help
lighten the burden that
is yours in Bereavement.
Weeping Water
cTif-5t v -5 fit. .
For quality prod
ucts and obliging
service buy gasoline
and oil at the Kcd
Crown Sign.
17? JJfzftwccd
'ing Water lodge of the Masonic
order and accompanied by Charles
, . Z , 3
which is maintained there
W. L. Hobson. the Weeping Water
funeral director and as to that for a
good deal of Cass county, was rail
ed to near Walton to care for the
remains of the late Mrs. Sophia Span
ole. who died there last week, and
who was born in Wisconsin Febru
ary 16th 1 S J f . being some over SO
years of asc. Her parents were born
I 1 11 KUi: . lilt iUItiai at. lun-
ducted from the South Lutheran
made there.
Mrs. Guy Smith and Mrs. N. L.
Grubbs were over to Omaha on last
'Sunday, and visited with friends but
fnr whirh vi-a ;i nwulil T universal
i , . , . . . '
j acted nicely until it came to a par-
jticularly soft place m the roadway,
when it vaulted the highway and
lauded in a ditch by the roadside.
Try as they could, they were not
able to get the car out, and had to
telephone for Messrs Grubbs and
Schneider to come to their rescue.
jThey with the assistance of a truck
which was passing extricated tne
wayward fliver and they were able
to come on home.
Property Brings Fair Price.
The Davis estate which was sold
on last Monday at Weeping Water
at a partition sale was purchased by
the members of the estate and
brought very good prices for the town
property and the farming lands
might have sold some better. The
brick block which was appraised at
$7,500 sold for $3,000 and was pur
chased by Thed Davis. The farming
lands which of near 500 acres,
1 t. A 1 . . . I..... firtir-nno tTinllC
ands dollars and went very cheap
considering the real value of the
place. But as there was not enough
bidders to carry the price higher it
was sold within the pale of the law
which was two thirds of the approise
ment value.
Chicago, 111.. June 4. A. R. Tal
bot of Lincoln. Neb., former law
partner of William Jennings Bryan,
was re-elected head consul of the
Modern Woodmen of America at to
day's session of the organization's
convention. Mr. Talbot has held this
position for 25 years.
A class of 600 members was initiat
ed into the organization tonight.
i5fficers of t!ip Dotreit and Eek
Inlands. 111., camp had charge of ihz
Quick, complete combustion
and dependable power irom
every cylinder explains
Nebraska's preference for
Red Crown Gasoline.
ro s o
Freedom from gas knocks,
smoother motor operation
and less gear shifting account
for the growing popularity
of Red Crown Ethyl Gasoline.
Try it.
"A Nebraska Institution"
State Officer
Lacked Pover to
Make Bank Deal
Supreme Court Holds Byron Clark
Liable for Stock Given to
Help Aid Bank
The agreement made by Secretary
J. K. Hart, when herd of the state
banking department, whereby Byron
j Clark, general attorney for the Burl
ington and a former resident of
Plattsmouth. was made a stockholder
in the Bank of Cass county of this
city in order to qualify him as a dir
ector dene for the purpose of com-
! ... " , ... -
i agreement was neyotm tne power oi
( tl0 department to make because it
j was in violation of the constitutional
provisions relating to stockholder
liability and a fraud upon the credi
tors. District Judge Lightner wrote
the opinion.
Mr. Clark was given twenty-one
shares, and the judgment of the
court is that he must pay the stock
holder liability of $2,100, asked of
the receiver. The court says that in
i voluntarily assuming the status that
in voluntarily assuming the status
j of a stockholder, Mr. Clark is estop-
Cleaning - Pressing - Tailoring
Now is the time to be measured for one of our
fine new Summer Suits by our expert tailor.
Telephone No. 4
flew LocctlGss Opposite Main Hotel
Mrs. James Doyle, Manager
"It's Clezr.if VJe Chen !t"
j ...
vj- p.txect trt Ijhriatixa
Rpf'ps Si si r d
powe-L'ftli. ConsUlt
Char for correct
Knocks oaf
that "AwclC
ped from denying that he is one
when the liability is sought to be n
forced. The fact that Secretary Hart
agreed that he would not have to
pay anything for the stock or be
held for a stockholder's liability is
held not to release him the
tfiietary could not waive the con
stitution. i Clark had been a stockholder for
! fc"rtlppn i!,n,',hs w;u'" tu' ba,,k
'a stockholder is liable for imiebted
l ness incurred while he holds stock
land as an analysis of the accounts
iqViowc that a rn n i ftnra h 1 n.Trt iif
!,he (lebts wero pic(, jn , Un
j, , b, The fa(.t ho w
stockholder and director was widely
circulated and the public believed
him to be such.
Boston, June 4. Governor Frank
G. Allen has signed extradition
papers for the return to Texas of
Jack Freith, alias Jack Griffith, who
lett Austin, lex., lour mom
with Miss Fanny Lee Minter
I university student. Police loca
left Austin. Tex., four months ago
ty student. Police located the
couple there last week Miss Minter
has returned to Texas with hor
Fresh Cow For Sale.
I have a good fresh Holstein cow
for sale. Fresh thirty days. See me j t
the mill or phone R. D. Taylor. Ne
hawka. m9-tfw.
Phone your news to No. 6.