The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 23, 1929, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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THURSDAY, MAY 23, 18129.
m&si Department
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
The Very Best
Bought pure, always handled
with scrupulous cleanliness ;
kept fresh and pure in our
cooling department, which is
electrically equipped. You
know you are getting the
best, always.
Come and See Us
Union, Nebraska
Saturday Night
Am. Legion Building
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
. Mrs. F. W. Robb was a visitor in
Verdon with friends for a number
of days during this week.
L. L. Krecklow of Xehawka was a
visitor in Union for the day on last
Monday, and was looking after some
business matters.
Mrs. Bessie Garrett will attend
school during the vacation in Oma
ha, where she will prepare for the
coming years work.
II. M. Griffin has had a new gaso
line pump installed at his blacksmith
simp, and will in the future dispense
gasoline and motor oils.
Earl Merritt was a visitor in Xe
hawka on last Monday afternoon
where he went to attend the fun
era! of the late E. A. Kirkpatrick.
A. I-. Becker shipped two loads
of wood to Lincoln this week, and
also was a business visitor in Lin
coln for the day on Thursday of this
G orge Stine was a visitor in Ne
hawkp. for the day last Sunday, and
was witnessing the flying in the air
plane which was doing a big busi
ness tli ere.
Pat Roddy and Ren Anderson
looked the landscape over while at
Xehawka on last Sunday, while they
were riding in the airplane. They
tay it was fine.
R. I). Stine. the clever merchant,
was a visitor in Nebraska City on
lat Monday driving over to the In
dian village to make some purchases
for tli- store in Union.
Lloyd Lewis and family were vis
iting for the day last Sunday at
ti.Mismoum wnere tney were guests
at th- home of .Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Godwin, parents o" Mrs. Lewis.
Fred Clarke and family and Miss
Don. thy Clarke were visiting in Oma
ha on last Sunday where they were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Clifton Clarke of the big city.
Edg r Fletcher lias purchased him
slf a new DeSota car. of the two
door-model. wh?rh he is liking very
well, and which we are sure will
serve him in an excellent manner.
County Commissioner C. F. Harris
and Mr. Lycurgus McCarthey were
ever to Xehawka on last Sunday af
ternoon where they were attending
the funeral of the late E. A. Kirk
patrick. Judge Charles L. Graves of Platts
mouth and a former citizen of Union
was a visitor in Union on last Sat
urday and was looking after some
matters for a time as well as visiting
with his many friends herw.
John Armstrong was taken very
ill one day last week and was taken
to an hospital in Omaha where he
was gien treatment, and where he
is still receiving treatment with the
hopes ( f a permanent cure.
Dr. V. V. Claybaugh has been
having some changes made in the
office, some partitions removed to af
ford more room for his consultation
room and operating room, which
makes the office much the better.
F. YV. Robb and the family were
visiting for the day on last Sunday
at the home of the parents of Mrs
Robb in Elm wood, Mr. and Mrs. L
A. Tyson, they driving over in their
car, and encountered some rain be
fore getting home.
Ronald Dysertand George Garri
son, who are attending the State uni
versity were home for the week end
and also to attend the alumni ban
quet as were also Mrs. Palmer Ap
plegate and Margaret Xiday, who
are making their home in Omaha.
The crew of workmen who were
hauling gravel out of Union for the
two highways, have concluded their
work here and departed last Mon
day for some other place where they
will distribute gravel for other high
ways. W. M. Banning of the Union bank
was looking after some business mat
ters as well as being in attendance
at the Bankers meeting which is be
ing held at Fairbury on last Mon
day, driving over to that hustling
city in his auto.
Ray Becker and wife, were guests
for the day last Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Vallery of
Plattsmouth and also with them, vis
ited the new bridge, which is being
built over the Missouri river, and
which they ponounce as a very big cial club which is being canvassed
C. F. Reichart of Louisville, the
hustling cement city, was a business
visitor in Wepinge Water on last
Tuesday morning.
Rudolph Bergman and Joseph Ma
cena of Manley were looking after
some business in Weeping Water on
Tuesday of this week.
C. II. Gibson and family were over
to Plattsmouth where they enjoyed
the May day services which were
held there on last Thursday.
, L. R. Lane was called to Louis
ville on last Saturday where he had
some business matters to look after
he making the trip via his auto.
Miss Marjorie Moore who "has been
rather ill at the home of her par
ents for the past week is reported
as being much better at this time.
D. Koster was making repairs on
the roof of the cupola of his crib on
last Tuesday which was damaged
wnen sirucK ny ngniening about a
month since.
J. C. Elgaard, the hardware and
furniture man, with a number of
clients were over to Omaha on last
Tuesday where they were selecting
some furniture.
Miss Jessie Baldwin of the County
Agent office is taking her vacation
this week and resting from the ex-
j Dancers and Men Spectators 50c hoti"laors jlent with e con-
Unaccompanied ladies, 10c George Shacklv. the accomnlished
of Cullom
Hot Dog Sandwiches
Free at Intermission
three excellent workman and three
good shops in Weeping Water which
made the securing of a paying busi
nes by a new man a difficult propos
ition. Sheriff Bert Reed and Attorney
Joseph Capwell of Plattsmouth were
looking after some business matters
in Weeping Water on Tuesday of
this week, and caused a great deal
of consternation in certain quarters
where on the evening before there
were a number of people engaged in
drinking and other unlawful acts.
Among which there were nearly a
nan dozen women and men. The
chief offender it is claimed was ap-
prenenaed in Omaha and taken to
the county Jail at Plattsmouth early
mis wees.
Governor Weaver Will Speak.
Governor of Nebraska. A. J. Wea
ver, has been secured to make the
commencement address at the gradu
ation or the class of 1929 of the
Weeping Water high school, which
will be held on Wednesday. May 29
Fortunate are the students that it
was possible for the Board of Edu
cation to secure the governor for this
Buy Universal Cars.
Vernon Glsh, purchased a tudor
of the firm of the Cole Motor com
pany, and Is liking it fine. R. II.
Ingwerson also purchased a four
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frans and their
little one, together with Mrs. Jennie
Frans, were spending last Spnday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rue II.
Frans of Syracuse, where all enjoyed
a very fine time, getting home be
fore the coming of the rain which
was not very heavy at that.
Rev. W. A. Taylor and C. G. Mc
Carthey were over to Xehawka on
last Monday afternoon, where thev
went to attend the funeral of the
Into E. A. Kirkpatrick and where
Rev. Taylor was officiating as the
chaplin n the btiriel. which was
held at the beautiful Mt. Pleasant
Earl Merrit and wife wer" in Peru
they being accompanied by J. D.
Lewis. Mrs. Merritt's father, and al
so Edwin Lewis and family, where
they spent the Sunday visiting with
Miss Olive Lewis, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Ed Lewis, who is attend
ing school there. All enjoyed the
visit very much.
John Lidgett and wife were look
ing over Cass county or a portion of
it. which John did not think pass
essed so many hills until he got
among them. It was a portion of the
country lying northwest of Union
and southeast of Murray and over
near the river, which John says had
not been discovered yet. However,
he found some residents of that sec
tion who would kindly use their
teams to get him out of the hills.
After they had gotten in higher
ground, they were able to make it
with their own power.
and which will result, it is hoped, by
the citizens of Union in the perfec
tion of an organization, which will
result also in the better co-operation
of the business for the good of all
and for the entire community.
the same firm, and Miss Amanda
Hiatt secured a coupe, and E. B.
Taylor a tudor and all are well
painter and interior decorator ofdoor se(lan of the Kame niake from
Avoca was doing some very fine work
for a number of Weeping Water peo- I
pie during this week.
Ralph Binger was over to Lin
coln on last Monday where he went
to take a load of scholars who were
visiting the various institutions from
the Weeping Water schools.
There will be a union memorial
service at the Methodist church on
Closes Successful School Year.
Miss Evelyn Moore, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Moore, who has
made such an excellent teacher at
the Cascade school south of Weep-
this coming Sunday and the service I ing Water, closed the school last week
on Memorial day will also be held J wit n a splendid picnic, which the
it this church on Thursday Mav I students and patrons alike enjoyed.
0th. I Miss Moore has made a very good
Miss Amanda Hiatt who has been I record with her teaching and will
a teacher in the Plattsmouth schools I teach the school the coming year,
for the .past two years returned to (The board of education are fortunate
Weeping Water on last Friday and I n securing her for the coming year.
is visiting at the home of Tier sister.
Mrs. C. II. Gibson. I Eniov Tnn tn T.incnlTV
... . . I rf-rf L
Win. newult and wife of the Re- The Sonhomore class nf th Woon-
piioiu.ui oince. were visiting ior a I ing Water h eh school en loved a verv
short time in Plattsmouth last Sat- I pleasant as well as a worth while
Will Celebrate Memorial Day.
Keeping step with the day and the
times, keeping in mind the brave
deeds of the boys who in the world
war and the civil war of 1SG1 to
1SG3. the Methodist church at Wy
oming will celebrate the day in prop
er style and at the same time will
hold the anniversary meeting for the
church. The Key. W. A. Bowden will
have charge of the exercises and
there will be an orchestra composed
of YVm. James. Robert James, Mrs.
L. G. Todd. Harold James and P. F.
Rihn. who will dispense beautiful I unlay evening, they driving over tohriD to Lincoln on last Mondav. thev
I ..:..: ... : i i.. i: a . , I . . . J -
music. i wml Mim i natives aim to meet ineir i neing under the care of their teach-
many friends there. Iers. Miss Constance CrtilrVshank
ine caie wnicn nas neen conduct-I Mavbelle Harris, and while there
ed by Raymond Reer. and which I
was burned a short time since Is be-house, penitentiary and spent some
ing put in good condition again I time at Canitol Beach. Thev were
which will enable him to open up j taken over by Floyd Wolcott. Troy
L. Davis and Rev. G. R. Birch.
braska has us " Nebraskans.
bow iucl ,aintain ttte,r f
To earn and W" convenient,
iU and "Resale oftop
quality Vll aim of the
prices i
in refining anl a
,,cter un. oB have en-
ferinPolarme a madc frolu .
unsurpasscu. - ing cru.-
1,did laly . r ncrat.n
.a. it 1S lli
1 '
in Nebraska miUi
inre vau-
Almost new Fordson tractor and
plow, two sets of lathes, two pulleys.
A good buv.
Plattsmouth. Neb.
Economical Operation!
with the BEST OF SERVICE, is the
motto of this place of business. We
sell the celebrated
Motor Cars
We are here to put any car made in
the best working order for the kind
of a car it is. Sure, some makes are
bitter than others. Our business is
to give the best service under the
circumstances, and that means we do
the best work.
Charles Atteberry
Chevrolet Distributor
Enjoy Alumni Banquet.
The alumni banquet of the Union
schools was held on last Friday night
at the Baptist church, the ladies so
ciety of that church doing the serv
ing. This tells that the bnnc:uet was
one of the very best for the ladies
of this church never do anything by
halves. The banquet board was pre
sided over by Mrs. Bessie Garritt,
who also made the address of wel
come, and which was responded to
by Miss Mildred Morse, both the ad-
The Union Woman's club held
their annual picnic supper at the li
brary last Tuesday evening. May 21st.
The club members and their families
who were present numbered about
fifty-three and an unusually happy
hunch. After a short social time, the
whistle blew for supper, and the way
those men responded, it was plain to
be seen, that it was food they need
ed, after a long tiresome day of farm
ing. The meal was served cafeteria
style, and the long taJWe was fairly
loaning under its heavy load of
sandwiches, pickles, salads, fruit,
cake, punch and coffee. There was
no excuse for any one to go home
hungry for the "eats" lasted as well
as the "loaves and fishes" of long
ago. After this "feed" the two club
leaders, Mrs. Rihn and Mrs. Atte-
dresses being par-excellence. A most
enjoyable meeting was had and many berry, who lead the recreational part
were the incidents related of the of the program, called on every one
sciiooi uays or former years. present to partake in some lively
games, which not only aided our di
gestion, but brought smiles to every
face. After a "round" of these
games, the ones scoring the most
points were asked to stand in the
center of the room and were present
ed with prizes by Mrs. Rihn, who
told them to eat them. This also af
forded much merriment for the rest
of us. The lucky ones in the contest
were Phil Rihn, Clifton Smith, Faul
fcwan and Ernest Rathe. Bv this
Will Speak at Nehawka. itime all felt it was time to journey
Rev. W. A. Taylor, pastor of the ' homeward and every one agreed that
First Baptist church or Union has was an evening well spent. All
Teachers Will Teach Again.
All of the faculty of t e Union
schools will teach again iith the
single exception of the principal.
Raymond Shriner. who wiM attend
the state university the coni ng year.
Superintendent James rar,:il and
wife departed on last Friday for
some place in Wisconsin where they
will attend summer school.
nan a very pressing invitation to
make the memorial address at the
meeting of the American Legion at
Nehawka, and accepted the same,
and will make the address there the
coming Sunday. Rev. Taylor has had
many invitations to address similar
gatherings and was sorry he was not
able to make all for some came on
same date. When accepting the in
vitation for Nehawka, Rev. Taylor
did not think that it would prevent,
him from being at his own church
on Memorial das'. He however, se
cred M. S. Briggs, of the Journal, to
speak at the Union church, who will
also visit the Bible school in the cap
acity of Superintendent of the adult
department of the Bible school of
Cass county.
present were very graateful to the
leaders of the games, for we are sure
that they were a "howling success."
:ardt, one of the old
residents of Avoca.
Will Organize Commercial Club.
There is a move among the citi-
jzens of Union to organize a comnier-
-The Quality Store-
Special Shirt Ml
80c Blue Work Shirt. ........... 636
95c Semi Dress-Work Shirt 790
59c Athletic Underwear ............ .45
Phone 29 Union, Nebr.
B. C. Mar
anil prominent
was in the city today for a few hours
attending to some matters in the
county court in which he was interested.
CO'S EXPERT of Chicago and Phila
dephia will be at the Grand Hotel,
Nebraska City, Thursday only. May
30th, from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Mr.
Secley says:
"The Spermatic Shield will not only
i.iin any raw of rupture perfect Iv,
, but contracts the opening in 10 days
..i a triage, case. a vast ad
vancement over "U former methods
exemplifying instantaneous effects im
meiliately appreciable and with.sta.nd
niS any strain nf rinsitinn m. m u t
I the size or loc ation. Larse or difficult
cases, or incisional ruptures followinir
, operations) specially solicited. This in
istrument received tho only award in
. England anil in Spain, producing re
sults without surgery, injections, med
ical treatments or prescriptions, with
J distinguished personal patrons of all
.nations." "His method has always been
satisfactory." Late Or. Edward Ship-
Medical Director, XJ.
pen. former
JNa vy.
"If you want done what the rest
cannot do See Seeley."
I .Mr- Shevnan will be glad to demon
strate without charge or fit then, if
! desired. Business demands prevent
xtopping at any other place in this
N. B. Every statement in this notice
I has been verified before the Federal
and State Courts. -F. H. Seeiex
I ,Home Office: 140 X. Dearborn St..
Chicago, III.
business in a short time
lr. J. W. Thomas of Lincoln per
formed an operation on Albert Tuck,
son of Dr. and Mrs. Tuck, for relief
of Sub Mucus, and following which
the young man is making good prog
ress towards complete recovery.
Fred A. Busch who has been near
Steamboat Springs, Colorado, for the
past month where he has been look
ing after some business matters, re
turned home on last Sunday, and re
ported things looking very good in
the west.
Wm. Coatman and the good wife
were visiting last Thursday at the
home of their son, R. M. Coatman
ind wife of Alvo, and also stopping
on their way home to visit with
their other son, V. W. Coatman and
family of Elmwood.
The Dowler Bros, sold a truck to
James Johnson, a truckman of Avoca
early this week, this being the sec
ond Chevrolet truck Mr. Johnson
has purchased within two months.
They also sold a Whippet coach to
V. W. Coatman of Elmwood.
Peter II. Miller and son Pete were
over to Plattsmouth on last Sunday
where they visited at the home of
James II. Miller for the day. and
were not in much of a hurry, com
ing home and got caught in a rain
storm at Union as they were coming.
R. C. Fry and wife who have been
spending some six weeks with friends
and relatives in California, returned
home last week and while Mr. Fry
came on home Mrs. Fry stopped at St.
Joseph for a visit, and on last Sun
day Mr. Fry went down to that place
Will Spend Summer in West.
On the coming first Monday in
June. Detrieh Koester will depart
for Idaho Falls, where his son, Fred
Koester, resides and where he Is en
gaged in farming and will expect to
remain until near the last of Oct
ober. There he will assist in the
farming operations in which Fred
is engaged and where he makes a
speciality of raising potatoes. He is
farming eight hundred acres, which
grows splendid oats, barley, alfalfa
and wheat but does not successfully
produce corn.
. it clear
lls relatively low r sc Polar-
dc of 'l"3 uetit carries no
ine U wester" trosporU-
miuin i " ,..in2 costs. -
:r of oil
tin because
W7jr Io!aritic
I Flow s freely and lubri
cates safely in cold
! Hold its body wben
heavy load heats up
the motor.
It -Retains oiliness gives
long service.
1 Deposits far less car
bon in the motor than
almost any other oil
you can buy at any
mend. rtonlcrs
in Nebraska.
Wins Game Over Murdock.
At the track meet which was held
in Plattsmouth on last Friday, one
of the most pleasing events was the
ball game which was staged there
between the teams of Weeping- Water
and Mudrock. One of the very best
games yet piayea or the season was
staged between the two cities. The
fortune of the ball field was on the
side of the Weeping Water team
which won at a score of 17 to 2.
for brotective lubrication
Makes Good Showing.
I'eier ti. Miner, wno conducts a
cream station for Swift & Co., re
ceived a letter from the house in
which it was stated that he stood
in rank number one, as he had the
highest percentage of best cream
which was received for the month of
April from the various stations. The
letter also complimented the farm-
V t XfebrczaSia Institution 99
The first arrests under the new-
state game law were made at Da
kota City when Dave Brooks and
George Switzer both of South Sioux
City were found fishing without a
permit in Crystal lake and were
li.llJ J , ...... -. 1... T.. f
and brought the wife home. They era resid ne near WeeD ne Water who w o,u,., ti,,.
enjoyed the visit in the west verylhave been delivering their cream to tin anri t minium is
much. I f r. Miller and cnmmenderl them tnr lo
ci,.j t i- i i II. . .7... --- -------- - pwiun a line was irmiutu.
ijurr jfiiBMis iiu iias ut-ru io-itneir cieannness ana tne excellent i r -'A,.n rr n j n
. . . . . , . - , vjcxiii tiaiucu VUiiiu 11 twill iiaiM
uing ior tne past week witn nisi quality of their cream. Mr. Miller I
mother Mrs. Alice Jenkins of Man- received the certificate known as sion.s fish hatcheries Saturday and
ley, and sister, Mrs. hlmer Pearson, I Honor Roll, the Bloomfield Quality clir,fiav vuitH nnri inr,tri a nrn.
Certificate. Innsed fish bntcherv nt in Ante
lope county on which construction
will start in several weeks. They
also inspected the fishway in the Ce
dar River at St. Edwards which is
maintained jointly by the state and
the Iowa-Nebraska Light and Power
I... m . A 1 . , LUlli la It J IV UCll 11III1U 11". I II L 1 J I lltll
citis and at a late hour the parents atfish traveling unstream can scale
wnen tney were taken to urete uy i vanc-a uj ic.cpnunc nu "
Charles .Trvr in ni imek Kimnle-1 hastened to the bedside of their
the teachers of the Weeping Water
city school and also four of the mem
bers of the teaching force of the
local school were invited to be pres
ent and enjoy the event. Those from
this city to enjoy the occasion were
Miss Hiatt. Miss Lois Keefer, Miss
Gertrude Mortensen and Miss Edith
of the same place and a brother at
Havelock, and with friends in Weep
ing Water returned to his home at
Ogallala, on last Wednesday morn
ing after having enjoyed a very fine
visit here.
The Junior class of the Weeping
Water high school were treated to a
Miss Lelia Binger.
Miss Lelia Binger who is just com
pleting her course in nurses training
was suddenly taken with an ex
treme case of acute oppendi-
mented by a number of other cars.
The trip to Crete was one well worth
while as they visited many places of
interest in this hustling town and at
the same time had a most happy vis
it there.
At the meeting on last Monday
evening of the Masonic lodge, Euclid
Xo. 97, following their regular meet
ing, gave the third or Master degree
to Robert Wiles, and had as their
help in conferring of the degree, past
Potentate Orville Andres of Lincoln,
who also was accompanied by broth
ers Kewitt and Shalkoff also of Lin
coln. There were manv from other
places present and a most enjoyable
time was had.
Cris Rausmussen. Bert L. Philpot
and Troy L. Davis, on last Friday
took a load of the students of the
grades to Nebraska City where they
visited all the important and inter
esting places of that city and also
picnlced at the state park, Arbor
Lodge, and where they went thru
the building and listened to the in
structive lecture by the guide who
told much of the early history of
that portion of Nebraska.
Mr. Woodburn the barber who was
located in the room west of the post-
office for the past few weeks, loaded
nis oeiongings in a truck and started
west with the end In view of find
ing a better location for a shop than
the one here. Not that he was not
daughter who was nearly through
the ordeal at the time of their arri
val. Mrs. Binger remained to care
for the daughter, who is reported
as doing very fine. On Sunday, Mr.
Binger returned to Lincoln to visit
the daughter. There they met Frank
Johnson and wife, they all dining at
the Cafeteria at the state farm. They
were accompanied by their daughter,
Miss La Verne Binger, as well.
OUR desire and re
sponsibility in the
service we render, is to
do all we can to help
lighten the burden that
is yours in Bereavement.
Weeping Water
fish ladders at this point.
The game commission which met
at the eapitol Thursday accompan
ied by Warden O'Connell inspected
the Gretna hatchery and the state
park at Arbor Lodge. A suggested
site for a fish nursery at Memphis
was included in their itinerary.
From Wednesda j'"s Dally
Last evening Mrs. C. II. Gibson
of Weeping Water was hostess at a
very pleasant dinner party honoring
iMss Ursula Herold, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herold of this
city, is among the 1929 graduates of
Smith college, one of the outstanding
women's educational institutions in
the country, located at Northhamp
ton, Mass.. the home of Calvin
Coolidge. Miss Herold is a graduate
of the Plattsmouth high school and
attended for a year the Cathederal
school at Washington. D. c:.. thf
Episcopal church girl's school, before
taking up her regular course at Smith
and which she is now finishing. Mrs.
Henry Herold is leaving on Wed
nesday for the east to attend the
graduation and will also visit at New
York City with her son, Matthew
Herold and family, before returning
home. The many friends here in the
old home community of Miss Herold
will be pleased to learn of her com
jletion of her courses of study In
the great eastern college and the at
tainment of her educational career
a good workuiau, but there were