The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 16, 1929, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, MAY 16. 1929.
3& ?
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray nd Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If of the reader Of tne
Journal knoT- of any social
event or Item of Interest In
this Tlclnlty. aad-wlllcmsil
wne to this office. It -will. ap.
pear under this hedlz?wWa
w an t ail news Items Eoitob
B3o Use to Woiriry
People live comfortably when they don't
worry. If you have money in our bank,
ready for use when you want it yet safe
from fire and robbery you escape a whole
lot of worry. . . . Start a Bank account -today!
Interest paid on Savings deposits.
Murray State Bank
"There is So Substitute tor Safety'
Best Service!
can only be attained when
the auto is in BEST condi
tion. . . . Making them
work the very best is our
Autos reconditioned, Batteries charg
ed and Radios repaired. See us now.
The Murray Garage
New Hope School will be out Fri
day and will have a picnic at the
school house.
Mrs. John Campbell has been hav
ing a roof placed on the house where
J. P. Douglass lives.
Daniel Allen was a visitor for
over Sunday at the home of his
danchter at I'lattsmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davis and Mrs.
tiny 11. Wiles were in Nebraska City
on Tuesday of this week.
tins Hollcnlnrg was looking after
som business matters In Platts
moiuJi last week making the trip in
his auto.... ...... . ...
Hoichar and family were
guests for the day on last Sunday at
"the htnie of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lan
caster and family.
Edward and Bernard Ruby from
near Wepelng Water were looking
after some business affairs in Murray
on last Monday afternoon.
Bud Nickles and wife of Lincoln
were enjoying a visit in Murray for
th week end, they driving over from
lhir home in the Capitol city.
Wni. Patterson and wife were vis
iting and also doing some shopping
in the county seat on last Satur
day, they driving over in their car.
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Sporer have
been enhancing the beauty of their
home by the application of some
varnih the interior of the home.
Andre t. IJakke was called to Lin
coln on last Monday to look after
some business matters for a time, he
making the trip in one of his cars.
John Frans. t he decorator, has
ben painting eand decorating the
home of Mrs. Betty Barrows, which
is adding much to the beauty of the
Chester Sporer and wife were en
joying a visit at the home of Wni.
Brandt and wife of near Nehawka on
last Sunday, who are parents of Mrs.
Sporei .
Martin Sporer wnd family were
guests for the flay on last Sunday
at the home of relatives of Mrs.
Sporer. where they were celebrating
Mother's Day.
Francis Cook has b'-en building a
garage on his place in Murray and by
this has been enhancing the value of
the property, as well as providing a
place for the car.
George M. Minford was a visitor
a his home in Omaha for the week
end. he driving over to the big town
on last Saturday evening and return
ing Monday morning.
Mrs. Sarah Cotner of Plattsmouth
was a visitor in Murray for a short
time on last Monday morning com
ing down on the train to look after
pome business affairs.
J. A. Scotten and James sE. Gru
ber were over to the Sans farm east
of Murray early this week where they
Protect your homes, barns and all buildings by a good
roof. Our shingles make a 40 year insurance. Cook's
Paint will protect your building from decay, making a
fine insurance. 6-foot steel fence posts for 35c each.
None better none more economical. Get these items at
Oeo. E. Hickles Lumber Oo.
Telephone No. 21 Murray, Nebr.
were making some important repairs
on a barn on the place.
John Farris will start planting
his corn on Thursday of this week,
he feels that it is pretty late, but it
is the only thing that can be done
with so much wet weather.
Green Piggot, the road overseer
for this portion of Rock Bluffs pre
cinct, was making some extensive
repairs on a bridge near the home of
John Kaufman, south of Plattsmouth.
Harry Nelson was looking after
some business matters in Omaha on
last Monday and was accompanied
by Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Lucean
Carper. Lucean was attending to the
Lester Shrader shipped two cars
of cattle to the Chicago market last
Monday, and had the Murray Trans
fer company carry them to Platts
mouth where they were loaded on
the Burlington.
Otto Wphlfarth of Plattsmouth and
representing the Plattsmouth Motor
company was a visitor in Murray
early last Monday morning and was
looking after some business matters
for the company.
Mrs. Joseph Cook and daughter,
Nita and husband, all of Omaha
were visiting last week at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cook of
Murray, and where all enjoyed the
occasion very pleasantly.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Merritt of Un
ion were guests for the day. on last y
Sunday at the home of Wayne Lewis
and family. Mr. Lewis and Mrs. Mer
ritt being brother and sister. They
enjoyed a very pleasant visit.
George E. Nickles and wife accom
panied by Mrs. Henry C. Long were
visiting in Omaha for the day on
last Monday, they driving over to
the big city in their car for the day,
and enjoyed the visit very much.
Miss Lois McManus the pharmist,
was spending last Sunday and Mon
day at the home of her parents.
Thomas McManus and wife at Falls
City, celebrating with them Mother's
Day, and enjoying a very pleasant
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sans of Oma
ha were spending last Sunday at the
home of the mother of Mr. Sans, Mrs.
Flora Sans, where all enjoyed a very
nice time celebrating in honor of
Mother's Day, which is a most worth
while custom.
John Pearsley, while about ihis
work received a puncture, or
would call it that if was a auto tire,
for he stepped on a nail and ran it
through his shoe sole and into his
foot, the gentleman was some what
lame for a time.
Miss Florence Tlartlett of Omaha
was a visitor in Murray for over
the week end, and was the guest of
her lady friends, the Misses Reane
I?Ls Denier and Beatrice Raw Is. It
goes without saying that the ladies
enjoyed a very pleasant time.
George Berger of Ness City, Kan-
Painting and
I have sample books and can
bring them for your selection.
We hang paper by the
roll and paint and var
nish by the yard.
John Frans, Murray
sas, who was visiting here and at
Omaha with his mother while she was
thre so very sick, returned last week
to his home in the west, and reports
that the county is looking nice out
that way, at this time with the crops
coming fine and especially the wheat.
S. R. Smith and wife of Weeping
Water were over on last Monday af
ternoon for a load of the checker
board chicken feed which the pur
chased from W. F. Nolte who was
unloading a car at Murray. Mr. and
Smith had a trailer and as it started
to rain they were ready to return
home so they went via Union and the
gravel roads.
. Vaclav Mickluskey and son, Louis,
worn crm n A 5 r o loot Ciiii1-i tr of th Li
home in South Omaha, returning on
Monday morning to jump into the
work at the blocksmith shop here.
They are finding lots of work to do
at this time -and are only to willing
to get after it. They sure are ex
cellent workmen, and by this reason
are enjoying a good business.
Charles Kemper Frans and wife of
Nebraska City where Mr. Frans is
employed in the barber business, ac
companied by R. E. Frans, living
south of Nehawka in Otoe county,
were guests at the home of Joseph
Lester Long and wife of Murray, and
their little son. as well as Mrs. Belle
Frans, their mother, all spending
Sunday together and enjoying an ex
cellent visit.
Charles Sporer who is a student
of the Plattsmouth high school, was
over to the county seat last Thurs
day where he was attending the Junior-Senior
banquet which was being
held at that time. He was accom
panied by his mother, Mrs. Wni. Spor
er and Miss Bertha Nickles. who
spent their time while he was eat
ing, in seeing a very fascinating pic
ture at the Ritz theatre.
Plane Forced to Land.
While a airplane was going south
and just east of Murray, the battery
or ignation failed to function and
the pilot was compelled to make a
landing and it required until evening
before he could get the plane repair
ed and then had to return to Omaha
in the rain.
Spends Pleasant Day.
Last Sunday Frank Mrasek and
family, consisting of himself ami wife
and their daughter. Miss Clara, and
Chuck and Joe Richtcr, son Earl and
Miss Bessie Rover, Meta Wilson and
Mr. Hershall Jones, went to Omaha
where they picniced, at the Kruk
Park. TheparkJiad QrUx o putted, for.,,
the season on last Saturday, but there j
was a larre crowd in attendance and !
all the pleasure devices were in full ;
operation. !
First cutting of alfalfa. Will roll
as it stands or will deliver on rack
at ?S per ton. Phone 14 03, Murray
ml6-3tw. Muray, Xeb.
Receives Crr of Feed.
W. F. Nolte who has experienced
the feeding of chickens and rained
thousands of them has found that the
Checkerboard feeds, for not alone
chickens, hut othpr stock, to be su
perior to all others and has been
feeding it for a long time, unloaded
a cr load of the feed on last Mon
day at Union Chich was mostly taken
by the farmers. lie however, retain-
led a quantity to supply his customers
who come to his home after it. and
also for his own use.
Home From Hospital.
Mrs. J. W. Berger who has been
at the hospital at Omaha for a num
ber of weeks, and where she under
went an operation some time since,
and was very critically ill following.
nas so lar recovered that sne was
able to return to her home in Murray
on last Sunday evening. Mrs. Ber
ger is making very satisfactory prog
ress at this time and hopes to be in
her usual health again in a short
time. The many friends of this ex
cellent woman are pleased at the very
fine progress she is making toward
her former health.
Observe Mother's Dav.
The Bible school of the Christian
church of Murray was well repre
sented at the gathering on last Sun
day and had a very fine program
which included the observance of
Mother's Day, with an excellent pro
gram. The services at the church '
were attended by a large number of i
i .
peopje wno were very wen pieasea
with the excellent service which was
Murray P15 Club.
Our Pig club met May 0, at the
home of our president. Richard Fred-
rich. Mrs. Schafer, our leader took'
(charge of the meeting and we stud
ied our bulletins on disease of swine.
We also had a general discussion on
feeding problems. It was a very prof
itable meeting for all present.
Sabbath school at 10 a. m.
Morning worship at 11 a. m.
Evening service at 7:30 d
, (Young people's meeting).
! Wednesday- evening prayer -meet
ing at 7:30.
I You ire cordially invited to wor
ehip with us.
! Celebrates Birthday.
Sunday May 12. being the 11th
birthday of Marian Wiles, his mother
planned a surprise by inviting the
boys of Marian's Sunday school
class to help him celebrate. The
boys come clad in overalls for a
good time and judging from the
laughter all certainly had it. Mrs.
Wiles had prepared dinner with a
large birthday cake and the boys eat
till they groaned.
The boys present were Wallace
Nelson, Junior Ferris, Bobbie Long
and Grant Howard.
'Drowned in
Lake; Brought
Back to Life
Little Hope Held for Recovery of
Chadron Man, Who Fell Into
Water While Fishing.
Chadron, May 13. Slight hope
was held Monday for the recovery
of Fremont Bisping, 40 who was
i unconscious for several hours Mon
day following his rescue from the
waters of Whitney lake, near here.
Bisping was under water for more
than five minutes before hiseotnpan
ions succeeded in bringing him to
the surface.
He was fishing from a boat with
L. J. Morrey, when the latter lost
his balance and fell into the lake.
In attempting to get back into the
boat, Morrey upset it, dumping Bis
ping, wearing hip boats and unable
to swim, into the water.
Bisping immediately sank below
the surface in 15 feet of water. Mor
rey yelled for help and dived for his
companion. He succeeded in bring
ing ham to the surface after more
; than five minutes, it was said,
j George Erb, fishing on the bank,
! heard Morrey yell and waded into the
lake with a long pole, whichehe ex
tended to Morrey, who helped Bis
ping, while Erb dragged them to
When taken from the water. Bis
ping's muscles were too rigid for first
aid pumping to remove the water
from his lungs. His body was wrap
J ped in blankets and placed in the
j warm sun and a doctor was called.
After working more than an hour
the doctor succeeded in getting some
signs of life from the apparently
drowned man.
Bisping is the son of C. H. Bis
ping. recently elected major of Chad
ron for a second term. Omaha Bee-
Grand Island, Neb. An "air fight"
bptwppn aviation schools of Grand .
Island over the new city airport ordi- I
nances loomed Tuesday.
Superintendent R. V. Clark of the
city airport, ordered "Dutch" Devore, i
wooa uiver pnot, irom tne neia, ai-
legeaiy Decause ne was nying an un-
licensed plane. Tuesday the order ter, of Louisville, were Sunday visi-
was rescinded until the city council tors in Plattsmouth.
could clarify the situation. J Joe Wales and son ,jarrVf of Qma.
Since the airport ordinance be- ha were nere over Sunday to enjoy
came effective May 1, trouble has tne day visiting here with the rela
been brewing. Several have charged " tives and friends
the Morton training ships of the Mrs. James E. Hanna and children
Grand Island Flying school are un-.of 0maha. were here Sunday to spend
licensed and officials of the school - tne d here visiting. at-the home
have replied new Waco planes have of Mr and Mrs A B Smith, par
been ordered. Ships of the Walter cnts Gf Mrs. Hanna.
bmitn school or aviation are licensed
but Smith is objecting to the council
fixing charges of $25 a month for
storing his ships in the airport han
gar, $30 a month per ship for use of
the field and 10 per cent of all taken
in for passenger rides.
Sunday school 10 a. m. Followed
by sermon.
Quarterly conference last week in
May. Conference suDerintendent is
(planning to be with us. Good wea-
ther is here. Come .let's us do our
best for the Sunday School and all
our services for the Kingdom. All
made welcome.
G. B. Weaver.
Divorces are increasing so rapidly
that it would be a good idea for j
bridegrooms to set aside a sinking
fund for alimony.
Monday, May 20th
Miss Gragson and Miss
Branson, experienced op
erators, of Omaha, will
be at the ETTA BELLE
Beauty Shop.
Realistic Wave LeMurWave
$10 $7.50
Waves are Guaranteed. Call
Phone No. 20 for Appointment.
Beauty Shop
Second Floor Soennichsen Bldg.
For economy and
power buy gasoline
and motor oil at the
Bed Crown Sign.
77i e Balanced
: From Monday's naiiv
; Mrs. Clara Grassman and daiiEh
Miss Margaret Kngelkemeier came
up Saturday evening from the state
normal school 'at Peru to spend the
week end here with her parents and
the many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Galloway of
Union and Mr. and Mrs. Ermin Gal
loway of Louisville were here Sunday
to spend the day here with the rela
tives and to enjoy the pleasant out
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Fricke of
Ashland were here yesterday for a
short time to visit with Mr. Friclte's
father, F. G. Fricke and the other
relatives, returning home last even
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Brown, and
brother Richard, of Papilllon, were
: Sunday visitors at the White home
I yesterday, where they spent the day
l flri nni WMtn tin1 H.fnVr
Mr and Mrs Robert Strehlow. Mr.
and Mrs. S. Arion Lewis of Omaha,
and Mr. and Mrs. Hal Myers of
(Weeping Water were here Sunday as
; house guests of Dr. and Mrs. John
A. Griffin.
Wayne Hudson oC Shenandoah,
Iowa, came over yesterday to enjoy
the day visiting at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Hudson
and to secure his wife and babe who
have been here for the past week and
the family returned last evening to
their home.
From Tuesday's Daily
August Pautsch, one of the well
known residents of Louisville was in
'the city today for a few hours look
ing after some matters at the court
j house.
J Mrs. Fred G. Morgan was in Oraa
Iha today to look after some matters
;for the Burlington Veterans Auxi
, liary and while there also called on
.her friend, Mrs. George Everett of
.Union, at the Methodist hospital.
From Wednesday's Daily Jr
Thomas L. Short of Waterloo,
Iowa, Mrs. Earl Short and Mr. 'and
.Mrs. Gene Beach of Omaha were here
today to look after some matters of
1 business and visiting with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill and
daughter. Sharon Catherine, of Oma
ha and Mrs. Pat Hill of Des Moines.
Iowa, came down last evening for a
short visit at the A. R. Noble home.
Jtoir ipflcowfiimg
airmail fln&iipira) wflim
Red Crown Gasoline is Ne
braska's favorite fuel for
tractors. It gives lots of
power at low cost.
SO 3D 0
Red Crown Ethyl Gasoline
cures carbonized motors of
gas knocks and gives motors
more flexible power. Try it
in truck, tractor and pas
senger car.
"A Nebraska Intitutumm
Mrs. Lucille Clabaugh of St. Louis,
arrived this on the early
Missouri Pacific train for a visit here
with her parents. Col. and Mrs. M. A.
Bates and the many friends in the
Cleveland Impressed that the air
offers the last opportunity for speedy
and evnanrlorl trancnnrtallnn 5rin 4
engineers arrhitert .nntr. nnrl
government officials will
here Wednesday to form a definite
25b Hereford & Angus Steers
Wt. 400 to 900 lbs. Sorted in even sizes in carload lots. Two loads
fine T. B. tested springer heifers. Two loads cows, calves by side.
Will Sell One Load or All
Fairfield, Iowa
Cceaaaa S
Announces that their Combination Loaves
Two ffG 1Se
Are Going Over Great
We always have a full line of Pasteries for Picnics,
Lunches and Dinner.
ream th1 tfJest EMery
Phone 485
1 - hm s
Prevents wear
keeps motor
powerful. Comsmlt
Chart for correct
Knocks oat
that "6;ocA?
nroeram for the guidance of a
tion wide airport development.
Altho differing on technical de
tails, the delegates will have one
common idea, that the mistakes of
railway and city planners in making
tracks and streets inadequate for the
future must not be duplicated.
The delegates, who will be in ses
sion for three days under the spon
sorship of the national aeronautical
chamber of commerce believe that
airport development presents
most important piuuicms m uib oia-
j tion industry.
the Wectt
Lit !b JJk