THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1929. & sit Mm Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. The Very Best CARE IS GIVEN OUR MEATS Bought pure, always handled with scrupulous cleanliness ; kept fresh and pure in our cooling department, which is electrically equipped. Yon know yon are getting the best, always. Come and See Us R. D. STINE Union, Nebraska Glen Miller and family, of Ne hawka, were guests at the home of Horace Griffin for the day on last Sunday. Mrs. Harold Nickles and little daughter were looking: after some business at Nebraska City for a short time on last Monday. sOrville Hathaway was making some changes in the case where he Jims the mail for his route in his rural free delivery work. PhUIlp F. Rihn and wife were visiting for the evening on" last Sun day at Omaha where they drove in their car for the occasion D. B. Porter was a visitor in Ne braska City last Monday morning. where he was looking after some business matters for a short time. Last Saturday while driving, Thos. McQuinn lost a tire carrier and tire and tube on the road. A suitable re ward will be paid for their return. Joseph Bauer was doing some work at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B Porter, in the way of rebuilding and repairing some porches at the home. Teddy Eaton was a visitor in Un ion on last Monday from his home in Plattsmouth and was looking after some business matters for a short time. Garrett Taylor and mother, Mrs. Revina Taylor, of Omaha, were look ing after some business matters In Union for a short time on last Mon day morning. Mrs. Mary Havenridge, with Mrs, Harry Travers and daughter, all of Omaha, were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Becker for the day last Sunday. In a contest held at Palmyra last week, Henry H. Becker with his Rum Economical Operation! with the BEST OF SEKVICE, is the motto of this place of business. We sell the celebrated CHEVROLET Motor Cars We are here to put any car made in the best working order for the kind of a car it is. Sure, some makes are better than others. Our business is to give the best service under the circumstances, and that means we do the best work. Charles Atteberry Chevrolet Distributor UNION -:- -:- NEBRASKA Gilbert Hull was hauling wood with a wagon and tractor for the motive power and was able to haul over two cords of wood from the Becker farm to the Missouri Pacific station, where Mr. Becker was hav ing it loaded for Lincoln. J. C. Tilson, the broom maker of Murray, was a visitor in Union with a load of brooms in his buggy and in a short time had sold them all. The people of Union know of the excel lence of the brooms which this gen tleman makes and were eager to get them. C. G. McCarthey was over to Ne hawka and at the farm north of that town where he planted one haund and six small trees of the celebrated Mulberry tribe, and was able to get back home early in the afternoon. Charles thought that he was doing nicely. ed much to the enjoyment of the oc casion and the excellent advice of the minister was such as should be a guiding theme in the life of the members of the class. The subject of the discourse was "Be Doers and not Hearers Only." Alfalfa for Sale I have a fine lot of second cutting alfalfa hay for sale at $15 per ton, while it lasts. II. E. WARDEN, m2-2w Union, Nebr. Will Enjoy Visit In West. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cross departed early last Monday for Arriba, Colo rado, where they will expect to re main for some six weeks, and will vis it at the homes of their tow sons and family who are farming near Emit Fahrlnnrter who is pnfraepri that P'ace. The sons are liking their in the electrical business with his ' l&rmlxs Peras, the west which brother Edwin Fahrlander at Brule. ave been successful. Mr. and Mrs. was a visitor at the home of her par- Crof Kare tltln their vsit to the ents here for a few days and enjoyed w8It because of the graduation of the celebration of Mother's Day at their daughter. Miss Dorothy Cross, home. He and the entire family en- I L " .her. 'lig fcho1 joyed the visit very much. .work this Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Mollie Garrens was enjoying m',,L7C , "y iUlss va ,( u, o..,i .1,; Mougey, who will visit there as she is a sister of Mrs. Carl Cross. the day last Sunday when she was visited by her son, Joy and wife and her son Roy, both of Kansas City, and also Mrs. Mary Shotwell and hus band, a daughter, as well as Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Stephens, the latter an other daughter, from San Francisco Mrs Would Provide Perpetual Income The people of the vicinity of the Wyoming cemetery are making an effort to create a fund that may be J. D. Austin was called tc sufficient so the interest received only Standard Oil company gas and oil. Earl Merritt did some very fine work when he decorated the bank building, the banking room, and has Lincoln last week on account of the therefrom will provide for the per ley Oil-Pull won over all contestants j added much to the appearance of the Very serious illness of her friend Mrs in a plowing match which was had by power machinery. Charles Atteberry has received two' new Standard Oid pumps, and which will be installed in a short time and hereafter this institution will use The Quality Store ANNOUNCING Arrival of Several Patterns in Guaranteed Fast Color Mens' Dress Caps $1.15 to $2.25 Mens' Dress Shirts .$1 to $2.25 Ladies' House Dresses, short sleeves .... $1 ROD-OKI &GJREER3E Phone 29 Union, Nebr. room, making it lighter and inviting. Moss Mccarroll has purchased a new six cylinder, four door sedan of the celebrated Chevrolet make, get ting the same from Charles Atte berry, the dealer in this make of car, and this one only L. R. Upton and wife, with their little son. were over to Lincoln on last Sunday, where they spent the day with their daughters. Misses Sarah and Vera, who are students at the state university Ray Frans has been making some improvements at the lumber yard in the form of good, substantial foun dations for his lumber sheds, and to keep the water out of the sheds and where the lumber is piled. Uncle Wm. Craig has been feel ing quite poorly for some time and was not able to get down town for a week. He however was meeting his friends on the streets on last Mon day and was feeling some better. W. H. Porter, on last Monday took a load of hogs to Omaha for Paul Applegate and then hastened back .and took two loads of hogs to Omaha for J. C. Hansel, having thirty in j number, but had to wait until Tues , day for the last load. For some time C. E. Moore has had much work to do in the delivering of oil and gas for the Standard Oil com pany, and finding he needed a larger truck, purchased recently a new Chevrolet truck, which will give this gentleman good service. more , Jennie Graves, fnrmerlv Jennie Mark. and who died at her home in Lincoln on last Monday morning. The fun eral being held on Tuesday afternoon from Lincoln. Mrs. Tustin attended the funeral. Dr. W. H. Achenbaeh. who re cently came here from Nebraska City to practice dentistry, and who has the reputation of being one of the very finest workmen, was called to Plattsmouth to look after some mat ters on last Monday and while there met his old time friend, the Rev. Herbert L. Grassmuech, who is pas tor of the Christian church at Mur ray. K. D. Stine anu all the family, Ray Galloway and family and Toney Sud duth and family were all over to Plattsmouth on last Sunday and vis ited the site of the new bridge which is to spon the Missouri river at that place this summer and which is get ting along nicely at this time. Mr. Stine and family also visited at the flying field at Fort Crook and stop ped at the sand pits north of Platts mouth as well. petual care of the burying ground. Large Number Attend Sermon. A large number of the people of Union and vicinity, friends and rel atives of the graduating class, of the Union high school, were present at the Baptist church on last Sunday evening when the Rev. W. A. Tay lor delivered the Baccalaureate ser mon to the class. Special music add- Make Tour of County Under the charge of Dr. G. E. Con dra. a large delegation of business men, realtors and bankers will visit Cass county on Thursday. May 24th. where they will place valuation on lands and will visit the farm of Fred Rehmeyer, where they will make an extensive examination of the soil. iney win oine at tne notel in Weeping Water and later visit in Union and then go on to Morton park at Nebraska City, where they will arrive about 4:30 p. m. They will be dinner guests at Nebraska City and the following day will go down to Tecumseh and points further south The object of the excursion is to get valuation from the judging of the soil for the use of the bankers and realtors. Mrs. Jennie Graves Dies Mrs. Jennie Graves, who was formerly Miss Jennie Mark, and who was adopted from a home in Lincoln over thirty years, ago by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mark, and who was mar ried nearly twenty years since to Harry Graves, and to which mar riage a daughter was born, she being Miss Helen Graves, of Lincoln, where the mother and daughter were mak- ng their home, the parents having separated some ten years ago, died at her late home in Lincoln at an early hour Monday morning. The funeral was held and burial made at Wmmete TTto8artir i ,,......11. i.. u j uni ii i U..IIJ.I assacszsi -saturday-SS Aetts VanucElevnllHe FIVE PEOPLE-FIVE ON THE SCREEN I 1M IT HUli t 7 -in- "Son of the olden Pest!" -SUNDAY-TWO ACTS oS VAUDEVILLE On the Screen Glen Tryon in "The Kids Clever!' Also News and Comedy These Shows lo and 30c Coming "Abies Irish Rose!" Lincoln on last Tuesday. Mrs. Graves will be remembered by many of the people of Union, where she resided during her girlhood and until she was married. Gave Popular Operetta The grades of the Union schools gave a play and operetta known as "Grandmother's Flower Garden," that was very unique in its arrangements and provoked much laughter and merriment, staged by the little folks. The kiddies seemed to enjoy the se curing of the needed flowers and the carrying of the chairs for the enter tainment, as they had to get them from the moving picture show room and deliver them at the Propst building. honor of our mothers, by some of the leaders written in were read present. Interesting articles on Child Wel fare and homo training were read and discussed. After the program a short social time was enjoyed by all after which the hostess, Mrs. Hansell assisted by her daughter. Mrs. Ralph Pcarslcy, served most delicious re freshments. All present were very grateful to these ladies for their kind hospitality. W. C. T. U. Meets. The W. C. T. U. of Union met at the home of Mrs. J. C. Haswell last Tuesday afternoon May 14. The president, Mrs. J. 1). Cross being ab sent, the meeting was called to order by the vice-president, Mrs. W. H. Banning. Koll call showed 10 mem bers and 5 visitors present. .f,r short business session, the meet;. was turned over to the leader of th- afternoon, Mrs. L. G. Todd, who 1.; as her topic "Mother's Day and Child Welfare." An article on Mother's Day and a number of poems which were MARRIED AT COURT HOUSE From Wednesday's Daily This morning Judge A. II. Dux bury was called upon unite in mar riage Miss Johanna Rump and Dr. W. O. Aker of Omaha who motored down from their homes in the metro polis and were accommodated by the court with performing the marriage ceremony. The wedding was witness ed by Mrs. Duxbury and Miss Lillian White. SEED CORN IHtday corn, either yellow or white. $:.' per bushel, shelled or graded. Phone 4 022.. C. C. BARNARD. m2-12td 4tw. Mynard. Neb. wimm MM rd XX. i ?Q WAT WAT Em SUCH A SACRIFICE SALE CASS COUNTY HAS NEVER WITNESSED BEFORE We appreciate the efficiency o the Plattsmouth Fire Department in saving our store building. We are giving you the advantage of the chance to save hundreds of dollars at our great IFtoOo ate? aondl ffiffl5fe S Thousands of cans of Malt Hei-f er (4-lb. cans) 40c each Blue Ribbon, Homa and Gesundheit, while they last at ALL CANNED FRUITS, heavy syrup pack, while they last I24c per can 30c per can (Slothing, eExtiandise of All Kinds at Haf Price or Less! Call on us at the new temporary location on North Sixth street in the Belcins Building, where we are prepared to serve you most efficiently. LMJ m.r L t a 1 o . . ' . " oin otreet- oATJ CUVENTEEl, Proprietor Bekins Building cane EacHy aimaQ. Save "murceBS ftlauny B3)IlIIasrs nsa naff1 ireat SaHeS