The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 06, 1929, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MONDAY, MAY 6, 1828.
4..T-II-T-T,.T..T..T..T.,T,T,,T.,T.IT.IT..T. T. 4'e. Coleman and Grandpa C. A. Cotner college and Smith college at ,
4- - J1 Crouch, also o&Linaoln, and Frank, Northhampton, Mass.. and is now.
tr.RPPMWnnn 4. 1 McLaughlin, of Gary, Indiana. MT.4teaching at uotner college. Mr. zinic
vxr.CCiAI W J KJU J. Carnes lived In Greenwood foca is a graduate of the Virginia Poly-
tecnmcai institute ac uiacKBDurg,
Mrs. E. L. McDonald last week
celebrated the passing of the birth
day of her husband, which fell on
period of forty years.
Visited Newman Grove
Sophas 8. Petersen, the blacksmith
and he is a good one at that. wasiat Morgantown, w. Va
over to iNewoiau uiuc. nucio
Va., and also of Concord college at
Athens, W. Va., of which Dr. Diehl Is
president and it at present attend-
ng the University of West Virginia
State Game and
Park Com
is Announced
last Thursday and had a number of!WB!t accompanied by Walter Brack
the friends of Mr. McDonald at their jDage, the Greenwood ball tosser,
Entertain Guild.
A good crowd attended the Guild
home to assist In th nroDer cele-i.v nitch a vn-ma for thA A good crow(
hmtinn of the nrcaainn Mac nm with whom b I meeting which was held in the
i owiuaii uiut " - " i .
Governor Weaver Names Well Select
ed Group of Public Men for
New Commission
Political Work
of Churches is
Topic of Debate
Spokesman for Catholics Denies That
Purpose Same as Methodists ;
Says No Similarity.
sure pleased with the pleasant even
ing which was provided for him.
Clyde Newkirk has been kept on
the go with the work of painting
and paperhanging for the many Deo-
has been negotiating for a position jJ-
time after the business meeting, after
as pitcher for the season.
Odd Fellows Continue Active
The I. O. O. F. organization oi
which a delicious luncheon of sand
wiches, potato salad on lettuce, pick
les and coffee was served by the
ti who am riaairfno- to irpt the. work I ' . . r r .7 . I ies ana conee was servea oy me
pie wno are desiring to get me womi . which has often been I , t
rfnno ot thJa time T.flat week he fln-lwv," . .V ." . i iiUBLeuBeB, cauic ftte auu mio.
! new nome or joe 0 . bunch and no mistake I ,
and was papering at the home or - mppt,- on last "
,. WonoaHoT - - " . . . I H1K WfllCU Will UB 11C1U 111 IWU W8.
ished the new
Frank Kouse on last weanesaay. Monday explained the mysteries of
auu "a I , a I the first degree to three who are now
f . lis.. ,T r lZ on the way to become full Hedged
bert Woltzel during the latter por
tion of last week.
Clyde Newkirk will in a short
time begin the painting of the real
dence property of Goodhart Vant,
memuer8 i tu X", "5 Evan Armstrong ( and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hoffman, Herbert Carnes and WA Hpa(1I(lv rfl nnBta and host.
Gilmore Lyons. Following the busl- eBgeg -Q tfae Fi;e Hundred club whIch
ness ana me cuuiiriuB " " I met at the home of the former.
Entertain Club.
Last Thursday night, Mr. and Mrs.
h w' h occupied by Pet- H' ef6 T?" BO Charlie Card won the royal prize and
T""' ' eats.wnicn aaaea mucu iu iu m r . WpidPrnun the hoohv. A
cr Reed
Henry Greer, who has been at the
ure of the evening.
The meeting which
Governor Weaver announced the Washington The dispute between
appointment of the following game, Senator Copeland, democrat. New
park and forestation commission York, and the board of temperance,
Friday, the appointees to serve with- prohibition and public morals of the
out pay: Methodist Episcopal church, over
George Dayton, Lincoln, term end- what the senator recently describ
ing Jan. 15, 19S0. -, ed as "improper-' activity" by the
Guy Spencer, Omaha, term end- board, was' joined Wednesday by Pat-
ing Jan. 15, 1931. Tick J. Ward, director of the bureau
Webb Rice. Norfolk, term ending of publicity and information of the
Jan. 15, 1932. national Catholic welfare conference.
F. A. Baldwin, Ainsworth, term I Mr. Ward said in a statement that
ending Jan. 15, 1933. . Dr. Clarence True Wilson, of the
E. R. Purcell, Broken Bow, term Methodist board, in replying to Cope-
ending Jan. 15. 1934. land, had declared that the "Catholic
Geovernor Weaver and State Game church has long had a headquarters
Warden Frank B. O'Connell of Lin- here from which they have no heBi-
coln are members ex-offlcio of the I tancy in conferring with senators
commission. The appointment of the land other government officials."
hn.nIto t r.inpnin for soma time. I "1 ,r,.:r VLT ved.
- , - -, .,. - (Monday) evening win inciuae me
whore he wan verv seriously ill. was I . . - j j
able to return home on last Friday T lTTh0 ArlT King's Daughters Meet.
and is feeling somewhat better. Mr. . . . t which wm The King's Daughters had an all
Greer was very ill and while show- two from Louigvllle. and meeting at the church last Fri
ine some improvement, is still ratherl . ... . Qr,Q hV num. day where they had a house clean
poorly. His many friends and they J" wITrom that hustling ing- Forty-one ate dinner. The next than three of tl
are many at that, are hoping that " r members irom mai nusuing meeting wi he FridaVf May 10tn at political party.
this lovely two course luncheon was ser- 8tate game warden is a matter for the "In this statement," Ward con-
governor to make upon recommenda- tinued "he (Dr. Wilson) wishes to
I tion of the commission which will I draw a parallel between the actlvi-
soon meet. ties of the Methodist board and those
Terms of the commission in the of the national Catholic welfare con-
future are fixed in the new law for ference.
he may soon be well again
The General Kensington, of Green
wood, met last Wednesday with Mrs.
E- McDonald, where they enjoyed
Greenwood Transfer Line
the home of Mrs. Barton Johnson in
a period ot nve years, wot more
than three of the five shall be of one
and not more than
two from one congressional district.
Governor Weaver's commission is
ZJfff roLS'r "ax;: Naaan Greenwood
the afternoon as well as doing a good trips regularly to Omaha on Monday
lot of work, which they had in hand
They were entertained by their gen
ial hostess with a pleasant afternoon
which was made the more enjoyable
bv the delisrhtful luncheon which
was served.
. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Peters were
and Thursday, also to Lincoln Tues
day and . Friday. Pick up loads on
these trips. Full loads at any time.
Farmers State Bank
In a statement issued by P. L. Hall,
Jr., he says The Greenwood State
Bank has purchased over $70,000
worth of notes from the defunct
Farmers State Bank at 100 cents on
the dollar.
The notes have been adequately se-
Asked to Speak
Col. Phil. L. Hall, of the Green-
visitlng with friends looklnfter and approved by the depart.
some Dusinesa maueia mm utmuiu8 4buisib omic uauiwiig aoauvio.i.xu.A, ment Qf trade and commerce The
an entertainment which was given received a message on last Tuesday purcnase of the5e notes represents a
in the evening. . asking that he make an address at Dortion of the two dividends
Says No Similarity,
There Is no similarity between
these two organizations. The Meth
odist board of temperance and pub
lic Tnnrl la In nsrtv nnlffta It
i m . . . . l " " " ywt.j VVA. A V
maae up or mree aemocraiB, apencer, supports or opposes candidates for
Rice and Purcell, and two republic nubile offlre AroorJn to their oc
eans. Dayton and Baldwin. Baldwin ceptability or non-acceptability to
tiiu ruiteu nve in ue oiiiu cuiiRrtu. I the Methonlat rhnroh T. nnnwu u
I 1 Ji.t.i.t rv. l I r. "I . . m. fu-i'""'- "
siuiiat uiatiici. x lie i:uiitiiiiosiuiit3i a 1 political.
are anowt-u expenses, uui no naiary. "The Catholic rhnrrh and the
ueorge uayion was ior iweniy-nve Ontholl honV in the ttt,..
years cny treasurer oi ivincoin. e have no political platform. The na
has always taken an active interest tlonni rtiinit AnnfonM ia
in auiaoor me and especially in nunt- not organized for anv nolitloal our
Guy Spencer of Omaha, one
I commissioners, is cartoonist on
Itie isst of
and Service!
Let Us Figure on Your Hew Building
or Repair Job
No job too small or too large or the distance
too great! We are equipped to handle the
business. We have just installed a mill and
are prepared to turn out ready cut lumber of
all dimensions. We make a specialty of hog
and brooder houses. Your business
ciated. Estimates cheerfully given.
Raymond H. Lohnes
Phone 2003 Louisville Exc.
Cedar Cre ek, Nebr.
Go Over Plan
to Transfer
Bank Assets
pose- Jt does not al,sn itself with No Knotty Problems to Arise With
cm the fny politIcal Partf in "tuJnvfor party Abolishment of State Guaranty
on tne favors or support, and it has never wviak ux wuaacwi,jr
i - i maior nnrr ion or tne two oivifienns i -it-i,t. t- xt .
John Gakemeler was a visitor in Chadron on Memorial day. as a part th 't h ' bee declared bv the FarmJ "J" "i iTv J8 "iw "I
me in Mur- of the exercises which are being ar- p stat. Ranlr X'J,f'?Vt ui
Fund Commission
Greenwood irom nis nome in wur- oi me exercises wmcn are ueiug ar"ers State Bank
dock on last Wednesday, anvingi ranged Dy me unaaron post ui we ..ti- fAPi .n ..n "that thic
over to look after some business Amerlc help everyone in the commun benrieKlalur::
w I - III. I tVIIIIUUlIllT CL UclII TV Alii! I lj' A UtllllTPlM r AflnavsrVth A
j - T ir ,T, V, nar, 1 1 .!.V. rl TIo 1 1 n n o vartr In. 1 . . - - I "in ui "i"on ui in in a.
Anarew j. nwjcs, " n-c nu wi. i " " i a DanR needs deDOsitors and borrow
residing in town ror some lime, uuisisiani on nis coming. v;oi. nan ers
last Monday, moved to tne iarminas the matter under consideration While the legislature has been
where Earl Highshue has been farm-land is talking It over with the home Jcriticized as well as the
the Izaak Walton league. He drafted
the revision of the game laws en-
merchant who was the first to stock
the lakes in his region with bass
many years ago.
sought the defeat of any political
candidate because of bis stand on
any particular piece of legislation." I Lincoln, May 3. Methods of cf-
Senator Copeland, who is a mem-Meeting an expedient transfer of bank
ber of the Methodist Episcopal I assets now held by the guaranty fund
church. In a recent letter to Dr. Wil- I commission, abolished by legislative
son, said he had been concerned overlaction, to the department of trade jand state officials for using two 18-
Dry Agents
Severely Censur
ed in Couirt
And Suspended for Taking Girls
With Them in Sleuthing
for Drinks.
Columbus, O., May 1. State Pro
hibition Agents Edward Little and
John O. Cole are under suspension
with severe reprimands from federal
what he declared he reearded "to be land commerce, were discussed at
an improper activity, the work at I length Friday afternon by Governor
Washington" of the Methodist board I Weaver, members of the commission.
tar forim. Umrp ",I?lrM" f D? B" ', ort Vo dFctati Tan i Secretary BU of the latter depart-
Sfk.'S. home tner.P.n the fu.ure. UcU, or ,hf Lesion at cfeenwoo. t.VZfyZc" 52 faJ? f'' '?'"'"". . hAlll"!'-
Goodhart Vant moved to Gretna
one day last week, where he will be
in the employ of the Burlington as
accomplished under the circum-memher of the old state park board
stances by the legislature. and has served an nresident of the
The guaranty law, good roads, tax- state board of agriculture and fair
Declare 15 Per Cent Division
The Parmpri State Ranlr. nf flreen-
one of the operators at their station wood Which has been in the hands ation and capital building made this board.
there. He nas worKeo ior me com- n. th4 r.nanntM FSmH enitimtasinn lone of the heaviest sessions of the
. -.tAnn vont-a at the Tltir- I - .. . .. larloi.iii In V!on.w
va 11 j oumc o.vct.. r ror some time, just now paia or are 'iiutc iU uiaiuij. . A m
nngion siauon in utouwuuu. paying an additional 15 per cent on Deuevea mat alter me spec- IBriZl Tt
place which has been vacated by Mr. jtne dep09itg which were in the bank I ial commission makes its report of UP wjvUl LM
vant was immediately occupied I at the time of the closing There had I ine mvesiigation oi tne uuaranty
Peter II. Reed, the man who con- ....... nf 2fiU - r-nt he Fund Commission that a special ses-
aucis me pooi nan.. forft thl- an(1 the nresent disburse- ul lue trBwmiure is imeiy in
J. M. Wells, who has been cm-1 . ,toi Ani, t order to pass further legislation that
ployed in Lincoln for some time, andl. oll " was impossible to do. due to lock of
where he has" a good position, will J " information during the past session.
bvJid by4h4wife and sonaJtel PHIL HALL.
the riosine- of the school in Green- AWWfl DOru wiKJtms
wood, where their son Merle will ai a meeting on me last oay oi
o-rartnnte with the rlnslntr of the April of the old town council, the
fi'"'"""'1 " L ... . .....
srhool vear I worn: in nano was looxed alter, in
Albert Boisel, of northwest oficiuaing reports oi me nscai year oe-
Greenwood shelled corn on last ling nrougnt to a close and tnen tne
Tiiesdar. delivering the last year's newly elected offiscers were Installed
Sees Inconsistency.
The senator said the Methodists
of the abandoned bureau.
Each of the seven members of the
Uvv I S 1 i. A. J 1 41
are doing exactly what we have w lb8 , " u .V . i V B
niiiLll will uuuLf ucoo iiic iuoi iuiiu
demanded shall not be done by the
'Had that branch of the Christian
church erected a building adjoining
year-old girls to obtain evidence in
a liquor case, thrown out of federal
court yesterday upon the girls' ad
mission that they drank wine with
the agents after the raid.
Little and Cole presented Mias Car
rie Walton and Miss Catherine Gan
ion as witnesses that they had bought
liquor from Harry Poole and Amos
Frankhauser, in a hearing before
States Commissioner Horner. Wnen
the girls testified that they went for
an automobile ride and drank wine
croD to the Peters Grain company, of land the new members sworn in. The
Greenwood I new council and officers as they
On last Tuesday Harry Schrader stand at this time are: Dr. N. D. Tal
and L. M. Mowery shelled and de- cott. president, ana Dy virtue mere
livercd their corn to the Farmers of i3 city mayor; L. C. Marvin, city
Union elevator inu Greenwood. clerk and treasurer; W. A. Arm-
Mr. Ole Olson, who has been in strong, police Judge, and the mem-
nnor health for some time cast, stilllbers of the council, outside of the
remains in a very bad condition, and (officers being Rex Peters, W. A
It has been found necessary to main-1 white, K. E. Matthews and A. F.
tain a nurse for him in order thatWreibke
his health may be restored. His many
friends are hoping for a rapid re Give Excellent PLl7
covery. 1 The Senior class of the Greenwood
John liallenger. who believes in Hieh school on last Saturday even-
keeping busy, during the past wees ing at the Masonic building gave
maufactured a piano bench and mu- their class niav "Tee-Tonner Tavern."
sic receptacle for Dudley Clouse and
also a cupboard for John Anderson,
besides the other work which came
to his place of business.
S. S. Petersen, the blacksmith,
sure is kept on the hustle these days
and has had Walter Brackhagge as
to a large and very appreciative
audience of the patrons of the school
and citizens.
Celebrated Birthday
On last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Rex
sisting. they both being kept on the Peters were oyer to Murdock. where
Jump getting the plows of the farm-11" wer" V,S"R W1U1 me parents
ers in condition, and as the season Is of ?rr- and Mrs- Peters. Henry Gake-
getting a little late the farmers meier a ine oay Deiore was
want their implements in the best the birthday anniversary of Mr.
of order, thus making the work more J Gakemeier, he being born 73 years
than ordinary. a? on April 27th, at Hanover, Ger-
M. R. Beeson tind the family. VJny- e came to this country near
which includes the wife and kiddies. ftjr ag and ?a3Jbtfn n.
loaded all their belongings into a
has struck many a hard blow for the
car and departed late last week for developing of this country from the
the west, with Cahallas. Wash., their raw Pra"e, .the we" cultivated
destination. They have been work
ing while here at the home of J. E
Lambert and E. A. Leesley and will
make their home in the west in the
Last week Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
country which we now have.
'Bootleg Gas
oline a Problem
Along the Line
Depositors of
Failed Banks!
Superior Liquidation Led in April
Payments Announced State
Guaranty Commission.
al gathering of the group.
Not Hard Problem
That there will be no difTicul'y
the anltrl there -arntilt hava heen I arpomnlifihinff the turnover SeenlCl
I to he the rnnsensna nf oninlon thousrh with the agents alter the men were
Methodist pulpit." he added. explicit details were omitted in the arrested. Horner dismissed the CAse,
Dr. Wilson in reply to Copeland I enacted law.
said "The Catholic church. has longl It was indicated that all sale as
had a headquarters here from which! sets listed approximately at between
they have no hesitancy In confer-1 3,ooo,uou and 4.uuu,uuo, may oe
ring with senators and other gov-1 transfered at any time, while the re
moval of bank operations now in the
hands of the abolished department,
presents another problem.
Still Responsible
In view of the fact that each of
eminent officials, and not a Meth
odist pulpit in the land has made
any special protest against that
"When Senator Copeland says that
every one would protest," Dr. Wilson the officials concerned is under bond
added." he knows that the Catholic I to administer the affairs of these
it appears that they cannot
T.innrtln far 1 Arlrlltlnnal nav.
ments to depositors of failed Nebras- church has such a headquarterF and banks.
he knows that the Methodists do not! be discharged from these alignments
protest. luntil an official court order is made in
"The work of our board is a de- I that case.
mission announced Wednesday Thev nominatlonal work In the training I Xor do the commission members
TW -Race s. Tl 5r. TWa, "Pa follow: young people ot our ou reel that It will be a legal transac
ka state banks amounting to $438,-
064.69, was made during the month
of April, the guaranty fund corn-
Required to Stop Inflow of
Kansas Fuel.
Citizens State' bank. Benkelman, church, an educational work and agi- I tion for them to relinquish the assets
Will be Busy
Col. Phil Hall, who Is a member of
the Nebraska State Bankers associa
tion, and one of the prominent
Schupe, of Lincoln, the latter form- speakers at the meetings which are
erly Miss Uvon West, came from
their home in Lincoln to visit at the
home of Judge and Mrs. W. E. New
kirk, and there Mr. Schupe was tak
en with the scarlet fever and Judge
Newkirk, who was away, was quar
antined away from home and has to
stay away until the malady is over
at the home and the place Is disin
fected. The taking of the fever by
Mr. Schupe was co-incident with his
21st birthday anniversary.
Dr. W. H. McFadden has recently
purchased a new four door sedan of
the Chevrolet make and which Is
cure a beauty as well as a car which
gives excellent service.
neid over the state, win speak on
"Bank Management" at the follow
ing places: Group No. 1 at Fairbury,
on May 20th; Group No. 4 at Hast
ings on May 21st; Group No. 3 at
Norfolk, late in May; Group No. 5
at Lexington on May 22nd; Group
No. 7 at Sidney, on May 23rd and
Group No. 6 at Cody on May 24th.
This will surely keep the genial
Colonel on the go pretty much of
the time and require his absence
from the bank here most of the lat
ter portion of the month.
That Nebraska officials may be
forced to take legal steps to prevent
"bootleg" tactics among Kansas oil
and gasoline dealers who sell to con
sumers along the border is the opin
ion of Dr. T. W. Bass, chief of the
state tax bureau.
The enactment of a fourcent gas
tax in this state has made the price
on the Nebraska line somewhat
higher, as Kansas dealers pay only
three cents a gallon and get a lower
freight rate from the oil fields. A
number of cases have been reported
where farmers have driven with bar
rels to the Kansas line, where they
were met by tank trucks belonging
to dealers from that state.
Dr. Bass declared that violators
of the law, if they can be apprehend
ed, will be subject to revocation of
license and prohibition from operat
ing in this state. He was not cer
tain what action would be taken,
busaid he might call on state and
county officers to aid in enforcing the
The Nebraska gas tax chief decried
the situation as cutting into the pro
fits of dealers in this state, while
those on the other side of the line
swell their receipts illegally. Similar
instances have been reported on the
South Dakota border, but with less
amount of payment, 161,719.07; lia
bilities liquidated to date, 31 per
I cent.
Bennington state bank, Benning
ton, amount of payment, $10,547.05;
liabilities liquidated to date, 71 per
Pay $31,567 at Breslau.
Breslau State bank, Breslau,
amount of payment, 431.567.78 ; lia
bilities liquidated to date, 33 per
charged the men with "exceeding
the bounds of propriety" and warn
ed them to remain out of his court
"unless your hands are clean."
Suspension of the two men at the
office of State Prohibition Commis
sioner Beetham followed, with the
announcement that an investigation
will be made.
Governor Cooper issued a state
ment condemning the practice of
using minors to prohibition
evidence, and said it would not be
tolerated among state officers.
F. L. T. Club Entertained.
The F. L. T. club were entertained
at the I. . O. P. hall last Wednes
day afternoon. Mrs. Vera Shepler and
Mrs. Ollie Sayles being hostesses. A
good crowd was in attendance and a
But Few Boys Left
On last Tuesday, "Ceph" Carnes.
as he is well known, and who made ,delicious lunch was served
nis nome in ureenwuuu iui mauj
years, but now resides in Lincoln,
was a visitor in town and shaking
hands with his many friends. Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Coleman an-
Carnes is now 96 years of age. and nounce the engagement and ap
was a member of the Union army proaching- marriage of their daugh
during the Civil war from 1861 to ter. Joanna Loder, to Charles E. Zink,
1865, he being one of the few of sun of Dr. and Mrs. George W. Diehl
the old guard. There are four liv- of Athens, W. Va. -The ceremony will
ing members of the former Green-'take place early in June at the bride's
wood G. A. post, they being R-. home. Miss Coleman is a graduate of
London Lloyd's reported Wednes
day night that fire had broken uct
in No. 2 hold of the White Star line
Megantic at King George the Fifth
docks in the Thames river. Thirty
rolls of paper and a large quantity
of loose straw were the only con
tents of the hold and it was not con
sidered likely that it would extend
Dense smoke hampered the fire
men but after a five hour effort it
was announced that the blaze was
under control and would not spread
beyond the hold in which it origin
ated. Firemen Were ordered to stand
by all night.
Sioux City, Ia. Mr?;. Oscar C. Ger
man of Sioux City, Ia., was elected
supreme president of the Benevolent
Patriotic Order of Does at the eighth
tational work. in these separate cases until that
Boston former Kepresentative i time, they said
William D. UPShaw Of Georgia, up-1 While the cuarantv fund rnmmis.
held the right of "Ecclesiastical in- sion win no longer function, the de- annual convention here Wednesday
terference with moral legislation ininartment will rontlnue to retain of- i nigni.
Washington" in a letter to Senator fices until all matters in which it is
Royal S. Copeland, of New ork, interested, are cleaned uo. it was
Wednesday. Former congressman up-stated. Omaha Bee-News
shaw, who is on a speaking tour
here wrote the senator, protesting
against the latter's criticism of the
activities of the Methodist board of
temperance and public morals and j
Nebraska State bank Bridgeport, lf Dr clarence True WiiSOn
amount of payment, 531,551; liabil
ities liquidated to date, 57 per cent.
The State Bank of Clarks, amount
Davenport. Ia. Chester Suther
land of Des Moines, flying instructor
for the Iowa-Illinois Airways com
pany, was killed and Jack Coin, stu
dent flyer, was seriously injured when
As a Baptist. I take nty place
beside that Methodist building ad-
ine state uanic oi uiants, amount. lriinfn tYt(t anitnl in Washington " 1""'' .i.Ju.u t.r,.
of payments, $35,523.73; liabilities U,jnAhe .EL1" Trfr S Sa- e Plane fell near the, Davenport
liauidated to late. 51 per cent. 7J,J ' ' ,h . airport at z:iu a. m., riday.
' i i i iiii 1 1: .n iiirri vA liiiv vt awsj a v-
Rank nf Prah Orchard. Crab Or- !.,. . i it. .i t M i
w- w - IllP-iriTl LPAT.UHH Lllflll LU UC lUIlliailllJ I. . - -m m . , .!!
chard, amount nf navment. S17.- " ;iJ . I irom tne wrecnage, dui uoin, sun
r m - i 1 1 1 1 nrPH h 4i in Liin udc ui mai iiui- i
134.81: liabilitiea Hnuidated to date. " " v- . I conscious, was rusneo to a nospuai
' i fun Mil n.m LiiaL rAaiiriu iuu uauuiii
. iftjA imr n a 1 1
tt per cent. gtate journal
warmers state Darnc, ureenwoou,
SPEND $1,655,958 HERE
amount of payment, $26,040.79; Ha
bllities liquidated to date, 49 per
Bank of Ottis & Murphy, Humph
rey, amount of payment, $56,337.63;
liabilities liquidated to date, 35 per
$116,128 Superior Payment.
State Bank of L.itcnneia, iaicn- mnea West.
field, amount of payment, $10, 210. 8b; It is estimated that the expend!
liabilities liquidated to date, &i per ture by the Burlington in recon
cent. structing its big passenger station
Madrid Exchange DanK, jviaaria, to conf0rm with the new Union ter
amount of payment, $26,091.28; lia-1 minal plan will cost at least 700
bllities liquidated to date, ou yei thousand dollars.
cent. Forty-one miles of new rail will
Farmers State banK, Manama, he aid n Nebraska, otner lmprove
amount of payment, $5,211.23; Ha- ment8 planned in this state indued:
He was unable to give an explana
tion of what caused the plane to
fall. He was at the controls when
the ship went into a sudden spin and
crashed. At the airnort. it aDDeared
The 1928 budget of the Burling- that Coin had "frozen" controls and
ton railroad, announced Wednesday, I that Sutherland was unable to take
includes a total expenditure of $1.-1 the plane out of a spin.
655.958 ror iseDrasKa, oi wnicn i Sutherland, said to have been an
$812,250 will be in Omaha, according experienced pilot, has been instruct
to General Manager B. Flynn on ns student flyers here since Sunday.
An investigation is being made by
officials of the airways company.
New York. April 29. Fifteen hun
dred American Boy Scouts will get
a close-up oi tne prince or waits
Gastonia The Gaston county
grand Jury reported Tuesday that
thoro Investigation of the wrecking
of headquarters of the national tex
tile union, which is conducting a
cotton mill strike here, failed to pro
duce evidence upon which to return
any Indictments.
i men rs ciauueu ia mm omio ..v,.vv . ... - . ,,,
bllities liquidated to date 69 per Elimination of grade crossings and He is cnier scout oi waies ana wm
cent. U installation of crossing protection aena e wu.iu
Mt. Clare State bank. Mt. Clare, n!e,aia. ballastins: and resurfacing irKciii.u
amount or payment, $4,bu.ou; track, new industrial iracKage, new
bilities liouidated to date. 45 per -nnlnment. including such work
cent. eouipment as draglines, clamsbeiis
and weed mowers ana ournem; uunu-
OTTWS nnv TTWO VRXZT. hne- nf bridges, trestles and culverts;
Installation OI automatic signals mu
T-v tL. i flol Aav helrt fntftr ACKine uiailin, imi.ciuviii,
at the University of Nebraska on freight ana passeng V"
tir.j j v , . "a nf htiea nnd new fuel and water sta-
the Plattsmouth high school and tions. shop buildings, and electric
son. of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Pi ttman power piania
nf this rl tv- ennroH tho nrize in the
golf contest held as a part of the . STRIKE PREVENTS SAILING
field day and was awarded $5 as tne
prize of the dav for the best score, . prance C Wednesday)
seventy-three. The training that n4l, p-.n.h liner Hie de France was
Don received here as a caddy at tne ODieed to postpone its sailing, set
local gou course stood mra.wew ' i jor . a. xcu Wednesday, uou v
hand as he entered the engineers deckbanda decided to strike in sup-
contest and emerged the winner. port' of claims or tne siewaraa
cooks of. the liner. It was boimuwu
Plannine a nicnic or party I can when the H de France wouia d
at the Bates.Book and Gift Shop and to depart
line offers. phone yonr nws.w o.
Mrs. Berman succeeds Mrs. Maud
Matzen, Columbus, Neb., who was
chosen supreme trustee for a three
year period. Mrs. C. A. McCloud,
York, Neb., will direct installation
Other new officers are: First
counsellor, Mrs. Edna Matthewson,
Kearney, Neb.; senior counsellor.
Miss Ethel Hite, Beatrice, Neb.; Jun
ior counsellor, Mrs. C. W. Taylor,
Omaha; outer guard; Mrs. Emma
Darling, Norfolk, Neb.; secretary,
Mrs. W. E. Bolin, Omaha; treasurer.
Mrs. Guy Meyers, Omaha,.
Chicago In a raid by his wife a
man identified as Lucien Willians.
amateur tennis star, was arrested in
a local hotel today with a young
woman companion. Mrs. Williams.
daughter of W. C. Crowley, million
aire Detroit merchant, told police
she had had her husband watched by
private detectives for several weeks.
They were married about a year ago;
Williams, was formerly intercolle
giate tennis champion.
Washington. April 29. Governor
Louis L. Emerson of Illinois
discussed the Illinois waterway pro
ject with Secretary of War