PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1929. Tracy "Browns' klahomans playing a return engagement at Legion Building Thursday MIgSit, April 4f b Alvo News which so often exists between peo ple who should be the best of friends. Harry and Charles will try and make them all friends. Bulgar Villages Offer Chooice Land for Haskell School Mrs. Lizzie Lewis has been having a new roof placed on her home, her brother, Cris Dreamer and her son, have luen doing the work. George Hraun of South Rend was :. visitor in Alvo on last Wednesday :.nd was accompanied by Mrs. Braun, they bfing guests at the home of ;-" ..,-.-1 l- Wm Veairpr. narents f Mrs. nraun. Banquet Missionaries Who Are v.". c. Timlin with his clover hulier Hhelping Peasant Improve wa:- lulling some clover seed for Mrs. j Conditions Lizzie Lewis, getting it done on last j " Saturday evening, thus jotting cut of SofiaAfter servinf for more than the way of the rain which marked I yearg ag missionaries of the Am. the arrival o. Kaster. erican Board in the Balkan Penin- . A. Mockenhaupt has been bus- . Dj. &nd Mrg Edward tJms to get the ground in condition , HaskelI have reCently returned for the sowing ot h.s oats and com- from their furlough in the United ploted last v.etk. but did not care Bulgaria, for the purpose IT get the seed m the grolllUl until nnotna. n nmntlonl srhnnl for . . . T ' - wivniiio . . . - - " - this week thmkinsr it plenty early Carl Lewis who has been making his home at Alliance, for some time past, and who was visiting for a time with his mother northeast of Alvo, pening a prac young peasants in a Bulgarian vil lage. Already 26 villages have officially requested the Haskells to open their school in each of them and all have . . , ; . . 1 last Mauiruay mouu., u'.uu n, offered large tracts of land free. Dr. the northwest where he is employed. Haskell have just come Edward Nelson the merchant was from tH investigation to called to Lincoln on last W ednesaay . a ,v,ir afternoon to iocs aiier some uubine. journev wag mtle less than a trium lie taking with htm a ioad of coun- 'hal tur try produce ami aiso ormpng mw, Th officially met at the wiui ii. in a iuau ul BviUUO . stations of the villages visited, In-story- . , , . , 'vited to village banquets, entertain- wm. JiUKci utatr u ii"-.s cd in village homes and shown many the boys, and he sure is o:-e himseli, c- no - forpnno nnrt affprtirm. "" .L- ttacn village tney investigated maue i. t nm-r iar wrun m wne a special plea to the American guests, g.-.-itl. man and his gooct wife px- , H f th t vhv - l!. nt!y as a means of transporta-, tTl . e1iniH h WntP.l in tit.n. they receiving the new car thisit gome villages offered as much as last week. i 5fn acro In rm o nipep ns wpll as relieving in having things as mate,riai nnfi tll(1 rn-nner- convenient as circumstances wil. al-. ation of the villagers. All of these low. W. C. Timlin living northeast . offers came dlrectiy fr0m the peasants of Alvo. has just been having ls themselves and show the intense de- Relief Legisla tion to be First J. J. t Game Law Re codification is Before House Martin Nelson was called to Platts mouth on last Wednesday, where he was looking after some business mat-j ters for the day. Attempt to Give Lowdowners Free Teresa Quinn. the five-year-old -njc VQ,-le. Tr0 Ao-nincf ! (hmrhfor f Mr or..! Mrs V.ari Oninn "&t.a i"'") Definite Word Made That Hoover Not Induced to Accept Any Scheme Wn gY i ?i trtftn An cmn rli n t i r rlnrln r- ation as to the scope of the new farm f, is, reported as being quite relief bill, coupled with an announce- 111 l .lueir nome- t T , T , , ment that relief legislation will re- Business called Theo Harmes to The house recessed at noon Wed ceive first call at the special session j Omaha last Wednesday and as he was nesday at Lincoln, with a scant few of concress was made Fridav bv Sen- driving over, he was accompanied by pages of H. R. 476 to read. The iirs. iiarmes, woo visiieu mere lor mea.suit; wuitii uu uecu uuuci u..- Trespassers. ator Watson of Indiana, the new re publican leader This announcement, made during sideration on special order for the ; a time. Miss Rena Christensen. who is past two days, is a recodification! the day while both the en?te and making her home in Omaha, was a changing the whole game and fish law house agricultural committees again ' visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. to conform with the companion bill.! were in session, recerved the immed- I Herman Hauth, for a time on last n. it. 4bb, wnicn was passeony me; iate attention of those interested in Sunday. house last week. H. R. 466 puts farm legislation. This interest was! J- C. Rauth departed on last Sat- all state activities connected with heightened as a number of this group urday for York, where he visited for game and fish, state parks and tor-, all along have viewed the hearings 1 over Sunday at the home of his son, estation under an appointive com-, largely as a matter of form and have ! Aaron F. Rauth and family, driving mission of ten. j not expected them to be productive J out in his car. Hovts of Dawson failed to put of any new ideals. ! Mrs. Dora Falischman, S3 years of over an aineiiumem. w ine euect imi Follows Hoover' Senator Watson fU the new bill would not have an tnur . . : , c . .1 t . ...... l.i i. i man :i n ft wife izauun lee anu umi u uu.u ue nun.- - i,. t, m,i, ,t.i ,iit-n George Schaffer was over to the unc, w.c awcuuii..i ! Irs. Dora Falischman, .S3 years ot " uiiicuumcm. n.c ci.t jver's Idea i e, is reported as being quite ill at none of the bill's provisions relating rtlv declared that home in Manley and is being to hunting and fishing witnout ali- not have an equa:- looked after by her son. Fred Falisch- nse should apply to a man nting on his own land. After extended de- c.Ia1 cin'elv .nlnnfr flip lines inifl rtnwn ' bv the republican national conven- home of Edward PanRonin a number w,th -.3 for and 41 aga.nst. " L a nd by P enr ioomr "f days last week, where he was . McLean of Hal declared in opposi- the provision of M speeches West Branch Iowa and pruning some grape vines as well as "on to the amendment that any man to change was the viwnwhtnn Tp,,n ,i,,pin tiiP sone berrv bushes should have enough pride in the m lid the eld lav. " . " ' . nm,n ,..oQ h.phBrinw mwt life on his own grounds to buy a li- me word lrt, r"": , r: ' :,", I VC cense to hunt it. Amsberry of Cus- stricken from the -rt-L II1UL lime .11 , I1UU1C. lecillll- tru'"n ii. iu: lilt .ui.w.iito "I'cia- . - . , . ...ill v.,,r ti c , . , , .... .. r.- , , ... ,: ter maintained that men will hunt tne status or gam iiit'Mdvii ;i itufiai liiiui uuaiu wi.ii 111,11. iiim uiu a r. Foster sought half mile relative to distance between same as that in "no hunting" and "no fishing" signs on private lands. State Journal. prima facie was , . section relating to : FOR SALF e and fish found , authority to help co-operative mark- he began the c eting associations and to build up for the small grain ground. stablization agencies with initial Rollin Coon, who has been making capital from the government. He also h:3 home at Wymore for some time. lit tine- of the stalks on their own land untler any circum" by olTicers as evidence of illegal; One Fordson o Lrnmi stances, and it would be best to make hunting or fishing, according to an ! Wallace Cub; on tractor; one 1E.-30 brooder I.ouse wired for the use of eU'Crk -ity. the work being done by j that tmitiant expert in the wiring line A. D. Stromer. Mrs. Henry J. Miller has Teen vis iting with her daughter, Mrs. Hattie Kear. for the past week, and enjoy ing t!-e time spent there with the dau;ht r veiy pleasantly. Mrs. Mil b r ha- not been in the best of health I sire of the villagers for improvement and progress The school, which the Haskells are planning to open, will be for young peasants of both sexes. There will be both practical and cultural courses Pupils in the school will carry on regular village occupations and re- jmain in constant contact with village i affairs. The school will trv to heln ' mitt- t-i, uu. .I'ui , tne village as awnoie to Become a i happy and efficient part of the coun- ii.s being some better of late. August Keinime living north oE Alvo jturchased one of the celebrated Jthr. leere gas tiiginrs which he" la: ii.-i;:g for pumping water, knowing it v.iis more reliable than the wind mill which will not operate only v.'hen t!ie wind blows. The engine v, as fit i ni.-hed by the R. M. Coalman fiii-iiiv;:iv store, who also sold one to i Kelley, and who i? well pleated with the r.w purchase. try. HOUSE ACTS AS A JURY Hold Pleasant Meeting. The members of the Knights of Pythias, which is a hustling organ ization of Alvo, and ore which has within its scope of activities the re I'evitig of distress. th" serving of t!.(.;e ;'f!licted and a froiiouncedly "eia! side, met on last Tuesdav eve- Baton Rouge. La. Sitting as a grand jury, the Louisiana house of representatives Thursday will consid er the impeachment charges against Gov. Hughev P. Long, accused of nineteen offenses from a plot to com mit murder to misdemeanors in of fice. Administration floor leaders lost Wednesday in an attempt to fore stall the impeachment procedure by raising the point that the impeach ment resolution was out of order since it had not been included in j the governor's call for the present cnial cccciAn nf tho 1 ocri cl a t tt r Tine ni-u: ai d were Pleased to Iiave with j j10Use voted, ss to 3 to carry for. them t-f Gr ind ( hancc!ior of thejward the inquiry. The vote came af- u" 01 .iinue!i vnii) ae tpr Onpslror Jnhn R Fonrnet. former ly regarded as a Long supporter, had t t worth while address on the iztuw mi me or(ier. and wa? aisi ac-.ij a zn . . . ... . , 'luicu iiic xiiuiiuii nets in uiuci. . onum-d by three visiting brothers j since the impeachment move was from Lincoln. 1-ollowing the meet- started Governor Long has remained ing v.-hscn wis one filled with much j in seclusion and has not said one t. Il'.v s,,,;). they all enjoyed a fine j word publicly. He has not appeared sunp.-r which had been prepared by , on the streetg of Baton RoUge and the I y tin an Sisters, who are all ex- ; denies himself to callers. i a line co'i.ks and catereers. Tn ITIXTTT TTTTXm "CnT TinCDtT A T. ,7iii jk.:iow xomorrow es. that is a lact, the people of Lincoln, March 26. Recommenda--ilvo vv-ll know w:th the closing of ; tion for an increase of $25,000 over the ..ay tomorrow who is to be the Governor Weaver's budget allowance nes to govern the city Tor the com- of $125,000 for a new inmate build ing yar. The ticke which has been ing at the Beatrice institute for srle.ted for the people to vote for feeble minded will be filed by the is composed as follows: for Council- finance committee of the house as a lnari the ticKet is as frliows: John! result of an inspection visit paid by i-kinner, - K. Dickerson. C. I). ; its members to that institution Mon (.: u7. and R. M. Coatman. This is j day afternoon and evening, s. double number. There is excellent. , Members of the state institutions materia! for the selection of one of . committee and a number of other the very bst town boards. The 1 legislators accompanied the finance .vchool election will also be hel l at ' committee on its trip, the whole the same time and one which are on I party numbering 42 and making up the- ticket for the Board of L'duca- j two special bus loads, tion are John W. Banning, Ren. M'n-I Reaching the institution about t-hau. Herman L. Bornemeicr and 5:30 p. m., the solons made a tour Ii. M. Coatman. Kvery one on this of the buildings and were guests of ticket is an excellent person fcr the ; the staff for dinner. In the evening llace- jthey listened to a half-hour entertain- ; mcnt program by the children. Health The "Better Mr- Bailey of the finance commit- Mrs. Art Bird who has been at the tee stated that an increase of the I T I A I 1 IJ! ., . v,u.,i rf u,.r. ' wiiin:? uuuaing appropriation to has beet, taking treatment for her J J'ft00 .W,U f prov,de housing for health has shown such improvement i nmate ough to relieve that she returned home last week, 1 &"d, . .f?"?' a11 and is feeling much the better. Mrs.; l"' llt51- Bird was at the Lincoln General Lospital while receiving the treatment. GIEL BOSSES THE BANKERS Chicaeo Sixtv hin husi 'bankers from fourteen central states frowned upon any proposal looking to a subsidy or fee or tax upon the farmer. No Equalization Fee. Senator Watson, who has been a frequent visitor at the farm hearings. said these pronouncements of the Kelley, and all are doing well. The president seemed to him to be a "suf- ariival was on last Wednesday, ficient answer" to any one who com- Mrs. Ralph Keckler. of Weeping plained that Mr. Hoover has not Water was a visitor in Manley for the e Oliver three-bottom it legal. amendment offered by Van Kirk or plow, all in best of shape. Also one Considers Unjust. Lancaster. He said it is wrong to jGhn Deere 2-row lister. Andrews of Lancaster thought the fut the burden of proof on a man JOE MRASEK, amendment unjust in that it is un- to prove his innocence, making him al-3sw. Plattsmouth. derstood in the laws that game be- SuUty ,bTefo'e he comes to trial. A babv bov Gladdened the home of longs to none but the state, and to 1 ul11' l; I FREE ENTRY GIVEN LIQUOR Mr. and Mrs. staples, wno mane ineir fi" &" Dermit ImniP in the srrain office of Edward oe wrong, lie lnierpieieu me auieuu was m Maniey last ueunesuay ana was looking after some business and al.:o visiting with his mother permit fee for game farming,, fur New York The Evening World ment to mean that an owner could 1 """V- tt "7. j A t i said Wednesday it had learned from hunt without a permit on his land, l" "L" ' "b"" ' T,:'" reliable sources that one member of while his tenant, who furnished feed ?uty of the commission to encourage- congreEsional committte of firteen such ventures. formulated the actual terms of the bill and also to those who argued he mi;Tht be induced to favor the equali zation fee. From the first there has been but Hilit belief that the new bill would have an equalization fee. At present the chief points under consideration are the extent of authority to be ghen the federal farm board and whether specific provisions should be mr.-'c for the restraint of production in times when surpluses of crops prevail. afternoon on last Wednesday and v t's the guest while here at the home ' f her friend, Mrs. Oscar Dowler. Edward Kelly, of Plattsmouth, was a visitor in Manley on last Wednes day, where he was meeting a number of :iis friends and was a guest for a arriving from Panama Monday ad- ! mitted carrying liquor into the port f r tVta lift! woillrt Tint Cushing of Valley said in correction Appeals From Chair. of this statement that both owner Andrews of Lancaster aDDealed witli ti i m onrt tvac nllnut'erl fro. r n and tenant could hunt free, but from the decision of Chairman Curry try. agreed in opposing the bill. He gave when the latter ruled the former's The Panama Railroad Steamship as his opinion that land owners would amendment intended to protect game company's liner Cristobal brought be willing to buy permits. fish from dog bites, out of order. The j back the congressional party, which The amendment would practically chair was sustained. (had been studying isthmiam affairs. at the home short time f?;heehan. Charles Gade and wife, of Ash land, where he is with the Ford Mo tor company, were visiting for last V,f Atiiro ruin the whole system of game and Rundle of Hamilton moved to , Out of courtesy to them their bag fish administration which has been strike from the bill that portion of carefully built up, according to the old code which is picked up in Burke of Cuming. He said it would the new relative to the holding of cut down greatly on the funds and the pole, with line and hook or hooks 11 ivitli the onfnrcpmpnt of attached, in the hand while fishine-. hiuuiav at tne nome 01 ine parents , He ave an examDie of a The amendment prevailed. It strikes piece of land on which members of from the bill the following: eight families could hunt without "It shall be unlawful to fish with permis thru ownedship and tenantey. hook and line not attached to a pole The streams would not have such at- or rod held by the angler or secured of Mrs. Gade. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Committees ground away upon the Palischnian. farm problem with the house com- , The Misses Katie and Maggie Wol mitiee ordering a night session Sat- rert who i,aVe.both been feeling uroay r.igni 10 speed its worn, i ne r,,lpr Tinf,riv for some time, are now " ..:" ikm.-... i (. cTr.r.r.T- hofnro ltr, Tr. o liruro . 1 . . . . . irailUt 11&U1I1S l y 11 - ul 17. , tent Timica el thVt nreented in u'0,in" nuKn better ancl are ";0PinS stocked by the state, said Mr. Burke.; Those favoring the amendment r.rM,.i T! . '- soon bc enjoying their former james Colfax, one of the introduc- assumed that the language in the 1 " .good health. ers of the bill and chairman of the bill prohibits use of throw lines. (TT, xTWT' cruTJTTJC Herman Dall is kept pretty busy fish and game committee, waxed They figured that a man must sit Ll.fc.ti xva rlVil ohftVh&b at this time with the implement wrathy and rose to a point of person- upon a log and stay there with pole TO GET COMMUTATIONS business and has to make frequent ai privilege toward the close of the in hand and not return to camp for , ', ., 1 " trips to the wholesale houses in Om- discussion when he failed to gain a smack unless he carries his pole Lansing, Mich., March 2S. Michi- -ha and Council Bluffs for additional recognition from Representative with him. Friends of the bill ex gan's ' legislature today closed the supplies of farm implements and ma- Curry of Furnas, who was in the plained that the language clearly books on the state's troublesome : chinery. chair. After getting to the floor, he permits throw lines from the bank, criminal code law. with its accom-' A number of the members of the pointed out the new section 9 pre- It does not permit lines attached to panying threat of life imprisonment St. Patrick's Catholic church, with sented, which gives protection to pri- brush, branch or other objects in to the prohibition law violator. Frank Bergman in charge, have been vate fish ponds. He opposed the ,the stream and doesn't permit trot The senate passed the Watson ; '-obstructing a garage at the parish amendment. lines which have been frowned upon house bill, embodying amendments house and otherwise beautifying the In answer to the charge that the by law for a number of years, to the criminal code which elimi- property, which has had a nice lot of amendment would curtail the power Wright of Boxe Butte, speaking for r.ate dry law offenders, with approx- i work done on it and which has ini- of game wardens. Mr. Hovis declared tne traveling men who stop at a imately 120 other "minor" felonies, proved the appearance very much. that this would be a good thing. He hotel, spend Sunday in some city, from the class of crimes punishable! A. V. Stander, who has been at said several uncomplimentary things town or village and hire a boy to upon fourth offense with life im-J the hospital in Omaha for some time, about deputy game wardens a get them some minnows for bait, of prisonment. The measure now goes where he has been receiving treat- class, including the statement that ferC(j an amendment to strike out the to Governor Fred W. Green, who said : me:;t fcr one of his eyes, which has they were a "bunion of town bums. clause makine it illeeal to buv or he will sign it early next week. jl etn giving this gentleman some Farmers will not have to post their seu mjnn0ws except by a licensed Green said he would commute life trouble, was able to return home last land hereafter to keep out hunters fign breeder. The amendment was sentences now being served by vio- ; week and reports considerable im- and trespassers, according to a sun- defeated. lators of the prohibition law. Among : movement in the condition of his stitute amendment to one offered by " f ei,,,! nr il .. r- - . r .. l-!l ' uv.kv.v.. 1' nieiii are iurs. riiii iwae miner, mo- oDtiC uavis 01, witicu was ui'.-u. ther of 10 children, four of whom! i His amendment forbids hunting on are living. The governor was not j - any private land without permission. whether or not it is posted gage was under orders to be expe dited and was entitled to free entry. Through some error, however, the name of the congressman was not included on the free list and he was asked the usual perfunctory ques tion by a customs inspector whether he had any liquor in his baggage. The congressman confessed he had four bottles. Later, however, the chief inspector on the pier discover ed that his name should have been on the free entry list and his bag gage was immediately closed and he was allowed to proceed, presumably with his four bottles. EGGS FOR SALE Single Comb R. I. Red eggs, test ed for white diarrhoea. Fertility ii guaranteed. $5.00 per 100. Heavy layers. OR EX M. POLLARD, al-3w Xehawka, Xcbr. AMBER IS ELECTED SHENANDOAH MAYOR gure whether he would act in behalf of Fred Palm, whose case gained na tional attention because the fou conviction sent him to prison for life was for possession of a pint of j gin. Farming Implements OIL IN STATE, ASSERTS DEAN I have just added the John Deere line of Farming Implements, which is the very best. ting over an amendment striking that portion making it lawful to take carp, suckers, gar and buffalo from r-f KAn -ri c- - J Vi enool A nril "I n Andrews of Lancaster did not think Dec x The member from Dawson wants it legal to remove these course fish the year round. I Johnson of Sheridan amended by "Within two years we should dis cover gas and oil in Nebraska," Dr. j i . . ii George e. Condra. dean of the de-: v-ome, see me, and let us talk partment of conservation of the Uni- over vour needs in this line. a v.t.i a 1.1 i . r v ci any ui 1-n eui asHa., loiu memueis in the Omaha Bar association at their luncheon Thursday. Beginning of test drills for gas and oil near Papillion Will mark the start of a great number of attempts to wrest oil from the land, Dr. Condra stated. Geological formations on the test ground near Papillion, which will be investigated soon, are favorable, he declared. The development of the Missouri river for navigation and The develop- j ment of the Platte river for power ' Our stock embraces everything in the Im plement line. See us at the blacksmith shop. Anton Auerswald Manley Blacksmith powei purposes also will have much to do with Omaha's future progress, he declared. the amendment necessary. He did not uphold the damage done to prop erty by hunters, but thot the post ing privilege allows enough protec tion. j Posting Not Effective. ! Hunt of Otoe favored the proposal, stating that it got at the real dan ger, since extermination of wild life is not so likely by the farmer as thru the sportsmen who come in from the outside. He charged that post ing of land is not effective, since trespassers pay signs little heed or destroy them. I Representative Oekers also favor ed the amendment and said in sup port of the farmers' position that they will give permission to anyone 'who is gentleman enough to ask to hunt on their land. I The substitute amendment offered by Cushing of Valley got at the evil r he planned to strike at, according to Mr. Davis, and left in the part of the section requiring that gates be inserting one mile in place of one- Shenandoah, In., March 26. Paul mber Tuesday was elected mayor of Shenandoah, winning over three oth er candidates. His opponents were Howard Alexander, present mayor; Willard Nixson and C. C. Simpson, Councilmen-elect are Miss Daisy Deighton, Vein Olson, Will Day, R. H. McFarland and J. E. Rulon. White Orpington eggs for hatch ing, $3.50 per 100. Mrs. Walter Jacobmeier, Eagle, Xebr. al-3w Phone j'cur Job Printing order to No. 6. Prompt service. INQUIRY ON TAMPA KILLING Tampa, Fla. An investigation of the shooting of Jasper Rittolo of New York by a Dade county, Florida, prison guard several days ago, has IRAILS EREIGHT EARNINGS GREAT the? leave property. The clause allowing a St. Louis, March 2 6. Freight landowner to replivin fur bearing earnings of the Missouri Pacific rail- anjrnals taken against his consent road for February were the greatest was aiso retained. in the history of the road, accord-, yan Kirk of Lancaster offered an ing to the monthly statement of earn- amendment to section 3, article 6, ings issued today by President L. W. requiring deputy wardens to furnish Baldwin. a $5,000 surety bond, to be filed with The report bears out the predic- tne secretary of state. Many of these tion that 1929 will exceed the busi- men have no financial responsibility, hfiDn f net 'riila1 If otioti crri bassyat Washington at the request of fS to jt considerable extent h cl?lmert and often damage prop the victim's family in New York, it was learned here Wednesday from II. Viti Marian!, Italian vice consul for this district. The vice consul said he had been nformed that Gov. Doyle E. Carlton of Florida had been requested to con duct a complete inquiry into the shooting. Marian! said he had been Services Well Attended. lvT:wAian-yA , , . , slight girl dressed in a chic brown The vesper serv.ces v.h..-h were cnsemble am, s y feR hat and given by the chorus of the Methodist the bankers seemed to like it The hurch during the afternoon on last giri is Miss Forba McDaniel. presi Minday. Palm Sunday, were well at- rIont nf tho rentrai stata nnnv. t-ndedn, and again on this Sunday, association, and secretary of the In-: informed Rittolo was shot to death Kastcr, was enjoyed by a large num- ,nana Bankers association. She pre- f while working on a road gang, and bor of the members of the cnurth Bided and was the only women at 1 that other prisoners alleged he was well as others. 'the eighteenth annual conference of killed in cold blood and without the central states bankers here to-'Justification. Will Be Peacemakers. 'day. The bankers addressed the chair j Harry' Appleman and Charles Ed- as "Forba" and the meeting as "gen- PEARL IN OYSTER SHELL "ii:iv been selected as the . tlemen. , members on the jury in the district' i ..urt for the April term, ami whil? j irev are desirous ot being excused, t EGGS FOR HATCHING lUey will make excellent men tor the ! Buff Orpington eggs for hatching, a v' -Le Being iiim of good judnitnt S3 per hundred. Call or addrtst, Mrs. iX t'n'-v -vi'! ue it for the proper ;!- RoyHoward .Murray, Ntb., phone -r Vudicating of the apparent trouble 2802. m28-tfd&w. The total operating revenue of the ertv in the discharge of their duty. Missouri Pacific for February was jjis proposal passed with a change $10,467,141, compared with $10,- y McLellan of Hall making the 085, 67G for the same month a year bond $2,500. ago. The net operating income was Foster of Douglas struck at the $1,739,584. compared with $1,657,- privilege of game wardens to search 563 in 1928. camps, automobiles and places other than a home on suspicion of posses- E0SLATJGH IS BACKED sion of illegally taken game or fish io bavju TTTTr!F in an amendment requiring a search FOR FEDERAL JUDUh warrant for such actions. The amend- ' ment was voted down 22 to 4 6. Hastings, March 22. Paul E. Bos- Hovis of Dawson favored the laugh, 47, practicing lawyer here for amendment, declaring it to be wrong 26 years, was endorsed by the Adams to allow "any jacknapes that hap- j County Bar asociation for judge of pens to have been appointed a de jthe United States district court for puty game warden to violate every Nebraska, in event .TnHee T. C Mun- sanctitv nf a man and his family from I Chicago Eating oysters from the ger ig selected for a piace OI1 the cir- breakfast to dinner." Binfield of Hall .half shell at a shop here. Urban H. cuit court of appeais discounted the Hovis argument, and , Santone, sr., nearly broke a tooth on j ai, there was no reason to jret e.- ching, a hard lump. It was a pearl, which avtM . -Bii? 'T.ll cited. He thought it contradictory b Mrs. a jeweler told him was worth $359. Have you anything to .ell? Tell to " men unfedfcl. bond and tluu ,me wona aoour, u tmougn inc joui- take all power from them. Mr. Jones ; nal's Want Ad department. supported this contention and said Read the Journal Want-Ads. For the next few days only we are making a very Special proposition on -High QuaSify Hoofing!- both in the shingles and roll goods! If you are needing roofing you can't afford to miss this opportunity. See Us at Once! Louis Bradford Lumber 21st and Z Streets South Omaha, Nebr. 00