THURSDAY, MARCH 14. 1929. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL FAGE SEVEN Murray Department 1 i I re pa red in the Interest of the People of Murray and Burroundins: Vieinlty Especially for the Journal Reader If any of the readers of tne Journal knoT- of any Bocial event or Item of Interest In thia vicinity, and will mm fame-to this office, it wlUtp pear ander this beadirnrWe wuit all newslteme E.ditob Strangers Make 'Whoopee with Canned Heat Opportunity Goes! It has been said that Opportunity has a bunch hair on her head known as a fore lock, but has wings on her feet, signifying that you must meet it grasp the situation as it were or the opportunity is gone for ever. . . . However, it is said by the know ing ones that CASH will overtake oppor tunity an bring her back. How about starting a Savings account? Then the cash will bring opportunity to you. We are here to assist you. Murray State Bank MURRAY NEBRASKA John T. Eagleton, M. D. Physician and Surgeon TELEPHONE Residence. 9 Office. An Old Fashioned Man and Woman Lodged in City Jail When Effects of Potent Beverage Takes Effect. qaiit. 5PARTON AM AZ ES THE RADIO-WORLB From Wednesday s TVallv Last evening Officers I'ickrel and j Hadraba had a real problem on their ; hands in that they had the unusual j Murray 0 erase! An institution for the best rare of your Autos, man ned with very careful me chanics. Every care and courtesy ex tended. Here for your best service. The Murray Garage A. D. BAAKE looking after in Plattsmouth the trip in his l." A. Weber was (Mi hisi Kriday, ! Roods for his a visitor lay in? in a cafe in Mar- iy Transfer company was ear of cypress lumber for company Lumber early i, s' i " k unloading a the .Vickies 1): Week. mvci Keil and A ( !r.a !ri last wi vc attending ! 1 1 rno-iii . : hiidier of Mr. u;i! Mrs. Har Hull have been sik wiili the flu at This time are reported as be , iiiic better. T. .1. Brendel was some business matters last Monday, making Universal model A. James Emil Von (Jillern and tes ter, of Nebraska City, were visiting for a short time with their friends in Murray on last Sunday. The Murray Transfer company took a truck load of mules to the Omaha horse and mule market last Monday for Thomas Cromwell. Phillip Keil marketed his hogs at Omaha on Monday of this week, the same being delivered to market by the Murray Transfer company. Kalph Kennedy was a visitor in Murray one day last week and made preparations for moving to Murray, which he will do in the near future. W. G. Boedeker'and family were visit intr with friends as well as look- in I ing after some business matters in Plattsmouth on Monday afternoon of Given by the Murray Dancing Club Excellent music. A good time assured. Good order. Come have a good time Sat. night. Murray Dancing Club Ben Noell, Mgr. I Karritt was called and dressed the burns, which relieved to some extent the pain, but still she was suffering very severely. All is being done for the unfortunate lady, but still she remains in a very precarious condition. lit t lu r.i-l 1,1,: IV I'.akke were Sunday. wh"-e a show durinir T Plow Lay War! There every Spring a rush of work, when it is difficult to g"t your joo aor. Better get your work in now, which you knew you will have to have, r.nd. thus avoid disappointment r.r.d cWay when the rush starts. Wc are new sharpening Laves. : t his week. i E. W. Millbern has had a larger iand better body placed on his mail ' truck, which will more efficiently j serve him in the carrying of mail in ' the future. ' Glen Gansemer purchased the Ford car which was the property of the late John V. Edmunds, and will now have some means of transportation j of h is own. I Jss Warga. of Plattsniouth. was jin town on last Monday, canvassing for the sal'" or the new Frlgiuair refrigerator the ones with the ad justable freezing control. Herbert Campbell will farm the i coming summer and early this week moved to the Henry Sacil plate near Wet ping Water, tiie moving being done by the Murray Transfer com pany, on Monday. Ir. G. H. Gilmore and Charles Meade were over to Union on last Shovels, etc.. and doing much Red Clover Seed nn: work. Home seed. grown While and excellent it lasts, at Bring in your Discs. We are special ists cr 1m. Don't wait till you are in rted o; them. Now is the time! Bring Your Work to the Murray Blacksmith Shop $16.00 per Bushel Alfred Gansemer Murray, Nebr. PHONES Residence, 1905 Elevator, 19 PxV mmiifwm The Mo si Power at the Lowest Cost for the Longest Time with Three Fuel ft r-T- - fi& V r? " mm n mill g FRED C. BEVERAGE Murray, Nebraska aby Chicks We ore ready or your Custom Hatch ing with the large incubator. Charge per tray o 160 eggs will be only $5-00. BABY CHICK PRICES Leghorns - - - $11.00 per 100 Heavy Breeds - - 14.00 per 100 . Newtown and D-indy Brooders for sale. A full line of Dr. Geo. H. Lee Chick Feeds and Remedies in stock! Wolfarth Hatchery 2 Miles South cf Murray Htrniiji Woh!frih, Mgr. i-,. EVERY SATURDAY NITE after some business matters regard ing some repairs at the Gilmore farm where Roy Gerking resides. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mutz were enjoying a visit over the week end from Mrs. E. N. Bowernian, of Om aha, who is a sister of Mrs. Mutz, she coming down for a few days. All enjoyed the visit very much. . E. S. Tutt has been suffering from repeated attacks of rheumatism, but so far has been successful in fighting the malady off and has kept on the go notwithstanding the pain which the rheumatism has caused him. Frank Mrasek, who had a cold catch him, rather than he catching a cold, is getting along nicely now, but we do not see how he was ever still long enough for the cold to lay hold on him. as he keens trust line all ! the time. I George E. Nickles ami wife and Mrs. Henry C. Long were over to Omaha on last Sunday, where they were visiting for the day at the home of Mrs. Robert Shrader. a daughter of Mrs. Long and sister of Mrs. Nickles. On Monday of this week, Ray Dill, who has been making his home at Hooper, moved to the old blacksmith corner, where he will reside this summer. Ray has been here for some time caring for the father, Ben Dill, who has been in very bad health for some time. Louis Hallas and the family were enjoying the day last Sunday when they visited at the home of Mr. Hal las' parents and enjoyed the visit and likewise the excellent dinner. They also renewed acquaintances with nu merous old time friends while in the county seat. W. L. Seybolt. E. S. Tutt and George E. Nickles were over to the county seat last Saturday, where they were in attendance at the fun eral ot the late George Hrinklow. who was a member of the Masonic order and was buried with the hon ors of that lodge. Edcar Mat-key. who ing his home at Crete Burial Vaults You care well for your loved ones while alive. One of our concrete vaults protects their remains when buried. An absolute guarantee. MILLER & G RUBER. tf-N Nehawka. Nebr. Mrs. Small Home Mrs. George Small, who has been at Omaha for some time, where she has been receiving treatment, was able to return home last Monday. Earl Lancaster went up with his car after her and brought her to Murray, where she stayed over night at the Lancaster home and was taken on to her own home on the farm Mon day morning. Ladies Hold Pleasant Meeting The Woman's Missionary club met last Friday at the J'resbyterian church, where they enjoyed a very tine program, the program being un der the leadership or Mrs. B. 11. Nel son and the entertainment features j of the afternoon in charge of Mcs . dames Guv Wiles. Herman Wohl- j farth and Nick Fredrich. Following has been mak-! tuc. conclusion of th- work or the where he wasLiu!, the fathering, which was com- driving a truck, arrived in Murray j,oy(.(1 of some sixty of the earnest for a visit with the folks. W. E. ) working members of Murray, was re Mackey and wife, for a week, and sf,iVed into a surprise party in honor will in a short time go to some point j ()j tne passing of the birthday anni in Indiana, where he will be an era- versary of Mrs. J. C. Stewart. Many ployee of a steel mill. Last week Messrs C. N. Barrows and A. V. Kennedy, who have been makinir their home at the Soldiers and Sailors he, me at Milford, return ed to make their home in Murray, and said it did seem good to be able to return to Murray to live, for tliey met so many of their old time friends here. The Peter Pan bread wagon, which makes this territory with the regu larity of the sunrise, ran into some very bad ruts west of town cm last Monday afternoon, and found a high center and low ruts, which placed their wagon like Ark on Arrorat. on solid ground, siiul with the pulling of a number of teams and breaking of doubletrees and harness, the truck rema ined there. Charles Land, who runs th big grading outfit, had to be waited for, and soon had the wagon out and on its way. Surely Charlie is a Good Samaritan. The Murray Study club, which is a sure enough rustling organization t.f this, one of the best towns in Ne braska, will meet at the Christian church on this Friday evening, where they will entertain in honor of their husbands with a banquet. When the ladies of Murray give a banquet, you may know that there is something good to eat and that it will be prepared and served in the very best way. So, you who are privileged to attend this affair do not fail to be there and on time at that. were the wishes ior happiness, health and the utmost prosperity, as well as being supplemented by a host of verj useful and beautiful remembrances of the occasion. event of having a female prisoner as a guest of the city and quartered in the cozy little jail at Fifth and Vine street. The lady, however, was not alone in the prison, as her husband also languished in the bastile. The cause of the imprisonment was canned heat, and a heated temper on the part of the two principals, when arrested, three empty and one full can of the heat was found on the persons of the parties and in their effects. The man and woman, giving the j names of Marvin and Fannie Beech- j am, arrived in the city, they claim- ing from Missouri, but the officers J finding later from South Omaha, and j had gone to the Hotel Perkins in ap- . parently good shape but ere long! had started to make "whoopee" as can after can of the "heat" was open ed and the potent effects of the de natured alcohol took effect. Filled to the brim and overflow ing with the war provoking liquor. the parties wended their way to the hotel office and then the old. old trouble of the man and maid broke forth and a family battle was staged, sans Queensberry rules and every body for themselves. The call for the police was sent forth and arriv ing the parties were taken in custody by the night police and conveyed to the city jail. This morning Judge Charley Graves was called upon to hear the story of how it was the first time that Fannie had ever drank, altho acknowledging that she had passed some fifty-five milestones and Marvin also vowed that henceforth the name of "canned heat" would not be uttered in his presence and that he as well as the wife proposed "to turn over a new leaf" or at least confine the beverages to carbolic acid, lemon extract or other less warlike beverages. The family purse showed that Fan nie had 11 and Marvin centimes and with the prospect of the city having to provide a board bill of many dollars, the court issued the edict of banishment, as the price of freedom. The parties wended their way from the city to other scenes, rejoicing in the pure spring air and with the police judge feeling that our gain was somebody else's loss. u5 'Zr.i2y ;T 1 SI 1 The New t WSPAB.TON Console M A NEW SPARTOK EQUASONNE FOR ONLY SI89.50 COMPLETE WITH TUBES Shower For Bride. At the country home of Mrs. Philip llennings was held a miscellaneous shower for Miss Grayce Tigner Ahoe marrige vvill occur in the near fu ture. Lots of beautiful present were received, games of all kinds played, prizes given and also had a rnock wedding. Those present were: Mrs. James Tigner. Mrs. Nick llen nings. Mrs. Otto Puis. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heil and family, Mr. ajid Mrs. Harry Tigner and family. Mrs. Wil liam Lohnes and son, Howard. Mrs. George Shroeder, Mrs. George llen nings and Darlene. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Stafer. Mrs. Otto Sprieck and Elova. Mrs. Frank Salsberg and El mer, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Trietch and Elizabeth, Mrs. Leonard Wendt and Delorus. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Ingram and family. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. llen nings and family,, Charges Hennings. Grandma llennings. Miss Grayce Tig ner. The hostesses. Mrs. James Tigner served a fine lunch with six kinds of (take, sandwitches, pickles and coffee. Mrs. Nick Heniilngs done the sewing at the Hennings home. Everyone had a fine time and departed wish ing Miss Grayce much happiness. NOTICE, FARM TEUCK OWNERS! Refunds will be mad'- to farm truck owners for l2.v All owners who ar" entitled to a refund and who d" not receive affidavit through the mail, p'.oase inquire at this office for full details. Notice to Taxpayers The real estate fax was due December 1st. 1!1'S.' and will be de linquent May 1st, lU'J'.i. According to Section com'. Compib-d Statutes of the S'ate of Nebraska, all unpaid refij estate taxes will draw 10 per cent interest after date of delin quency. JOHN E. TCRNER. mll--s'v Cass Co. Treasurer. Modfl 930 with DYNAMIC Speaker For the second time within a year, Sparton wrftea radio bistory. First, it was the introduction of the revolts tionary EQUASOSSE circuit ... the most amazingly perfect instrument for reception the world has yet sees. Now it is with the beautiful, complete, eight-tube coc ole Model 930, at a price within the reach of millions We believe this to be the greatest value in all radio. Hear it. Compare it with any radio at anywhere near its price SPARTON RADIO "The Pathfinder of the Air" SOLD ON PAYMENTS The M. M. Soennichsen Co., Inc. Plattsmouth, Nebraska MRS. SABIN QUITS PARTY IN A HUFF Mr:-.. Charles H. Snbin who recent ly resigned as Republic;! n nat:o:;.:l commit teewt man from, s'ew York, after K years servic e, pre.-umablv be cause she does it'i ;tr,' with p;:rty leaders on the Prohibition issue, was j Pauline Morion, daughter of the late '. Paul Morton, before her marria'-e loj Mr. Sabin. preside nt of Guaranty ; nity and .'eaves a largo family t- uiour her loss. The- funeral services were held this aiternon at Pekin with the interment at the cemetery at that place. In his sorrow the ma yor will have the deep sympathy oi' the manv friends in this community. CAD OF THANKS Tru.u Company, c banks in New V.; Mrs. Sabin was in IvsT. obb'st T.Torlon, !.'! , Society ;-t his de; tary of tt-e Navy as. a Santa K- off":? of four k. born r';: I' K !! .juila ! ith. i' . one in Chicago '! -f Pan! !c A :;-ui u;i; e finer Secre- tillie potent :nd. '. v a : MYNAED U. B. CHURCH h Sun day ; Sermon The W. cause of a. in. chord at l' 11 a. m. M. A. postponed the bad roads. Her hush ier s'-ai )-. i.; ;i native -! ; Williamslown. Mass.. c;i of the for:--most financiers in the United States, i Not since her yojth ha:-; Mr.s. Sabin visited in Nebraska City where her father was born. Nebraska City News-Press. DEATH OF MRS. GRAEBER We wish to take- this opportunity if thanking the many kind friend:: and neighbors- for their sympath and generou assistance given to it:, in our bereavement and especially the ladies who a.-iste.l at the home. Al:-- we wish to thank those takin part in the fu'icral service, th' friends from Plattsmouth, Omaha, DeSota and Calhoun, th" West !. Sota Sfbool. the I) Sot;:. Union Sund: y : fool, the '.. C. i. .1. and C. S. 1). U. J. bulges for the beautiful floral o.- ferngs. Thc-e kindnesses will al i ways be a very tender memory. Prank J and .Mrs. Svoboda ; nd Family, Mr. Lou iy Kostka and Family. MAIL PILOT TAKING NEW PLANE TO LINDY From Wnces,fiii v s iaMv .Mayor .John J. Sat tier who depart ed Sunday for Pekin. Illinois, called by the serious illness of his eldest sister. Mrs. John Graeher. wa denied the- privilege of seeing the sister alive as her death occurred Sunday evening while Mr. Sat tier did not arrive there until .iontiay morning. The- deceased h:;!y is an j old time resident of pekin and vici-i Fort Worth, Tex., March 12.- Richard Dobie. airmail pilot, arrived here Tuesday, piloting Col. Charles A. Lindbergh's Fa lc con plane fro'n i Wichita. Kan., and after refueling. ; took off f'T Krownsville. Fron i there th" plane is to go to Mexico City for Lindbergh's use. Read the Journal Want-Ads. in the day at permit, sericves C. C. 2: " All this wee!: will laeet basement next Vcd:ics p. m. of the roads will are welcomed out our ' G. I'.. WKAVKK, Pastor. BOZ SUPPER There will be a box supper program at the Horning school. trict No. 2. Friday March Fyvervone' welcome. K. J. GOODKK. ml2-;:d lw. Teacher Dis- Walnut Legs Wanted! I Pay the Highest Cash Prices Drop me a letler or a card telling me where your timber is, and I vill come look at it and quote you my price! DAVID STIPE P. O. Box 32S Weeping Water, Neb. Has Accident with Wagon I While he was hauling hay and ; had a hay rack on his wagon, in j some way the entire rig overturned j with Leslie Everett, with the result that he received an injury to his' back, which has laid that gentleman ! nn f vt f 1 ti i I tnto Ti it.? ovTA4fi(1 ! i-if. iui o'iiJit: ii hit... i o v a j v v l v that he will be all right in a short time, but just now he is required to lie perfectly still until the injury may have an opportunity to heal. tu. Murray Presbyterian Church Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. (Young people's meeting). Wednesday evening prayer meet ing at 7:30. You ire cordially invited to wor chip with us. J. C STEWART. Pastor. i'lVi Have Two Fine Windows In keeping with the Easter season and announcing the coming of the Spring, Misses Bertha and Florence Lancaster trimmed their store win dows and have made an advance spot of Easter and spring, in their decorations, which are very attrac tive. Take a glance at the windows with their decorations and display of goods and know that there are two artists in this line in the hustling city of Murray. HOLD FINE MEETING Suffers Severe Burns Lena Bowen who has Miss making A. McReynolds'. had the misfortune to get hold tit the wrong can when J she assayed to etart the kitchen fire ; with coal oil, which in this case hap j pened to be gasoline, with the result , that it exploded when thrown on the tire and as she. saw the flames and turned to make her escape, had the I ot ter clotting' ignited and bt- fore she coujd possibly get them ot .was very severely burned. Dr. J. L. From Wednesday" Dally Last evening the members of the W. B. A. met at the home of Mrs. i Clarence Cotner on South 6th street ' to enjoy a very interesting and pro fitable evening in the lodge work and the social time afc'orded. a very large number being out to enjoy the occasion. The members had the pleasure of having with them Mrs. Abbott, of i Omaha, district deputy, who gave a I very interesting talk on the order and also assisted in the initation t ceremonies. i ueeil The Infill tfwlire i nla n 11 in v nn :it- her home at Mr. and Mrs. A. I tenHfnrr it,, in, rliv t,. i.! in Omaha on Marcn 2stu and at which time Mrs. Aydelotte of Los Angeles, supreme director will be presnt. The local order will take a class for initation to the Omaha meet ing. After the regular business session a social time was enjoyed and very dainty reirestmeiits served by I.lrs. Cotner assisted by Miss Erina May-field. If? Have If us Visited iai Have for You This Week! Ladies Pumps See What We Boy's Shoes Black and Brown Calf Leathers $5 Values -at- Z4o and Straps A fine assortment of broken lots. Good, patterns, at $1l Misses Straps and Oxfords Wonderful values in Black and Brown, priced at 45 Tfec Home Quality Footwear!