MONDAY, JAN. 28, 1920. FLATTS" 0 TJTH - WEEKLY JOTTBJTAL page rrn IRDOCK IS A. I). Zaar has his ice harvesting completed and is not at all sorry. Kalph Hempke was looking after some business matters in Lincoln on last Saturday driving over in his car. (Hist Wendt was helping one hun dred and fifty head of hogs to the market at South Omaha last Thurs day. Frank Hempke has moved to the Waldron place west of Murdock, where -he will farm tor the coming season. Virgil Albright the proprietor of the new restaurant was a business visitor in Omaha on last Tuesday and was looking after some business. Last Monday Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schmidt were over to Omaha where they went to attend the Passion Play and also to look after some business as well. Gust Hempke was attending the sale of Ralph Keckler east of Wabash on last Wednesday and reported a very good sale and things selling at good prices. Will Meyers and wile of near Elm wood were visiting for the day on last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. L McDonald, parents of Mrs. Mevers. The Murdock 4-H dub held a very interesting meeting at the auditor ium of the Murdock high school last week. See a fuller report of the meet ing elsewhere in this paper. Daniel Reuter departed last week for Orange, California, where he went to visit for a time with his lather, Peter Reuter. who is making his home in the west at this time. Herbert Bornemeier and Wm. Strnich were over to Omaha one day last' week where they attended the Passion Play, and were greatly en thused over the very vivid presenta tion. The Farmers Co-operative levator received a car of coal last Wednesday which was unloaded by Milo Bus kirk, and got into the sheds the amount which was not hauled away by the farmers. M. R. Riley of the United States Oil company of Omaha was in Mur dock on last Wednesday and was hiking after some business matters for his company and also visiting with Mr. A. 11. Ward. Harold Hempke who last week had the misfortune to have a toe mashed while he was working for the Burl ington at Lincoln is kept from wor for a time but is expecting to be able to return to his work in a short time. Harry V. McDonald has purchased a new Model "A" Ford sedan, which is about the last word on motor transportation, and as it is a four closed car will care for all th" 'l- ei'.s of Mr. McDonald and the fam ily. .1. Johnson very kindly took his car last Wednesday and took Mrs. Crow-ford to the home of M. E. P.ush neil. Mrs. Bushnell being a daugh ter. She was accompanied by Robert, lor son. wlui however returned to M urdock. Messrs and Mesdames Harold W. Tool, and Henry A. Cuthmann were over to Omaha on last Wednesday wh-re they were visiting with friends looking alter some business and also attendiiis; the style show which was being held there at the time. Taul Schewe, Leo Rikli and Emil Lau completed their ice harvest on Fridi'y of last week and are now ready for the song of the birds and th- p. nt n.-. '- breezes of the spring time, which they are hoping will be accompanied by the song of the birds. Dr. L. D. I-e performed an opera tion of the two sons of Mr. and Mrs. M. c. " iling. Edgar and Jimmie. for relief of appenditicis who are getting along nicely at this time. They remained over night at the doctor's home and returned to their home near Greenwood on last Tuesday. The section crews of both Alvo and South Bend were in Murdock last week for a short time assisting in the unloading of eir.ders which were shipped from the terminal points for hallaf'iTig track and placing hetween the laLs to avoid the mud at such times as their is mud. Last Wednesday morning John V.. Kruger and wit" departed for Oak land and West Point where they were visiting for the remainder of last week and will visit this we;-k with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Krug'T lived for seine zx years ax Oakland md are well acquainted there. '"harl'-s Ihi both purchase 11 and Fred :-.i.;i have d pew cars, they select ing the coath style of Model "A" of the new For;: pattern and are well satisf.erj with th'ir purchases. Fred has received his car but Charles had to wait a few davs for his to arrive. They both Syracuse. purchase1 from a firm at Complete Their Course Th- lass in First Aid of the Red Cros work which has been holding for the past number of weeks, at Wabash, and in which Laeey Mc Donald. Elsie Kupke. and Mary Born nieier have been students, completed their course of six lessons last week, and will soon take the examination Ford Radiators Copper lop and bottom properly built making one of the best possible radiators. Prices of these are right. Radiators repaired any make, any style. We make them fjood! 138 RADIATOR ALCOHOL ANY CAR MADE TO WORK SEE US FOR YOUR WANTS A. H. JACOBS South Garage Murdock, Nebr. which is required to receive a certificate. Little One is Better The little two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schleifert which ha.s been so sick for some time was operated upon at the home of its grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jul ius Reinke one day last week, and is reported as being much better since. Preparing for Kot Days Frank Rosenow, Edward Gueil storfi" and Wm. Lutchens completed their ice harvest last Tuesday, and placed in their store houses some forty loads, loads. Mr. Gueilstorff Mr. Rosenow getting nine Luetchens ten and Mr. placing in his house 21. Wind Does Damage On last Tuesday while Alvin Bornemeier was moving his sheller from a job which he had just com pleted to another place where he ex pected to begin work again, the storm broke, and a sudden and strong gust of wind turned his sheller over and did much injury to the machine. With the prevailing strong wind the machine was allowed to remain un til the following day when it was righted and the necessary- repairs made so that he could again the work of which he has a at this time. get at plenty Seniors Kake Merry The members of the Senior class of the Murdock high school on last Tuesday evtning gave a party for the members of the class, and were furnished a place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Amwert. The young people surely enjoyed the evening Uo they had a good program, good eats and played many merry games. Burial Vaults You care well for your loved ones wh'lc alive. One of our concrete vaults protects their remains when buried. An absolute guarantee. MILLER & GRI'BER. tf-N Nchawka. Nebr. Will Live With Daughter Mrs. J. M. Crawford who has re sided in Murdock for many years and who has been in (juite poor heahh for some time past, and with only her self and son. Robert, to look after the household, it has been a very hard task when Robert went to work, and so arrangements were prefested whereby Mrs. Crawford went to he r daughter. Mrs. M. E. Bushnell ovr north near the river on the farm, where she will stay for the winter and where she can receive better care. Robert has done all possible under the conditions in the care ( f the mother, and used every kindness, but when he had to be away it w.:s diffi cult to give her the care needed. Have Fine Time The boy of Mrs. Otto Miller'? Sunday school class entertained the girl-- of Mrs. Ray Gorthey's cImss Monday evening at the beautiful country home of Carl S.-hlople After the business meeting a iff s f.iu social time was had and a de-lie lunch was served by the hostes llr Four Square Clut The Four Square dug met Jrn. 21 at the school house, uite a lew members were absent. The lesson on Signs of Health in Childhood, was quite long but very ir.teresting and should be well stud ied by mothers who have small chil dren. Measuring and good points of body conditions were demonstrated. Little Verna Louise Schrumm of six years being the one to take the ex amination, was found to be almost normal for her age. Mrs. Daisy Roger, a project er gave the club a surprise hy ing a large" box of beautiful lead-p::ss-andy. made from club receipts. A short course of Whys and Where fores of Child Training will be given by Miss Agnes Saunders who is the nursery maid director in the Home Ecnomics department of the Nebras ka University. At Murdock school house Febr. 21 from !:," to ll::.i a. m. All mothers in the west half of Cass county who are interested in children are urged to attend this meeting. High school girls are cor dially invited to come also. Our next regular meeting will be at the school house Febr. IS. Piea.-e bring your scissors and paper. Come early and enjoy the singing. Annual Stockholders Meeting The 14th annual stockholders meeting of the Farmers Union asso ciation of Murdock. Nebr., will he leld on Feb. ."th. 192'.. at 1:30 p. m. ! at Union hall at Murdoch, for the election of three directors and any ' business which may cnm before the 'meeting, for which every member is requested to be present. FRED STOCK. President. AUGUST RT'GE. J21&2S-SW Secretary. W. M. S. Week The W. M. S. of the Murdock Evangelical church met D'-c. 27. 1928 to conduct their annual meet ing, also election of officers for the ensuing year. The following officers were e -.-ted: President, Mrs. Otto Miller. Vice President, II. R. Knosp; Secretary, Frank Rosenow; Treasurer, F. Luet chens; Superintendent of Mission hand, Mrs. H. S. Schweppe. We are well satisfied with the fact that the society has raised during the past year $73ti.b0. These ladies deserve much praise for the wonder ful work they are doing at home and abroad in the upbuilding of God's kingdom in the missionary fields, and in bringing the gospel to an un saved world. May the Lord bless their work and crown their efforts with success. AI J. vo lie 3 J. W. Bird of Mankato. Kansas, ar rived in Alvo last week, and has been visiting with his many friends in this neighborhood. Attorney C. D. Ganz was called to Plattsmouth on last Tuesday .win re he had some business matters to look after at the county seat. Charles Dillman and wife of Man kota Kansas, were visiting in Alvo with their many friends here, and were accompanied by their daughter. Mary. Art Skinner has a new model Uni versal car, which he recently ac quired and which he is finding is an excellent automobile and which is giving him good service. John B. Skinner was over to Omaha on Thursday with a load of stock for J. H. Nickel, which brought good prices and by the v. ay were some very good stock at that. Mayor Arthur Dinges and wife en tertained a number of their Iriends on Tuesday evening" at their home at a six o'clock dinner at which, time a very p!e,,sant time was had. Karl Rosenow and Jess Brant were over lo Omaha last Tuesday evening where they wet e looking af ter some business matters for a short time, they driving over in the pro fessor's car. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Coalman. Mrs. Minnie Peterson and Mrs. Edwanl Edwards were in attendance at the celebrated show "King of Kings" which was presented at Lincoln on Thursday evening of lat week. John W. Banning was unloading another car of coal during past week, the prevailing cold w.-aihei had made and kepi a stione demand for fuel, and with its continuance we may look for a real winter. Good priced prevail d t he J. II. Lowe, which was he 1 d on hi: ' Thursday, no: v:i t ns! a : ! n weather which prevailed, will discontinue farming make his home in l'av ! they will move in a very s The friends of Mr. and g ih. c d;i Mr. Low, and v ill eh. v. 'n re :iort time. Mis. Paul Coalman who w re recently united in at in marring' wa tendered i the home of J Saturday night, number of theii etit and made it for them. Mrs. John 1. to Lincoln on h . her mot h 1 had i n Fi-che r on last at which a large Iriends were pres- vei v m( I'l'v evening F l man w as r:,i;isd;.y n in r CUliCil nine, health i r. at to u;i r nun during and while she has tried very nnnt it was found necessary dergo an operation. Mrs. F: went to he with the mother the ordeal. The official board of the Meth- odist church h'id their annua! m-et-ing at the basement of the church on last Thursday evening, when they wiith their good wives looked after the business of the church and did not forget to also have some good eats as well. Paul Coatman was over to Omaha with the wife last week and mad; purchase of furniture for the house keeping, and the same was brought to Alvo and the home south of town on last Thursday evening. Paul and wife will get their furniture arranged antl be keeping house as cozy as you please shortly. Lee Coatman. who has been doing the work at the Alvo garage during the illness of Arthur Dinges who is slowly recovering from the operation of some time since, was a visitor at the home of a very clear friend at Utica on last Saturday and Sunday, but reported for work bright and early on Monday morning at the gar age. On last Wednesday afternoon Jiie ladies (lass of the Methodist Bible school gave a farewell reception to one of their members. Mrs. Charles Foreman, who is soon to move to Lincoln to make her home. Mrs. Foreman has been very active in the work of the class and will be missed in the church cinl-s as well as in other activities of the city. The ladies were gathered at the home of Mrs. Ole Peterson, who proved to be an excellent entertain r and everybody feel at bom-' and h ma ue PP". Telephone System Out. A truck from Douglass, pansinp; thrnusrh Alvo a few days since had a very hiph load of poods on the truck, caught on the cable of the Alvo telephone company and tore it loose, with the result that the entire system was- put out of commission. The town experienced the sensation of the olden times as ihey were with out, telephone service and connection. The accident happened on Tuesday i and there was no connections for the ! Yi city until the following day. when ; a force of workmen arrived from Do rot v.ait till the rush of Spring Lincoln and made the nece ssary re-"nrTlr in w rennv for active Farm- nilirK 'inn nilf trr tnn in rM- .-. iion with ,i w-n; i ' " '. The C meron Pro labored un- jress d"t- difficulties in its last issue, all tir-ie- arid then you will not run the because someone misplaced all the chances of disappoirtaient when ev "sv of the linotype. Other s's were .erj'one wants work done right away. i su-jsiuuieu. anu tne newspaper ex plained the letters were slightly cut of hue. but they v ere better thdii no s's at all. GREENWOOD Watson Howard shipped a car load of ice from the lakes at Memphis where the Burlington lias been cut ting and stored it at Lis house in Greenwood. John C. Lomeyers was a business visitor in Omaha for one day during the fore part of last week, and also remained for the Passion Play, which was on all last week. Leo Peters and Carl St under were shelling and delivering corn to the Peters elevator, on h; Wednesday, notwithstanding the mercury was liirting with the small numbers neat zero during the entire day. Mrs. A. I'. Land on was a visitor in Ashland on last Wednesday for the morning on the return was accom panied bv her sister. Mrs. Villa Mar shall, of Ashland, w friends in CreciiW'' mainder of the day. Fred Hoffman is with the stuck which visited with for the re- kept h ust ling to haul n liar to Omaha and the merchatidis' he return. Willi ev rv load w hi -h of c;:i- t !e which he has for the market he has some return of goods for the G reen word mercha n t s. We had an invitation to remain in Greenwood for a g-.inv of cribbage which was to be io,:t s;ed at the I. o. o. F. haM but the v. eathr was very Place hilly and we thougnt the iiest would he at our o,vn fire:-id at home, and so did were not informed as of the game. C. O. Swrnson ha-; storage nh.nt. and h w 11 over the fact. He tna-1 deir.g ihe haulim to bring in some v load 'Ahi-.-h nr.kis thir Tv,riation as the ice is the huro at the lake not yet his fe has W ! stay. We the result i-e in the ling quite Fred Hoff- ho was al.l-' s with', av of trans- dell ven ,1 I rom r of to the ( n;-1 !(!.. l.a bt ei: 'acihe ;ir t ' e jre llOUSe et t !H Paul Ren v:i''Z w ho ing for the Union !' agent at O'.dshcrg. K; hone la si we. i and fev day; here. The a he n in had heahh ; wori : reii. t u rn yiug fe hli to S n -a. n ; enj- ii t ; ! We at L ".-.: no" as i tor: d1 v s to con. 'tilt a - cia'.ist.. a cnnra-reiue itirmatv, i I will aw; hej ng gi v n ;! n y o a etir for h: ed. to his work loonier i s. - 1 1 a n ( '.Vanted To Buy P" ; ;n i n the mark f.d Arimab. t f, r hides will buv fall s. Phone 1 li'ir a n ! i V and ' Is for at t !. . their and hid. J. Kelley. Greenwood. Neb. Be!irrr. in Brin:; i'iiil Hall. form, niter S";.f Army of the Reserve tol n g i n a con ; j ; j ,;i t '.eat y (d'eer r ; t ii a ' es. I"!i. fight sho i n tv. : V.: U h !!,) ii". ' :::tion be n-'-u'red pear-1 ard beliey ady to fght when to c so. s that in the cxige ;.,!! i ; es it. and in !i r,- .'rktei: S- nator IT. P. ot ! i s int.. re1 ;.'d as in "s. eMii; it:ing t he f thi- t -v. . J :o;-al n ci'.-i making an appropriat i-n ra:-:!ng" t he r- rv.- for 'r h- li.-vt ing t lir til- pe.::-e 'le'i-e si:r 'haii i f 1 n A f ;i nr esr- and o " 111' ion!! the h.-s writ OI g-e.-Si; lb no"g; n i;: n c c . m en an :: n !h. t I i.l S.-n. h::t Ui.-v st OI- theSe g- thur St v: Brackhage, :pt!.-rt an ounrls. rt . H.-nrv J .ke He;. C.'?.I:;ston. A-irh. r.d v . the 1 ;.v had g ; Hmor f. R-.Ij Cirlh who ha" V i c J A a r n J;. k Pal G u-: he, n " i:i' man. working- at assist ing i turline-'on week as I ill tlnit lie a rve-.-." me- i ot t. n for i r':i th- l:ir wo bout com.' Grcenv.oocl Transler Line We de a gen. r;il business make trins regularly to Omaha on Monday and Thursday, also to Lincoln Tues day and Friday. Pitk up loads on ihe-se trips. Full loads at any time. FRED HOFFMAN. Attend Plattsmouth Meeting O" best Thurseiay evening "it the American Legion Hall in Platts mouih was held tiie-ir indoor meet ing, nnd sure, tin- Ame-rican L.-rri-m was there with the s ; seveii mf-r.iier e ji. irt Green !l -;-"!!' "St t.ii ir- t! vinii Th" iioor the : lads 1 th Post who were wt-athe-r nt m ti: . no icys a n d the- roads ve-ry ;r nix: are :r hr;i vi f the. t:r. 1 of the v.ert wi md haii g ion ng to h-r K;l. ips f trip di i to be with th - other lad- v. their stunt in tl '- trying days, of 'h' Yv'orl 1 var. The- Legion post we-.: for a crood time and sure' had it. ;'; the'y found a res.ponsiv" set of service-nie-n at the- hall and r'-ady. y.-a e airer, to do their iiortion fo-- a niht which will he lone reni'-mbt-red. The- Cre'-n-v.(,od post took with them the "Queen of Sheba" which They do say was re cently resurrected from the pyriamils of Esypt. All the seven boys were well pleased with tiw everir.jra fun. and are anxious to go again. Attention c ins operations Be ready when the i time comes. Plow work should be 'iockea after nov wlien we Iiae the Se Peterson Greenwood Entertain General Kensington Mrs. A. W. Hudson, who is one of the vriv best entertainers had :is her days work the entertaining of the Greenwood General Kensington on lnt Wpflnt'sdav n'tprn.mii nnil had with her a large number of the lad ies of Greenwood who were willing to work and likes fun, and they had both which was enjoved to the limit. Much Grain Moving The two Greenwood elevators have been very busy receiving and ship ping grain, as we!l as selling and delivering coal, as the weather has been such that much fuel is required, and the farms with the good prices of corn are willing to sell the cereal and also are taking advantage of the weather when it is not such as on are wants to do anything else and delivering their corn very freely. Enjoy Southern California A letter from (). F. Peters and wife who have been staying for the great er portion of the time since their de parture from here, at Riverside Cal- i forma i short time since went to San Dieg sp. tiding there. Wel visited at , where they have been a month. They, while over into Old Mexico and a small town. Tia Juana i pron ' ur.ced saw tome of Teewanat and there Mexican life. i HEW Ralph Wiltse. who resides in Man ley and works in Louisville has been laid up for a few days with a severe attack of the grippe. Rudolph Bergmann and the wife were visiting in Omaha for the day on last Tuesday, they diiving over to the big city in their car and were looking after some matters of busi ness for a short time. Roy Rennet who has bet working on the section for the Missouri Paci fic out of Mauley for some time past was laved off on account of scarcity of work, and on last Tuesday depart ed for his home at Falls City. Miss Rachel Flaischmann was en joying a visit from her friend. .M'.ss Norma Clarke of Omaha, who re mained for a numb.r of days dur ing the time the young ladies en joying the visit very pleasantly. The Farm.-rs Co-Operative Grain company of Manhy had a meeting one day last week, where they. went ov r their reports and were greatly ph a.-e.:; with the fine business tbev had d.-ne during the past v.hicii year. I In- en y corn over go. .ii deal k.-pt Mr. th. ship, i roads and the roads f horse s! Am t-wald o hiving lire d' , has loeing. verv 1 : v ry o! cus.-d a and has busy at t wo men v i- ing a portion of the time-. On-- il Antone shod nineteen horses, whi h wf-s going some. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Staples, th'. neojde who have instituted the in w ere; ni station We-re sd;iy. some- dvt r to Lincoln OTl lord a tii! s .ni r mi We din after ere th -in ess e-y w. malt re rs in i n bu also bringing home' with th merchandise for the towns from Lincoln he re. Enter' ?.ined Their Frinds. i 1; -t Sunday at th- t.e:;i'iiul try h' tr.e- of Mr. and Mrs. Frank O; R. i -t frier: most sp.-nt and Were gathered some1 - ine'i: where all enjoyed tii.- day, ple-ndidly. The afternoon wasi t in stcii.l ctinversation. music games. The re vvi c th"r occasion Ttddv Harms and for lam- th ilv md Harry Hawes and family. Thieves Steal Gas wee-k some miscreant. L;ist wit!) truck and "barrels broke into the gas tank of Aug. Krecklow a! the garage- antl pumped some- two hun dred and fortv gallons of gas from the tank, in fact pumped it dry, and i math1 away with it. It se-ems nothing is safe-, for they steal tverythingj that is loose and break the otner loose and carry all away. Director? of Bank T-Icet. The annua! meeting of the- Man I.y State- bank was held Monday. Jan. 14th and all officers and direc tors were re-elected for the enduing year. The- officers ate; F. H. Si audio-, pres'dent: Aug. C. Pantscb. vice president; Wm. J. Ran. cashier. Ce c liii R;iu. The- dire pleased 'v assistant -;-shier. ctors of the hank a.t" veil ilh the showing of the- ml: for the year jus: past lo'k uward for a be-t'er year for 1 f 2 f . I- fine to the good crop vie-'d for ,h iv.-ar just passef and increased prices !! farm produe's which is vtry lie; dnv to the farme NOTICE OF APPLICATION For Li " to f)p"ratf a Poo Hall. ' ; here!)" gi-ven tha.t the un will on the Ot li day of l?(2a. at 11 o'clock a. m., No, ice ('ersig:i"f February a: the Court House in IMattsmouth Nebraska, make application to the Loard of County Commissioners of Cass county, for license to operate a pool hall in the building situated on Lot T. in Ulock in the Village of ilar.Icy, Cass county. Nebraska. Dated this. 10th dav of Januarv, A. D. lft2fL RUDOLF R ERG MANN, j 2 1 - 3 1 sw Applicant. htjn: BOEING PLANE DOWN IN UTAH Salt Lake Citv. Jan. 2.r.. Headed i cause, if any there be, why the pray by Lieut. Russ"ll Mauffhan. (lawn-!r of the petitioner should not be to-dusk flier, six airplanes took off ! granted, and that notice of the pen here Friday to search for a passenger ' dency of said petition and the hear- plane of the Boeing Air Transport 1 . T . . I rr I. . .1.... 1 . . . H , to haVf. bPt forced down in the snow between here and Elko, mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news New The missing plane was piloted , paper printed in said county, for one by Frank Barber of Oakland, Cal. I week prior to said d?.y of hearing. Officials here expressed grave' In witness whereof, I have here doubt that the pilot and his two pas- unto set my hand and the seal of sengers would be able to survive said Court this tl 4 th day of January, inn!'- hours if forced down in the IJ4!". dee-n biiow any considerable distance A. II. DUXBURY, frciu a habitation. jCSta!) jL'i-lw County Judge. DEMAND WORK AND BREAD I P.ndanost. Ilnnnrv. .Tan. 24. 24.- ' While Prime Minister Bethlen and ''. Nebraska. high dignitaries of the church and! In Matter oi the state w-er nn rt irinn t in todnv in thelSut.l G. Smith. Deceased. . dedication of the new parliamentary; .museum, 2i0 unemployed men gatb- j ered in front of the house of lords and shouted. "To hell with your museum; j I we want wrok and bread; we are J j starving." j ; Police orders to retire peacefully, j were disregarded ard twelve of I demonstrators were arrested. Hardly j Eot i had the group been dispersed when j in the another and better organized band repeated the scene, using the same cries. Twenty-five were arrested. Read the Journal Want -Ads. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tho Stati of Nebraska. Cass coun- ty. ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Ro sina Rusterholtz. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth. in said county, on the 1st dav of March. Ii2!, and on tl Tth dav of June. Inl'lt. at 3 o'clock a. m.. of each day. to receive and examine all claims against said cs - tate. with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time' limited for; the- pn-se iitat ion of claims against said estate is three months from the 1st dav of March. A. D. Iv2f. and! the time limited for payment of debts is tiiie year from said 1st day of March, lal'th Witness u:y hand and the seal of said County Court th 2 6th dav of January. 1!'2H ( Seal ) j2-4w A H. DUXBURY. County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE In the Distrn Coun i v. t Court of Nebraska Car Daniel (.. Godding. Plaintiff vs. NOTICE Be' M; sic ie- M. Oravett and 1st ergaa id . De.fe ndtitits t!l- Y- lele ntiiint Marie () ga on 1 !l a re here h v not i tie d t 'la t the 12t"n I hii r: tin day of Dccen btr. It'jy. tiled his ruit in the- Dis in Cass county. Nebrar t at'd purpose' of which trie". C.rurt . !:a. the t-bjec is to tore; 1" iir. d the- ih'ii Bio-k 2. iti t he City of Pi rv. Nebraska a t; Done x sale e.-ruhcale t. t.n Le t 11. in an's Athiitittn to ttsncu and ! h. in ( ass coun - t quitabh- re-- I i- IS rd- r You .-aid p. the II riii nu'-. ua ,.t iti Cut- . he 1 1-v re (Hiire-c to answer e- Monday. i:;2!'. and Kit will be n upon the lit :-'i t'l d: so t 1 irnd arch . ,- del; It ti'lM failing n i i i-i d nhiin'i! ju -1 ' ' on . P DANIEL (i. GOhDING. Plaintiff. L. TiDD. His Attornev. j 2 s J w MiTiCE OF G I'A UDTAN'S SAL.' !n be District ( our; 'd ( ass coun f Ca t . Nebraska. In the MrtMcr oi 'he Guardianship Leslie Snyn.r. a Minor. Notice is hereby given in pur-: j -ii i l,y ncc ot an tinier and license issued the Hon. James T. P.egley. Judge ( the District Court of Cass county.; ot Nt br :i;a on ie 1 A ; i h day of Janu e. Barbara C. Snyder, e?tate oi Le slie Stiy- ary. 1'. 2! , to m of t lie nor. I Ciuardii' n 'ier. a m v.ill on the 1st day of Man!). It ti..- front .1' Plattsmouth at il e o'clock a. m., at ; the court house in Cass county. Nebras- i n Ik ffe r for sale ai public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing des' rib. d real estate, to-wit : The- undivided sixteen onc- hundred-ttvt ntie'.hs of the NW1 of the SE't and the NE h of the SW'4 of Section 21, Town ship 12. Range Ph East of the tith P. M.. i'l Cass couiity. Ne braska. ?aid of: or of sale for a period of one Dateti thh- 2i;th will remain open 'lour. 'iav f.f January, BARB (', "ia rt 1 ia L' TIDD, At'orn'-y. RA C. SNYDER. .1 th ry.-i.-r, Estate ; Minor. 'if li'-r j2 LEOAL NOTICE In ihn County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. Iti th'' matttr 'if th- "siate tif Charles Land is. de-'ease-d. State of Nebraska. Couiry of Cass, ss. To all persons ir. te-re-sted in the efs- tate of Charles Landis, defeased : on r'-adincr t!ie. nerition of Frank A. Cloidf. praying a se'tb-ment and allowance, of !r;s actount as Adminis trator fib'd in this Court on the 2Mrd day of January. lf2!t. antl further praying for a d'er-e ordering artbil distribution of the personal property tif said estate; It is. hereby or'!''t"'l that you and all p' rsons interested in said matter may, arri do, appear at the Cour.ty Court to be- heid in f'r said county, on the &th day of Fenruary, 102.', at ten o'clock a. m., to show nig thereof tie given to all persons thereof be nn ' i rnut u1 i ii t- i . I m 'i it t w i ,u L I i c ti ing a copy of this order in the piatts- ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Ll the District Lourt M Cass coun-E.-tatt it" 1 !'-'- u w on tins 'Mh (iav ot anuary. tills cans.- came on for hearing the ptiition of Frank R. Goliel- ;"i n 1'ian. as Administrator, with will an nexed of the e. iate of Sata G. Smith, deceased, praying for a license to sell the following describee! ral estate. 1", 11. 12 in Bio. k 2i Citv of Plattsi.ioiit'u. Cass county, Nebraska for the ji'irpose of paying the taxes, repairs and administration xpettse of said etate. It is therefore ordere d that all p. r sons interested in said estate before tne in the Distriit Court roo... in the court house at Plattsn;,,';i ... Cass county. Nebraska, on tie- Dltli day of March. 1 ft 2 ! . at the four d 1" o'clock a. m. to show cau-e if any t lie re be- w hy a license should not b granted to said Administrator with will annexe-d of said .-state iti the above described real state for the purpose of paying taxes, repairs and expenses of administration ot said i estate- I It i further order.'d that a "p ; Ord'-r to Show- Caue b. putf in the Plattsm.nith Jot: rial, u jot" tin jlishcd ti-wspapcr of gent al rctilation n for a' ks prior t Cass county. N.i.raska. jof ! i In four date- onsccutive v. f said bearing. Court. JAMES T. P.EGLEV. Judge- of the' District Court. Ry the j2e-4V LEGAL NOTICE In the- District Court oi Cass County, Ne-bfii.-ka I Mark T. E lmison, Plaintifl t al. Ile-felidantr v. I a s i 1 Sin i t h N't T1( To l he Dtd'enthitits: David Smit i .i rs. I la id Smith, t ll ea C.-e; Ml , n ow n . i i -n : k in . ; . u n k v o " n . S. lee-at' e. . id all e.t ! ; estate-S ..' i known . Ii is v. i t'e : Isaa i ;-.;ic Co". ri-;il r;i:i"' un wife: C. Jones. re;il 'r:. C. Jones. r al ! 1: i - w i fe : t lie heirs. '! vise 'personal repnsentiit :ve a ; pe rson- i::t. ie:-;ed in th ! vni St.iitn. A. is. 1):.. - . ": .-. I.;:a - foe . C id Smith. Na. Jone-s. Mrs. C. '('.I deceased. T . ill 1 Cla us Spe-c k : lli' .r: ;::.;.-s w e Draj ,-onr. ha", st in I. I ki )v n ' i-' . . his wite. and all : r hiiming any inn-r tin- NEhj ( i th'- .-" Townsliip e. ; i ii g 1 1. in i t i ii ! Ka- i !( ;!:,.- e 1 :. ! i euntv '.:-: f.f the it;!. M . Ini n. Ne ; u n ! 1 1 , w i and . that 1 '. 2 the N !.r: wh it -n of vnii i re In re tc. il V Of I e tiled hi- ; no' ilied e n.i-i r. ! , s'ii; in ' c m-i y. i u "-'.. hi! Il the 24til d the piaintif; Dt iit '. s k a . Ii is e on e ill! K t the to s;i i d f. ''.I: lor, 1 ah r e- rt ft ..-: t ;i mi p r i i t i .'. it t o .. d-s ri ' ! ( i t i f; I a : l . ill est a! ,e.i 1 lie i . tahl. Tins i Onb You ; Iiot let given p-.:r.-u.:nt r i Co'.t rt i re h' t'e by ' ( riit-i t ; tl 'A -id. to ju-i s-iid Man our men t : ion. pet ,; n on i ir ale he , iief l i I iaiiin. . i.t. red M ; s and !i ll. l :2: dt-t. tilt wi taken up n the- pliiii: t i f MARK T. ED ' l.-'O.V, i'iiiintitf. A. L. His TIDD. A;orney. j2-- 1 w NOTICE : on Petition Oi D- S'-ent f f Hearitr D. In the ty. Nebr In tin County is-ka. l iii !. r C'Mllt f C; if ill ii tl listat late No He It; nrv St oil. !).-. as.-fh Er It- Notice is ht rt by give-n t 'stns interesttti m sari f ; I Louisa M. Cex has f.lcii ir, her petition showing the jll' r.ry Stol! inttstatt April la r-'tid'-nt d Cass co i ity. :.".;id fiwtiintr : t the time- '!' !th- r. orthve'st uurt'r : iaii'i the. sout !i wt :t tjuaf't Iter that ll is con t death of Jl. IS!'". Nebraska. I: is d a: h Se- t io'i L' r of th m ! i. ;. I northea: in Tow t Quarter oi Se-ctc ship La i . and 12 in Ca-: that !o a. -, I al f tif sa i i ti' :. 2 1'. y. N'hiv.-ka t ti;- i- ;h S."Uti r I if Se III)-: rt e; that h" !' it r urvivi e ne rct 'if kin a:-ri h idow EIi;:abe-ii ! . .1. St oil an i John :ad .AL.irie S. Sioll ng In:. i : irs at lav St-.l! ar. i w. st oi:. a nd sa i ) I rs : tl: sai ! Se- - L'".'i::a M. C'i.. his 'lau.' said northvt'M iiuar'r ti"n - was !;is homest'-ad i whi- ii bo rij'ie th" li'im'-s' Stil. his survivin ld of Eliza he'li .1. widow: that sub- Ije.ct t' (.'.ov.-e-r ; t-.tate : .-aid'," tight f.f said desceiole-fi if) I esfite "it'.ov.-. and tii--aid re: his said childre i rch ati u nd i vide J -l en.i:aJ s.iiHT' l o errc.'i a ti unuivi'l 'ii-e-i'iurt.h .share ther'-in : that no a1' ministration on the- estate o! said (! te-ase-d has been .-'ppli'-d for in th State of Nebraska. I Said pe-tition ".rays for the il'-cr' of tb's court : fa ' is t o lie- t ru r.tent or said f! 'iie raid widow 'ording to said termining the ab and d'-cre-r-ing de si rioe'l rt-ril t state t ) and h"irs at law a - -r-.h.;ires. antl making i!ssi',-nr.!T! of the- A hearing will same, he- ha I tin sa i ! pe-ition in tlii- court on March Is'. l'.2'. at 1 o't ie k a. m.. at whicii ti'rie all persons intere-sted herei." may appei-T untl show cause, if ar; there be. why t!;e- nrayer of said peti tion sh'tuld not be granted. W itness my band and the se-al r f said court at Plattsmouth. is Ca -county. Nebraska, this Uath day t i Januarv, l2t. A. 11. iirxiuiiv. ( Seal I Count v Judge . PITZER L- TYLER and LLOYD E. PETERSON. Attornfo- w Head the Journal Want-Ads.