THURSDAY. JAN. 24. 1929. PLATTSMOTJTH SEStt WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE THBE1 Cbe plattsmouth Journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, KEBRASKA btrt4 at PoBtoClc. Plattamouth. Nb a ooaa-claM mali maitr R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCIUPTIOH PBJCE 52.00 Plenty of snow for the kids. :o:- The sidewalks are petting danger ous. -: o : - Universal discouragement through out 'lie world. :o: Don't cross any bridge partners until they trump your aces. :o: More paving will be done this sea ton, which shows that we are up aim doing. -:o: The Long Island musician who had two wives wasn't so much on harmony. -:o:- A man is never so sure that he is perfectly sober as when he is toler ahlv diunk. -:o:- Work i f The Missouri River Bridge is progressing as fast as the weather will permit. A religion that cannot advance on the purity of its own virtues is not worth preserving. :o: January, so far has certainly has been a winter month, and a good wheat crop is assured. Plattsmouth has more comfortable apartment houses than any city of the same size in the West. When Old Winter bids farewell, and gentle Spring comes budding in lookout for the boom that is com ing. :o: When a young man asks a girl to share his lot she usually wants to know that he has money enough to build a house on it. -:o: Two years of college work after high school graduation will be re quired for admission to law schools in New York state after October,1 1929. Our business men seem to be pretty well satisfied with business just after holidays, and are pushing to the front for the opening of spring business. :o: The bridge building across the Mis souri River has brought quite a num ber of new people to Plattsmouth and comfortable homes have been found for them. :o: The writer has lived here for al most thirty years, and has never had any cause to go elsewhere. We still like the old town. That is wonder ful, don't you think? :o:- Thirteen prisoners made an un successful effort to escape from the Harrison county jail. They ought to have known better than to attempt a jail delivery with an unlucky num ber. :o:- A gold medal will be awarded by the Government of Cuba to each pri mary teacher whose record shows 25 successive years of acceptable ser vice in public schools of the coun try. :o: . Science hails the discovery of the world's biggest tooth, estimated to be 50.000 years old. We also hail the discovery, but not in order to insinuate that the fang may be a contemporary of magazines often found in dental waiting rooms. :o: According to n new school of thought, little Willie is merely ex pressing his iersonality when he smears jam on the wall. It is then time for the parent to express a lit tle personality, too. perhaps by tap ping the hair brush on the rear of William's troiuers. 3- PEE YEAE IN ADVANCE j Present indications are snow, snow, i snow. ::- I Vanity is sometimes cured by hav ing a photograph taken. :o: The city authorities should pay more attention to slippery sidewalks. -:o: Busy men have too much on their : hands to be handling people with t gloves. :o: I Quite a few farmers are success- j ful. But so many of them stay on ithe farm! -:o:- J There are always plenty of loafers in a town of the size of Plattsmouth. work or no work. :o:- I Now that airplanes are being sold 'on the installment basis, collectors ! I will have to learn to fly. -:o:- j Colloquial and slang terms con stitute one of the largest groups of ' new words coming into use today. , :o: j Better poultry demonstrations. with especial repaid to culling and muting, were given in last week. They might try something for human beings. The bank guaranty law may need some changes, but the law is a good one and the people generally are pretty well satisfied with it, with a few changes. :o: FANATICISM AS A DISEASE Dr. Alfred Adler, the eminent Viennese psychiatrist, known as the discoverer of the "inferiority com plex." is about to pay the United States another visit. He say that while in this country he will study certain types of "prohibition fan atics." It is not necessary, however, for Dr. Adler to single out a particular kind of fanatic for intensive study. The prohibition fanatic is not differ ent mentally or the religious fan atic, or the revolutionary and com munist fanatic. Ibsen, in his poetic drama "Brand." has portrayed in masterly fashion the austere religious fanatic, the irrecon cilable extremist. The fanatic is sin cere wife, child, mother, father, friend, society as a whole but he is woefully lacking in balance, in a sense of proportion, in sweet rea sonableness, in a sense of reality and probability. There are fanatics today in every country, and they all suffer from the same malady. The remedy for fan aticism, socially rpeaking, i3 to be found in popular education, in dis cussion of problems from all points of view, and in action based on sound public opinion. Where the fan atics are few, they are harmless. It is only when they are in power that they become a menace. NEVER BURNED WITCHES The trial of the York. Pa., man who killed another because he be lieved he was bewitched has led in numerable writings and speakers to refer to the "witch burnings" at Salem, Mass., in pre-r volutionary days. Right now, it might be a good idea to correct this notion. No witches were ever burned In Salem, or in any other American colony. Salem tried a number of women s witches, convicted quite a few, an l hanged them. The ignorance am! barbarity that led to such steps are. ! shocking of course; but the cruelty 'implied by burning at the stake, at least, was absent. The next time you hear a man speak of Salem burning , witches, you might correct him. WYATT EARP PASSES "Wyatt Earp, he-man marshal of Tombstone, Arizona, in the tempest uous eighties, is dead. Unlike his contemporaries, most of whom died from bullets Earp passed quietly away in bed, an octogenarian afflict ed with the ills of age. Lost to fame for a decade, after he fled from Tombstone in 'S3 with a murder in dictment hanging over him, Earp again became a public figure when he refereed the Pitzsimmons-Sharkey fight in 189C. i He disqualified the rangy Fitz- J simmons and awarded the fight to Sharkey on a foul as he stood, with a six-shooter strapped to Lis hip, facing an angry multitude of fight fans who believed the decision was crooked. Earp had encountered mobs ; before and he bluffed his way through. He was a bluffer and a killer, fast er on the draw than most men in the Southwest. That's why lie lived. i His two brothers and virtually all his friends were killed by rival gun men. Gunmen ruled the roost in Arizona in Earp's prime, just a9 gun men did later in Herrin, 111. State heroes were the fellows who had no scruples against killing ordinary citizens or anybody elHe, and whose stamping grounds were the honky- tonk and the casino. It was a de,s- perado's paradise. The Chamber of Commerce has displaced the old pistol I fraternities in Arizona. The creak lof the sulky plow is heard more of ten than the bark of a revolver. It is a sweeter, and more civilized mu sic. -:o: I Plenty of bills being introduced in .the legislature. Should there not be I more enforcement of what we have? It looks that way to a man up a tree. -:o:- A slightly inconsistent program looms up in Arkansas: Evolution is I j barred by statute, and now the 6tate is about to adopt an income. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty. S3. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Fritz Kehne. deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Ida Kehne praying that adminis tration of said estate may be grant ed to Joe Bierl. ae Administrator; Ordered, that February 23rd, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock a. m. Is as signed for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county. and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of paid petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a stmi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Dated January 14. 1929. A. H. DUX BURY, (Seal) j21-3w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE 1 State of Nebraska, County of Cass ss. i By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me direct ed, I will on the 20th day of Febru ary, JV. D. 19 29. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south front door of the Court House in the City of Plattsmouth, in said County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate to-wit: j The West half of the South j east Quarter of Section, 32, TownBhip 11, Range 14, East j of the 6th P. 3d., Cass County. Nebraska. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Alma Yard ly. et al., defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Oliver C. Dovey, plaintiff, against said defendants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, January 15th. A. D. 1929. BERT REED, Sheriff Casa County, Nebraska ORDER OF HEARING on Petition of Appointment of Administrator The State of Nebraska, Cass Coan ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Helen B. Perry, deceased. On reading and filing of the peti tion of Jesse P. Perry, praying that administration of said estate may be granted to himself as administrator. Ordered, that February 1st, A. D. 1929. at 10 o'clock a. m is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that no tice of the pendency of said petition and hearing therof be given to all persons Interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The Plattsmouth Journal, a semi weekly newspaper printed in said County, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Dated January 5th, 1929. A. H. DUXBURY. ' fSeal) County Jndg. CHAS. E. MARTIN, , Attorney. J7-3w JOHNSON. MORRHEAD & RINE Attorneys T22 Keeline Bldg. Omaha, Nebraska Notice of Articles of Incorporation of ASH GE0VE LIME & PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY, of NEBRASKA Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have associated themselves together for the purpose of forming and becoming a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and for that purpose have adopted the follow ing Articles of Incorporation: Article I. Name. The name of this corporation shall be "ASH GROVE LIME & PORTLAND CE MENT COMPANY. OF NEBRASKA." Article II. Principal Place of Busi ness. The principal place of business and location of the plant of this cor poration shall be in the County of Cass, in the State of Nebraska, north east of the Village of Louisville, in said county and state, but it may es tablish and maintain offices, places of business and plants elsewhere. Article III General Nature of Business. The general nature of the business to be transacted by this corporation shall be as follows, to-wit: (a) To manu facture, produce, purchase or other wise acquire, sell or otherwise dis pose of. own, hold, handle, trade andor deal in and with, in any man ner whatsoever, lime and Portland and all other kinds of hydraulic and non-hydraulic cements, and all like or kindred products or substances, and all products or articles in the manufacture or composition of which any cement or kindred substance is a factor, and all materials, supplies, commodities, good, wart, merchan dise, article and things which can be used as a part thereof or in con nection therewith or as a substitute therefor, and all other products, by products, commodities or article as are incidental, necessary or useful thereto or which may be convenient ly handled in connection with 6aid business; (b) To engage in or carry on any other lawful business what soever, in connection with the fore going, whether manufacturing, min ing, trading, selling, contracting, con struction, mercantile or otherwise, which ie calculated directly or in directly to promote the interest of the corporation or to enhance the value of its properties or business; (c) To purchase, lease, acquire in any manner, hold, own, inveet in, sell, mortgage, pledge, convey, rent, ex change and or dispose of in any man ner, real and personal property, either or both, and any rights, in terests or estates therein in connec tion with the transaction of the busi ness of the corporation and or inci dental, necessary, convenient or use ful thereto;" and to improve, use, de velop, utilize, or turn to account, in any manner aB may be deemed ex pedient, any and all property, of whatsoever kind or 'nature owned by the corporation: (d) To issue bonds, debentures or obligation of the cor poration and to secure same by mort gage, pledge, deed of trust, or other wise; to borrow money; (e) To pur chase or otherwise acquire, hold, own. mortgage, pledge, andor sell or otherwise dispose of, shares of capital stock, bonds, or scuritiea of other corporations doing a similar business, in whole or in part, to that which this corporation Is authorized to do, and, while the bolder thereof, to ex ercise all the rights, powers and priv ileges of ownership; to purchase or otherwise acquire, hold, own, cancel, retire, re-issue, mortgage, pledge and or sell or otherwise dispose of shares of capital stock, bonds and se curities of its own corporation; (f) To apply for, obtain, register, pur chase or otherwise acquire, hold, use, develop, lease, mortgage, pledge, grant licenses In, contract with reference to, sell, convey, aBBign, and or other wise dispose of letters patent, patents, patent rightB, Inventions, improve ments, processes, formulae, trade marks, trade names, copyrights, op tions andor concessions, or rights, privileges or contracts therein or thereto. In connection with the trans action of the business of the corpora tion andor incidental, necessary or useful thereto; (g) To purchase or otherwise acquire, and take over, the whole or any part of the business, good will, properties, assets and rights of any person, firm, association or corporation engaged in the same or similar business, either wholly or in part, to that of its own corporation, and to pay for the same in cash, shares of capital stock or bonds of Its own corporation, or otherwise, and to undertake and assume all or any of the liabilities of the owners of such business, good will, properties, assets and rights; (h) To enter into, make, perform and carry out contracts of any kind or description, made for any lawful purposes, with any person, firm, association or corporation, eith er public or private, or with any governmental body or agency there of; (i) To transact and conduct its business, or any part thereof, in the State of Nebraska and elsewhere, in cluding any of the states, districts, territories, colonies or dependencies of the United States, and any or all foreign countries; (j) To have and exercise any or all other rights, pow ers and privileges necessary, inci dental, convenient or useful to the conduct, management and carrying on, in a lawful manner, of the busi ness aforesaid, or any part thereof; to have and exercise all rights, pow ers and privileges conferred by the laws of the State of Nebraska upon corporations organized under its laws; It being hereby expressly pro vided that the foregoing enumera tion of specific powers shall not be deemed exclusive or held to limit or restrict In any manner the general powers of the corporation. Article IV Capital Stock. The authorized capital stock of this corporation shall be One Million Dollars ( Jl.000,000. 00). divided into ten thousand (10,- 000) shares of the par value of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per each share. Stock may be paid for In cash, property at its fair and reasonable value, services at their fair and reas onable value, or by any legitimate equivalent of cash. Article V Dura- tion. The time of commencement of this corporation shall be when its . , ii Li(jie.-. ui incui pui ii lion ure meu as required by the laws of the State of Nebraska, and the corporation shall continue in existence for ninety-nine V- V , v lY I , dissolved by law or by action of its stockholders; Article VI Indebted- ness. The highest amount of indebt - edness or liability which this corpo- ration shall at any one time be sub ject shall not exceed two-thirds of' its capital stock. Article VII Diree- tors-Officers, (a) The affairs of this . corporation snail oe conuucieu oy a Board of Directors, consisting of three (.1), live (5) or seven (7) members, who shall be elected an nually by the stockholders. The num ber of directors, within the foregoing limitations, shall be determined from time to time by the stockholders. In case of vacancy in the Board of Di rectors, such vacancy may be filled by the remaining directore. Direc tors shall hold office until their suc cessors are duly elected or chosen. Meetings of the Board of Directors may be held within or outside of the State of Nebrabka, as the Board ot Directors may determine. The fol lowing persons shall constitute the first Board of DirectorH of this cor poration, to berve until the election of a Board of Directrs by the stock holders at their first annual meeting, to be held in the year Nineteen Hun dred and Thirty (1930), to-wit: L. T. Sunderland, J. A. Sunderland and W. P. Sabin. (b) The officers of this corporation shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and u Treasurer, which officers shall be elected annually by the Board of Di rectors and hold office until their suc cessors are duly elected, and which officers shall have such authority and perform such duties as shall be pre scribed in the By-Laws of the corpo ration andor cs shall be assigned to them by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may appoint, from time to time one or more additional Vice Presidents and such other offi cers and agents as it shall deem necessary, who shall have such au thority and perform such duties ae shall be conferred upon them by the Board of Directors, in the By-Laws or otherwise. Any officer elected by the Board of Directors, excepting the President and Vice President, also any officers and or agents appointed by the Board of Directors, may be re moved at any time by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors. Any two offices, excepting the offices of President and Vice Pres ident or the offices of any two Vice Presidents, may be held by the same person, (c) The Board of Directors may appoint standing or special com mittees, whenever deemed advisable by the Board, and such committees shall have and exercise such duties and powers as may be conferred upon them by the Board of Directors, in the By-Laws or otherwise. Article VIII Dividends. Dividends may be declared by the Board of Directors out of the net profits or surplus of the corporation at such times, in 6uch amounts, and under such condi tions as the Board of Directors in its judgment and discretion may deter mine. The Board of Directors shall have power, from time to time, to set apart out of any funds of the corpo ration available for dividends, a re serve or reserves for working capital or for any other lawful purpose, whenever in its judgment and discre tion it deems it advisable so do do. Article IX By-Laws. The Board of Directors ehall have power to adopt suitable By-Laws for the corporation and to alter, amend, or repeal the same from time to time. Article X Amendments. These articles may be amended from time to time by the stockholders, at any regular meeting, or at any special meeting called for that purpose. Dated this 17th day of January, 1929. L. T. SUNDERLAND. J. A. SUNDERLAND, W. P. SABIN. j24-4w Incorporators. ORDER TO SELL PERSONAL PROPERTY OF DECEASED In the County Court of Casa coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Fritz Kehne. deceased. Now on this 17th day of January. 1929, this cause came on for hear ing upon the petition or application of Joe Bierl, Bpecial administrator of said estate, for leave of Court to sell the personal property belonging to said estate and waB submitted to the Court. And the Court finds from the evi dence that the best interests of said estate will be subserved by said pro posed Bale of the personal property as set forth in the Inventory filed herein by said special administrator and in his petition or application to sell same. It is therefore ordered that said special administrator be, and he hereby is. authorized and emnowered to sell at private sale or publication. I whichever method may beet serve to procure the highest price therefor, the personal property set forth in said inventory and in said petition or application and belonging to said estate for cash or bankable note and that he cause notice of the time and It is hereby ordered that you, and That the Interest of the petitioner place of said sale' to be given by all persons interested in said matter, . herein in the above described real posting notice thereof, and by pub- may, and do, appear at the County estate is an undivided one-half in lication in The Plattsmouth Journal Court to be held in and for said terest in and to the above described for one week. By the Court IL DUXBURY. County Judge. (Seal) j21-lw A well-defined report comes from r - ttmn6ian mac neroerc tioover i seriously considering the appoint- ment of William J. Donovan as Attor- ney-General in his cabinet. Mr. Don- ovan is now present Assistant Attor- ney-General. Incidentally, he is a Roman Catholic. Let the Ku Klux i & v : Klan and the religious bigots chew on this for a while. With the opening of the meetings 0f tne ways aI1(1 mHa:,B committee of , . , . . . the House to consider the revision of the tariff the public is reminded of . old days and old ways and old Laces j are appearing at the capital to ad- vine the lawmakers that Increases in tarIff rates are necessary. j :o- - FOB SALS Second 520-J. . hand sills. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, sa In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of George W. Shields, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of James Ear hart praying that ad ministration of said estate may be granted to O. A. Davie, as Adminis trator; Ordered, that February 1st. A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock a. m., is assign ed for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and Bhow cause why the prayer of the petition er should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of Bald peti tion and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in eald mat ter by publishing u copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed la said county, tor three buoc&It weeks prior to said day of hearlag. Dated December 3 let. 192 8. A. H. DUXBURY, 4 Seal) J7-3w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Caw. ss. By virtue of an Order of Sale (Alias) Issued by Golda Noble Beal. Clerk of the Dintrict Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 2nd day of February, A. D. 1929. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south front door of the court houe in the City of Plattsmouth, Casa county, Ne braska, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate, to wit: Lot 24, in Porter Place, an Addition to the City of Platts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, being in the NE hi of the NEVi of Section 25, Township 12, Range 13, east of the 6th P. M., in CasB county, Nebraska The same being levied upon and tak en as the property of Lydia M. Wal ton. Widow, et al, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court re covered by L. Irene Snead, plaintiff against said defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, December 27. A. D. 1928. BERT REED, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator The State of Nebra&ka, Cass coun ty, S6. In the County Court, In the matter of the etate of Helen Pitz, deceased. On. reading and filing the petition of Otto Pitz praying that administra tion of said estate may be granted to himpelf as Administrator; " . Ordered, that February 1st, A. D. 192-9. at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, ' when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause, w'hy the prayer of peti tioner should not be. granted; and that notice of the pendency, of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The Plattsmouth Jour nal, a semi-weekly newspaper print ed in said county, for three guccee ftive weeks prior to said day of hear ing. Dated January 4th. 1&28. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) County Judee. CHAS. S. MARTIN. j7-2w Attorney. ORDER OF HEARING AND NO TICE OF PROBATE OF WILL In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, County of Casa, ss. To James P. Latta and to all per sons interested in the eatat4 of Bam uel G. Latta, deceased: On reading the petition et Orin A Davis praying that the instrument filed in this court on the 12th day of January, 1929, and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, mav be Droved and Al lowed, and recorded as the last wilH and testament of Samuel G. Latta. J deceased ; that said instrument be admitted to probate, and the admin-; istratlon of said estate be granted to Orin A. DavU and Elbert J. Latta as Executors; county, on the 8th day of February, real estate, and praying for a deter A. D. 1929. at 10 o'clock a. m.. to mination of the time of the death of ;show cause, if any there be. why the said Gottfried Gustav Pitz and of his prayer of the petitioner Bhould not heirs, the degree of kinship and the be granted, and that notice of the tPhendhe"CT. J ,f,d ?e5itio? an the hparlne thereof h fIvpti fn all " persons interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this Order In tb Plattsmouth Journal, a seml- newspaper printed in Baid county, for three successive weeks pri0r to said day of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of Bald Court, this Uth. day of January, A. t D. H. DWiUkY. County Judge. (Beal) jl4-3w NOTICE TO CREDITOP.S The State of Nebraska. C:i? coun ty, ss. Lu the County C&urt. In the matter of the estate of Maliuda Clymer, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in PlatUmonth, in said county, on the 15th day of February. 1929. and the 17th day of May, 1929. at 10 o'clock Call phone, a. m. of each day. to receive and ex-J21-2rw Jamlne all claims against said estate. with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate Is three months from the 15th day of February, A. D. 1929. and the time limited for payment cf debts Is one year from said 15th day of Febru ary. 1929. Witneija my Land and the peal of said County Court this lltt day of January. 129. A. H. DUXBURY, (Sttal) J14-4W County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Stale of Nebraska. Cass coun ty, as. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Mary Kuhney, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room ia Plattsmouth, in naid county, on the 15th day of February, 1929. and the 17th day of May. 1929, at 10 o'clock a. xu. uf racn oay, to receive ana examine ali claim against bald e- taU, vkb a view to their adjust ment and aUowa&r. The time lim ited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 15tb day of February, A. D. 1929, and the time limited for payment of debts Lh one year from said day of February. 1929. Wltnesn my hand and the seal of said County Court this 11th day of Jannsry, 1S29. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) J14-4w County Judgi. NOTICE OF HEARING on Petition for Determination vT Heirship Estate of Gottfried Guetav Pitz. deceased, in the County Court of Cass county. Nebraska. The State ot Nebraska. To all per sona interested in said estate, credi tors and heirs take notice, that Otto Pitz has filed his petition alleging that Gottfried Guetav Pitz died in testate in Caen county, Nebraska, on or about March 4th, 1925. being a resident and inhabitant of Ctss coun ty, Nebraska, and died seized of the following described real estate, to wit; Beginning at the northeast corner of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Sec tion nineteen (IB). Township twelve (12), Range fourteen (14) Bast of the Cth P. M., in said county, running thence south five and ninety-three hun dredths (5 93-100) chains, thence west eleven and Lfty-flve hundredths (11 55-100) chain, thence north five and nicety three hundredths (5 93-100) chains, thence eaet to the place of beginning, and containing seven (7) acrea. more or lest: Also an undivided one-half of the following tract (upon condi tions that grantee herein and owner of other undivided one-half-shall keep said land open to be Used as a road) to-wit: Be ginning at a point five and ninety-three hundredths (5 93-100) chains south and ten (10) chains west of the northeast corner of the northeast quarter of Section nineteen (19). Town ship twelve (12), Range four teen (14), thence south twenty fire hundredths (25-100) of a Chain, thence west tea (10) chains, thence north twenty-five hundredths (25-100) of a chain, thence east to the place of be ginning; - Lot thirty-two (32) In the southeast quarter of the aouth aaat quarter of Section eighteen (18) , in Township twelve (12). North. Range fourteen (14), East of the 6th P. M.; Also commencing at a point six chains and eighteen links south and eighteen chains and fifty-four links west of the north east corner of Section nineteen (19) , Township twelve (12), Range fourteen ( 14), East of the 9th P. M., thence we-Tt one and fifty hundredths (1 50-100) chains, thence south ninety three (83) links, thence in a northeasterly direction to place of beginning, containing six hun dredth ( 6-100) ot an acre, more or leas. ' Baid above described tract being the northwest corner oT Lot 24. NE NEi, Sec. 19-12-14. All of said described real estate, being In Casa county, Ne braska leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the following named persons. to-wit: Helen Pitz, his widow, now deceased, and Otto Pitz, his son; right of descent of the real property J?1?0!-! Stat of Nebraska.. It is ordered that the same stand for bearing the 15th day of Febru ary, A. D. 1929, before the court, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. ra. Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 4th day of January, A. D. 1929. A. H. DUXBURY. (58T) Corunty Jodpe. CHAS. E. MAttTTN. J7-4v Attorney.