The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 31, 1928, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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MONDAY. DEC. 31. 1923.
a 41;
A BIG 1 rAMp
Store -Wide E?fi 'Pfe
HERE IS THE REASON Usually poor business is given as the rea
son for special sellings. Not so with us Good Business is the rea
son Good Business that has come as the result of carrying large
and complete stocks at all times. Large stocks mean more satisfac
tory selections, but they also mean careful watching in order to prevent an
accumulation. This explains our STORE - WIDE JANUARY CLEAR
ANCE. This is the "why" of prices on all broken lines that say unmistake-
ably "Good Buy and Good Bye.'
TMs Kser&laaradlse Inas brought us the busi
ness now w czm o?get cost marks ' and
give the pnhUz Snpe& Values that will be
talked o2 es weeks to come. That's all we
can givethat's aSS vou waat.
srfc Pass xfiaas ss?ttiraa
It would be futile to quote prices in this space they
could not possibly reflect the astounding values ve are
placing before you at this time.
Mere than 800 &ats and Dresses partici
pate in this notable event. All oS this
merchandise clean and up-to-date. Coats
and Dresses Sor every type, every age and
every taste at fconest-tO'goedness Savings!
The only way you can be disappointed
in this selling is by failing to attend!
Lf'PfVv -L- Our customers know that if we
3 t- ( advertise a thing we have it and
our ad copy must state the truth.
jS Our Word must be as
Good as our Bond f
3 I I I 1
f 1 I I if
(58 IT
Telephone No. 61
.The Shop of Personal Service
Plattsmouth', Nebr.
vwSl i
7 January fiW
W We will Sell all
Mf our Fall and Winter ZA
AlfW FeIlS, VeIvets Metallics
Values from $2.95 to $10 V
"The Shop of Personal Service"
Telephone 6
Plattsmouth, Neb.
r : .r ... w .1-1. .- . , " --
1 7:"
Silver Tea
Enj'oyed by a
Large Nimiber
Musical Event Sponsored by Music
i Dept. of Women's Club Held at
i Presbyterian Church.
' From Friday's nally
Yesterday afternoon the Silver tea
sponsored by tin; music department of
the Plattsmouth Women's club was
held at the Fellowship room in the
First Presbyterian church and de
spite the fact of the large number
sick in the city and counter attrac
tions there were a very pleasing
number in attendance at the unusual
ly pleasant event.
A number who were to have been
on the program from the young peo
ple who are home from college for
the Christmas vacation were pre
vented from taking part by illness,
but a most enjoyable program was
presented by the artists taking part
and which proved a real treat to the
The room was very attractive in
the Christmas decorations and the
glowing Christmas tree that was a
part of the plan of decoration and
the tea table also was arranges in
the bright hued holiday decorations.
; Miss Helen Wescott gave a group
, a . r.Viorminir T"l i '1 Tin nlim-l
I ) 1 tU Til J mui uiuih
bers in her usual artistic manner as
tho nnpnine of the program.
i Clinton Swengel of Winfield. Kan-
sas. a holiday visitor in the city, was
heard in two very delightful vocal
numbers. j
Miss Catherine McClusky, one of
the talented of the younger musi-.
cians of the city favored the mem-j
bers of the party with two flute num
bers of more than usual brilliancy.
! Little Miss Dorothea Mae Duxbury,
offered a pleasing treat in the two
recitations that she offered and
which with her winsome personal
ity was a real feature of the after
noon. TfQ v it Wescott. one of the
illl Ot " - - ' ,
leaders in the musical work in the.
city gave a group of three numbers
that were enjoj-ed to the utmost.
Mrs. James T. Begley presented a
New Year poem that came as the fit
ting close of the afternoon program.
At the tea table Mrs. II. G. Mc
ruiiHw and Mrs. E. K. Wescott pre
sided and were assisted by Misses j
Margaret Shallenberger, v esiena
Robertson. Catherine McClusky and
Jean Caldwell of Bruning,, in serv-
The committee of the Women's,
club having charge of the tea was
composed of Mrs. James T. Begley,
Mrs. William Bennett, Mrs. james
G. Mauzy. Mrs. J. A. unnin. irs
D. O. Dwyer, Mrs. J. F. Gorder, Mrs
Harry Leosis.
From Friday's Daily
The tenth birthday anniversary of
Mi.-s Mildred Peterson was celebrat
ed last evening at the home in the
south part of the city and at which
a number of the young .school friends
were in attendance.
The home was arranged with the
bright Christmas decorations and
which was carried out in the table
decorations, tiny Santa Claus figures
being the favors of the evening.
During the course of the evening
games were played and at which a
great deal of pleasure was derived
by the members of the party. Mary
Katherine Wiles was the winner of
the first prize and Isabel McFarland
of the consolation prize of the eve
ning. In honor of the occasion the little
guest of honor received a number of
very handsome and attractive gifts.
At a suitable hour refreshments
were served and the occasion height
ened by the large birthday cake and
its glowing candles.
Not the least of the pleasant fea
tures of the evening was the fact
that A. M. Peterson, of Fedalia, Mis
souri, father of the little guest of
honor was able to be homo for the
Those attending were the follow
ing: Mary Katherine Wiles. Mary
A. Shifter, Mary A. Highfield, Jane
Rebal, Thelma Jones, Katherine
Armstrong, Isabel McFarland, Yelma
Wells and Marjorie Fitch.
Mrs. Mary Buckland of Hozeman,
Mont., is spending the week-end
with Miss Olive Gass. Mrs. Buckland
was formerly Miss Mary Buzzell, and
at the time Mr. Steve Buzzell was
telephone manager here, in the early
nineties, Miss Buzzell was the only
operator in the telephone exchange.
The growth of the exchange has
kept pace with the growth of the
city in every respect.
From Saturday's Dally
Mrs. William Rice, Sr., has been
confined to her home for the past two
days suffering from a very severe at
tack of the fiu and which has made
her condition most uncomfortable
and caused the family to have a
great deal of apprehension over the
wife and mother. Mrs. Rice is now
reported as doing as well as could
possibly be expected.
Call No. 6 with your order for
job printing.
The Lewiston study club held
their Christmas parly at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Toman on
Friday evening, this pleasant coun
try home being filled by the num
bers of this organization. In the
happy occasion Mrs. Nannie Barl
ina:, William Wehrbein, Yictor Wehr
bein and Anderson Lloyd assisted.
The members of the party enjoyed
the singing of the Christmas carols
and games of the season that added
to the pleasures of all who were in
attendance at the enjoyable event.
The Christmas tree which was dec
orated very handsomely added to the
Christmas s-pirit and the exchange of
gifts among the members of the party
added to the enjoyment of the event.
The hostesses served very dainty
and delicious refreshments at the
close of the evening.
We wish to thank the many
friends for their expression of sym
pathy at the time of the death of
our loved one, George W. Shields, al
so for the beautiful flowers at the
funeral and to the minister and those
who sang at the last services. Mr."
and Mrs. J. D. Earhart.
if Santa Forgot!
After-Christmas shopping is be
ing done, because Santa does
strange things.
Perhaps a tie. or a box of socks
will do the trick and if he left
them at the wrong house, how
about treating yourself to some
new togs to start out the New