The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 31, 1928, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, DEC. 31, 1928.
Holiday Season
Brings Weddings
to Great Many
Number of Plattsmouth and "Former
Residents Here Married at Oma
ha and Council Bluffs.
TTIhie FflattsinmiiDttBn
To you, the men who have made
the Co-operative Creamery possible,
we extend congratulations and are
wishing the new institution abun
dant success. Your industry points
the way to a kind of diversified
farming that will do much toward
solving the agricultural problem we
have been hearing so much about.
Success to You
John L
Tidball, Jr
Cass County Creamery and
Produce Company
Your new industry, now opening so auspic
iously in our midst is destined to become a
vital revenue producing center for the farm
ers of this vicinity, affording them a year
round income for their cream at the highest
market price. Plattsmouth today welcomes
your new creamery to our midst and may it
every grow and prosper is our wish to you.
Plattsmouth State Bank
Just a little over one block from your
new creamery, and we're glad of it.
Cass County Creamery and
Produce Company
We are glad to welcome you into our
business circle. May you live long and
grow larger is the wish of
Plattsmouth Furniture Exchange
F. L. Coryell, Propr.
Pluck and Perseverence Invariably
TODAY, as we pay tribute to your success
we would not forget or minimize the ob
stacles you have had to overcome. And so
your achievement becomes the more com
mendable. "Pluck" and "Perseverance" know not the
meaning of the word "Failure."
With them as our allies, we are striving to
give Cass county the best Furniture and lowest
prices to be found anywhere- and like you
organizers of the Cass County Creamery and
Produce Company, we are succeeding with
what we have undertaken.
Always Glad to See You
Ghrist Furniture Company
Our Best Wishes
Buildings don't just rise up, and
machinery isn't had by merely wish
ing. ! The time, effort and money
you directors and stockholders have
expended in securing for Platts
mouth this important industry is
deserving of the greatest success.
Cf So we, too, join with Plattsmouth
business firms and citizens generally
in expressing appreciation of your
efforts and a wish for crowning suc
cess and continued expansion.
Bates Book and Stationery Store
We wish to extend our sincere congratu
lations to the men who have made pos
sible this addition to the commerce of Our
city. . . . We feel sure that it will be an
asset to Cass county as well as to the
City of Plattsmouth.
IFeteeir SHn (2
Home of Quality Footwear
or Hew. (Dreamery
and we are proud of and appreciate the
Efforts of the many Farmers
who built it.
We are also proud of the high grade
butter they make and will use it.
s an (g,
The Plattsmouth Loan
uildisig Issn.
Boosting: and favoring everything for a
greater and better Plattsmouth always!
We are more than pleased to see the comple
tion of the new home and launching of such
an excellent business proposition in our midst.
Cass County Creamery and
Produce Company
Good Management
Searl S. Davis
Loans Investments
Real Estate
to the 175 Progressive Men
who have Tut it Over
All of Plattsmouth today pays
tribute to your enterprise. You
have not merely given us just
another enterprise to brag about
but a vitally important industry
that will reflect its success upon
every farmer in Cass county who
heeds the clarion call of oppor
tunity you are sounding.
(Popular Variety Store
Roy W. Knorr, Propr.
Cass County Creamery and
Produce Company
650 lbs. of Butter made 1st day of operation
Make it 2650 pounds per day one year
from now, and if Plattsmouth grows as
we hope to see it grow, we will help you
eat every pound of it.
Ut!Snil(SQQ & SQQS
The Sanitary Market
-to the
Cass County Creamery and
Produce Company
are certainly due from every citizen on the
opening of your New Creamery
We, however,' vn go further and wish you
not only a prosperous New Year, but con
tinue success in the years to come. Our co
operation ia at . your command to this end.
Sam Giventer, Propr.
From Friday's Dally
The holiday season seems to have
led to a very brisk rush on ihe mat
rimonial market by a number oil
the residents of this city as well as
former residents, who have sought
the consumation of their life's hap
piness at Omaha and Council Bluffs
and are now enjoying the joys of
wedded bliss.
On Christmas at Omaha occurred
the marriage of Miss Myrtle Miller
of this city to Elton R. Vroman of
Minidaha, Idaho, the wedding being
a very quiet one and the happy
couple remaining here for a short
time before starting for their home
in the west. The bride ia a daughter
of Mrs. Emma Miller of this city and
the groom is a son of L. E. Vroman
one of the prominent residents of
the city.
I ai council uiuns occurred mo
wedding of Miss Sybel Davis to
George Moreland o this city, the
young people motoring to the Iowa
city where the marrige was perform-
ed at the office of the county Judge.
The young people are well known in
this city and where they have a large
circle of friends. The groom is the
son of Mrs. Rebecca Moreland of this
Two more Plattsmouth residents
sought the city 'of Council Bluffs for
their wedding when Miss Katherlne
Ruehl and Edward Baumgart were
joined in the bonds of wedlock In
that city. The bride has come to this
city recently while the groom is one
of the well known farmers of this
locality and held in high esteem by
a large circle of riends.
Another wedding that marked the
holiday season and which is of in
terest because of the fact that the
groom is a former well known resi
dent here and at Union, was the wed
ding at Council Bluffs of H. E.
Graves, of Lincoln, son of Police
Judge Charles L. Graves of this city,
to Miss Eleanor Clinkenbeard of
Anadarko, Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs.
Graves will make their future home
at Lincoln.
The agricultural committee of the
Chamber of Commerce, of which T.
H. Pollock is the chairman, announces
that the special prizes that were of
fered as a part of the celebration of
the opening of the new creamery
here, will be awarded on January
There may be entries submitted
up to- the final day of the award and
those who wish to send in their of
ferings may do so.
The persons wishing to send in
their suggestions as to the name of
the butter manufactured here as well
as the most appropriate slogan can
do so by sending in their communi
cations to the Cass County Co-Operative
Creamery & Produce Co., Platts
mouth. The following is the list of prizes
to be awarded.
The prize of $10 is offered for the
best suggestion for the trade name
of the butter that will e produced
at the new plant.
I A prize of $5 will be given for
the best suggestion for a slogan to be
used on the stationery and cartoons
of the new plant.
Premiums will be given to the
winners of the following events:
The person bringing in the largest
amount of butter fat.
The person coming the greatest
distance to be present at the open
ing of the new creamery.
For the most unique method of
transporting cream to the creamery.
Youngest customer to deliver cream
to the creamery (must milk and
separate the milk and cream them
selves.) Oldest customer to deliver cream
to the creamery (must milk and sep
arate the milk and cream them
selves.) .J
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blake cele
brated their 28th wedding anniver
sary on Wednesday, December 26th,
of this week. They were married on
the farm of the bride's parents, the
late Mr. and Mrs. William Ossenkop,
southeast of Louisville, Elder G. W.
Mayfield officiating. The young coup
le were attended by Miss Carrie Os-
senkop, sister of the bride, now liv
ing in Omaha, and William Ossenkop,
the bride's cousin, now living at Al
toona, Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake have one
daughter. Miss Vivian Blake, one of
Louisville's young business women,
who is a graduate in pharmacy of.
Creighton and is a partner of her
father in a variety and drug store in
Louisville. Louisville Courier.
From Friday's Dally
Last evening at the regular meet
ing of the Plattsmouth Eagles No.
365, those in attendance were en
tertained most royally by a Mr. Ker
rigan, humorious entertainer and
well known entertainer often heard
over stations' WOW at Omaha and
WLS, Chicago..
Mr. Kerrigan proved beyond doubt
that he could certainly deliver the
goods and the Plattsmouth Eagles
feel highly honored by his presence,
among them. He leaves Plattsmouth
shortly for station KFNF at Shen
andoah, Iowa. Members w-ho were
unable to hear this splendid enter
tainer last evening may hae the
privilege of hearing himh through
station KFNF.
Read the Journal Want-Ads.