1 !i: PAGE SIS rLATTSMOUTE SEKI - WfcXKLT 'JGUBITAI i -4 3- in Congressman Morehead De serves Election PETITION TO THE KING IPublic Sentiment tindnn dot 51 A mppHnf of the I Protestant Alliance and the League 1VI., of Royal Churchmen at Gaxton hall1 IMOW Being 1 CStCC! prime minister to advise the king to withdraw royal assent to the appoint ment of the Most Rev. C. O. Lang as arch-bishop of Cantenbury. The resolution passed with one dissent- QUAKES BLOW TJP GAS TANK L09 Angeles, Nov. 2. Two heavy tearthquake shocks were reported to nave rocxea me town 01 Lompoc in santa Barbara county last nignt,. Record of Service to PennTe of State ing vote. and Congressional District I 1 ne resolution ueiiarru mai n.. ana congressional iismcx is rnva, c.tIlt ,.,, wn (riven rr r.an? One 01 Keal Merit. hurt mihliHv announced his intention ' am AJi.r rnlnMJnw causing property damage and des Ull llCYY VsaiCllUal troying all communications. Only meagre information was . available, but it was said that the Wide Interest Ie Manifest Through- tremblors caused a tank to' explode, out World In Proposed i the concussion damaging an adjoin New and Used Furniture OFFICERS HUNT ACCUSED 13-Month Year ing high school building and athletic club. Reports said the first shock was like new, .$35.00. Los Angeles, Calif., Nov. 2. While a group of attorneys conferred today on the legal procedue to be used on Nov. S when District At torney Asa Keyes and seven others frC0r0A P- ha rtiallontro argeu wim bribery appear in court Your Attention r arraignment, officers were search ing for three of the accused men who promised to surrender this morning but failed to do so. The five men who have surrend- For Sale New domestic Sewing Machine, 155.00; Electric Sewing Machine, ered are Keys. E. II. and Jack Ro WAshinirton Thp nroram of n ' iteports said tne nrst snocK was new, .poo.. en benr. brokers: A. 1. Laskpr fnrmor of breaking the law and disregarding "13-month calendar bv 1933" is mak- felt at 9:45 p. m.. followed by a f 155 Electric "Washer, $35.00; one head of the Lasker Finance rom- The service that John H. More- tne expressed will or tne nouse 01 ing progress. Nearly 100 eminent second quake at 11:05 p. m. Ten power wasner, .o. , one gouu pany, and Jacob Berman. so-called he.ul fnndtditA for rjoiof.tirtn tr commons, it lurtner cnargeu ur. Amprins have nledeed snnnort tr minutes alter the second snocK tne. wruisur, .vu. "financial wizard" of the Julian pt. congress from the first district has Lang with inciting the whole body help the National Committee on Cal- gas tank exploded. J Three combination Book Cases, roleum corporation. It was the al- eivpn to thf nnniA i n hot of the clergy to break the law, defy endar Simnlifieation to determine No one was reported injured, $3.00 to $!).50. legdly fraudulent operations of this should Kive him a return to that of- the legislature and violate sacred whether public opinion in the-Uni- though advices said that the shocks One oak Library Table, $5.00; one corporation which eventuated in the flop hv a prMt mainritr no n trih. promises made at tneir oramaiior tP(i states - favors the adoDtion of a were very severe. uae to a real servant of the neonle. by illegally using the revised took of new calandar. The list ranges from Lompoc is a town of about 2,000 In his service to the citizens of common prayer, Nebraska John H. Morehead has held nit- viewpoint mat ne was merely m m the representative of the people of rOftTI rlArllllf'C his state and district and that their Cl HI 1 1UUULIO wishes In regard to legislation was the prime factor in determining his action in congress. lie has not been subject to any dictates from any in dividual or group of people, taking his only orders from the people of hts district in his congressional ser vice. in Decided Slump on , the Market During the time that Congressman Survey by Agriculture Department' t ion. The committee's report on a Henrv Ford. Newton D. Baker and population. It is situated in the A. P. Sloan, to Prank O. Lowden. and southwest corner of Santa Barbara the presidents of Yale, Massachusetts county, near the mouth of the Santa Institute of Technology and Mt. IIol- nez river yoke. ! Shortcomings in the present calen dar are declared to be interefring with modern business, and under the guidance of the committee instituted by George Eastman of Rochester. ItnAripnn frrftnn SnitintAfl :l Tn nvp ment, through the League of Nations for world consideration of simpliflca- Shows Price Index Drops Four Points Morehead has represented the first district he has been the congressman of every citizen of the district re- . I Washington, Oct. 31. Prices of riitin-i oir-r. ti- BU3r."lu.ri farm products took a decided slump itfS, ht V during the last month, according to a the off ce has been strictly non-parti- J d publld today by the san. his voice and vote being raised agrlcuy,ture department. r V .k I i "Ju. iiiai wt. Tne sovernment farm price i, S i u0t , ,S rPle,d dropped four points from Sept west where he was born and has spent his lifetime. Congressman Morehead has been present and voted on all measures that have come before congress dur ing his six years of service and his questionaire now out will be mailed to the Secretary of State for use in proposed further international con ferences. The time considered desirable for a new world conference on calendar reform is 1929, because the nearest Mills County to Have More Paved Roads Twenty More Miles of Paving to Con nect Tabor, Malvern and Hast ings to Highway No. 34 Our neighboring county, Mills county, Iowa, is to have a very notice long walnut Library Table, $7.50. indictments Three small Writing Desks, $5.00 Those missing are Charles Reimer to $10.00 each. ; former investigator for the district One mahogany bettee, $5.95. I attorney's office; Ben Getzoff. ac two oaK Davenports, $7.5U and cused -Go-Between" Taylor, and hi son, David. $10.00. 15 Rockers, $2.50 to $9.50. Seven Dining Room Tables, $5.00 to $15; Kitchen Tables, $1.00 to $3.50; 50 Kitchen Chairs, 85c to $1; Dining Room Chairs, $1 to $3.75. Two truck loads of Mattresses at $6.50 to $17.50. Two 9x12 Rugs, $10 and $12.50. Seven Heating Stoves. $5.00 to $12.50; three all-over Enamel Parlor Heaters, .$59.50; three Parlor Heat- r in Inrfpr 50 to $7K rtft one extra large Parlor Heater, was Has Resided in Southern Cass Countj $155, now $95.00. One large Base Burner, $10. Three small Oil Heaters, $2.50 to $3.50 each. B.F.Hoback Dies at Home Near Nehawka to Oct. 15, and at 137, compared with a pre-war price index of 100 it was two points below October, 1927. convenient yeat for putting a new ahlo a,,,tinn tn 0o,, ' ,, i-alpmlar into pffect is 1923 when .... . ' ndl " " Vn " c ' ,i iem oi mat county, as contract nas1 ---iJUiiuaij x ouuua,, aim viic: fe j fc - , , navinr Of tWentV " .15 interval between 1929 and 1933 lei ior ine paving oi twenty for the Past Seventy Years Seventy-nine Years Old t-si r atn nn. i.. . ' " -"- ""uu'e" s ' v! "t''',, section of the state, Cled at the fam- ew iw ige, lly nome two miles west of Nehawka. ,u., r- ""more miles of roadway there, which X ?.tuve' uu,e"wr Friday morning at 9 o'clock following tne,will connect up the towns of Mai-' .a.sl.,ne St"ye h.en new' ?15; three an illness of only a few weeks. He VAf n Tr v -I TTnnrn ....'it. A 1 Oil St OV6S. I 4 tO S10. V o ll hOATI fl rCiciHonf rf lif horn Pouu I 11 X CI UJl CX11U II (t3li Willi LI1K - ' - --. ivoiuv,! vr. UUltl il VOOC Beds, Davenports, Duoiolds, Dress- countv for more than 70 vears. v, . ' ' k.,- Place will be erected. eor0 mn r fi,i,,!. qt,J Th's connecting up with the var- can well feel proud in presenting to is of higher than average merchan- me vuins oi nie ursi uisinci. table quality. un jonn ii. .ioreneaa on tne "Wheat nrlrps turned slihtlv nn job any man or woman in the dis- ward in October after a sustained trict that had any matters inter- price decline from May to Sept. 15, eresting them that fall within the the advance of 5 per cent in farm fcpnere or tne onice oi tne congress- prices from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 be- man nave felt free to take the mat-line fairlv ereneral thruout the coun ter up personally with Mr. Morehead try. The farm price increase was ac and they rested assured that he gave comnanied bv indications of a ereat- it his personal attention and Ftrived er demand for wheat on account of to secure if possible the desire of reports of short wheat croDs in Rus- his constituent, not leaving the task ia, Turkey, and Xorth China and to some cierK or subordinate. This short corn crops in the Balkan coun- iact is Known to nundreds or tne tries residents of the first district, republi- Department advices today told in cans and democrats alike, who have! cidentally of considerable increase in round our efficient congressman a this year's Australian wheat crop real representative of all the people Potatoes Oct. 15 dropped to the and not of special interests. lowest price on record for thirteen The attention of Congressman years. The farm price was 58 cent Morehead to the wishes of his peo- per bushel compared with 65 cents pie was shown in the manner in Sept. 15, and 55 cents in October which he labored in securing the 1915 passage of the bills through congress would be needed to prepare for change. . ine present caienuar lacxs nxuy m. ,., , ... , , V " main Aacst nnl wct liio-hwflu tnrnitvn I reduced nrires of livestock, wool .V, or "l the county and which is straight east"0' . "0 Hoback was born October 3, " .J 1 . . J "1 11 i; iu prii n, unu iub ,nm .v, t. .,,'etS, I.TIOS, UaDy UUggieS, Uay UeUS, 1S49. in MiBsoiiri nn1 r-arrp to V. months are unequal. The 13-month- , . nvip A1Jaamiri6 ..j af tTla ; Floor Lamps, Congoleums (yard goods braska with his parents, the late Mr 28-day plan would give each month - , .. . ' " and rugs) and many other articles and Mrs. RohPrt Hnhncir in th Parlv - not mentioned here. fifties. He was reared on a farm near We can save you money on Furni- Nehawka and was married to Mis? ture and House Furnishings and in- Martha Adams in Nebraska City vite the opportunity or snowing you April 1. 18S0. For many years he i what we offer. was engaged in farming in southern CHRIST FURNITURE CO. c.ass county but a few years ago re- tireu ana moveu to renawKa wner he had since made his home. He wae one of the best known pioneers of this section of the state and was ac tive in the affairs of the Otoe and Cass Counties Old Settlers Associa torn and potatoes were chiefly re- cnoncih1t for fhe rlplin it wnc record in support of the legislation LfntP(i favorine his district and the npnnlpl . , , . . . I f - i p rpr HPT lnna nnvA noun n rnnm- i . . . i i . . i . . .... i - .. . v v. f c:imp nnmnfrr or snnirr ava nnn n rt I ol ine great west is one mat ne raniwi hv rpnnrts that the 1Q?S nrnni ... . . ... . ... , ious towns in that countv makps j . -" w . - iiavQ ami inf) Kamp nnmnpr oi wnoiot weeks. The first day of the month great highway system for the Iowa would always begin on Sunday and people and will take them out of the to permit the erection of bridges over the Missouri river, taking the matter personally In charge ni the house and seeing that the measures SEED CLOVEB SELLS FAST Approximately 20 percent of the farmers we;; smarted on th; journey th ?Weet OVetr gT the senate. One of these measures so hS?ba "t--v vnuw V V tilt; a laiioiuuuiu the last day would always be Satur- mud in fine ia? n at a .very low dav the twentv-eiehth. It is also nro-.cost compared with the paving costs posed that, for the interest of in- of other years. .Telephone 6 45 dustry and workers, irrespective of!. lion- H- A- Darting, of Glenwood, south Sixth Street where the anniversary dates fall in jormer state senator and now mem the week, the new calendar would ber of the Iowa state highway corn transfer present holidays to Monday ; mission, and who is one of the most euiiiusiasuc Doosiers ior tne new bridge here, was at Ames when the paving contract was let for the new thus giving "week-ends." everybody generous 'Canned, Radio Airs to be Desig nated as Such ENTEETALNMENT SECUSED Federal Board Decrees That nonncement Shall Be Made on Each Number An- Entertainment for the Legion's Hon beins one of the character mem Harvest Festival has been arranged bers of the organization. He was well Frr- inrliuhn o- crime nf irta fiocr Ifrinu-n i XTi-. ,,v,. ni AMA . work an,l i miir-V. r.- e..... .... miuii h ..J.aa wucic A r : "" radio stars, to be offered the public often visited and transacted busi- in connection with dance music and ness big door prizes for an admission He was a member of the Presby charge of only 10 cents a person. terian church and Modern Woodmen 1 o rooct rAnoTnii . , I vu iuvuauuj 111115 UL JllJXSl 1LU. o7o.I X, t 4 V- llocal team that is Plenty good enuf He is survived by his wife, twr w i, T' a concern which j jq foow the radio game regularly is daughters. Mrs. Elsie Hemphill. Ne- oT 7 . ,, 7 v-to appear in clever song skits and al- hawka; Mrs. Gertrude Anderson kJIIT , v. u p V 1,da though not an imported attraction, Union; and four sons, Oscar, G. C I" , . Ifa" '"i ly they will please the public immense- and R. Bruce Hoback. Nehawka and price at wnicn tne paving wa3 se cured. This contract was let to the Little Construction company, one of the satisfactory. The; contract was let at a new low price of $1.S2 per square yard. - This reduces the cost of pav- Jing a mile to approximately $19,200. iy. been sold eating "canned" mnsic. A new gen- letting Tuesday at this new low fig the state yer u .luc ""f"1 ure, which is the best bid ever re hrwWo Kill no.ln ,.;kl ,. I allu lc Minn aV rt .i n statistics. In other sweet clover seed 1155 ! Jf l?ai WlIi Utates the movement is faster than snnjii raii mc llci al LUIS yiaw UIIU and federal division of agricultura' I Commission requires stations to an- ceived for work ln the state is at a nounre cieariv ine rnararrpr or an make a lasting tie between the states of Iowa and Nebraska. Congressman Morehead has not en- a year ago, but for the country the movement is much more sluggish than in 1927. Two years ago 45 percent of this cumbered the congressional record ir with speeches that sound good in L lact 9J , r,aOT1. j uS j - . - j vui a u uvi V.C11V auu. wi&a jtcii nrin r o n n wAon lirrlo Ktir V Kr I 25 to 30 percent. In the main pro- on the floor of the house and voting ducing 8ections of Minnesota and the every time a measure was brought Dakotas the average price of $4.70 up and always in the interest of his per bushel was 10 cents higher than people. His. record in the etrug- last year but compared with a price gle for farm relief and veterans re- of $8 60 two years ago. Quality is cognition has been outstanding in reported as good to very good despite the years or his- service. damage from rains and frost, and This record In congress as well prices have advanced 10 cents per as the four years spent in the office bushel this year at the same time of the governor of the state of Ne- that a year ago they declined 20 braska, is one that certainly should cents per bushel prove to the people of the state Nebraska prices this year on the that they have the right man in first averaged $5.45 as compared to the position of congressman from $5.80 in 1927. The 1926 sweet clover the first district of Nebraska and seed acreage in Nebraska was 33, that he deserves a re-election to the 023 acres producing a total of 129, congressional position as one of the 901 bushels. At that time the total outstanding representatives from the sweet clover acreage in the stat state of Nebraska and a man who is close to the interests of all of the people in his district. 5rvrt IKS x, iaj 1 j.itsirartce WOULD you feel safe if our town had little or no po lice protection? You are not safe if your property has lit tle or no insurance protection. When buying insurance, get the best. Get sound protection in a dependable company, writ ten by an agency that knows its business. We represent the Hartford Fire Insurance Com pany. Searl S. Davis Phone 9 Farm Loans Investments Insurance Real Estate was 41G.388 acres. The acreage this year in all sweet clover is estimated, according to preliminary information, at more than 450,000 acres. QUAKE K0CKS EL PASO mechanical by' them cede each program stance, a rendition byNa phonograph record will be announced as such; while a loudspeaker from a pianc player will likewise have its me chanical paternity disclosed. Though such reproductions are fre quently jerred at. Commissioner O Dewey Hoback, Nebraska City. Two Monday night the entertaining at- brothers, Dow Hoback and Charles traction will be Wilson Doty, accor- Hoback. San Jose, Cal., and two sis- rliQii Qftlniet r.f TvTiTT. whn pun il rt civ- t otq lire Pmma RmltVi P.nn .TnRp -The paving laid in Mills county this erything but make an accordian ac- and Mrs. Minnie Reed of Percival, la.. Ull .ciimmsr fnat 49 3 1 nor cn no m irorl .. .. .. -v - J : 1 1 1 n n v talk also survive. Tuesday night, O. D. Temple, the The body was taken to the Kars singing barber, who has been heard tens & Patterson undertaking par by countless thousands over WOW. lors at Nebraska City, pending fun- will put on a program of present day eral arrangements which will be an- ced later. Washington Henceforth r a !-. !1, 1 ; 1 v 1 - listeners win Know wnen iney are or approximately $25,000 a mil The IF reproduce r n th ballads ecIuliVely: The dae o7- noun the announcement to contract- a saving of hestra on this night will be the Ori :h program item. For in- T V,' ,1 k,-, , Joles- of mahav Ev -e i j n The low bid received at this letting ' xv t will ho Parm(iPa .. utuc ui pc paper ouu u is due to the stiff competition be-jni?ht. and Schreiners orchestra, of tne new noveltWS and favon as WCli tween construction and material com- Nebraska City will play for the com- as a complete stock of picnic needs panies. This competition has forced bination modern and old time dance, can be found in the Dennison line, Snt Tri'vnl to " D" TemPle- the singing barber. sold exclusively at the Bates Book cement to almost unexpected low wiI1 be back in an entirely different aA mt jieveis. ine reduction in material program than on the preceding night II. Caldwell, in a letter sent out in UDia "."""'"s lu,u,,,tlu,a l" old time favorites and request num- Several good improved farms bear Plattsmouth have been listed with me for sale at very good prices! 55 acres at $165 per acre 80 acres at 175 per acre 160 acres at 150 per acre 160 acres at 165 per acre . 210 acres at 165 per acre 240 acres at 165 per acre 240 acres at 135 per acre For Terms and Particulars See T.H. POLLOCK Plattsmouth LOG kl NEWS Dr. Heinem&n, Dentist, Hotel Tfofn Bldg., Phone 527. From Saturday's Dally Miss Catherine Janda of Havelock, who has been here visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Edward McGuire and also at the C. F. Janda home, returned this morning to her home. Miss Irene Welch of Kearney, who is now teaching at Phillips, Nebraska, and has been in attendance at the state teachers association at Omaha is here visiting at the home of Misi Catherine Schneider, an old sehoo? friend. Louis Frady, who has been visiting at Monticello, Arkansas, for a short time, returned home yesterday anc drove back the car belonging to the Luther Swan family and who will make their home here for the win ter. Mrs. Swan was formerly Misp Margaret Frady. FORMER COP IN A HOLDUP Chicago, Nov. 1. Defying the law he "once upheld, a former Chicago police sergeant tonight was wound ed, probably fatally, in a shooting fray in which one man was clugged and two policemen shot when they trustrated an attempted holdup of a cigar store. A pedestrian saw Patrick Mcln tyre, former police sergeant, who, authorities say, has served a prison sentence for counterfeiting, as he slugged Louis Van for slowness in raising his hands. Van, owner of the store, slumped behind the counter as Policeman Joseph Meyera and Ham ilton Mackey, summoned by the ped estrian, burst into the store. Mcintyre fired twice, wounding both officers. They returned the fire. five shots taking effect. All, four were taken to a hospital weher phy sicians said Mcintyre has slight chance of recovering. Van's skull was fractured. -T ' A. Thomas Walling Company Abstracts of Title Phone 324 Plattsmouth -I-I-l-M-M-I-l-r-I-H-I-I-!-!- bers. Thursday night will be one of the nrtr.-nat.tinr, with Clglinn 117-1V tollr r,r Lo, Q t,- , ' The power which the Iowa corn- to great advantage. In the Saranac mission has to engage in production , biggest nights of the carnival. The region of New York, where the hills of construction material, has played Arcadians, a leading dance orchestra, are beset with static, the little ?ls part in the competitive fight from KFAB. Lincoln, together with Saranac Lake 1-watt transmitter between construction material com- "Gloomy Gus" as accompanying sing when busy, is doing heroic service. Ponies, despite the fact that it is not er will furnish music1 for the dance. Mr. Caldwell said. i the intention of the commission to The entertainer on this night will be In the daylight hours the big voice use tnis power unless they have to to none other than the colored boy from of WGY does not come through. The secure fair prices on construction ma-jthe Shreveport, La. radio station, who Saranac region is isolated, and yet te"a- . v is now on a tour of the country ap- from the great number of hostelriesl There is also keen competition !pearing nightly at dance halls and provided for city people in that area among contractors for work at the ' audeville houses. it peculiarly needs music. Though present time as Illinois is practically) Friday night, Miss Agnes Britton', vicinity "out of all proportion to its through with their road paving pro-icommedienne Uancer and singer of playing "mostly phonograph rec sum .uu iuwb uerj mie wore oi ballads and blue songs will sweep the ords." Mr. Caldwell says. Station this character being dine in either crowda off their feet and prove a fit WNBZ is rendering a service to the Nebraska or Kansas at the present itlng climax to the entertainment, ting wattage." : time. Qn Saturdav (closing) night, with The Radio Commission asks thatl There were approximately 100. bid-!door prize award and drawing for the right of way be given on election eve ders ort the various contracts let byicapitoi prize to take up time, enter to the stations sending out returns, the Iowa commission in session at . ...m t. - : i... VTTk TC TTPTT TT WTVTflAi . . . ' . . , ... . lcllll III fll I Will UB CUIUlIieU IU UlUSli; UJ- AND lb iXiLT 114 JlLilCC-Another order renews for 60 days ai: Ames Tuesday, which means that the dance orchestra, playing from 10 cuitsim, iiuim-iu-puuii lecmucui aiiu iuno uiu najia win ue pieny mucii n m on El Paso, Tex.. Oct. 31. El Pasc buildings were shaken tonight by the first earthquake here in more than five years. The shock was felt a num ber of places within a radius of 30 miles. No damage at any point was re ported, but the disturbance was suf- training, licenses. experimental and shir Dlastered ud with detour si ens dnr-l ilng the coming summer. Besides the orchestra enumerated above, the Four Horsemen will play SAY COLLEGE TOWN IS WET POVERTY POINT WOMEN'S Inieht and the Barnyard Twins on CLUB IS VERY ACTIVE Monday night and the closing night. Iowa City ,Ia.f Nov. 2. A com- j The committee is making final ar- mittee of the local Women's Chris- The Poverty Point Woman's club ran gements for nightly door prizes i oti TumnapanAA unlnn hoa hrnntrhf ITlPt fit thA hnma 4-kf Af fa .Tnlln PVlo!rk4 n,1 n . r. A V. ...111 l.A nnnnnnai1 thu ciently severe to be alarming. Thei .v n,f t tk Ortnhor nth ioe Attr- ,icu i. cVilr Iqatail cAvAn 1 rt J , -Vf aiicuiivil Ul VylAV.. Kit. A Wiv.- v . " ' - - v.w 11 1 S L Ui tilt; W CCA, ouuvn. .aaicu owcil Kwuua. 1 n V T)ont "tna rfonlni-ohlo .licnktr IOUS d nnpr t!lo Prnif.ft Ipadprsi Mrs TTI nTlnAnnl Olnl. 1 !-. -"v-c ..j . . j . o "r. IT":-? li:V: '.u!, of lawlessness and examples of in- John Phelps and Mrs. F. Ross gave newspaper, reported . that earthquake was fin M in.li Jt IV toxication of Iowa homecoming cele- the demonstration work for the month ItJll ai 1.H p. m. , i,ro(nn Ctrn " inn "TT'nnrl nnrt Wiitrttlnn " -.-v. (Omaha time) from Jiminez, Chihua-i br?l"vr&n." hna. to .Tnarpj; and Fll P9n TV,C vvuere, luey-uemauuwu. SLAYER TO SEE PICTURE Mexico City, Nov. 1. When Jose did the On October 26th, 1928, several T.nn ti fpo trial tomorrow iiuQi i-v uui uuu ui x Ainu. i nr . . i . . . . . v .-ww - tremor was of about 30 seconds dur- aomecomers get all their liquor? nemoera oi tne ciud atienaeu tne for the assassination of President . ..Here? University of Nebraska Extension i a rv,rr. irra niMnn aiiuu, aim ii was rcporteu inai ai Santa Rosalia, Chihuahua, severa' houses collapsed. JUDGE, THE FRIEND OF MAN, Here? University of Nebraska Extension ,,,,t Alvar nbreeon. a Iartre Dicture "And," they persisted, "can't Service recreation program at Lin- of the man he kined win look down some way to be found before Dad's coin. on hlm f rom tne wall just above the day, Nov. 17, whereby state and lo-! The next meeting will be held at judge's head. cal officers could operate?" ithe home of Mrs. V. A. Besack on i The picture which is a large photo- A committee will be appointed to November 14th. 1923, from 10:30 a.L.,,nii lo ctn'Hn o-l xr ltfAllVa and HflTTl. XiulAtulu2 WIVJub MiUUldJ PAY suggest some plan by which friends m. to p. m. Inates the courtroom at San Angel, . of the university can express their Any ladies interested in the work not far from where the actual assas- Chicago, 111., Oct. 31. Judge Jy in a lawful manner, Mrs. W. J. are invited to attend and join the nation took pdace. Toral'fc first Joseph P. Sabath, veteran divorce Dennis, vice president, announced. good project of making "Better Homes sight of the likeness came today jurist. champions the husabnd's-. The committee did not criticize for Better Families." Bring a regu- When he entered the room to be pres- right to claim alimony just as a wife the Iowa City police for failure to lar school lunch minus sandwiches. ent at the beginning of the selection when circumstances warrant it. i cope with the situation, it was an- These will be made at the meeting. nf a jury to try him and the nun ui course, aDie-DOdtea husbandr nouncea, dui compiainea tnat iowa' wns. j. j. uhaduh, who can support themselves are not City'8 police force of seven men was Publicity Chairman. entitled to alimony," the judge said, too small for a city of 15,000. Chief. 1 "but neither are self-supporting wlveH Benda agreed. PLYMOUTH ROCK COCKERELS without children." . ; - He spoke in comment on the case! This high rate of activity in the for sale. Full blood and extra fine of a Milwaukee woman who had been ! basic Industries has resulted in a Mrs. Henry Timm, Murray. . m i . . In plpff ri rn 1 pnni nmoTi nartTAiilartv. ner ousaanu. i - J . T v. , j ct a- in the Middle West. mu uui a FOR SALE elusive Dennison dealer in this vi- Concepcion, charged as an accom plice. The courtroom seats just one hun dred. A thousand want entrance. To simplify the matter admission has been made by ticket Issued only by .the judge. Those unable to hear the 'trial first hand, however, will not 'be left out entirely, for the depart ment of communications is installing radio apparatus to broadcast the pro ceedings, the first time that this has Yes! its true We are selling new stylish up-to-date uercoafe at We have them in plain or fancy browns or greys. They're D.-B. big pockets with flaps cuffs or sleeves. Full cut, roomy, warm and comfortable. We urge you to seelhese coats before buying. Some verv fine Duroe Jersev hoar- Cinity. "..Nothing : like . the genuine beea done in Mexico. 115 stock pigs for sale. Paul Heil, for sale. A. A. Younsr. Murray. Neb. - Dennison eoods and you can eet them! Cedar Creek, Nebr. no-lsw j n5-2sw onlv at th oti lr ! Journal Want-Ada eet results. vv 0' V i "4 4