The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 01, 1928, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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THURSDAY, NOV. 1, 19?8.
1 .Friday '&--' Saturday- -1
Advantages of
Wholesale Mar- ,
kets Available
Mynard Club
Has Fine Meet
ing on Friday
Swans Down Cake Flour 29c
Karo White Table Syrup, gal 640
Kwiksolv, the granular soap, pkg. . . 230
Raisins, 4-Ib. pkg. for . . 39c
Seedless Fresh stock just received.
Jello, all flavors, per pkg .70
Calumet Baking Powder, yg. can. . .290
Hershey's Cocoa, y2-b. tin 160
Little Hatchet Flour . $1.75
4S-lb. sacks at a new, low price
Black ".White
Hoover Would
Keep Up Same
High Standards
Election of Candidate to Mean Con-'
tinaation of Good Business,
Is Kellogg Claim.
carry on the president's successful
Describing Hoover as 'having
greater knowledge of the nation's
complex problems of trade and com
merce than any other man in the
country. Secretary Kellogg also said
that Hoover was particularly quali-
I fied to deal with the development of
waterways. state journal.
West Pr'.m Beach. Fla.. Oct. 2S.
Six weeks after the tropical hurri
cane. Red Cross officials today an
nounced their official casualty esti
mate, placing the number of dead
at 1,837 and of injured at 1,870 for
the entire storm area. Altho various
figures have been quoted previously.
Washington. Oct. 30. Secretary 4
Kellogg tonight declared that Her
bert Hoover, the republican presiden
tial candidate, could "be depended
upon to carry forward the work
which has been so successfully per-
rormeu Dy t-resiaem oouuse. i(,co nn nut nt hfartnuar
Speaking from broadcasting sta- terg ag represonting the first officially
tion WMAL, the secretary of state complete estimate based on actual fig
opened his address with the state-, ureg assembletl by workers in each
ment that the issues in the campaign district Tne 1Ist divi(jeg the casual
were largely economic and declared ties as f0nows.
that "parties must be principally) Wegt palm jjeach area from Jupi
judged by the result of legislation : ter tQ Delray Beach, 26 dead, 1,487
and of administration and with the jnjureu
country prosperous and happy as it? Broward countv, one dead. 51 in
is, I ask whether there is any rea-; jure(j
son at this time for a change?" j pam Beach county, 1,700 dead
"I bel ieve that the country in gpn-,265 injured,
eral has the utmost confidence in thej Okeechobee county, 25 dead, none
uprightness, the integrity and the jnjure(j
high purpose of President Coolidge,"j other territory, 34 dead, 67 in
he continued. "We have nominated ; jured.
as his successor a man of the same: A t'otai of io,172 families had reg
high purpose, a man of courage and'ietere(i wjth the Red Cross up to to
vision who has been closely con-jnignt witn nQv. 3 set as final date
necteti wun tne counsels or tne aa-;f0r acceptance of application for aid.
These were divided as to areas af
Palm Beach county, 6,993.
Broward county. 1,116.
Everglades county, 1.002.
Okeechobee county, 674.
Other section. 287.
To date, 2,018 families have
ministration and has admirably con
ducted a great and growing depart
ment, which as much as any depart
ment, if not more, has to do with
the industrial and economic well be
ing of the country.
"Mr. Hoover knows the country
from east to west and north to
south and realizes the special needs ceived rehabilitation, while 376 per
of the various sections, and in addi- sons remain under direct Red Crosr
tion to the very unusual grasp of care. In the entire district, 1.3 23 per
domestic problems, and has a re- sons are being fed by the organiza
markable knowledge of our foreign tion. Of these 600 are in the Ever
commerce which plays such an im- glades area and 462 in 'West Palm
portant part in our national pros- Beach.
Secretary Kellogg reviewed the . ALLEGED BOMBERS NAMED
achievements of the Coolidge admin-
istration. reciting the reduction of
the national debt, tax reductions,
the finding of foreign markets for
agricultural products and numerous
other national problems which have
been settled, and then declared that
Hoover could be depended upon to
A-l Garage
At 6th and Pearl
Large Crowd and Splendid Program
Featured in Regular Monthly f
Community aGthering.
A general good time prevailed at
the community club meeting at My-
Ghrist Furniture Co. Offers Unique
Service and Price Savings on
Big or Small Purchases
Plattsmouth, Nebr.,
October 31. 1928.
To Our Friends and Patrons:
1 kl..Vk 4 Vt i n lr itMl Ana i n oil " - . . . - . . .
e wioji iu maun naru. i'Tiaav nieni. wnen tne mem- r
throughout the entire county for bers and friends assembled for an $
your patronage in the past and for evening of enjoyment, such us these
the confidence you have shown in meetings have afforded. There were
our future. ' rlarinrotlnna In nnnrrl with YTal- X
j We have worked out a plan to take lowe'en.
care of your every need in household, The business meeting was opened
equipment at less cost to you than! witn the aU(iience singing, "The Star
I I n f , n nA-AKAll 1W 1 TUT ft TTTJ 'T Vl ? Q . , m 1 T T
uciuic uiiciu uj a-ij . spangier tanner, anu iNeorassa, t
has been made possible by the co-: jIy Native Land." led by Mrs. Sher
operation of the large and old estab-j man cole. As the next meeting is
lished wholesale houses. j to be devoted to election of officers,
Come direct to the Ghrist Purni-' and plans discussed for the following
ture Company or phone us and we year, it was decided that it would be
will come and get you and show you ror members and their families, only.
our stock. If you are unable to make i a short talk on the Red Cross
your selection, it is only a forty min-i WOrk was given by Mrs. C C. Barn
ute drive to the wholesale house, &rd, who touched on the need of
where hundreds of thousands of dol- Red Cross organizations, and recall- T
In a Dress Overcoat you want more than just a
covering you want Style, and Comfort and
unir FflDnrcnl ate
are in a class by themselves they make you feel fine and
they make you look fine. Just ask the man who owns one!
Prices $35 to 50
una sroloim 2atl:o
at $17 all woo
are unbeatable medium price coats. Have a look at them!
The weather man says "Snow and colder"
lars of goods are always on display ed several instances in which these 5
in the latest style and designs, from workers relieved sufferers in tornado
the best to the cheapest made, at rand flood districts. She also urged
prices that mean a wonderful saving j that everyone be willing to contrib
to you. You will be under -no more ute to this most needful cause.
obligation to us or the wholesale After a short intermission the fol- X
houses than any other firm you have lowing program was given:
ever dealt with. Male Quartets "Pale Moon," and
When you make your selection, we "Lassie O' Mine." Jk
set the goods up and deliver them tot Masonic Quartet Dialogue of r
your home ready for use. j "Welcome."
Another thing if you have anyj Eight Mile Grove School Cornet
odd pieces or mis-matched furniture 6olo, Glenn Kraeger, with Selma t
the Ghrist Furniture Company and "October Leaves" (vocal duet by AVVVWHfoVVf
we will immediately come out.
nraise your goods and apply the
amount on your new purchase.
Our aim is to give Cass county one
ap- Glenn and Selma Kraeger.
Eugene Richardson,
Little Orphan Annie."
Francis Wetenkamp,
f ttiii hect furniture markets in the 'Rirerrise Minlln nf Mrs rilr Rr-vor-
w, n hv th vprv " I From Wednesday s Dally
best furniture made to the cheapest Vocal solos "Duno" and "A
in new and used pieces, and to make Voice Is Calling," Frank Cloidt, Mrs.
you feel that it has paid you to come R. w. Knorr, accompanist.
Big Guns on
to a firm that is making every effort Address
to give quality, prices and service. ! ship," Miss Clara Sutter, poultry the building in the interior heie
awaited them.. The occasion was the'
Last evening ghostly figures were
noticed flitting around the building
of the First Methodist church, si
lently directing those who came to
Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 25. Ten
indictments in recent bombing and
racketeering activities in Kansas
City were returned by the Jackson
county grand jury here today.
James Martin, Robert W. Jackson
and W. H. F. Doerr were charged
with arson in connection with the
firing on an apartment Oct. 14. The
three men were arraigned a few
minutes after the indictments were
returned. Judge Thomas J. Shee
horn ordered the names of the others
indicted be withheld until they could
be apprehended.
The grand Jury has been engaged
in an investigation of alleged labor
bombings and of violence in the,
G. 0. P. Allies
Phone 6 45. or come to the store, editor of "The Farmer's Wife.
located at 118-122 South 6th Street,
Plattsmouth. Nebr.
Some of the people in the south
Male Quartet "Sweet and Low,"
"Honey Town." Hi Away Home."
Masonic Quartet Song,
Night," by Witches and Goblins. Mrs
Anderson, accompanist.
At the close of the program, the
Hallowe'en party given by the mem- nr-v-., TSV nrmnr.ic.AY, f AtiI.
bers of the Philathea class for the. - -j , "
uw , . . ,
members of the Young Men's Bible
class of the church.
In the church more ghostly figures
refreshments committee, of which , received the trembling members of
Saloon League and Elan;
Crowd Roars Cheers
Baltimore, October 29. In a scath-
the Y. M. B. C. and conducted them ing scornful denunciation. Governor
,TK:Z serd n endid rerenVr"" ' on the journey through the ghostly Smith tonight bluntly accused the Re
t?U It W U U 1 Li VI C Ck givab illii l v, itiv
if certain hills were cut down and
the dirt thus secured used to heighten TRAIN DELAYED BY WRECX
the grades in the low places. Dis-
'graveyard as well as the devil's publican party of accepting the Ku
' kitchen and after a Journey filled Klux Klan and the Anti-Saloon lea
I with thrills the guests of the even- gue as allies in the fight to defeat
i ing arrived at the church parlors him for the presidency,
i where a fine time was awaiting them, j The Democratic standard-bearer
The decoration of the parlors was cast aside all restraint, and threw
covering that there was not enough From Tuesday's ra!ly
money available for such extended This morning east bound train No.
improvement In one location, they 6 over the Burlington was delayed . dull and black and made a.alI the fire and force at his corn-
very fitting background for the Hal- mand into his bitter arraignment or
lowe'en festivities that followed in the Republican party for this alleged
rapid succession, the ladies in charge alliance. His Oklahoma City speech I
to the greatest position in the gift
of the people by any influence that
may be exerted by any organization
with such perverted ideas of Ameri
canism. "While I think of them as a small
group of misled, if not ignorant peo
ple, nevertheless this campaign brings
home to the electors and in my
opinion, they fcannot disregard it
that the klan Is cfne of the forces be
hind the Republican party.
"That I have had. during all my
public career as governor, their open
enmity and hostility, there can be no
question. That they are supporting
the Republican party in this cam
paign there can be no question.
Omaha Bee-News.
offered to donate their time and for some time, due to the fact that
teams for the hauling of the dirt if the train had ran into an auto north
the county would furnish the grader, of Bellevue, the car having been left
The commissioner, Mr, Chas. Spang- standing on the" track apparently by of the party haVing planned a very was mild in comparison
started. An account of the work molished, while the pilot of the lo-
clever program of games and stunts Applause Terrifying.
V. r Triola Avonintr rno nf thA mi j i i i
Mynard w publiVhed recentlyrNe tenThV the UWonV to a or tne olly dealt with foreign policies prohibi-
the hill just east of Myron Wiles' It was reported here that the car parH;ini, thp pvenine lhe eames and ti0n' eJ P T l Vl lLlt
farm was cut. The following menj had belonged to some celebratory caTumbeT a
est or tne evening ana tie?. Mitcneii. the Fifth regiment armory, where
Albert Wetenkamp 4
Myron Wiles 3
Arthur Wetenkamp 3
William Wetenkamp 2
Royal Smith 1
Reuel Sack 1
Henry Meislnger 1
who was present offered his real treat Woodrow Wilson was nominated in
Ull e0tlmJiai lethe ca Pad in his demonstration of magic In 1912, to its feet with a roar of ap-
daJs hV trtTtilfXl which he finished some very clever plaus'e tnat was alm03t terrifying.
aH , After the accident the entertainment. As evidence linking the Ku Klus
diJ nSt-n77hMfIftr . At a suitable hour the refresh-! Klan with tne Republican party, the
J rePrt of the accident was made. ' ments served were in keeping with governor cited:
day The reports received here state t,Q Uoiinwn eoumn and hrmis-ht i a r wi t,ntr i
Chas. E. Barnard 1 day that the car wis unoccupied at the t th close the witching hours of New Jersey under the auspices of the
'.r : " 7 .r:r Pleasure and happiness. IKu Klux Klan. in conjunction witr
decided to use the same system on , owning the car later made their ap-
some of their hills and the work
donated on this road follows:
Ray Wiles 2 days
Jim Llepert 2 days
Philip Liepert 2 days
Jack Stamp : ldays
Arthur Sullivan 1 day
Earl Smith ; 1 day
Sam Gilmour 1
pearance at the scene of the acci
dent, but there was little left of
the car to claim.
From Wednesdays Daily
Frank R. Onhclman who wnj in-
day jured in an auto accident on Siinrtnv
Taylor Cuthrell day October 21st north of Nebraska City,
TUls donation amounted to fifty i3 confined to hia homo for V. r.n
days of work and is quite a saving ;few days as the result of a relansc
The entertainment committee in 'the ReDublican national committee
charge of the event were Mrs. W. A.J 2. Published reports that the chair
Wells. Mrs. H. E. Sortor, Mrs. J. T.I man of the Republican state commit
Marshall, Miss Alice Weyrich and j tee of Virginia, who is one of the
Mrs. R. E. Bailey.
for the road funds of the precinct. It
will help not only the people who
travel these roads, but the whole pre
that was caused by an infection de
veloping from one of tne wounds sus
tained in the accident. Mr. Goble
owners of the Fellowship Forum, the
official organ of the Klan, accompan
ied Herbert Hoover on his trip tc
Elizabethton, Tenn.
From Wednesdays Daily Referring to me Diazing cross
In the Dioeram of the Internation- alongside the railroad tracks wher
al Rotary to enjoy inter-city and the Smith special train passed
inter community meetings during through Indiana recently as "A de
the course of the year, the Omaha fiance of the Klan to my presence
Rotary club has extended an invlta-; in the state" the governor ex
tion to the clubs at Council Bluffs, ; claimed: -
:, : V'.c w- ni(inwnfM, . pittmouth and Fremont "What hollow mackery!
uu mu m umuu was aDie l0 De up ana arouna r" ,oi "I the Omaha club at their could be so far removed from the
thus saved can be applied to the and looking after his business for 10 Joint tne umana ciud at xneir h.
r.armor.0n -ororlr Jr. M), nor. of . j ... . . meeting In tnat City lOQaV. llluu6UW, aDFiiaiw..0,
""" - f" -- , a. iciy U4JB uul ior i lie past iwu uav? , . . . , : ,
the precinct.
.'jtorage tor Cars and 1 rucks ; cleaning and dyeing industry for the
in a steam heated Garage at a'Jf8 month, sixty-one
1 . Al 11 1 ; "
low rate. -iso worK oone Dy
fat rate prices on all cars and
l.ncks. Let us figure with you.
Prom Wfancsaay's Dallv
This morning Merle Rainey of
New York City, arrived here for a
short visit with his mother, Mrs. W.
H. Rainey and the brothers and sis
ters in this city and with the A. N.
Sullivan family south of this city
Mr. Rainey, who Is with the National
Electric Light association at New
York, was called to Chicago on some
business for the company and while
there decided to run out and visit
with the home folks and also attend
to some business matters in this local
ity. The young man has been located
in Chicago and New York since hi?
graduation from the state university
and has been very successful in hi?
work as an electrical expert.
has been confined to his home and
is feeling quite poorly
We wish to express to the many
kind friends in Plattsmouth and
Eagle our deep and heartfelt appre
ciation of the many acts of kindness
and words of sympathy tendered u?
at the time of our bereavement in the
loss of our loved husband and rather:
We wish also to thank the Elmwood
lodge of the Masons and the American
Legion for their acts of kindness and
the many friends for the beautifu'
floral remembrances. Mrs. K. L.
Trumble and Children.
Prom Wedneoday s Datly
This morning a petition was filed
in the office of the clerk of the dis
trict court in which Mrs. Mildref
Sperry was the plaintiff and William
R. Sperry, the defendant. The cause
of action was that of divorce. The
petition states that the parties were
married at Burlington, Colorado, in
1917 and that the plaintiff 1 now a
resident of Casa county.
At District 15. Saturday evening.
Nov. 3rd. Please come masked. Ad
mittance. 10c; lunch, 10c.
o29-2sw; o31-d Teacher.
Journal Want-Ad get results.
.r-!-M-I"I-I"I"I"I"I"I-I"W-h t
4 Thomas Walling Company
Abstracts of Title
Phone 324
Cut Prices on Ford
Schedule Labor
All Work is Guaranteed
Coshocton, O., Oct. 25. Republi
can support of legislation necessary
to give agriculture the "equal pro
tection with other industries' wat
pledged here today by Senator Curtis
in his first Ohio appearance.
Speaking at a large afternoon meet
ing in the agricultural section the
vice presidential nominee emphasized
republican hopes for farm relief and
declared little could be expected from
the democrats "because of their ten
dency to meddle with the tariff, the
banckbone of farm protection."
We take this means of thanking
our friends and neighbors for their
kindness and sympathy in our hour
of sadness also for the floral tribute
paid our beloved wife, daughter, sis
ter and aunt. Edward F. Grybsky
Harry Johnson, Mrs. Sherman Cole
and Family.
Will the party who took my con
crete mixer from back of the Farm
ers State Bank please return it. I
hare use for it now.- - - r
nl-lsw, 2d
Now is the time to get a home of
your own. We have several good
farms for sale on the crop payment
plan. Also a good ranch, if sold at
once. For further information write
or see H. A. Hanke, Farmers Union
Co-Op. Grain Co.. Venango, Nebr.
The Dennison line solves the prob
lem of mid-summer hostesses. Sold
exclusively in this territory at the
Sates Book and Gift Shop.
K: on
" v.
OUR FIRE loss is a thous
and dollars a minute. That
is why you should be careful
about fires and careful about
your fire insurance.
This agency represents the
Hartford Fire Insurance Com
pany. We can give you valu
able hints on preventing fires
as well as sound insurance pro
tection should fire loss come.
Searl S. Davis
Phone 9
farm Loans Investments
Insurance - Real Estate
The members of the local Del
phian chapter held a very interest
ing meeting on Monday evening at
the home of Mrs. C. C. Wescott with
Mrs. R. B. Hayes as the leader of the
The ladies have as their study for
the winter, that of history and the
period and subject covered at the
-meeting was that from 1000 to 1400
A. D. "The Assets of the Renais
sance." The nations covered In the
study period were Italy, France,
Spain, the German empire and Eng
land. This fascinating period of history
study was much enjoyed and the
ladies derived a great deal of pleas
ure as well as benefit in the study
of this part of the history of the
world. . .
A few Cass county maps left at
the Journal office. 50c each. 1
Each club has been asked to sup- i ideals of America."
ply a speaker that will give a short Charged With Scorn,
'presentation of the advantages of1 Then, his voice vibrant with scorn,
1 their respective localities and for the came his ringing renunication:
president, responded for the local nominious defeat than to be raised fr I I I I "
viewpoint. Mr. Davis gave a very w 1.
fine outline of the advantages of this
city which is so situated as to give
all of the pleasantness and family
atmosphere of the small town and has
the advantage of being located near
a great city . The great value of
the farming territory tributary to
this city, the splendid work of the
Cass county farm bureau and the
winnings of the Cass county clubs
at the state and international fairs,
was-pointed out, also that the farm
ing community had raised the sum of
$17,000 for the new creamery. The
city improvements and advantages
were also pointed out by the speak
er. ,
An - W
$1 nil
WITH the changing of
open buggies to closed
cars, clothing keeps step . . .
From big heavy Overcoats to
"happy medium" weights
and "toppers" is now . the
Step in and see these new
fall overcoats lighter in
weights, lighter in colors
and lighter in price.
s1 i fio sSg