The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 18, 1928, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THURSDAY, OCT. 18, 1928.
Nehawka Department!
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
Funeral Director
Nebraska City Phone 231 . Day and Night Service
Monuments - Ambulence Service
potted Poland !ar Sale
latunirdlay, Jv. 2.
Sale Starts at 1 :30 P. M.
Nehawka, Nebraska
site that is being arranged Clarence
Hansen is to erect the new garage
building and which will add very
much to the appearance of the com
munity. John G. Wunderlich, and son, Wal
ter, and Dr. John Lemeul Harriett
who have been away for some ten
days arrived home on last Friday
after having spent the time in the
sand hill country of the northwest
wheie they were shooting birds and
catching fish, or rather the others
were but Uncle John Wunderleicl
was shooting holes in the air and
scaring the birds away. John says
he least shot the air full of hole;
when he came away.
Eat Customary Birthday Dinner.
On last Thursday October 11th
Frank P.- Sheldon being sixty-threr
years of age and Henry Wessell be
ing sixty-five, they with the family
and Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Tucker and
Carl Wessell and wife enjoyed r
sumpteous dinner at the home of
Frank P. Sheldon aid wife.
Henry Sturm was shelling and de
livering corn on last Monday.
Earnest Ahrens and wife were over
to Plattsmouth on last Sunday where
they were attend the funeral of Ralph
Frank Lemon and wife were visit
ing in Omaha for the day on last
Sunday where they were the guests
of friends.
Clee Stone will begin picking corn
for W. O. Troop this week and as
there is corn a plenty he will work
most of the fall.
Carl Stone began the picking of his
corn crop on Tuesday of this week
and says it is an excellent crop, and
in very fine condition.
Albert Ingwerson and daughter
Miss Ruth, of Lincoln were visiting
for the day on last Sunday at the
home of C. I). St. John.
Mrs. 1). C. Rhoden was a visitor In
Plattsmouth on last Saturday where
she was the guest of friends as well
as looking after some shopping.
Mrs. Lillian Shepadson is visiting
for the week at the home'of.hei
daughter, Mrs. James R,.Hill, where
all are enjoying the visit very much
The Womans society of the Nehaw
ka Methodist church were serving the
eats at the hog sale which was held
by Harry Knabe on Wednesday of
this week.
Harry L. Kruger and family of
Plattsmouth were visiting for the
day on last Sunlay at the home of
W. H. Kruger north of Nehawka and
west of Murray.
Mrs. F. R. Cunningham who has
been visiting in California for the
past ten weeks wh?re she went tc
accompany her mother home arrived
on Tuesday of this week.
Thomas Wakefield of South Omaha
was a visitor in Nehawka and the
vicinity he coming down to look for
some lost rabbits, but he got nc
trace of the furry animals.
J. V. Hatt of Plattsmouth has ac
cepted a position with Grosewig and
Schoengrtn at Council Bluffs grocery
house and was in Nehawka on last
Monday selling some excellent gro
Fred Rhodewald now of Nevada
Mo., but formerly of Weeping Water
and Plattsmouth was a visitor ir
the neighborhood of Nehawka and
was looking after selling some life
Julius Kreklow who was so poorly
last week that be was taken to Omali?
where he was given treatment in a
hospital, was able to return homf
arly this week but is not feeling
the best as yet.
John Opp and the children werr
over to Omaha last Sunday where
they went to visit with Mrs. Opp
who has just left the hospital and
is staying at the home of a sistei
of Mrs. Opp.
Mrs. A. G. Cisney and the childrer
who have been visiting for some time
past at Colerige, for the past three
week3 returned last Saturday, they
were visiitng with relatives of both
Mr. and Mrs. Cisney.
Clee Stone who has been visiting
for the past month at Springfield
Mo., and other points in the south
returned to the vicinity of Nehawka
last week after having enjoyed the
visit there very much.
William and Robert Troop were
over to Grand Island late last week
and while there made the purchase
of some seven car loads of cattle
which they had shipped to Murray
and placed on feed on their farms.
F. R. Cunningham who has been
spending some ten days in the west
ern portion of Nebraska and also in
South Dakota hunting in the Black
Hills returned home on last Saturday
after having enjoyed a very fine outing.
U Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Wolfe enter
tained at their home in Nehawka and
had for their guests Earl Wolfe and
family, of Union and Frank Wolfe of
Loma, Colorado, where all enjoyec'
a very fine time. Frank staying for
over night and going to Murray on
Monday where Albert went to work
Miss Mary Davis of Louisana, Mo.
was a visitor at the home of Thomas
Mason for a number of days during
the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Mason
and Thomas and Miss Davis were
over to Omaha on last Sunday to visit
the little babe of their daughter
Ella, and found the young man feel
ing very fine.
Glen Whiteman and family ant'
Mrs. J. A. Whiteman and sons, Ray
and Herman, were over to Platts
mouth at the funeral of the late
Ralph Johnson who recently died in
a hospital at Omaha. Mr. Johnsor
was the son-in-law of Mrs. J. A
Whiteman an account of whose life
and death will appear elsewhere.
Wm. August, Jr., who with the
family have been making their home
near LaMar, arrived in Nehawkr
for a short visit last Saturday even
ing, and drove in his truck, and just
as he was going to leave the highwaj
south for Nehawka ins truck gave
out and had to have a new part
Very fortunate was he that he war
able to get that close to home.
In the last issue of the Journal
it was stated that C. M. Chrisweisser
was preparing to build a garage
which seems to have been an error.
The ground for the garage has bee'i
cleared off by Mr. Etlwards an tin-pi-
yt of Clarence Hansen and one the
Mrs. Emma Burdick Better.
Mrs. Emma Burdick who under
went an operation losing one foot at
hospital a month since is so far im
proved that she was able this week
to return to her home in Omaha. Her
many friends here will be pleased tc
know of her improvement and iopc
she may entirely recovered soon.
I have for sale a number of fine
Polled Herford Bulls. Excellent an
imals. C. E. HEEBNER.
Phone 2203. Nehawka, Neb.
Ernest Graham, same, RD 14
Wm. Schlueter, same, RD 7
Louis Schmidt, same, RD 7
J. E. Lancaster, same, RD 27
A. J. Neitzel. same, RD 7
'L. R. Wiseman, same, RD 14
Wheeling Corrug. Co., cut
verts, RD 14 92.08 Hansen, J. W. Murdock
48.10 1 Liberty Precinct W. O. Burbee,fN. F. Hennings, same, RD 2
7.50 D. C. LaRue, W. R. Good. J. c. Spangler, same, RD 3
21.60 Nehawka Precinct Wm. Brandt, J. w. Hill, same RD 10
36.00 Nelson Berger. ij. H. Fulton, same, RD ill"
15.00 . Avoca Precinct J. W. Kintner M. G. Men
27.00 and C. W. Fahnestock. No. 15 ' ' 17G0
i Jiouni rieasani rrecmci r. a. C. A. Althouse, same, RD 6 20.25
Wm. Westfall. dragging roads,
RD No. 7 . . 43.50 Rueben Groesser.
Chas. Warga, same, RD 1
Howard Lohnes, same, RD 2
H . J. Thiele, same, RD 9
H. A. Risk Co.. concrete
Adolph Bockelman, same, RD
I uenter I'recinct Aiartin iNeiisen,' xrn fi men
IVance H. Harris, samo nn
8.45 Louisville Precinct F. H. Nichols,! Kn 11 cQ nn
i v o t r i 1 , . "
' " x-icu ujBciiiup, . j . loimumn. jacot) Witt, same, RD 5
10.50 West Rock Bluffs Precinct O. A. yf-tPr Mann Rpmo nrvu 11
Offica ol
of Cans County
Plattsmouth Nebr.,
October 2, 1928.
Board met as per adjournment.' ROAD FUND ,uayer, J. L. btamp. Arthur Skinner, road work
Present, C. D. Spangler, Fred H. Got- Fred Ruby, road work in Plattsmouth Precinct J. F. Wehr-, in rd No. 6 $
der and C. F. Harris, County Com-, rd No. 1 $ 16.50 bein, E. H. Spangler, B. V.". Living- Martin Maher, labor, RD 5
missioners; Geo. R. Sayles, County Tom Ruby, same, RD 1 7.50 ston. e. B. Chapman, road work"
Clerk. .Wheeling Corrug. Co., cul- Eight Mile Grove Precinct John rd No. 11
Minutes of last session read and j verts, RD 14 91.44 jM. Gauer, Ed Heil, P. A. Hild. U. A. Schoeman, same, RD 3
approved, when the following busi- Wheeling Corrug. Co., cul- Plattsmouth, City, First Ward R. ' j. c. Niday, same, RD 11
ness was transacted In regular rorm: Verts, RD 7 & A. Bates, L. w. fc-gen Derger. g. L. Heneger, same. RD 13
Orders by County Judge renewing Grant Hackenberg, road worn
the Mothers Pensions of Mrs. Nellie in RD No. 1
Garcia, Mrs. Marcia Hise, Mrs. Josie Fred W. Beil. same, RD 27
Brown and Mrs. Will Hindman ap- Wm. Both well, same, RD 16
proved. iNebr. Culv. Mfg. Co., cul-
Davis, E. S. Tutt, C. M. Read. I an,i io
work, RD 27 1125.00 . East Rock Bluffs Precinct H. L. ROAD FUND
. 44.00
uai tlIJ ,i:rA m,r A. J. Schafer, road work in
Reports of fees for the 3rd quar-, Q
A k v r -
I Plattsmouth, City, Second Ward 'staeev Nidav. same nn 11
z&.zo ' zu. . Fleming, J. yv. uraDin. i. K.. ;Louis Schmidt, same, RD 7 210.65
1.35 Peoples. lAvoca Village, road monev.
9.75 j Plattsmouth, City, Third Ward j rd No. 23 "
I A. J. Snyder, Fred Sydebotham, John , Louisville Villaee. road mon-
verts, RD 13 111.46 Bajeck, Henry Starkjohn. ey, rd No. 18 200.00
'a t oli - .. mirt i-t-Ij- (n I Plattsmnnth Cii V WniirtVi Ward r tti it :
ter, 19 2 S, were filed by the following'
6.30 S. S. Chase, J. A. Edgerton and John ion, RD No. 13 25.00
47.70 Kirkham. Green Piggott, road work in
I Plattsmouth. City, Fifth Ward rd No. 10 9 4.50
20.75 S. L. Cotner, W. T. Hutchison. c. W. Stoehr, same, RDlI" 61.50
Orders, Appointments, Etc. Ralph Meisinger, same, RD 2 251.41
rr Fred Hike, same, RD 1 30.00
Plattsmouth Ferry Company filed j. E. Lancaster, same. RD 27 191.60
! verts, RD No. 8 204.48 application for the renewal of ferry Axel Nelson, sand. RD 4 7.00
F. M. Cole, road work in license to operate a ferry across the Trunkenbolz Oil Co.. supplies.
RD No. 14 276.15 Missouri river near tne C. a. & y. rd No. 7 89.54
Hen rv P.nrn same. RD 1
! Dinger Lumber Co., material,
RD No. 14
Ralph Gansemer, road work
1 in RD No. 9
Nebr. Culv. Mfg. Co., cul-
county officers as provided by law
County Judge $ 99S.70
Clerk Dist. Court 715.05
Register of Deeds- 478.75
County Clerk 202.07
County Sheriff 170.25
To Publish Ballot
The official ballot for the Nov. 6th,
1928, election was ordered to be pub- a. J. Schafer, same, RD 9 24.75 R. R. bridge, and the license was re- Leo Ilorton, road work, RD
lished in all the local newspapers, BRIDGE FUND newed for one year to September 19, k0. 15 9.90
last issue before the election. A. F. Sturm, material $ 38.88 1929, for a fee of $15.00. will Harley, same, RD 15 76.00
Claims Allowed Binger Lumber Co., material 135.10 : Order of County Judge renewing Eari Elliott, engineman. HG
Frans Lumber Co.. material- ih.uu iue Mouieru i-eusiun 01 wmme u- jvo. 103.64
State of Nebr.. DPW. cost wards approved. Green Pieerott. road work in
I repairing Louisville bridge. 70.46' Mr. C. C. Despain, of Plattsmouth, rd No. 10 SO. 50
J. W. Banning, material 159.15 ivebraska, was appointed a member Chas. C. Barnard, same, RD 1 110.00
Claims as listed on the various
funds were allowed by the Board:
Ldltn Hltt, womer s i ension T.ri hr-Ta, wnrt 33 50 of the Soldiers Relief Commission of i,.
j4pmsvj.. Ajtjk. 1 11 u ui iumv - - uiiv c Ai. 1 iai 1 10. aniu. x. k. j . w
for October 10. u T,, T Tihaii inmiwr 148 15 Cass countv. to fill vacancy caused by enhnm Qrn n 1,1,,,.
Will Hindman, same 15.00
Mary Piper, same 10.00
Minnie Mason, same 10.00
Paxton & Vierling, steel for
the death of Thomas Wiles.
U. B. Church Notes
Answer to last week's question:
"The Bible is God's message to man."
Question: "What proof have we for
the above statement?"
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject,
"The Saviors of the City."
Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Subject,
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Children's service at 11 a. m. Sub
ject, "A Great Ship."
Preaching at 11:20 a. m. Subject,
"Christ's Threefold Shepherd Work."
Successful men of all ages have
found church attendance to be prof
itable. Can you afford to cast light
ly aside the findings of such' men?
We would like to see you in' cnurch
next Sunday.
Josephine Janda, same
Nellie Garcia, same
Catherine Ash, same
Esther Converse, same
i Marcia Hise, same
jDollie Duffield, same
jZella Couley, same .
Elizabeth Wright, same
Almeda Owens, same
Josie Brown, same 15.00
nine bridges 2157.75
M. L. Evans, building seven
I material, RD 5
Charles Dyer, road work, RD
I No. 5
and repairing two bridges- 672.40 hereas, the Lnited States Gov- jacoh Witt, same. RD 5
in on H. A. Risk Co., building and ernment througn its officers are ae- Cranc, Curyea & Murtey, ma-
in no repairing bridges huu.uu omuua ui feiavc.uK nuou ov,, tenai, RD ao. 8
in'nft John L. Tidball, material 157.65 running from the corporate limits of Fred Lorenscn, road work in
7n COMMISSIONER'S FUND .the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun- RD No. g
I 1st District Jty. Nebraska, to the rifle range, in Wm. Richards, same, RD 4
,i"no John L. Tidball. lumber ? 7.90 order to make the same passable at Anton Auerswald, labor and
dn'hn Ofe Oil Co., gasoline 131.38 all times, and ( material, RD 14
iJ.jt , . r- r WlifirAaa it ia ill fl rw i m nf till Tmttw 1 n riTTv-r
ivroenier uaruware, uaruware ....v., .v ... uiulujc riiu
Grace Fullerton, same
Katherine Warner, same
Minnie Edwards, same..
Clara M. Wickman, Septem-
2000 c D- Spangler, for running
S. A. Thomsen, work at the
j court house 4.00
lEert Reed, salary, mileage 243. S3
jFred H. Gorder, phone calls 5.60
jGolda Noble Deal, fees, ex-
j pense : 78.58
!J. F. Brendel, M. D., pauper
! nr'ioliVo ' 30 Oft
Geo. R. Sayles, salary and i
expense .-11' 171.66
C. D. Spangler. lary and 1
mileage 134.60
Joe Sedlacek, sawing wood 3.75
Rex W. Young, salary and
mileage 124.40
JCounty Commissioners of Cass coun- Searie & Chanin. lumber J3S0.67
- ,1 r. nn rv. wpnrasKa. io assise ine i niiea t ui kr:jn ...r- ic nn
ty nn auri ts.w - - u v 11 1 11, unuu n. u.w
John Tidball, material 63.95 States Government in making this j H Latrom. bolts 1.75
J. D. Adams Co., tractor re- !road passable from the corporate Crane, Curyea & Murtey, for
. pairs , 1,9.92 limits of the City of Plattsmouth,! material 52.47
,a&s cuui:ijr, i cut tan.d, iu me nuc Fred Lorensen, bridge work- 21.60
A. Funke, lumber zi.bu
reen Piggott. bridge work 4 8.00
ion Lumber Co., material- 71.60
eraderman 39.00 lls "'"J fe' " ' 1 wm. uicnaras, bridge work ii.zo
Vohr Piilii Mfer r"- fry iwn
:ir snlnrv . " S .iZ.bU i " : . i .
;... ', "".:r."7TfEfeA ' culverts izi.b II.
i. f.v" J; V,,nn Bud Nickels, engineman 119.50' Be it Resolved, mat tne united n
, , .f; , ' Will Creamer, graderman 86.50 states uovernment inrougn us oni- Un
.uiciicttri miu, ucnim ,.vv .... n.,.n(t
Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 16. More
! than 40 Harvard professors, includ
ing Prof. Charles T. Copeland, Boyls
ton professor emeritus of rhetoric
and oratory, and Dean David L. Ed
sall of the medical school, issued a
joint statement tonight through the
democratic state committee support
ing the candidacy of Governor Smith
for the presidency.
The professors said in part:
"Some of us favor prohibition and
some oppose it. We think that dif-
j ferencea of opinion on this question
j should not be allowed to overshadow
other important matters, such as the
establishment of friendly relations
with other countries, including Lafin-
i America; the protection of national
water power, and the relief of agri
cultural depression, as to which Gov
ernor Smith's desire for action con
trasts sharply with the eight years'
inactivity of the administration to
which his opponent belonged.
"The best hope for a return to the
liberalism of Roosevelt and Wilson
lies in the election of Governor
2nd District
H. A. Risk Co., for concrete
work I5S3.00
H. A. Risk Co., work and
material 95.00
T. E. Fulton, labor and ma
terial 2S.00
3rd District
A. Ai Wallinger, -graderman,
HG No. 3 102.50
.Harry Schaefer, graderman,
1 HG No. 4 104.54
Nebr. Culvert Mfg. Co., grader
tending from tne corporate limits or Miller & Gruber, concrete
the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun-i culvert 380.14
ty. Nebraska, to the rifle range A. F. Sturmma"terial"I 101.12
without any expense to the county, a. Funke, material 21.20
Dated tnis dru day oi ueiooer, a. r h. Lohnes Lumber Co., for
D. 1928.
j material : 317.04
(Bestor & Swatek, mdse 15.45
jKroehler Hardware, mdse 7.4 5
C. W. Erickson, bridge work 15.00,
Gus Wiedeman, same 12.00
Board of County Commis- 0eo. E. Nickles. material--, 332.05...
C. H. Lewis, hauling garbage
Sam Given ter, prov. to poor
I. J. Fuller, prov. to poor
Lorenz Bros., mdse. to farm
A. B. Smith, carpenter work
Clarence E. Ledgway, salary
Alpha C. Peterson, salary and
sioners of Cass County,
County Clerk.
Claims Allowed
Claims as listed on the following
These cooler nights call for Blankets. We have them
all wool and part wool. Make the winter nights pleas
ant. See our excellent assortment. Cold weather goods
now here.
Telephone 14 Nehawka, Nebi
Where Customers Feel at Home
240 acres, four and a half miles
from Murray, 140 acres, three miles
from Manley, $20,000 improvements:
160 acres, three miles from Manley,
$4,000 improvements; two eighty
acre farms; one fifty acre farm; fif
teen acres; two houses not modern;
two modern houses. See F. G. Egen-berger.
! Lakehurst, N. J., Oct. 15. Spanish
-interests have leased the Graf Zep
!pelin for a period of two years with
jan option to buy it at the end of that
i period. Col. Emilo Herrera, of the
Royal Spanish navigation department
and a party on the Zeppelin's trans
Atlantic flight, said tonight.
Fix Brothers International corpo
ration Saturday night issued a state
ment that the Colon Trans-Aeria com
pany of Spain had purchased the Graf
Zeppelin for about $1,200,000. Of
ficals of the Zeppelin company in
Friedrichshafen, declaring that while
they were not averse to selling it or
letting it at some future time, they
at present, intended exploiting iU
commercial possibilities themselves.
At the start of the trans-Atlantic
voyage, Colonel Herrera said he was
making the trip at the request of
King Alfonso of Spain.
The Prince of Wales wore two hats
while playing golf the other day, a
soft felt for walking down the fair
ways and a stiff-brimmed chapeau for
making; shots. Wonder if he puts ou
his admiral's uniform vhen he conies
to water holes?
u. ii. uiDson, provisions io i . - . ,A
30 0 0 1 1
"7c Eli Keckler, graderman, HG
9-JJ- No. 2 121.15
T?rnnct UTonn on o-i rt om q n
5.00 p xr. 2 ..'funds were allowed by the Board
J-" coSnt FhTghwXy unb f I 4 GENERAL FUND
qi 7 Frank Read, salary, expense$ 98.60 "
Coalman Hardware Co., mdse. I Pr -"".""" W T, 2
' nnj in 01
1C4 m ctnu aiuiage
. " T xT,Z7r rc'nn Oscar E. Dowler, salary and
Anna E. Leach, salary . 55.00 -vrx0- nn cn
Streight & Streight, burial of Ed Kelly, labor"""""" 12I78 Fred Mumm. bread to county
Mntlhnwo AV Patorcnn ivior.
n gA' chandise and labor
Henry W. Christensen, salary,
John E. Stradley, salary and
Greenwood Oil Co., gasoline-
W. H. Bloodgood, labor and
Weeping Water Republican,
sign cards
F. R. Gobelman, setting one
glass at jail :
Weyrich & Hadraba, mdse. to
county farm
S. F. Gilmour, wood to court
Omaha Printing Co., pencil
E. A. Wurl, prov. to poor
Klopp Prtg. Co., supplies
J. N. Elliott, salary, help
Paxton & Vierling, for steel
1st District
Geo. E. Nickles, cement box$300.00
Geo. E. Nickles, matl 110.S4
J. D. Adams Co., grader re
pairs 22.09
Paxton & Vierling, for re
inforcing bars 55.00
t T i A i
n H VTai-i-is nhnno .alia S 55' UISll let
Plattsmouth 'Water Corp"for :F- A- Burch, supplies, HG
water rent 12.S01 No- 2 $206.45
Anton Auerswaiu, mercnan-
frm ic oni aise ana iaDor n.uu
991. Cloidt LumlbeV CorcoaT"and I COMMISSIONER S FUND
lumber 142.301 3rd District
92 12 C. E. Wescotfs Sons, clothing Lincoln Road Equipm t. Co.,
to county farm 6.80 j tractor repairs $
Kroehler Hardware, mdse. to Jf'rea uueter, engineman, iiu
county farm 4.50 No. 4 10C. JO
Will T. Adams, salary 104.16 W. J. Partridge, ditching 95.00
Iowa-Nebr. Light & Power CO. HIGHWAY FUND
85.00 .
I Co., service 37.73 Sinclair Refining Co., oil and
D. Switzer, salary, help 101.601
'Lincoln Tel. & Tele&. Co., for
V;nIrUlene' d5SginS - on Sinir Kenning Co., gasofini 820 A-,oydli mdse' t0 a
nL PxrKr- I-;- ' J. O. Adams Co , blades 15.50 Kroehler Hardware, mdse. to
Golda Noble Beal. fees, War
ren vs. Harmer
Frerl H. Gorder, salary and
mileage 130.95
Golda Noble Beal, salary 183.34
Dora Fleischman, care blind
Ira. Deaconess Hosp., care of
Amelia Helms
Omaha Prtg. Co., supplies
L. R. Snipes. County Farm
Bureau expense 235.82
Lorenz Bros., prov. to poor 5.00
I. J. Fuller, prov. to poor
H. M. Soennichsen, same
Klopp Prtg. Co., supplies
Nehawka Enterprise, letter
heads 7.50
C. E. Hartford, coal 483.95!
Omaha Prtg. Co., supplies 20.16:
II. M. Soennichsen, provisions
to poor 10.00;
F. G. Fricke & Co., mdse. to
the county farm 4.50
Nehawka Enterprise, envel
opes 13.75
Milbern Scott Co., supplies. 18.34
Bert Reed, meals to prison
ers : 11.75
C. H. Gibson, prov. to poor 24.00
E. L. McDonald, same 12.00
C. D. Spangler, phone calls 1.40
A. H. Duxbury, County. Court
0 1ft Hawkeye Maintainer Co., one r, T vr.ZZYtZriZZ
9'10. maintainer 500.00 R' knibury, mdse. to the
Geiger & Putney, repairs 6.67 ' V " r, p--o,. r vC o0t.,..,. i Q Chris Rasmussen. provisions
Plattsmouth Motor
) grease b'
67.95 R. p. Coatman, salary and
2.50 1 expense 88.50
'F. A. Burch, gasoline 135.38
4.05 Anton Auerswald, labor and
I material 7.50
2.35 w. L. Seybolt, salary and gas
oline 82.66
SO. 00
g-i fri I uinifi J . u ill u i i , naiaij
-KS. t . J I V T- T-l 1 1 1 1
i .I,r,iaI in o- i-- ti- ftigen Derger, niercnau- feter iMann, salary ami grau-
30.00 j p 2daiiis"co blades" 13 80 1 dise t0 farm 5430 50 00
r'i tjARPV Rmnrr" pi-vn C- F. Harris, salary, mileage 133.10' CASS-SARPY BRIDGE FUND
25 00 Albert Cotnr Lip at sale $ 2 30 George E' Sayles c,erical wk' 4 80 D' T' Gre' engineer, engi-
6-9S Klopp Prtg. Co., supplies 71.50 neering work, surfacing $230.02
.ri ' v - A. B. Smith, labor, matl 12.10
1 I'lfe OL 1 1 JIU11LC V.VV
The Board adjourned to meet on
The Board adjourned to meet on
Wednesday, October 3, 1928.
County Clerk.
Cass Co. Treasury, expense- 38.99 Tuesday, November 6, 1928.
, Bestor & Swatek, mdse 12.37
Office of
of CnsR County
County Clerk.
Sam T. Gilmour, land for
I road - 75.00
Plattsmouth, Nebr.,
October 3, 1928.
Board met as per adjournment.
Present, C. D. Spangler, Fred H. Gor
der an
, f.oo 'Ralph Meisinger, same, RD 2
'"'"""""s i; nM .Howard Lohnes, same, RD 2
acted in regular form: Henry Obernolte. same, RD 15
Jury List
The following names were select
ed by the Board from which to draw
A. H. Duxbury, salary IS 3.3 3
John Everett, land for road- 5.00
Bothwell Grocery, provisions
to poor
Rihn & Greene, same
Greenwood State Bank, pro
vision orders
Frankel Carbon Co., carbon
paper ana riDDons ------- Pollock, Plattsmouth, or George
45 good Breeding Ewes, 2's and 4's,
$14 each. 14 splendid Ewe Lambs at
8-00 $12 each. Also one 2-year-old regis
tered Shropshire Buck. $45. Call T
'Martin, phone 3103, Murray.
l, u. opangier, rira n. vjui-. DR A.G FUND
d C. F. Harris County Com-'L r z Halvor;en digging
lers; Geo. R. Sayles, County roadg RD 16 $
fees 31. 50. the jury for the November. 1928,
Tom Svoboda, same
Bert Reed, same
John Koukal, same
Mrs. John Koukal, same
Paul Bartek, same
Mrs. Jos. Bartek, same
Geo. R. Sayles, County Clerk,
fees 3rd quarter, 192S 100.00
W. A. Baker, dratrcine: roads
4.35'term of the District Court:
8.10 1 Tipton Precinct Elton D. Snoke,
1.30 Marvin Carr, Clark J.. Gonzales. .
1.30 1 Greenwood Precinct Chas. God-
1.40 bey, J. B. Sutton.
We have a full stock of rough Cy-
8.10 press Cribbing-, 6 and 12-inch, and
7. 50. Cedar Poles. If you are going' to
5.25 hnilfl a new r.-rih nr rennir the old
l1" F' Ketelhut- same' RD one, it will pay you to see us. We
A. j. Friend. "same." RD'el.I 675 deliver anywhere. Cloidt Lumber
Wm. Richards, same, RD 4 100.00 & Coal Co., Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Lee A. Cole, same, RD 3 13.12 i
Highway Maintainer Co., for
blades, RD No. 4
Chas. Voigtman, dragging for
Salt Creek Precinct P. L. Hall.,
Jr., Watson Howard. Fred Etheridge.
Stove Creek Precinct Auldcn
Turk, Harley Hayes, IL L. Panska.
Elm wood Precinct Wm. Borne-
in RD No. 27 : $ 20.25 meter. Aucust Hemke. Henry Meler-
J. E. Lancaster, same, RD 10 29.25 I jurgen.
Hiehwav Ma hit. r . culvert. South Bend Precinct Chas. Bueii,
RD No. 14 68.26 J. H. Welch. illarolU ta. uite, same, iiu o
John Richardson, dragging I Weepiug Water Precinct Henry .Harold Schliefert. same, UJJ 8
roads, RD No. 1 17.60 Kammaun, Fred L. Carsten. .John fliocKennaupt, same,
Henry Obernolte. same. RD 7 27.36' Weeping Water City, First Ward No. 8 '
G. 11. Stovsll. s.a-ie, RD 14 7.S0 F, A. Surch. Jozi lieu, sauje. kjj jj-----
G. R. Stovall. tame' ED IS 7.80! Weep!us Water City. sccid "Ward c-eo. uuraam, t4Cie. ay
George Bates, same, ED' 14 20.25 rTroy L. Davis. John T.-Crozler. jEdw. Steinkainp, same, RD S
20 tons good Prarle at $10 ner ton
dragging roads, RD ro. a z&.s,in stack, 3 miles south of Platts
Troy Jewell, same, RD 8
Joe Sheehan. same. RD 8
Christie Stohlman, same, RD S
A. D. Bakke. for mdse. and
storage, RD 10
Louie Allgayer, for dragging
roads, RP No. 13
G. L. Heneger, same, RD 13-
9-75; mouth. See T. H. Pollock, Platts
5.20 mouth. o4-tfw.
6. ( 5 1
All kinds of business stationery
printed at the Journal office.
40.80 !
I Plattsmouth, Heb.-Saturday Uizhl
?Hr Modern and Old Time
14.40 Simanek s. Bind here for net Ilid
8.25 week Feature Dance, Wed., Oct. '24.
, - ,e- t ' - ,