SEHI - WEEKLY JOTTRHAL TEttBSDAY, SEPT. 27, 195S. PAGE SQL REPORT OP THE CONDITION OP THE PLATTSMOUTH STATE BANK of Plattsmouth, Nebr. Charter No. 7SS in tli State of Ne braska at the close of business September 20. 19-'S. r.KSOURCES Loins ami disfounts $ overdrafts Honils and securities Hanking house, furniture and fixtures Other real f state Ji-a n k e r'a Conservation Kund Ime from National and StntB Ranks and cash in 610.151.14 237. 61 40S.6S2.69 C5. 000.00 35.012.4S 2,299.58 bank 178.16S.0S TOTAL. 11,252,01.38 LIABILITIES Capital stock $ Surplus fund Undivided profits (Net) ... Individual de posits Kubject to check $ 494.859.03 DO.OOO.OO 23.000.00 23.306.41 Time certificates of deposit . . . . fortified checks Cashier's checks outstanding .. C31.187.36 l.COQ.OO ' 6.348.73 1,153,993.17 Iue to National ani State banks T:e-disoounts Hills Payable none none none TOTAL $1,252,501.58 State of Nebraska 1 County of Cass I I. II. A. Schneider. President of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is a true ana correct copy of the report made to the Department of Trade and Commerce. II. A. SCHNEIDER. Attest: President. HENRY HORN, Director. FRANK A. CLOTDT. director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of September. 1928. EDNA WARREN. Sal) Notary Public. iMy commission expires Oct. 19, 1932.) FARM BUREAU NOTES $ 4 Copy for this Department 4 furnished by County Agent 4 4-H Activities at County Fair. In the clothing club demonstra tions, the Seven Sewing Sallies of Klmwood placed 1st. Maple Grove Clothing Club of Nehawka, placet' 2nd and the Wednesday's Willing Workers of Louisville, third. In Home Economics Judging, thr Foods Judging team of Union placed vrst. and the Clothing Judging team of Nehawka placed second. Thirteen girls competed in thf Style Show and first place was award ed to Pauline Patterson, Weeping Water; on sport dress. Second tr Francis Meier, Weeping Water; or school dress and third to Anna Wil liams. Elinwood. on afternoon dress Following Is a list of those show ing livestocks: Baby Beef Club. Clarence and Arnold Stohlman Ceorge Lepert, Reho Timblin. Dairy Club. Geo. Spangler, Vincent Rehemeier C. Larence Kitner, Watson Norris Warren Fager, Wihlmena Fager Edgar Fager. Pig Club Members. Paul Doty, Locell Beesack. Norman Cakemier, Oliver Henton, Willis Cole, Clarence Kitner, Reho Timblin, War ren and Robert Baker, Theron and Francis Cole, Marian Speck, Harlan and Keithed Norton, Vincent Rehe meier, Glen Heneger, Noble Kiser Jessie and Chas. Livingston, Bernice Knabe, Malcon Pollard, Robert and Ellis Schlichtimeier. Poultry. Clarence Norris, Margaret. Heeb ner. Glen Heneger, Lula Emmert Margaret Ranney, Clifford and Wayne Domingo, Milford Smith, John Heeb ner, Edward Stovall, Eugene Domin go, Dwane Reed, Clarice Burril, Ma ble Printz, Roberta Heebner, Jessif Emmert and Donald Sudduth. PRAIRIE HAY FOR, SALE 20 tons good Prairie at $10 per ton in stack, 3 miles south of Platts mouth. See T. H. Pollick, Platts mouth. s24-2tsw X insurance PRESIDENT Coolidge has called insurance the mod ern method of making the un certain certain the means by which success is almost guar anteed. The first thing for you to make certain of is your insur ance agent. Can he be depend ed upon? The next thing to consider is the companies he represents. Are they depend able like the Hartford Fire Insurance Company for exam ple? Searl S. Davis Phone 9 J' jSliprt Talks oil . Farm Loans Insurance Investments Real Estate Mrs. Charles E. ! Heebner a Long Time Resident Born Near Sidney, Iowa, in 1866, His Lived Lifetime in This Part of the West On Saturday evening about the hour of 9 o'clock, Mrs. Charles E Heebner passed away at her homf after a prolonged illness of severa1 months. Cora Fleming was born December 29, 1S66, near Sidney, Iowa, and de parted from this life September 22 1928. at the age of sixty-one years When she was two years of agf her parents moved from Iowa to c farm north of Nehawka. In her early girlhood she unitet' with the United Brethern church a' Otterbein where she took an active part in church work. In the year 1889 she -was united in marriage to Charles E. Heebnei of Nehawka at her home in Weeping Water, the family having moved there the previous year. Following their wedding they moved to the old Heebner homestead where they have since made their home. She was held in high esteem by a large circle of neighbors and friends always ready to help and lend as sistance where help was needed, do ing some good deed for others. Her life seemed to be a life lived for others and her wish to help brought comfort and cheer wherever she went In the past few months Mrs. Heeb ner has gradually been growinr weaker and the progress of her case brought many complications that medical skill and loving care could not check and it was with despair ing hopes that the family circle saw their loved one gradually pass from them. She was a patient sufferer always cheerful and kind. To mourn the loss of this splendid lady, there remains the husband three daughters. Miss Imo Heebnei at home, Mrs. Ula Westlake of Eagle Mrs. Matilda Markland of Weeping Water and one son. Granville Heeb ner of Nehawka, also two brothers Marvin P. Fleming of Plattsmouth and Torance W. Fleming of Weeping Water and three grandchildren ar well as a host of friends. FAMILY REUNION The pleasant country home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Deles DeNier- of i Elmwood was the scene of a happy; family rc-nion last Sunday. The honor guests of the occasion were Mrs. Marge ret Crain. a cousin, and her niece of Louisville, Ky. A sumptuous cafeteria dinner was followed by an afternoon of music, games and conversation. In the late afternoon . Ice cream and cake wasi served. The family reunion next year is to be held at the home of .Mrs. Martin Ros3 at Nehawka. Officers appointed for the next year were: ' : Mrs. Martin Ross Nehawka, pres ident. - Mrs. Arlo Pratt, Elmwood, Sec retary. ' Mrs. Guy Lake, Wabash program. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rough. Mr. Walker Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Martin : Ross, Betty and Elmer, Nehawka; Mr. Alex- Rough, Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. John Rough, Harry and George. Tekamah; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Deles DeNier and Thelma, Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Pratt, and baby, Elmwood;. Mr. Norman Deles DeNier, Margaret and Pearl, Union; Mr. and Mrs. J. U. . Deles DeNier, Wayne and Rosa Havelock; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Monk, Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snokes, Eagle; Mrs. Eugenia Deles DeNier, Ray and Riene, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Deles De Nier and two children, Murray; Mr. Albert Ingwersen and Margaret, Lin coln; Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Ingwer sen and baby, and Miss Charlene Grove, Walton; Mr. James Strauss and three sons. University Place; Mr. and Mrs. John Donelan, Regi nald and Genevieve, Havelock; Mies Agnes Rough, Miss Mayme Stull, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Rough, Weeping Water, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lake and twins, Wabash. HAS SEVERE INJURY From Tuesday's Dally This morning Mrs. Con Lynch, re siding on North 8th street, was the victim of a very painful accident that she sustained while engaged in can ning some pickles. While tightening the lid on one of the Jars, the glass broke and the jagged edge of the glass cut the index finger of Mrs. Lynch in a Bevere manner, the finger being slashed the entire length. Medical aid was called and the lady made as comfortable as possible and the finger required several stitches to close. While suffering from the loss of blood and the pain of the injury Mrs, Lynch was feeling some better this afternoon. PURCHASES TOLL HOUSE The sale of the toll house, light plant and equipment which was form erly used at the Platte river bridge was made Saturday at the court house, where bids were submitted on the property. The toll house and light plant were disposed of to Glen Vallery, the highest bidder while the remaining property was sold to C. L: Stull. The successful biddrs will have the property removed as soon as pos sible and Mr. Vallery have the site smoothed up and making a wider and better approach to the bridge. We have a full fctock of rough Cy press Cribbing, 6 and 12-inch, and Cedar. Poles. If you. are . going to build a new crib or repair the old one, it will pay you to se us. We deliver anywhere. Cloidt Lumber WEDDING BELLS RING California is the destination of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cole, nee Ruby Blair, who were married at 11 o'clock Wed nesday morning, September 19, 1928 at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Blair, In Brule. Rev. C. R. Llchte, pastor of the Con gregational church at Grant, per formed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate families and in timate friends of the bridal couple. It was a beautiful home wedding. when the bridal party. Miss Ruby Mae Blair and Mr. Carl R. Cole marched into the living room to the tune of Mendelssohn's weddinp march, played by Miss Lois Cole, and met beneath the wedding bell where the clergyman was waiting. Mr. and A GREAT J m2Q-H ft MANY NEW FEATURES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Exclusive features and refinements of design that; make, the All-Enamel Majestic the last word in range efficiency and convenience. You'll like the ready-polished, solid-plate cooking top, which eliminates unnecessary lids and can be kept neat and shin ing without polishing; the' sanitary shelf, which replaces the old warming" oven -a handy place to put dishes and pans while you are cooking; the smoke pipe, back of the range and out of sight, which has been built straight up from the bottom of the oven, insuring a. strong steady draft and eliminating clogged pipes; the complete insulation which makes this range perfect for baking. You'll appreciate, too, the new features that make the All-Enamel Majestic easier to cleanremovable oven door stakes, removable clean-out door and grate housing, and many others. Don't miss see ing them. ; . ' Plattsmouth, Mrs. Earl Blair were best man and bridesmaid, respectively. The bride was beautifully gowned In. orchid silk, and carried a very pretty bouquet. The brides maid's dress was pale green silk. Little Dorothy Bentley, dressed in peach silk, carried the ring in a huge white lily.. The house was beautifully de corated in orchid and white. Following the ceremony, a three course wedding dinner was servec" Wonder ous ) THE NEW ALL-ENAMEL k v .-ai 1 1 , r To make it possible for every housewife to own an All-Enamel Majestic, we have made special arrangements with the Majestic Manufacturing Company whereby this range may be bought on a "pay-as-you-use-it" plan. We would be glad to explain it to you in full. The All-Enamel Majestic is Now on Display at Our Store ;-; Come and See It To-Day. Only the Majestic Manufacturing Company, with its years of experience, could have produced a range as fine as the All-Enamel Majestic . . . The name Majesticis its guarantee of highest quality. Come in and see it today! by Mesdames Riedesel and Crowl. Those present were Mr. and Mrs E. P. Blair, parents of the bride; Mrs. S. O. Cole, mother of the bride groom; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bent ley, Edwin and Dorothy; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blair, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Cole, Lois and Elmer; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wiles and Clark; Mr. Roy O Cole. Mrs. Wiles and Roy Cole are sister and brother of the bridegroom and they and Mrs. S. O. Cole came Change in MA THE ARISTOCRAT OF RANGES! THE HIGHEST ACHIE VEMENT OF THE MAJESTIC MANUFACTURING COMP ANY, RECOGNIZED FOR YEARS AS THE LEADING MAN UFACTURER OF FINE RANGES. . J . . IT IS THE RANGE DESIGNED AND BUILT FOR THE MOD ERN KITCHEN. NEW BEAUTY IS IN ITS GLOSSY, ALL ENAMEL FINISH AND BRIGHT NICKELED TRIMMINGS; NEW CONVENIENCES IN THE MANY FEATURES THAT HAVE BEEN INCORPORATED IN ITS DESIGN. WITH THE SAME QUALITIES OF GOOD COOKING AND BAKING THAT HAS EARNED FOR THE MAJESTIC ITS EXCEL LENT REPUTATION AMONG HOUSEWIVES EVERY WHERE. IT IS THE ACME OF MODERN RANGE CON STRUCTION. : . 7 . -HARDWARE- from Plattsmouth, Nebr. Upon their return from the Paci fic Coast, Mr. and Mrs. Cole will live on the North Table, near Brule Ther many, many friends wish foi them the best the world holds and a most happy married life. Brule Citizen. Large size maps of Cass county on sale at Journal office, 50c each. Majestic Range9' ipisusis ; You'd be proud to have this in your kitchen. Handsome De-Luxe Nickel Plated copper ware. A complete set, absolutely FREE to every woman who buys a Majestic at our store. On display in our window now. Watch for announcement soon of the dates during which this set of Kitchen Utensils will be given free to purchasers. Daily Journal delivered to your door for only 15c per week. . Thomas Walling Company 2- Abstracts of Title j ! .J. Phone 324 - Plattsmouth -...-.--..t-.t ?--.. -" Nebraska B9 & Coal Co., Plattsmouth, Nebr.