The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 17, 1928, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY, SEPT. 17, 1928.
1 oc
Here you are: Get a "Speedway"
cord tire made by the Goodyear peo
ple, size 30x3 Vit for $5.25. Guaran
teed. At George Utt's.
Robert Crowford was a visitor in
Elmwood for a short time on last
Wednesday, where he was having
some dental work done.
John Gakemeier was a visitor In
Lincoln on last Wednesday, driving
over in his car to look after some
business matters for the day.
Joseph Guthmann was called to
Alvo on last Saturday evening to
look after some business matters for
a short time, driving over in his
During the time that Lacey Mc
Donald, the regular carrier is away,
the carrying of the mail on the rural
route is being looked after by Frank
A. H. Ward was looking after some
business matters in Elmwood on last
Wednesday, also visiting with friends
and relatives, he being accompanied
by Mrs. Ward.
Fred Stock had the misfortune to
lose one of his valuable mules last
week during the storm which pre
vailed. Much corn was blown down
and tangled as well as trees blown
A. H. Jacobson, the proprietor of
the upper garage, was at Lincoln on
last Wednesday afternoon, securing
some parts for work which he was
doing at the garage and was accomp
anied by Mrs. Jacobson.
Fred Tonak was on the market on
last Wednesday with a car load of
hogs and also some more which, were
hauled bv truck and was very well
pleased with the excellent price they
brought him, $12.65 per cwt.
Henry Bergmann. who has been
engaged in farming for many years
near Murdock, has concluded to rent
his place and will hold a sale on
September 26th, to dispose of his ef
fects. Look for his ad the coming
week, telling of the sale.
On last Wednesday, Roy Cole and
H. D. Ash. of Weeping Water, em
ployes of the Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph company, were in Murdock
looking after the damage which was
done by the storm and making neces
sary numerous repairs.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Neiteel entertain
ed at their home in Murdock for the
day last Sunday and had as their
guests, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Hitchcock
and family, of Havelock; Dr. and
Mrs. S. B. MacDiarmid and children,
of Omaha. A most pleasant time
was enjoyed.
Max Walker and wife were visit
ing in Lincoln on last Tuesday even
ing, they driving over in their car
and on their return home, when they
had gotten as. far as Elmwood were
overtaken by the storm and had to
stop during the most intense portion
of the demonstration.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bowers were
visi'.ing for the day on last Sunday,
they being guests at Weeping Water
with their daughter, Mrs. Ray Boldin
and family and at Louisville with
Clai:de Twiss and wife. They were
accompanied by little Fanchion Rob
inson, who also enjoyed the visit.
Mrs. A. J. Tool and son. Douglas,
were over to Lincoln on last Wed
nesday, where Mrs. Tool was visit
ing and where Douglas was taking
his lessons on the violin, his in
structor being Prof. Carl Stuckel
berg. who is one of the professors of
the Lincoln Conservatory of Music.
Oscar McDonald was assisting in
the unloading of lumber at the car,
while A. L. Bowers hauled it and at
the a;-i Floyd Hite and Meredith
Weddell unloaded and piled the lum
ber for H. W. Tool, thus making a
very fine organization for the unload
ing of the cafs as they worked on
last Wednesday.
During lest Tuesday night, the
grapes which were owned and grown
by E. M. Shatto, and which looked
beautiful on the evening, as they
were ripening, were stolea by some
who was hungry or for other reasons
wanted the grapes perhaps they
were thirsty. Anyway the grapes
were gone in the morning and the
vines bare.
' Marion Schewe has equipped his
car with a pneumatic brush which
facilitates the work when he paints
signs, and permits marking- work
that is very difficult of accomplish
ment with the hand and brush. How
ever, Marion is a very clever artist
with either the hand brush or the
air brush and produces excellent re
sults with his painting.
Simon Braekhage and son were
busy turning over their stubble field
last week notwithstanding . the . fact
that the rain had made the soil a
little too wet, but as they had a good
deal to do they thought it better to
get the weeds turned over anl made
fertilizer and know that the isoil
would pet mellowed by the freezing
away before spring.
John Shogren and wife, or near
Cedar Creek, were in Murdock on
is Coming
You may think it is a g-ood ways
off, but just now is the time to put
your car in tune for Cold Weather.
We are here to give you the very
best service. We carry Auto Parts,
Tupplies arid Accessories. All kinds
cf Oils and Gas. Prices reasonable!
See Us for Service
A H. Jacobson
Murdoch, Neb.
last Wednesday afternoon, looking
after pome business matters and were
lnnlrine- for a. farm to rent. Mr. ShO-
gren is an excellent farmer and one
of the very best workers and will
care for any farm which he may se
cure' makinsr the land better Instead
of robbing it of its vitality.
During the storm which prevail
ed on last Tuesday evening, the big
tent which Is being used for hous
ing the meeting, was blown down
and as it was blown off the site, it
caught the piano which was being
used for the music, upsetting it and
while it lay on its back with no cov
ering, the rain came down in tor
rents wetting the instrument and
doing much damage to it. However,
the tent was again erected and the
meetings are continuing with un
abated interest.
Much Interest Displayed
At the camn meetings which are
in progress at the big tent, which is
inratod nn the lots of Herman R.
Schmidt, there is displayed much in
terest and large crowds are in at
tendance everv evening and also con
siderable numbers during the day
sessions. The evangelist, Rev. Mc-
Daniels, is an eloquent speaker and
a cne-ent reasoner and with the co
operation of Revs. Knosp and New-
enberg, of the local churches, ana
Rev. C. Jannen, of Lincoln, a most
able corps of speakers furnish talent
for the listeners.
Fred Tonak Sells Farm
Fred Tonak. who has made his
home near Murdock for the past
nine years, and where he has made
a siipcpss with the farmine and
stock feeding, and during the time
has won a host of friends who count
Mr. Tonak as being one of the very
best of citizens is to leave this vicin
ity shortly. A few days ago Mr.
Tonak sold the farm back to the
former owner. John C. Stroy, and
will go farther west, where some of
the sons are located and where lands
are lower in price, and nearly as pro
ductive. Mr. Tonak will not take his depar
ture from the community for some
little time yet.
Are in the Great West
Letters and cards have been re
ceived by the friends in Murdock
from the party that departed from
Murdock on last Monday, composed
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. McDonald
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Tool
and Lacey McDonald, who were in
Cheyenne, Wyoming, when the mes
sages were sent, the middle of last
week, enjoying their visit very much.
They advised that they would prob-
ablv continue on to the mountains.
On their return they are expect
ing to come via northern Nebraska
and visit with friends in Cherry
county, where they have spent so
many very pleasant hunting trips
Visits Friend at Omaha
Tn a letter which Henrv A. Guth-
man received from a banker at Daw
son, the home of Rev. Higgins, form
erly priest at the St. Patrick's church
at Manley, and a very close friend of
Mr. Guthman, he was advised that
Father Higgins was at Omaha at the
St. Catherines hospital, where he
had been for a week or more, and
was in a very critical condition. Mr.
Guthmann and wife immediately
wnt tn Omaha, where thev visited
at the hospital, but found their
friend was unconscious and was con-
cMoroH o helnir verr cprinnslv ill.
As the patient was so very ill and
with no nope of returning conscious
ness ttipv returned home and have
been very solicitous as to his condt-
Entertained Friends Sunday
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. E.
McDonald last Sunday was gathered
a number of friends and relatives
from out of town who enjoyed the
day most pleasantly. There were
there for the occasion Mr. and Mrs.
Wm.-Meyers, of near Elmwood; Chris
Mockenhaupt and wife, James Bulin
and wife and daughter, Alice, and
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Koukal, all of
Return from North
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stock and son,
Paul, and Wm. Wilkin, of Elmwood.
who have been visiting in the north
for some time, where they went to
see a specialist regarding the health
of Mrs. Stock, and one who had ren
dered good service to both Messrs.
Stock and - Wilkin, returned early
last week and were pleased with the
improvement of Mrs. Stock's health
following the treatment. Paul was
the driver and as he is a very care
ful one and at the same time makes
many miles in a day, they had ex
cellent transportation facilities. They
found some very dry country on their
Suffers Loss of Tires
On last Tuesday night, while the
auto of I. G. Hornbeck w-as stored in
his garage and everything as he had
thought was secure, some one enter
ed the garage and despoiled his tires
by cutting with a knife or other in
strument the two rear tires and the
spare on the car, and leaving the
Idoor open when they departed.
With the matter of doing an in
jury to him and receiving no benefit
to themselves, it looks like the act
was one of pure devlishness and no
call for the action. Deputy Sheriff
Rex Young was over for a time the
next .day, making investigations of
the act.
Here You Are
Colorado lump coal, excellent, at
$12.25. Illinois, the best Franklin
county, size 3x6, at $8.50 at the car.
Call phone No. 33 to know when the
tars will. arrive. -Murdock Farmers
Grain Company.
Hay Springs -Plans discussed for
coustrucUcu cf ssw educational
building at county fairgrounds.
V 1 "1 1 N 1 lmmlm 4 14 ' I I l,B V
Wm. Heebner was assisting in the
making of hay at the home of John
A. Stander, they making a good team
for the same.
Many of the people of Manley and
vicinity have been troubled with the
summer flu and while some are re
covering, others are still troubled
with it.
Miss Maggie Wolpert, who has
been rather poorly for some time past
with the summer flu, is still not feel
ing the best, but showing some slight
improvement at this time.
The electric light lines which have
not been in the best of condition in
Manley, have been entirely rebuilt
by the company and are now in the
very best condition and afford the
very best service.
Mr. and Mrs. David Brann were
visiting In Tekamah on last Sunday,
they driving up in their car for a
visit with their old time friends, Mr.
and Mrs. John Rough, who make
their home at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Rauth, of York,
were at Manley during the latter por
tion of last week and were in at
tendance at the funeral of the late
Mrs. August Stander, mother of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs.Monroe Neihart, who
are located at LaPlatte, where hm is
employed with the Missouri Pacific
on their tracks, were visiting with
their many friends in and about
Manley on last Sunday, they driving
over in their car.
On account of a misunderstanding
cf what a truck was going to do,
which was driving in front of the
car driven by Frank Stander a few
days since, they came together on a
corner with some resultant damage
to the car driven by Mr. Stander.
R. Bergman has been having some
important repairs made on .his house
which is occupied by Mr. .Osborne,
the operator, in the way of building
a garage and other repairs about the
house, which add much to the con
venience as well as keeping the place
in the best of condition.
Rev. Wattele was called to Elm
wood on last Wednesday evening on
account of the extreme illness of
Mrs. August Stander, who has been
staying at the home of A. W. Seiker,
their daughter, and where she passed
away Wednesday evening. A more
detailed account of the life and ac
tivities of this excellent woman will
be found elsewhere in this issue.
Oris Schleifert has been making
some very important changes at'the
home in the way of hardwood floors
and an entire redecoration on the in
terior of the home. Mr. John Koup of
Louisville, the veterti painter and de
corator as well as carpenter is doing
the work and sure it is looking fine,
as the representative of the Journal
was present and viewed the improve
ments. Frank Stander and Walter J
O'Brien were making some improve
ments on the home of Mr. and Mrs.
O'Brien last week when the Journa'
man happened to pass their way
They are putting in a compressed wa
ter system and a cave for its recep
tion, and will have the home modern
which will go far to make living on
the farm the better.
In the storm of last Tuesday night.
which was accompanied by a strong
wind for a short time, the large tree
which has stood for years in front
of the Keckler place, was blown down
nearly filling the entire street. The
large trees which have graced the
village of Manley for some time are
being picked one by one by the se
vere wind storms and few remain.
The town has been fortunate that in
the blowing down of the trees no one
has been injured or other property
destroyed by their falling.
Elmer Pearson and his able assist
ant, George Coon, have been busy
when not otherwise employed in the
preparing for conducting an eating
place at the Pearson confectionery,
building cabinets and lunch coun
ters. They are expecting soo to be
able to serve lunch, and as there is
no other place to eat. they should
fill a long felt want and the business
should prove profitable to the pro
prietors. They have also installed a
ventilating fan for keeping the place
supplied with pure air.
Mrs. August Stander at Rest.
The body of the late Mrs. Au
gust Stander was laid at rest on last
Wednesday, after the funeral which
was held at the St. Patricks Catholic
church, where a large concourse of
people called to pay their last tribute
to this excellent women. Mrs. Stan
der had been ill for a number of years
and was at the time of her death in
company with the husband staying at
Elmwood. with a daughter. She war
a member of the Catholic church and
a very devoted follower of the Master.
Her life was an admonition to all
to live the better life, and she will
be missed by the people of Manley
who have loved this good woman.
Old Wheat Flour
We have a limited amount of the
Black Bros, celebrated Sweet Tooth
flour made from old wheat, which
will go at $1.75 per sack, while they
last. We are cleaning out our ware
house for a car load to arrive soon.
General Black
smithing Shovel and Lay Sharpening!
All kinds of Plow Work. We
are here to serve the farmers
with any work they want. No
job too large or too small!
You Must be Satisfied
Antone Auerswald
The Manley Blacksmith
4. fr!-I-I"I-M,'I-M''I"I"I"I'I-I' 4
laKr r NVVLfUIJ "j".
$ 4
-I-WK-I-M I "I-I-I-I- I-I I
John Armstrong, of Lincoln, was
down for a few days and was assist-
ing on the farm during the rush of
Fred W. Ethrege was a visitor In
Lincoln early last. Week and on his
return has been assisting in making
hay for Austin Finley. j
D. Fulmer is having his home
in Rropnwnnii nainted and made the
Dcltcr lUr lilt? auui nw iuc vuwi o
and also as a protection to
ji? s'n t ti rd a v morninir Wallace and west of Greenwood, returned on bers of the family, they all going to
nnrn fnd F dnhii erfon started ,a8t Sunday and rePrt haTins had the state fair' and were accompanied
? i?Vntnn Mo to visit wuh a wonderful time while they were by Billic.
Mr JZ A Stevens foT J awa- Tby first nt to the Black C- D- Ganz- who has been sPend"
Mr and Mrs a j. LYe , Hills, later to Yellowstone park and ing two weeks at the training camp
week or so, making the trip In Mr. gaU Lake City from tnere fo regerve offlce at Fort Crook
Petersons car. .. . thJ,0A 'coming back east to Colorado Springs was home during the middle of last
James Stanislav ; K northwest s anfl then home At Sher. and ned f d on last
of Greenwood is building ;a new barn Wyomlngf they visited with Saturday.
on his place to care for the Bt0ck and Coleman, a brother of Mrs. John B. Skinner and the good wife
feed erefor. t lber for which jjnd and at Salt Lake City they wereisiting for the day last Sunday
is be ng purchased from the Searle-, vigited & sigter of Mrs Landon, Mrs. at the home of the parents of Mrs.
Chapin Lumber company McLeese , skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Obers, of
Word 'f-f-".. Fullerton. where a most pleasant
Wnd are6 Visiting at many points on tnm to the East visit was had.
fhe wlv wa tf the Effect that the? Wm. Mowery and wife, the latter Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sutton, who
were enioyinV a short stay in Salt a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. have been visiting in Alvo and vicin
t?E rnv Laf iJ list week -Buck, who have been visiting here ity for the past two weeks with rela-
Messrs White and Bhcknell and tor the past month. and their tives and friends departed on last
thJ families we?e voting at the daughter and family, Victor Graves Monday for their home in the west
old hotac Tit Fairtiry for hf day last and three children, departed on last after having enjoyed the stay here
SundaT therdriving over i? their Monday for their home at Columbus, most pleasantly.
car and vfslUng with the manj - old Ohio, after having enjoyed the time W. C. Timlin and wife and their
friend and re They made the son. Harold Timlin, were enjoying
frirl!5 tTr" i;,. trio home in their car in two and a a visit at Murray and a family re-
the ,r son. last wee L,n-
positions. Mrs. Carpenter, who is a
very dlever accountant, has secured
a position wnii '"'""
pany in iuc inj.
Last week J. C. Lomeyer and Chas.
Dyer were over to Omaha, attending nas been relinquished by her on ac
the horse market, each of them pur- count of her health, and has been
chasing a fine team, and the animals taken over bv C. W. Erickson. who
V. V. Inn.n Yw Mtrnril T7ol 1
weie uiuu6ui "
it. nr. iact Wpdnosdntr
Everett Copes, the efficient and
genial salesman and general hustler
at the E. L. McDonald store, was,
feeling quite poorly for a few days,
during the past week and was not
working on Thursday. He was back
at his post the following day. how-
. , . . . . , . 0 r rL.
io wc iiw e iite u u.i uc .iii.
A. bcnueiKe nas insiauea a mou-
n nay rorK tor nanuiing OI me Iiay.
the same being purchased from the
enterprising firm of White & Buck- est of the churcn at that placCt and and was so m that it was thought
nell. George Bucknell w-as out on wp are certaln tnat the peopie of best to take him to a hospital and
last Thursday, assisting In the In- clatonia will be pleased with his accordingly he was taken to Omaha,
stallation of the apparaths. work, both in the church and as a where he is being given treatment
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Swanson are cftizen of that hustling city. Green- for a time to determine his condi
spending a week in the western por- wood was sorry to lose this excel- tion.
tion of the state, they having driven ent man and his family, as people Burton Eidcnmiller, son of Mr.
to Bridgeport, where they have rela- here had grown to love them and and Mrs. Lloyd Eidenmiller, has been
tives and from there they visited a harnfd to work with them. However, suffering from a knee which was
good many interesting points. Dur-
ing the time they were away, Mr. be the gain of her sister town of Cla- proper thing to do the medical fra
and Mrs. C. E. Calfee were looking ton!a. Greenwood will have for her ternity was somewhat divided. He
after the affairs on the farm.
Mrs. Rose Brown, of Bridgeport,
who formerly lived here and who has-
been visiting in tne soutneasi, ac- with the assistance of the flock at Mrs. Minnie Petersen was enjoy
companied by Wm. Browne, a nephew, this place, we are sure he will make ing a visit from her daughters, two
stopped on their return home for two a success here and will like the peo- of whom were here for the entire
days during the past week, for a pie and the work. jweek and the other making her home
visit with friends and relatives. They here. It was good for all to get to-
departed for their home on Thursday
of last week.
C. W. Newkirk is hustling the
wuin. mulls v. .
ing in the way of painting the in-
terior and will have that portion com-
pleted so the shelving for the hard-
ware stock of White & Bucknell can
soon be moved into their new loca- -n tnat hustling town rcpresnta- was called to Weeping Water on ac
tion. This will make a better place. tlTes froni banks all over the county, ount of the death of Mr. Ruby a few
both in room and location for the numbering approximately 100 people, days since, and who is a niece of
firm. -yve are certain that Avoca will en- Mrs. Ruby, were guests at the Coat-
P. A. Sanborn, who was for some teTtain the convention in grand style, man home and enjoyed the day very
two weeks at the hospital at Omaha ,.ae spegrg for the occasion will be much. Mrs. Dodson received word
following an operation for the correi- Charles Bliss. Secretary of Commerce tnat a brother had died at Chappell
tion of an aggravated rase of hernia, and members of the state association and she must hasten home. Mr. Coat
was able to return to his home last and pjan Stephens of the Fremont man took her to Omaha to catch her
week, but not until the latter portion cfnt nani. an PTrrilcnt meetins train for the west and also took
of the week was he able to return to
the busirress down town. He is get-
ting along quite slowly and has to.
take it easy.
The Peters Elevator company.
which has changed to electricity for o( the rjorcas society of the Chris- at tiie Methodist conference, which
power to operate their machinery, de- tJan church at the church parlors on ha3 just concluded, the Rev. Cheno
sirious of using the room taken up Jast Thursday afternoon, where a weth, who has been in Alvo for some
Dy tne oia gasoime engine, essuycu
to remove the same, but found they
had to cut a large hole in theside of
tne ouiiuing to pei. u uul. xuc gaa
engine was a Fairbanks-Morse 10 h.
p- sjze'
Little Harold Landon. son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Landon passed his
sprnn H nillpstnni nn the ioumev of
life on September 10th, which event
was celebrated by a gathering of the
grandparents. E. A. Landon ana.
Miss Catherine Coleman, at the
home of this young American, where
the passing of the event was prop-
erly celebrated and a delightful sup -
per enjoyed.
lueauaulcs XV. i. maiucTo ouu
D; wUlm.eI cnt""ed meme" Eagle, which was under reconstruc
ts the Order of Eastern Star on last enlarKinS and had been rais
Wednesday when a most delightful d from Us foundatJon while work-
meeting was had ana wnicn waB en -
joyed by a large number of the la-
, . . . , , , .
uies oi ine urut.r. ruJUJ,,..B l"e
meeting very much and as well do -
me EHJiiitr kuuu ttuift in lue 1 1 : l ul
their endeavor. A very delightful
luncheon Was served.
Gave Health Examinations
Dr. L. D. Lee spent Thursday at.
the State Fair grounds giving health
(Tiiminallnna This wnrtr was tiart
of the extensive Health program con-
ducted hv the State Medical aasocla -
ducted by the State' Medical assocla-
tion each day at the fair. Applicants
were selected by the various county
societies to appear for examinations.!
Doctors from different sections of the.
state gave icrr services, ine ODjeci
of this work was to impress upon the . Fordson Tractor in excellent condi- Thursday afternoon, and were enter
public the value of complete physical tion which we are offering for sale. taIned by Mesdanies Arthur Dinges,
examination at resrular intervals. By c v. .C. D. Ganz and R. M. Coatman. A
this means, physical defects and ab
normalties which are often unknown
to the patient are detected-and
re detected-and if,
e may prevent er-j
r on. It is simply
"-teste ppHctiea
corrected in . time
lous trouble later
the tame common-Lents unci
of principles that governs the use of
'your automobile or any other piece of
machinery.. You wouldn't think of
running invm year mier jer wuu
Jtm'rtut Krtn mr t hem lnnlred over and
'minor adjustments made to prevent
'serious trouble later on. This ef
fort on the part of the Medical soci-
eties is to be commended aa it is a
forward step in preventative medi-
cine, and the fact that Dr. Lee was
'cnosen to conauci me exaimnanuuo
on one of the days of the fair speaks
a lot for the ability of the popular
Louisville physician,
Had Wonderful Trip
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Landon, who
were away for the past two weeks
avoir, ftia Miintrv to th northwest
lU .
Cream Station Lnanges
. cream station which has been
conducted Dy Mrs. w. u. iyier iur
SOme time past ana very auiy cuu-
ducted, she eivine very good service,
... , . : . . . . 1
win conauci tne piace oi Business in
- i . ...u
known and should make a success of
the business,
nxaikc uuaujc in. Auui,via
At the annual conference of ,the
ministers of the Methodist church, a
was made in ministers at
n nark u' TVio Vtatr WT T Chen,
vj 1 cell wrv&. a v v- - ... . .
nardson. who has ministered to the
n fc at tWg . ce for the t tWQ
ri,nni9 when
he wn Jook aftfer tfae spiritual inter.
what ' is the loss of Greenwood will
minister for the coming year. Rev.
Caldwell, who has made such a sue-
ceHS 0f the ministry at Ong, and
Bankers to Meet at Avoca
I The Cass county Bankers associa -
u m no,d tneir next regular
meeting at Avoca. where they will
fce entertained by the bankers of
tnat place, the meeting being listed
f Columbus dav October 12th at
wnin time there will be gathered
m be looked for
Entertained Dcrcas Society
MoKdamAS Phil T. Hall and W H.
...rHon entertained ih momhors
fi program was presented and
Hr.iio-htfi wa rvoH
h d k accompiished
e church,
j "
j Making a Good Home
The new home which Robert
Mathews has been having construct-
id x-lth wnpt in ttio csmonteil lino
being done by Gust Sorman and the
painting and decorating by Henry
Wilkin, the brush artist, has been
completed and was ready at the close
Df the past week for occupancy by
jrr. Mathews and the good wife.
Clvtireh "Barilv TJamae-ed
TVio "Vnrth Lutheran rhlirrh. at
; excavatfne that a base-
cj .h""" ,r
iment might be placed thereunder for
Bible school use and other functions
1 . j . reau!re meeting rooms, was
badly wrecked by the storm which
came on Idst Tuesday night, the
building being blown from the sup
ports and badly shaken by the fall.
tipping into the partly excavated
J w. A. Armstrong, who had the
!u.A1r nf nlonini. Vi fnnniltitlnn nn.
der the building, went over to begin
' wnrV and found that thir was nnth-
work and found that there was noth
ing to do until it was determined
just what the next step would be.
Used Fofds&H Jractors
We have one 1924 and one 1926
Greenwood Neb
i;verybody reads the Journal Want
v . " "
82:1 "trar Sjsae 'Will gtt ie-
stilts St ClOiltratE cOst.
Alvo News
held their
first meeting for the fall on last
Thursday, at their hall, and served a
two COurse lunch, also discussing the
work f0r the coming year.
Lyle Miller shelled and delivered
corn to the Rehmeyer elevator on
last Thursday, getting ready for the
coming crop, which is hastening to
maturity very rapidly at this time.
W. H. Warner enjoyed a very
pleasant visit from his brother,
fhnrlM H Warnpr and other mem-
. - " '
and Mrs.
mother, Mrs. Mary Wyley. A most
'pleasant time was enjoyed by all
u.v., t, ,a -.if. Ar.
oa . ,ct f. Rnf.hpRtpr. Min
nesota, where Mr. Moore went for a
clinic, and if necessary a treatment
or operation that he may have his
health restored. A Mr. rselson is
. ..... .j t pwis WT Penne-
nere as agent ana L.ewis w. i enne
well is serving as operator.
j Don Shelton, 12. while riding his
pony, had the misfortune to be
thrown from the animal which haa
neretoicre oeen consiuereu at Deing
very gentle, with the result that his
arm was broken. The injured mem-
ber was dressed by Dr. Muier r.nd
thp vminsr TPnn is irpttinir a Inn c very
... j rrt o 1 3 a -
Jesse Brant tllc instructor in
Vmnal Training at thp Alvo RfhnnlR.
has been feeling quite badly of late
badly - infected, and as to just the
remains vcrd poorly and is suffering
greatly at the home of his parents.
northeast of Alvo.
'gether and enjoy a family reunion
.The two daughters coming from
away returned to their home at
"llulia tOL ouuu.
Mrs- Ben Kuby, of Weeping Wat
er' whb is the frranflmother of Mrs,
M- Coatman, in company of Mrs
Jeff Dodson, of Hay Springs, who
Grandmother Ruby
Weeping Water.
to her home in
-O- liCilOWClJQ IO JILariCl
i rii a.t a -r i. i
In the allotments which were made
tnree years, win go to Martei. This
and 18 a disappointment to tne cnurcn in
for Alvo, as they were very desirious of
.keeping Rev. Chenoweth for a long
er period. The which Alvo sus
1 tains will be a gain for Martel, for
Rev. Chenoweth is surely a very cap
able minister. In the place of Rev.
Chenoweth, who is leaving Alvo will
he Snt ,the ey. P. J. Rushley. who
cmes from Shuule aml a vry
able man, a finished pulpit orator
and minister as well as a preacher
and one who can work in all places
that he may be placed.
Much Damage from Storm
' The storm of last Tuesday nipht
was very severe in Alvo and vicinity
and resulted In considerable loss tc
a nuthber of people here. The two
corn cribs belonging to Simon Reh-
meyef. in which he stores ear corn
until such time as he desires to sell
the same, were rolled over and badly
broken, the money value of his loss
amounting to considerable.
The porch on the store of R. M.
Coatman was badly damaged and will
cost 50 or upwards to replace it to
its former condition. The chimney
was blown off the Metliodi&t church
building, the windows were literal-
b,ow" ou' tne paJage and many
trees w,?re orocn at the same time.
the storm lasting but a short while.
Eeaiing Clnb Holds Meeting
The Alvo Woman's Reading club
held their first meeting on last
j very pleasant ana promaoie time was
i enjoyed and the matter of the work
I A ......
I for the year just beginning. They
?ecd also on ma"er, Jold-
ing the next meeting, which is to be
at the home of .Mrs. Edar Ed
wards, oa Thursday, September 27.
Let every member be in attendance.
There were twenty-seven present at
the last meeting, the officers elected
for this year being Mrs. C. D. Ganz,
"president; Mrs. J. D. Foreman, vice
president; Mrs. F. E. Dickerson, sec-
retaryand Mrs. August Johnson
Sunshine Cluh Wins Many Prizes
The Sunshine 4-H Canning club.
of Alvo, won more prizes at the state
fair than any other canning club in
Nebraska. They won three firsts, two
seconds and five thirds. Their entry
of three canned products and the
menu to serve a well balanced meal
won the blue ribbon. The prize for
this is a 14-quart pressure cooker,
given by the Economy Pressure Cook
er company, of Lincoln.
Edith Robertson, for the second
time, won first on her six jar.j nf
meats. She wins the silver mat
platter and sets a record for future
Nebraska Canning club girls. No
other Nebraska girl has ever won
this prize twice. In the same entry.
Marvel Skinner's meats won third.
Her rrize is a silver game set.
The first prize on a group of live
kodak pictures illustrating the can
ning project went to Edith Robertson
and third on the same entry to Gene
vieve Dougherty. The club's five
best fruits won second place, also
their five best vegetables, rich in
vitamines. Marvel Skinner won
third on her five vegetables.
The second year canning club bud
get of 20 jars was awarded third
place. This budget is planned to
supply a farm family of five with
the necessary canned foods for one
winter week. All of the members
helped can the budget.
In the poster entry, Edith Robert
son won third. The combined cash
prizes on the club's winnings camn
to almost $20 and competition was
much keener this year. Only two oT
the six members of this club are l.r
years old. The others are 13. 12 and
11. Marvel Skinner and Rosebeth
Clark are just entering the Seventh
grade; Irene and Clara Reister an
Freshmen in the Alvo consolidated
High school this year; Genevieve
Dougherty and Edith Robertson have
had one year of. High, school work
and are Sophomores now. ' All of the
girls are farmers' daughters.
'I-M-I-M-I-I-I-i-I-W-I-I-I-l- -r
Copy for this Department
furnished by County Agent
Winnings at the State Fair.
The live stock Judging team from
Cass county won first and will repre
sent Nebraska at the Interstate Live
Stock Show at Chicago in December.
The team is composed of Wm.
Brandt, 1st, of Nehawka, Harold
Wall. 2nd, of Elmwood and Paul
Wolph, Avoca and Lula Emmert and
Clarice Burrill took third place as a
Jessie Livingston was high judg
in grain and Milford Hoback was
third high individual.
Dairy team took seventh place.
Clarence Kitner, Watson Norris and
Lloyd Vance composed this team.
In clothing judging, Alice Lcnne
Ambler, Weeping Water, won oth
place, and Bernice Goodrich of Elm
wood won third place.
Food judging was composed of
Kathryn McCanoll, Helen Watkins
and Louise Foster of Union. These
girls placed second.
Mrs. R. E. Norris coached the team
composed of the Domingo Bros, that
won 1st place in poultry demonstra
tions and Grand Champion in farm
Jesse Livingston and Glenn Hene
ger won first in the swine demonstra
tion and were coached by Ray S.
Smith, Weeping Water.
First place in Baby Beef demon
strations was won by Clarence Nor
ris and Robert Chappell, who were
coached by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wolph,
Mrs. Elmer Frolich, Eagle, had
the second high team in canning.
This team was composed of Olive
Jack and Elinor Longman.
The Cass county coi n booth under
the leadership of Clyde Walker,
Eagle, wen 1st. This brings them
The many exhibits in all depart
ments which won placings, but It
would be impossible to list the name3
of the club members and their plac
ings. Cass county also won first in th
song contest. Thirteen boys and girls
from the county entered.
County Fair.
The team demonstrations will
come Thursday (all day) and Fridjy
mornirK. Judging will compete on
Wednesday afternoon. The styl
show will bo held at eleven o'clock.
Friday morning at the Congrega
tional church.
The demonstration teams which
won placing3 at the State Fair will
give their demonstrations at the
County Fair. Watch for the hours
these appear.
Call or writo the Farm Bureau of
fice for any information you desir".
The many winnings at the State Fair
were due to the time and elfort of
the local leaders. L. R. SnfD. 3'
ie II. Baldwin, County Extension
We have a full stock of rocch Cy
press Cribbirg. 6 and 12-inch, aad
Cedar Pcles. If yon are eoinrr '.o
build a new crib or repair the oM
one, it will pay you to see ns. We
deliver anywhere. Cloidt Lumber
& Coal Co., Flattsmonth, Nebr.
McCook Cooperative Creamery
Company organiped to conduct whole
sale meat business in Western Ne
braska. Phone tis the new. ITo. 6.