The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 03, 1928, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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i i
MONDAY, SEPT. 3, 1923
Greenwood PepartMegitS
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Greenwood and Surrounding Vicinity
Frank Welton has been construct
ing a new barn on the Wm. Kyles
farm where the one was burned a
Bhort time since.
Ralph Daft has been having his
house pained eouthwest of Green-j
wood, the work being done by A. R.
Kimberly of Waverly.
G. M. Palling and W. E. Newkirk
were visiting and looking" after Borne
business matters as well as visiting
with relatives in Murdock on last
Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Uvon West who is nursing at
a hospital in Lincoln was a visitor at
the home of her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Newkirk for the week
end on last Sunday.
Mrs. Rex Peters who was kept to
her home and bed last week far a
number of days with the flu, which
caused her to be very ill, is now well
over the effects and is out again.
Clyde Newkirk took time on last
Wednesday afternoon to harvest his
potato crop which turned out excel
lently, and will make enough for this
gentleman and family for the win
ter. C. D. Fulmer, president of the
Farmers Elevator company, has been
looking after the work at the ele-.
rtnr HiiHti? the time that Mr. Lan-
don. the manager has been away, I and were expecting to enjoy the trip,
taking his vacation. and through the country which their
On last Sunday afternoon, during road leads we are sure they had a
the storm which prevailed over th9'most enjoyable time,
entire county there was considerable Wm. Gakemeier and wife with
hail fell near Greenwood, and as their daughter. June, of Chicago,
there was much of the frozen hail.
considerable damage was done.
Mrs. Wayne Kinney, west of Green
wood, who has been suffering from
the effects of appendicitis, went to
Lincoln last Wednesday where she
underwent an operation for appendi- main for some time, but will return day. and was undergoing an oper
citis. and is reported as getting along and spend a week at the Peters home, j atlon for the correction of hernia,
nicely. before they return to their home in which was a greater ordeal than was
Robert Mathews, the genial gar- the east. 'l (expected and Mr. Sanborn had to re-
age man, who is ever smiling and Mr. and Mrs. G-W." Holt were. main at the hospital for a number
happy was not feeling so fine on our visiting on last Tuesday at the homej Cf days. His many friends are hop
visit at Greenwood this week, as he of a brother of Mr. Holt near Aurora. 3 jn& tnat ne nay soonvbe able to re
had a t tooth which was ulcerated, They enjoyed a very fine visit, and turn home. .' v
and we do not blame him for not Mr. Holt went to Grand Island where '. ,
Emiling. he attended the American Legion
Mathews and Peterson waere put- convention for a short time, and was Greenwood Transfer Line .,,
ting their wrecker in the best of well pleased with the festviitles. He We do a general business make
condition on last Wednesday, as they was particularly pleased with the de- trips regularly to Omaha on Monday
said that the state fair was to con- monstration which . the drum corps ( and Thursday, also to Lincoln Tues
vene soon and that there would be from Greenwood put over and put day and Friday. Pick up loads on
plenty of people in a hurry to get over strong, for it was the leading these trips. Full loads at any time.
home azain. with the usual results,
Henry Wilkins is a hustler and
when there is no business more than j
xne w ne can iouk aner u BeiS um
h rVV, v L wn n,i ,
l Pa i 1 , of rfnwt M-thi
the new home of Robert Mathews
and also doing the finishing on the
Mr. E. E. Buck of Ashland was in J
a rr A rtna o r lief wrx.slr 4
v j wm, au.j wtra.
while here was taken with the fine'
display of dolls which E. L. McDon-
aid had in his window and secured
rt iinn n 1 rt 9 - . n A . t -! OlflirhtaM
which he has and who are most in- land when they appeared at the
teresting. ; celebration with their Tooterville
A, E. Leesley and the family who drum corps,
last week were visiting with friends With their uniform of Pajamas,
and relatives in the western portion and tin helmets, and their impro
of the state, found things looking vised music instruments of the gal-
fine and enjoyed a very fine time
while there, arrived home the first of
i. i t. ft a
mi3 crn. au diu int ,i3 cuuuijr
was hard to beat.
A, R. Bucknell, the cafe man, has
From Saturday"? Dauy
The state conference of the Meth
odist church of Nebraska is opening
the coming week and one of the chief
features of the conference is the
annual assignment of the pastors of
th church to the various charge
over the state.
The Plattsmouth people in general
are feeling that the return to this
city of Rev. Harold E. Sortor would
be one of the happiest that the con
ference could make as the talented
yoanr pastor has made a wide circle
of friends in his charge here of the
rust two years The young ministei
s a real appeal and his faithful at-
r.tlon to his church work and the
t agreeable relations that he has
enjoyed with the public, not members
! i
turned his attention to the selling
of radios and last week sold two very
fine ones, they going to Mrs. Sadie
Reese and C. D. Fulmer, following
their installation, the recipients
were well pleased with the excel
lence of the working of the ma
Edward Stradley departed for Can
ada, where he will work and will
look after the operation of the
thrashers, for the Trashing Machine
company, and see that the new ones
work all right, and at the same time
will follow up the harvest, as long
as there is any thrashing yet remain
ing to be done.
Philip and Oscar Reese who were
In the west last week visited at a
number of places and enjoyed the
country and climate very" much. They
on their return drove from a point
in Colorado 580 miles in one day.
They visited at Denver and Colorado
Springs and at points in Wyoming
while they were away.
On last Wednesday morning Dr.
Norris D. Talcott and wife, and their
son, Arthur, and Albert Leesley de
parted for Atkinson, where they will
visit with friends and relatives for
the remainder of the week and also
a few days of this week. They drove
were visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Rex Peters and sister of Mr.
Kakemeier for a short time last
week, and in company with M. R.
Burgess and wife made a trip to
Denver last week and expected to re-
feature of the convention
Gave Ammal Ice Cream SuDPer
Thft Jadies Qf the christian church
on last Saturday served ice cream
at tne PH at the Ashland oil sta-
a . wltll th r
nilrnn, th roiv i
Greenwood at the Convention.
The boys of Greenwood sure put
the town of Greenwood on the map ;
at the state convention of the Amer-
n r n I rv . n tt - r r 1 n f r 1 n I
vanized tub. for the gass instruments
and the dish pans for the finer,
. . . .... . . . . .. '
strains, mey rainy captivaiea tne en-
tire delegations from over the state,
and also the citizens of Grand Island.
of his faith has been marked. The
church here has had a number of very
talented and able pastors ia the past
few years that have brought regret
on their departure for otier fields
and it is hoped that the conference
can find is in their policy to see that
Plattsmouth can have the pleasure
of having Rev. Sortor back here
again. Rev Sortor has bene most con
siderate of the people of the com
munity of all sects and his friendr
who are legion are trusting that
when the assignments are made the
coming week that we will again have
him here to carry on hi3 ministry in
Nebraska's best home city.
Number of Spotted Poland-China
male hogs. L. A. Meisinger. Platts
mouth, phone 2513. a29-2d-2w
:z cool mornings and even
:zv,z fine knit, light weight
1 tlip'Ons are just the pro-
Cd Today?
:J coloring for little
si end Hi-tchool boyai
I i- : .1 aftraiilnn In ths nnr-
XJcolUtro cue atn abivu " - - a
ade, they entered the moving pic
ture shows and gave exhibitions of
the wonderful music, and which was
greatly appreciated and cheered by
the audience, and those so inclined
stopped for a game of dice, having
dice as large as a baseball.
They also stopped along the street
allowing the parade to wait while
they decided a mooted question by
the large ivories. Many were the
commendations which came from the
enthusiastic crowd and other mem
bers of the convention. They sure
put the hustling village on the map,
and all the state now knows where
Greenwood is and where the district
convention will be the coming year.
Come to Greenwood the coming year
and be entertained by this hustling
bunch of young Americans. Those
who were there from Greenwood and
who were the moving spirits in the
excellent celebration which made
Grand Island a center of interest
were: Colonel Phil Hall. Dr. W. H.
McFadden. Dewey Headley, E. M.
Jardine, George Trunkenbolz, Carl
Elwood, M. E. Peterson, Jack Culik
and Jess Dlldlne.
Used Fordson Tractors
We have one 1924 and one 1926
Fordson Tractor in excellent condi
tion, which we are offering for sale.
See them at the garage.
J30-4wG Greenwood, Neb.
At Omaha Hospital.
P. A. Sanborn was a visitor in
Omaha for a short time last Satur-
On Way to the Coast,
On last Wednesday morning at six,
o. F. Peters and wife, their son, Nor-
man. and Mrs. Mary Carson, a sister
' t. ,.i
i- , J, ,
for the winer. They will drive and
take their time on the' trip, they will
ctAt, Plrt A C-l ,1 T.
" r ,,, t i.v
Col Pe?e7, tndhen wiH
a sl.,er OI MTf- t . '.an7, ,
v.. -
their car. The trip will be most
pleasant as they will have two driv
ers, Mr. Peters and son, Norman.
Seeing" the West.
On last Monday. E. A. Landon and
wife departed in their car for a two
weeks trio in the west and north-
west, and win see the Black Hills
and the Yellowstone
they return.
park before
From Friday's Daily
Miss Vestetta Robertson entertain
ed very delightfully at her home on
North Sixth street Wednesday eve
ning, a small party of friends ir
honor of Louise ana Margaret Harri
ot Omaha, who have been spending
the summer here, as well as Gretchen
Sophia and Eleanor Steger. who nrr
soon to leave for Columbus to mak
their home in the future.
The evening was spent in bridge
and in the contests Miss Dora Soen
nichsen was awarded the prize fo;
the high score of the evening.
At a suitable hour the hostess as
sisted by her mother. Mrs. W. A
Rogertson and sister, Rachel served
dainty refreshments.
Those who enjoyed the occasior
were: Louise and Margaret Harris
Gretchen, Sophia and Eleanor Steger
Dora and Christine Soennichsen.
From Friday's Dally
Last evening Judge and Mrs. Allen
J. Beeson arrived here for a visit
with the old time friends, coming
irom tneir nome at Long Beach, Cali
fornia. The return to NAhmaVn wn
most pleasing to Judge Beesnn. whn
has had a very warm spot in his
neart ior tne old home where he had
spent nls lifetime and in whirh nm
munity his friends are legion as is
shown by the fate that he served for
some sixteen years as county Judge
here. Judge and Mrs. Beeson report
their family as liking the California
country very much ann" two r
daughters married and settled in that
section or tne west.
From Frlday'a Dally
moiorea to Lin-
cut ii me nrst or the week and return
ed with his littla nh-
1 uv,uo
Cart, who has been for the past five
" s fl me urtnepedic hospital at
that place, takintr irnitmnnt -
ailment that she has suffered from a
very small child; The little patient
is uuw aoing nne and able to be
around and enjoy life very much
and It ii needless to say she is de
lighted to be back home with the
grandmother' and uncle oqco rcorc
and to meet the childhood friend:
that bhe knew here.
Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Mais
Bldg., Phone 527.
From Thursday' Dany
Clifford Cecil of Dea Moines, Iowa,
is here for a visit with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cecil and family j
for a short timp. !
Virginia and William James of
Emerson, Iowa, are here for a visit
with their uncle. Ward Whelan and
family for a few days.
Postmaster Jarman of Ashland was
here yesterday to attend to a few
matters with Postmaster homes- rela
tive to the starting of the village car
rier system at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Heil, Miss
Lizzie Heil, Mrs John Group and
sons and families of Louisville, pass
ed through the city this afternoon
en route to Shenandoah, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wiles and chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wiles and
daughter and son, motored to Glen
wood this afternon where they will
attend the Wiles reunion at that
Harley Becker, who is now travel
ing for one of the large eastern shoe
houses, is home here for a short va
cation while suffering from a severe
cold that has interfered with hi?
work on the road.
P. T. Becker and son, John, motor
ed to Lincoln yesterday to visit with
Miss Florence Peacock at the Lin
coln General hospital where she if
recovering from the effects of hei
recent auto accident.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steppat and
family of Imperial. Nebraska, arrived
last evening at Omaha for a short
visit and Mr. Steppat came down to
this city to visit with his parents
and will be joined here by the fam
ily for a short time.
From Friday's DeKy
W. L. Hobson, the Weeping Wa
ter undertaker, was here today to
look after some matters of business
at the court house.
Henry Snoke of. Eagle was here to
day to look after some matters in
the county court for a few hours as
well as visiting with the many
friends here.
Mrs. Frank Schoemaker departed
this morning for Blair where she
will spend a short time in that place
visiting with friends and enjoying a
short outing.
Fred H. Barclay , Pawnee City,
well known Nebraska clothier, was
here today visiting with the Platts
mouth clothing men and looking
over the city.
Attorney C. E. Tefft and C. H.
Gibson of Weeping Water were here
today for a short time looking after
some matters in the county court in
the Harmer estate.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dodds and
family departed this morning for
Aurora, Nebraska, where they will
enjoy a visit over Sunday and Labor
day with relatives and friends.
Miss Georgia Sullivan departed
this morning for Omaha with her
brother, Stuart Porter, who will en
ter the Methodist hospital at that
place to have his tonsils removed
and probably will spend several days
Mr, and Mrs. Orren Briggs of
Hawarden, Iowa, came in yesterday
and will spend a few days here visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William H. Woolcott and family and
enjoying the many points of interest
in this section of the country.
R. A. Young, one of the old and
highly respected citizens of the vi
cinity of Weeping Water was in the
city today for a-few hours and while
here was a pleasant caller at the
Journal office to advance his sub
scription to the weekly edition of the
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ervln of Earl-
ing, Iowa, arrived here last evening
for a visit of a few days at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Con Lynch, Mrs.
Ervin being a cousin of Mr. Lynch
and the visit is one of the greatest
of pleasure to all of the members of
the party.
Dr. J. H. Hall departed yesterday
in company with his brother. Sum
mer Hall of Pender, for a visit back
to the state of Indiana, where rela
tives reside at the towns of Kokomo
and Anderson and where the two
gentlemen will have a fine time in
visiting and taking in the places of
interest in that section of the coun
From Saturday's Dally
A. W. Bradway of St. Louis. Mis
souri, arrived here this morning tc
spend the week end here with the
relatives and friends.
Chris Parkening of Omaha canu
down this morning to spend a few
hours here visiting with friends and
looking after some business matters
Ed- Poland, a former resident of
this city and now living at Lincoln,
was here last evening visiting with
the old time friends in this commun
ity. Gerald Ault of Cedar Creek was
here today for a short time to have
his auto repaired and also arranging
for the opening of his work in the
local school on next Tuesday.
Mrs. Martha Baumelster and Mrs
S. S. Gooding departed this morning
for Lincoln where they spent the day
in that city visiting with friends and
looking after some matters of busi
ness. - Mr. and Mrs". George Everett and
daughters. Miss Eva Everett and Mrs.
Mary Gobelman, were here yesterday
afternoon for a few hours and while
here were guests the the home of Mr
and Mrs. Fred'G. Morgan. t .
William Stohlmanof Omahai-forra-er
well known Louisville man.' was
In the city today for a few hours
land while here was a short callet
at the Journal office. Mr. Stohlmnn
has not been in the best of health
for some time but is now showing
.some improvement.
I Tirs. Wm. Heurichteu aud bon
jWilllaur Jr., returned from
Thursday1 evening" and' had a delight
ful time. At Stockton they saw the
Rook's Co. Fair and from there, they
motored to Hays in a 1929 Hupmo
bile to visit Mrs. Henrichsen's niece
Mrs. Joe Bissing. While in Hays they
saw the largest Experiment Station
in the world.
May Build New
Bridge Across the
Platte River
Commissioners of Cass and Sarpy
Counties as Well as State De
partment Favor Project.
The old Platte river auto bridge at
this place, now owned Jointly by the
state and Cass and Sarpy counties, is
a source of much concern as well as
expense.. It has outlived its expect
ancy and to keep it in a safe condi
tion for traved neccesitates consider
able expense on the part of the two
counties and the state.
On Wednesday of last week, Coun
ty Commissioners Spangler, Gorder
and Harris of Cass county met here
with the commissioners of Sarpy
county and F. L. Kleitsch, district
engineer and the State Board of Pub
lic Works and gave the old bridge a
thorough examination, arriving at
the conclusion that a new bridge
would be necessary next year and
accordingly will recommend the con
struction of a permanent structure.
The new bridge will be erected just
east of the present bridge, so that the
old one may serve while the new one
is under construction. Instead of the
numerous "turnouts" now in use, the
new structure will be of sufficient
width to permit of cars passing.
The plan of raising funds for such
a structure as is proposed will be
carried out along the same lines of
procedure as used in the erection of
the King of Trails bridge at Platts
mouth, which has but recently been
made toll free, through the sale of
stock, to be redeemed when sufficient
funds have been raised by toll to pay
for one-half of the construction cost,
the state paying outright the other
half. Then it will be turned over to
the two counties and the state and
opened for free travel to the public.
This was the plan employed by the
King of Trails Bridge company and
the result was found to be very sat
isfactory. Louisville Courier.
From Friday' Dailv
The corner of Main and Richey
streets is a very busy place today as
the first work on the construction of
the Farmers Creamery and Produce
Co.. plant is being started. The first
move of activity at the site was when
the gravel that will be used in the
foundation was unloaded on the
scene of action. This gravel was
ordered at 4 o'clock last evening and
this morning at 7 o'clock was on the
scene and its now unloaded and all
ready for active work on the build
ing that will house this fine new
creamery. The excavation work will
start Monday morning, Mr. Weinberg
states, and from then on there will
be something doing every minute in
the work of construction so that the
building can be completed in October.
As soon as the first work is start
ed it will not be long before the
building will be completed and made
ready for the installing of the ma
chinery that will be used in the mak
ing of butter and other products
of the new plant and marking a new
day for the agricultural interests of
this section of Cass county.
Nations Rush
to Adhere to
No-War Pact
Soviet Russia Now Falls in Line and
Kellogg Treaty Looks Like
Universal Act.
Washington. Sept. 1. More than
half of the sovereign nations of the
world now have signified, either of
ficially or unofficially their inten
tions to become parties to the "gen
eral pact or the renunciation of war,"
the anti-war treaty.
This showing in four days after
the compact was signed in Paris is
viewed with gratification by the Am
erican government ocicials, who see
in the raoiditv with which the offi
cial communications acknowledging
this government's invitations are
coming to Washington the realiza
tion o fthe hope of the treaty's ne
gotiators that it would become uni
vcrsjil Switzerland Friday formally com
municated its intertion to adhere and
official communications pledging ad
herence also came to the State de
partment from Jugoslavia, Finland,
The Netherlands, Brazil, Panama,
and Uruguay.
Soviet Russia's intention to be
come a party to the treaty, reported
in Moscow dispatches, is the re
sponse of that government to the in
vitation extende dthrough France.
Unofficial advices also aligned Greece
among the adhering nations. In all,
39 of the 64 nations which have
signed or been invited to adhere to
the treaty have signified their in
tentions. CARD OF THANKS
? I wish to thank my friends over
the city and county that made pos
sible my winning the car in the
Soennichsen contest and feel more
than words can express the wonder
ful work that they have done for mc.
Advertise your raats in the Want
Ad column for quick results.
Alvo Department
Attorney C. D. Ganz was called to
Sargeant where he went to look af
ter some business matters in the le
gal line.
W. H. Warner was looking after
some business matters in Lincoln for
a short time the latter portion of
last week.
Grant Godbey and family from
Blackwell, Okla., and a brother of
Charles Godbey are visiting for a
short time at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Charlea Godbey.
L. B. Appleman with his thresh
ing which he has Just completed had
some excellent rye, which he is keep
ing for seeding, and which is of an
excellent quality, and clean and free
from other seeds.
Philip Coatman is hustling with
the plowing with, his tractor and
was doing some breaking for S. C.
Kellogg, last week. They have thus
far this fall broken some 180 acres
for the farmers near Alvo.
The R. M. Coatman family and
Mrs. Frank Scott and three children
who are visiting here from Armour,
South Dakota, picnicked last Sunday
at the state park at Nebraska City,
where a most enjoyable time was
Mrs. Frank Scott and three chil
dren of Armour, South Dakota, a
sistar of Mrs. R. M. Coatman were
guests at the Coatman home from
IZn a 1 ...Astir- . 1 T-t . 1 1 V. irt Tl GO. '
day of this week, and all enjoyed the
visit very much.
R. M. Coatmatf was visiting in
Grand Island early last week, where
wCl iu ,
been quite 111 for. some time past, and
whom he found much improved and
able to be up and around a good por
tlon of the time.
Miss Dortha Coatman who re
cently had her tonsils removed, has
been getting along nicely since but
was not feeling quite well enough
to begin school last week, but with !
the beginning of this week will be
at her studies again.
John B. Skinner took a load of
stock to the Omaha market on last
Wednesday for Charles Foreman, and
on his return brought a load of corn
shellers on his big truck to the state
fair for King Hamilton company of
Council Bluffs "who are placing them
on exhibition at the state fair.
Wm. Mickel, John Weychel and
Uncle David Sheesley were shelling
and delivering corn at the Rehmey
er elevator in Alvo on last Wednes
day, and were keeping Simon busy
looking after the weighing, vM!"
Uncle Henry Baily was hustling t ;
care for the grain at the elevator.
. Miss Katherine Egan of Edgc
mont, South Dakota, who has been
visiting at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. John W. Banning for some time
past departed early last week for
Omaha where she will visit with
friends for a time before she shall
return to her home in the north
west. Wm. Burlingame who is an old
time painter and knows all the outs
and ints of the profession, having
worked many years with the Rock
Island in their paint shops and on
the road, is paining in and about
Alvo, and is at this time engaged in
painting the buildings at the farm of
Otto Reichmann.
George Parsell and wife of Peoria,
who have been visiting in Alvo, and
guests at the homes of his brothers.
Uncle Joseph and Harold Parsell, for
the past ten days departed for their
home on last Wednesday evening,
after havings enjoyer their stay here
most pleasantly. They were accom
panied by their daughter. Hazel.
Elmer Bennett purchased a new
International truck chasis for use as
a "kid wagon" for the carrying of
the scholars to and from the Alvo
schools and will be provided so he
can go in any kind of weather or
roads, and with comfort to the stu
dents. The truck was furnished by
the Coatman Hardware company
Arthur Dinges and Carl D. Ganz
were over to Grand Island for the
first days of last week where they
attended the state convention of the
American Legion and enjoyed the
festivities there and in speaking of
the convention Art said sure all were
having and excellent time. Mr. Ding
es returned home on Wednesday
morning and hopped into the work
During the past week, there has
been added to the people of Alvo and
the surrounding community, a num
ber of good ars which is an evidence
of the prosperity of this section of
the country. Those to secure new
wagons are Sam Jordan, who has a
Whippet coach, and an excellent car,
during the week W. E. Heier, L. M.
Snaveley and Carl Rosenow also se
cured Chevrolets and are well satis-
fled with their selection, and why
should they not be, for they al have
most dependable cars. ,
Rye fox Seeding.
I have some excellent this year's
rye, for seed, good and clean, one
dollar per bushel. L. B. Appleman,
Phone 1204, Alvo, Nebraska.
Mrs. William Heier Doing Nicely
Reports from the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Heier is to the effect
that Mrs. Heier who was so badly
Injured : in the accident when she
was thrown - from the tractor which
she was driving and had her" leg so
badly cut by the plow is getting
along fine at this time. Her many
friends are very much pleased at her
progress towards recovery. from West."
S C. Boyles who with wire were
in the west for a time returned home
about a week since and came with
a Marmon car, vhich Is a very fine
one and is another of the good-cars
which are cuijed by the people of
Alvo and vicinity.
Victorv Class Gives Farewell
The Victory class of the Methodist
nihio fichnnl cave a farewell recep-
tion on last Tuesday in honor ot
their member and co-worker in thej
Bible school, Mrs. A. J. Bropet, whoj
is soon to remove to Lincoln to make
her home. :
Mr. Bropet has been employed in
the city at his trade, that of carpen
ter, and it was deemed better that
they make their home in Lincoln, so
as to be near his work, therefore;
they are leaving Alvo, notwlthstand-j
ing they have many kind friends here
and would rather remain among'
In honor of her departure this
class gave a farewell reception which
was held at the home of superintend
ent of the Alvo schools, A. T. Sned-;
gen and wife, the date coinciding
with the thirty-fourth birthday of'
Mr. Snedgen. A delightfull evening'
was spent and the wishes were ex-'
tended that Mrs. Bropet and family
might enjoy her new home in Lin
coln and also that the professor
might see many more happy birth
Alvo Schools Open.
The Alvo schools opened on last
Monday and with a good attendance
- and much interest shown In the
studies, the students all coming back
full of pep, and the instructors ready
for the work.
Bible School Picnic Saturday.
The Bible school of the Methodist
: church held their annual picnic at
, the leg QrovR at Alvoy on last
d ent enjoyed the
occation most pleasantly, with good
eats and games, and a general good
time. The farming community be-;
ing so busy the size of the gathering
was somewhat curtailed.
Sunshine Canning Club.
It shows that the members of the
Sunshine Canning club of Alvo have
been busy all summer when they
sent In their entries for the State
Fair. Their largest entry is a budget
for a farm family of 5 for one week.
It must include 4 pints of meat, 1
pint of preserves, 1 pt of pickles, 2
pints of Xomatoes, 1 pint of greens.
5 other vegetables and 5 fruits.
Another entry is a menu with 5
necessary canned products. Most of
the girls have entered 5 jars of their
best vegetables rich in vitamins and
5 jars of fruit. Some have entered
their six best meats which must con
tain beef, pork and chicken.
Several are entering a group of
Kodak pictures illustrating the can
ning project and also posters on can
Pleasant Reunion
of Stander Family
Fifty-Two Relatives Present on Last
Sunday Big Cafeteria Style
Dinner Served at Noon.
The annual reunion of the Stan
der family was held last Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A
Cleghorn and 52 members of this pio
neer family were present to enjov
the happy occasion. On account ol
the threatening weather, and the
heavy rain, a number were prevent
ed from attending.
Among those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Porter Spangler and family, of
Weeping Water. Mrs. Spangler waf
formerly Miss Elizabeth Stander. Sht
has been in failing health for sonu
time and her relatives were mucr
pleased to know that she is improvinj
and that she could be present.
A big dinner was served. cafeteriJ
style, as is their custom. The dinnei
was arranged with each family coni
tributing something and it was t
veritable feast of good things.
These are the children of the lat
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stander, highl;
esteemed pioneers of Cass county an
prominent in the development of thi
part of the county. Their annual rr
union is an event of importance t
them all and one to which they loo
forward with much pleasure froi
year to year. Louisville Courier.
Sydney, Australia, Aug. 30. Near
ly 50,000 visitors are here for th
Eucharistic congress opening i5 pl
ember 6. Hotel and boarding hou
facilities already are at a premiu
and restaurant resources are stral.j
Twenty special trains arc duo t
arrive from Melbourne alone Satur
Nearly all the overseas churc'
dignitaries who are to attend th
congress have arrived.
Besides being broadcast by Aui
tralian stations, the speeches d
livered during the congress will Ii
picked up at Eindhoven, Hollan
and rebroadcast.
Cardinal Bonaventura Cerretti
'papal delegate, in an interview tq
day expressed amazement at th"
changes since 1916 when ho w
apostolic delegate to the common
I wish to express my most'slncer
thanks for the splendid support gH
en nie in the Soennichsen contest bj
the good friends, neighbors and r
",.a"d1 tb.r ,1wh1lch 1 1 mo
i'atP,ful ad shall always kindly r
member. Mrs. A. F. Seybert.
: Large size maps of Cass county j
taie ax journal office, 50c each.
- $
I i I