The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 27, 1928, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Only $2.00
Round Trip via Omaha
via Ashland
To Lincoln
State Fair
Hound-trip tickets at tlie above
rate, on sale September 1. 3. 4, .r
anil 6. with final return limit of
midnight next day after late of
Tickets pood on all trains
and honored only in coaches or
chair cars.
HaVf-fare for children 5 to 12
No haKKajfe checked.
round-trip tickets at rate of fare
and one-third (minimum fare
$1.00) on sale Auk. 29 to Sept.
7. inclusive, final return limit.
Sept. 10.
Tickets go oil on all trains.
Half-fare for children 5 to 12.
Baggage may be checked.
Ticket Agent
Knows What It
Is to 'Soldier'
Nebraska City Youth Tells of Jour
ney to Range Here Likes the
Army Life, However.
Melvin Burr, son of Mr. and Mrs.
.Tnsenh Burr of 1615 Fourth avenue.
Nebraska City, who is attending the,
Citizens Military Training Camp at ,
Fort Crook, Neb., writes his mother
regarding his experience while train
ing. A Aava afro ' he SSVS. "Com-
pany B. of which I am a member. SPECIAL FOR TWO DAYS ONLY
wna f&ken to the rule range near.
mm r a
Aug. 29-30
was a long ways rrom Deing com-
fortabie. At s o'clock we were given Mr. Henry Klinger bays
not conee. j do not joa(j any cars. But 1 do
"The next morning we found that want your pouitry every day of the
our cunning nau not arieu out uur- ,. T .n, nv voll thp following
,ing tne nigm ana as iney were lue prices delivered at Plattsmouth and
only ones we had with us, we put on with every 100 or more poumig of
Jthe wet garments. At 9 o'clock that poultry t Min give-you one three-
morning we were sent 10 me rauee ii n,,- i,r vnvv
and practiced shooting until 2 o clock
in the afternoon. Our clothing had, f A CO DDIPI7Q
Alvo Lady Is
Victim of an Un
usual Accident
Mrs. W. E. Heier, Overcome by Fumes
From Tractor and Falls
Beneath Plows
Plattsmouth in trucks for rifle prac
tice and after a hard day's work had
just reached camp when it began toj
rain and before the tents couia De
pitched the boys were soaking wet.
We unpacked our tents and put them
up during the heavy down-pour on
ground that was wet and sort. We
did not have a change of clothing
and went to supper 'sopping wet.'
After supper we got into our blank
ets and tried to sleep on ground that(
long ways rrom Deing com-
dried on our backs. I was awarded
a marksman's medal for shooting.
'After a three hours' march, we Aciio, pci iu
?es straight, Springs, per lb.. .
Tommy Snipes received serious in
jury Sunday afternoon, at about
three o'clock when he sustained two
oblique fractures of the large bone
and an oblique fracture of the small
bone of the right leg, about three
inches above the ankle, while par
ticipating in a baseball game between
Manley 3nd Alvo, on the Alvo ball
field. Tommy was playing with the
Manley team, in the left field posi
tion. He had gotten on second bnse
after coming to bat, and when the
man ahead of him scored on a wild
throw which was stopped in center
field. Tommy tried to sneak home. In
an effort to slide in, he caught his
leg in such a manner that it was
broken in three places.
Medical assistance was rushed to
him and first aid administered after
which he was taken to the Lincoln
hospital in the ambulance from
Weeping Water. There the fractures
were reduced and he was placed in
a cait.
A large crowd was present . and
witnessed the accident, aong whom
were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
R. Snipes, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Switzer and family, all of whom ex
pected to drive to Lincoln at the
close of the game for a picnic sup
per, which plans were of course giv
en up. j
The sympathy of all who witnessed
the accident, as well as the many
friends of the family in Weeping Wa
ter and vicinity, is extended to Tom
my and also the wish for his speedy
recovery. The football boys, espec
ially, are mourning the loss of their
quarterback in the opening game of
the season, which is to be with Elm
wood, September 21st, as it will be
mighty hard to find a substitute to
take his place. Weeping Water Republican.
again arrived at Fort Crook.
would march 50 minut
and then rest 10. Those 10 minutes RrtActpvc "nT IrV
sure went fast. When we arrived at -tWU&Lei &, pel 1U. .
camp everybody ate a hearty supper. T)nrlCi npr 1V
That night we slept on cots and they -UrVO, JJCI 1U. . . .
were surely appreciated after sleep- T orrVi nrn QnrMncrc
ing a night on the ground. j-LAigHUIIl opimgtJ
We wish to thank the many friends
and neighbors and the M. W. of A.
for the many acts of kindness and for
the beautiful flowers during the time
that illness has been visited on our
family circle. These kindnesses will
always be pleasantly remembered.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Rummel.
"Some of the boys here are sick T .pcrhnvn TTfn5.
with mumps, but nothing serious." I -v
Young Barr says that the load ai c t ..
soldier has to carry while on a hike rarmcu, nuuw.
is very heavy and that several of. You are assured of a square deal
the boys on the march back to camp wnen you bring your produce to us,
from Plattsmouth fell out. He says anfi Vnnr mnnpv is guaranteed, for
v O '
th the Farm-
where your checks will be honored
at once.
he is getting along fine and likes the we carry an account wi
work. Nebraska City News-Press. ers state Bank, of
Klinger Produce
145 South 6th St., Plattsmouth, Neb.
- -
inn v
l-H-H H -I-H'
"Wednesday's Willing Workers"
sewing club held their achievement
program Tuesday night August 21st
at the Glendale church.
The articles that have been made
by the club members were judged.
The judging team coming up from
Weeping Water judged the articles.
Prizes were awarded as follows:
First Ellen Kelly
Second Marie Speck
Third Martha Kaffenberger
First Marie SDeck
Second Florence Shogrenj Miss Muriel "Wiles was a visitor in
Third -Ellen Kellv 'Louisville for a number of days.
KITCHEN APRON i where she was a guest of her many
First Ellen Kelly friends.
Second Edna Meierdierkj Harry O'Brien was a visitor in
Third Carey Zimmerman Plattsmouth on last Friday, where
PRINCES SLIP I he was looking after some business
First Ellen Kelly matters for a short time.
Second Florence Shogrenf Rev. WTittele. pastor of the St.
Third Catherine Meisinger Patrick's Catholic church, was visit-
BUNGALOW DRESS ling for a few days last week In Kan
First Ellen Kelly sas, returning home on Friday.
Second Marie Speck J Herman Rauth was plowing for
Third Marie Kaffenberger Martin Nelson last Thursday and
A short program was given, this getting the work along in nice
included, demonstration, piano solos, shape, the, weather being rathe
readings, songs, yells and a short chilly.
playlet. Miss Nellie Kelly, on account of
The club members received their poor health, was compelled to go to
achievement certificates and Miss Omaha last week, where she was
Esther Albert was awarded a certi-! taking treatment at the St. Joseph
ficate of appreciation for having a hospital.
100 per cent club. j puri Long and family, of near
After the program ice cream and Benkelman, who formerly resided
cake were served to everyone pres-near Manley, Were visiting with
t-nt. i friend a nnrt rAlativps hfr for the
most of last week.
SCHLICTEMEIERS PICNIC Herman Rauth and the good wife
were enjoying a visit last Sunday at
Last year it was suggested by one ( the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
or more cousins of the Schlictemeier.Christensen, where all enjoyed a
family that they should meet once a fine dinner and a good visit for the
year for a picnic and reunion. It was afternoon. f - -
decided to do so and pick a location! Mrs. August Glaubitz, who was
as near the central cart of the tpr. .-loitin c ry o. tin r omi ahnnt
ritory covered as possible and con- Manley, departed on last Saturday
sequently Syracuse was the place de- evening for Rock Bluffs, where she
cided upon. Last Sunday was the will make her home with her son.
date of the gathering and with the Albert Glaubitz, for some time,
exception of two families everyone Two children of Mr. and Mrs.
was present. It was a large crowd RalDh Welte have been rather sick
that appeared like a small commun- during the past week, and were sowere extracted
It.. A 1 SV , . 0 1 A. A. 1- A. A
gamenng as lau enrolled on the ill that the father had to remain
registration sheet and it is not known home' from work to assist in their
whether all signed their names to care. They are, however, much im
the register or not. 'proved at this time.
, Everyone who came to the event The Altar Society of the St. Pat
brought well filled baskets and the rickfs Catholic church, of Manley,
big dinner at noon was the chief at-'enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon on
iracuon 01 me aay. ine only thing last Sundav. when thev held an ice
Mrs. W. E. Heier, residing in the
vicinity of Alvo, was the victim of a
most unusual accident this week at
the Heier farm vhc-M she was c-n
gaged in helping with th fall plow
Mrs. lieier, who was formerly Miss
Ethel Tower of Platin-C nth, had gone
out to help the other members of uie
iamil with the faim v uik and .va.c
plowing and wnicn as puinng 3
number of nlows. Tha fumes .md'
feas from the tractor, tven in then
open air was so great that Mrs. Heier j
was overcome as she was seated on.
the drivers seat of the tractor and in;
a faint or unconscious attack eh
fell from the seat of the tractor and
in the path of the plows, she being
i-tfinl-fin .1 A ay 1 v t Vl n ell a It 'ill I
no time to shut off the tractor and,
the plows came on their way turning
up the soil and with the unconslous;
woman in their pathway. '
The body of Mrs. Heier had fallen
outside the direct line of the plows ;
or the tractor had veered somewhat j
and to this fact the woman owes
her life. One of the plows struck,
Mrs. Heier and lacerated the knee;
cap quite badly, the cut extending i
to the bone and making a very pain-'
ful injury, but the remainder of the
plows passed to one side and did notj
do any damage to the victim of the,
accident. !
The injured lady was hurried to
Murdock where Dr. L. D. Lee dressed
the injuries, several stitches 0?ing
necessary to close the wound and'
tilt victim of the accident remained ,
at Murdock until the next mornin ;
Vclcie she wa3 allowed to return
heme. Mrs. Heier wa3 rjiing uf.
easilj as possible undo;- the cir-um-tilances
at the last repoit recoived
from the home near Alvo. (
Mrs. Heier is the younfco i'. da-iap-.
;1 O. II. Tower of tL,3 ..ity ai.l.
m. ce her home in this ctj up tc
thftime of her marriage ana Mio mmy
friends here will regret to learn o'.jpj
hv- accident and trust tn sue m.iy
recover rapidly from Ite effects o'
the injuries.
turned home on Friday, after hav-
Ine enioved their visit very mucii. i
Frank Glaubitz Very Sick
Some two weeks since Frank Glau
bitz, accompanied by his brother,
Will Glaubitz, went to Rochester.
Minn., where Mr. Frank Glaubitz
underwent an operation for some
stomach trouble! and which when he
had been operated upon, proved to
be a cancer, and Mr. Glaubitz re
mains very poorly at the hospital.
William Glaubitz returned home a
few days since and reports his broth
er a very sick man. i
s i H. L
n m a
4 u Vv
Had Most Pleasant Time
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Rauth and the
kiddies arrived - in Manley on last
Saturday from their home in Tork.
and visited with friends and rela
tives in and about Manley and also
at Elmwood until the first of the
week, when they returned to their
home in the west. They were guests t-
... . ... . T V"
wniie nere at ine nomes ui j. .
Rauth and son, Herman Rauth, and bA
also visiting at the home of John A.
Stander and family, A. v. blander
and family as well as A. W. Seiker
and Edward Seiker and their famil
ies near Elmwood.
that was found to be missing at the cream social
The many friends of Mrs. Thilip
Kahler were much shocked last week
when they learned that she had been
taken to the Methodist hospital in
Omaha, having been taken ill on It
Tuesday of last week. At the hos- I
nital she was eiven a thorough ex- I
amination and X-ray pictures were
taken and it was found that she is
suffering from arthritis. The physi
cians recommended that Mrs. Kahler
have her teeth extracted.
She was brought home on Thurs
day and the next day her lower teeth
She had the upper
teeth extracted on Wednesday of
this week. She is under the care cf
Miss Emma Fjellin, of Omaha, a
trained nurse who has attended other
members of the family and who is
giving Mrs. Kahler very skillful and
excellent care. At present only the
members of the family are permitted
The Jttdge says .
iixaifjca wart as canfai a
davcr ai you say, jta would
amy ibe proper automobile
sumptuous meal was a large table church, and at whlrh mnnv nf th
land as the families have decided to members and others enjoyed, and at
jmeet again next year, they have de- the same time netted a nice sum for
cided to meet at a place where table the society and the church work,
room will be had to take care of the Sister Redemptia, formerly Mis3
edibles from the well filled baskets. Agnes Stander, and Sister Alexine,
the lawn of the!to see Irs- Kahler, owing to her ner
vous condition, but her friends are
hoping that within a very short time
she will be well on the road to com
plete recovery. Dr. L. F. Valentine,
of York, is attending Mrs. Kahler.
Dr. Valentine is here taking care
Everyone, large and small, old formerly Miss Rose Stander, both of,01 tlle Practice or Dr. L. li. vvortn
and young, visited and enjoyed them- whom are making their home at;xnan whi,e the latter is at the M. E.
'selves to the limit until evening came Chicago, were visiting in Manley nosPital, where he is recovering from
and were busy shaking hands and and vicinity and at Elmwood with an Peration- Louisville Courier.
iDiuuing one anotner adieu until they relatives and at the home of their
This tgeocy tos3astt tztf
fx yen to be yujyaly mad
vttuMpf farsnrfA Tc tee
tX ycKXT sex vice todaty. "Wc
meet again next year. Nehawka En- parents. Mr. and Mrs. August Stan-
icipiioe. der at Elmwood last week. They re-
The Smith-Robinson club of this
city will meet at the court house on
Thursday evening, August 30th, at
8:00 o'clock. All supporters and
friends of the democratic nominees
are urged to be in attendance. I
Searl S. Davis
Real Est
Thomas Walling Company
Abstracts of Title
Phone 324 - Plattsmouth
General Black
smithing Shovel and Lay Sharpening!
All kinds of Plow Work. We
are here to serve the farmers
with any work they want. No
job too large or too small!
Foo Must be Satisfied
Antone Auerswald
The Manley Blacksmith
The Lisle Horton family are mov
ing to Peru, Nebr., where they will
make their home. Mr. Horton will
establish himself in the undertaking
business in that town. He is a grad
uate of the Williams Institute of Em
balming of Kansas City and has had
! a lot of experience which highly
i qualifies him for this work. The
! Horton family have lived here for
' many years and their host of friends
' are sorry to have them leave Elm
i wood. We can give Mr. Horton and
: family the very very highest recom-
mendatlon to the .community to
which they go and say that what Is
our loss will be Peru's gain. Elm
wood Leader-Echo.
v Vs
t Ll.
Glbewlltt MfiDQ?
wSoa ttBo QQw
sr aa tBneSir cnamraoc
Harold Pals June Marshall
Gilbert Hirz Hammond Sharp
Mrs. F. A. Seybert Cant. Harrison Gayer
ChieS A. R. Johnson Rev. HanciZc
Mrs. Carl Booley Geo. Olson
S. Y. Smith
Right siow each one oS the above contestants
have practically an even chance oS winning
By supplying your wants Sor the coming Fall
and Winter JbeSore this great sale closes
yo& will not only save yourseli and Samily a lot
o money but you may assist your Savorite
candidate by casting your votes Sor them
-don't forget Sor each dollar paid
on account you receive Sive hundred votes
This is our last advertisement the greatest
sale ever conducted in Plattsmouth is jjust about
over we sincerely thank the people o Ca
and surrounding counties Sor their splcn
did support and conSidencc-
Hosburgh-Cannon Sales Co,
America's Greatest Sale Organization
Selling Agents for The II. 11. Soennichsen Co,
Fern Lecou
Read the Journal Want Ads.