The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 16, 1928, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THUE5UA.Y AUG. 16. 1923.
fhc plattsmoutb journal
atr4 i Coitufir. Plattsmouth. Ni- as co6-ci.M nia.ll oi.rv
K. A. BATES. Publisher
-ujCEJPTlOU FillCE S2.C0
A hick town is one that has no
traffic problem.
England now has thirty peers who
are under 21 years of age.
The days are growing shorter. A
lot of people are in the same fix.
Time never hangs heavy on the
hands of the hoy with his first
It's going to take a real farm gen
ius to keep from having a good corn
crop this year.
:o: .
Worn by Queen Elizabeth as a
young princess, a nightgown recent
ly was sold for $375 in London.
The latest model phonograph au
tomatically stops at the right time,
except for a record like "Ramona."
The railroads of the United States
use about 130,000,000 new wood ties
every year; there are about 3,000 to
the mile.
There are 30.000 persons in Russia
over 100 years old. Russians, in-
eluding Trotzky seem to live longer,
than other people.
A scientist says that the teeth of
a gorilla are so deep set they can't
be pulled, but we have an idea he
doesn't know our dentist.
And we never thought of it until
now but there seems to be consid
erably less yodeling. Are the yodel
ers depressed by secret sorrows?
A prophet announces that Amer
ica will sing under the sea. In the
meantime, strenuous efforts are ber
ing made to keep the country dry.
One thing you can say for the
motor mechanic; he's not finicky or
upstage. He'd just as soon wipe his
hands on a cheap seat cover as a cost
ly one.
Our language i3 constantly being
refined and beautified and the girl
who only a few years ago used to
say "Thanks, awfully" now says
"Thanks, gobs,"
Chicago'B new chief of police an
nounces he will enforce all laws
rigidly. Let's see, wasn't the last
chief there going to run all crooks
out of town in 60 days?
A mile of newspaper will be made
every three minutes by the greatest
paper-making machine in the world,
now being made for the Great Lakes
Paper company, Ontario. This giant
machine, weighing 200 tons , will
produce paper 25 feet wide.
A Well Balanced
It matters not what your vocation
in life may be, you will find
things of interest at the
Aug. 31st to Sept. 7th, Lincoln
Better arrange to camp in the
free camping ground for the entire
week, where you can live almost
as cheaply as you can at home,
every convenience that goes to
make camping a pleasure. Noth
ing too good for the patrons of
the Fair. We want you to camp
at the fair ground where you can
meet your friends. In fact, many
arrange their outing to meet their
friends for the week of the fair.
For further information write
George Jackson, Secretary,
Capitol EuMding, Lincoln
We Give the Same Kindly Care
that You Have Given Before
Reverent tenderness marks every
feature of our service always!
121 N. 6th Street Platts Phone. 19
J a tid a Riloirfruiairy
Market 0064 OMAHA
Not one student in a thousand
breaks down from overwork.
The Kellogg peace plan was
other shot that was heard around the
Of the 1,000,000 houses built in
England in the past year, 000,000
were constructed to sell
Tula, Mexico, is
world's largest tree,
claiming the
which has a
trunk 154 feet in circumference
On. account of
scandal attached it will be O.
use oil of citronella on the
river mosquitoes.
A writer says Alpine climbing has
fallen off gieatly since the war. Due
doubtless to the number of climbers
having fallen off.
The merchants of England are
.,rHnr women in "wear mnrp eloth -
es." The effect of this advice will no'
doubt be to make the women weari
still less.
Our idea of retributive Justice
crystalize3 into definite form when
the woman who got up the picnic
and took the paper napkins gets more
rhie-er bites than anvhodv else.
The Catholic church is not on
trial, and the details wherein it dif-
fers from anv other branch of the
i Christian church is a matter of no
consequence whatever, insofar as this
campaign is concerned.
And there are innumerable per-
sons who came here from other
cities, made quick fortunes and will most surely have to be amended, per
now be found occupying their villas ' haps frequently, under the test of
in southern France, wondering how
people endure New York.
It seema they will not let actress
es bathe in the surf at a fashionable
Newport beach, and we suppose the'
poor things have to resort to the
old custom of using a washtub in the;
kitchen on Saturday night.
Gerald Leopold Straus, of Mont
gomery, Ala., organized the Alabama
Al Smith Club, contributes this slo
sm in s upmocrapv is noi n v no-
crisy." This seems to fulfill the re
quirement. :b:-
Dispatches from California say
that Hoover watched with pleasure
the silver moon as it rose above the
snow-capped summit of Mt. Shasta.
He is not likely to experience so-
much pleasure in watching the sun
ct rTt Ilia rlan t i q 1 Vi "-. T-t n novt
Figures indicating that 30 million
or more of the American people in-j
dulge in motor car touring each sum
mer perhaps carry little actual
meaning to the average person, es-'
pecially the one who stays at home
and goes about his regular business
throughout the year.
We believe that all thinking peo-.
yiC uu lu mis wu.iu iuus,
1 . ! 1 - i .. H1J
Utt6U l"
agree with Uob Ryder of the orno
State Journal, when he says the ser
ious wiing auuui mis campaign ia
that a whole lot of other people
ua.c bi in ouun.
the customary farmers.
But one thing has happened in
late years which gives the editor
great satisfaction, and it is that the
general public now understand it
takes a whole lot of good solid caih
to publish a first class paper, besides
the expenditure of a lot of energy
and the employment of men ai d
women who are possessed of brains
and ability.
Jackson 2984
' Chairman Raskob of the Democrat
ic National committee, has retained
Prof. Seligman, head of the econom
ics department at Columbia univer
sity, to make an "exhaustive and non
political" study f the farm problem.
This is precisely what might be
expected of a man of Mr. Raskob's
business caliber. It is precisely the
thing that industrial leaders do when
confronted by difficult problems in
their own spheres of activity. It is
precisely what the great corporation
with which Mr. Raskob has been
j connected did when the question of
! installment selling was agitating the
an-,2"10"100"6 industry ana was unaer
..the fire of alarming criticism and
; direful prophecy. And Prof. Seligman
was the man whom General Motors
those for the task.
' Mr. Raskob's position in the prem-
ises will appeal to the country's com-
mon sense. mere can be no ques-
tion." he says, "that there is some
manner in which the farmer's prob-
ilem can be solved along lines that
are economically sound; that orderly
there being Do'jnftead &f chaotic marketing and in-
K. lojteJIigent business control of surplus
Brule . , i .a - -n-ill (uril i i o-ivn iVick farmer
higher prices for his produce."
As regards the "equalization fee,"
j which the consensus of expert opin
ion has pronounced unsound, Mr.
Raskob is openminded. He is await-
ling iir. Keiigman s judgment, on mat
point as upon every other phase of
.lllc "uu,,:m "u " ".j
ared to accePl his exPert's Tep0T.t'
which will be made only atter weens
or months" of painstaking inquiry
It may be objected that the farm
problem has been a pressing public
difficulty for years, that it has en
gaged the earnest efforts of many
able men. that no solution has yet
ibeen advanced acceptable to agricul-
ture which the administration could
approve or economic . authority in
dorse. But there is nothing excep-
tional in that record. It is, in its
essentials, the record of many public
problems. Further, whatever solu-
tion Mr. Seigman may propose will
be open to criticism. Further still,
inwhatever solution is finally adopt
ed by legislative enactment will al
trial. But that, as Senator atson
pointed out in a discussion of the
"equalization fee" in St. Louis just
prior to the Kansas City convention,
Us the normal story of legislative ex-
iperience. He onereu as pertinent
! example, the Federal Reserve Act
and could have cited many others
had he wished.
The pith of Mr. Raskob's decision
is this: It is the business man s
method of grappling with a problem
i That the decision further confirms
iof his campaign manager may hap
pily be noted, we think, by all citi
zens regardless of their political per
suasion. It surely augurs well for
!the nation when the management of
a presidential candidate's campaign
addresses itself to a problem of this
character in a thoroughly business
like, thoroughly nonpolitical man-
! ner
j There is honesty in Mr
decision, and there is capacity. And
(those are cardinal virtues in public
; affairs as in private life. St. Louis
When Geraldine Farrar was a lit
tle girl in Medford, Mass., and first
began to show her nfusical talent
she drove the neighbors frantic with
i her budding vocal efforts.
.Do you realjy haye tQ do tnatr
a little boy in the neighborhood
asked her one dajr
i "Of course I do," declared
.Beautiful music always seems
haunt me
, "Th.nt'a hprailse voil mnrilor it
first!" decided the wag and the fu
I ture grand opera star crossed his
name off her party list.
Probably you will never be "pre-
can always go to the circus-which
, is much the same only better.
Tn thp niRtrirt Court nf Cars fmm
To CHARLES JONES, whose place
of rpsirlpnrp is unknown anrl linnn
whom personal service of summons, Bids will be opened at 2:10 mouth. County of Cass,
cannot be had. Defendant: lo'dc-ck p. m. of the same day in the State of Nebraska as sur-
, You are hereby notified that on office of the Cass county Commis- red' Platted and cord
the 7th day of May, 1928, Nellie sioners. ied
.Jones, as plaintiff, filed her petition. The County Board of Commission- First National Bank of
against you in the District Court of era reserve the right to reject any or Plattsmouth, Nebraska, a
Cass county, Nebraska, Docket
page 21, the object and prayer of
which petition is to obtain a divorce
from you on the grounds of extreme
j cruelty and non-support.
1 Vnn nro rn ti i Vfi tn aticuxr caH
petition on or before the 1st day of
rwKc 1Qe or ttniA not1t?nn
, ' - V. J U V-1 V ( w- u iLl k4U
' . . .
gainst you will be taken as true
!L. N. BUNCE. Attorney,
j Securities Bldg., Omaha
I al3-4w
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Thomas Wiles. Jr., dei-c-ased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth. in said county, on Aug
ust 24, 192R, and November 26, 1928,
at 10 o'clock a. m., each day, to re-
ce ye and examine all cla,ms against
!.aiieSte' 7"h, 10 2le",
justment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation, of claims
against said estate is three months
from the 24th day of August, A. D.
1928, and the time limited for pay-
mem oi aeois is uuc .vrar uum aiu
, ... . . , - -
24th day of August. 1928.
XT T i n n wi. V r t. H on A Vi r o 1
.7 7," V kT.r thk -4 v, ,VV
STai,d C,"oniy CUrt th,S 2ith d3
(Seal) j23-4w County Judge
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
ty. ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Jo-
seph Skalak. deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, m saiu county, on me
24th day oi August, anu on tne
26th day of November. 1928. at 10
a. m.. of each day, to receive and
examine all claims against said es-
tate, with a view to their adjustment.
and allowance. The time limited for
the presentation of claims against!
said estate is three months from the'
24th day of August, A. D. 192S, and -the
time limited for payment of debts corporation, duly organiz
is one rear from said 24th day of ed and existing under and
AUgUfel, J.-0. ... .
Witness mv hand and the seal of
said County Court th 20th day of
July 199S
jj yjTXBURY,
(Seal) j23-4w
County Judge.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Cass tounty. ss.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Effie Harbin, deceased:
On reading the petition of Mrs.
Bertha Allen, Administratrix, pray
ing a nnai settiemem. anu a iuu.n
of her account filed in this Court on
the 11th day of August, 1928, and
for final settlement of said estate and
for her discharge as said Adminis
It is hereby ordered that you and.
all persons interested in said matter
may. and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county on tne ztn aay ui ausu&l.
A. D. 1928. at ten" o'clock a. m., to
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to 11 per -
sons interested in said matter
publishing a copy of this order in them. e "j r
Plattsmouth Journal, a -mi-weekly , -Presentatn ( their
newspaper printed in said county, for . TT T Qnrwav
one week prior to said day of hear- jnojn) . II. J;hf
inf" v,r.r t v,o ,Cr 'National Bank of Platts-
In witness Srid !Zm 'mouth. Nebraska; also east
unto set my hand and the seal of said , ,4 eet q Sublot of
,no s
U. J. o.
-rt-prr.r. rrn COTnPl? TIVTR A fTflPC
:UU xwx,x
Sealed bids will be received by the!wd- platted and record
County Board of Commissioners of JjJ S SriS?
Cass county.;at Plattsmouth. Nebras 5?nJ( SeZrn s
KU. lUf llltr UU1.U.U6 "t
bridge and approaches
One four panel, 70-foot span,
lS-foot roadway, riveted truss,
15-ton steel bridge. State Stand
ard Bridge Plan No. 1634, de
signed for concrete floor, com
plete in place, except concrete
floor, but including painting;
One set of 8-in. column H pil
ing1, consisting of ten piling and
four 10-in. channel caps complete
to place 70-foot span on piling.
Piling to be not less than 25
feet in length, and extra bid to
be made per foot for piling of
longer length;
One 20-foot span, I beam
bridge, lS-foot roadway, 15-ton
capacity, and designed for con
crete floor, for the north ap
proach; One 28-foot span, I beam
bridge, 18-foot roadway, 15-ton
capacity, and designed for con
crete floor, for south approach;
One set of eight 8-inch I
beam 20-foot piling complete
with four S-inch channel caps.
built in place complete, except con
crete floor, at the south limits of Ne-
hawka Village, across . the Weeping
.hip 10. Range 13, Cass county.
a tn fi, ln the nt
cent of the total amount of the bid,
;n rouni- r1 Caaa r.nnn.D .lorl-
4, all bids
Cass County Clerk. Platts-
mouth. Nebraska
The Republicans are perspiring
lieeiy 111 lueii tuuus lu uianc
. , ,, A . .
County Clerk of Cass county. Nebras- claiming and right, title
ka. on or before two o'clock p. m. on and interest in w-est 23
(Friday. September 7th. 1928. fee Sullot 6f Lo ts 13
-i rsa v tt and 14 and west 23 feet of
country Deiieve mat everytning i neceiver oi me nrei
! harmonious in their party, because National Bank of Platts-
Uhey are terribly afraid that some- ?lou?-,N'i7ik'ar;ha1 Vt
' . ,1 and 2 and north 80 feet
body might rise and suggest that oil of west 24 feet of jt 3
be poured on the troubled waters.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
County of Cass.
First National Bank of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, a
corporation, duly organiz
ed and existing under and
b , f fQ , of
the United States, its as-
signes, trustees and per
sonal representatives (their
true and real names un-
1 . T 1 T Cmi.itoi'
"; "lU
. iirtciiri w v ii v .... i.
National Bank of Platts
mouth, Nebraska; also 23
et of Sublot 5, the south
f, 25.55 feet of Block 32 and
23 feet of Sublot G, the
south 25.55 feet, all in
Block 32 in the City of
Plattsmouth, County of
Cass, State of Nebraska,
'as surveyed, platted and
!iecorded and all persons.
i firms, co-partnerships, cor-
'porations (true and real
nnma unknown havintr
and claim$ns any right.
ititle or interest in 23 feet
nf o1lhlof the smith 25.-
-5 feet of B,ock 32 and
23 feet of Sublot c. the
......i, o- r fpPt all in
Blo(k 32 in the City of
piattsrnoulh. County of
r ct9t( nf v-hraqka
' rTPVP(1. flatted and
vationai Rank of
,Frst atI0"aa"
' . I, T-W,. Ctoloc QO
lJMr o,
signes, trustees ana per
sonal representatives (thei;
j true and real names un
known); H. J. Spurway,
Receiver of the First
National Bank of Platts
mouth, Nebraska; also 24
feet of Sublot 3 of Lots
12, 13 and 14 and 22 feet
nf Cnhlnt A nf T.ntc 12 12
- ,flnd . Bock 30 in
th ritv of plattsmouth.
'County of Cass. Slate of
Nebraska, as surveyed, plat
ted and recorded and all
persons, firms, co-partner-
1 ships, corporations (true
, . ameg unknown)
. Q . , flairTlinj, nv
. . titp interest in
ft - Rhtnt .1 of Iits
1 12, 13 and 14. and 22 feet
ov,w A nf T.ota 12 13
- al, ,n t,wv ?.2 in
jthe Ciy of Piattsraouth.
nilMv nt r etnte of
jNebragka fas surveyed, plat-
ted and recorded
First National Bank of
1 iai1",";"' " ";"n,
rpor.atjn' s ? ,If
and existing under and
! o l
uy, -- - . , . nnA
"12, 13 and 14 and west 24
feet of Sublot 2 of Lots 12,
mOUth, COUnty
of Cass,
of ?
Nebraska, as sur-
r,Vr,r.wn l.avinp-
claiming any right, title
or interest in east 2 4 feet
of Sublot 1 of Lots 12. 13
and 14, and west 24 feet
of Sublot 2 of Lots 12. 13
and 14. all in Block 32 in
the City of Plattsmouth.
County of Cass, State of
Nebraska, as surveyed, plat
ted and recorded
First National Bank of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, a
corporation, duly organiz
ed and existing under and
by virtue of the laws of
Jthe United States, its as-
. signes, trustees and per
sonal representatives (their
,true and real names un
known); H. J. Spurway,
'Receiver of the First
j National Bank of Platts-
mouth, Nebraska; also west
!23 feet of Sublot 6 of Lots
j 1 3 and 14 and west 23 feet
'of Sublot 6 the north 16.30
feet of Lot 12. all in Block
3 2 in the City of Platts-
- mouth County of Cass
olairl Ui ,V "
veyed. platted and record-
Ne -
thp unknown) having and
et ?f a11 l,n?
3J, in the City OI riaiis-
j corporation, auiy organiz
ed ami existing unaer ana
by virtue of the laws of
the United States, its as-
signes. trustees and per-
-onal lTin-
... -9 - .
Vnnwnl! H. J . SDUrwaT.
I - -
. , . XT, I n A
and the east 20 feet of Lot
3 and the north 4 0 feet of
Lot 4, all in Block 4C, in
the City of Plattsmouth,
County of Cass, State of
Nebraska, as surveyed, plat
ted and recorded, and all
persons, firms, co-partnerships,
corporations (true
and real names unknown)
having and claiming any
right, title or interest in
Lots 1 and 2 and north SO
feet of west 24 feet of Lot
3 and the east 20 feet of
Lot 3 and the north 40 feet
'of Lot 4. all in Block 46,
in the City of Plattsmouth,
County of Cass, State of
Nebraska, as surveyed, plat-
ited and recorded
) Livingston Loan and
; Building Association, a
corporation, duly organiz
ed and existing under and
by virtue of the laws of
the State of Nebraska, its
assignees, trustees and
personal representatives
(their true and real names
unknown); Searl S. Davis
(Receiver of the Livingston
jLoan and Euilding Associa
tion, a corporation; H. J.
Spurway, Receiver of the
First National Bank, of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska; al
so Lot 6 in Block 36 in the
City of Plattsmouth, Coun
ty of Cass, State of Ne
braska, as surveyed, plat
ted and recorded, and all
persons, firms, co-partnerships,
corporations (true
and real names unknown)
having and claiming any
right, title or interest in
Lot 6 in Block 36 in the
;City of Plattsmouth, Coun
ty of Cass, State of Ne
braska, as surveyed, plat
ted and recorded
Livingston Loan and
Euilding Association, a
corporation, duly organiz
ed and existing under and
(by virtue of the laws of
the State of Nebraska, its
.assignees, trustees and
;personal representatives
j (their true and real names
uu&nun ii , &t?ai i 3. uavia
Receiver of the Livingston
Loan and Building Associa
tion, a corporation: H. J.
Spurway, Receiver of the
First National Bank, of
I Plattsmouth. Nebraska; al
!so east 22 feet of Lot 4
in Block 33 in the City of
Plattsmouth, County of
Cass. State of Nebraska, as
surveyed, platted and re
corded, and all persons,
firms, co-partnerships, cor
porations (true and real
names unknown) having
'and claiming any right.
title or interest in east
22 feet of Lot 4 in Block
33 in the City of Platts
mouth, County of Cass,
State of Nebraska, as sur
veyed, platted and record
ed Livingston Loan and
Building Association, a
corporation, duly organiz
ed and existing under and
by virtue of the laws of
the State of Nebraska, its
assignees, trustees and
personal representatives
(their true and real names
unknown); Searl S. Davis
Receiver of the Livingston
Loan and Building Associa
tion, a corporation; H. J.
Spurway, Receiver of the
First National Bank, of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska; al
so east one-half of Lot 3
in Block 33 in the City of
Plattsmouth. County of
Cass, State of Nebraska, as
surveyed, platted and re
corded, and all persons,
firms, co-partnerships, cor
porations (true and real
names unknown) having
and claiming any right,
title or interest in east
one half of Lot 3 in Block
33 in the City of Platts
mouth, County of Cass,
State of Nebraska, as sur
veyed, platted and record
ed Byron Golding, single;
also Lot 10 in Block 42 in
the City of Plattsmouth,
County of Cass, State of
Nebraska, as surveyed, plat
ted and recorded, and all
persons, firms, co-partnerships,
corporations (true
and real names unknown)
having and claiming any
right, title or interest in
Lot 10 in Block 42 in the
City of Plattsmouth, Coun
ty of Cass, State of Ne
braska, as surveyed, plat
ted and recorded
Byron Golding, single;
also Lot 11 in Block 42 in
the City of Plattsmouth.
County of Cass, State of
Nebraska, as surveyed, plat
ted and recorded, and all
persons, firms, co-partnerships,
corporations (true
and real names unknown)
having1 and claiming any
right, title or interest in
Lot 11 in Block 42 in the
City of Plattsmouth, Coun
ty of Cass, State of Ne
braska, as surveyed, plat
ted and recorded
You and each of you are hereby sons interested in said matter by
notified that on the 28th day of publishing a copy of this order in
July, 1928. the County of Cass filed tne plattsmouth Journal, a eemi-.
a petition in the District Court of weeklv newsnaner Drinted in said
Cass county. Nebraska, against you COUnty, for one week prior to said
and each of you, which cause appears d of hearing
I on Doc ket 4, Page 4 9, of the records jn witness whereof I have here
lof the Clerk of the District Court of unto set my hand and the Seal of
NOTICE Cass county, Nebraska, the object said court this 9th day of August,
.and prayer of which petition in ac- D. 1928.
cordance with a resolution adopted a. H. DUXBURY,
June 4th, 1928, by the Board of (Seal) County Judge.
t County Commissioners for County of -
jCass State of Nebraska is for the Speedie8t way to reach fame
strict foreclosure of tax liens on: I v, '
23 feet of Sublot 5, the south In these day is airplane.
25. a 3 feet of Block 32 and 23
feet of Sublot C, the south 23.53
feet all in Blok 32 in the City
nf Plattsmouth, Caw; county. Ne
braska, as surveyed, platted and
recorded ;
2 4 feet of Sublot 3 of Ixns 12.
13 and 14 and 22 feet of Sublot
4 of Lots 12, 13 and 14. all in
Block 32 in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
as surveyed, platted and re
corded ;
East 2 4 feet of Sublot 1 of
Lots 12, 13 and 14 and west 24
feet of Sublot 2 of Lots 12, 13
and 14, all in Block 32 in the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, as surveyed, plat
ted and recorded;
West 23 feet of Sublot C of
Lots 1.3 and 14 and west 23 feet
of Sublot 6, the north 16.30 feet
of Lot 12, all in Block 32 in the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, as surveyed, plat
ted and recorded;
Lots 1 and 2 and north 80
feet Of west 24 feet of Lot 3 and
the east 20 feet of Lot 3 and the
north 40 feet of Lot 4, all in
Block 40 in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
as surveyed, platted and re
corded ;
Lot 6 in Block 36 in the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne
braska, as surveyed, platted and
recorded ;
East 22 feet of Lot 4 in
Block 33 in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
as surveyed, platted and re
corded ;
East one-half of Lot 3 in Bloc k
33 in the City of Plattsmouth.
Cass county, Nebraska, as sur
veyed, platted and recorded;
Lot 10 in Block 42 in the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass county.
Nebraska, as surveyed, platted
and recorded;
Lot 11 in Block 42 in the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun
ty. Nebraska, as surveyed, plat
ted and recorded.
That the several parcels of real es
tate described herein were subject to
taxation for State. County, City, Vil
lage. School District, Drainage Dis
trict and Municipal and public pur
poses for the several years as enum
erated in the petition and the ex
hibits thereto attached and by ref
erence made a part thereof, and that
unless the same is paid by you. or
any of you. that a decree win be
entered in this Court foreclosing and
forever barring you and each of you
of any and all claims upon, interest
or estate in, right or title to, or lien
upon, or equity of redemption in or
to said herein described real estate.
and that the same or so much as may
be necessary to satisfy the plaintiff's
lien, together with costs, shall be
sold in accordance with law, and for
such other and further relief as
equity requires and as to the Court
may seem just and equitable.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
17th day of September. 1928.
By Plaintiff.
j30-4w County Attorney.
State of Nebraska, County of
Cass, ss.
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by Golda Noble Beal. Clerk of
the District Court, within and for
Cass County, Nebraska, and to me
directed, I will on the 18th day of
September, A. D. 1928, at 10 o'clock,
a. m. of said day at the South Front
Door of the Court House in the City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in said
County, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash the follow
ing real estate to-wit:
Lots One (1) and Two (2),
Block (1), White's Addition to
the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
County, Nebraska, as surveyed,
platted and recorded
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Clara A.
Owens and Orval Owens, defend
ants, to satisfy a judgment of said
Court recovered by The Standard
Savings and Loan Ass'n of Omaha,
Nebraska, plaintiff, against said de
fendant. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, August
9th, A. D. 1928.
Sheriff Cass County,
and Notice on Petition for
Settlement of Account
In the County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska:
State of Nebraska. Cass County,
To all persons interested in the
estate of Joseph Zitka. deceased:
On reading the petition of Anna
Zitka praying a final settlement and
allowance of her account filed in this
Court on the 9th day of August,
1928, and for determination of heir
ship, assignment of real estate, and
for her discharge as administratrix
of said estate
It is hereby ordered that you and all
persons interested in said matter
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
County on the 24th day of August,
A. D. 1928 at ten o'clock a. m., to
show cause, if any there be, why
the prayer of the petitioner should
not be granted, and that notice of
the pendency of said petition and the
henrine thereof he eiven to all Der-