The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 11, 1928, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1928.
! I
Alvo Department
I Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main
:Bldg., Phone 527.
' "1 From Thursday's Dally
C. West, the Nehawka banter.
Best Binder twine 11 cents at Mur
dock. See ad on last page of this
paper. j4-2tsw
Jorn Wood was looking after some
business matters In Lincoln on last
Wednesday, driving over to the big
city and bringing home the purchases.
Mrs. Edward Schulke who has been
at the hospital in Lincoln for same
weeks lollowiug an operation, was
able to return to her home last week
and is now doing nicely.
J. U. Delles Denier living west of
Alvo and just in Yancaster county
reports that the rain of last Tuesday
afternoon washed his corn very bed
ly, and did quite a bit of damage
for the growing crop.
Helen Johnson daughter of Mr. and
Mrs August Johnson is at this time
roncalescing following an operation
!it the Lincoln General hospital for
relief from repeated attacks of ap
pendicitis, and is reported as getting
along very nicely.
Miss Dorothy Peterson, daughter
f Mrs. Minnie Peterson was taken
to the Lincoln General hospital where
the underwent an operation for ap
pendicitis and is getting along very
nicely very nicely since the operation
and hopes to be able to return home
A fishing party composed of C. D.
Ganz, Art Dinges, A. B. Stromer
Karl Dreamer and Albert Snedgen
were over to the Platte river last
Saturday evening where they tried
their luck with fishing, and were
rewarded by a catch of a dozen very
fine fish.
Doris Parsell daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Ray Parsell. living south of Alvo
who has been troubled a good deal
with appenditicis underwent an oper-
Vhat About Your
It is a duty you owe your fam
ily and yourself to have your
1' properly screened. Flics
are man's common enemy, fil
thy and dangerous to happi
ness. Check up your screen
net ds at on-e. Bring us the
liJ and we will help you to
make your selection from our
i'! 'pU-to stock of Screen Doors
am! Window Screens. Immedi
ate deliveries.
J W. Banning
lumber and Euildirg Material
Alvo, Nebr.
pral hosnital was here today for a few hours at-
a short time since, and is reported tending to some matters at the court
as getting along nicely and is hoping house in which he was Interested,
soon to be at home again. W. S. Smith, postmaster at Mur-
Frank Yager and wife who have yay, was here today for a few hours
been spending about ten days in Alvo attending to some matters of busi
visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. ness and visiting with his many
Wm. Yager departed for their home friends here.
at Brooklyn N. Y. on last Wednes-( jjrs Fred Lutz and son, Leonard
dayevening. the Flyer stopping tc Ltitz, from west of Murray were in
pick them up. While here they en-.tue cjty fQr a short time yesterday
joyed a most pleasant visit with the afternoon to look after some mat
parents. Iters of business.
On account or tne niness oi mrs. -... w cnuires and wife, who
L. M. Snaveley. Miss Pauline wnc
has been the efficient and genial
saleslady in the John Woods store
resigned to care for the mother and
the position has been filled with Miss
Iva Bird, a duaghter of Mr. and JVirs.
Art Bird, and who Is filling the place
very nicely.
Enjoy Alumni Banquet,
On last Saturday nightat the aud
itorium of the Alvo high school,
was attended by a large number of
the former students as well as the
class which has just now completed
their last school year with this in
stitution. Miss Pauline Snaveley who
is the vice president of the associa
tion, presided and acted in the double
capacity of toastmistress as well as
directing the program which compos
ed mostly of stunts gnd musical num
bers. Miss Pauline in her clever man
ner delivered the address of welcome
and made every. one feel at home.
The eats were given by the Ladies
Aid society, which was an insurance
that it was the very best.
Undergoes Operation
Mrs Simon Rehmeyer has been in
the Lincoln General hospital for the
past week where she underwent an
operation for the removal of a tumor
which has been troubling this excel
lent woman for some time. Since
the operation Mrs Rehmeyer hag been
making very satisfactory progress.
To Appear in Commencement Play
At tne "try-out" for the com
mencement play to be given at the
University of Chattanooga, Tenn.
Miss Violet Johnson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs R. F. Johnson of Coin, la.
was chosen as one of the best of four
girls, who will present Shakespeare's
..Much Ado About Nothing."
Miss Violet expects to leave Chat
tanooga, June 11. She will accom
pany Dr. Briggs and family to Chi
cago and then come by train to Coin.
Ia. to spend the summer vacation. Ro-
' bert, her brother, will remain In
Chattanooga this summer, where he
. will attend summer school. He also
has employment there.
! The people of Alvo and vicinity
jwill remember Miss Violet and also
enjoy her progress in her studies as
well as her success.
Guy C. White has just closed the
contract with the Sinclair refining
company for the lease of the service
.-tation in this city which will be
continued in the future as well as
the past by the firm of McCarty &
Wh,ite, Leon li McCarty being a
partner of Mr. White in the busi
ness. The firm are expecting to make
a number of changes in the station
and among which will be the in
stalling of a new hydrolic drain rack
that will add to the convenience of
the patrons of this popular service
are now living in the northern part
of the state, arrived here today to
spend a short time visiting with the
relatives and friends.
Mrs. Earl Newland and little
daughter, Janie, of Decater, Illin
ois, is here to spend a few days visit
ing at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Wallengren.
Charles Egenberger of Brady, Ne
braska, is here to enjoy a visit with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred G.
Egenberger and family for a few
days and enjoying an outing from his
Miss Opal Turner of Elmwood ar
rived here this afternoon to spend
a few days here at the home of her
brother, County Treasurer John E.
Turner and family and will remain
her over Sunday.
Feel Tired and
Too Often This Warns of
Sluggish Kidneys.
LAME? Stiff? Achy? Sure your
kidneys are working right? Slug
gish kidneys allow waste poisons to
accumulate and make one languid;
tired and achy, with often dull head
aches, dizziness and nagging back
ache. A common warning is too fre
quent; scanty or burning excretions.
Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic,
increase the secretion of the kidneys
and thus aid in the elimination of
bodily waste. Users everywhere en
dorse Doan's. Ask your neighbor!
The Missouri Pacific is announc
ing a change in their train time
which is effective Sunday, June 10th
and will make several changes in
the time of the trains through this
Agent Herman L. Thomas an
nounces the changes in the train
time as follows:
South Bound
No. 104 9:42 A. M.
No. 108 2:30 P. M.
No. 110 6:38 P. M.
No. 106 12:42 A. M.
North Bound
105 6:12 A. M.
103 2:47 A. M.
107 7:20 P. M.
DOAN'S Plti?
fbstcr-MiJburn Co. Mfg Chcm. Buffalo. NY.
Cows. Heifers and Calves. Inquire
of T. H. Pollock or L. C. Likewise.
Phone3 No. 1 and 36. Plattsmouth.
Mrs. A. O. Moore and daughter,
Joan, departed this morning for
Omaha where they will spend the day
in that city visiting with friends and
looking after some matters of business.
To the Farmers of Cass
County, Neb.-
The Farmers Mutual Fire and Live Stock In
surance Company was organized 34 years ago
in Cass county, for the protection of Cass
county farmers. During this time we have
paid our losses promptly and the rate we have
charged has been pleasing to all our Policy
holders. ... If you are not a member of
our company, see one of our Directors or
write to J. P. FALTER, Secretary, at Platts
mouth, Nebr., and we will be glad to give you
full information regarding rates, etc.
Farmers Mutual Fire and Live Stock
Insurance Company
From Friday's-Dally
C. F. Wheeler of Louisville, city
marshal at that place, Was here to
day for a few hours attending to
some matters of business.
C. G. Mayfield, one of the well
known residents of Louisville was
here for a short time today to attend
to some matters of business.
James H. Foreman of Alvo was a
visitor in the city today where he
was cabled to look after some mat
ters of business aud visiting with
O. N. Knight, county treasurer of
Henry county, Iowa, was here yes
terday from Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and
while here called on his old friend,
M. S. Briggs, of the Journal.
Attorney Carl Ganz of Alvo was
here today to look after some mat
ters in the county court in which
he was interested and calling on his
many friends in the county seat.
Mrs. Fred Hawksworth and son,
Frederick, of Boise, Idaho, are here
to spend a few days visiting at the
home of Mrs. Catherine Hawksworth
and daughter, Mrs. Mary Cook.
AVilliam Hobson of Weeping Wa
ter, undertaker at that place, wras
here today to spend a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness and visiting with friends.
Mrs. Lucille Clabaugh of St. Louis
is here to enjoy a visit at the home
of her parents, Col and Mrs. M. A.
Bates and enjoy a rest here at the
parental home for a short time.
Mrs. G. F. Bookwalter of North
Platte, who has been here visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. B.
Farmer in this city, departed this
morning for her home and was ac
companied by her nephew, Graven
Farmer, who will visit there for a
A. Shallenberger, one of the ac
tive civil war veterans departed this
morning in company with Harry B.
Hall for Beaver City, where Mr.
Shallenberger will enjoy a visit with
the old time friends in that commun
ity where he formerly made his home.
Mr. Shallenberger is past 88 years
or age and despite his years is very
active and anticipates a fine trip.
From Saturdays Tally
N. C. Abbott of Nebraska City was
here today to look after some mat
ters of business in the county court
in which he was interested.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Mayfield and
Mrs. J. W. Mayer, of Louisville, were
here yesterday for a few hours to at
tend to some matters of business and
visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. George "W. Squires
and children, of. Dixon, Nebraska,
who were here for a visit at the
home of Mrs. Squires parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Rauen, departed this
morning for Omaha for a short visit
and will then return to their home.
News of a somewhat surprising na
ture greeted the people of Eagle
Wednesday when it became known
that Miss Gladys Trumble, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Trumble had
become the bride of Mr. Chas. Do
beck, a young farmer of near Davey.
The marriage was performed by
Judge Reid at the court house at
Lincoln Wednesday atfernoon, and to
all save a lew close friends and her
family, was a complete surprise.
The Beacon is not acquainted with
Mr. Dobeck but he is spoken of as a
fine, jelean young man who will
make good. The bride is too well
known to need any comment by this
writer. They will make their home
on the farm near Davey, and The
Beacon joins with a wide circle of
friends in wishing them all prosper
ity and happiness. Eagle Beacon.
The residence property on tho
i southeast corner of 11th and Main
street, owned by J. W. Waller, of
Mitchell. Nebraska, is to be given a
thorough overhauling and placed in
the most modern shape for rental
.purposes, the owner having the work
looked after by the local contractors
and when the remodeling and changes
are made, it will be one of the most
convenient residences In that section
of the city. With its splendid Ioca-!
tion within a block of the high school,
it in especially desirable.
I Best Binder. Twine, 11c per lb. See
ad on last page, this paper.
Harry Griffeth was a visitor with
friends in Lincoln on last Tuesday
driving over and remaining until
Wednesday morning.
Arnold Schleifcrt and the family
were enjoying the day at Omaha on
last Wednesday, they driving over
to the big town in their car.
August Krecklow was over to Om
aha with cattle on last Wednesday
for Paul Mann, and Frank Bergman,
and a load of goods on his return.
I John Gruber was in Omaha for a
short time on last Wednesday driving
lover in his car to look after some
; business and also bring back some
' gods. :
j Miss Evelyn Elsman departed for
Lincoln on last Monday where she
'will attend summer school, and was
! taken over to the big city by Harold
I Krecklow in the car.
j Wm. Heebner has added to hir
j holding a new Whippet sedan, which
'will most ablely care for he trans-
portation needs of this excellent
; gentleman and the good wife.
I Eli Keckler the artist on the grad
er for the county, was looking after
soee business matters at Plattsmouth
on last Tuesday and also meeting with
ithe board of county commissioners.
I T. Ankrum the forman of the track
'crew of the Missouri Pacific, it at this
(time taking a vacation for ten days
and visiting with menas ana rela
tives at places wliem he formerly
resided. '
Some business for the couuty call
ed Earnest "Mann and Eli Keckler
to Omaha on last' Wednesday to get
some repairs and also to some work
ion the road making machinery which
they are using.
Mrs. August Glaubitz who has
been making her home at that of
her son. Albert Glaubitz, at Rock
Bluffs for some time past was a
guest at the home of her brother
Mr. John C. Rauth for the past
Miss Dorothello Flaischman who
is employed in Omaha was visiting
!a few days during the past week at
the home of her cousin. Miss Leda
Flaischman of Manley where both
the young ladies enjoyed the visit
very much.
Edward Flaischman who has been
making his home in Nebraska City
for some time past, but who not so
long since moved to Louisville ac
companied by Mrs. Flaischman were
visiting at the home or Fred Flaisch
man and wife.
One week since last Sunday Her
man Rauth and wife. Miss Anna
Rauth and her father, John C. Rauth
were visiting for the day at the home
of Albert Glaubitz near Rock Bluffs
and on their return were accompani
ed by Mrs Augurt Glaubitz who is
visiting at the Rauth home.
Henry Vogler who is always look
ing to benfit some thing or some one.
has converted his old automobile in
to a truck with a dump attachment
which will greatly faciliate the work
which the new truck is designed to
do. He had the assistance of Anton
Auerswald in the change of the wa
gon. Attorney Alexander H. Humble
who is also agent for the Missouri
Pacific at Manley, it at this time!
taking a vacation from his work here
and with the wife are enjoying aj
vacation 6f ten days and spending j
the same at Kansas City, where they
are having a house constructed, which !
will be fore rent, when completed. J
During the period that Mr. Humble j
is away, the office of the Missouri j
Pacific will he looked after by extra'
agent Walker.
39 Years of Service -
We deliver
Phone 54
Soap Powder 9Cr
Swift's Pride, large size J1
Canned Peaches $1
Large No. 2, syrup pack, FIVE cans P A
Large Bottle Catsup 20c
14-oz. size, standard brand racli
3 bottles for 55c.
Fresh Fig Bars 25 C
Two pounds for fctW
Bulk Spaghetti ?5c
Two pounds for
Monarch Tomato Soup 25c
Three cans for
White Star Sardines
Tall cans, each
Pure Apple Butter
Large quart jar for only
Hard Water Castile
Toilet Soap. FOUR bars for
White King Soap
Tin? largo ;ize package only
Frank's Sauer Kraut
Large cans, TWO for
New Potatoes
Choicest Southern crop, per peck
Canned Pineapple
Broken Slices. FOUR No. 2 size tans
Gallon Gooseberries
No. 10 (Near Gallon) can for
! .25c
A couple more weeks and our Alteration Program will be completed, when we
will be proud to show you one of the most modern Grocery and House Furnish
ing stores in eastern Nebraska. Watch for our grand "Re-Opening" announcemt.
umji Jin
Jacksonville, Fla., June 7. Re
nomination of Senator Park Tram
mel, victory for Mrs. Ruth Bryan
Owen, daughter of the late W. J.
Bryan, in her race for congress, and
the first choice selection of Doyle E.
Carlton, Tampa, for governor was in
dicated tonight in unofficial returns
from Tuesday's democratic primary.
With more than two-thirds of the
vote reported in those contests. Sen
ator Trammel had increased his lead
to almost 30 thousand over Governor
John V. Martin, who opposed him;
Mrs. Owen was more than 10 thou
sand up on Representative W. J.
Sears in the Fourth district, and
Carlton had about the same margin
over the nearest of his four oppon
ents. Candidates credited with opposing
Governor Al Smith for the presiden
tial nomination were leading in
available returns from contests for
delegate to the national convention
in the at large group and in one
district, while several who gener
ally were acknowledged as support
ers of the Smith cause trailed well
Tokyo, Japan, June 5. There was
no confirmation here today of two
newspapers reports that Chank Tso-
Lin, former dictator of Peking', had
succumbed to injuries received when
his train was bombed on the out-1
skirts of Mukden early yesterday.
Two Japanese newspapers received
this report from Mukden and the
correspondent "of both said that the
death was being kept a dark secret.
The anti-Japanese sentiment
which flared up in Mukden because
of rumors that the Japanese were
responsible for the bombing, has
died down. The rumors had their
origin in the fact that the outrage
took place within an area which
normally is guarded by Japanese
troops. It was pointed out, however,
that two days previously the Japan
ese soldiers were withdrawn from
that area at the request of the Chi
nese authorities.
Good eating potatoes for sale at $1
per bu. at Murray Cream Station.
mm f ii.'Tr m .
Wm Build Excellent Home
Henry Gabel who has had the old
house which he has resided in for
many years removed and will In its
place erect a new and modern one,
is at this time getting the material? ,
on the ground for the erection of
the new structure. whicU is now even '
beginning. This new home will be
modern to the last minute, and will '
make an excellent home for this cou
ple, who have labord long and in
dustriously, and are entitled to the
very best.
Caught Ten Fish
One evening last week Walter
Mockenhaupt and wife, Wm. Heebner
and wife, and grandfather C. E.
Mochenhaupt went to' Louisville
where they spent the evening in fish
ing with the results of ten nice fish
for their evenings work . s
General Black
smithing Shovel and Lay Sharpening!
All kinds of Plow Work. We
are here to serve the farmers
with any work they want. No
job too large or too small!
You Must be Satisfied
Antone Auerswald
The Manley Blacksmith
4'yL ki it '
s C
Fir Pay E)ay, JTuarme USt&hi
We offer while the last-
Some of . the papers carried a story
about a mighty army of. western
farmers going to Kansas City to lay
seigo to the Republican convention.
That would give K. C. quite a park
ing problem.
200 Noonday Froclis and Dresses!
in fast color ginghams, new fresh models just out out of the factory all sizes-
SOO pairs Ladies SilU Hose good run of color and sizes, 24
inch silk boot, at the special low price of 50c.
'The Shop of Personal Service!"
Telephone 61 Plattsmouth, Neb.
Zg Store Open Tuesday Evening! , '.
All the newt la the Journal.
M. Furlong, Murray, Neb. d&w