PAGE -TWO Union Department Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. There's a Reason why People Trade with Us and Continue to Come! They are getting good service, kind ly treatment and the very best goods at the lowest prices. We are here for your best service in Groceries, Meats and Work Clothing. R. D. ST! ME Union, Nebr. A." L. Pecker shipped a car load of wood to Lincoln and also one to Om aha during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Vantine were visiting for the day on last Sunday at the home of Mont Robb. Miss Jane Robb was caring for the postoffice during the time Miss (Jus sie Robb was visiting in Lincoln last veek. Herman C. Ross was breaking a very tine span of colts during the fore part of this week and reports they nv doing very nicely. V. E. Moore and the family were spending the week end at the home of his parents at Lusht;n, they driv i.:g over for a few days. A. L. Pecker was a visitor in Grand Island one day last week, where he Made a lease for the rental of his la nil at Chapman to A. S. Reed. Miss Ethel Hecker was a visitor in Lincoln for a few days during this .k. tVpartir.g for the big city on the afternoon train last Monday. Kb-ming W. Robb and Miss Gussie Ki.bli wen- called to Lincoln on last waterworks system, has completed its Monday, v. here they were looking at-'contract and last week departed for t r Mime bu-iiKss matters for the Sabetha, Kansas, where another sys day. tern awaits installation. John Chris- Job n T. Becker was a visitor in weisser. who has been working with Omaha 011 last Friday, taking with them in the installation of the plant him a load of hogs which he has just at Union, was aasked to continue in finished fattening on his farm near!tnejr employe, and last Saturday de Union. parted with a truck load of the tools .Miss .Norma uoii and ner two daughters departed on last Sunday for Orange. California, where they will make their home for the sum mer months. W. II. Banning and L. G. Todd de parted in their car on last Sunday Morning for Imperial, where they were to look after some business for the Rank of Union. Mrs. W. II. Pickard and daughter. MKs Wiima. of IMattsmouth were guests for a few davs last week with Mr. and Mrs. I'hiiip F. Uihn. they all enjoying the visit very much. T. E. HaMnvay was a visitor in . I'lartsuiouth on last Monday, where he was looking after some business Hl also getting ine medumes for,place the property that has formerly he oo, w,le which they did not find j been the home of Mr. Ilighfield. The 1,1 'exchange has been made and Mr. The boys of the Bible school class , Highfield is residing in his new home, t;iught by E. M. Rathke. enjoyed a while the other place has been rent- vieni,- it lu i,HP ne M-pninV Mri, , . . ull er . ,'att' "ds "ee" reMl ; ; JL L HI "?..rr"'.e.a1T.'licd and 18 occuPletl- i m.-' t rv c ii i lilt tjt7 nr itX y l lid I j their teacher is one of the very best of entertainers. While Mr. Moore, the druggist, was away during the week end and the clays following. Pat Roddy was look ing after the drug store. Mr. Moore Made a very tiood choic e in some one to rare for his business during his a Monroe Meade was a visitor in Omaha on last Sunday, where he vent to see his father. Mr. A. .1. Meade, who has Iu en in Omaha for tii'ie taking treatment in a hospital and the son reports that the father is fer-linhg some better. During this week. Otis Keene, who was employed with the company that "'t ii) the water system for 1'nion. v ' - asked to go with the company to tr.e next place and therefore wanting ti work went and will work with t!.e:n !uris the remainder of the Minmier. Orville Hiitha v.-'y. one of the rural carriers serving the public- out of the I nion postofiice, and Ray Bramblet. one nf hustling younc: farmers were over to Omaha l-jst Monday, where thy went to enjoy the Ak-Sar-Ben imi's. which are being staged there tiiis week. Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Green depart ed on lust Sunday moriiins for llarst- iiigs. a;id were accompanied bv Mrs. AM;e Bartlctt. of Murray. Thev will . ik -rd a few days there with the par ents or Mr. Greene and Mrs. Bartlctt. Mrs. Rihn is helping in the store dur ing their ahnenc.e. Henry U. Hecker and the family were visiting fr the day on last Sun- The Quality Store OFFERS YOU Some Real Values Kellogg's Corn Flakes, per pkg $ t Kellogg's Bran Flakes, per pkg 10 Kre-Me-Kut Macaroni, per pkg 08 Ukulele Pineapple, large can ' 25 Good Peaches, Apricots, Plums, per can '.25 Try Heinz Rice Flakes, per pkg 15 Sure, Our Peaberry Coffee is Good 5 fr Phone No. 29 day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Mullis, of near Dunbar, who are the parents of Mrs. Becker. Miss Genevieve, the (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Becker, will remain with her grandparents for a number of weeks. With the closing of the state uni versity school year, which came last week, those who have been attend ing this institution of learning from this vicinity, have returned home for the vacation which will last for some three months. Those to return to Union are rat Roddy, Melvin Todd, George Garrison, Lucean Banning, Ronald Dysart and Miss Sarah Up ton. Mrs. Emery Hathaway is reported as being some better from the attack of sickness which she has had during the past two weeks. The physician also says that this good lady will have to remain in bed for some two weeks yet, not that she is not getting hotter, but that the sickness is of such a nature that perfect quiet will be necessary for her convalesence. V. A. Taylor and Wesley Wood- ard were assisting in the unloading of a car of lumber which was re ceived by the Frans Drothers Lumber company on Monday of this week. Mr. Frans says the boys are sure workers and know how to handle the building materials. By the way, the Frans Bros. Lumber company, has been selling a goodly number of house patterns and they as well have been adding to the better resentence dis trict of the hustling town of Union. FOR SALE Three red polled good ones. 400 lbs. Wolfe, Union Nebr. bull calves, each. Earl ml7-4tw Complete Installation Work The company which has had in hand the installing of the new Union needed for Sabetha Mare Mule Colt for Sale. I have a mare mule colt, coming two years, which I am offering for sale or would trade. Ben Albin, Union, Nebarska. 2tUp Makes Nice Realty Deal John Roddy, who is a hustler when it conies to selling real estate, on last week closed an exchange of property in IMattsmouth. disposing of the ' property which is known as the Sher- wootl nronertv which was owned bvi . . i . i . jl. e i e i i , iu ui. 11 iiiiitriu, ciioi receiving as part payment for the Burial Vaults You care well for your loved ones while alive. One of our concrete vaults protects their remains when buried. An absolute guarantee. MILLER & GRUBER. tf-N Nehawka, Nebr. Expect to Have a Bridge Resulting from the good work of A. L. Becker and assisted by Senator W. B. Banning, the bill for the al lowing of the construction of a bridge across the Missouri river, east of the town of Union, is receiving recogni tion, and those interested in the pro ject are hustling for the building of the structure. Mr. A. L. Becker, who is the leading enthusiast, has offered all of the stone for the construction of the bridge over the river, and he can furnish it. too. for he has a big ledge of stone on his land extending over a wide area and being some SO feet in depth. SIKG SONG NIGHT AT PARMELE THEATRE Carl Weigel, organist at the Par meie theatre will feature a sure- enough enjoyable organlogue to night, entitled "In the Sing Song of sycamore Tree. It is a brand new Jerome IL Rem-' ick publication in itself is a guar- anee for better popular music. "Old San Francisco" is tonight's teature him, a picture unlike any thing else and greater than any oth er film of that kind ever produced. -t Br-71 Bar- II i vii ir Union, Neb. AMERICAN LEG I OTJ D A IN C E. PiUtt.mnt1i fJr. atiirdav Niffht PlattsmOUth, Neb.-OatUrday NlgM Barn Yard Twins Orchestra 50 CENTS FREE LUNCH Answer to Rumor of Dietz McKelvie Deal Executive Who Led Norris Slate Com ments on tory of Alleged Tie Up by Dietz and Antis "I am in this fight for the cause of agriculture," said Governor Mc Mullen Thursday when asked con cerning a report from Omaha that Gould Dietz is rumored to be will ing to make a trade .with, former Governor McKelvie, Dietz to tak the chairmanship of the Nebraska delegation in the national conven tion and McKelvie to be given a place on the resolutions commit tee. "So far as organization of the delegation is concerned I am not striving to secure any particular place on the delegation or any representa tive place which the delegation may have at its disposal, but will serve where the organization puts me, al ways reserving the right to serve agriculture." Mr. Dietz has invited the delega tion to be his guests at Omaha for the races June 9. Some delegate? plan to drive direct from their homes to Kansas City and may not accept this invitation. Those assembling at Omaha are supposed to leave there Sunday, June 10. No time or place for a meeting to organize has been agreed upon, National Committee man McCloud said early in the week the delegation would probably meet at Kansas City on the afternoon of Monday, June 11, to organize Gov ernor McMuuen has not stated whether he expects to accept the in vitation to Mr. Dietz or how or when he expects to go to Kansas City. It is understood by some delegates that no meeting will be held to organize unless all delegates are present tc participate. Dietz has been counted as bound by primary, altho not on any slate. Governor McMulIen received the highest at the primary among the delegates elected and has been men- tioned for chairman of the delegation committee At rnmi iir' r. n..n .. i .1 .umirii duvueairu ine iiominaiiuii ui Lowrten hut aildetl that JChraslfa hail Mn;,i,i0 ferential vote and that the Nebraska delegation was in duty bound to sup- nnrt .T .,:.! .iiato it f "Jl htLt r vote for Norris a , Iuould ,vole fr N?"lf as long as he has a chance," said Gov- lernor McMulIen. MYNARD TJ. B. CHURCH Sunday school 10 a. m. Sermon 11 a. m. Children's Day Program at 8 p. m. The W. M. A. will hold its an- nual Mother and Daughter meeting I in the church parlors. Wednesday the 13th, at 3 p. m., following the program, a banquet will be served to the mothers and daughters. G. B. WEAVER, Pastor. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the friends and neighbors for the many expressions of sympathy to us in our sorrow and for the beautiful floral offerings at the funeral service of our wife and mother. Frank L. Harris and Fam ily. Ths Journal appreciates your in terest in phoning ns the news. Call No. 6 any time. NOTICE Meeting of Cass County Board of Kqualization The Cass County Board or Equali zation will meet for the nnrnose of equalizing the assessments of Cass county. Nebraska, for the year 1928, jin the Commissioners' Chamber at the Court House in IMattsmouth. Ne- braska, beginning on Tuesday, June 12. 1928, at 9 o'clock a. in., and con tinuing in session from clay to day until Friday. June 15, 1928. All claims for equalization should he made on blanks, which can be se cured at the office or the County Clerk, and should be filed on or be fore Thursday, June 14. 1928. GEO. R. SAYLES. County Clerk, Cass County, Nebraska. (Seal) Henry Kaufman's Auto Shop I have opened an Auto Repair Shop in the 0. K. Garage Build ing on Washington Avenue. The best service and courte ous treatment extended to all. Prices reasonable and satis faction guaranteed. Henry J. Kaufman PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given that pur suant to Chapter 144 of the Session Laws of Nebraska for 1927, the De partment of Public Works of the State of Nebraska has determined that it is for the interest of the lands within the boundaries, hereinafter ' described, that certain improvements ,be made in the water course to which! such lands are adjacent and'has tiled offke Qf County c,erk of Cass county, Nebraska, a plan of; Cass county, Nebraska, a plan of; sucn improvement, together with an estimate 01 me cost uieieoi ami an . . J - . , . . 1 1 estimate of the special benefits which ; east corner of Lot 12, Block 02, Mil will accrue to said lands by reason s ler & Clark Addition to Ashland, of improved drainage detailed as to thence northeasterly in a straight the various tracts of land under sep-;line to the southwest corner of the arate ownership, as shown by the N of Block 63, Miller & Clark Ad records of the county in which such , dition, lying west of Salt Creek, lands are situated, and an estimate thence northeasterly following the of the benefits which will accrue to j bluff on the left bank of Salt Creek Sanitary District No. 1 of Lancaster i to the southeast corner of Lot 1, county, Nebraska, by reason of such ' Block 50, Miller & Clark Addition, improvement, together with a descrip-J thence east to the southwest corner tion of the boundaries of the district ( of Lot 5, Block 33, Flora City, thence so to be benefitted, which said de- southeast in a straight line to a point scription of the boundaries of said; 75 feet south of the northwest cor- district is as follows, to-wit: jner of Lot 6. Block 2. Wortman's Beginning at the northwest corner Addition, thence south to the south- of the SWVi of the NWi of the west corner of It 7. Block 2, Wort- SWU of the XW'.i of Section six man's addition, thence southeasterly (fi). Townshin eleven fill North, Range nine (9) East of the 6th P. M. in Cass county, Nebraska, and running Addition, thence southeasterly in a thence north along the range line to straight line to the southwest corner the northwest corner of the SWVi of Lot 11, Block 1, Parmalee's Addi- of the of the SWU of Section tion. thence east on the north side of 30, Township 12, Range 9, thence the alley in Block 1, Parmalee's Ad east to the center of the SEU of the dition to the southwest corner of Lot SWVi of Section 30. Township 12, 6, Block 4, Saline Ford, thence north Range 9, thence north to the north- to the northwest corner of Lot 6, west corner of the NEU of the SE'4 Block 4, Saline Ford, thence east to of the SWU of Section 30, Township the northeast corner of Lot 3, Block 12. Range 9. thence east to the south- 4. Saline Fcrd, thence north to the east corner of the N1-. of the SWU of Section 30, Township 12, Range 9, thence north to the center of Section 30. Township 12, Range 9, thence east to the southwest corner of the SEU of lie SEU of the SWU of the NEU of Section 30. Township 12. Icon crn ft Yi ctr r- nrrt h r t li o nnrth- west corner of the SEU of the SEU of the SWU of the NEU of Section 3t. Township 12. Range 9, thence east to the northeast corner of the SEU of the SEU of the SWU of the NEU of Section 30. Township J12, Range 9, thence north to the south west corner of the NEU of the NEU of Section 30, Township 12, Range !), thence east to the southwest corner of the SEU of the NEU of the NEU, thence north to the northwest cor ner of the E'2 of the NEU of the NE'i cf Section 3, Township 12, i the northeast c orner of Lot 23, Block Range 9, thence east to the south-! 6, Stambaugh's 1st Addition, thence west corner of the SE'i of the SEV4 north to the northwest corner of Lot of the SE4 of the SEU of Section 3, Block 6, Stambaugh's 1st Addi 19. Township 12. Range 9, thence tion, thence east to the northwest north to the northwest corner of the . corner of Lot 1, Block 6, Stambaugh's NEU of the SEU of the SEU of the SEU of Section 19. Township 12. Range 9, thence east to the north east corner of the SWU gf the SWU of the SWU of Section 2o. Township 12, Range 9. thenc e north to the Stambaugh's 2nd Addition, thence northwest corner of the NEU of the -west to the northeast corner of Lot NWU of the SWU of Section 20. ! 12, Block 29, Stambaugh's 2nd Addi Township 12, Range 9, thence east i tion. thenc e north to the intersection to the southeast corner of the SWU ;of the north line of Pearl street with of the NWU of Section 20, Town-'the east line of Folsom's Addition, ship 12, Range 9, thence north to the 'thence west to the west line of Lot northwest corner of the SWU of the j . Plo'k 2. Folsom's Addition pro NEU or the NWU of Section 20. duced to the north line of Pearl Township 12, Range 9. thence east street, thence north on the west line to the northeast corner of the SEU !of R'ock 2. Folsom's Addition pro of the NEU of the NWU of Section duced north to the north line of Sec 20, Township 12. Range 9. thence tion 1, Township 12 N., Range 9 E. north to the northwest corner of the of the Cth P. M., thence west la rods, SW!i of the NWU of the SE'i of 'more or less, to the southwest corner Section 17, Township 12, Range 9. thence east' to the northeast corner of the SWU of the NWU of the SEU of Section 17. Township 12, Range 9. thence north to the north west corner or the NEU or the NWU or the SEU or Section 17, Township 12, Range 9, thence east to the southwest corner of the SE'i of the NEU of Section 17, Township 12. Range 9, thence north to the northwest corner of the SWU of the SEU of the NEU of Section 17, Township 12, Range 9, thence east to the northeast corner of the SWU of the SE'i of the NEU of Section 17, Township 12, Range 9, thence north to the northwest corner or the NEU of the NEU or the NEU or;r'loro or lcss. to t,!e northwest corner Section 17. Township 12. Range 9. of the SW U of the SW U of the SE U thence west to the southwest corner of the NWU of the SEU of Section of the SEU pf the SEU of' Section 8. Township 12. Range 9, thence north to the northeast corner of the sti'i ot tne SWH of the NEU ofi Section 8, Township 12, Range 9, thence west to the northwest corner of the SWU of th.j SWU of the NE U of Section S, Township 12, Range 9, thence north to the northwest corner of tlio N'W'i of the XKU of Section 8, Township 12. Range U, thence east to the southwest corner of the SKH of the SWU or the SEU of Section 5, Township 12. Range 9, thence north to the northwest corner of the SEU of the SWU of the SEU of Section 5, Township 12. Range 9, thence east to the northeast corner of the SEU of the SWU of the SEU of Section 5, Township 12. Range 9. thence north to the northwest cor ner of the SWU of the NEU of the SEU of Section 5, Township 12, Range 9, thence past to the east line of Section 5, Township 12, Range 9, thence north to the northwest corner of the SWU ot Section 1, Township 12, Range 9, thence east to the north east corner of the SEU of Section 4, Township 12, Range 9, thence north to the southeast corner of the NEU of the NEU of the NEU of Section 4, Township 12, Range 9, thence west to the southwest corner of the NEU of the NEU of the NEU of Section 4, Township 12. Range 9, thence north to the northwest corner of the NEU of the NEU of the NEU of j Section 4, Township 12, Range 9, I thence east to the northeast corner of the NWU of the NWU of Section i3. Township 12, Range 9, thence 'south to the northwest corner of the SWU of the SEU or the NW of Section C. Township 12. Range 9, thence east to the northeast corner of the SWU or the SEU of the NWU of Section 3. Township 12, Range 9, thence south to the south east corner of the SWU of the SEU of the NWU of Section 3, Township 12. Range 9. theiicS east to the cen- ter of Section 3, Township 12, Range n I I ii I'M uiiiii ii irk i mm rst i i i ii w cr r I. u i - tience soutn to tne soutn west cor- ner of the NWli of the mv oi tne SBU of Section 3. Township 12.' Range 9. thence east 240 rods to the northeast corner of the 8EH of the i NW U of the SW4 of Section 2, Township 12, Range 9, thence north to the northwest corner of the NB U of the SWU of Section 2, Township 12. Range 9, thence east to the east line of 10th street in Ashland, Ne- bragka 1)rtMluce1 soutn them.e north to the southwest coiner of Lot 7. to the southwest coiner of Lot 7. j Block 62. Miller Clark Addition to A 1. 1 1 A 1 - ..A . 1 U 1 . Ahiuanu, wience east 10 tut in a straight line to the southeast ' corner of Lot S. Block 2, Wortman's northwest corner of Lot 2. Block 35. Stambaugh's 1st Addition, thence east to the northwest corner of Lot 6. Blork 36. Stambaugh's 1st Addi - tion. thence north to the southwest corner of Lot 0. Block 29. Stain - Laugh's 1st Addition, thence east to tlin mnllHfmt enrner nf T.ot fi Illnelr.SEU Of Section 9, lOWnsnip 1- 29. Stambaugh's 1st Addition, thence north to the northwest corner of Lot 13. Block 9, Stambaugh's 1st Addi tion, thence east to the northeast corner of Lot IS. Block 9. Stam baugh's 1st Addition, thence north to the southwest corner of Lot 21, Block 6, Stambaugh's 1st Addition, thence east to the southeast corner of Lot 21, Block 6, Stambaugh's 1st Addition, thence north to the north west corner of Lot 22, Block 6, Stam baugh's 1st Addition, thence east to 1st Addition, thence northeasterly in a straight line to the southwest cor ner of Lot 12. Block 23. Stambaugh's 2nd Addition, thence north to the northwest corner of Lot 9, Block 30, of Section 3C. Township 13 N., Range 9 E., thence north to the southwest corner of the NWU of the NWU of Section 36. Township 13 N., Range 9 E.. thence east to the northeast corner of the SEU of the NEU of Section 31. Township 13 North, Range 10 East of the 6th P. M., thence south to the southeast corner of the NEU of the SET: of Section !31. Township 13 N., Range 10 E. of 0th P. M., thence west eighteen hun dred fifteen (1S15) feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of the SEU or the SWU or the SEU of the NWU of the SEU or Section 31, Township 13 N., Range 10 East of the 6th P. M., thence northwest 15.15 rods. 31. Township 13 N., Range 10 E. of the 0th P. M.. thence north 10 rods to the northwest corner of the NWU of the SWU of the SEU of the NWU of the SEU of Section 31. Township 13 N.. Range 10 East of the Cth i M.. thence west 10 rods, more or less, to the southwest cor ner of the SE'4 of the NEU of the SWU of the NWU of the SEU of Section 31. Township 13 Is.. Itantro 10 E. of the Cth P. M., thence north-i west 14.14 rods to the southeast corner of the NEU of the NWU of the SWU of the NWU of the SEU. thence west 40 rods, more or less, to the southwest corner of the NWU of the NEU or the SEU of the NEU of the SWU of Section 31. Town ship 13 N., Range 10 E. of the 6th P. M., thence southwesterly 4 4.72 rods, more or less, to the southwest corner of the NWU of the SEU of the SWU or the NEU or the SWU or Section 31. Township 13 N., Range 10 E. or the 6th P. M., thence south west 14.14 rods, more or less, to the southwest corner or the SEU of the SWU of the SWU or the NEU of the SWU of Section 31. Township 13 N., Range 10 E. of the Cth P. M.,1 thence southwest 22.36 rods, more or less, to the southeast corner of the9- thence west to the northeast cor VRi' of the Ri! of tlio 'Ri; nf : ner of the SE U of Section 29. Town- ll, rwi: nf tbo su-H of Roetinn 31. Township 13 N., Range 10 E. of the .. .V ... r n r-r. 6th P. M., thence southwesterly 56.56 1 more or less to tbn south west corner of the N of the SEU of the'to the nr,e,ast ,co4r,ner "f "ie VY,4 SWU of the SWU or Section 3 1, f the NV U of the SL ,V, L of the Township 13 N.. Range 10 E. of the ot the SEU of Section 29. Cth P. M.. thence southwesterly 44.72 Township 12, Range 9. thence south rods, more or less, to the southwest o the southeast coroner of the SWU .o.-nr of Ruction n Tnwnehin l.i of the SWU of the SEU of the NEU North. Range 10 East of the 6th P. M.. thence west to the northeast cor- ner of Sec tion 1. Township 12 N., Range 9 East of the 6th P. M., thence southwest to the southwest corner of the NEU of the NEU of Section 1, Tow i nship 12 N.. Range 9 E. ot the 6th P. M., thence west alongthe Wh line of the NWU of the NEU , o,i i Trniiin 12. Ranee 9 lit rtri.L iuii -a. . a j - or aeci.on x. in is. or tne om r. in., , line 100 feet distant at right angles to the center line of the main track of the C. B. & Q. R. R. Co.. thence 1 southwesterly parauei iu feet distant from the main irw. said railroad to a point .1040 feet north and 435 feet east oi me wuui - 'west corner or Section 1, TwilstP 12 N., Range 9 E. of the 6th P. M., thence northwesterly in a st-;gM line to the south line of the l ..,-01- Townsnip line to llie rouin line ui way of the Schuyler n- y, . ... - "- ,,,f suuis 1 in; "uiui - n APt II lint- III ilir iibikt-UA .k r ii xv o n. R. co. main line thence following the right-of- way of the said Schuyler branch to the west line of the E of the SEV4 of the NEU of the SE'i of Section 2 Township 12, Range 9 East of the 6Ui P M thence south to the south- east corner of the XV Vz of the SE Vi of the SEU of the SE'4 of Section 2 Township 12, Range 9 E. of the fui. p M thence southwesterly to the ennihu'PHt i-orner of the EVfe 01 ine NEU of Section . " Itar.gc 9 East of the 6th P. M , thence southwesterly to the southeast corner of the NEW of the SW U of Action 1 11. Township 12. Range 9 E. of the ; 6th i . M., tnence wwi o l.. ... west corner or tne n.'t i t'1 . T T 1 1 m SWU. thence south to the southeast corner of the NEU of the SWU of the SWU of Section 11. Township 12 N., Range 9 East or the 6th P. M.. thence west to the routhwefit corner of the NWU of the SEU of the SEU of Section 10. Township 12, Range 9, thence north to the southeast cor- ner of the NWU of the SEU of Sec- tion 10. Towi.ship 12. Range 9, thence west to the southwest corner jot the A u U ot me oc-vi j 10, Township 12, Range J. tnence north to the southwest corner or tne ;"U of the NW of the ish ci Section 10. Township 1-. Range J. ... . At. ...... At-.,. .....A. . i wm 1 tnem e wesi 10 ine ; 1, of the U 01 ine -,i yi u... Range 9, thence lence so",J1,,to "j? njV of the SW U of the SEU ), Township 12. Range .. west corner of Section 9 thence east to the northeast corner of the NWU of the SWU of the SEU of Section 9, Township 12. Range 9. thence south to the northeast corner of the SWU of the SWU of the SEU or Section 9, Township 12, Range 9. thence east to the north east corner of the SEU of the SWU of the SEU of Section 9, Township iz, iiange :, iiienie mjuui iu mc southeast corner of the SEU of the SWU of the SEU of Section 9. Township 12f Range 9, thence east to the northeast corner of the NWU of the NWU of the NEU of the NEU of Section 16. Township 12, Range 9. thence south to the south east corner of the SWU of the SWU of the SEU of the NEU of Section l!'. Township 12. Range 9. thence west to the northeast corner of the ThYo i2 Range 9 them, south to the southeast corner of the NWU of the SEU of Section 16. Township a-. IV....S - ; ; northeast corner of the N U of the SWU or the SWU of Section 15, Township 12. Range 9. thence south to the southeast corner of the NWU of the SWU of the SWU of Section 15. Township 12. Range 9, thence east to the northeast corner of the SEU of the SWU of the SWU Section 15. Township 12. Range 9. " " " " l &3l ier thence south to the outh line of Sec- cIa'" right to vote, tion 15. Township 12. Range 9.'. TJe bllot sha11 be " th follow thence west to the northeast corner s of the NWU of the NWU or the NWU or Section 22. Township 12. Range 9. thence south to the south east corner or the NWU of the VWl' nf Ihp VV1' f Sort fun '2'1 thence west Township 12. Range 9 to the north and south half section line iji Section 21, Township 12, Range 9, thence south to the south east corner of the NEU of the NWU of Section 21. Township 12, Range 9, thence west to the southwest cor- n'er ot the SEU of the NEU of the NWU of Section 21, Township 12. Ranee 9. thence south to the south- west corner or the NWU of the SEU of the NEU of the SWU of Section 21. Township 12, Range 9. thence east to the northeast corner of the SAVU of the SWU of the NWU of the SEU of Section 21. Township 12, Range 9, thence south to the south line of Section 21. Township 12. Range 9, thence west to the northeast corner of the NWU ot the NEU or the NEU of the NWU of Section 28, Township 12. Range 9,' thence south to the' southeast cor-tl ner of the NWU of the NEU of the NEU of the NWU of Section 28. Township 12, Rangre 9, thence west to the southwest corner .of the NWU of the NEU of the NEU of the NWU of Section 28. Township 12. Range 9, thence south to the south west corner of the NWU of the SEU of the NEU of the NWU of Section! 2S, Township 12, Range 9, thence west to the northwest corner ot the Si or the SWU or the NEU cr the NWU or Section 2S, Township 12, Range 9, thence south to the center! or the NWU or Section 28. Township' 12. Range 9. thence west to the northwest corner oT the EV or the E or the WVz or the SWU of the NWU of Section 28, Township 12, Range 9, thence south to the south east corner of the W of the Kys of the of the SWU of the NWU of Section 28, Township 12, Range ship 12, Range 9. thence south to the southeast corner of the N , of the VR ti of flip SK V. of Rnctinn 2C1 SEU of Section 29, (Township 12. Range 9, thence west of the SEU of Section 29. Township 12. Range 9. thence west to the: "Vhwt'st ","ier Lth E ' of the SEU of Section 29 Township 12.; "t D""1" lu l"e suul"-i east corner of the N of the N of the SWU of the SEU of Section Township 12. Range 9. thence west to the southwest corner of the NVi THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1928. 'of the N of thSDhX of Section 29. Townsnip i, uaugc o tVol north t the northeast cor w , ,7 - Q1; n. tTl cvvA of -Sec- ner of the S'J ..f V .J' tion 2.9. J0nlv-JLhw,nrneT ; thence west to 7ZVvfI "'"'" i incre q oi oecwu.. ' ' lltJf " r. thence south to e tu ,ner in iuu jj ,2 ' SWU of section t:, WU f Range J, cast corn- 0f bectlo 'e 9, thence west 10 tne 1101 in comer of the W'i of the NWU Tnvnshin 12. Range - v " . . . " of the NWU .of the ,.,, nt c,inn ? Townshin 12. . 'V l 4 uvviiw" " - - - . . - r-Anerc 9. tnence wei i mif suuiu- west corner of the N of the NW, Df the NWi of Section 32. Township 12. Range 9. thence south to the southwest corner of the NW U of Section 32, Township 12. Range 9, thence west to the northwest corner of the NE Vi of the NEVi of the SEi4 Gf Section 31. Township 12. Range 9, thence south to the center cf the NE4 of the SEVi of Section 31 Townshin 12. Range u, tnence Vr V' r7ho f 1 ' nf N of the NL U of the SE of Sec- tion 31 Township 1J. Range thence south to the southeast corner of the V V2 of the bE'4 o. Section 31 lownsmu it, n.auBe a, ioc.. . .1 a . f a 1 to tne nortneast corner 01 me i V2 of the xw U of the NWU of the xE of Section fi. Township 11, Range V, thence south to the south- east corner of the N V2 of the NWU of t)e XW14 of the NEU of Section C. Township 11, Range 9. thence west to the center of the NWU of the xwu of the NEU of Section 6, Township 11, Range 9, thence south to the southeast corner of the W 1,2 of the of fhe sw4 of the NEU or section b, lownsinp 11, Range V, tnen(.e wef;t to tiie SOuthwest corner of the E of thp SE,4 of th? NW,4 of Seftloi, $ Township 11, Range ;t thence north to the center of the SEU of the NWU- of Section 6. Town ship 11, Range 9, thence west to the southwest corner of the NVj of the SEU of the NWU of Section 6. Township 11 Hange 9. thence north (() lhe . (.nrnpr of the N,, cf the SVz of the SWU of the NW'U of Section 6, Township 11, Range 9. thence west to the place of begin ning. Notice is hereby given that pur suant to said Chapter 144 of the Ses sion Laws of Nebraska for 1927. an election will be held at the office of fa Cqu c, fe o braska, between the hours of 8:00 o'clock a. m. and 6:00 o'clock p. m., on the 19th clay of June, 1928, at which election the question of the formation of a drainage district to include the area above described shall be determined. Any person may cast one vote for each acre of land or fraction thereof and for each platted lot which he may own or have an easement in as shown by the official records of the yJn lot be. Any corporation, public, private. or mdnicipal, owning or having an easement in any land or lot, may vote at such election, the same as an ....... individual may. The executor, ad ministrator, guardian or trustee of any person or estate interested shall have the same right to vote. Such election shall be by ballot, which shall he signed by the voter, and shall have thereon a list of the ELECTION BALLOT List of Property on which Vote is Based Description Section or Lot : Township or Block ; Range or City ; Number or Acres or Lots Total number or votes claimed on same . Nature oT title or interest in above fYES For Formation of District NO Signature of cter. ' , IVrsons desiring to vote in favor of the formation of such district shall Place a cross in the square opposite the worl '"ies" appearing on said ballot. Persons desiring to vote . against the formation or such district shall I'late a cross in the square opposite the wrd "No" appearing on said ballot. C.EO. R. SAYLES, i.ouiuy i ierK oi tass uun- M24, 31, j7. ty, Nebraska. WANTED TO BUY Cows. Heifers and Calves. Inquire of T. II. Pollock or L. C. Likewise. Phones No. 1 and 36, Plattsmouth. Good eating potatoes for sale at $1 per bu. at Murray Cream Station. SATURDAY SPECIALS 30x3V2 Gray Inner Tubes $1.29 30x3 Vsj Stenco Cord Tire $4.65 '. A Good Set iy2" Harness at $57.50 Still have a few No. 16 De Laval Cream Separators at $90.00 am agent for the "Standard Four" Tires Have a Complete Line. W. H. Puis ueaier " Hardware and Supolies Phone 33 Plattsmouth, Neb. e-