The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 04, 1928, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1928.
Afoo Department j
- ,. .
Best Hinder twine 11 cents at Mur-'
dock. See ad on last page of this
paper. j4-2tsw i
Carl Kosenow and Miss Pauline'
Snaveley were visiting with friends j
and seeing the sights in Omaha on
the afternoon of last Wednesday. ;
Henry Wolfe of Ashland was a
visitor for last Wednesday at the
home of his brother, Sherman Wolfe '
oT Alvo, and where all enjoyed the
day most pleasantly. j
Phillin Coatman was enjoying a:
show which was given at the Elm
wood opera house on last Wednes
day night, he driving over in the
evening for the entertainment.
Walter Skinner of near Hooper,
was a visitor in Alvo and guest with
his mother, Mrs. Mary Skinner and
brother, J. B. Skinner and wife for
a short time on Memorial day.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Dinges were en
joying a visit at the home of their
relatives on last Wednesday, Art
closing the shop at ten o'clock and
taking the remainder of the day off.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Rehmeyer
and their daughter were spending Wednesday, Memorial day at
the home of friends in Omaha, they
driving over to the big city in their
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Banning were
visiting with former friends and
nkn nli-wrvinir Memorial dav at Lilld-
. . . -, . . 1 r - !
say on last weanestiay, iney oriv-
ing over to their former home in
r home in
thir car. j
Mr. and Mrs. George Brown who;
are spending some time in Alvo were ;
guests at the. home of Carl Sofiin and
wife on Thursday of last week;
where all enjoyed a very delightful
six o'clock dinner.
Fred Kunzman of Plattsmouth was
a visitor in Alvo on last Wednesday
and was the guest at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bailey, for a
Fhort t;ifi Mcsdar.n s Kunzman and
Bailey being sisters.
R. M. Coatman delivered the
household effects of Mrs. John Clites
to the Woods home in the country,
where they were stored, as Mrs.
elites will discontinue for the pres
ent keeping house.
Joseph Vickers and the" family
were visiting in Plattsmouth on
Friday cf last week, driving over in
their car, and looking after some
business matters for the day and
visiting with their friends as well.
Another one of those dangerous
features which are so common now j
on all highways in which the driver j
of a car lost control of her machine ,
with the result that a wreck occurred !
anil the driver and woman was kill- :
id. !
Buiiel Rosenow of Omaha was a
visitor in Alvo for a few days dur
ing the past week and was, while
here the guest at the home of his
brother, Mr. C. F. Rosenow, and also
visited with their mother at Elm
wood. Phillip Coatman was a v'sitor in
Plattsmouth on Thursday of last
we k w here he went to bring a
catepiller tractor belonging to the
county to Alvo and thence to Green
wood, which is to be used by John
Stradley for road work.
Will H. Warner who has been
assisting in the planting of corn at
the homo of John Ellictt has com
pleted the work ?nd is now back
in Alvo and hustling at other work,
which always comes the way of a
man who likes to work.
The roadway from the 'O street
road loading through Alvo to the
I. L. D. highway north of Alvo will
be graded and widened in order that
it may be placed in better condition
for the heavy traffic which it is sub
jected to ami will thu-n be better for'
the traffic.
Mrs. James M. Manners who now
resides in Havelock. .was over to '
. lvo Inst week and had the last years!
. .. . . . . V ..II 1 i.,r , . . . I
.--u liwjj ami iitMivereri io inei
Rehmeyer ch-vator. Mrs. Manners!
reports the condition of Mr. Man-;
ners who is still at the hospital at'
i-ea ven wort ii as being very serious.
Young Lady Blesses Home.
A young lady weighing nine and
'lie half pounds arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. R M. Coatman and
lias made the home happy by her
winning ways and has gained a
happy home, with the parents who
are overjoyed at the arrival. All con
cerned are doing nicely not except
ing the proud father, Roy, who finds
it very easy to smile these days.
Has Head on Collision.
One day last week, while Martin
J. Nickle and Virgil Woods were
. ssaying to cross the overhead bridge
near the home of H. L. Bornemeier,
smd it being so one could not sec
th' other until they should come to
gether, they ran together with some
damage to the cars and with none of
:my conserpipnce to the occupants of
the car though there were many chil
dren in the cars.
Held Family Reunion.
A most enjoyable gathering was
held last Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Yager, at which time
a large number of their family were
present to enjoy the fellowship of
the others. There were there for thc
occasion. Frank Yager and wife of
Brooklin, New York, while from
I in coin there were present at the
rccasion John Yager, Clyde Boyles
; nd wife, A. H. Sofiin and wife,
and their two sons Carl and Joseph,
oT Lincoln, M. R. Strausberg of
Omaha, Claience Bucknell and fam
ily of near Elmwood, Alva Skinner
nl family of near Eagle. George
Bucknell and family and W. A. White
,nil wife of Greenwood. George Fro-,
lich of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs.
George Browne who have been
ending their vacation at-the Yager
home from South Bead. All the
crowd were also tujoyins a six!
o'clock supper
Clarence Buck-
nells on last Tuesday,
Will Work and Play. I Coatman. who is a good ball
player, as well as an excellent work
er, departed a short time since for
Utica, where he has accepted a posi- t
tion on a farm and will work and
also play hall when the playing is
required, and which is also sure work
as well as the duties on the farm, j
Lee is a ball player in much demand j
and knows he can play the game to
the queen's taste.
Memorial Services
The Memorial services which were
hplfl nn last Sunday were well at
tended and enjoyed by the people
here. The principal address was de
livered by the Rev. R. S. True, the j
chaplain of the state department of.
the American Legion.
Vacation Bible School.
The Vacation Bibie school which
was commenced and will continue
for some time, is in charge of Miss
Lorene Groser of University Place,
and a most competent one for the
Canning Club Well Represented
The Sunshine 4-H Canning club
. r. .- it.nll vanraciintcrl
at Club Week
at me ieorasRa i
riculture College.
The leader. Miss Lucille Christen
sen attended the special conferences
for leaders in 4-H club work.
Miss Genevieve Doughterty. presi
dent of the club( and Edith Robert
son, reporter, attended the boys and
girls programs. All enjoyed the ex
cursions and banquets for the entire,
Official Notice School Patrons
The annual school meeting of the
patrons of District No. 102 will be
held at the school house in Alvo, at
eight p. m., on June 11th. 192S, for
the purpose of voting $18,000 for
general school purposes, which is in
excess of the levy, and for such other
purposes that may legally come be
fore the meeting.
Secretary of School
Board District No. 102.
From Saturday's Dally
The funeral services of James H.
Jones were held yesterday at the
Sattler funeral home at 4th and Vine
streets and to pay their last tributes
of love and respect to this splendid
young man. a large number of thc
old friends gathered to share with
the members of the family circle the
deep sense of sorrow that has been
felt at the untimely taking away of
this fine young man.
The funeral service was held by
the Rev. Harold E. Sortor, pastor of
the First Methodist church, who
gave to the members of the family
words of comfort in their bereave
ment at the death of their husband.
: father and brother, while in the full
I flush of his young; manhood.
' During the service Mrs. E. H. Wes
! cott ga-e three of the songs that had
been chosen by the family for this
parting service. "Beautiful Lde of
Somewhere," "Will There Be Anv
Stars in My Crown' and "Asleep in
Jesus." the musical messatre. of the
.wonders of the salvation of the
Master coming to comfort and cheer I
the family circle of the departed.
At the close of the service the
, isouy was oorne to tne uaK liill ceme
; tery where it was laid to the last
j long rest, the casket being borne by
! a group of fellow employes of Mr.
Jones from the Nebraska Power
of Omaha,
The members of the Lewiston Aid
gave their monthly birthday dinner
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Hendricks. The dinner was given in
honor of Mrs. John Hendricks.
In the afternoon the following pro
gram was given: Piano solos, Miss
Theresa Jlonat; Piano solos, MJss
Helen Donat; Piano and violin selec
tions. Messors Jarvis and Earl Lan
caster; Piano selections, Mrs. John
Hendricks; Vocal and whistling solos
Mrs. George Toman.
i He following members
friends were present: Mr. and
Hay Campbell and daughter.
otny, Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Todd.
Mr. and
airs. William Wehrbein and daugh
ter Dorothy, Mr. Anderson Lloyd,
Mr. and Mrs. Humble, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Moore and daughter, Mar
garet. Master James Hessenfiow, Mr
and Mrs. E. Hild, Mr. and Mrs. John
Hendricks and son Vern, MJiss,
Theresa Donat, Miss Helen' Donat,
Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Lancaster, son
Herald and daughter, Marjory, Mr.
and Mrs. John Toman, son Arthur
and daughter, Dorothy, Messers Mil
ton. John and David Toman, Mrs
Wriley. Mr. and Mrs. George Parks,
son, Carl and daughter, Mary, Mr.
and Mrs. Kidwell, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Lancaster and daughter, Mr. David
Lancaster. Airs. J. Lilly, Mr. anl
Mrs. Perry Nickies, Mr. Albert Sev
erin, Mr. Charles Livingston. Mrs.
S. A. Bailing, Mr. and Mrs. George
Toman. The next dinner will be at
the home of Mr. and .Mrs. George
Parks on June 17th
The members of the Nehawka Ma
sonic order held their annual elec
tion of officers Wednesday evening of
this week at their regular monthly
meeting. M. N. Tucker was elected
Master; J. S. Rough. Senior Warden;
O. K. Easter. Junior Warden; R. II.
Chapman. Secretary and D. C. West,
Treasurer. Nehawka Enterprise.
Dr Heineman. Dentist, Hotel Main
Bldg., Phone 527.
From Thursday's Dally
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ohm of Marys
Kansas, w tie i lieit over j"'
day as tne 0uest 01 jeianv
i orial
and friends.
Vilas Sheldon, mayor of Nehawka. Jn the officil ()f thc bounty Cleric of braska, produced south, thence north thcMire northwesterly in a Fi-"'g't erst corner of the W Vs of the
was in the city tor a few hours, at- c.,.,s tounty Nebraska. a plan of to the southwest corner of Lot 7, line to the souttl line of the l ., :L-of- of Section 32, -Township 1, Range
tending to some matters ot busmen giu.h improvement, together with an Block 62, Miller & Clark Addition to way of the Schuyler branch of the 9, thence south to the sotltiieast cor
at the court house. estimate of the tost thereof and an Ashland, thence east to the south- C. B. &. Q. R. II. Co., where it inter- ner of the N of the NW'-i of the
Br. and Mrs. W. B. Ester of Om- estimate of the special benefits which east corner of Lot 12, Block C2, Mil- sects the north line of the right-of-. NWU of Section 32, Township 12,
aha were here memorial day to look will accrue to said lands by reason ler & Clark Addition to Ashland. 1 way of the C. B. & Q. R. P.. Co. main Range 9, thence west to the south
after the decoration of the family cf improved drainage detailed as to thence northeasterly in a straight line, thence following the riht-of- west corner of thc NV& of the NWV4
lot in the local cemetery. the various tracts of land under sep- line to the southwest corner of the way of the said Schuyler branch to Cf the NW of Section 32, Township
Mrs S M Chapman returned this arate ownership, as shown by the KVz of Block 63, Miller & Clark Ad-, the west line of the E1 of the SEU .12, Range 9, thence soutli to the
mornin" to her home at Lincoln aN records of the county in which such dition, lying west of Salt Creek, of thc NEU of the SE4 of Section ' southwest corner of the NV 4 of
ter a short visit here with the old lands are situated, and an estimate thence northeasterly following the 2, Township 12, Range 9 East cf the section 32, Township 12, Range 9,
time friends over Memorial day. io! the benefits v.hich will accrue to bluff on the left bank of Salt Creek ;Gth P. M., thence south to the south-i thence west to the northwest corner
t r,h rrri in of Havelock was Sanitary District No. 1 of Lancaster to the southeast corner of Lot 1, least corner of the WVz of thc SEU of the NE of the NE4 of the
, V Crn,i n fpw hours county, Nebraska, by reason of such Block 50, Miller & Clark Addition. lof the SE'i of the SEi of Section SE',4 of Section 31, Township 12,
,jnMtinn nf the
attenuing b of hig fam.
graves t,
1 y
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Colbert and
daughter. Mrs. Leonard Doty, of
Weeping vater weit nexe iia
look after some matters at tne toun
Edward McIIugh of Atchison,
Kansas, and Miss Helen McCarty of
Falls City Mere here yesterday to
spend the day at the Robert Walling
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Button of
Kansas City, were her Memorial day
tn ink nfter the family lot in the
Oak Hill cemetery and to visit old
friends for the day. j
here yesterd
after the
Oak Hill cemetery
friends in this locality
c., , r rm.,i. .nc-;of tlioSWU of Section su, lownsnip tne nortneasi. corner oi loi 6, liiocKition iw, iowi.sui,. i-i.
lv for tTip ilav lookir cr i "' '"'"K '. inenci; fitst iu ine nuuui- t, ouiiiie rum, iiifiiie 1101111 iu iiie lutun; coi iw in; .-.ut
taie Ol lilt? i. j c.:r, n ncV. ir. 1 O Paif-n Q Stamh.nimti't 1st ArlrHtin thcnno-lll Tnwnshin 12. RanPP 9.
junan i-ouuiu oi i.u.. " y. . SEU of the SE'i of the SWU of the corner of Lot 6. Block 29, Stam
fornia. and Nelson Pollard, of Lliza- f S.H' Townshin 12. haueh's 1st Addition, thence east to
loriua. n.iu .m-ii. x , - 1x1514 0f Section 30. Toi
beth, New Jersey, were here today to,Rans;e thence north t()
look after some matters of business j cornpr of tllP SKU 0
at the court house.
Mrs. Harry Puis and children and
Mrs. Forest Rainey and children of
Omaha, who were here visiting with, j
the relatives and friends, returned xe u of Section 30, Township 12,
Wednesday to their home after r Range 9, thence north to the south
very pleasant stay in this city. west corner of the NEU of the NEU
M. L. Ruby of McCook is here to of Section 30, Township 12, Range
visit with his children and at the thence east to the southwest corner
home of his daughter, Mrs. Dewey
Reed, in this city. Yesterday Mr.
and Mrs. Reed and family. Mr.
Ruby, Thomas Ruby and children,
Fred and Margaret, Mrs. James Gru
ber and son. Gene, of Murray, spent
the day at Cedar Creek on a picnic
From Friday's Dally
Dr. J. F. Brendel and son, Rich
ard, of Murray were in the city today
to look after some matters of busi
ness for a lew hours.
Raymond Pollard of Nehawka was
in the city today for a few hours
attending to some matters of busi
ness and visiting with friends.
Adolph and John Kunz of near
Elmwood were here today for a few
hours attending to some matters of
busine'ss and visiting with friends.
Attorney William Deles Dernier of
Elmwood, was here today for a few
hours attending to some matters at
the court house in which he appear
ed as counsel.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Heil departed
for Beaver City, Nebraska, where
they will visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Hall. Mrs. Heil be
ing a sister of Mrs. Hall.
Mrs. Carl Halter of Lincoln, who
has been here visiting her sister,
Mrs. Percy Wheeler at her country
home south of this city, returned
this morning to her home.
Grover Hoback, assessor of Ne
hawka precinct, was here today to
make his returns to County Assessor
W. H. Puis and wa3 accompanied by
Mrs. Hoback ami son, Randall and
Mrs. Charles Hemphill, a sister ot
Mr. Hoback.
William Coates, Jr., of Kansas
0.itj, who is associateel wjth. his
father, W. W. Coates. in the-Coates
Construction Co.. was here for a
few hours, passing through the city
en route to the north and while hen
stopped for a short time to visit with
the old friends in the place of his
Frorn Saturday's Daily
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKinney,
of Silver City, Iowa, were here yes
terday to attend the funeral ser
vices of their nephew, James II.
Attorney T. F. Wiles of Omaha,
was here today to spend a few hours
looking after some matters at the
court house in which he was inter
ested. Mrs. Carl Matheison of Storm
Lake, Iowa, who has been here visit
ing at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Rice, Sr.., departed
this morning for his home.
Miss Hazel L. Dovey of Cleveland,
Ohio, arrived this morning to enjoy a
visit here for a time with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C. Dovey
and the many friends in the old home
Miss Julia Troop of near Nehawka
accompanied by her classmate.' Miss
Elizabeth Dunn of Houston, Texas,
who is attending the University of
Nebraska, were here Friday and re
turned to the Troop home- for a visit
of some duration.
Office safe, fire and burglar proof,
good condition. See A. W. White,
Plattsmouth ltd-ltw.
There are some mighty good demo
crats in the South that will support
Governor Smith. They don't pro
pose to listen to the republican high
bidders who know their only hope
for success is to defeat Governor
Smith for the democratic nomination
at the Houston convention.
Notice is hereby given that pur-
suant io enapier i' 01 me oession
Laws of Nebraska for 1927. the De-,
norimont rf TKH. u'nrL-s nf tva
State jof Nebraska has determined
that it is for the interest of the lands
l,o 1...,. .1 ., rion lioralnirir,'
described, that certain improvements'
be ma(ie in the water course to which '
c - .m Imils am n(iifint and has filed
improvement, together with a descrip-
tion of the boundaries of the districtjof Lot 5, Block 33, Flora City, thence1
ro tQ be henefitted, which said de- southeast in a straight line to a point
oivirvtinn rtf tK . I.Aim flat'! 45 f f CJ51 T TZ Paa U . At a.
scription of the boundaries cf said
district is as follows, to-wit: i
Beginning at the northwest corner
of tlic svVl of the NWU of the
SWu cf the NWU of Section six
!(f), Township eleven (ill isortli,
nange nine (9) Eas;t of the 6th P. M.
in Cass county, Nebraska, and running
thence north along the range line to
jj he northwest corner of the SWU
!of the SWU of the SWU of Section
f a v ri i ncviicu
Range 9. thence
:.f the SEU of the
30. Township 12,
30. Township 12.
.-rst to the tenter of
SWU of Section 30.
Range 9, thence north to the norm-
west corner of the NEU of the SEU
thence north to the center cf Section
; 30, Township 12, Range 9. thence
the north-
of the SE
in. thp su-1; ,lf t,, vim; f,f paction
;10. Township 12. Range 9, thenc to the northeast corner of the
c: u of the SEU of the SWU of the
jot' the SEU of the XEU of the NEU.
thence north to the northwest cor
ner of the E'f. of the NEU of the
NEU of Section 30. Township 12,
Ranee 9. thence east to the south
west corner of the SEU of the SEU
of the SEU of the SEU of Section
IP, Township 12, Range 9, thence
ncrth to the northwest corner of the
NEU cf the SEU of the SEU of the
SEU of Section 19. Township 12,
Range 9. thence east to the north
east corner of the SWU of the SWU
of the SWU of Section 20, Township
12, Range 9, thence north to the
northwest corner o the NEU of the
NWU of the SWU of Section 20,
Township 12, Range 9, thence east
to the southeast corner of the SWU
of the NWU of Section 20, Town -
ship 12, Range 9, thence north to the
mh-.vest corner of the SWU of the
NEU of the NWU of Section 20,
Township 12, Range 9. thence east
to the northeast corner of the SEU
of the NEU of the NWU of Section
20, Township 12, Range 9. thence
north to the northwest corner of the
SW U of the NWU of the SEU of
Section 17, Township 12, Range 9.
thence east to the northeast corner
if the SWU of the NWU of the
SEU of Section 17, Township 12, i
Range 9 thenee north to the north-j
wist corner oi tne .m-j'i oi
ailU VlSlllllii Willi . ' . . . . . 4.
NWU of the SEVi of Section lT.jtticn 61. lownsnip 16 isorth,
Township 12. Range 9, thence east Range 10 East of the Cth P. M.,
to the som Invest corner of the SEU i thence south to the southeast corner
of the NEU of Section 17, Township8 of thc NEU of the SEU of Section
12, Range 9, theme north to the pL Township 13 N., Range 10 E. of
northwest corner of the SWU of the
SEU of the NEU of Section 17,
Township 12. Range 9. thence east
to the northeast corner of the SWU
of .he SEU of the NEU of Section
17. Township 12. Rango 9, thence
north to the northwest corner of the
NEU of the NEU of the NEU of
Section 17. Township 12, Range 9,
ther.ce west to the southwest corner
or the SEU of the SEU of Section
S, Township 12. Range 9, . thence
north to the northeast corner of the
SEU of the SWU of the NEU of
Section S, Township 12, Range 9,
thence west to the northwest corner
of the SWU of the SWU of the NEU
of Section S. Township 12, Range 9,
thence north to the northwest corner
of the NWU of the NEU of Section
S, T
'ownship 12, Range 9, thence east!
he southwest comer of the SEU 1
to the
of the SWU of the SEU of Section
H, Township 12, Range 9, thence
north to the northwest corner of the
SEU of the SWU of the SEU of
Section 5, Township 12, Range 9,
thence east to the northeast corner
of the SEU of the SWU of the SEU
of Section 5, Township 12, Range 9,
thence north to the northwest cor
ner of the SWU. of the NEU of the
SEU of Section 5, Township 12,
Range 9, thence east to thc east line
of Section 5. Township 12, Range 9,
thence north to the northwest corner
of the SWU of Section 4, Township
12, Range 9, thenee east to the north
east corner of thc SEU of Section 4,
Township 12, Range 9, thence north
to the southeast corner of the NEU
of the NEU of the NEU of Section
4, Township 12, Range 9, thence west
to the southwest corner of the NLU
of the NEU of the NEU of Section
4, Township 12, Range 9, thenca
north to the northwest corner of thc
NEU of the NEU of the NEU of
Section 4, Township 12, Range 9,
thence east to the northeast . corner
of the NWU of the NWU of Section
3. Township 12. Range 9, thence
south to the northwest corner of the
SWU of the SEU of the NWU of
Section 3, Township 12, Range 9,
thence east to the northeast corner
of the SWU of the SEU of the
NWU of Section 3 A Township 12,
Range 9, thence south to the south
east corner of the SWU of the SEU
of the NWU of Section '6, "lowuBhip
12. Range 9. thence east to the cen-'tith
iter of Section 3. Township 12. Range'south line of the NWU of the NEU
t9, thence south to the southwest cor-
ner of the NWU of the NWU of the
siu 14 of Section 3, Townsnip lZ.llne 100 feet distant ai ngm a"6'
Range 9, thence east 240 rods to the to the center line of the main track
wi, w ctn 1 ,, . r t c- r i? t? On thence
NWU of the SWU of Section 2, !
Township 12, Range 9, thence north1
4 1, . 4 1, il nni I
of the SW',J of Section 2. Township
12, Range 9. thence east to the east
litm nf iini ctront in Achiand Mn
thence east to the southwest corner:2. Township 12, Range 9 E. of the
75 feet south of the northwest cor-!
ner of Lot 6, Block 2, Wortman's
Addition, thence south to the south-
west comer of Bot 7, Block 2, Wort-1
man's addition, thence southeasterly
in a straight line to the southeast
corner of Lot 8. Block 2. Wortman's
Addition, thence southeasterly in a
straight line to the southwest corner
of Lot 11, Block 1, Parmalee's Add! -
iion, uience easi on me norm sine oi lvauge iL.a.-t ui inv um i .
the alley in Block 1, Parmalee's Ad- thence west to the southwest corner
dition to the southwest corner of l,ot of the NWU of the SEU of the SEU
6, Block 4, Saline Ford, thence northlof Section 10, Township 12. Range
tion, thence east on the north side of
to the northwest corner of Lot
Block 4, Saline Ford, thence east
east to the northwest corner of Lot
6. Block 36, Stambaugh's 1st Addi-
orth Jn ihp snnthwpst
the southeast corner of Lot 6, Block
-:U(29, Stambaugh's 1st Addition, thence Range 9. thence south to the north-
ion north to the northwest corner of Lotjwcst corner of the SWU of the SEU
nee 13. Block 9, Stambaugh's 1st Addi-;cf Section 9. Township 12. Range 9.
tion, thenee east to the northeast
corner of Lot IS, Block 9, Stam -
baugh's 1st Addition, thence north
to the southwest corner of Lot 21,
Block 6, Stambaugh's 1st Addition,
thence east to the southeast corner
of Lot 21, Block 6. Stambaugh's 1st
Addition, thence north to the north -
west corner of Lot 22. Block 6. Stam -
baugn s 1st Addition, tnence east to
the northeast corner of Lot 23, Block
6, Stambaugh 3 1st Addition, thence
j north to the northwest corner of Lot
Block 6, Stambaugh's 1st Addi
tion, thence east to the northwest
corner of Lot 1, Block 6, Stambaugh's
1st Addition, thence northeasterly in
a straight line to the southwest cor
ner of Lot 12, Block 23, Stambaugh's
2nd Addition, thence north to the
northwest corner of Lot 9. Block 30,
Stambaugh's 2nd Addition, thenee
west to the northeast corner of Lot
12, Block 29, Stambaugh's 2nd Addi
tion, thence north to the intersection
of the north line of Pearl street with
'the east line of Folsoni s Addition,
'thence west to the west line of Lot
0, Block Folsom s Addition pro
duced to the north line of Pearl
street, thenee north on the west line
of Block 2, Folsom's' Addition pro
j duced north to the north line of Sec
tion 1, Township 12 N., Range 9 E.
of the Cth P. M., thence west 15 rods,
more or less, to the southwest corner
of Section 36, Township 13 N., Range
9 E., thence north to the southwest
corner of the NWU of the NWU of
(Section 36, Township 13 N., Range
E., thenee east to the northeast
Corner of the SEU of the NEU of
6th P. M., thenee west eighteen hun
dred fifteen (1S15) feet, more or less,
to the southwest corner of the SEU
of the SWU or the SEU of the NWU
of the SEU of Section 31, Township
13 N., Range 10 East of the 6th I.
M., thence northwest 15.15 rods,
more or less, to the northwest corner
of the SWU of the SWU of the SEU
of the NWU of the SEU of Section
31. Township 13 N., Range 10 E. of
the fith P. M., thence north 10 rods
to the northwest corner of the NWU
of the SWU of the SEU of the
NWU of the SEU of Section 31,
Township 13 N., Range 10 East of
the Cth P. M., thence west 10 rods,
more or less, to the southwest cor
ner of the SEU of the NEU of the
SWU of the NWU of the SEU of
Section 31, Township 13 N., Rang
10 E- of. le Gtl! P. M., north
west 14.14 rods to the southeast
corner of the NEU of the NWU of
the SWU of the NWU of the SEU.
thence west 40 rods, more or less, to
the southwest corner of the NVrU of
the NEU of the SEU of the NEU
of the SWU of Section 31, Town
ship 13 N., Range 10 E. of the 6th
P. M., thence southwesterly 4 4.72
rods, more or less, to the southwest
corner of thc NWU of the SEU of
the SWU of the NEU of the SWU
of Section 31. Township 13 N., Range
10 E. of the 6th P. M.. thence south
west 14.14 rods, more or less, to the
southwest corner of thc SEU of the
SWU of the SWU of thc NEU of
thc SWU of Section 31, Township 13
N., Range 10 E. of thc 6th P. M.,
thenee bouthwest 22.36 rods, more or
less, to the southeast corner of the
NEU of thc NEU of the NEU of
the SWU of the SWU of Section 31,
Township 13 N., Range 10 E. of the
6th P. M., thence southwesterly 56.56
rods, more or less, to the southwest
corner of the N of the SEU of the
SWU of the SWU of Section 31,
Township 13 N., Range 10 E. of the
Cth P. M., thence southwesterly 44.72
rods, more or less, to the southwest
corner of Section 31, Township 13
North, Range 10 East of the 6th P.
M., thence west to the northeast cor-
ner of Section 1, Township 12 N., 1
Pnnirii !) V.:at nf the fith P. M.. thence
smith west to the southwest corner of -" ov-um 10 me souin-
soutliwcst to tue souinwesi corner 01 t cornor f tl N f tfa
thc NEU of the NEU of Section 1,'the SWU of thc SEU of Section 29
Township 12 N.. Range 9 E. of the Township 12, Range 9, thence west
P. IL. thence west along tUe
of Section 1. Township iz. nange
E. of the 6th P. M., to a point in said
southwesterly parallel to and 100
feet distant from the main track of
...n .- 111111 f cot
north and 435 feet east of the south-'ner
west corner of Section 1. Township
1 j tiu,,, q t.- f th fith I M..
6th P. M., thence southwesterly to
southwest corner of the EV2 of
X T t -f-f f urnnVtln 1 9
NEU of Section 11. Township 12 N.,
Range 9 East of the Cth P. M.. thence
southwesterly to the southeast corner
of the NEU of the SW U of Section
11. Township 12. Range 9 K. of the
Cth P. M., thence west to the south-
west corner of the NEU of the
SWU. thence south to the southeast
corner of the NEU of the SWU of
, the SWU of Section 11, Township 12
N., Range 9 East of the Cth P. M.,
t,'y, thence nortn to tne soutneasi cor-
to 'ner of the NWU of the SEU of Sec-
ul"fe '
hwest corner
i to thc southwest corner of the
i of the NWU nf the Sett ot
on 10. Township 12. Range 9,
NWU of the NWU of the Sn-U or
Section 10. Township 12. Range 9,
thenc e west to the southwest corner
cf the NWU of the NWU of the
SRi,: nf Section 9. TownshiD 12.
- - -
t thence east
t ' ,re . ic-i-
U of the SW U of the SEU
9 Township 12. Range 9
' of thc NW"
of Section
lilC-nce SOUIU IO Hie nuruieasi irumci
of thc SWU of the SWU of the
; SEU of Section 0 Township 1J.
j Range 9, thence east to the north-
J east corner ef the SEU of the sw 4
;or me &ix4 oi ceeuon v, iu..h.p
Li. iiange
southeast corner of the SEU of the
SWU of tne SEU of Section 9
Township 12, Range 9.. thence east to
the northeast corner of the NW U
f th Nvi! nf the NEii of the
to the southeast corner of the NWU
cm. , vi! ..f santnn
lawnhVir Iiango 9 ThVne.
east to the northeast corner of the
SEU of the SWU of the SWU of
Cj-LA;-tn 1 Tnwncrii'n 19 T? Q n rrg O
thence south to the south line of Sec
tion 15, Township 12. Range 9.
thenee west to the northeast corner
of the NWU of the NWU of the
NWU of Section 22. Township 12,
Range 9, thence south to the south
east corner of the NWU of the
NWU of the NWU of Section 22,
Township 12, Range 9, thence west
to the north and south half section
line in Section 21, Township 12,
NEU of Section 16 Township 12.!a be delermiaed.
Range 9. thence south to the south-, person may cast one vote for
eas corner of the SW U of the S U , fa f laU(or fractkm thereof
f t!if SE,,of heMNMl and for each platted lot which he
16, Township 12. Range 9. thenee or cas-enient in as
K-V ,e.ntea n, 1G 8hw tllC m"1 rCr1 of tlle
NW'i of the SEU of Section . , . . , , , .
Township 12, Range 9, thence south fou,lt- whore the lands or lots may
to the southeast corner of the NW-i be' Any corr-oration. public, pr.vato,
of he SEU of Section 16. Township or "?-. owning or having an
I R n then east to the east,,,:cnt 'in an' lan1 or lot. inay
northctecorner of the NWU of the 7ot.? aJ s"ch Section, the same as an
SWU of the SWU of Section 15. individual may. Hie executor, ad
Township 12. Range 9, thence south . nnnistrator, guardian or trustee -of
Range 9, thence south to the south-'"d"nl" on fame
east corner of the NEU of the NWU jNaturt- of title or interest in above
of Section 21, Township 12, Range. -7-
9, thence west to the southwest cor-1 . ,f lES
ner of the SEU of the NEU of the
NWU of Section 21, Township 12,
Range 9, thence south to the south
west corner of the NWU of the SEVi
of the NEU of the SWU of Section
21, Township 12, Range 9, thence
east to the northeast corner of the
SWU of the SWU of the NWU of
the SHU of Section 21. Township
12, Range p. thence south to the!
south line of Section 21, Township
12, Range 9, thence west to the
northeast corner of the NWU of the
NEU of the NEU of the NWU of.
Section 28, Township 12. Range 9,
thence south to the southeast cor
ner of the NWU of the NEU of the!
NEU of the NWU of Section 28,:24, 31, j7
Township 12, Range 9, thence west'
to the sout h iwest corner of the NW' U
of the NEU of the NEU of the
NWU of Section 28, Township 12,
Range 9, thence south to the south-1 From Friday's Daily
west corner of the NWU of the SEU ' Corinne Hallstrom celebrated her
of the NEU of thc NWU of Section ' fcventh birthday on Thursday at thc
28. Township 12, Range 9, thence V? ? parents Mr- and Mrs
west to the northwest corner of the J" "al'strom in Avoca. Nebraska.
S of the SWU of the NEU of thej T,he llttle ,ady reived many gifts
NWU or Section 28. Township 12. 1 ,a.ndl, ,was surprised -ith a lovely
Range 9, thence south to the center lM,'thday dinner and a decorated
of the NWU of Section 28, Township c wUh candles.
12, Range 9, thence west to the T.hose enJyin the day with Miss
northwest corner of the E of the onnne were: Mrs. J. p. Sindelar,
KYz of the W of the SWU of the
NWU of Section 28, Township 12,
Range 9, thence south to the south
east corner of the W of the EJi
of the WVi of the SWU of the NWU
of Section 28. Townshin 12. Rancrts
9. thence west to the northeast cor
ner of the SEU of Section 29. Town-!
ship 12, Range 9, thence south to the "rom Saturday's Dally
southeast corner of thc N of the 1 This morning Countv Torino a n
NEU of the SEU of Section 29,'Buxbury issued marriage liSnse to
Township 12. Range 9, thence west Charles P. Oxford of Missoula I
to the northeast corner of the NWU ta,ia and Miss Leone Jewett nf
of the NWU of the SEU of the erly and to Clarence A Althouse of
NEU of thc SEU of Section 29, Alvo and Miss Alice Ma,im
Township 12. Range 9, thence south of Waverly. The young people then
to the southeast corner of thc SWU Ptcd to seek the consumption of
of the SWU of the SEU of the NEU ! thrlr life's happiness w th the Z
of the SEU of Section 29, Township rlage ceremony. Mr Altho, u J
12 Ranee 9. thence west to the son of W. J. -Althwlse, a m-ominent
southwest corner of the NEU of the resident of Alvo eminent
SEU of Section 29. Township 12,1 L
r?sintra O !,-,,. ......II. 4 it.
to the southwest corner of the Na
'of the N of the SWU of the SEU
or oetnuu ------
9, thence north to the nortneasi tor-
ei ui -
tion 29. Township &, "ange v.
thpnrn west to tne nortnwesi cornel
of the EH of the SEU oiineow.
of Section 29, Township 1J, Range ,
: k i.n.o amith trt thfi SOUtllWeSt COT-
of the of the SEU of the
1 sVU of Section 29, Township Z,
namro ). thence west to the north-
Range 9, thence south to the center
0f the NE Va of the SEU of Section
3it Township 12, Range 9, thence
West to the southwest corner of the
x of the NEU of the SE'4 of Sec-
tioii ' 31. Township 12. Range 9,
thence south to the southeast corner
nf the Wy2 of the SEU of Section 31,
Township 12, Range 9, thence west
to .j,e northeast corner of the NMs
of the XW!4 of the NWU of the
xjju of Section fi. Township 11,
T?anre p. thence south to the south-
east corner of the N of the NWU
east corner or tne .N'z oi me i w -y
of the jjiyi.j 0f tne NEU of Section
e. Township 11, Range 9, thence
Vest Io the center of the NWU of the
XWU of the NEU of Section 6,
Township 11, Range 9, thence south
to the southeast corner of the W of
thc w of the sw,,4 pf the NKi4
of section c. Township 11, Range 9,
n c-n y, lira--. ,.,-.r-rT-
of the E of the SE of th(
of Section G ToWnship 11,
n tl,n rnrt1, ,f, n,
the NWU
of Section Cf Township 11, Range
n 4i, ... ,,. ,i .
SE1. f)f the my of Section 6,
Township n RanRC 9 thenre west
. . .
i il Trio iit n ji i j w f n r t i r r or t n c j
nr the SEU of the NWU of Section 6
Township 11 Range 9 thence north
t(J Uie 801ltlu,ast COrncr'of the N of
lne N'"-' of thc SWU of the NWU
nf SccUoJi c Township 11, Range
g b -
Notice is herehv Hven that m:r-
suant to sai(, Chapter 144 of the g
s-on Lawg Qf Nebraska fop 1927 an
electlon win be held at the office cf
th County Cierk of Cas3 county
!V it
braska. between the hours of 8:00
O.clock a m and C:00 .clock p
Qn thp mh j mP
... thp niIpatInn - iha
fnrmnti,,n ,,f ,.:.. ,iiet.ipt r
formation of a distnci to
inciuue tne area
shave the same right to vote.
flection shall be by ballot,
wl1 1 ,;e "c voter.
and shall have thereon a list of the
Hand and lots which the said voter
- ; c laJ.s hT!sh ? .votf'
' "
,infe 1 '
The ballot shall be in the follow-
List cf Property on which Vote
is Based
Description Section or Lot ;
Township or Block ; Range or
City ; Number of Acres
or Lots Total number of votes
rui rui"auu11 01
Signature of Voter.
Persons desiring to vote in favor of
the formation of such district shall
Plae a cross in the square opposite
fhe v"ord "Yes" appearing on said
Persons desiring to vote against
ll,e formation of such district shall
Place a cross in the square opposite
the word "No" appearing on said
County Clerk of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
XT . 7 iC 1 umana, Mr. and
Mrs. Elvin Greene of Lake Worth,
norma, Air. ana airs. J. E. Halls
trom, Bobby and Tom and Miss
Bertha Schfader.
. 3i
COWS. Heifers
Phones No. 1 and 36 Platnaouth'