THURSDAY, MAY 31. 1D28. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE THE EE obc plattsmouth journal PUBLISHED SE-dl-WEEXLY AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEEEASXA Xatr4 at PoatoiClcM. PUttcmoutb. Nb.. coadclasa mill muf R . A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCEIPTIOH PEICE $2.C0 PES YEAS IH ADVAiiCE Hoover won't have to give way to Coolidge. -:o:- The Senate jars Coolidge by over riding his vetoes. Good boys. :o: Conress lias fixed on Tuesday for the date of adjournment. Good! ! -: o : - London how demands that all po- ! ic-in-n b- six feet tail at least, :o:- When people ask you to spell a word they do not always mean it. : o : - The republican party in Texas has j A man seldom gets -o full of e mo split. Oh. Lordy. what a catastrophe! j tion that he ha no room for ilin- Any small boy will say that the Dutch are welcome to the quinine monopoly. Where was Governor McMullen when the light went out at the na- Now lor McMulien's feat on hors tional capital? ! bu k. Won't it be gi;:nd. It v. ill Mr. Coolidge lias vetoed 12 bills pass-d by the present Congress, and both are still in session. j :o: ! Eire all the high-salaried prohi- bition agents and let peace once more ; reign throughout the land. :o: Hoover does not know which boy he is just yet. Poor fellow! He is simply a tool, that's all that. I -tor- Carol, it occurs to us in an un diplomatic moment, would like noth ing better than a Balkan situation. :o: The trouble wi'th some of the fav- orite sons is that, after their election. the state seems more doubtful than ever. -:o: Sousa says the craze for jazz will Wall of China, which, as we learn not last long. Probably musicians ed in our innocent youth, was built already are considering something for the purpose of keeping foreign worse, ers out. PeTTlh e Hi est Fvfl ofto d Fan e D D Bus ve even0. oii.sedP9 MR. ART JOHNSON of Bertrand, Nebraska, whose business is truck ing, gives his experience with Red, Crown Ethyl Gasoline in the letter which follows: I have tried Red Crown Ethyl Gasoline in my Ford truck over some of the worst hills in this part of the country, and I must say it has done more than I expected. We pulled all these hills on intermediate that we have always pulled on low before. I will say that it is the best motor fuel tlxat I ever used." The story is the same from owners of other trucks, bus operators, farmcr3 who use tractors, owners of passenger cars more power, smoother operation no fuel knocks more miles per gallon of gasoline. This combination of always reliable Red .Crown Gasoline and Ethyl Brand of Anti-Knock Compound is matchless for power and economy. Use it for every motor. Sold by reliable dealers and Red Crown Service Stations everywhere in Nebraska. STANDARD. OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA "A 7cbrasa Institution" Red Crown ethiyil gasoone JRhocks out the How do the farmers like their sect ion tl president? The eves may not teach love but ! they have pupils. -:o:- New York is hearing the divorce case - of th- Live-riiihts. V. 11 '.' -: o : American electric refi iterators aie being urged in Great Britain. : o:- It's unnecessary to tell a boy to in act ice economy in the us" of roap. i n-r. :o:- A girl always thinks that a mail's heart is in tin- right place when it is 'in her possession. -: o : - to Paul Revere's. :o:- What we are trying to figure out now is how much gas we would have to use to get it for nothing. -:o:- yas it, we sometimes wonder, in Hollywood that they first began to them divorce "nroeee-dinirs?" -:o: If the Omaha Bee-News could get the Plattsmouth News in a little smaller type they could'nt be read at all. Now 'watch Governor McMullen his tail and bow down to the dictators of his mastor Calvin Cool- idge'. :o:- Another failure was the Great 4 Knocks - turns carbon intomter' VICTORY It had to come. Years of sufl'er i ii a: on the part of patient mankind have brought the reaction. The book of etiquette, tyrant that it could not hope to hold the upper hand al ways. The decree divorcing the knife and fork at the salad dish has been set aside and they are reunited. The immediate effect will be that more salads will be eaten, table cloths will last longer, and ruffled tempers, enemy of digestion, will be mollified. The refoim is a su-p for ward. It was a silly rule in the first place. Why torture diners by plac ing before them a tempting dish and then restricting the use of their utensils to the point where they'd rather go hungry? A fork will not cut lettuce, never did cut lettuce, ami never will cut lettuce. Now that the ne-cessary tools are- coi!Ceedd u.s, let u? eat our httuce. :o: The present slogan of woman's stvle seemi3 to be "shorter and few- j er." In the old days it was "longer , and funnier." i :o: With the new air service, mail I matter can trav. 1 from anv manu I ' facturer to the larth-t wast basket in four da vs. :o: One advantage f le ing that kind of a has ball team is that two -r three games ran consider constitute a long ..winning streak. : o : The peculiar part of this whole investigation is that the magazine which is losing $420 a week fighting Hoover is called "Politics." :o- One disadvantage to carry a note book is that there is no excuse for forgetting to bring home the bolt needed to repair the lawn mower. -: o : - Hoover, we learn from careful reading, was born in Iowa, and we presume his victory in California can be explained on the assumption that all the residents considered hini a favorite son. Pre-ideiit Coolidge declined an airplane ride on the ground that he didn't fel he ought to do it while he is President, and we should think Vice-President Dawes could have thought up a smart comeback to that bv this time. VETO FOR FARM RELIEF Mr. Coolidge has accepted the challenge or the farmers and again ,vetoed the McNary-Haus-n bill. He renews his attack up.iii the equal- ization fee, which he savs "would not be for the purposes of revenue in the accepted sen.-'-, but would simply yield a subsidy for the spec , ial benefits of particular groups." I He denies also that tin- farmers i iwould pay it. and characterizes it as "a tux upon the whob- community." . j The veto will not surprise the! I farmers. It may somewhat surprise som- of the Republicans, who had! i hoped Mr. Coolidge vould consider j , what the eflect upon ;he party of a j jveto at this time would bo. Usually.! 'Mr. Coolidge puts the w. Ifare of the I .party above everything else, but he cliif not lio so this time. Pel us I jth- fact that h" is not to be a candi date for re-election had a great deal to do with it. ' At any rate, that The veto is a (blow to Republican chances cannot be doubted. What it says to the j farmers in effect is: "We will sub sidize industry, but we will not sub sidize farming." A--k d why not, Mr. Coolidge displays heat. He calls the l j equalization fee 'lulhicious" and j "repugnant." It would "set up a , pun dei ous ba u re -a uci a ' ie pha ra j.h-r-ft.alia." It is "cruelly deceptive." It has b'-e-n misrepresent' d. and can "be I passed on to the consumer.' All of J which is e pithe t ic. though the re- is ! nothing he can say of it that he- could not if h' would as truly say of the- tariff. Such is the inconsistency of his position, and therefore his wrath. It is an obvious contradiction in which !i, l.i .ir .i.wl 1.. s. l lie 1111U.-3 iiiiiiT ii, uiiu i jn i.' where the farm loaders designed to put him. They will scarcely be able to pass the bill over his veto, but fhe paity will lace the Kansas City convention with a prospect of re volt that will give it something to think about. Mr. Eowdtn has said that by vetoing the Mc Nary-Haupen bill again Mr. Coolielge- would make it very hard for any Republican to be elected to the pre-sfidency this year, and probably h is. It. is an old axiom that two wrongs i do not make a righ That is the trouble with the kind of farm re-li'-f that Congress has I.e. n attempting, j Because it was subsidizing industry 'it thought to subsidize farming, but i jthat was too much for tin industrial j wing of the party led by Mr. Cool 'idge. The party faces in the coming I campaign, the consequences of its un i fairness to agriculture. It made the ! farmer buy in a protected market, 'and not all the sophistry of the Mc i Kinlevs. the Dinsrnvs, the Pavnes. jAldriches. McCumbers and Fordneys, can put that over" on the farmers. The party has enriched one class of the pecple at the expense of another. It has made the industrialist a mil lionaire, and are farmer a bankrupt. What folly that is. and how strange if the party did not suffer for it? : o : - A SINISTER DECISION It would seem the most natural thing in the world that when through freight is brought to the Mississippi River the crosing charge should be naid by the railroad mak ing the delivery. Strangely, the Supreme Court of the United States does not think so. : The Interstate Coinmeree Com mission ! thinks so, as did the Federal Dis trict and Appellate courts; but the Supreme Court thinks the Eastern 'lines delivering through freight at jtlie Mississippi should not pay this charge. It holds that the 'Western j lines must pay the charge both ways, which is a reversion to the old and J unfair practice of dumping every ' thing on the river front at the ex- penFe of the Western lines. The United States Supreme Court once ended this inequality by ruling that the- St. Louis terminals are the ter minals of all the roads entering here. It is a surprise to see the court re turn to its former untenable posi tion. The implication, we are afraid, is more sinister than the country likes to admit. The Eastern lines are much more powerful than the Western lines. It is disquieting to imagine! that this could have had anything to j do with such a decision, but what ' 'other explanation can there be? I The Post-Dispatch is disposed to fear that sectionalism is becoming too powerful a factor in rate mak-. ing. The action of the United States Senate in the Esch case was abomin able. In stead of standing for the good of the whole country, and do i ing what was obviously the fajr . thing to do, the Senate punished Esch because he was fairer than it is. He made up his mind that it was not fair to the coal mines in the North to give the Southern mines ANOTHER rates which would in effect move them north of the Ohio River, and it was not fair. Mileage ought to be the base of every rate structure. The Supieme Courts decision in the matter cf carrying charges across the Mississippi on through freight uispiays tne same alarming tendency exhibited by the Esch case. Both are , sectionalism, and neither is fair. Do we want way? to run the country that :o: (with a view to their adjustment and estate, with a view to their adjust- A Department of Commerce expert allowance. The time limited for ment and allowance. The time lim says th;t the automobile is not the the presentation of claims aganst said ited for the presentation of claims ",,, wc, t,, ,lf estate is three months from the 1st against said estate is three months Testult of prospenty. But one of the . June, A. I). 192 8, and the time from the Sth day of June, A. D. 1928, basic to have him study the tariff. limited for payment of debts is one and the time limited for payment of I year from said 1st day of June, debts is one year from said Sth day MILKlrr b hALh State of Nebraska, County of Cass, By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by Oolda Noble Real, Clerk of, the District t curt, within and tor Ca:;s county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on th- 2nd day of June. A. D. 192S. at in o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south front door of the court house, in the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in said coun ty, se 11 at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the following Teal estate, to-wit: The south half (S1) of Eots one (1) and two (2t in Block t ve;ty-nin- 2!) in Yejuiig and Hays' Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska - The same being "levied upen and taken as the property of B-iura Pete-r-son, defendant, to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by Helen Copp, plai.itiff against sabl defend ant. Piatt '-mouth, Nebraska, April 24th, A. I). 1!-2S. BERT REED, She-riff Cass County, Nebraska. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska. County of Cass, ss. Bv virtue of an Order of Sale is- sued by (lolda Noble Real. Clerk of'tv tlie Db-trut Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the 2nd day of June, A. D. lf2S. at ! o'clock a. m.. of said clay, at the south front door of the court bouse in the City of Plattsmouth. Nebr.. in said county. sell at public- auction to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate, to-wit: Lots 4. a and 5. in Rloik 9. in the City or Plattsmouth. Ne braska, as surveyed, platted and recorded, Cass county, Nebras ka The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Dr. O. San lin et al, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by The Standard Pavings & Loan Asso - ciation. plaintiff against said defend - ants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, April 24th, A. D. 1!'2S. BERT REED, SherifT Cass County, Nebraska. ORDER OF HEARING Notice ui Petition for Set tlement of Account. tnd In the County Court of Cass coun y. Nebraska. State cf Nebraska, Cass ss. jof Bertha M. Shopp praying that ad- To all persons interested in the ' ministration of said estate may be estate of Mattie E. Young, deceased: 1 granted to Bertha M. Shopp, as Ad- On re ading the petition of Clara ' ministratrix ; Godwin. Administratrix, praying aj Ordered, that June Sth, A. D. 1928, final settlement and allowance of her - at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned for account filed in this Court, on the shearing said petition, when all per 2Cth day of May. 192S. and for final sons interested in said matter may settlement of said estate and for her, appear at a County Court to be held discharge as said Administratrix; 'in and for said county, and show It is hereby, ordered that you and 'cause why the prayer of the petition all persons interested in said matter er should not be granted; and that may. and do, appear at the County j notu e of the pendency of said peti Court to be held in and for said coun-j tion and the hearing thereof be given ty on the Sth day of June, A. D. 192S, j to all persons interested in said at ten o'clock a. n.. to show cause, ! matter by publishing a copy of this if any there be, why the prayer of j order in the Plattsmouth Journal, the petitioner should not be granted, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in and that notice of the pendency of said county. for three successive said petition and the hearing there- weeks prior to said day of hearing. of be given to all persons interested; in said matter by publishing a copy' of this older in the Plat tsmouth i Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper, prirted in said county, for one week j prior to said day of hearing. I In witness whereof. I have here- unto set my hand and the Seal of said Court this 2Cth dav of May. A. D. 192S. A. H. DUXBURY. Countv Judge. (Seal) m2S-lw ORDER OF HEARING on Guardian's Report and Petition. In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. In the nutter ef the Guardianship of Josetdi Mauck. Incompetent. On due consideration e.f the report secured at the office of the County of Hugh E. Warden filed herein on, Clerk, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, at Mav l!t,h. 1928. and of his petition the office of the County Clerk, at Pa showing that his said ward claims to pillion. Nebraska, or at the office of be entitled to possession and control the Department of Public Works at of his property and desires that said Lincoln, Nebraska. Guardianship be closed, it is The successful bidder will be re- Orderer. that a hearing be had on' Quired to furnish bond in an amount said matter in this court on June , t'Qual to 100 Tc of his contract, 192S. at the hour of ten o'clock Certified checks made payable to a. m., and that notice of the filing of the Department of public works tor at the rate of 8 from February 25. said report and petition and of said;ot less than five per cent (5) ofjl924. and is recorded in Book 53 of hearing be given to bis said ward the amount of the bid will be re- Mortgages, at Page 69 of the mort aiul his sister. Mrs. Lucinda Conrad, Quired. jgage records of said county, and to -whom he was paroled, and Mrs. This work must be started srevious ' prays that an accounting be had. Margaret Chappell. by personal ser-: to June 15th. 1 92S, and be completed 1 said mortgage foreclosed, and for vice of notice and to all other per- hy July 1st, 1928. 'equitable relief. sons interested in said matter by pub-- The right is reserved to waive all, You are required to answer said lication of notice in the Plattsmouth technicalities and reject any or all petition on or before Monday, the Journal, a newspaper published and bids. 2nd day of July, 1928, or your de- of general c irculation in Cass county, i DEPARTMENT OF fault will be entered in the said cause Nebraska, for three weeks prior to said day of hearing. Given under my hand and the seal of said court this 19th day of May, A D 1928 A. H. DUXBURY. " County Judge, Cass County.; Nebraska. j (Seal) m2l-3w. J NOTICE TO CREDITORS t The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-; ty, ss. ! In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of John w- Edmonds, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will s5t at the County Court room In Plattsmouth, in said county, on the 1st day of June, 1928, and on the 7th day of September. 192S, at 10 o'clock a. m.. of each day, to receive and ex- ! m m i n e jll rlniniu nfninct unirt et ntp 1Q?c Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 4th day of May, 192S. A. II. DUX BURY, iji m7-4w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Cath erine Wiles, cieoe-ased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth. in said county, on the 29th clay of June, 1928, and on the 1st day of October, 1928, at ten o'clock in the fore-noon of each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to tne saj(j cf-ad, may be proved and their adjustment and allowance. The anowejt and recorded as the last time limited lor the presentation ofwi1 and testament of Walter E. Jen ehiims against said estate is three kjnS! deceased; that said instrument months from the 29th day of June, be Emitted to probate, and the ad A. D. 192 8 and the time limited ministration of said estate be grant for payment of debts is one year t'rom lo Earj j jenfcjns, whose correct said 29th clay of June, 1928. I name is James Earl Jenkins, as Witness my hand and the seal orjexecutor jt is hereby ordered that said Count v Court this 20th day of Ma v. 192 8. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal! m28-4w County Judge NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun- In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Sam (!. Smith, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth. in said county, on the 22nd day of June, 192S, and on the 2 1th dav of September, 192S, at ten o'clock a. in. of each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjust ment and allowance. The time lim ited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 22nd day of June, A. D. ' 1!2S. and the time limited for pay 'ment of debts is one year from F.uid 22nd day of June, 192S. 1 Witness my hand and the seal of ; said County Court this 22nd day of May, lf2S. A. II. DUXBURY, County Judge. (SeaU m2 8-4w ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administratrix. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of 'Frank B. Shopp, deceased, county.j Qn reading and filing the petition Dated May Sth. 1928. A. H. DUXBURY. ( Seal ) nil4-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the ueparimem oi ruonc w orKS in mc 1 state House at Lincoln, xseDrasKa. on (June 1st, 1928, until 10:00 o'clock I a. m., and at that time publicly opened and read for placing a wear ing surface on the bridge on L. S. highway No. 75 across the Platte river between Plattsmouth and Fort Crook. The approximate quantities are: 3,124 Sq. Yds. Rock Asphalt Wearing Surface. Plans and specifications for the j work may be seen and information i LiiL.iL vLtti.s By R. L,. Cochran,' State Engineer. GEO. R. SAYLES, Co. Clerk, Cass county. JOS. E. STRAWN. Co. Clerk. Sarpy county. -- Blank boolts at the Journal offLoe. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Martha M. Schliefert, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room In Plattsmouth in said county, on the Sth day of June, 1928, and on the loth day of September. 192S, at lu o'clock a. m. of each day, to receive anil nYQmlni nil flflims iifrainst said f Tnne 192S. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 7th day of May, 1928. A. II. DUXBURY. County Judge. (Seal) ml4-4w ORDER OF HEARING AND NO TICE OF PROBATE OF WILL. In the County Court cf Cass Coun ty. Nebraska State of Nebraska, County of Cass, j ss. I To all persons interested in the estate of Walter E. Jenkins, de ceased: I On reading the petition of John Jenkins praying that the instru- . ment filed in this court on the 7th day of May. 1928, and purporting to he the last will and testament oi you, and all persons interested in said matter, may. and do, appear, at the County Court to be held in and for said county, on the Sth day or June, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that no tice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the PlatUmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal of said court, this 192S. (Seal) rth day of May, A. D. A. H. DUXBURY. County Judge. A. L. TIDD. Attorney. ml4- :w LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska The Standard Savings & Loan Association of Om aha, Plaintiff vs. Adelaide Burnett, formerly ! NOTICE Adelaide Kramer, and her husband, J. J. Burnett, real name unknown, et al. Defendants. To Adelaide Burnett, formerly Ade laide Kramer, and her husband. J. J. Burnett, real name unknown, non resident, defendants: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 12th day of May. 192S, the plaintiff filed its amended petition in the above entitled action in the District Court of Cass county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which upon its first cause of action is to foreclose a mortgage in the sum of $1,480. OS, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 from April 24. 1923. on Lot 5. in Block 61, in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska, which mortgage appears of record in Book 51, at Page 3 51, of the Mortgage Records of said county, and for equitable relief; and on its sec ond cause of action to reform and foreclose mortgage for $2,000.00, dated February 25. 1924. from the description of which mortgage Lot 1, in the NEVi of the NE'i of Section 30, Township 12 North, Range 14 East of the Cth P. M., in Cass coun ty, Nebraska, was ommitted by mis take and that the description of said mortgage should be as follows: Lot 1 in the NE i of the NEli of Section 30. Township 12 North, of Range 14, East of the 6th P. M., and also the fol lowing described land, to-wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of the SEU of the SEU of Section 19. Township 12 North, of Range 14, East of the 6th P. M., running thence east along the south line of said Sec tion 19. to the center of County Road No. 55, as now traveled and used, thence northwesterly on the center line of said county road to a point where said line intersects with the west line of the SEU of the SE'i of Section 19, thence south along the west line of said SEU of the SE'i of said Section 19, to the place of beginning, containing 8 acres, more or less, all in Cass county, Nebraska; That said mortgage bears interest and decree granted as prayer for in said petition. THE STANDARD SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, of Omaha, Nebraska. Plaintiff. TIDD. A. L. Attorney for Flaintiff. m21-4w