PAGE FOUB PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1928. Union Department Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. There's a Reason why People Trade with Us and Continue to Come! They are getting good service, kind ly treatment and the very best goods at the lowest prices. We are here for your best service in Groceries, Meats " and Work Clothing-. D. STINE Union, Nebr. R Joe Brandt shelled and delivered corn to the F. H. McCarthey elevator on last Monday. Mont Robb was having water in stallation in his home on last Mon day bv the new water company. The Hoy Scouts of Union assisted ' in the observance of Memorial day at Nebraska City and added much to I the ceremonies. 1 George S. Kay of near Murray was a visitor and was looking after some business matters in Union on last i Monday afternoon. J. D. Cross and wife were visiting and attending church at riattsmouth on last Sunday, the driving over in their car for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor were enjoying the afternoon on last Mon day with the fish line and hooks, just how many fish they landed we did not learn. Mrs. Charles Green closed her school year last Saturday and did some most excellent work during the school year. Mrs. Green has made an excellent teacher. Dan Reynolds and the mother were visiting with friends as well as look ing after some business matter in Omaha on last Saturday, they driv ing over to the big city in their car. Beit Jamison of Weeping Water who represents the Buick in this Cass county was a visitor in Union for a few hours on last Monday and was looking after some business while here. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Anderson en tertained the Scout troop, and also the Scout official. Captain Hyde and wife for the evening on Wednesday of this week, where a most enjoyable evening was had. The now home which Tony Sud duth and wife are bulding is at this time just beginning to be construct ed, has the basement excavated and tlie laying of the foundation is rapid ly being pushed forward. Mesdames W. I... Havenridge and W. L. Taylor both of Omaha were visiting for the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. day last Sunday L. Becker for the and Where all joyeu ine occasion very mucn. Or. 'harles Davis and the good wife arrived in Union, and visiting with the sister of 1 1 " U t t 1 1 . Or. Davis, Mrs. Fannie Upton, as well as an other sister, Mrs. T. J. Reynolds, all enjoying the occasion very much. Late last week Clifford McQuinn made the purchase of one of the ex- 29x4.402 1 $1145 Other sizes priced proportionately low Get the MOST from your Tire Dollar Buy quality at low prices, and get our long-mileage service sure way to cut tire costs. Firestone builds more mileage into tires you need our service to get it all out of them. We have complete equipment.includ ing a repair department, where we rebuild injured tires at lowest cost. We save you money and serve you better. A complete line of Firestone-Built Tires at Lowest Prices Ralph Pearsley Union, Neb. illfi V ref one rill Jf BALLOON cellent Durant coaches which are dis pensed by Louis Burbee, and which has proved to be the exact car which Mr. McQuinn and the family are needing. D. R. Frans and family and Mrs. G. H. Gilmore of Murray were enjoy ing a visit at Plattsmouth and the excellent music of the Shriners band which furnished such an excellent concert at the Nebraska Masonic Home on last Sunday. Itlrc CViarloa flnrHwn who lin- j derwent an operation at a hospital in Omaha last week, was reported as I. 1 ("I A neing very serious on iasi oaiuruay. was much improved on Monday and it is hoped that she will now con tinue to improve and will soon be well again. 1 Phillip F. Rihn and wife were I visiting last Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hacken berg. where the birthdays of Herman Schuldice and his sister, Mrs. Ches ter Pierce, were appropriately cele brated and where a most delightful visit was had. Mrs. Mabel E. ReRynolds was a visitor for the day last Sunday at the home of W. T. James and wife, and also attended the Memorial ser vices at the Methodist church at Wyoming, the oration being by a speaker from Nebraska City. There was a large crowd in attendance and a worth while address was had. On last Sunday Mrs. Albertina Ost received the sad news of the death of her mother, Mrs. Johnana Manza. who has been making her home at Sheridan, Minn., had suddenly died. Mrs. Ost immediately departed for the late home of her mother to ren der what assistance in the trying hour as she could, and to attend the funeral. The mother was near ninety years of age and had been in poor health for some years past. At the parlors of the First Baptist church on last Saturday evening was held the banquet of the Alumni of the Union high school and which was attended by some forty or more of the former students, and who were served by the ladies of the Baptist church, and where a banquet was had. were rejoiced by an most excellent ? Following all excellent pro- gram which was presented by the people of Union, and which was sure ly enjoyed by all. Win Medals at Contest. Harold James was the one to re ceive the highest percentage and was awarded the gold medal in the Bibli cal contest which was held at Ne braska City on last Sunday, and the next highest was given to Miss Mildred Morse, which was a silver medal. Many from Union and vicin ity attended the contest. Will Straighten Roadway. County Commissioner C. F. Harris, was a visitor over near Avoca on last Monday evening, where he went to en-hook aftpr somp rnaH work tut north of the home of M M Strmih whei-P a romnrmni furvp i in ihu ir,i rwi wllinVl ic tn ctpQicrhtatml o rt 1 is to re straightened and a I new bridge constructed, the work j being done by contractors from Ne braska City. Mrs. Pollard Laid to Rest. Miss Helena A. Pollard was born in Gremsted. Norway, on May 19th. 1S43, and at the age of seven years came to America with her parents, and in 1862 came to Nebraska and was united in marriage with Levi Conant Pollard April 21st, 1864. they residing on the old homestead, just south of Nehawka during her entire life with the exception of the last four years which were spent in the west. On April 20th this excellent wom an died in the west and the remains arrived in Nehawka on Saturday,! May L'sth. 1928 at the home of her daughter in Long Beach. aClifornia. where she had been making her home for the nast few vears. The funeral was held from the home of V. P. Sheldon, a nephew, on Saturday last. May 26th. the funeral oration being given by the Rev. W. A. Taylor and the interment being at the Mt. Pleasant cemetery north east of Nehawka. A large number of the friends of this excellent woman were present to show their love and respect and to honor one of the best women of America. There were many floral tokens testifying to the high poirion which Mrs. Pollard held with her friends. FOR SALE Three red polled good ones. 400 lbs. Wolfe, Union Nebr. bull calves, each. Earl ml7-4tw Infant Injured With Wringer. While engaged in doing the fam ily wash and having the little babe about the room, at the home of W. R. Ellington, the little one while the work of wringing was going on, in some way got its hand in the pow er wringer, and was crushed very badly. Medical attention was im mediately given, but it was not known whether the little one would lose its arm or not. until develop ments should show. "Merry Mixers" Meet. A very interesting meeting of the "Merry Mixers" cooking club was held at the home of Helen Fahr lander on Thursday, May 24. All of the members were present. Dorothy foster was elected vice-president to take the place of Margaret Murray, former vice-president, who finds she cannot join the club because of the enormous strawberry crop on her father's farm, also because she had no way of attending the meetings, (anyone with a "flivver" and big heart, take notice). The members made Junior Her mit cookies, which were delicious. The next meeting will be held at AMERICAN LEGIOM DANCE Ai Plattsmouth, Neb.-Saturday Night Barn Yard Twins Orchestra FREE LUNCH SO CENTS Kamp Kill Kare, where the cooking will be done in the open. All visi tors are welcome at the meetings. Mare Mule Colt for Sale. have a mare mule colt, coming years, which I am offering toi I two sale or would trade. Ben Albin, 2 tUp Union, Nebarska. LOCAL NEWS t tt n 4-; tt.i nr;-r, ! Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main i Bide-., Phone 527. i From Monday s Daily Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Gathban and daughter. Miss Clara, of Hayes Cen ter. Nebraska, were week-end visitors at the J. C. Ellington home. Mis Ruth Hook and Vern Wil-'of liamson of Omaha were here Sunday J as euests at the home of Mr Mrs. Elmer J Rummel and family. tv. Cxhn-rtT nf ithion Whi'.iska. JU..II " " I was here Saturday to Dend a few hours attending to some matters of caller ! .business and while here was at the Journal office. Mr. and Mrs. Otto A. Wurl of Council Bluffs were here Sunday to enjoy a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Hayes, Mrs. Wurl be ing a sister of Mr. Hayes. Hon. E. J. Burkett of Lincoln, re publican candidate for congress, was here today to spend a few hours look ing after some matters at the court house and visiting with friends. John Mefford of Greenwood was here today for a few hours, making his report at the office of County Assessor W. H. Puis and being among the first of the assessors to wind up his work Mr. and Mrs. John B. Livingston and two children, who have been making their home at Los Angeles, for the past year, arrived home Sat urday and will make their home here in the future. Mrs. N. P. Nielson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Crew, of Omaha, were here Sunday for a few hours as guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Sedlak and family and other relatives in the city. From Tuesday's raily Attorney D. W. Livingston of Ne braska City was here today to look after some matters of business and visiting with friends here. Mrs. Augusta Anderson of Wich ita. Kansas, is here visiting at the homa of Mrs. Charlotta Johnson and other of the old time friends. August Jochim of Louisville was in the city today to look after some matters and while here was a caller at the Journal office for a few hours. James M. Hoover, the assessor of Louisville precinct, was here today to look after some matters at the court house as he has completed his returns and spend the evening here with friends. Gus Stavas of Nebraska City, well known business man of that city was here today to spend a few hours with his friend. George Conis. Mr. Stavas is the owner of the Olympian candy kitchen of Nebraska City. Sterling Hatt, who is now located at Chicago where he is connected with a large wholesale hardware company, is here to spend a few day visiting with his mother and other relatives and friends. County Agent L. R. Snipes of Weeping Water was here today for a few hours to attend to some mat ters of importance and arranging for a conference on the grape and small fruit interests in this locality. Sam Reed, who has been here visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reed, departed last evening for Indianapolis, where he is to look after some matters in connection with his work as an auto salesman and will then return to his home on the west coast. GLENDALE WOMEN'S CLUB The Glendale Women's club met on Tuesday, at the pleasant country home of Mrs. Charles Hennings. west of Louisville. Mrs. Lizzie Stavins. Mrs. Mattie Hennings being the as sistant hostesses. The ladies made plans for their exhibitions at the county fair at Weeping Water and also the state fair at Lincoln, and a great deal of aime was taken up with the plans for the renovation and improvement, of the Glendale church and ceme tery. The club held the installation of the new officers, they heing: Mrs. George Hennings, president; Mrs. I Snodgrass, vice-president; Mrs. Ed ward Ingram, secretary and Mrs. N. F. Hennings. treasurer. The delegates named by the club were Mrs. Phillip Hennings. Mrs. Lawrence meisinger, Mrs. George Privett, while Mrs. Rudolph Meising er was named as the club reporter. FOR SALE One Ford dition, one show cases. touring car, in good con Dayton computing scale, large Hall safe, one Val ley Battery Charger, never been used. Call Mrs. Ruth Thompson. 508-W, over Wurl's store. m2212tsw For paperhangiug and painting Call for J. H. Graves, phone No. 605, Plattsmouth, Nebr. a30-5w OF ELECTION i Notice is hereby given that pur- suant to Chapter 144 of the Session Laws of Nebraska for 1927, the De- partment of Public Works of the State of Nebraska has determined that it is for the interest of the lands within the boundaries, hereinafter described, that certain improvements be made in the water course to which lhlu; are adjacent and has filed e of the County Clerk of Cass county, Nebraska, a plan of such improvement, together with an estimate of the cost thereof and an estimate of the special benefits which will accrue to said lands by reason of improved drainage detailed as to ithe various tracts of land under sep larate ownership, as shown by the 'records of the county in which such lands are situated, and an estimate of the benefits which will accrue to Sanitary District No. 1 of Lancaster county, Nebraska, by reason of such j improvement, together with a descrip- I null ui lilt: Liounuuliea ui liic iiiouivii ;so to be benefitted, which said de- scription of the boundaries of said, district is as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of u g NW1 of the tSW'i of the NWU of Section six (1). Townshin eleven (11) North.: Range nine (9) East of the Cth P. MJ in Cass county. Nebraska, and running I thence north along the range line to Ithe northwest corner of the SV V4 'of the SWU of the SWU of Section the SW U of the 30, Township 12, Range !), thence NOTICE .indjeast to the tenter of the SEU of the SWU of Section 30. Township 12., itt-nge thence north to the north- wesl corner OI me ui me or'j, . . . . x-Tl , Ik. O T" 1 ' 1,1 lm 4 'I teciiou ov, lowusnip 12, Range 9, theru e east to the south- east corner of the N2 of the bU U of Section 30. Township 12. Range 9, i thence north to the center of Section 30. Township 12. Range 9, thence east to the southwest corner of the SEU of the SEU of the SWU of the NEU of Section .n,0. Township 12, Range 9. thence north to the north west corner of the SEU of the SEU of the SWU of the NEU of Section :i. Township 12. Range 9, thence rifsf to the northeast corner of the SEU of the SEU of the SWU of the NEU of Section 30. Township 12, Range 9, thence north to the south west corner of the NEU of the NEU of Section 30, Township 12, Range 9. thence east to the southwest corner of the SEU of the NEU of the NEU. thence north to the northwest cor ner of the Eli of the NEU of the NEU of Section 30. Township 12. Range !, thence east to the south west corner of the SEU of the SEU of the SEU of the SEU of Section 19. Township 12, Range 9, thence north to the northwest corner of the NEU of the SEU of the SEU of the SEU of Section 19. Township 12. Range 9. thence cast to the north east corner of the SWU of the SWU of the SWU of Section 20. Township 12, Range 9. thence north to the northwest cornor of the NEU of the NWU of the SWU of Section 20. Township 12. Range 9. thence east to the southeast corner of the SWU of the NWU of Section 20. Town ship 12, Range 9. thence north to the northwest corner of the SWU of the NEU of the NWU of Section 20, Township 12. Range 9, thence east to the northeast corner of the SEU of the NEU of the XW U of Section 20. Township 12, Range 9. thence north to the northwest corner of thei SWU of the NWU of the SEU of Section thence 17, Township 12. Range 9, east to the northeast corner of the SWU of SEU of Section 1'. of the VWi: of tho 17. Township 12, Range 9, thence north to the north west corner of the NEU of the NWU of the SEU of Section 17. Township 12. Range 9, thence east to the southwest corner of the SEU of the NEU o:' Section 17, Township 12, Range 9, thence north to the northwest corner of the SWU of the SEU of the NEU of Section 17. Township 12. Range 9, thence east to the northeast corner of the SWU of the SEU of the NEU of Section 17. Township 12. Range 9. thence north to the northwest corner of the NEU of the NEU of the NEU of Section 17. Tnvnship 12. Range 9, tnence west to the southwest corner j of the SEU of the SEU of Section S. Township 12. Range 9. thence north to the northeast corner of the SEU of the SWU of the NEU of Section S. Township 12, Range 9, thence west to the northwest corner of the SWU of the SWU of the NEU of Section .8. Township 12, Range 9, thence north to the northwest corner of the NWU of the NEU of Section R. Township 12. Range 9. thence east to the southwest corner of the SEU of the SWU of the SEU of Sectiou 5. Township 12. Range 9, thence north to the northwest corner of the SEU of the SWU of the SEU of Section 5. Township 12. Range 9, thence east to the northeast corner of the SEU of the SWU of the SEU of Section 5. Township 12. Range 9, thence north to the northwest cor ner of the SWU of the NEU of the SEU of Section f. Township 12, Range 9, thence east to the east line of Section .r. Township 12. Range 9. thence north to the northwest corner of the SWU of Section 4, Township 12. Range 9. thence east to the north east corner of the SEU of Section 4, Township 12. Range 9, thence north to the southeast corner of the NEU of the NEU of the NEU of Section 4. Township 12, Range 9. thence west to the southwest corner of the NEU of the NEU of the NEU of Section 4. Township 12. Range 9, thence north to the northwest corner of the NEU of the NEU of the NEU of Section 4, Township 12, Range 9, thence east to the northeast corner of the NWU of the NWU of Section 3. Township 12. Range 9, thence south to the northwest corner of the , 1 VM. K'l-'4 I .- - - L Section 3, Township 12, Range , i thence east to the northeast corner, of the SWU of the SEU of the NWU of Section 3. Township 12, 1 Range 9, thence south to the south- east coiner of the SWU of th SEU of 12 the NWU of Section 3. Township . Range 9, tlitiite east to the cen- ' ter of Section 3, Township" 12, Range'south line of the NW'4 of the NEU f9, thence south to the southwest cor- ner of the NWU of the-NWU of the SEU of Section 3. Township 12, Range 9, thence east 240 rods to the northeast corner of the SEU of the NWU of the SWU of Section 2, Township 12, Range 9, thence north to the northwest corner of the NE',4 of the SW of Section 2. Township . 12, Range 9, thence east to the east line of 10th street in Ashland, Ne braska, produced south, thence north to the southwest corner of Lot 7, Block 62, Miller & Clark Addition to Ashland, thence east to the south- east corner of Lot 12, Block 62, Mil- ler & Clark Addition to Ashland, '.way of the C. B. & Q. K. k. to. main northeasterly .in a straight line, thence following the right-of-the southwest corner of the way of the said Schuyler branch to Block 63, Miller & Clark Ad- the west line of the EVfc of the SEU lying west of Salt Creek, of the NEV4 of the SEU of Section northpastPrlv following the 2. TownshiD 12. Range 9 East of the thence line to N of dition. thence bluff on the left to the southeast bank of Salt Creek ,Cth P. M., thence soutn to me soum Lot 1. east corner of the V of the SEU Block 50, Miller & Clark Addition, thence of Lot east to the southwest corner 5, Block 33, Flora City, thence' ist in a straight line to a point southeast lght line to a po 75 feet south nf th northwest rnr - i ner of Lot fi Rlnek 2. Wortman's Addition, thence south to the south west corner of Lot 7, Block 2, Wort man's addition, thence southeasterly in a straignt line to tne soutneast corner of Lot S, Block 2, Wortman'a Addition, thence southeasterly In a straight line to the southwest corner of Lot 11, Block 1. Parmalee's Addi tion, thence east on the north side of the allev in Block 1. Parmalee's Ad . dition to the southwest corner or Lot to the 6. Block 4. Saline Ford, thence north to the northwest corner of Lot 6 Elock 4, Saline Ford, thence east to the northeast corner of Lot 3, Block 4, Saline Ford, thence north to the northwest corner of Lot 2, Block 35,' 1 Stambaugh's 1st Addition, thence east to the northwest corner of Lot 6.' Block 36, Stambaugh's 1st Addi tion, thence north to the southwest corner of Lot 6, Block 29, Stam baugh's 1st Addition, thence east to the southeast corner of Lot 6, Block t29, Stambaugh's 1st Addition, thence north to the northwest corner of Lot i 13, Block 9, Stambaugh's 1st Addi - tion, thence east to the northeast corner of Lot 18. Block 9. Stani - baugh's 1st Addition, thence north to the southwest eorner of Lot 21. Block 6. Stambaugh's 1st Addition.! of the SWU of the SWU of the thence east to the southeast corner t SEU of Section 9. Township 12, of Lot 21, Block 6. Stambaugh's 1st j Range 9. thence east to the north Addition, thence north to the north- east corner of the SEU of the SW U west corner of Lot 22. Block 6, Stam-of the SEU of Section 9, Township hanoii'o let it inn thPtico past to 112. Ranee 9. thence south to the the northeast corner of Lot 23. Block 6. Stambaugh's 1st Addition, thence norm to ine norinwest corner ot l,oi 3. Block 6. Stambaugh's 1st Addi tion, thence east to the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 6, Stambaugh's 1st Addition, thence northeasterly in a straight line to the southwest cor ner of Lot 12. Block 23. Stambaugh's 2nd Addition, thence north to the northwest corner of Lot 9. Block 30, Stambaugh's 2nd Addition, thence west to the northeast corner of Lot 12, Block 29, Stambaugh's 2nd Addi- tion, thence north to the intersection I of the north line of Pearl street with 'the east line of Folsom's Addition, (thence west to the west line of Lot 0. Hloek 2. rolsoms Addition pro duced to the north line of Pearl street, thence north on the west line of Block 2. Folsom's Addition pro duced north to the north line of Sec tion 1, Township 12 N., Range 9 E. of the 6th P. M., thence west 15 rods, more or less, to the southwest corner of Section 36, Township 13 N., Range 9 E., thence north to the southwest corner of the NW U of the NW U of Section 36. Township 13 N.. Range 9 E., thence east to the northeast corner of the SEU of the NEU of Section 31. Township 13 North. Range 10 East of the 6th P. M., thence south to the southeast corner of the NEU of the SEU of Section 31. Township 13 N., Range 10 E. of 6th P. M., thence west eighteen hun dred fifteen (1815) feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of the SEU of the SWU of the SEU of the NWU of the SEU of Section 31, Township 13 N.. Range 10 East of the 6th P. M., thence northwest 15.15 rods, more or less, to the northwest corner of the SWU of the SWU of the SEU of the NWU of the SEU of Section 31. Township 13 N.. Range 10 E. of the 6th P. M.. thence north 10 rods to the northwest corner of the NWU of the SWU of the SEU of the NWU of the SEU of Section 31. Township 13 N.. Range 10 East of the 6th P. M., thence west 10 rods, more or less, to the southwest cor ner of the SEU of the NEU of the SWU of the NWU of the SEU of Section 31. Township 13 N., Range 10 E. of the 6th P. M. west 14.14 rods to , thence north- the southeast corner of the NEU of the NWU of the SWU of the NWU of the SEU. thence west. 40 rods, more or less, to the southwest corner of the NWU of the NEU of the SEU of the NEU of the SWU of Section 31. town ship 13 N., Range 10 E. of the 6th P. M.. thence southwesterly 44.72 rods, more or less, to the southwest corner of the NWU of the SEU of the SWU of the NEU of the SWU of Section 31. Township 13 N., Range 10 E. of the 6th P. M., thence south west 14.14 rods, more or less, to the southwest corner of the SEU of the SWU of the SWU of the NEU of the SWU of Section 31, Township 13 N., Range 10 E. of the 6th P. M., thence southwest 22.36 rods, more or less, to the southeast corner of the NEU of the NEU of the NEU of the SWU of the SWU of Section 31. Township 13 N., Range 10 E. of the 6th P. M., thence southwesterly 56. 5C rods, more or less, to the southwest i.Arnor nf th Vli of the SEW Of the I U I II V I W 4 " " 1. onri thu CWl rf fiortinn 31. l Township 13 N.. Range 10 E. of the'EV4 of the SEU of Section 29 6th P. M . thence southwesterly 44.72 Township 12. Range 9. thence south . ... ,i i'tn thf Kniithpast rornpr of t.h Sw'S rods, more or less, to ine suuiuwbm of Section 31. Township 13 Range 10 East of the 6th P. T . . M., thence west to the nortneast cor ner of Section 1. Township 12 N., Range 9 East of the 6th P. M.. thence southwest ,the NEU to the southwest corner of of the NEU of Section 1, 12 N.. Range 9 E. of the thence west along the Township 6th P. M. of Section 1, Township 12, Range 9 E. of the 6th P. M., to a point in said line 100 feet distant at right angles to the center line of the main track of the C. B. & Q. R. R. Co., thence southwesterly parallel to and 100 feet distant from aid railroad to the main track of a noint 1040 feet north and 435 feet east of the south west corner of Section 1, Township 12 N., Range 9 E. of the 6th P. M., thence northwesterly in a sfrn'gM line to the south line of the rr,!l-of-way of the Schuyler branch of the C. R. & Q. R. R. Co., where It inter- sects the north line of the right-of- of the SEU of the SE U or bection 12. Range 9 E. of the 2. Township 6th P. M., thence southwesterly to the southwest corner of the E of the '.NRU of Section 11. Township l in Ranee 9 East of the bin I', ai.. mence 'southwesterly to the southeast corner of the NE of the SW't of Section 11. Township 12. Range 9 E. of the Cth P. M., thence west to the south , west corner of the NEU of the SW 14 , thence south to the southeast corner of the NEU of the SWU of the SWU of Section 11. Township 12 N.. Range ! East of the Cth P. M., thence west to the southwest corner i .. . . . . t it 1 . P .1.. ci l' . or me ;B , of Section 1U. lowiibuip a., """fet ' !. thence norm to me souuifdhi cui- ner of the NWU of the SEU of Sec tion 10. Township 12. Range 9. thence west to the southwest corner of the NWU of the SEU of Section m TownshiD 12. Range 9, inence north to the southwest corner of the NWU of the NWU of the SEU of Section 10, Township 12, Range 9, thence west to the southwest corner of the NWU of the NWU of the SEU of Section 9, Township 12. Range 9, thence south to the north west corner of the SWU of the SEU ;of Section 9, Township 12. Range 9. thence east to the northeast corner ' of the NW U of the SW U of the SE U 4 9. of Section Township 12. Range 9, thence south to the northeast corner southeast corner of the SEU of the I SW U of the SEU of Section 9, Townshin 12. Ranee 9. thence east to the northeast corner of the NWU of the NWU of the NEU of the NEU of Section 16. Township 12. Range 9, thence south to the south east corner of the SWU of the SWU of the SEU of the NEU of Section 16. Township 12. Range 9. thence west to the northeast corner of the NWU of the SEU of Section 16. Township 12. Range 9. thence south to the southeast corner of the NWU of the SEU of Section 16. Township 12. Range 9. thence east to the northeast corner of the NWU of the SWU of the SWU of Section 15, Township 12. Range 9. thence south to the southeast corner of the NWU of the SWU of the SWU of Section 15. Township 12. Range 9. thence east to the northeast corner of the SEU of the SWU of the SWU of Section 15. Township 12. Range 9. thence south to the south line of Sec tion 15. Township 12. Range 9, thence west to the northeast corner of the NWU of the NWU of the NWU of Section 22. Township 12. Range 9. thence south to the south ea corner of the NWU of the NWU of the NWU of Section 22. Township 12. Range 9. thence west to the north and south half section line in Section 21. Township 12, Range 9, thence south to the south east corner of the NEU of the NWU of Section 21, Township 12, Range 9, thence west to the southwest cor ner of the SEU of the NEU of the NWU of Section 21. Township 12. Range 9. thence south to the south west corner of the NWU of the SEU of the NEU of the SWU of Section 21, Township 12. Range 9, thence east to the northeast corner of the SWU of the SWU of the NWU of the SEU of Section 21, Township 12. Range 9, thence south to the south line of Section 21. Township 12. Range 9. thence west to the northeast corner of the NWU of the NEU of the NEU of the NWU of Section 2S. Township 12. Range 9 thence south to the southeast cor-, ner of the NWU of the NEU of the NEU of the NWU of Section 28, Township 12, Range 9, thence west' to the southwest corner of the NWU of the NEU of the NEU of the NWU of Section 28. Township 12, Range 9, thence south to the south- west corner of the NWU of the SEU of the NEU of the NWU of Section 2S. Township 12, Range 9, thence west to the northwest corner of the S of the SWU of the NEU of the NWU of Section 2S. Township 12. Range 9. thence south to the center of the NWU of Section 2S, Township 12, Range 9, thence west to the northwest corner of the EVi of the KVz of the W'A of the SWU of the NWU of Section 2S, Township 12. Range 9, thence south to the south east corner of the W1 of the E of the WU- of the SWU of the NWU of Section 28, Township 12, Range 9. thence west to the northeast cor ner of the SEU of Section 29, Town- ship 12, Range 9, thence south to the southeast corner of the N of the NEU of the SEU of Section 29. Township 12, Range 9. thence west' to the northeast corfier of the NWU the NW U of the SE U of the 10 cue ssouiueasc. cunier 01 lue saw -.4 of the SWU of the SEV4 of the NEU of the SEU of Section 29, Township 12. Range 9, thence west to the southwest corner of the NEU of the SE4 of Section 29. Township "12. Range 9, thence south to the south east corner of the NVfc of the N of tVl. SWi: n the SRI. of Kottr.ll U Township 12, Range 9 thence west to the southwest corner of the NVa of the N of the SWU of the SE4 of Section 29, Township 12, Range 9, thence north to the northeast cor ner of the S of the SWU of Sec tion 29. Township 12. Range 9. thence west to the northwest corner of the EV4 of the SEU of the SWU of Section 29, Township z, itange y, thence south to the southwest cor ner of the E'fe of the SK4 or SWli of Section 29, Township the 12. Haniro o thence west to the north- cast corner of the W of the NWU of Section 32, Township 12. Range 9. thence south to the southeast eor- ner of the N of the nw u or tne NW of Section 32. Township 12, Range 9, thence west to the south west corner of the N of the NWU of the NWU of Section 32, Township 12. Range 9, thence south to the southwest corner of the NWU of Section 32. Township 12. Range 9. thence west to the northwest corner of the NEU of the N E U of the SEU of Ranee 9. Section 31. Township 12. thence south to the center of the NEU 31, Township of the SEU of Section 12. Range 9, thence west to the southwest corner of the N of the NEU of the SEU of Sec tion 31, Township 12. Range 9. thence south to the southeast corner of the W of the SEU of Section 31, Township 12, Range 9, thence west to the northeast corner of the N1 of the NWU of the NWU of the NEU of Section 6. Township 11, Range f, thence south to the south- the NWU of the NWU of the NEU iG, Township 11, Range of Section 9, thence west to the center of the XWU of the NWU of the NEU Township 11, Range of Section 6, 9, thence south to the southeast the WU of the SWU of the NEU of Section 6, Township 11, Range 9, thence west to the southwest corner of the EVz of the SEU of the NWU of Section 6, Township 11. Range 9. thence north to the center of the SEU of the NWU of Section 6. Township 11, Range 9, thence west to the southwest corner of the N of the SEU of the NWU of Section f, Township 11, Range 9, thence north to the southeast corner of the N'U of the NV of the SWU of the NWU of Section 6, Township 11, Range 9. thence west to the place of bejrin- ning. Notice is hereby given that pur suant to said Chapter 144 of the Ses sion Laws of Nebraska for 1927, an election will be held at the office of the County Clerk of Cass county, Ne braska, between the hours of S:oo o'clock a. ru. and 6:00 o'clock p. m., on the 19th day of June. 1928, at which election the question of the formation of a "drainage district to include the area above described shall be determined. Any person may cast one vote for each acre of land or fraction thereof and for each platted lot which he may own or have an easement in as shown by the official records of the county where the lands or lots may be. Any corporation, public, private, or municipal, owning or having an easement in any land or lot, may vote at such election, the same as an individual may. Ihc executor, ad ministrator, guardian or trustee of any person or estate interested shall have the same right to vote. Such election shall be by ballot. which shall be signed by the voter. and shall have thereon a land and lots which the list of the said voter claims the right to vote, i The ballot shall be in the folio -ing form: DRAINAGE DISTRICT ELECTION BALLOT List of Property on which Vote is Based Description Section or Lot ; Township or Block ; Range or "City ; Number of Acres or Lots Total number of votes claimed on same Nature of title or interest in above I YES For Formation of District NO Signature of Voter. Persons desiring to vote in favor of the formation of such district shall place a cross in the square opposite the word "Yes" appearing on said ballot. Persons desiring to vote against the formation of such district shall place a cross in the square opposite the word "No" appearing on said ballot. GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. m24, 31. j7. RADIO LICENSES TO STOP Washington, May 27. The fed eral radio commission today ordered the licenses of 162 radio broadcast stations terminated effective Aug. 1. The commission fixed Monday, July 9, in its offices at Washington for a hearing for each of the applicants whose station would be discontinued by the order. The commission said it "has not been satisfied that public interest, convenience or necessity" will be served by granting a continuation of the licenses. Most of the stations which will be abolished by the order are in the smaller cities and have a compar atively short service range. Ninetv- one a.,e in the fourth zone, composed on miuuie western states. Among the etations whose licenses will be discontinued are- KFOX and WNAL. Omaha. KGBY, Columbus. Neb KGCH. Wayne. Neb. KGDW, Humbolt, Neb. ; KGBZ. York. Neb. KGES. Central City. Neb. KGFW, Ravenna. Neb. KGEO, Grand Island. Neb. The radio board will draw salaries for another year, by which time it is hoped adjustments may be made. These are to be made on basis of population in the several states, with wave lengths to be regulated.