n MONDAY. MAY 7. 192S. PLATTSMOTTTH Sr&n wTEEL? JOURNAL PAGE THREE .bc plattsmouth lournal PUBLISHED SEiH-WZZSLY AT PLATTSMOUTH. XE3SASSA t PoBtoric. Flattamouth. Nd aa wcoad-elui mailmtt R SUBSCIUPTIQH PRICE $2.00 The corner lot bast-ball on in earnest. season la :o:- The man who lives up to his Meals usually remains poor. :o: Hoover has captured California f'--r the Republican nomination. :o: Better swallow your indignation when you thirst for revenge. :o: Only way to guard against war. is to be prepertly equipped for war. :o: It is easy to introduce a bill. The thine is to p-t it on sneaking terms. :o: I If a woman can't keep a st er.-t she can always find some other woman to; help. :o: It will take I'harivv P.rviin to itt .t nrasKu out t its l;!ianci:.I rut again. :o: The average man's word is con sidered as pond as his bond by a stranger. -:o:- A rood manv things com.' to the has no man who is so busy that he time to wait. :o: Kidnapers who tackled a Kansas . i City cop weighing 2.7.0 pounds w ..! probably just kiddintr. :o: Following the reduction of viH:'" duties on automobiles many i:i Chi'a are buying their first cars. :o: A European baron is in this coun try 'to sell his alleged title for $100. 000. First come, first stun?. I -:o:- Tht chute tirel v increasing number of para-ft! jumpers mav give us an e:i- new version of leap year. :o: When a fellow sings lustily. "How Dry I Am." you can pretty nearly very time suspect that he isn't. :o: Paris rubs that motorists own the streets and pedestrians own the sidewalks. But who owns the cross walk? :o: It may be an international pag eany of pulchritude to the sponsors, but to the entrants it is a bathing suit parade. :o: So live that if you contribute any thing to the Grand Old Tarty the treasure won't hesitate to make a record of it. :o: Now let's have this American sales psychology exercised a little more on foreigners and a little less ! on us folks at home. :o: No legislation yet affects purity of political products, and any sort of label goes. The voter must judge as to what is handed him. :o: As a Republican Mr. Borah ap peals to his party to meet the moral requirements of the hour. All citi zens who place country above parti sanship, who believe in Democracy and abhor plutocracy, are hoping the Republican party will respond con vincingly to Mr. Borah's appeal. Recently an actress, who a few - years ago was popular on Broadway, submitted to True Story Magazine a most startling story. It told why she had Iett the 'stage at the height of her career never to be seen upon the boards again. It was a tale of dread and ter ror as each night she swayed her thousands to smiles or tears, her eyes, masking the agony in her soul.were seeking, alw ays seeking among the audience, the one man in the world who had the power to drag her down from the pin nacle of success to the ignominy of de feat. Deep in her heart she knew that some day he would come,and that when he did her career would end. June Partial Trapped by Her Fast: My Flapper Sister Tbe Devil Promises Was I An Infatuated Fool? When Love Destroys Pawn of Passion The Road to Perdition and several . ether stories . - - Ki At All Newsstands only 25c BATES, Publisher PZS YZA2 EH ADVASCS Boomir.g wheat crop is forecasted Don't stop it. -:o:- For Sab-: A piano in good condi tion. Phon 174. :o: The thoughts of a music composer should be noteworthy. :o: Dwindling ambition: A big same .-hoots her husband. :o:- A manhole cover in Boston. Ma';4-'. I'M elit ' v was reported mi.-sing. :o: Being kilb d by a bomb is regard ed as a natural death in Chicago. -:o:- Sor.K how a man srenerally loses his just when he n-ed it nut. : o : A ma;' tbmau a may every inch a ger. d not be very tali at that. :o: candidate Some arc for the liomin niertlv candi- ation. and oth dares. :o:- No artist should a living ni"! 1 uii'..-: b-'ures. at nipt to seb-ct . I.-- understands World ! maiid.s fur uved rabbit elvers ski-.s are keepiili !' 1-iuni ru.-hed this year. :o Don't r.iakt any mistake. Legisla tors have their worries, especially as to the fedks at home. : o : Al Smith and California get alo; handsomely. People generally lik" the New York Governor. : o : The householder who feeds the furnc.ee will be the first to welcome ;.od old summtr time. : o : Cars, according to all the beautiful ads, are becoming better each year. But what about the driver? :o: Women will find it monotonous in heaven if they do not g't a n w style pair- of wings occasionally. :o: Th it Cernian who has received a a sentence of 211 yeais. Probably will find the fir.-t CO the hardest. :o: On? nice thing about golf is that it illustrates pertectiy the c.irrerc nt be tween playing a game and taking re creation. :o: The Sui.-renie Court, the Tariff Com mis? inn r.m all uphold the th. tariff set. Republican speakers ilrxitde provisions of -:o:- The best thing about published ra- dio programs is they give warnings of what stations are going to broad cast political speeches. :o: Maybe companionate marriage is on a mutual basis, but we will wager a small amount as to who pays the installments on the furniture. :o: Eight years ago Lowden virtually had the republican nomination for president when the gangsters stepped in and pushed him overboard for president. They then nominated him for vie president, but he told them to h-!l or words to that affect. And so when one night she re ceived a note from a man in the audiencewho was awaiting her re ply .sherealized thetimehad come to settle her account with fate. Her story entitled "Trapped by My Past," appears in True Story for June. With nothing hidden, nothing omitted she has put in to it all the fire that perhaps once held you spellbound across the footlights. Maybe as you read it you will recognize her. If so you will then know the answer to a question you have probably asked yourseli many times. Contents Tune in on the True Story Hour broadcast every Friday night oicr ?'OR and the Colum bia chain, q P. M. Eastern StandardTirne, Out Now! Same Trice fa?' over 35 if ears ounces ' 25 or I SE LESS THAN OF HIGHER PRICED BRANDS t Why Pay War Prices? THE GOVERNMENT USED MILLION'S OF POUNDS The Nicaraguar.s have not fixed that election for November, when we will be .so busy with our own that we will forget about theirs. :o: The orator who does the keynot ing at a political convention is just about as important as the vase of flowers on th piano at a recital. :o: If the decimal system of weights, measures and liquids must be estab lished, b t uch be in American terms and not Vrench. But why change? :o: Fire which originated in the spring necktie stock of a Philadel phia habeidashery destroyed . the stor--. Spontaneous combustion, no doubt. :o:- We are working on the theory that some people do not return a borrow ed book because it never looks like the same book after they are through with it. The present an .'-trust laws of th country and statts. can be rewritten in the iigl t of developments and needs ( f industry and the life of the peoph. Th:' old laws have served tldr purpose and now ought to con form to conditions. :o: E. L. Poheny, it appears, has been ( hosell JIU, of the Los Angeles try-out? for the National Constitu tional Contest. We don't know how he is on the Constitution, but the former leaser of Elk ills should be able to recite the fraud statues back ward. :o: GETTING SINCLAIR That is a strange conception of journalism, albeit sometimes prac ticed hereabouts, that has no opinion about the Sinclair acquittal; but it has not been easy for the Republican press to admit the evils of the Hard ing regime. The Chicago Tribune, for instance, thinks the Government went out of its way to get Sinclair. We are sur prised to hear that. Sinclair bribed a high officer of the Government and took away from it by fraud and con spiracy one of the naval oil reserves. Upon discovering the crime, the Gov ernment undertook to recover the property and prosecute the men who. in the opinion of the United States Supreme Court, had unlawfully taken possession of it. It was not actuated in this de fensive movement by any desire to get anybody. It was in duty bound, fur its own protection, to do what it di 1. No Government could do less. The attitude of many of the Repub lican papers towards the oil scandal has been abdorninable. From the Washington Post, owned by Xed McLean, himself exposed in the in vestigation, to the most reputable and respectable among the Republi can newspaper, there has been an un disguised disposition from the outset to discredit the exposure and the men vho brought it about. The Post thinks men like Senator Walsh are meddlesome Matties. That is. these men detect corruption in the Govern ment and expose it. Their reward is to be characterized by the Republi can papers as long-nosed persons prying into things that are none of their business. Tho Republican press should be ashamed of itself. If it is afraid to say what it thinks of the Sinclair acquittal, as some of its representa tives are, it still ought tcx be too de cent to defame the men who exposed corruption or to charge the Govern ment in thai defensive action with the bad motive of trying to get somebody. The Xew York Herald Tribune, foremost of the administra tion newspapers but still retaining its self-respect, says the outcome of the Sinclair trial should make every honest American blush. That is a much more honorable type of journalism. 25 A UTAH C0NGRESS:,IA15" ON BOUL DER DAM. Although the supporters of the Boulder Dam Colorado river project j have relaxed no vigilance or effort f to win success, it is not certain by. any means that the people of thej seven states interested are -w ildly en- thusia?tic over the preposition. Thej awful tragedy causal nv the giving1 away of the St. Francis dam in the! San Francisquito canyon, through1 which ran the Santa Clara river, with j another dam in Nevada causing much j damage, has not h- :p-d th Colorado! proposition with the people. The. Boulder Canyon dam jt built will be t 555 feet in hcig.;- ;..nd will hold more wattr than l! other dam.- ; combined, or at bast a great ma-s of water, the power of which is not! . 1 : to oe esumaieu. h:-ii again it is i;m determined how the water power is to be divided, or v. here the govern ment comes in, with more or less un certainty as to the division of the; water itself. The states concerned ! are unable to agree, with it being j hardly thought congr.-s-s can dot it j for them. The contention is that the! states own and control the water and j power derived, yet u;- pian proposes the government shall put up for the entire cost, the stait- i- being $12.". 000, i00. and when The government is all pail off. then the rivints go back to the states. Uut where the income comes from is not stated. Congressman Lea' herwood of Utah is one of the doubters and when the matter came up on a request of the chairman of the irrigation c mmittee for an immediate hearing of the bill, he is reported to have said as fol lows: " The project is unnecessary and would, if undertak n. become a na tional scandal.' Repiesentutive Leatherwood said. 'Congress is h. re asked to buy another white elephant for taxpayers. A comparatively simple engineering job of flood Con trol and river regulation, which should cost not more than $10,000. 000 to $15,000,000,000. is made the excuse for an unprecedented engi neering experiment costing not b s's than ?12.r."00.000 and risking at least S200.000.00o more.' "The Utah representative declined that under the bill 'the federal gov ernment is not to stop when it has finished the job of liver regulation and flood control, but is to provide a hydro-electric power supply ade quate for more than half the present populatioou of California, domestic water supply for 10.000.0'"0 hoped for, but non-existent, inhabitants of Southern California cities, and irri gation canals for hundreds of thou sands of acies of new alfalfa, cotton and corn lands in the United States and water for hundreds of thousands of additional acres in Mexico. " 'Political pressure, and not gen uine necessity, buneom be. spread by propaganda, and not facts; log-rolling trades, all employed over a period of six years have placed the bill on calendars of congress. "'I challenge proponents o: thej bill to accept an amendment making jf(ir fi!inj. tiaini.s against the Living the, project contingent upon approval ston Loan - Building Association, by an impartial, capable commission of qualified engineers and business men'." :o: The voters of Nebraska are net satisfied with the primary law. Actu- V1"11" " t.uaa V u,Ufe "V-- !t:on shall file proot ot such claim, ally it is the biggest fraud that wasjduly verifi(1 in the offk.e of the Re- everput in law. A few mere sec-.tejver. on or before the 27th day of tions added to it, and voters will not' June, 192S. even take the trouble to go to the It is further Ordered, that all I claims not hied by said time shall be PUS- j forever barred. -:o:- the "Thev were surprised when waiter did net speak to me in French," remarked the young man casually. "I writ- the perfume adver tisements. Feel Miserable This Spring? To Ba Well Your Kidneys Must Function Properly. SPRING find you tired, nervous and depressed? Are you stiff and achy, subject to nagging backache, drowsy headaches and dizzy spells? Are kidney excretions too frequent, scanty or burning in passage? Too often this indicates sluggish kidneys and shouldn't be neglected- Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic, increase the secretion of the kidneys and thus aid in the elimination of waste impurities. Doan's are endorsed everywhere. Ask you neighbor! l DOAN'S PILLS 60c A STIMULANT DIURETIC KIDNEYS fbster-Milburn Co. Mfg Cheat Buffelo.NY To Your Mother You a:e still a child and always in her thoughts. Yea can't be with her. peihaps. but you can send her your phoiogTaph on MOTHER'S DAY Open Sunday by Appointm't TO HAVE YOUR PORTRAIT IX AMPLE TIME. MAKE AX AI'I'OIXT M EXT TO DA Y . -FsfcFarland's Studio- Mother's Day, May 23 THE HUMAN SCRAP HEAP Secretary of Labor James J. Davis, in an -titicle iu the North American Revb w. deplores the growing prac tice iu American industry of arbi tral ilv discharging workers when thev r a i h th. a-re o 50 or the e- abouts. This practice, if continued, will cicat..- a. "seiious and aLtiming" economic probUm. of national propor tions, Ik1 bt li ves. Undoubtedly it r presents one of the major issues that our times face. Some sdution will have to be found before we can sit back and hymn the prais-s of our industrial civiliza tion. The solution, probably, will Come in due time; possibly through si me form o." industrial pensions, more liberal and extensive than anj"-thin-J: now dreamed of. Industry is rapidly reaching the point where it can afford such a tiling. :o: Wh it eh-? the movie combination intend to do with Will I'uys, since it has been proved that he is as guilty as any o;. them in the oil gang? We thought well of Will until he got his foot in with that gang. :o: Not that we have any exact infor mation on the matter, but we ven ture the opinion that even the infor mation Clelk does jiut do SO Well when little Willie begins to ask ques tions. ORDER In the Distric t Court of the Coun ty of Cass. Nebraska. Philin Thie-oif. Plaintiff, vs. Liv ingston Loan ii Building Association, Defendant. Now on this 2Sth day of April, 1!'2S. this cause came on for hearing upon the application of S. S. Davis. T?eeei-er for ai order fivin' the time and the giving of notice thereof. And it annealing that- such an order should be entered and notice thereof given: It is therefore Ordered, that all nersons having claims against the t . . . . t c t . . ,-1 l ; . . . . ; . . It is further Ordered, that notice of the time and filing of claims shall be given to all persons interested by publication of this order in the Platts mouth Journal, tor three -successive weeks, commencing with the issue of April r,;, 1i2S. Bv the Court. JAMES T. EEC LEY. Judge of the District Court. ano-sw. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. j By virtue of an execution issued by the Cleik of the District Court within and for Cass County, Nebraska, and I,. T .--;!! Vi Ctti ,.u ,e uurucj . ... oo .-":,.! day of May A. D. 192S. at 10 o cloc. ; a. m., of s-aid day at the South Front i door of the Court House in the City j of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, in said i County, s 11 az public auction to the I highest bidder for cash the following ; described real estate to-wit: All of the east half of the northeast quarter and the east one half, of the west one half, of the northeast quarter of Sec tion Twenty-nine (29) Town ship Eleven (11) Range Eleven (11) east of the six principal meridian in Cass County, Ne braska. The same oeing levied upon ana l taken as the property of Fred Neben, (defendants, to satisfy a judgment of. teaid Court recovered by John Mor- . ris. plaintiff, against said defendant. I Plattsmouth, Nebraska, April 18th ! Sa D 192S i " BERT REED. ! Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska 'a23-4w NOTICE TO CREDITORS j In the State NebrasXa, Cass Coun !ty. ss. I In the County Court. I In the matter of the estate of Mar garet V. Livingston, deceased. ! To the creditors of said estate: j You are hereby notified, that I will : sit at the County Court Room in j Plattsmouth. in said County, on May j21st. 1S2S. and August 22. 192S. at ilO o'clock a. m.. each day to receive 'and examine all claims against said I estate, with a view to their adjust ! merit and allowance. The time limit ! ed for the presentation of claims i against said estate is three months from the 21st day of May, A. D. 192S. and the time limited for pay ment of debts is? one year from said 21st day of May, 192S. Witness my hand and the seal of said Countv Court this 21st day of April. 192S. A. II. DUXBURY, Seal)-a2.1-4w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Wil liam M. Burk. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth. in said county, on the 3 7th day of May. lf2S. and on the ISth day of August, 192S, at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. of each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjust ment and allowance. The time lim ited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 17th day of May. A. D. 1.2S, and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said 17th day of May. 192S. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 13th day of April. li2S. A. II. DUXBURY. ( Seal al0-4w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska. County of Cass, SS. By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the 2nd day of June, A. D. 1!2S. at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, at the south front door of the court house in the City of Plattsmouth, Nebr.. in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate, to-wit: Lots 4. 5 and C. in Block 9, in the City of Plattsmouth. Ne braska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. Cass county, Nebras ka . ' The same being levied upon . and taken as the property of Dr. O. San- din et al. defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by The Standard Savings & Loan Asso ciation, plaintiff against said defend ants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, April 24th, A. D. 192S. BERT REED. Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the Department of Public Works in the State House at Lincoln, Nebraska, on May ISth, 192S, until 10:00 o'clock a. m.. and at that time pub licly opened and read for placing ap j proximately 61 cu. yds. of sand gravel j surfacing material on U. S. Highway Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and information secured at the office of the County Clerk at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, or at the office of the Department of Public Works at Lincoln, Nebraska. The successful bidder will be re quired to furnish bond in an amount equal to 100 of his contract. Certified checks made payable to the Department of Public Works for not less than five per cent (5) of the amount of the bid will be re quired. This work must be started pre vious to June 1st. 1928. and be com pleted by June 15th, 1928. The right i3 reserved to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. DEPARMENT OF PUB LIC WORKS, R L. COCHRAN. State Engineer. GEO. R. SAYLES. County Clerk. Cass County. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the 19th day of May. A. D. 192S, at the hour of 10:00 a. m. of said day, at the south front door of the courthouse of the City of Plattsmouth. in said county. sell at public auction to the highest j , . , . . ,,,.tl i bidder for cash the following describ ed real estate, to-wit: The southwest quarter (SWVi) of the northwest quar ter (NWU) of Section twenty (20), Township twelve (12), North, Range twelve (12). East of the 6th P. M., Cass county, Nebraska, subject to a prior mortgage lien in the sum of ?3,000.00. of record against said premises and accrued interest thereon the same being levied upon and taken as the property of Emma L. Spence et al, defendants, to satisfy a decree lof foreclosure and judgment of the District Court of Cass county, Ne-( braska, recovered by the Conservative j .Mortgage company, a corporation, plaintiff against said defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, April 14th, A. D. 1928. BERT REED, Sheriff of Cass county, Nebraska. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by Golda Noble Beal. Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directeel, I will on the 2nd day of June. A. D. 192 S. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. at the south front door of the court house, in the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in said coun ty, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the following real estate, to-wit: The south half (S2 of Lots one .1) and two (2 in Block twenty-nine (29) in Young and Hays' Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Laura Peter son, defendant, to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by Helen Copp, plaintiff against said defend ant. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, April 24th, A. D. 192S. BERT REED. Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. NOTICE of Hearing Petition for Pro bate of Will. In the County Court of Cass coun- ey. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Sam G. Smith, deceased. The State of Nebraska: To all per sons interested in said estate, credi tors and heirs will take notice that B. H. Thames, guardian of Viola G. Smith. Incompetent, has filed his peti tion herein, together with a duly au thenticated copy of the will of said Sam G. Smith, deceased, and the pro bate thereof by the County Court of Hale county, Texas, alleging that said Sam G. Smith departed this life testate on the 2nd day of November, 192C, then a resident of Hale county. Texas, and then the owner of real estate situated in Cass county, Ne braska. The prayer of said petition is that upon said hearing the said duly au thenticated copy of the will of said Sain G. Smith, deceased, and of the probate thereof by the County Court of Hale county. Texas, be duly ad mitted to probate in the County Court of Cass county, Nebraska, and that Frank R. Gobelman be appointed ad ministrator of said estate with the will annexed. It is hereby ordered that you, and all person.s interested in said matter, may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for naid county, on the ISth day of May, A. D. 1923, at ten o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if any there be. why the pray er of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pen dency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all per sons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this Order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of said court, this ISth day of April, A. D. 192S. A. H. DUXBURY, County Judge Cass County, Nebraska. SHERIFF'S SALh: State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me direct ed, I will on the 12th day of May, A. D. 192S, at 10 o'clock a. m.. of said day at the south front door of the court house, in the City of Platts mouth. Nebraska, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash the following real estate, to-wit: South 4 8 feet of Lots one (1) and two (2). Block Thirty-Six (36). Original City of Platts mouth, Nebraska; also that part of Lots six (6), seven (7) and eight (8), in Block twenty-nine (29), in Young and Hayes Ad dition to the City of Plattsmouth, described as follows: Commenc ing at the northeast corner of Lot eight (8) in said Block twenty-nine (29). Young and Hayes Addition, running thence west along the south line of the alley passing through said block east and west, 170 feet and 3 inches, thence south 6 5 feet, thence east parallel with the south line of said block to the east line of Block twenty-nine (29), thence north 65 feet to place of beginning, being the North 65 feet of Lots seven (7) and eight (8), and the North 65 feet of the East half of Lot six (6) and the vacated alley in Block 29, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast cor ner of Lot 6, Block 29, Young and Hayes Addition, running thence south 65 feet, thence east 14 feet to the west line of Lot seven (7), thence north along the "West line of Lot seven (7), 65 feet to the northwest corner of said lot, thence West 14 feet to the place of beginning, all in Block Twenty-Nine (29), in Young and Hayes Addition to the City of Plattsmouth. as sur veyed, platted and recorded, Cass county, Nebraska The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Carrie E. Ghrist and Austin S. Christ, defend ants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by The Standard Savings & Loan Association, of Oma ha, Nebr., plaintiff against said de fendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, April 6, A. D. 192S. BERT REED. Sheriff Cass county, By Nebraska. REX YOUNG, Deputy Sheriff. a9-jw