The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 13, 1928, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    MONDAY, FEE. 13, 1028.
m uRajOGK
WX9 f 'JTOi S'XX
Miss Mario Olblom v. ho so ill ; m rat ion ot the high respet t in which
with a cold and Kri!io last week that! this o.v client family is hold. The
sh-a- was kept from s. hool for a ;cw ' people lien- realize that they are los
dyys. i:,,; a moat ( tirnalde family. and
A. li. Ward was alb d t Wtopit.g while it is a less to this onimr.niry .
Water on Thursday of last week to it will he a gain to that section oi
hw!i afier the g tt ing of some sr.p- Sarpy county where they will resj-'e
plies f.r his paras:. W.U. v. e n tv wishinn you o'ir friends.
Whalen Ward, the six-year-aid so:? I'.illT and family, prosperity in youi
of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jl. Ward, who new h me.
has hot n so ill with tonsiiiti.s. is re-:
port.-d as l-eiiig some better at this ranuers Union Grain Co. EIe:ts
time. At a meeli:.:r last wet k of th'.-
John Cakein. id- was railed to i.--.r,,.,.rs rni...i f Jrain companv,
Coun. il I!!u:is aed I.oui..-viIie durir.s Murdoch, tkev li: tei'.ed to the rep-'-is
'' V wck. v Ik re he -va-; 1-okir.g ,,lt. and looked after
after some business matters for a . urt.s work and t'-dlowi'-g
short time. :tj;j ,,tjlt ,. n.:ltters v hi: h to ron e
Alvin ixlemme. soi: of ar.c. Mrs. hefore them, they .-looted o.Ti-er.:.
Fred Klemrr.e. w ho has been so s i e matter of the eondtirt of the
iouady ill for srue time p;t. is f - 1 M-siiu- va.- very satisfactory, and
port..' at this time as being consid- thev are hoping- ."or a eontiiivaiion of
crabte better. ' u. d husine: . T!- ele ti-'i r.
Mrs. Era 51 Lau has a hen whi.h jn the naming the toll k-
pre:o-nted her f'.ivt ei:rtee i very ni c 1(,r ,;H. various en'i.-es which v.
litJb' cd:i( ks early la-t Wd it. Tl.e-et,. u. tilled: Ak K'lue. secretary:
aie ttie nrst we have htartl e: Loll.' . i t tv Milh r. Trek
will take with her into her new home
as reminders of the pool wishes of
her friends.
The wedding of Mis Jung' and
Paul Kupke will take place on Sun
day, February lfith.
Farmers Expected
to Increase Hogs
Sees Many
Catastrophes for
the Year 1928
"Cld Moore's Almanack" Gives Pre
dictions for Many Disasters
for the Coming Months
London. Feb. S. Ceaseless unrest
in China, two influenza epidemics,
threats of war between the United
States and Japan, four disastrous
fires from explosions in America and
England, two earthquakes, storms,
floods and volcanic disturbances, the
illness of a member of the British I
royal family, the death of a famous!
7. at.
i J.; !i
!M d this season.
David Meese and family of
( f ithiia rt- v i -i t i ? at th?
of Tr mt-,.1 a:
Srhlaplw-f. nieni"'rs of the board of
r.orth , , Fr-: S'w k wa- lo 'd ov; r
lit"""!" :i pr.'si. t aad 11. C Ihiehcmevcr
a:;.! ?i:;. 1 .. 1). i., e ;: a ; i, r', r.rv Mever'urgen are the !:o!d-
uays during the past week, they he- ,, vr d i rei t ors.
ir:g relatives of the do-tcr.
Herman. F. S.hveppe. in l-r.-para- Hiilli Sckccl SuPt. R-dljns
"-ii i"i i in. v "iiuti. ."jiniu w .n; li 1.1-
nior's work. ;i!vt ha-tvl ir. in t ::e
Fariiirs Vv. ion Klfvator roinp:: :y. u
"tt ?i r t- 11
iaies iui uave x aieweu deduction in Market ; Supplies Next
Jin' Jiiuttr t'l i i;r i.uu:t in ii --m' , i j , i
so, iety m.t at the home of Mrs. Wm. Winter I ewer Cattle and
Scht:!:z I h t Tuesday for a farewell' Koises Tnis Year
dinner and vii I
The '.;!- was pleasantly sp-nt with I Increased numbers of hops on
?i!iisii and a peneral pood tinn-. the 'farms with pro.-pects of a reduction
ladic! prescr.tirpr M r.-. Schultz with in market supplies next vir:t-r, some
a very r:c-' m ? of sher'oert phisses tt) ! im-reas in. market receipts of lambs t tatesman, a cholera epidemic in In-i
; ?i,M!I Per in hiT now of t-cr w,ini.:,roi with hist v.-m- :'nl nltlia. coal riots in the middle west OI
li'aiiv ,ro i;os in tne iadies Aid so-i
........ i
cioty oi .vsraciK. i ur
The S'-hultz family will soon move inr features of the asricul; ureal de-
to a farm in the vieiaity of Fort j pnrtir em of agriculture. i its Fei
Crook. 'Turay report n farm conditions.
i ThTt- are more stieep and hog.s
T'.vo Dances Pe'oie Len.t but fewer cattle and than a
gradual upward trend in beef cattle i,he United States, the loss of a war
production are regarded otit stand- ;KniI wilh many casualties and an
abortive attempt to restore to the
throne a deposed monarch of central
These are the main events the
world may expect during the year
Cd d fashioned dance. Sat. lMh and year ago. the report says, computed "Y7 ' "r,"v"""a "
;t tli. ;' of enoivaN iir ntit it i luuie s --iiiiiti naiK, une liiiiiuuo
of'-oln. ?.!onday. L'Oth.
l.ei hull:
g. I'!atrsin(aith.
In ITcmory of 1-lvz. 31 am
Tl... n. , I... i i. i-i ,1 .! I
i J o, (no) higher.
.'!); e, :;;p. .-.en v, th!-; iiiv Mrs. An-l ,x . , C ,
i. .. i.i. . i :". . : .;, ir,. Th- hureau s index
u;iv a 1'terii. -an. Feb ru;. r v ."th. the rc-
t'n re are abot:t tne same ' bandbook which has had a place up-
total number of animal .n its in theion ay every tngusn norary taDie
-ountry a, last year, but the total or bookshelf for generations.
value of livestock is approximately
I p:.-ver f farm product
-.7 1.. .! r. , 1 '-n nil '1 !, ,H 1
" . -"7;n-. ir las. week, th- matter bei,.g ;,r
tarm. o that when , he time ; .ih,.t (,.ai:( ,a,: .
to .e the lie will Hot have , .. x,.., . .,, ,,: ,. ,.
to wait for one to come, a ve-.- : .. ;,. ... ' .
. , i: s I o . .i 1 e 1 o i 1 . 1 'i 1. c 1 !l
..... ... . :-. h.-ol and 1oik alter an otc-r (;
11- i.a'.ies rccie; v or tr
ma::is of this di-vo;ed roiiier and
!-:.).: l.amn. w 1,0 -as nee", ai me c.,. v , ,,rrie 1
.id oi j ne .Murdocx st r.oois :or mhii.
o . '
.1 !
dock lain !i met last v. ; i; v
.;:n.-. s .'iiii . whe'i 1 !:-..' ;-.' -i
t pteriained ai.d wlu-rt they io kt 1
alter their work niieiy a- eli ;;s
h.aving a li:if so.-ial time. Tin v all
i.-d "': Is of p;-aiso f. r the e..e.l t '.
mamn-r in which ;.Irs. ;;;iis i;:t. - ',
laiTM d ti e in.eetiT'.g.
AI rs. kihjI v.-;i: a vi.-:t. r ;a
I'm:'!;; .; ;.:s; W- .-.-ia;. . where sh.1 to ..?inlt a srilist regard ir.g
The . tiditi-.: of her haa:t:. Mr . '
Lau was fearful that sho was af:!i t
cd wiili a ma.-toid tumr. bm the
spocialist :.'u: -d her that .-::-!' v u
not the ca st . and she ve- o. iy ; ; n: i
suffering from a severe a;i;'ck"rf n i- ? ir rti-
Foilov. inc tlicir ; r. ept
oT t'.a :'! r ;i t ion of the la: t sn;
t c'. : . . i i t r . : ".. : ; , :
eeih d to . ' I Xr t h.e Jio- ':' f .
,'o ie-..!:. w ii'i v a tVrtsH iy b
a-..l v. It.) !;;;.-; a.n n.
ioI v.'ni !. 1 ': ; :. t ! e' i 1
I.i h. .: i .. -. i:; n:t.: :- ia
a . : :. r. n i i -: 'n:;. mo r. t ii '"
vixi w illri s; t i accept t he po :'t:
I. led.
h-r last
resting place. 1 fore t h e- a n notin ed
j'Ime. tie l.uil.eta.ii iln'ii'i. t:orth 'f
(. Ji'd'" '. v. a-, ti!! ! to overflow ini; by
-:;. it:, i.-nna fin--ids. which siio-vod
! ; ! x.'Inti e.-teein the de'.artcd was
! In id.
' Tin- s. rvii e :' t'n dittr li "'( 'i1.!
jiii.: -h(k of Aa-s." iiv t !w coegre-
' : " - a : fo'.!'w.i; y S t ;itu:'' read
- I mil. I The,,.. !:i:i-js. A tjuartet s.i a g
1 'rot. .. . .. .... t;, Wilt The ser-
hv the pastor. Rev. (J.
Jh: :. 1 : : ' '. lib ssed
Brighter Outlook
In spite of these impending ca-
ii'i hasiiig , tastrophes. Old Moore sees a bright-
in. terms of er outlook for the world in general
pth---r commodities is placed at 86 (iuring the coming year. Industry is
for tlie last year, as cm pared to healt by. he sees, but the governments
S."i for 1'.-'j. and Sl f r the yearjof the world will find themselves belt-;.'."'..
The best precedi.- year was j set with worries of many different
till!'. when th' parch.: h;g power , sorts.
.... -Tit. ,1... 1 llii't. 1 1 t fli.T Miuirii ii; L:ficriti' iti lii: Tki-.
nver;tre being ua.ed as a .a.i? of 1 no. 1 di tions. About the eighteenth of.
v o w ing tac utile tsn nirui " sit- April. a co.'img io ins propuesy, a
unioM. the bureaus aay th;t "so far cinema lire will cause consternation j
S ..iy .. !
jf! a. pro;
n. a;;-... C
the thi. :.
S V ! V ' '111 '
!;. -u . .i
Spring Work Soon
A ? :r ieti : Tl: .
going to i e,..; ., i;
o : ' t :
T :.- in .in- I.e.rd."
i .. a and heer! ti;: :
o:a a' d do'ibt ;. ud
' ' :;-!.: : -ae am' a--iira!Oe in the
: -a!;- of tne aved !;: band' an:
; " a i r. ; - i o t t !i e c '.;'.!.! r r. . "I ii"
tii.g i-. on;y teninorarny. : oi
i ' ; .:.,'!, . t i
. . ' ! : l ' ' t i o . i; o-e t i. . I
c;d." Th- (oiartet ra
s ! corns the product i.-n plans of i:i Am rica. and about the same time j
aimera. the probability appears to a hurricane in the middle west will
!.- that the domestic mark, t for this involve further loss of life and prop-
; ear's .u:put will be equal to that rty. The (oal riots he predicts will
at pres--t, with the po -:ibility of occur in September and they will be
s m- improvement." j prompted by efforts to lessen the
. power of the unions.
j "Mars is hovering over America
Jatd Japan." Old Moore do- lares in
,. ,,,,,, 'his predi. t ions fo'- February. Thru-
Ind.anapolis. lt,d.. 1-eb. 1 ... 1 luce : ;,l;t almaRi.t.,; tLis .atenee is re
ml ct.-d teetli pr. vented tlie fonna-,,,..,,,,,,. h.. ,i- m,c:,i,,. f tm.
migration and naval supremacy pre
cipitating a dispute which threatens j
to develop into arm-d conflict.
w mm
i i lit l i i iir id i : j ' ii i
mt -v
tto;i of a Jtiiv Ifioay m th- trial ot
Oilar. tndianapo'i
rit is.
t !a t sh- o..!d ex;
Ct ii l e-i'm;n-s.
turn to her former health.
E. W. Thimgiin ar-1 .dn:
with a i ;o. a-:- ; : .-en n ria t :' M::r-
dmk were out la:iiti;:g to.-.p o;. h.-t '.
Wed n--day t-vt nit.g and at'ttr tb.y ;
had rustlt-ii tip on;e -,"U. t j ; ,.aiy.
ar.lmaN man- f- r s in- ro k;. .-. . .
ih r the nv r. v he:e tiaay t uld a- ; i
bo ii-bijg-d. They v e: no- '. -u '
by. V.'r.i. K:cy.- r. who w. ul i have '
'iVi;' v: v io - h- !-r-..
the c hasi . bur as h- o.ui 1 i -: I
any ii::;. wi.ii a pair of i ;'.:; 2 -
v.hi. !: 2 -a h.-s 1 ;'..! ...-(
art'iiad since ;..- ;...-i hi.- n.
:e t-ni'
c!;.. c ery '.; i.e .
I'nion E!t v ntcr.
Tin f'.-v.
'o ti-
Io be ?;:- cd i vi-! a d.e;;ti"!. ' . . , ..-. - .....-.:,.,: i...
ijcl , cU.O II111C Ot II l.- 0l! 1 OlO.l It.. Ilf
ee.-. the eoinnmnist influence causing
Wl - n he lhat th- w..r!
iiis teeth could not be d- !
Charles McCabe excused
d. Judge
: i in.
Fvetvone c(.;:cern t! was satisfied
wii-'i th. natiel at the
aid the
. ; i i.
: and tie
la .1 '..
it::! i : g 1 1
arc -a.-", : f;i
( :
Will lo
- . I I .. I
i-i. t in- ci. - -!:-:.
; d the ..:- jr of
alter by Kob. a: a!
slit dy h.op.-d after t
i X( eliet.I Ilia n V ':!'.
(Jovernor Fd -Jarkson. State and de
al r .!'.: ' 1',-nre had a.Meed on th- panel when
die in in.' ' (2
: at tlasje,
p i '. ;' as. v ai li v. a-
',"l'.e!y a ; pi opria ' a A ! ! - a prayer. ti:'
ra. - i Lad I'--- Aid so; i- ty, of whh i: the de
";i'iaaLvd was a:, a-tive nomher.'
jrl. F. s "Abid- Vu:ii ;.!t."
I 'I la:.- has :a-.-.Ltr -:' Cni's faith
I r' !'. :h-v : a i. - :: ;.!!. .! ( !-er re-
-.aii. Tli h nne and tie hur.-h will j lU a
: . c - " , .ii ..ii. , . r . , .-. t 1 . , . . ;i c- T 7 . i it 'r t - ': c e t 1 1 c -Tfc v. : . - i r 1 -ct
t" I :.: v.t li., 'but efforts in tin finM minutes nf ffl" Moore foresees fire or explo
' -I,-. Ti" .V,..'-.-, caswr in de-ma - 'b' 5. rsion were futile. : siorih threateuiUB oil wells m Amer
'''I a- 'c chunh'with oak hat '",-! Th-e will be no fon t omor-! On the -nd of October, ac
"h.n.l-'b.u heaven ia. en rn 1:? d bv' her j "w. Judge McCch- changing his Un to the predictions, a scamla
. .. ... , . .dans: ;t the .eooest of -eT, , s. 1 .at Cv,vvu will rock the world.
, .! : . V . . i. . r I The member of the Koyal family
i I ' .' ' ' 1 ! w . . who is i-iated for the sick-bed is not
"A- :"' u l-T!,-,.,., iPI HI-If' A I If "rlf IfU idcn.ih-.l. but the event will take uprisings, with foreign life
and propertv constantly endangered.
Serious tires in Londan and the)
r ; .1 : .1 . .... .... ,1... .... 1 .... A .
UN - e v ii fiio n . r n . ! i 1 1- lilt". r, , , 1 , . , m
into service when Oilar p: seated his February, fohowed by the Amenc.n
The thiee-,lav Old task of ex- u i I .if . . .-M'n - w .
icn. win nave i is snare oi uiaMo,
ii c to reee. to t ' . ! i . i ; .i . n
thi (.;e. Ta' ''', .-. :;! d I
dog.- how, v-r. a i.-d t'at a work.
Gulden V7s-i-'irig AnrJLvcrsa:-y
plate early in, causing wide-
snrcad anxiety throughout the I'
; e km
Ha"ir? (i-.-i-'od to p-u. 'li
the K-tat' il-ati'da- V.-.r. can n.aha
a bis: .-.avinu on th- (2n- Anto- and
Oi .he iha 2o: i:-at : . Lay .! - '
both at y.-r own pric- ai A. J. Tor. It
...v.- !h(!l :
v rh v. 1 :a"
iff T - .
i lie .V'i! do '
' l . :.-1 i ' 1
a n
.Miss i.yd.i:
i I will sell at Public An tion ity. the
.T. J. S: !: neider farm, t h ree-quartorrs
1 ed Kingdom.
In Jura. Furojie will be thrown
into a turmoil !y an attempted coup
- ho i
sidy in .Mur'i'H
had done for t h
ia re we? i re- ' i t '.
'a y - '
, the teach' r as ;
' of the Very be.-r of citi
1 - 7
tiie j.
i -1
t !",!;
Tvicc LIsssc.'!.
Mr. said :irs. .Vire: I ?' -(
pp.--.-.,) tilf. past v.'l 1;. V iter. t!o
st or- i. ht to f heir In-m- a t ir :i
very line Ann. ri ans. or-" a iaa- jit.d
th'' o;nr a vicing wnimt:.. T'.o y.
with the nintli r arc doing vtll, and
thf father and litth hroth-r-- we g
ting alor.a a.-, -;i ;a oaa tonlo ex
pect under the ( ir. r.risranaes.
In Is!'!.
pn rtnniti
t ,
Siov.'er tor rizz-lo-t,
rv-i S:;n.h:y a: th- .
Mr. and Mrs. Ci. arias Knp
i id a i ry ; 1-- a:a
re-an g p oj-ic. in the I"- :-!: .Mala'
s to wed I'anl Kuph-. Th ; f-
"a a was arraicvd f-y Mrs. . ;.::. l!i
V"i.i'.t :';'! K.-ie Kupk". and t he'-- 'i;r. i i
i i ii . i.
a.' .if tn i,. ii.... . i ,-if i., v r-ra.a.-
" :----- ifour miles east and two miles north (1 "lat to r.-Kfcat, a oiie'1 monarch
Nciaa: vi-i: g, an api 'dra- Louirtvil!e, and ten miles west and f:n a 'tfjiv.g throne.
to pi. a a in tie Fvanac'i aL:,V(rmi!(s rorll) ((f Ph!U::mnuth-on September will be a busy month.
. a-. W:. no-1 ' N. ion. lie y mtide - r- j 1 t 7iL accrding to dd Moore, for m that
am., y i . "e h. Inn2. " They JT TlClay, F uT lttl : period the famous statesman. Araer-
:!:- j - ;2 a' W,.h'o. Madison, promjuly at 1:0.' a. ni.. ' i'-an or Eriti-h. will die, a war ves-
, a.nd Mili'Td .-r the nei.t nine with lunch, fejrved at loon by.,.S. J. fel will he rank with a heavy lor.s
' lieuras. the following described prop- of life. China will be embroiled in
tel bv the ert v." to-wit : serious internal difficulties, and the
real riots in tlie I'nited States will
'cause great slarm.
u-dware bn.-aass in which Mr. ,:ne M, - C-N " i ''" Earthquakes Seen
... I'll- d.1 'IT U- f,TI i f'M.':lmf
: is s;?ll cr.gag.-d. f " : .. 1' V ". L. .1 , 7 . . I larch end December will see
,. 1-,.. -i.i.-.- .a.,:.)...,, 1 i i ...ii. 1 e'.ii;. oi'i ii ..ti. iti. j . ....... ,
el bv the erty." to-wit :
,. . hired by a law .own. 9 Ke&d Kcrses and Harness
... ..a: o k. e. t a 10 isiii n g
ga : :. 1. ra g
rat'tre f
X. it
.! . ; Ii -Hart
: . I : ;: '). ".;
a -a City. M
r,lu ' r.7. V .," I J - w',- Y ,'o-,' ' earthquakes in different parts of the
(1 one nav horse, a vears 01 1. v.t. j..'o , , , . . .,, . .
(J- . - ., . ... : world, and August will be the month
v:r. c 1 ' no team grav mares, srnoata mouth. I , . , .
'.rs. ' . 1.. . .. j of :i serious financial name in one
wt. -.Von. one 'gray mare.' smooth . " n.-us financial panic in one
wi r- many the fri. mis
.'. : ': 1 res, - t . ; - ia i i.i-j
!'.: .iet trode hi;; i:. rl. V
ai !;;!'
; will 1 1
at the
va ;a i w 1 U: lue.f
a famUy pert;- fo
met. th. v.t. I.2.M.; one bay mare. 11;
years old. v.t.. 1.10: one saddle pony;!
of the British colonies. Trouble ia
China is forecasted specifically in
ana 1 ... 1 ;a Mo
Give Farewell Sec?p-icn
I.i th- !: aa f.f nr. . M r. and Mr-.. 1
W. A. S-l.ntz .ad ti-- lamMy wi.l ra- ;
im... fr.-n 'in- n-izhhorin d ri' Mi;.'- Myrt!' V.'
dock to make their In m- on a farm iiaa iaa i
in s-irrv 1. nt tv. not-far from I" "l
Cr.-f k, and on : .ra. rro v i Tuesday I and Tii-lma Jo him. IVui'iit . ;2i!
evening, iloia many a - ads j-. .h a and I. da Vogl-r. 22ra!a.r a'al Ii w i:l t:v e a :a"i v.-.a; -..!.- Str-o . l.n-il.j and M.. : ? 1 I.-ii.. a
tion v. hicii w ill b -na ac i v
i-atiiier .; a a! ' t;;o ; -r'y
The V' "pi ian v ;il i 2 . : 2
ai:ni -.. I. hall wI . - a
n 1 1 c
w . 2 2 .
: 'a
la ' -
;i;a L-ia2 . I
I7 aimoth moia'ht'vo sets "of" 1 i4 -in-h ! January February. March. Septem
I 1, 1 ...... ...... .., f nont u-.r. tber and November.
o: .'.ass dec; iui Sunday. -w. ... , . . old Moore con.
h u m 2 to ., p. m. ot thai nay. they ( ,V4 J- i
i;i -;e-p op-: house, v.h-a th-y wii! ' Six Keaa of Cattle
1 v 1 ria 1 z. ' :i n 1 " ;oi 10 rave , ri.-r-i - i-;i 1
rait. Sehn-i X-ian..t:. .-a'-i :-, v. dthout further invitation.
-. i:.Inn lb 21. !.'.u2.s-. .!-! 1
T , . 1 , I.- T
' ' 1 -1 i r-, . j t - - t
lwelve rlesd or rtos
'hi'-'Vi- - Two bred sows, to farrow in A.iril;
1 . ii 'en head of shouts.
. : . 1 ci
i U .2 .
a; s 2. ! a : .
i:2':a. -via
aa s- a I ra : 01 . ni.iv
t -a m of y. .n a- nfii !. ,
a t . v , i i i : 1 ( a n 2 ' ' 2 o 1
cai. ' Two milk ows. fresh in Decem
ber; one milk cow, fresh in March;
one yearling heifer and two calves.
: v r:
, 1
jfiri;.'.i. ( 1 .'' f i '
Farm Machinery, etc.
One McCormick bi-nler; one Me-
I'ludos the world will be better in
ithe vear to The average man
will look upon life less in an "cat,
drink and Le merry" sort of way,
and devote his time to a seriou.s,
sober aUenipt to make the New Year
a pro.' percu:-; one. Lincoln Star.
New York. Feb. 9. A frail, ner-
Attractive, New
Practialiy Priced at
Best Values!
All Brand
Exact Copies
of Higher
Smart Styles!
uThe Shop of Personal Service!"
Telephone 61 Plattsmouth, Neb.
the evening, having with us Fred
Colber from New York, a famous
ritiitnL''i' 'i li I tii -i 11 II tin fs . I
The musical that is to be given. ,. , ' ...... , f ,
, . c ! 22i . j excluslvelv for the Duo-Art and is at
cm Tuesday evening at S o clock at. .
the American Legion community '
building, under the ausp ces of he Cannam-Soprai.o,
music department of the Plattsmouth' . T .
Woman's club, will be one of the J s ,,Luolla Cannam accompanist,
most notable events of its kind that J'. C annam and her daughter. Miss
. ;., . v,,. ; I uella Cannam recently appeared
has-been held in the city in manv forf Uje 0maha JJ c,uj
' The artists from Omaha and Coun-i wh''e th.- cordially received
cil Bluffs who present the attraction I 7!he?' 1'ave)eiVP" concerts over the
are numbered among the best known ,ad, " Omaha as we 1 as radio pio
in the west and comprise Mrs. Karl f,ranls 111 h''
Robert Werndorff. piano; Mrs. Madge I'fc coast inclunng Los Angelc
West Sutphen. violin; Mrs. Charles "lrv tlle' broadcasted over station
C. Cannam, 6oprano; Miss Luella; -.'.
j UI9. v clllliaill Ild. tUMJ iif-dl II
'in musicales and sons recitations on
various occasions in Omaha as well as
1 in other cities.
Ruth Cannam. accompanist.
This will be a real musical treat
and the ladies should have a large
audience of the Plattsmouth lovers
to enjoy the unusual opportunity
that is given to them.
Mrs. Karl Fobert Wendorff, from
Vienna, appeared in many concerts
here and abroad and thrilled her! Washington. Feb. 9. Senator-
audiences with her marvelous skill j elect William S. Vare It. of IVnti
of technique and fire which is true pyl vania won a complete victorv
of so many Viennese artists. Wednesday atternoon in his liht for
sentation befoi- the Wa-
subcommittee in the
T T '
Vri-i rive
cliicLs I'i'vEL viih an cr
c t p r
cr f(a' 100
nu2icr ar
chicks to ihc nc.r-y v.-no r.iesscs re
el. icks thr.t 'tvi)l hatched in our Buckeye Mammoth
Incubatc-r curing Mr.vch. (Cbpat.ity is 12,096 c-cra).
rF.T' : n-vcar Pvb::o:;:.:cr: to
n. i- ri fhir'-e 1:1 liCCl 1 1 C .:! a..v C :f; ui.l. l. tu,wi:i ii'
Si, iiULI-
.:. : -' ?'
iir.Uh:,:?; is o cciiis r.c
i j.
r r.
White and Sarrcd liscks
Reds ar.'l Antonas
Euff 0i.."r.2t0BS and White Wytniclte
- - T.
L;r c.i:n
.IGe each
(Jood ia w - I'..:- c uiity and state
' ' a I'lefii--, is contained in a stat
ta nt by IT- i t Ii. M.ek. California
.1 i faso :-:-vhif-l lister: r.rte .1 1. 1 mystifying as all that has been
Case v. aikiag lister: "tie Moline disk ; known of her since she appeared in
one :!-s" tion harroiv; one ' Mcl irie 1 a German arylum. saying she was a
torn planter wich.Jv' rocs of wire; jduuphter of the late Czar Nicholas
- , ..,.'. OO.-'TT
d'.ecor or public wo!ks. approving ",.'ir , ., nn o. tr.epi The shy little woman buried her
'VT vTk 'VIS -i-n 'a tl'ntckV on;";;unS at- .aUd face said to have been bat-
:o, or-. . 'i i r g to .Mr. .Ie'K IhlP 7 , ,. c . tere.-i liv the hutt nf :i red fruard S
of h-. u. a c i.-, i. i t-o nmeiit Or mov-T -one S-foot teieu iJ iue nun oi a itu utiiun
'!!,1-'' h'io'd sol-.e th" pi oh- . . . .. ....,, ...l.. rifle, in her fur as she walked down
hm of adenuate.v surf,cting isolated !;", V ,wTr- nt' .-bid " eel .t?enk 'i the gangplank, accompanied by her
an'i liiti'-iinvi i"i: r.igii wavs. : ,
' It. manv of the arid and dese: t om' s-,,1- ta:;l;: (,Ii'? U'at-
.(tions." said T. K. Htantou. as-?"r: Xcw" IXpar:nrc nil tt valor;
Fa-.', tut state engiiner, "n., good -e-'!u' I'-n'':' Li"fl eultivator: one
e-nting bas. lo'-k is available nor,Hawkeyt; corn elevator with - power
i - ti-r.' any local ciav or sui'table ;,n,J boist; or.c hand corn sheller;
hii'dtng mat.-? iah " ;one r.o-gal. gas barrel; three rolls of
"And in the?.- 'sections it is impos- : ' fibbing; one No. 4:: Empire t ream
fil.b- :o s.-cure a base suftici ntly -separator; one anvil and complete set
M.ah!e to ..fiuldo tiie surface oiling,01 farm tools.
method to be adapted with any sue-' 0l'"' Queen incubatar, 130-egg size,
cess. " !and one Queen brooder stove.
"V" weie loiced in sue.1! cases to Furniture
J ! ai. -mouth. Ne'.. c-unh-k mower- ov- hav' rake- oae'vous voung woman tenter of an in- She is active in nearly all musical j erjtial representa
. t .ti- ,-i,... ...... mm,, it . j'.hnr... ,:rin ! t enmt iooa 1 contioversv as to wheth-' affairs in Omaha, appears regularly i terma n elections
iv , i : 1 . . C n 1. V U. r i i t . i . .
,..t Ever Mo-i'io sul'-v on er she is a peasant girl or grand ie uiniud uipuviii , nas tiiarit;.-; n eouiu t,i i-ennsyivaniH s i:'h belia-
fiynr-n -rr r-r,. ..-V,...-... .. . i j; n ,'..,.,.,-. ..! nehess wr v. iiisk. d off the linr-'f musical programs for the Omaha torial ballots.
iHil..uu XKjx . - ;, .' ' , .' ' : ij...., o. ir, .. r--.,, ni VVoDian's club and other musical so-I The wimmittci. i'l-icwI in Hip vn.
Uiif-'i ZtljiiiJO 'J LOiJoOJc tJL , .... ,- . . , 1 ,t.Uf,-inr 0 oil tlmt m hwn CietieS. I all the renresentat ivi :mr! 'atrhi.ri:
Mrs. Madga West Sutphen. violin-! he desired, although at first the com
ist of the well known West Sisters j mi t tee limited him to one nuperviso:
string quartette, is the favorite' and three assistants. Th" decisif .1
violinist of Omaha. She has appear- ended the dispute between Vare ami
ed in numerous concerts and is a:th committee which provoked th'
steady feature over the radio. jVare lieutenants into boltTng th- re-
The Schmoller-Mueller Piano Co. 'count.
is furnishing for the concert a!
steinway Duo-Art which will play! Select your favor3 for the Valcn-
j.i nuniH ihc leiicinions 01 inc 1 . 1
singer and violins in the accompani- 1 110 J artl" n.ow' lle the line V.
eot'dn-ii. j;.- us--, of "il aitogither,
o" adopt sono ( th. v process than the
-..-...,..;,.! .... i, . .i . . .. 1.
I .1 . 11'- i.i;i hit - t 1 1 . ,. v.. .! ! ' S '.i I I , I
meth'.d w:is deeloied." .
Wc Require a Deposit of 25 on O.'ick Orders
First House Soutl: cf rill.r. Station "0;i Ihc Ilor-"
' Sorrow's lualHy tisfGhary
Telephone lNTo. 33 Fhttsmouth, Nsbr.
One oak 14-foot dining table; one
t oak cupboard ; one Buck's heating
t ie r. -Tiv ."..tliol .v-;es v..l..,w.,l .. .-'-". oen, uk vaiiumic,
While this ii' w- discovery does not jKix hahK and other household goods,
ami is not design; d to replace a-.phalt : Terms of Sale"
or any he;iVy-duty type of pave-j A Kums of $,y under. ' ,.ash.
.V,: ! , 10U P,r"Vt' V """" in dls-;On sums over 110 a credit of six
J.,';,, ': -.....,., M..-u-a hm- ny)nhs L(. pivcPi purchaser piv- XT,""""
!(.( ,.fl ;;p.j Oerii-'d atd tb. eviiense'- , ... , . . iaiieb atii
-f - tuuc saarily strong I riaci, s N i "1ti,;7 "nt ' VT'" Vatican i
.oohil-itive. " ir,"'t ,ntrr--st f,:,,ni ili 0- No Property 0
Sh" was accompanied in the car
lv I!1.h HotUn von nf ttit lai mar's. 1 ment
physician. lie last saw the Grand
iHichess Anastasia when she was
seventeen, and he was nineteen, and
asserted that lie knew this woman
to be the same person.
However, in Europe, she iti said to j
be regarded as a poor peasant girl !
suffering from hallucinations of
grandeur, surviving members of the
Komanoff family have declared her
an imposter.
This may be a big surprise for
the Bat-s Bock & Gift shop is largo
and unbroken.
Beautiful favors cf all kinds and
the nost h?ndscme decorations for
the Valentine seascn at the Bates'
Be ok Girt Shop.
to be removed from the premises un
til settled" for.
W. J. Schneider,
' Owner.
REX VOC NO. Auctioneer
Washington, Feb. 10. Ambas
sador to Mexico Dwight Morrow is
making an effort to bring President!
:uid a representative of the:
into a conference for the
purpose of settling the bitter strife '
between that government and the
Roman Catholic church, it was learn-,
ed in an official quarter here Thurs
day night.
All the news in the Journal.
SjpjrpBfl'jg Ws?E
The sloppy time of the year needs good, substantial
Footwear, and "THORGGOOD" Work Shoes will
stand every test and meet every requirement. We invite-you
to come in and inspect these splendid shoes.
Prices are Reasonable
South Sixth Street Plattsmcath, Nebraska
Bring Us Your Shoe Repair Work