PAOE SIX MONDAY. FEB. 13. PIATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUBNAL Will Not be Candidate for Congressman Hon. John H.. Jlorehead. Six Years in Congress Issues Statement of Withdrawing From Race Lincoln. N ).. Keb. 10. Congress man John H. Moivhead of Falls City, in a stat-mt'nt printtMl here today announced t hat he will not be a can didate for ie-elttion this year, and that he will setk no other office. In announcing his complete with drawal from politics, the statement juotes Mr. Moiehead as saying that he does so as a protest against the system of holding primary elections in advance of party conventions at which platforms are drafted, "plac ing the cart before the horse," an'! making the candidates fit the plat forms instead of the platform'; fit the ca ndidates. Discouragement over the apparent impossibility of securing the enact ment of progressive legislation ill oonert-ss is given by the statement as a further reason for Mr. More-he.-nl's action. In the announcement !) expresses his thanks to the peo ple of the state for honors hav- thus far conferred upon at the polls. Text of Statement. The statenu-nt follows: "It not my intention to be a candidate for political office in 102S. of Nebraska have so in issuinsr such 1 it i--- my duty to tor mv decision. contemplates an ultimate expendi ture of three billion dollars is with out justification and devoid of com mon sense. The slogan is prepared ness. To me, reducing the IS bil lion dollar war debt is better pre paredness. Big navies are the threat that brings war. It was American credit and American soldiers from the farms, shops and mines, that won the world war. "The present chief executive, with his able lieutenant, the secretary of the treasury, who are complaining about the levenue bill which con templates a reduction of GO million dollars through repeal of the tax on' small corporations and the automo bile sabs tax. and then wink the other eye at the proposed navy build ing program, are not acting in good faith. "I am in good health no reason to have a grouch on account of the treatment received from the people of my state. I have received no sug ges.tioi:s either by letter or in person that I should retire. I5ut. as stated, j I have not been satisfied with the results obtained, and I have serious j '. f:m-i t ll ri f tl thinf'Q fit T nnrti- ! j plain will grow worse instead of bet- they him First Debate of Season Hel the at hool I. "The nee.'.b en tiood to ine. statement I f t i s die rt ;ir,n Lincoln High School Debating Team Here to Make Tryout With the Local Debaters. "At the outset I-t me s::y ilutt I belit ve that tl:e Nebraska eh ction 1; ws have t cart before the hors-. T!ie ptimary :-ct i-in to select can did.ites will be held in April, and i s n:u--t file 40 days prior to August, five months : r'rom Saturday's Pally j I'latts'mouth high, school debaters : opeii'vl the season with a non-judge decision debate on the state question: i i "Itesolved. That Congress Should ; Pass a New Child Labor Amend ! ment" Fridi v afternoon on the local' That. Then, in hi: r. the party holds its convention ! and drafts ; phMform which is ir-! t-!iiin to bind the offiejal acts of i !!: n chosen. SO ',1ft ! IIU'S WjtllOUt tlis- criininati'Ui. five months before. And n-un'.ly t'e candidates dr.rirg the p:i::ia:y !cti.ii announce plat form.-' ; i t lie f O'.VIl. j ".c'ii h a condition n;oi!;ic two' kinds of candidates: On-- kind h ine: p.-rsr.n-: or.t of n,pl"Tmf nt. with; n-i detl'iite j i.;is on public affair.; or, xp ri-nc . l,ut who need the; salary. Th y borrow a filing fee: r;-:d take chanc- in t! e confusi-m i i a primary ei.-cticn with its my-' riads of candidates and to oft : re ; iplatfovm. with.. an affirmitive team ' k sf ill. Then there is the r ;liev kind of candidate, with e xperi'-ne . i;.t-rity. strong convict ie-ns on pub lic fjuft:or.5 and the c.'iirage to s:aiui by his convictions, but having the h'ssitancy to go into the maelstrom of political primary and ti'ge the p-or,.e to select hi:n to look attr their p;;V!ic affairs. "LTacli qX .these kinds oL cujiu i Ja t ? do m tTTtt . " -tr-Th ra'ce tT pi'r'Wic' office; the former because he, wants the salary -and the latter because lie tn;ti:;uts to hoie to in some' measure stop the abuses iii pu'lk affair-?. ! 'I wish to ::t hast iiave credit for' my frankness in stating that I am; not en'!msi:.sti- for our primary sys- ; tt-m for seb-cting public to look after thf greatest business in' the world. I hPvo b-en a cardidute for puMic office under the primary sy.-tem many times and have never l;een defeati i. so it is i,oi lisai-..noint-, inents of my own ambitions that prompts my decision from Lincoln High school of Lin-1 coin. Nebraska. Tlie debate team consisted of three boys. John Edwards. Edwin Faulkner and Meredith Nelson on-, tier the direction of Prof. J. I). Han sen, head of the department of speech ; ' ' Lincoln High school. The Capital; Icity trio weie pleasing speakers and i present' d a. strnng case for federal' 'control of child labor. Lincoln has participated in ten debates on this subject and it was highly profitable! to the local team to match argu-1 :.i -'-ts with them. I'hittsmouth was represented by, P )ri Young, Haiel Harkins. and : Henry Mat shall who made a very' C'.:-.m:;cl.;b!c showing in this their hi si public ffort this season. This i ;m v.'ill go to Wahoo next Wed- j n e.!.i y . te meet Luther College in I the ;irst oiTlcial league argument. j V.'hiie the debate yesterday goes down as a non-deci-ion affair, a poll j of the audience was taken at the; ciose oi ine ueoate anu wniie it mav . be aken as.a v.hcJlv unbliised :. judgment on the merits of the argu-! tnent. still it was a vote of con-1 ideiice in the local team when 101 voted for Plattsmouth as. against 76, n-r Lircoin. with 9 calling the de bat" a draw. Ph'.ttsmouth High school was phas d to entertain such a fine and gentle-manly debate team as repre : en ted the Capital city on our plat foi m and trust that this de bate will become an annual affair between the twf) schools. Prof, ll uisen expressed himself as bein- well pleased with the recer- sting but. to irate, the results have not been satisfactory. The reckless appropriation of public money, in my; judgment without justification, is most discouraging. Party responsi-l bility in congr ss seems a thing ef j the past, no doubt due to the man-j n er in which congressmen are now I selected. Each member has become! an individual with io nis party or its nlatform hw.uw It lOl; he IeCeiv'd ill I'latljmnnth. on.! "Reckless Appropriations." j commend-d the local speakers cm Leih;ti. work to me is inter-; their work and invited tiie Platter I sneakers to appear on the Lincoln! platform later on in the season. j Marie Sperry of the local debate reiuad p re-sided. HOLD FINE MEETING From Saturday's Daily PO resnonihilit v ' . me . uuiuin: ii:iUKn- deform. teSi ? f America held a very deMght- usually he is selected before the nl.-.t- . un "l tile linmt ot Mrs. J. form is adopted. j 1 y-on, Jr.. the ocasion bein ueiieui urnice ami which largely attended greatest interest That means that appropriation bills become a logrolling holidav. a give me this and you take that' af fair, and most ofen put over with out a roll call so that even the indi vidual is nrjt f)n record. "The contemplated 740 million dollar raid on the treasury for a Navy building program that in fact The GlAiHlAGlE LL 1 r Our Repair Garage is kept constantly busy because mo torists recognize it as the best and most reliable repair shop for every kind of damage a car can possibly sustain. And, being practical men of long and varied experience, all our repair work is excellently and thor oughly done, without unnecessary de lay and at reasonable charge. Frady's Garage Phone 58 a was very and filled with the to all the ladies. Valentine atmosphere found expression in the bridge and in the dainty refreshments that were a part f the evening program of entertain ment. In the very happy occasion Mrs. Peterson was assisted by Mrs. A. G. Pacii. Miss Mae Murphy. Mrs. Wil liam Woolcott and Mrs. E. A. Webb' The evening found diversions of high five and bridge, there being two taoles of high five and four of bridge In the playing Mrs. V. T. Scotten and Mrs. Martha Peterson received the prizes for high five while Miss Helen Egenberger, Miss Betty Sitz man. Mrs. E. J. Ilichey and Miss Eleanor Hiber were the winners at the bridge events. Mrs. Lon Henry was awarded the ereneral nrto the evening. At a suitable hour the refresh ments were served the red hearts and alentine nut cups adding to the general decorations of the joyful event. SUFFERS FROM APPENDICITIS From Saturdays Daily Miss Peulah Seitz, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Seitz of this city, was taken with a very severe attack of appendicitis that came on very suddenly on Wednesday evening The patient was given treatment and is now thought to De recovering very nicely from the effects of the illness. CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank the many kind friends and relatives for their iir. and expressions of sympathy during ine iiiness ana aeatn or our dear hus band and brother. To those assisted with their cars, to the choir and the beautiful floral tributes, we are very grateful. Mrs. Jacob For- noff, the Brothers and Sisters. A .A if M argam Wedn Week T7 IP; Model No. 2135 Sizes 24 to 32 This College Girl non lacing garment i s fashioned from fancy pink material, fitted with elastic sections. It is 13 inches long and has a 7J2mcn clasp. For the aver age figure this gar ment is a value in deed difficult to dup licate at its low price of ony $1.50 A STORE-WIDE EVENT OF UNUSUAL SIGNIFICANCE. February New Spring goods arriving daily are crowding us for room. These drastic price reductions are made to effect quick clearance. Prices quoted are strictly for cash and all sales final. Read This Ad Carefully It will Pay You t j Model No. 2020 I izc3 30 to 3G . ( Tliis College Girl RmrJ'-uu typifies the foremost ad vance: in design of an up lift type. Stn.irt, trigly tail ored from fancy pink ray on. Made in sizes from 30 to 36. 1 looks in the hack. It's Price is Only 50c Buy several at a time, a fresh one is so handy, especially in the Summertime. 4 ; Here's Good Hosiery News After holiday selling and in ventory we have a number of broken sizes and colors that We will close out at a remark ably low price. These hose have been plac ed in two groups for quick M i i selling. i ! GROUP NO. 1 25c pair GROUP NO. 2 75c pair This hosiery is from our regu lar stock. Values 75c to $1.50. Women's Knit Unionsuits Extra Light Weight Cotton. Bleached Spring and Summer Weights. Built-Up Shoulder Tight and Loose . Knee Sizes 36 to 44. 65c A good time to re plenish your supply at this Loiv Price! TiraDDDDDniM $ 16. 95 The assortment is still wide enough to please most everyone. The color range is good and in such wanted materials as Velours, Bolivias, Sued ines and Venises. The rich looking Fur Collars and Cuffs render added beauty. All sizes. It will pay you to investigate this big bargain event. CHILDREN'S SATEEN BLOOMERS Sizes 6 to 14. QQr Black and colors. While they last, per pair JC CHILDREN'S RICHELIEU RIB HOSE Good run -j r of colors and sizes. Price, per pair X J v. MISSES JERSEY DRESSES Sizes 14, 16 and 20 jjO AC only. Just a few to close out at - tyLmJJ LADIES' SPORT COATS Just ten of these, and (hi o A C they are wonderful values. Fur trimmed 3)l5.l0 CHILDREN'S COATS Ages 3 to 8. Beautifully (to ah fur trimmed. Your choice for only 2)Jyj) MARCY LEE DRESSES Beautiful new sprin- S - showing. Sizes 36 to 42, inc. Special price. . .7. JS .JJS LrT rSJ ".The Shop of Personal Service Telephone 61 Plattsmouth, Neb. IT