The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 13, 1928, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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MONDAY. FEB. 13, 192S.
obc plattemoutb journal
tr t Potolce. Plattftnoutb. Nb. aa ecoad-claaa mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Add revisions:
tell the world.
Join the Navy and
j : 1 1 i
"line; in New
cuu .--J: t a fish.
York, Senator
It is well to remember that
a mistake to forget a favor.
When pride head-; the profession,
poverty alwus brings up the rear.
wi reach tin-
limit of
Well prohibition has wrought
great changes in prohibition at bast.
is i Wheiiii worn
j her argument she gets air
! :o:
Ti; woman v. ho doesn't know J:er
own mind hasn't much to worry over.
Cor.;; re-jsk appropriation rll.
are at bast honored by the treasury.
Mi,.-t ol
trying to
nr. hold
t IV
It is
For every warm day, h w v-r, the
vnatli'-r man has a cold one in pickle.
It may he a long road to a world
peace, but it will.-cach t lie re iu due
The niore good qualities a mnni
possesse-s the less he lu.s to sjy about! The c
them. j part icularly favorabl
:o: i diplomacy.
Some jc-ople uly have an excuse! :o;
ior iterws and ti;e- aiv nally U -t-j Ohio icp.its no
ter off. ; the c J.i e;.ntro-e
ubb s arise from
the blunder;; we
v. ight.
about your physical
the other kind of
if Havana
should be
liirt-b ee
i There can be no doubt in the mind
of the country why Col. Stewart has
risked the wrath of the Senate in re
fusing to answer its questions. The
men who oiganized the fake Con
tinental Trading Company have
something to hide. The customacy of
Col. Stewart, remarkable ' as it is,
makes this no plainer than did the
flight to Europe of Blackmer and
Why did they i!ee? We may be
sure it was for no light Teason. Men
of their pronounced success and
power do not easily forego place
and country. They must have com
mitted a crime. If they bilked their
, stockholders, that was not a crime.
Jf they organized an nside ring
to make money for themselves, that
was not, however unethical, a crime.
1 h' y were r ot, presumably, the men
who Imbed Fall, nor did Fall, so far
as we know, get more than a very
small part of the profits of the Con
tinental. What. then, did they do? When
the exposure came they both fled to
Kurope. Stewart himself, despite his
denials, at first tied and then return
ed. There was in the consciousness
of all three men something which
so far as the evidence goes, has not
yet come out. It must have bet n
something vastly more grievous than
to have got together by
peace li
v and our
iht in
-: o : -
N ver criticize anvthing at
in puc
charity bazaar,
made Jt.
You can't tell wfcoi
Recipe for making an ass of your
self: First, let your wi;V go away
for a week.
it is
an j body;e.
t ju.-t
automobile war k
e g 1 V : T
u - cat
can -11 the part.
: o :
On.-..- upon a time, some v
flly was done at a very in:
conf : enee during lunch.
; T)
A timid man is one who feels that
ought to limp just a little when
cat i ies a c ane. j
: n :
Xo modem toure in dramatic
'iritis' ej;n lie :rpLte without a
ar el, n priv:i:e - i i j . j
. :o: i
T!i' di:':'. i re- n clbrcs
:i ra :.:. that colb-L,-. sever.
! r.
b- o
thins to prevent tr('i:!i!".
: s : i as i:' by t h :
Hoove." MU -l s.l-pe-Cl 1 1.
.iin-r ).i:ii for ti:--1 o.-. -id. nr.
. v"i
. i i : -
Old-fashion .1 oil l:;.:p
ing back. Thy m:-.k-stov
- for modern apart m
: ( :
liti-al i rr.
,i. t. p it
ire tV j'd
: o :
.t !! :ri
bullet in
are ,p n.
:c- u'
Today's Home Help: Ink c;n I:
rr moved from white tablecloths more
easily before it is spilled than after.
r " v y
aft. rw,
.. ; I; i yn army
il Fo-'iething. and
to explain ix.ut
w mum
-r w: rt h ?
is a
have got together by deception
the money with which Fall was re
warded for turning Teapot Dome
over to Sinclair. Sinclair himself is
to be tried upon the charge of hav
ing bribed Fall, and there seems not
th least chance that if he were con
victed upon this charge the punish
ment would ext nd to those who
were his intermediaries.
Black m. r and O'Xeil were there
fore in no danger of criminal piose
cution up n this score that they quit
'the country and resisted every f
j fort to bring them back, lilackmer
has ( v. r. forfeited $100,000 of his
property in the United States for
jfailu;e to res-pond to service. They
must. then, have had a reason of
jv-hich tii' country is not aware. To
speculate upon what that r ason is
'lend-- to veiy startling possibilities.
! " "he Chicago Tribune says Mr. Ilard-
i ing should never have been made
or ; i'lesident. It thir.ks his well-known
be limitations should have barred him
consideration for the office.
the Tribune, whiclv
knew that then, did not say so.
Senator Wesley L. ones of Wash
ington has done a worthy act in try
ing to arouse Congress from the state
of indifference which it has for
some years evinced toward the ship
ping problem.
He may not. to be sure, convince
for best results
in your baking
Same Price
for over 35 years
25 ounces for
Use less than of
higher priced brands
Guaranteed Pure
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-1 The State of Nebraska. Ca-s coun
ty, ss. ' ty, s.
In the County Court. In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of In the Matter of the Estate of Karl
Frank Rou ka, deceased. R. Travis, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate: i To the creditors of said estate:
j You are hereby notified, that I. You are hereby notified, that I
; will sit at the County Court room in will sit at the County Court Room in
. I'lattsmouth. in said countv. on the Plattsmouth. in said county, on the
his colleagues in Senate and House 24th dav of Fehrnarv 12.. anil nn 2nd dav of March. 192S. and on the
.that his proposal for solving this the 25th day of May. 1!28, at 10 4th day of June, 192S. at ten o'clock
question is the wise one. He would o'clock a. m. of each day, to receive a. m., of each day, to receive and
i, . - ,i,'an(I examine all claims against said examine all claims against said es-
hae the Government continue in the adjustment
shipping business, rather than d:s- nwnt and allowance. The time limit- and allowance. The time limited for
pose of our merchant marine to pri- ed for the presentation of claims the presentation of claims ai;aint
vate parties, which latter is the pol- against said estate is three months said estate is three months from the
irom tne iMtn clay of February, A. jj. znu uay oi .viarcn, .. xi. unu
1 f 2 S , and the time limited for pay- the time limited for payment of debts
merit of debts is one year from said is one year from said 2ml day of
24th day of February, 192S. March, 1928.
Witness my hand and the seal of I Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 21st day of said County Court this 24th day f
January. 192S.
County Judge.
icy. favored by President Coolidge.
A government-owned merchant ma
rine would no doubt mean continued
low rates for American products, but
it might also mean continued drains
on the Treasury because of the losses
ior such a marine.
Uut if it is deemed best to f ll
jour vessels to parties who profess
a desire to Luild up an American
j merchant marine. Congress, lt us
11"" , 114 li.l. Uf VV tl.M II UT 111
veigled into subsiding such parties,
a policy more vicious than even the
.present wasteful public operation. It
could aid our private shin owners
more materially by repealing many
of our foolish and conflicting ship-
January, 1928.
(Seal) j23-4w
A. H.
(Seal) j.30-4w
Countv Judve.
It is encouraging to learn that
there is a revolt against our domin
ation of the Pun-American Confer
ence, but there are two good reasons 1 pi laws, and by firing a large part
i ;
it from
t Unfortunately,
Just how much praise would the jt ,t pryli c n wheth;
busy bee get if he spi-.nt hh: time t;) jniv or (.:!).
storing up
something man can! '.n't
-: o
Oi" it may be that Houston is erect-i
lie fore buying an airplane it v:.:y
be well to find out if the in-tallin-nt
collector i- to be provided with a
faster one.
Wilbur Glenn Yoliva. Illinois cult
leader. want to prove the earth is
Mat. We're still trying to pay those
Christmas bills, too.
Th nicest
dictim that
;ng th.' temporary audit, riun
abb- th Democrats to bring
c-r two out in the open.
: o :
Hundreds of Xew Yoil-s-rs
to watch the skyscrapers sway in the,
recent high winds. Isn't Xcw York :
enforcing that curfew law.
: o : ;
i was known all over c nicago in?
respondent. ' nisht i,f.foro. that Mr. Harding would
r you v antju. nominated the next morning. The
j Tribune, as the great party organ
of Chicago, could have prevented the
! nomination and stood the convention
upon its head by coming out thi
next morning with a protest against
the nomination and a warning that
if it were p; r?i.-ted in disaster would
In n -!
a fight
folio vv.
The S. uate committee which has
again taken up this scandal is a long
ways from the bottom of the teapot.
j Men and v. .men nf but children There is something there of which
jCf larger grow th as Shakespeare .we are undre aming, something per-
thing about the pre-1 g;ly.. Actions of .some go to justify haps beyond even the things some
the drby is coming the. great bard in his statement. I times darkly hinted of that amazing
back is the fact that no one seems to: :o: , time.
be paying any attention. j Even if Trotzky is definitely out. tht-e
:o: be can not complain that the other patch.
We suppose that a person knows boys did not allow him plenty of j
he knows when he does not sneak ; opportunity to practice Ins exit,
over to the dictionary a few minutes: :o:
after telling yoli how to spell the; Grand Rnuds is cePbrating the'
word. I 100th ;.n;iv. rsrry of the lurniture
:o: j market, (rami Rapid must be al-
Tammuny got left in th- choice mo:t an antique in th1 'furniture line.,
of Houston, Texas, as the place for j :o: j
holding the Democratic National ; The A:i:ncan touiist sea trawl is,
If that
men flee"
is not so, why did
St. Louis Post-Dis-
convention. The south won out with J now averaging a
chan.c-fs for Gov. Smith lov.eird. Hut nimlly than befor.
what a choice.
have been better.
New Orleans would , though
million h ss an
the World War.
an increase is noticed lit'ly.
: o :
cific coast expert vayr Hie Rc-
Secretary of War Davir, well says publican:-, wiil nominut- L;. -..os. a:
that preparedness is an aid to peac-- j the Democrats ch .ose Reed of
He supplements this by saying that.souii. Still one
the country prepared for war escape
threats. This harmonizes with Wash
ingon. who said. "In time f
prepare for v. ar."
never just t
i lie problem for the Hoover ma
a'-- v j.t r.ov. ?3 to keep Herb f.
.;: ttiug s-j far out in front as t
: o :
The grand Council of the Fvsjist
party liac approved a bill bestowing
the right to voio enly on those who
contribute to the progress of the na
tion. And the way to contribute to
the pre gross of the nrtion, w;.- pre
rume, is to vote the fascieti tick.t.
ir.iF:uus of the boys in the
: o :
A eolb go inagazin
' hat cell go briys are
-.vt ;ir hat ; again. It'-
informs ;
beginning i
a fa voi a 1-
n. Th.-y t.uglit to have s m
g on tlh ir niiiids besides the:
The good old days have returned
and those ot us who have oeeu per
plexed by the troubling problems
and shih.detks :f the mr.dern world
j may now f igh a sigh of reli f and
i hunt up our easy chairs again.
Congress is debating the tariff
once more!
Time was when the tariff was the
j one Fure-fiic- political subject. All
(it her irsuc-s paled before it. it was
1 d pending on your point of view,
-'cither the srurce of every joy or the
.'author of every evil.
! Then came the puzzling pot-war
- days, with a lot of new problems
- which the average man never could
hop., to discuss with any sort of
. favor. I"t w Anuiicans ever got really
, mad discussing reparations or the
i world court.
; Dut now congress is debating the
;ood old days.
taiiff. The
The female of specie3 is more dead
ly than the male. Kipling's poem is
j again supported by data covering
i the operation of thirty-three restau
J rants in Xew York, seme of them for
, a period of t enty-fivo years, which
shows that waitresses break consid
erably more dishes than do men
waiters. According to data compiled,
j the average life of a restaurant dish thirty months, with cups leading
j the morality and small plates next,
i In places employing waitresses, the
average life is considerably shorter.
Despairing of finding an unbreak
able dish, many restaurants have
adopted a cork composition fioorins
upon which dishes will not shatter
for being slow to bei. Ve that it
going to usher in a better era.
First, the Latin-American delega
tions to the conference are all gov
ernment delegations, arid as a rule
the government they represent is a
borrower in the United States by
consent of our Stu'e Department.
Hardly a situation conducing to in
dependence. Second, the Latin-Americans are
too mercurial to justify great expec
tations of them. Th i - j
Pan-American Conference, and they,
have threatened to T- at everv i
ou of them. They h .ve yet to make
that threat good. In the vernacular
of the Southern darky, they c:m
cloud up but they can't rain.
It is a pity. The relations between
the United States and Latin-America
can never achieve complete sincerity
and friendship until Di.-rn is equal
ity. Our policy in the Caribbean has
now explored the two very important
fields of morals and wisdom, and it
has been driven from both. It holds
its own only upon the f, id of might,
and there is no possibility of friend
ship there. To have a conference
once every five years and pack it
with yes-men sent there to uphold
such things as our shameless and
bloody war upon the Nicaraguans is
never going to make for friendship
among so many proud and sensitive
people, and we would just as well j ;
quit trying to make it do so. J,
With the approval of the Madison
County Farm Bureau and of county jV
officials, an anti-chicken-stealing as-jj
sociation, to be known as the Madi-
son County t ai mers Guard, is to
be organized in Edwardsville on Feb.
15. Its aim. the prevention of chick
en stealing is of itself good.
Let residents of Madison county
beware, however, lest the Farmers'
Guard, like the old anti-horse-steal
ing associations and the Ku Klux
Klan, become, in its campaign to
stamp out lawlessness, an Old Man of
the Sea upon the back of the com
munity of any community can have
an efficient law enforcement machine
if they really want it. An unofficial
Jaw enforcement body, no matter
Jiow meritorious its expressed aim
may be is always a potential danger
to the peace and s-curity of a com
munity and its citizens.
of the growing bureaucracy which
those laws permit to persecute the
ship owner.
But whatever course Congress
deems advisable should be determin
ed at the earliest moment. Justice
to both public and ship owner re
quires an end of indifference and
indecision at Washington. The pre
dicammt of the latter party, indeed,
is almost pitiable. In most cases, he
is losing steadily because of the oom-
the sixt li ! r,f tIt lon ' Koveruni nt ships. It is
the duty of Congress to let him
know with all speed whether he is
to be allowed to continue in busi
ness or must sell out to avoid th
financial debacle toward which he is
'i a man is
with the
Th- dennitk'n
drunk logically varies
brand of liquor he is drinking, but
we frankly believe a certain gen
tleman was rath- r thoroughly spiffed
the other night when he trie-a to
light a cigarette from the illumin
ated dial ejn his watch.
One of the funniest thought in
connection with Mellon "s attitude is
the possibility that he may have to
consult Boss Bill Vare of Philadel
phia before he can come out of anyone.
4- K-K-v-
Am booking sales for this
fall and winter. Service
guaranteed. For dates and
rates phone at my expense.
Telephone No. 6
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Mat
tie E. Young, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the Estate of
You are hereby notified that I will Effie Harbin, dec-eased.
sit at the County Court room in j On reading and filing the petition
Plattsmouth, in said county, on the : of John Harbin praying that admin
24th day of February, 1928. and on istration of said estate may be grant
the 2Tth day of May, 1928. at 10 ed to Mrs. Bertha Allen as Adminis
o'clock a. m., ot each day, to receive tratrix;
and examine all claims against said Ordered, that February 24th. A. D.
estate, with a view to their adjust- 1928, at ten o'c loc k a. m.. is assign
ment and allowance. The time lim- ed for hearing said petition, when
ited for the presentation of claims all persons interested in said matter
against said estate is three months may appear at a County Court to be
from the 24th day of February, A. D. held in and for said county, and show
19 2S. and the time limited for pay- cause why the prayer of petitioner
ment of debts Is one year from said should not be granted; and that no
24th day of February. 1928. : tice of the pendency of said petition
Witness my hand and the seal of and the hearing thereof be given to
said Countv Coort this 20th day of all persons interested in said matter
I by publishing a copy of this order in
(the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive wiS
prior to said day of hearing.
I Dated January 2.". 1928.
(Seal) j.lO-.lw County Judge.
January, 1928.
(Seal) j2.1-4w
Coonty Judge.
Cass coun-
Claus Boetel, also known as Claus
Boc tel. Jr., and Pearl Boetel, you
and each of you are hereby notified
that on the 19th clay of January,
1928, The Standard Savings and Ixian
Association, of Omaha, Nebraska, as
plaintiff, filed its petition in the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
and you and each of you are made
parties defendant. The object and
prayer of said petition is to foreclose
and cancel a certain contract in writ
ing dated the 20th day of September,
192H, made and executed by and be
tween the Livingston Loan and
Building Association of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, and fhe said Claus Boetel,
Jr., and Pearl Boetel, for the pur
chase of the following described real
estate, to-wit:
Lots four (4), five (5) and
six (G), Block seventy-five (75),
in the City of Plattsmouth. Ne
braska, according to the survey
ed and recorded plat thereof.
That a decree be entered by the
Court foreclosing said contract; that
you the said defendants and each of
you be enjoined from claiming or as
serting any right, title or interest in
and to said real estate or any part
thereof. That said real estate be
quieted in said plaintiff and that
said plaintiff .have such other and
further relief in the premises as it
l-'may be entitled to and to the Court
.may seem just.
J You and each of you are required
to answer this petition on or before
the 13th day of February, 1928.
Its Attorney.
on Petition for Appointment i f
Ad ininist rator
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate
George II. Reynolds, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Allie Millbern praying that a !-
ministration of
estate may
Cloidt. a.-.
Col. Lindbergh d' esn't have to oh,
for a lodge, in som vast wilderness.
He can just up and go there.
In Trim This
Winter ?
Watch The Kidneys After
Winter's Colds.
COLDS and grip are hard on the
kidneys. V hen the kidneys slow
up. impurities rem;. in in the blood
and are apt to cmake one tired and
achy with headaches, dizziness and
often nagging backache. A commcn
v.-aming is scanty or burning secretions.
Doan's Pills, a st rnulan? diuretic.
Increase the secretio l of the kidneys
and aid in the clmvnation of waste
impurities. Are ci. Jorsed by users
everywhere. Asli y- -r rxei'hbcrl
The State of Nebraska
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Isaac
S. Hall, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth. in said county, on t he
9th. day of March. 1928. and on the
11th dav of June. 1928, at 10 o'clock
a. in. of each day to receive and ex
amine all claims against said estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said
estate is three months from the 9th
day of March. A. D. 192S. and the
time limited for payment of debts is
one year from said Sth day of
March, 19 2S.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 3rd day of
February, 192S.
(Seal) fG-4w County Judge.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska. Cass coun
ty, ss.
Iu the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
William Gilmour, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of James Gilmour praying that ad
ministration of said estate may be
granted to James Gilmour and
uel T. Gilmour, as Administrators;
Ordered, that March 2nd. A. D.
192S, at ten o'clock a. m.. is assign
eel for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested in said matter
may appear at a County Court to be
To Wellman Arthur, non-resident
Notice is hereby given that on
January 18. 1928. Occidental Build
ing and Loan Association of Omaha,
Nebraska, plaintiff, filed its petition
and commenced an action in the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against the above named defendant,
impleaded with others, defendants In
said action, the object and prayer of
which is to foreclose a certain $450.00
mortgage upon Lot 6. Elock 22, In
the Original Town of Elmwood, as
surveyed, platted and recorded in
Cass county, Nebraska, together with
all the apurtenances thereunto be
longing, which was executed and
dated August 7, 1925, by John E. Sa
ville and Lillie M. Saville, his wife, as
mortgagors, to said Occidental Build
ing and Loan Association as mortga
gee, filed for record August 10, 1923,
in the office of the Register of Deeds
in and for Cass county, Nebraska,
and recorded in Book 55 of Mort
gagees at page 175, to secure payment
of said promissory note dated August
7. 1925, and indebtedness due said
granted to Frank A
ministrator ;
Ordered, that February 2th. A. D.
192S. at ten o'clock a. m. is assigned
for hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in faid matter
may arpear at a County Court to be
held in and for said county, and
show cause why the prayer of peti
tioner should not be granted; and
that notice of the pendency .f said
petition and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in said
matter by publishing a copy of this
order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a
semi-weekly newspaper printed in
saici county, for thre-e successive
weeks prior to said clay of hearing.
Dated January 27th. 192S.
(Seal) j30-3w County Jude.
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass. Nebraska.
In re Application of R. C. Hiteh
man. Guardian of Ruth A. C. Bever
age, Incompetent, for License to Sc II
Real Estate.
Now on the 28th day of January,
1928, there was presented the pti-
tion of R. C. Hitchman. guardian of
Ruth A. C. Beverage, incompct"-it.
for authority to sell the undivided
one-third interest of the said Ruth A.
C. Beverage, in the following describ
ed real estate, to-wit:
Lot 46 in the southeast e-uar-ter
of the southeast quarter of
Section 13, Township 12, Range
13, east of the th P. M.. in
Cass county. Nebraska, except
ing Sub-Lot 1 of Lot 4 6, contain
ing 10.4 acres, also excepting '
commencing 1.37 chains south
of the northeast corner of the
southeast quarter of the south
east quarter of said Section 13,
thence north 1.37 chains, to one
eighth section corner, thence
west 11.662 chains, thence
south 10.19 chains, thence east
6.14 t chains, thence northeast
erly along Chicago avenue 10.79
chains to place of beginning,
containing 9.4 4 acres
and to invest the proceeds thereof.
and it appearing from such petition
that it is necessary and will be be ne
flclal to the said Ruth A. C. Beverage
that said interest be sold.
It is therefore Ordered, that t he
next of kin and all persons intere st -
Association, and plaintiff alleges that
there is now due nlaintiff on said note I eH in the puip nf tha oi.i nmii a
and indebtedness the sum of $461.31, c. Beverage appear before the Judge
with interest thereon from January
IS. 192S. at the rate of ten per cent
per annum, and plaintiff prays that
in default of payment of the amount
of the District Court of the Ciuinty
of Cass, Nebraska, at chambers in the
County Court House in the City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on the 3rd
found due plaintiff on the note and day of March, 1928. at 10 o'cloc k
indebtedness secured by said niort- m., to show cause, if any there be.
gage, that said premises may be sold , why license should not be granted
according to law to satisfy the same
and that said defendants and all per
sons claiming by, through and under
them, or any of them, be excluded
from and foreclosed of all interest.
tioner should not be granted; and
that notice of the pendency of taid
. ? 1 I .1 i i " , 1 . - . c
I pennon ami me Hearing luere'u. ut
igiverr to aLI persons interested in
isaid matter, by publishing a copy of
this order in the Plattsmouth Jour
! nal, a semi-weekly newspaper print
jed in said county for three success
ive weeks prior to said day of hear
' ing.
I Dated February 3. 192S.
(Seal) f6-3w County Judge.
ro easily when dropped. This
reduce breakage 50 per cent.
Fbster-M.lburn Co. Mfj; Chem. Bufalo.NY
for the sale of said interest.
It is further Ordered that a copy
of this Order be served upon the ne xt
of kin of the said Ruth A. C. Bever
age and all persons interested in her
estate, by publication of this order
for three successive weeks in the
gaged premises. Plattsmouth Journal, a legal news-
You and each of you are required paper published and of general cir
to answer said petition on or before culation in the County of Cass. Ne
the 27th day of February, 1928. ' braska.
held in and for said county, and ; tg-t, Y,en7 and eq dto i
show cause why the prayer ot peti-j H in . nn1
uv iu('i.(vii ill f w uuva uuia 1UVI I
of Omaha, Nebraska.
Its Attorney.
Dated this 2Sth day of January,
James T. Begley.
District Judge.
j3 0-3w
All local news is in tne Journal, j All local news is in the Journal.
A m