THURSDAY, JAN. 2C, 13- PAGE SIX PLATTSIiIOUTH SZKI - WEEKLY JOURNAL EilHIIIIIlIEillilliiffl 1 f - 11 li i i ! "IT A ' 1 . 1 " Artistic New .'V a T "jmniaiiTwiigTvyiigyiigogeryscnwyinaroijwiueaiiiyaiiifjyuyoiii 5 is the name of a village in Wales. It is the world's longest word. We don't know how it is pronounced but translated from the Welsh language it means "Church of St. Mary, White Hazel Hollow, Near the Rapid Whirlpool." SOME NA7vlE! We would say off hand. Every Day Prices at the Black and White Morton's Iodized Salt, pkg Swans down Cake Flour, pk?. . . . Butter, Dairy Maid, lb Kellogg Corn Flakes, large P and G Soap, 10 bars for Jello, all flavors, pkg Value Milk, tall can Jersey Milk, per quart Crackers, Krispy, 2-Ib. caddy . . . Black and White Cotfee, lb Peaberry Coffee, a t'ocd Santos. Restaurant Room Opens Saturday, Luilieran Lhurcft to Open Campaign for Pension Fund Rocni in Eekin Building; Arranged by Jack Estelle for Use Cafe -in Future. Zffor Chit of . 10c . .34c . .47c . .1.2c . . 37c ss be 10c 9c 30c 49c in- From Wednesday's realty ' The room in the lb-kin building that was formerly ust il by the' cham ber of coniii'.CMe as the ril of tli seen tniy, is being t rar sfoi meil into :i very attractive spot that will be. used in the- I'n i. ii it- by Jack Fste-l.e in an addition to hi:; cafe' and lunch r ()!. i Mr. Fstelle is having the fro?it portion t!:' ai range d as the- main restaurant where will bo found the lunch counter, a very hrndsomo r(,i! :to- of Hack and whit"1 marble being arranged the south wall f the building. In this portion of tii" loom tlinv v ill also br si .v. T.J :s to P.aise Funds for the cf Retired Jlir.teters to Cpen Socn. From We-elnes.lav s la!lv Philad. Iphia. Pa.. !' 24. Three laymen an- th.' guiding spirit.-; of the !M,000,OOo pe.ision ii"!'' campaign n-gin in every congrega- Pnii-d Lut!:"r:'.i chine which will tion of iri. in Ann i i:-.i n will include and Cannd: As the t! hoard of mi li"f. tli'-s.- K. bi nary -jib. niul v. 1, t'bh for t th cafe. To tin' rear of v.iil he located ure of th' patron f C-r w Ed Where You Save on Every Purchase Telephone 42 il SBIIIKHIil Statement of Candidate for District Judge l lie librar; ; thromrh n of the i J ones. for bioks that it wus v efiort am! the assistance libri'iy board and Miss Olive librarian that '.hi ci:y Ims and rs o lat it coin t i Attorney A. L. Tidd Gives Statement of Service and Position in the Campaign. To the Public: It is a well known fact that any body can gH a petition signed by any and all classes for almost any thing. In justice to the public an 1 in justice to myself. I will say that I did not. before filing in the non political primary, for the office of District Judge soloeit, nor did I ask or permit any of my friends to solicit the members of the bar or anybody else to sign petitions for me. I filed for the office in the same manner as most candidates file, even candi dates for the governorship. I have received my assurances of support since the publication of the news item that I had filed. I have lived in the community for more than a quarter of a century, and have always stood firmly and fearlessly for what I believed to be the right, and for high moral char acter. I have done somethings for the benefit of the people of this entire community. When you go to the post office to get your mail J::-t re member that I was one of the active supporters of the Hon. E. M. Pollard when he was nominated and elected to congress and that after his elec tion lie asked me what he could do for me. I said. "I want nothing for myself, but I want a post office build ing for Plattsmouth." And we got it. I served a few years as president of the library board and while so, doing, solicited a donation from th" j Carnegie corporation for a puhlic ! library building in Plattsmouth. and we got it. Please remember when (this beautiful building. ! did not cost th" tax pay t; buiiu it. ; When hundreds of soldi r? f ; m tii-ir- to ti i.:'. si:, tinned o rifle range just north of this city. the busin'1- men r ml rhur.ld i just r. member it was thronah ! my f f:"i 1 1 that tii- military commit!-" came to PlaM-iKiith t'i look nfttr a ! location for the rill" range and ;is ti e result of that vi-it it was loca'td her.-. I s"-v t! for eielit y ars f.s a inem h r of th- hoard of directors of th." f'oirni' rci;;l Club, and was a member : of the commit : that solicited th" fundi? to grad" tho rri.:l frv.i t'i" foot of V. the main room there a verv pleas;' nl and jartislicly art a nr ed :.r ranged series of i semi-pi i v tt e din in-; room'- or hwoths I where th" pr. troiis .vho desire- t u tert iiu friiiid may do so. Tlie ik w private rooms hav- been arrani.'ed ! v ry prettily with l itlice- work c il ;?pc; thrc-iich which th" soft -d.nv .! colored light"? itre shown whiie fh re v.i:i be table lamps in each !' the !oot!:s. Tin; decorations- of tl;e b.iottis are ve.-y attractive mid makes th-re.- 'aura lit one of the greatest beauty. 1:; !' i;.-w ;d'liti' n it is pianiod to give ;. ih'jM cm:: f oft a bl- ;nd in -me-like Mfting !o- the cute and to :if- foid a 7'ige me-'-ure of privac the jiatrer.s. Th" present room used b' ?dr. E.-?- I. 'tl!" will he continued as a chili j t ion, 'mhi ha :nV.ii rger --lion and i h" ccmn- 1 l"in. tet.-s rearrt'iiged :T.d lo r" ::lsa will ! f;s it .be th" kitchen of the c:;f- thai will i its p l icu the entire I nite't Mates in its scope. lt. e chi' i' orfic-rs in tb itei ial pt nsions and i' -h.vmen from the only group of their kind in American re ligious life as the pension bo.nds and .-ysteins of all other ch-norni imt ions are head. i -,- eleri.yn,' n. This fact makes tii" anticipated "aii'!aign ;l "laytnei.'s ".(,vc:r.- nt" in the si riefest sen.--e of the word. The th.r"" m-n are Paul I Myers of W'a-liineti n. !. ., r-rident e-l' tin' board; l'etev P. 1 1 i an of Phila.delnhia. Pa.. and 1 ;-.n y I ledges, se- i -of p;:i!.!cel di;a. .- has t wo (Ii.-: ii; t. -.-1 vic i -mtrv ;i"cn d i! "d to Iilm in ! h s.-rviee t his churc n. nr linr of the pre?' lit in ,v. ! , ! d.'l-illg tho l::te e-;-;!.'" of th" sale and ion cf th" various Liberty t nrid" victory in 1 b- out lined 1 hf , t reas u i ! ; tary. ai.i Mr. M to his addition ii He is tlie conn- tax war w a- - o i:--tribu: loa.n i Era n" m.-tiod5 ?' Id h, c time a.s ; olternal i I tiea'nrv h th; ill!" w 1 tm ' mi Silt lis I id t Bo Wtaat? Add to your self respect Increase your prospects of success Fit you for any society Capitalize your personal appearance and please your wife. WfcaS It Cost? Our specialzied, year-round low price enables you to buy a dependable new suit for $20, $25, $30 or $35 and $55 if you prefer. It pays to dress well. 'JLJ OnePrct And Mo Monkey Business tee n- ;ii! lv t ; tin- pnsc Th" ne In '!'.' pi' :. ' o'c that they :r t ti r.e-w s-' fi t cafe. ; cru'e will 1 :':r " Pat 11 :k and .Vr. will h" ra W"ll a- t h i'" w n "av :.. ft. ; iNt --:!" for b.n op- 'net-:' taii i !!'' P.03EET EG AIT AT REST !'.OM.--(. j lit.. V. i lent. j t' led pi ': gradnat. i W'.ih I '": j WiNr i 1 h.a ! latt r .1' t ; int' i . w ' nrt i ' . ::.'f;!.: -. ! I e na r , :? I i- nn t ' ' t stand, t ;:re.- .'",. E; M v i .' the bom's position at m ; ;i- i-'mc r of In h" Pnit. d Stat. that 1 r ,l"'3j 1 If hp the income Pico-a lb- al th" s ; v ! n.e p'i-1-av proh-; t.-x hill' secui ' - n i o HP- FAOM BUREAU Copy for furnished fiJ iiUILO this Depirrment by County Agent i .... j haniiation. . j. i i f a meeting A, lo t his about It would be profitable could be held similar or 4 times ach year, ..j other phases ol agriculture being dis- cusst d at tlie other meetings. ; ii g nat' Wile a.nie . n n-'i'-'e '.'IV: 1 the. 7 .- Ge the Ber.-,md From r-ftrict end i.U. to nd Friends Acti::i. Y rv II Wed nes e- terday ices ol t i1 hiiilv.- air i r'Tion t e lat" Ho!..- i !( P d a t rl '."ei Tliis ir. .1 11 .1 treet to t! frrv wlien it was first graded, an. th" hill going west on i h road. I spet-t sev-ul th lars of my own .money in ;t;.')iish and m .intain ; tries in this citv v.i.ich ! -1 w n .'lie ,1.1'- cut ! i. 111: m- a : 1 an ef:"c"t to mi" indnr resul'ed in Soutl: Hakota. John'- Path ! the b'idy arri" tl;-.' Piirlinlrt" a total loss to me. Hut. my : and my effort was spent in faith to try to boo: t my nme These v -e r. few f th" t noiey good town, hiugs Kdgmciit, at the ft j this . :y. i ::: over ' T..1 n ("ii. etl v to , ;. .-lif'i t service wn;; he'd I tor. I"a'i;t Gecrg" Agii; i The lequieni high ir.a ' eiehrat d at the St. Jam Kdgir..-t.t on Me-:iday an-J hc-re were for tin large friends that had gath !-: tune t Kcan were In c church ins; heie i and led u re. a bv t! ral f Id in at )g P? n s - i;ad be' n es church ; t t he services number of red at the t I have doii" and tin d to d ''or thi-; community. If tlie p- .pie think these things are worthy tlv-y will have the' opp"t tunity t show th ir :ipp:-e-cia tion. I have 1: d nv-e t' -, i tvet'.iy-fjve v.-: ra exp-nitne. i-. the acti-." prac tice of law. and hav- hr;! up one of th l-irr.-t law lihraii ; in the Fecond .Iii.!''ci:,l I'istiict. I have been a close y '.;-r.t if tin law, ami ha ve and have bo n able to m -et in th.e trial of cases some i f the ablest law ye is in the state with an e ijna! niea suie of success. I have never been driven to di.-hfiior a c urt by soli citing business on the ground that I ! had any pa'ticular rtand in wipi the court. I hnv always tried my cas"S ; on the ground c.;' m'ii. I pr...p'.se to I present my j?; this enmnaign on ' t he ground of me rit. Very sin ce' ri lv. A. L." TII)!', lat tribute splendid von taken from lif ush csf his mar church to pay their tho memory of tin's man that had been v.hi'e iii the first f! hood. ' The serviies were atl;i;I..,l lai'j" numbe v of tl:e relatives and friends from out of the city and th" fun."al party from I-'.iniont comply id .Mr. and Mis. Patrick K-xan, par- I the . ;.!, -.1. y.v. Hi!-.' ' j t :m::t. ly ce.; . ! which he ;:,' s- ; 'king h vi-avs i'i I to"k up ! n, th I th" for;: j Kdrrar '. last Iay. After en :..; the clot hitr.' n in Pinhole!; hiu. the call of th" c i. on r- l i h en oth v: (!:: ! n ; ';!. ill- r. ,-i:h he M tin T ) Oi" :t:. man'. H' I)-. t n-t V.aS 1: it. -. f: i v.: lace w i -! : n.i: t" eolilin T. P. c i: t ::'ih- a' ho h" s ov! r 'or re- of i n V le 1"1 til" ! t!i" "n ; h'.en b the i!:-rr h "ti- n, is ;;npo of hi ( ': e f i i: f inuuishi il seiged by "t I ' e,it i .iehi a t,, t d in a ra-e ' P: r 1 .hif 1 tec n " i ! t . ng i:;t n. yen ? nufacturing bur! . Mr. lied"-- In- urcn. leavmg :e? ; ihnl the bv a t nts of tile departed. Misse s Cath- rine. P.ose-. Mildred c f IMgmont and Miss Alice Kgan. who is in nurse training at Hot Springs, t;i" ladies and you and your children go to the pub- I.IYNARD U. B. CHURCH being sisters of the departed Moriis Ks;; n, only brother. J The other relatives and friend-? at- i tending the services here were: ! Josef, h Wales and child' . !i. Harry i and Joan of Omaha. Misses i'Vru and Ktta Wallace if Omaha. M-s. rharb-s Olson. Oina.ha, Mrs. John Weber, a"d ; son . Joe. of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. ; W. Panning, of Alvo. Mi.-s Mary , O'litnmll of Inion. Miss Alie-e Puck i of Porut llo. Idaho. Mrs. P. A. Web b. Omaha. Floyd Eean. Chicago. ;i ; Terra Tierney. Omaha. Mrs. Will ,,,-r i offices i f t h nrol servi i ; i'T) th" er:n Italian S-fti'j'l of the lis hist 'y. With the 1 '..-raining h-;s th" fell"!-."l !.!! h"r f.' ;-'; I', 's or-g; : i.c:r i n alien, a church : n-v I tion of l;i- t-n e lothJnt.T- fj ? a di:ectin ' ; d "rs! i p Mi-s ion in ity. am! mi which lie g of:'i. ;a 1. h" r-f th" fmth a (niii d :it a crisi .-. in bene h trier si pointed J"hn II. M oci ;r:o:n d Harvey l. 1 appoint ment rd ;' ju:lg T! til" 1:1 The y Irs r. sei'ond : wh.en pris; t ion rvi d o.i judicial h r;: - if -; ii in his th th" Per th" the !). Oovi mo;- rehe-ad. to till the vacrncy 1 y t h" ds at h of Judge Travis. Previous to his Judge lhglry had S'-rv- co'inty nttorm-y of Sai py county, v rvic.-s of jud; uid county put on a s-ii--. Mr. Hodges assttm d e-r-retaryship of th" o' en'-if i . :1 v.emg n within ! ;. -::i;e e f it viri!" At the CC'ep!' .- ,r with th" league '."!. ;n t'i" ;'rm man sh' v.ld s'ay on-- position. II" circulation nmn- Lrthera.n Church Work a ilenoniinati-nal jiv.b later served as au-in- r of the I. nt he ;-gp. Pub- i i'n J i . '. ;p.i n:. ho is treasurer e f P.egley on been of a high cliar bupport from jracti ar of Hi" three rotin- ii f testimonial of his bench cf the dis- n ntn -. 1 n; ."nt. t'i ve;; i"e,Ve H no any tin'.' BRING IN YOUR Harness Have Them Repaired and Oiled We have added a new Electric Harness Machine. Do not wait for Spring rush. W. K. Puis school at 1 ft a. m. at 11 a. m. and 7:1o i. m. meetings b".'in with Sun 's, continuing e-;i"h "ight. a regular attendance at I Fundav Si-rmon Revival lay service all begin em cen .n are weicoii'ee to a:; our meet jings. Ladies AI.l mr-e ts in the none; jof Mrs. P. W. Livings-ton Thuisday. j February 2r.d, at 2:1o p. r.i. The hos itess will appreciate a good attend . ancc. C. P.. WEAVKll. Prso.r. W'ilkim on , Louisville. Oin: Job n .gan. Phone 33 PLAITSMOUTH -:- NEE3ASKA : No WANTED TO BUY Shelled and ear corn. Stock cows, heifers and calves. . Inquire of Martin &' Pollock, Mur ray phone- ai03 Plattsmouth plione 1. LIKES CITY VERY HUCH Frcm We.lnesrta v-a Ye-terday I. Shirb-y. a former well business man of Humbolt, N'e braska, was in the city and while here had occasion to visit ti number etf the local business houses. .Mr. Shirley was more than pleased with the city and frank in saying that it wasj one of the neatest and mcjst at tractive cities that he had visit d and lie felt that the residents o! the city could feel proud of the com munity in which they lived and which represented a very fine Ne braska, city. more to the lign. is in Phila chut ch that h" ;i airman he res' conviction t: "too long" i was ;it on-:.g- r for the !"!-! Obse-v. ; licati'in. and ieiini m.iUa.g Iieatin- Hon-.' Mr. Ha gan. the hoard "iv. his entir" ti".' hOO.OOn camp; ma nu fact nr.-.-service to the spite the fact man. Jit is c sions C:upn??n Committee as and linds tinn- to direct the v;n chinerv of in., diivt t hi is t February ath. and whieh is to i the pnsent w iri'in paid the- di and retired mini-tens of the church. th" In-n'-h have act er and -r. 1 1 - ill of th ties is an eloqu vice s on t trict. In th" four teen years of service on th" lunch Jnlge Peg ley hr:s been . i! I'l'i ;;' ei't' ii to mr.l.e decisions that have- becom" a fundament ..i pa'.'t of the state law and which have been ustaiutd in the higher ceurts as tal'li- liing the law points that are : Com and K&irj Day. ! Tl;i- nneiing wa well attended and Albert Pool of Wabash gave the . i.-sal!-. eif l years ejf ioliowir.g hog . lea t-;:i;it;.t ion work. lie .showed it I was po-si'iile to move- the sows to id-an fallowing ground and have an ; i ncreas" on the pounds of pork laised to pry f,,r t il uece-sary e-v-. pi -:;.--s cau.-' il by moling and then von have a prrdlt besides the1 atis faefion of :a:.-ing- 60 to 100 pigs with ; om or two Hints. He was ask"'l many qu:-i;ons which hj answered v"iy readily. Nelson Perge r disci:.-s- il how he scour d S0-busheI yield mi hind which hr.s b en alfalfa or i that led il.ivi cern and oats. His sedl h-sn :I 4 1 per cent organic matter when or.!' virgin soil probably tested '.',' but when a se il tests -1 per cent better, it will produce almost as much as virgin soil. The poor fields in the county tested 2'i per cent or ganic i.iatter ami only yielded 20 bu. Mr. Stewart of the Agronomy Dept. discussed the reasons far high yield .f corn, nnd Mr. Weggenvr of the Animal Husbandry Iiept. dis. tissed "Facts in Nebraska on High Lot for vaii"ty en- stations and with county beyond doubt produced in farmer in mates will not produce alfalfa plains that will stane! Nebraska winters. The U. S. department of agriculture has set up the verification standanls to make it possible for farmers to take advantage of what the experi mental tests showeel. Verified "'! can be recognized by the tag on t lie bag. The letters. "U. S." and th" United States shield are on every tag. FOR s".. 'inbrac f this The d in I ! pivtation bi than i;; ee like e-- giv ve ry of th- !: Ml ! nt wise a a. Hi-. 1 U'- busy e 1 1 . ' iii:t-o;i- n hilled with th y h -s r. outst :: I . a l ate- and lo a; in.:. n ju-t and r-imrdi.i-c ti at tl..- bar i ! ': n . ' ' " e . : ; l of the law tiini in th n i h; h ENJOYS VISIT WITH EI5TER r"rf.rn We-'lne s '.-i-I. J. Sl-yi!:;" ing, was h' re e-njoy a visit ; t ' s n.-iitv of Garland. Wyoni M uiday evening t the- home ,,f Mr. ;' ! 1 It at '. 'cgi port t ber.s o: e ral to ley j:;. h-. has Thf P.egli y w ill find cd gra ' i (:.. a t ion among th- httn Judge P glev. at i f th . th; ain 11 ih ! in.' int -r states. gal knowl-'dge com pels, nudity of Judge ;.;. ne- hini cue- of tho d'-t; let jn-.lge-s of the t"t")-e who have- had ii-- rem: t he- has been a ns '.derate judge, rafe rigl.t of t iu' prisoner tie- p.resnmpt i'.ui ef i upheld!!;-, the dignity ' tiie- tdat" and the na--urt. n this spi.m'.id service 1 - en renide r- i't by Ju ig" t i.r.s led to t he large snp a - I:.""; given by tl-..- :n"iu- bar and citi as in g n- I'OVi' to have Judge Heg- 11 1- for tiie position that d so ;? of 11 d il) tin- tiling a gem oral over th dy. of Judge- i-xpression distiict lieiis if friends of th" latter OKDKP. OF HKARINC, i'.d Notice on Petition for Set tlement of Account. Sheer! Durable! Beautiful! MARQUISETTES 39c These are regular 50c material? in fine various dotted marquisettes, the quality that gives so much service and yet i3 as dainty and as attractive as any curtaining- could be. All white or attractive patterns woven in color. Rayon Novelty 59C for drapes, valances, a very soft and drapey fabric a low price. Colors Gold, Blue, Mulberry. at ghcH.M.Soennichseii Co. The Store of Big Values !l"0 111 comp'i recjuii ing 1 h.; t ev. i and trucks si, nil s have plates niaccd In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss. To all persons interested in the; es tate' ef Emil Fuhrman. de'ea-'o.l: On re;;. line; the petition of W. C. Kieck, A el mini st rat or, praying a final settlement and allowance of his m: (ount filed in this Court on the 2 r 1 day of January, 192S, and for final rettl.-ment or said estate anil for his discharge as sai.l Administrator; It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may, and elu, appear at th" County Court to be held in and for raid county, on the :?rd day of February. February l;r A. I). 12S. at 10 o'clock a. m., to i 1927 licenser show cause, if anv there he. whv the ' plate v prayer of the petitioner should not I e t!,, granted, anil that notice of the pen- ile-iH-y of said petition and the hear ing thereof be given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing' a copy of this order in the Platts mouth Journal, a semi-weekly neus paper printed in said county, for one week prior to said day of hearing. In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand and the seal of said Court, this 23rd day cf January, A. D. 1D2S. A. II. DUXnUKY, (Seal) j23-lw County Judge. Mrs. H. A. Lisrhlbodv sister of Mr. Skyrme, departing ye.---) ten! ay for Charles City. Iowa, where' he will visit hi; father auI moiher at that pine ;md a '.so a sist-r, .Mrs. Salisbury. Mr. Skyinv- is the Pur lington agent at Carl.'md ;i"el tak-j ing a short '. aca t ion fro;-,! his duties and taking ; Ivantage ol the oc rnion to spend a sl.nrt time with the rela tives in Ne-hiasl.a anil Iowa. HOG" STRAYED in hous r.t rayed from my place. Weighing about pounds each. Any information will h" rewarded by n;;tifviiig Andv Snviie r, phi no 5i!.!-J. j24")td-lw Automobile Acsldent F 5,000 for loss of life 2: 500 for loss of one hand or foot I,5C0 for loss of sight oi one eye 1G0 per month for loss of time. C Cents a Day $10 a Year is ALX This Policy Costs You Protect Yourself and Dependents SEE III S. DAVIS Feed Grrdn Fiist. Mort farmers who feed grain and good silage or alfalfa hay to their milch cows in the winter tinn- have learned that it pays to fe"d the grain before the cows are given lluir roughage. Some cows relish silage so much that they will actually leave rome of their grain in their trough and clean up the silage. Four rea sons are cited by practical dairymen why grain should be fed before (he roughage is fed. The Inst reason is that heavy producing cows will get the concentrated grain feed that they need to maintain the-ir production and their body, the- second that t he cows will relish the graind umi'" when fed alone, the third that they will produce more milk and butter fat from a certain quantity of feed, and the fourth one is that they will produce more during their entire lactation period. One pound of grain for each three pounds e)f milk produced pe'i- day i? the usual amount fed. Four to six pounds is generally enough for heif ers and S to 12 pounds enough for mature cows. With the grain th" cow should be e-ating about 1 pound of hay and ?, pounds of silage for each 100 pounds she weighs, that is. a thousand pound cow would e-at 10 pounds of hay and 30 pounds of sil age per day. L. Ii. Snipe's, Co. K tension Agent. Progression in Nebraska is a mon opoly of the political faction calling themselves Progressives. The real progression is public property and shared in by all. De spite the Pre -grersives the state advances to betterment. NOTICE AUTO 0WNEH3 i t Ii the state law ors of automobiles ;-cure lice-uses and on both the front janu re-ar of the ear and trucks hear ; ii.g license- numbe r, notice is given . that all owijeis of ears and trucks 'must comply with this law bv Feb ruary 1st. 1 " 2 S. After tlie date of paities operating unde r or having only one li ill be prosecuted under law 1 BKKT K FED, Sheriff of Pass County MYNAHD COMMUNITY CLUB Since farmer Plelf,. n the west irresf of a prominent of Mynard, the good ueage has iiereed to the rem est cf the ibsfense f, r a s-peedy trial. Will b- given at the regular monthly meet ing of the Mynard Community club. Time S p. m. Date. Friday evening. January 27th. Everybody wcl'.oin?. j2 4-3d, lsw fe-Xi' M mmj mil? rnnnL c . ; w of a ir : t: u nnt nvpr 33" or not under 28" we have a good pair cheap pants for you. These are taken from our stock of $4, $5 & $6 pants all have narrow lei;s and bottoms and not over 33"waist that's the why of the price. Some blue serges too. Just three lots . $2. CO $2.50 $3.00 Pssits Sor tliQ 3oy Aes 7 to 16, pants selling from $2.85 to $5.00 while they last $1.09 to $3.00 not a thin wrong with these longies except the priceand, we have too many. Stock up on these for school and summer wear. Sale lasts until they are all sold. Verification Insures Origin of Se?d. The careful Nebraska farmer who wants to start a held ef alfalfa that wiil be hardy will buy see-d lhat has been verified as to irigin by the- F. 3. gove rnment. Three Nebraska s-ed dealers and HO other large' dealers In tin; country are- now verifying all or part of the s el that goes thru their hand:,. They handle 00 p r cent of the seed handled by com mercial seed men, so it is possible for farmers in this slat" to ge t th cerij'ied seed. Verification guarantee--, the oriain of the seed only, but doe--: not neeissariiy stand ejuality of see-d. State e-xpe i iment farmers cooperating agents have- proved se-e d b V ( n n e i